Off-season open thread #2

The original open thread is now closed. Several of you have asked for me to start open threads to continue discussing various off-season topics.

In order to limit SPAM, comments on individual articles close after two weeks. A live stream will be arranged soon (promise). Let me get Euro 2020 out of the way first.


  1. Sea Mode

    Thanks for the new thread.

    Looking forward to an England-Italy final (no real rooting interest, just love seeing great football). I must say, Italy really impressed me with their new style under Mancini. Beautiful to watch and Nicolo Barella is top class. Hopefully Kane keeps his striking boots on.

    • Rob Staton

      Italy were very impressive against Belgium. Moved the ball very quickly. Good intensity, speed to their play. Scored a brilliant goal.

      A mate has given me a ticket for the semi final between England and Denmark and frankly it’s a dream come true to be there. I’m hoping it’s a special night. Last week against Germany was the best sporting occasion I’ve ever been to. I’ve never seen a crowd celebrate two goals and a victory like England fans celebrated on Tuesday. It was a special, special day. I would encourage people to try and dig out the highlights vs Germany on YouTube and watch the fans in the stands. Plus there are plenty of videos of England fans celebrating last night (check out BoxPark Croydon for example).

      When England do well it brings the whole country together as one. I can’t tell you how great it is to be here when the team offers hope as it is right now. I can’t imagine anything comparing to this, especially because as England fans we’ve not had anything to cheer for 55 years. The whole country is caught in a wave of emotion at the moment.

      I’ve always said I would die a happy man if I could see England win a major tournament. I so wish it happens this year.

      • OlyHawksfan

        Really rooting for you countrymen Rob! Bring it home!

        • Kenny Sloth

          Weren’t England’s fans booing them not even a month ago? If I was football I wouldn’t want to come home either. Jokes aside; I will say this is my favorite England squad I’ve witnessed. So many guns players with versatile skill sets and diverse backgrounds.

          My girl is from Spain so I always root for them. They’ve won really ugly games so far and I highly doubt they’ll have what it takes to beat Italy, let alone potentially England in the final

          Did you happen to see the most recent USA vs Mexico game? That was a spectacle in such a way that you could barely call it soccer, but easily one of the most entertaining matches I’ve ever seen. Pitch invasions, beer bottles hitting players on both teams, dueling penalties. Tata Martino was sent off for putting his arm around the ref in the VAR booth.

          Nuckin Futs

          • Rob Staton

            Weren’t England’s fans booing them not even a month ago?


          • Sea Mode

            It was like a soccer game broke out here and there amidst the fights and controversy, like El Classico without the part where they actually play good soccer…

            • Kenny Sloth

              Chokeholds, back-to-back penalties, goalie sub, homophobia, and a Champions League winning American shushing a Mexican crowd in the US

              Never seen anything like it

      • McZ

        The biggest question in such a tournament: “Is your best football still ahead?”

        This England squad has routinely handled and knocked down Germany, without pulling a systemic risk. They utterly mangled the Ukrainians, and it was basically 70 mins of control and 20 mins of really pressing for it.

        They keep focused, game by game, good preparation, deep bench.

        So, for the first time in my life, I have that feeling, they could uppen the ante if required, and beat any team.

      • SeattleLifer

        Italy were indeed impressive- I’d dare say shockingly so against Belgium (the FIFA #1 ranked team in the world). It really is to bad that they lost thier wingback Spinazolla who was playing consistently great and impactful football, that loss is a real blow to them.

        I am a huge longtime fan of the Euro’s and World cups – I know part of it is the Covid affect but this tournament has sadly underwhelmed for me – too many poor matchups and I’m not a fan of the reffing that went from almost non-existent/everything goes in the group stages to markedly tighter and much more ‘selective’ in certain games.

        Glad to see Kane get some love, I’ve been a big admirer of his all along. Sterling has been a real spark. I’ve been impressed with how they’ve been able to control the midfield spaces even against the likes of Germany. Now that the earlier rounds bruising play has been curtailed this team is finally being able to operate the way they would like to and the success is coming along for the ride.

