Bengals playing hardball on Palmer?

Today I received the first indications that Cincinnati may be playing hard to get over Carson Palmer.

Although I understand the teams previously agreed on a price – set at a 5th round pick and a conditional 3rd rounder – a source separate to the ones we’ve been using on this story has suggested the Bengals are now asking for more. The price in question is so high that it’s unlikely a deal would be completed under those terms.

We’re told that Carson Palmer still remains Pete Carroll’s #1 choice at quarterback for next season.

I have contacted my original sources for more information to see if this is the case. Stay tuned.


  1. Cliff

    Maybe they want more because Kolb is likely going to Arizona and they may have been contacted by other teams about Palmer.

    • Rob

      I don’t think there’s a market, Cliff. Palmer’s contract (around $12m for 2011) wouldn’t be viable for any team in the NFL via trade and will need to be renegotiated. If he’s restricting the options to Seattle for family purposes – and I believe that to be true – then no team is going to make that deal knowing they could be lumbered with a huge contract.

      It could be that the likelihood of Kolb going to Arizona has impacted the Bengals’ stance, particularly if they feel the Seahawks are facing a more desperate situation and fewer alternatives. I spoke to one other source today that intimated the deal would stand as originally reported (5th & a conditional 3rd) pending closure from Mike Brown because the Bengals simply have to move that $12m contract this year. If they swallow it in 2011 and likely end up releasing Palmer in 12 months time, they’ll be paying a lot for zero (or less) compensation. As such the motivation remains to just draw a line under the whole episode.

      I’m waiting on further information from my main sources that originally gave me the insight on this story, so I’ll update when I know more.

  2. Your Mom

    I am really hoping Palmer is the guy but not holding my breath. I refuse to believe T. Jackson is plan A. If he is, I think I would rather keep the lockout in place.

    • FWBrodie

      Tarvaris has done a lot of good things as a young quarterback in the NFL. I think if a lot of people really did the research and watched the guy play opinions would change. He’s got some upside and has actually played excellent in streaks.

  3. Michael

    I also think palmer is option one with TJackson as option two. Lets bet Hasselbeck is gone and Kolb is not viable. I really think there is someone Caroll really wants and help just needs time to get him. I think the trade for Whitehurst was to just get a guy for a few years and that hasnt panned out as planned. I would say your crazy if you think Brown wouldn’t ask for more but the question is how bad does Carroll want Palmer and how much will he give?

  4. Your Mom

    I don’t think T. Jackson is terrible he just can’t be a plan A. If he is is C or D I would get it.

  5. Rob

    Tavaris Jackson will not be Plan A or Plan B. At best he’ll be considered competition and a replacement for JP Losman. That’s if they’re even considering him. I still expect Palmer or Hasselbeck to be starting for Seattle next season, with Kolb and Whitehurst the alternatives.

  6. Michael (CLT)

    I’m not sure I can easily buy Hasselbeck back with the Hawks in 2011. I have mentally closed that door. Odd as it may seem, I’d rather struggle with Jackson.

    • Rob

      Eventually the team are going to have to rip off that band aid and go in a different direction. If the previous regime had done their job properly, this would be the baton passing moment with MH’s contract up where a previously drafted and prepared QB takes over. They failed to sufficiently prepare for this moment and it’s one of the reasons they are no longer employed by the Seahawks.

      This has left a far from ideal situation, but still a situation where it may be best to move on from a player who has done a lot for this franchise but has performed poorly for three years – and I’m not listening to excuses, he hasn’t been good enough with only a handful of exceptions. If you re-sign him beyond 2011, that’s too much of a commitment for the oldest QB in the league. The Reputation and having buddies in the media is really boosting his stock.

      I’m almost certain they won’t be ripping off the band aid for Tavaris Jackson though. If Hasselbeck re-signs it’ll be because they felt he was the best starting QB available… forget all the other reasons and excuses people are using. They are making decisions based on starting caliber and Hasselbeck’s stock is down in that sense. However, if he’s the best available, that’s the direction they will pursue.