        • Rob Staton

          I also think Belgium looked like a spent force, with De Bruyne playing with an injury. Tuesday should be an interesting one for Italy.

          • SeattleLifer

            Should be a fascinating matchup of two similar teams, still think it goes to Italy because they’ve shown they can score, Spain has had a tougher go of it in that department. I’ll be watching Italy’s ball progression and attack up the left flank now that they’re down Spinazolla, I have a feeling his loss will have a significant effect on the teams play.

      • pdway

        that’s awesome….let’s go England!

        • Tomas

          Best of luck to the English squad.

          • Hoggs41

            As much as I love talking Hawks I could also talk football/soccer all day long. I am rooting for your Lions as I would love to see England win.

      • Lex

        Brutal, sorry Rob

  2. Sea Mode

    What say you all now that we have Eskridge in the mix and needing targets as well? Yay or nay?

    Adam Schefter
    ·Jul 2

    Josh Gordon officially has submitted his reinstatement letter to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and hopes to be with a team for training camp, per a league source. The NFL has been randomly drug testing Gordon for the past three months and is said to have passed all tests.

    I mean, I guess you can never really have enough weapons, and injuries can happen at any time, so for the low risk of what will likely amount to a vet minimum deal and a roster spot, I say bring him back on board.

    • Bankhawk

      I’m with you, Sea Mode: give the man a chance. He’s struggled hard to get past his issues, and I liked what I saw in limited reps when he did his previous stint with the team.
      His transgressions were far from damning and he’s unlikely to come with a high price tag. He’d be a great insurance policy against any injuries, so if the Commish will allow it, why the heck not? 👍

    • J.P.

      Seems like you must. It’s not especially pretty should Metcalf or Lockett get banged up. Yeah chances are he gets suspended again, but still, this team needs some guys like him, Aldon Smith, or whoever to show up and surprise if they want to get far in the playoffs. Won’t cost much probably and it’s not like he’s locker room cancer.

    • cha

      Start him out on the practice squad.

      • Paul Cook

        I’m in the no camp on Gordon. That last incident was the last straw for me. If you can’t comply after all that, then you can’t expect him to ever. I don’t dislike the guy, and wish him the best, just not with us.

        • UkAlex6674

          I agree with Paul Cook. He’s had his chances, time to move on.

        • uptop

          Why not kick the tires, you can never have too many weapons

  3. coach62344

    A question for the group. How much if any are Seahawks at fault for drafting injury prone players. I am not an expert. I don’t have an opinion. Would like to hear others opinions on the subject.

    • Big Mike

      Certainly Darrell Taylor was an injury risk and they went for it with little thus far to show for the gamble. I of course truly hope he is past the issue and contributes for a lot of seasons to come. Color me skeptical (shocker uh?) though. A guy like Penny is a different deal though. No injury history in college that I am aware of and the guy can’t stay healthy now. Seems like a bad luck situation there. Can’t blame PCJS. The interesting thing in those 2 examples though is that they could’ve had Nick Chubb instead but seemingly shied away from him due to injury history yet didn’t do so with Taylor a couple of years later. You wonder if they throw darts at a board on injury risk or have an actual plan.

      • Chase

        Don’t forget DK, we was plagued by injuries in college as well.

      • SeattleLifer

        To spend a 2nd and 3rd round picks on Taylor was just about as desperate a move as giving up what we did to get Adams. In both instances the Pete and John knew we were going to be utterly woeful in pass rush so they desperately paid too much and took huge risks on multiple fronts to try and get a fix(Taylor 2nd & 3rd picks when some other teams had him off their board due to huge injury risks, Adams the risk of not having an extension done upon trading, the risk of making him such a persistent pass rusher and how that leaves the rest of the defense in a bind, and obviously the insane draft capitol to get him in trade).

        I’m glad I don’t get the feeling that Pete and John are desperate to add a pass rush DT stud……

  4. Kenny Sloth

    Jamal Adams contract talks confirmed!! Gotta lock him in. Major L otherwise

    • CaptainJack

      Either way it’s an L for the Seahawks

      • Kenny Sloth

        Maybe he’s an all-pro for three more years and we trade him for a first.

        A lot of Seahawks fans like to quit before the game is even over! I love coming on here right before a game winning rally in the 4th and seeing how quickly the despair turns to elation!

    • Jordan

      I would love to see Jamal locked up long -term, fingers crossed.

      Young, all pro/ pro bowl type with his prime in front of him.

      Would love to see an extension for Duane too, and Russ eventually.

  5. Kelly Smith

    Howdy y’all,

    First off I want to say happy 4th of July to everyone. I have asked this question before in the past but Rob would post so many topics so quickly (thanks for all the articles!) I would forget what comments section I posted on and lost the responses before I could read it so I am going to ask again.

    Why does competition against the best not breed better players? I ask this in the sense that back in 2012-2016 even we had a great secondary and a great depth of pass rushers, yet we didn’t have the best WRs or the best o-line. Going up against people like Sherm, Avril, Bennett, etc. I would think you would pick up and learn quite a bit and advance skillwise, but I don’t feel like that was the case with our o-line having any pro bowlers that grew up learning from the best and getting better at blocking them. Same with the WR’s, Baldwin was great but why couldn’t someone with all the talent and athleticism like Matthews or Darboh produce a strong learning curve?

    • Kenny Sloth

      I think a lot has to do with coaching. You’re not really playing 1’s v 1’s that much in practice. You have the scout team that will replicate the other teams tactics especially situationally.

      Everyone in the NFL is a ridiculous athlete and a ridiculously hard worker. Even the practice squad guys. There is no easy rep in most cases.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Also happy fourth!! To you and yours!

    • cha

      At this level the talent gap between roster spot 20 and 53 isn’t all that much.

      Success is about dedication, drive and the mentality to push through minor injuries, and holding your own against tough opponents with repeatable technique.

      So I think competition in practice separates the chaff out from the wheat. You have a two-fold effect. Those who have the mentality will respond and improve. Those who don’t immediately have it, the coaches are hoping it is forged in the crucible of practice and meetings.

      And not everyone ends up forging it.

    • Cambs

      Matthews was a UDFA who played Arena ball and CFL and was famously working at a Foot Locker when the Seahawks summoned him. Getting within a whisker of a Timmy Smith-esque Super Bowl MVP, clinging to the back end of NFL rosters for a couple of seasons, and making a 10ish-year career for himself in pro football’s smaller leagues is a great c.v. coming from where he did.

  6. cha

    Seattle’s defensive scheme has asked more and more of Bobby Wagner as the players around him get worse, but he continues to answer the call and excel in all areas of the position.

    The veteran linebacker notched 23 total pressures on the blitz last year but also broke up seven passes in coverage and racked up a massive 61 defensive stops. Wagner has been the class of the linebacker position for years and will only look better if Seattle can reinject talent around him.

    Since the start of the 2018 season, the only active quarterback with a higher overall PFF grade than Wilson is Patrick Mahomes. Wilson’s season unraveled pretty quickly down the stretch last year, but before that point, he was the front-runner for MVP and had been playing at an incredibly high level for a couple of years. Wilson has the highest big-time throw rate in the league over the last three years at 7.9%, and only Aaron Rodgers has a lower turnover-worthy play rate than Wilson’s 2.3%.

    • Rob Staton

      I find it hard to make a case for Wagner being the 8th best player in the NFL.

      They have him above Aaron Rodgers FFS.

      Then I went further down the list and realised it’s all a load of bah-bah.

      • Bankhawk

        I share your assessment in this matter, my good sir! 😉

      • cha

        Yes agree. Sometimes you need a snoopful of bah-bah to get some perspective on what’s out there.

        I watched a 2021 Seahawks hype video this weekend where the narrator opens with “I’ll try to be as objective as possible” and then proceeds to not only paint the absolute rosiest picture anyone can possibly come up with, he takes a little swipe at anyone who disagrees as ‘haters’.

        Truth and objectivity are still taking a beating.

  7. Sea Mode

    Vibes of back when the LOB could get away with pushing the boundary with physical play.