  7. D

    Friggin’ Mike Brown. Just stay the hell away from that wanker… he is like Krusty the Clown of the NFL. Sure, fun and all from distance but up close he’s an energy, abusive sucking misanthrope.

    On the bright side I’m hearng free agency might start 30th according to Clayton. Light at the end of a very long tunnel indeed.

  8. Your Mom

    3rd string makes sense with an UDFA on the practice squad. I just really hope it is Palmer instead of Matt. I for one am ready for a new chapter.

  9. woofu

    Will clipboardjesus smite you all?

    Charlie just does’nt scare me like some seem to believe. I have trouble believing that Pete and John were zonkers when they went after CW with the picks. Picks wasted is not a trait of theirs.

    Anything higher than the 3/5 rumor for Palmer would be foolish. I could live with a CW, Leinhart, UDFA or Prior development for another year without blinking an eye. Hass back, no problem with that either, whats another year or two if he ends up mentoring one of the many Qb studs in 2012’s draft in the 2012 season. Even if we got Luck(y), the current rookie salary cap enables teams to not start 1st round Qb’s much more reasonably in the new CBA.

    2005 did not come in Holmgrens 2nd year and he already had a Super Bowl Ring when he arrived, not a National Championship Ring.

    • Rob

      If we re-sign Hasselbeck and it leads to the #1 overall pick next year, I don’t think it’s a great idea to keep the guy around purely for mentoring purposes.

      • woofu

        I am confused Rob as to why then do all these teams who draft a 1st round Qb want, or have been reported to want, a veteran to bridge to the new guy.

        You obviously want Hass to go and go fast. It would not bother me if he did. Since this mornings news (Brees statements), that it’s going to be a free-for-all FA starting tomorrow, with no 3 days grace, I refer you to this song,,,,


        • Rob

          Ideally you don’t want to rush in a rookie quarterback and Aaron Rodgers is the poster example of someone who sat, studied and produced when given his shot. At the same time, we’ve seen how young QB’s can start early if surrounded by a good running game.

          I suppose the reduction in rookie salary will encourage some of the teams to invest in experienced stop gaps, essentially putting money into a bridge option that would’ve otherwise just gone to the rookie. It’s fairly understandable now, but it was more logical to start a guy you were paying $7-8m as a rookie previously.#

          As for Hasselbeck – I’ll admit I’m ready to move on. I have total respect for MH and he has been my favorite Seahawk the last few years and I’m sure many share that feeling. However, I think sticking with him is delaying the inevitable. We are going to have to replace the guy eventually, and you’re going to be taking a chance on someone else when that happens. If you keep MH and in 12 months time his downward trend continues, then you’re in a much tougher spot. You still don’t really know what you have with Whitehurst and he’s out of contract. You’re going to have to draft a QB if possible and maybe even start the guy unless you want to go the bridge option to buy time. Re-signing Hasselbeck now may just delay the inevitable growing pains 12 months.

          Of course, if he comes back and has a great year then it’s a great decision. But at 36 years old and the oldest starting QB in the league, I don’t think the possibility of a slightly improved running game is enough to provoke such a return to form. This is a young offensive line with some serious holes among the interior. They may struggle as badly as last year. There may be injuries again. I think this is more likely than a sudden elite running game to make life easier for a 36 year old QB.

          I see circumstances where bringing MH back is the best option, but it’s not the be-all and end-all that media have sometimes portrayed and I’m prepared to roll the dice on someone if it means at least a nod to the future. The worst case scenario if it doesn’t work out is a high draft pick – not the end of the world. The best case scenario is potentially finding that long term option without even needing the pick.

  10. wes

    100% fine by me. Bring in Tavaris, let him duke it out with Chaz, go 3-13, and draft Luck, Barkley or Jones. Its just one year and a QB rebuild (not a stopgap) has been needed for soooo long.

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