    Rick Gosselin

    In 2018, there were 25 NFL games that officials assessed at least 20 penalties. In 2019, that number dropped to 14 games. In 2020, that number slid even further to 2 games. Let’s hope that trend continues in 2021 & the focus on the field remains the players, not the officials.

  8. cha

    Highest-graded DI by season since 2014:

    2020 – Aaron Donald (94.2)
    2019 – Aaron Donald (93.6)
    2018 – Aaron Donald (94.8)
    2017 – Aaron Donald (94.4)
    2016 – Aaron Donald (92.6)
    2015 – Aaron Donald (92.9)
    2014 – Aaron Donald (90.2)

    • Sea Mode

      At least there’s one thing PFF gets right…

    • Big Mike

      Good thing the Hawks upgraded the Center position to help deal with him……………….. 🙄

  9. uptop

    N’Keal Harry wants out of New England, maybe we can give BB a 7th again

    • Jordan

      On one hand my instinct is to say “yeah, it isn’t the Patriots that are the problem here” . But on the other hand, the Patriots are absolutely abysmal at developing home grown WRs (Edelman being the exception) and the man may want out in order to salvage his career.

      Kudos to the Hawks on their ability to identify and develop WRs : Doug – UDFA; Jermaine – UDFA; Moore – 7th; Lockett – 3rd; Tate – late 2nd; DK – late 2nd. Sure, there have been misses : Durham, Darboh, Harper. But that is a really nice return on playing those lotto tickets.

      • uptop

        I don’t think it was a development miss but more of a draft miss, his college skill set just doesn’t translate to the nfl with bigger faster stronger defenders, and a pro style offense

        • Jordan

          Yep, if you can’t separate and just beasted opponents in college you might have a problem – Harry, Arcega, Hakeem Butler, Treadwell etc. Gotta be able to run and move – Tyler, Diggs, Hill – success can be had even if undersized

    • Sea Mode

      Albert Breer

      N’Keal Harry’s name has been an interesting one the last couple years—his 2019 selection eventually helped lead to change in the Pats’ scouting department (

      I bet he could find a few rides to the airport from people at Gillette.

  10. cha

    How do the Italians not score with a completely open net?


    • cha


      • cha

        What a match. Italy!

    • jeff

      How did Spain waste a handful of golden opportunities? They were easily the better team. Had they been clinical in front of goal, it would have been a beatdown.

      My favorite moment of the day is Italy wasting time in a tie game because they knew they had a better chance of winning in penalties than in the run of play. Cowards.

      I’d say all this bodes well for England, because England is likely a much better squad, but it’s still England and it’s still Italy.

      • Sea Mode

        I didn’t see any deliberate time wasting, tbh. Just a bunch of tired legs and “professional” fouls by both teams to cut off counter attacks, which is understandable late in extra time.

        Italy kept attacking the whole game, just that in extra time they mostly just sent long balls forward instead of moving up together as a team.

        I thought it was a great game from both sides and the result was fair. Italy weren’t cowards and the only real golden opportunity I remember Spain missing was the whiffed header by Oyarzabal off a beautiful service from Koke. I didn’t see a potential beatdown at all. Just because Spain dominated possession doesn’t make it always meaningful possession. Trust me, as a Barça fan I know this very well…

        • jeff

          The Oyarzabal missed header was egregiously bad. As was when he was 2 yards clear of the last defender and plenty of space in front of the keeper dead center of the box. A decent first touch and he has his choice of finishes.

          Or how about Busquets missing the frame with as gorgeous a setup as you can ask for?

          Those three chances alone have to add up to at least 2 expected goals. Those are just the most prominent. Spain was easily the better side, but they didn’t finish their chances, which is their Achilles heel.

        • jeff

          Also, think about the fact that Spain dominated the statistics. Before we say that statistics can be misleading, consider those three chances I pointed out above. They were probably the three best chances of the evening apart from Morata’s goal. Italy’s goal was a thing of beauty but it was squeezed between two defenders and curled gorgeously into a tightish window. Spain had at least 4 chances better, including the one the they scored and the three I mentioned.

          But of the three I’ve mentioned, only one shows up on the stat sheet: Busquets’s miss. Oyarzabal had perhaps the two most glorious chances of the night, other than Morata’s easy tap in, and neither appears on the stat sheet, because he failed to get a shot off both times (I swear there was one other Oyarzabal chance that was better than anything Italy had all night (shot from the right side of the box, right about even with the goal post, iirc), but amid all the more profligate actions, it fades).

    • Sea Mode

      Similar thing happened to Argentina as well. Beat the charging keeper only to shoot it right at a defender…

      • UkAlex6674

        Jeff, Italy aren’t cowards. The way the Italians play is an absolute art form. Genuinely, watching an Italian team defend and play is as good as watching a 5-4 thriller.

        • pauldifuria .

          Italy is such a complete team. Even when they are not in control, it seems like they kinda of are somehow. Ball movement, passing speed and accuracy, combinations, counters – superb.

          • Rob Staton

            Good team. Very good.

            Complete? No.

        • jeff

          I’ve been watching Italy play catenaccio football for nearly as long as I’ve been watching the Seahawks play (hint: it’s a very long time).

          One of the reasons I believe futbol is a unique sport is because in no other sport do teams make decisions about how many resources to commit to offense or defense.

          Do you ‘park the bus’, hoping to bore the world to death for a point or, on a the rare occasion, luck into a smash and grab victory?

          Or do you bunker in cleverly, knowing you have skilled counter attackers that will punish teams that over commit in search of a winning goal. Call it skillful, call it smart, call it an art form. It’s still a bit of dishonest. A dagger in the back.

          I really have no problem with how Italy approached the game. Whatever visions of grandeur they might have had coming into the game, it was clear by extra time that the Spanish were the superior side (and yes, the Italians played for penalties, as they should have).

          But it doesn’t make them brave, nor were they particularly clever or artful. Dogged and perseverant are more apt descriptions. They held on and beat a superior side largely due to a lack of a finishing touch.

          In the end, Spain has no one to blame but themselves. If any team in this tournament has been artful, it has been Enrique’s side, but they wasted all their clever build up and brave pressing with awful finishing.

          I will always value the creative, brave, passing and pressing teams that strive always to play with beauty and courage.

          As this is a Seahawks blog, I will say that there is a connection between my futbol preferences and my dislike of Pete Carroll.

          P.S. It’s coming home cooking. Even if they were completely fading in extra time and England looked to be the side that deserved to go on, the Danes sure deserved a better end than that softest of soft penalties. And past England injustices won’t resonate well in Denmark, nor anywhere else that just wanted to see a clean game.

          P.P.S. I’d root for England against Italy because I despise the traditional Italian style, but the whole ‘it’s coming home’ thing feels too real. The Italians, much like the Patriots, will celebrate for a day and a night and go back to their lives. If England wins, it will be like the Red Sox, Cubs, or Seahawks winning after years of futility. Their fans will be completely insufferable, with the added bonus of the crowing about the game coming back to its beginnings.

          • SeattleLifer

            I’ve been watching the beautiful game for many a decade myself I am all too well used to Italy’s usual parking style of football, but this current iteration of the team is markedly different from the past and was all tournament until they came up against the one team in the world that plays keep away ball control like no other so they were forced to adapt to win – and they did so brilliantly figuring out the way to win against a difficult matchup of an opponent. It was a tactically gorgeous game from both sides, and very engaging to watch for any purist. And as was said earlier it’s easy to get caught up in stats but the most important stat of the game ended up even – both teams had four shots on target after 120 minutes. Italy had it’s time earlier in the game, Spain later as the Italian side seemed to fatigue a good bit and with the aforementioned middle time of Italy adapting in game to Spain’s heavy ball control style (which is often fruitless for them – just watch/recall the rest of thier games in the tournament save against a hopelessly overmatched Slovakia and a tired and undermanned Croatia(down Perisic thier best player throughout the tournament and Loveren their best defender, a center back). Spain harboured plenty of ball control but struggled for quality attempts during much of Euro. Another point of note would be Italy’s loss of thier wingback extroidanare Spinazzola to injury the match before – there was a clear effect/drop off for Italy’s ball progression and attack from the backfield all the way to the final third with him missing that match. I would add to it all that Spain most definitely got the better run of the refereeing.

            You bring up Italy’s (past) style of play in a negative light of how the play style “ bore’s the world” yet to me the Spanish play can be every bit as frustrating and boring to endure – having to watch one team endlessly hog the ball by passing it around like it’s a prolonged passing practice session all the while with little more purpose than that of trying to get the opposing team so frustrated by the slowly wrought lame pointless passing game that they eventually overcommit to try and get something anything to happen in the match – and then finally Spain will try to make a move/pass forward. To me personally that’s every bit as boring/frustrating and ultimately cowardly waiting for the other team to get so sick of your boring frustrating play style that they eventually take riskier chances at the ball and leave gaps open in doing so.

            Italy’s overall play this tournament has been revelatory compared to any other team(and I’ve seen every match save two of the very worst matchup games). In a difficult matchup they overcame a deeper Spanish side by adapting and overcoming, all having to do so down an extremely important player lost the game before(replaced by a complete bench rider in league play btw) and continually getting the short end of the stick from the referee. A deserved and well earned win.

            • Sea Mode

              Perfectly stated. Bravo.

  11. Sea Mode

    “I think…” 😂

  12. cha

    Interesting discussion of how coaches and analysts view the game differently.

    A topic that is probably front and center with Waldron joining the team as OC.

  13. uptop

    Seahawks soccer blog

    • Sea Mode

      Here for it!

      Who else is watching?

      • cha

        Oh yeah.

        Great action so far.

        • Sea Mode

          It’s been pretty chaotic in open play, which I have to think favors Denmark’s chances.

          • cha

            Extra time. Who will be the hero?

            Can Grealish break through?

            • Sea Mode

              England just bombarding now (’98)

              • cha


                • Mark


                • Sea Mode

                  Gift of a penalty and gift of a rebound. (Once again, I have no rooting interest, I just don’t feel that was fair)

  14. Sea Mode

    Great saves from both keepers!

  15. Sea Mode

    Sorry, but that was not a penalty.

    • UkAlex6674

      Who cares 🙂

    • SeattleLifer

      He literally did’nt even touch his foot whatsoever when you see the slomo replay – pure flop.

      That same ref has been on for the 3 worst one-sided reffed games of the entire tournament, all in the knockout rounds(he did well enough this game until the last 15 minutes of regular time and from then on it all shifted against Denmark heavily). And I wanted England to win btw – just not by a ref’s trash whistle.

  16. Sea Mode

    Wait, do they really not have anyone else to sub in or what?

    • Sea Mode

      Oh, they used all 6 subs already, I see.

  17. Sea Mode

    Congrats to England on the win. Sets up a juicy final.

  18. cha

    Three Lions!

  19. Mick

    Congrats Rob! Good luck against Italy. We’ll have a hell of a final.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Mick!

  20. Mark

    Congratulations, Rob! Guess you’re going to have to put those family dinner plans on hold for Sunday. Hopefully England can finish the job.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Mark!

  21. Crosljam

    Rob you lucky bugger being there tonight!

    • Rob Staton


  22. Albert Bryan Butler

    I’m just going to throw this out there to make his name easier to remember and because it’s funny.

    Pierre-Oliver Lestage = The Vampire Lestage.

  23. BobbyK

    Anyone here interested in going to the Seahawks AT Minnesota Vikings game Sunday, Sept. 26?

    • HawkfaninMT

      I will be there! Going with my dad and brother… Would love to catch a pre-game drink with anyone here to chat Hawks!

  24. Old but Slow

    As a peripheral fan of The Beautiful Game, starting with a couple of games I attended when stationed in Frankfurt, to see the Offenbach Kickers (1967-68), and more recently Sounder games, I have not followed European or World games closely.

    That said, is anyone up for doing a quick scouting report on the 2 teams?

    I am tending to support England if only because I think it will be bigger for them than it would be in Italy. Mainly I am hoping for a good game.

  25. Mexican Hawk

    Congrats Rob on the Euro.

    Nothing better than seeing your country play/win in your continental tourney/World Cup or any match for that matter.

    But short of ’66 this is the peak. Booby Moore to Harry Kane.

    Feel for Denmark, but ecstatic for you and your country.

    Enjoy good Sir.

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you!

    • Sea Mode

      Love moments like that for young fans. Thanks for sharing!

  26. uptop

    Yankees trying to start a beef with the mariners, weird thing for the Yankees to stay on the field after the game. What a constantly hate-able team

    • Big Mike


  27. cha

    Brady rates the defense


    Defensive line
    Better, worse or the same: Better


    Better, worse or the same: The same


    Better, worse or the same: The same


    Better, worse or the same: Worse


    Also this…

    Robinson is a young player to watch. Last year’s fifth-round pick finished second among rookies in sacks (4.0) and third in pressures (16) despite playing the 47th-most defensive snaps (324), according to ESPN Stats & Information research. There is some thought within the organization that he should have played more.

    Startling revelation! The Seahawks shouldn’t have had Luke Willson active for 3 snaps a game while counting on Benson Mayowa for triple the snaps he’s capable of handling.

    • Cortez Kennedy


    • GerryG

      I mean you really cant quantify that special sort of energy he brings though

    • Koko

      How can safety be worse when nothing has changed and we get a healthy Jamal and Blair back? If you count Blair as a corner then CB should be the same. Either S is better, or CB is the same. And imo CB should be the same already. Shaq was nothing special, Spoon should be able to do everything he did, plus we have better depth now.

      • cha

        Agree. Safety and Corner, they didn’t set a very high bar in 2020 at all. It was a mess.

        Safety should be better simply because Adams will be better year 2.

        The corners should at least be the same. There’s an admitted discomfort in not having a 4 year starter in Griffin anymore, but he was no great shakes at all. Jacksonville did the Hawks a favor by outbidding them. Dunbar could only get $137k from Detroit, and Flowers knows his job isn’t safe.

        • Koko

          Yeah the fear of the unknown is definitely in the back of my mind too. I’m pretty confident we wont see much of a drop off from Shaq to Witherspoon. Still holding out hope for a reunion with Sherm.

    • BobbyK

      “There is some thought within the organization that he should have played more.”

      That quote shows the stupidity of Pete Carroll sometimes. For the record, he’s a better than average coach. I’m not totally hating on him.

      That being said, he basically said the exact same damn thing about Frank Clark after his rookie year. How can he keep making the same stupid mistakes?

      Oh, wait, he’s not held accountable because he has a franchise QB to make sure his teams will never be like his Jets and Patriots teams that he got fired from…

      • Hawk Scott

        Speaking of Frank Clark. Did anyone else see the news about his new legal troubles? Could face up to 3 years in prison. CRAZY!!!!!!!!

      • Bmseattle

        Said the same thing about Poona, as well.

        • Rob Staton

          And Michael Bennett after the 2013 season. ‘We didn’t use him enough’.

          • cha

            Jacob Martin after his rookie season too.

          • Big Mike

            Gonna be real interesting when Russ forces his way out…, if Russ gets traded.

          • Gohawks5151

            Frank Clark too

    • uptop

      I’m not upset he didn’t play much early even with that abysmal pass rush, he straight up just wasn’t ready and needed some more seasoning. Not playing him more down the stretch was ridiculous. However, let’s not get too high on Alton, he’s never going to be an every down player. He’s a situational pass rusher and does a fine job at that

      • Koko

        He’s 6’3 260 and he just turned 23, he has some time to bulk up enough for run defense. He might end up an inside/out guy

  28. Kendo

    I’m cleaning out one of my email inboxes and came across an email I shot over to General Mills in Oct 2012. The email was trying to get a Gushers sponsorship for Richard Sherman. I must have had a few drinks in me what I sent it and I wonder if this was part of a group effort since the email is written pretty good for someone a few drinks deep. It didn’t sway General Mills at all in their response but I still think it was pretty good. Here it is for y’all to enjoy. What do y’all think?

    >Originated by Consumer: Gushers brand fruit snacks need to sponsor Richard Sherman from the Seattle Seahawks!! Richard not only is a young up and coming player but he also brings a great personality to the fans and media. Richard is also a good role model for young kids growing up in rough neighborhoods. Through hard work and dedication Richard was able to attend Stanford University. Richard chose Stanford over other football power house schools including the University of Southern California because he had the foresight to see the impact of a young man growing up in Compton California and attending such an elite institution of learning. In the youtube link below Richard talks briefly about his love for Gushers and how they are an integral part of his pregame ritual. To have a future pro-bowl defensive back incorporate a favorite childhood snack into his preparations is a great marketing opportunity. I hope my short note serves as a catalyst for a strong and long lasting business relationship between Seattle Seahawks #25, Richard Sherman and General Mills fruit snacks brand, Gushers. Very Respectfully, A loyal 12th Man Ken Smith “To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” – George Kneller

    • Gohawks5151

      Missed opportunity for General Mills. Also no the worst drunk email to find! Haha

  29. cha

    Congrats to Argentina and Messi on the Copa America win against Brazil on their turf.

    Your turn, England.

  30. Bigsteviej

    This guy was on his seventh team in nine years in the NFL. Did nothing his year with the Seahawks. Falcons cut him immediately. Now officially toast.

    • Brik

      Anyone else see Frank Clark’s eyes in that pic? Like he’s coming for my soul haha

    • Jordan

      Hawks certainly bought low, sold high on Frank.

      If a trade is to be judged by whoever gets the best player, ultimately, that’s probably going to be Damien Lewis.

      • uptop

        Always has and always will be a bad trade, if we didn’t trade Clark I think 2019 would’ve been different

      • Brik

        Chiefs won a Super Bowl with him and then got to another one. That’s meaningful to any organization. The Chiefs were closer to a championship than we were at the time, so it makes sense for both sides. Neither team really lossed in that trade. Even if he never plays another down, the Chiefs are probably happy with their investment.

    • KD

      Dude, he’s a multi-multi-multi millionaire. Why can’t he just hang out at home with his family, take his dog to the park and go to a restaurant like hundreds of other players do all the time? Why do you have to construct your life in a way that makes you need an uzi? I can understand why the pope or a president needs those things, but really?

  31. cha

    Dream start for England !!!

    • Sea Mode

      Will we see another penalty shootout?

      • Sea Mode

        Oh, dang, that was close by Italy (103′)!

  32. Mark

    This is too stressful…

  33. OP_Chillin

    Bring it home.

  34. Hawkcrazy

    Well that was disappointing… 3 misses in a row… congrats to Italy but I though they had they run of play even though I really wanted England to win. Thought England let the gas off early and could never get it back on. Disappointed for Rob it must feel like a certain loss in 2014.

  35. SeattleLifer

    Well England got what they deserved. The absolutely did not play to win that match and frankly just didn’t look all that great. Southgate riding a defensive lineup and play style just did’nt cut it. They had the far superior lineup for the penalty kicks and yet could’nt take advantage. Nobody stepped up for them, they just seemed to lack a real attacking push and again I think it points back to Southgate’s choices particularly in the midfield but even corner backs to a degree.

    Italy really gritted it out with huge work ethic on the pitch. Losing Chiesa when they did was a real blow and they picked up a number of yellow cards yet still found a way to keep the pressure on England for most of the match. They were the better team and deserved the win and all throughout this tournament they have shown to play well as a team overcoming a lack of high end talent, depth and a huge loss with the Spinazolla injury. Bravo-

  36. KD

    My cringe-o-meter broke

    For Christ sake! At least with Tom Brady, I get the impression that he dresses himself in the morning. Russ looks like it takes him 2 hours of consulting with his wife and a stylist to figure our what socks and underwear to put on in the morning. Could you just be a man and dress yourself in the morning instead of asking your wife what you are allowed to wear?

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