Read carefully, for this is a confusing one…
First this appeared on Twitter…
Then Browner disputed the claim by Mike Silver/NFL Network…
I'm not facing suspension for PEDs, it's sad that the NFL is reporting this…
— Brandon Browner (@bbrowner27) November 25, 2013
Browner’s agent chipped in…
Brandon Browner isn't facing a suspension for PED's the report is 100% wrong.
— Peter Schaffer (@peterjschaffer) November 26, 2013
So the NFL Network changed it’s online story and said Browner will actually be suspended for substance abuse, just like Walter Thurmond.
Adam Schefter confirmed this, but then revealed it wasn’t an eight game suspension…
Seahawks CB Brandon Browner is facing a one-year suspension from NFL for violating substance-abuse policy, per NFL sources. He has appealed.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) November 26, 2013
Chris Mortensen added the following…
Browner appeal for substance abuse policy already has been heard. Means he won't play again for Seahawks. Also a free agent in March
— Chris Mortensen (@mortreport) November 26, 2013
And Mike Silver ended it all with this…
I am amending my report on the impending Brandon Browner suspension to reflect that it is for a violation of NFL's substance abuse policy.
— Michael Silver (@MikeSilver) November 26, 2013
The Seahawks' mindset is that Browner, whose contract expires after the season, has played his last game in a Seattle uniform.
— Michael Silver (@MikeSilver) November 26, 2013
And just when you thought everything was going smoothly at 10-1. Prepare for a Seahawks backlash in the media.
Let’s just hope this isn’t a distraction ahead of a crucial game against the Saints.
FWIW Browner is on twitter refuting he is facing suspension for PED use.
Here is the twitter link…not sure what’s going on or why it was reported.
With conflicting reports, caution should probably be exercised before jumping to conclusions. It seems odd that Browner is flat-out refuting this article via twitter. Let’s all just hold on a second…
Rob, when is the SOONEST we could throw Simon in?!
You can bet your ass Sherman, Thomas and chancellor are going to start being a bigger and more feared voice in the locker rooms for!
Simon just started practicing…he’s not an option. Pete said as much today on the radio.
Damn… I’d assume he might be playing by playoffs/end of regular season?
I think they’ll want to bring Simon in slowly. This is a good opportunity for Byron Maxwell.
He’s done as a Seahawk, and as Huard said on Twitter, the Legion is destroying their own band name between him and Thurmond. Incredibly stupid for two guys a few months away from a big payday.
Brand*….wish there was an edit function 🙂
How’s everyone on bringing in Namdi?!
He always played better in press/man then zone, could be a part time browner replacement?
I’m trying to think of drug references that rhyme with Legion of Boom.
… and I’m a fan …
National media is going to have a field day with this one. But I guess on the bright side, they’ll actually talk about the Seahawks a bit finally.
Off the top of my head, Legion of Shroom.
Nice Carl…
Saw someone on Twitter say Legion of Bong… Thought it was kinda funny to be honest… In a really sad way. Sigh
Think that’s the best I’ve heard.
Region of plume…as in smoke!
What about Nnamdi, Chris gamble, or Stanford routt?
All vets but they have experience and always been solid players… It’s not like we’d be asking them to start for a whole season right?
What new fresh hell is this? Far too many defensive players are getting caught using. Someone on that side of the ball is pushing. Find him and fire him. Paul Allen has to lay down the law to PC and JS that there will be no gansters on this team.
Goodbye Browner – we/Seahawks/your teammates gave you a chance, you took PEDs. We/Seahawks/your teammates forgave you, thought you made a mistake, gave you a second chance and you, after already testing positive several times previously, smoked/snorted/popped drugs even when you knew you’d be subject to random drug testing. Wow – I hope you saved some money.
But, I believe the TEAM will rise up, face the adversity and prove to everyone that they are all not a bunch of PED users or drug users, but athletes who want to win legally. Go Hawks!
Don’t just put these guys on IR or a suspended list and let them hang around the locker room, get them out of the building, off the team and out of town. is reporting that there was a recent team meeting about these suspensions and Max Unger and Richard Sherman stood up and said, “We are going to the Super Bowl. If you want to do this stuff, go ahead, but you are not coming with us.” Don’t undermine their leadership…..clean house and let’s go.
That is awesome.
This is frustrating and sad… It seems a bit suspicious to me that we get these things around the same time of year… But maybe they just screw up or get caught this time of year…
Antoine Winfield anyone? I bet IF he came back he would require a contract in which he couldn’t be cut again before the years end…Super Bowl baby!!!!!
Go Hawks!
I’m a little confused. How would he be facing a year long suspension for substance abuse (3rd time offender penalty) without having a four game suspension for a second time offender first? Unless the PED penalty can double dip as a substance abuse as well.
This is my confusion as well.
If I understand correctly he came into the league in the drug abuse program, during the draft process? Then the PED, now the substance abuse again makes three.
You can’t be
This is all speculative bs reporting. You can’t be suspended for a year for sub abuse without first being suspended for 4 games… Which he hasn’t
Well considering he has already been suspended for 4 games for PED’s, and you have to be caught THREE times to get a suspension for Substance Abuse, I think they can suspend Browner for a year.
It’s a shame. But he’s made his bed, and now he’ll have to sleep in it.
Someone else mentioned that he may have been busted in Denver in 2005/2006, so this might be his second time/second suspension for drugs, though I can’t seem to find it as Brandon Browner Drug Suspension in google is bring up yesterdays news.
I think I remember this before, that he had an drug issue in Denver in his 1st year in the NFL.
The thing is he would have had to been caught 3x in denver to get put into Level 3.. if you get busted twice, that means 4 game suspension (Thurm), you have to get busted a 3rd time to get put in level 3.. if you are only in level one, then after 24 months you essentially hit the reset button.. so he would have had to been at least level 2 or 3 to be a permanent level 3 participant and thus subject to a 1 year suspension..
Anyway, I’m sure over the next few weeks, we’ll get the real skinny.
No, literally he cannot.
The bans for substance abuse violations as a stage 2 participant goes 4 games for first violation, 6 for second (elevated to stage 3) then 12 months for stage 3.
In addition, if you are stage 2 and haven’t reoffended for 24 months, you are expunged from the program. Future violations start you at stage 1 again.
PED violations have no bearing on substance abuse policy.
This CHALLENGE that we have just been presented with is really going to show the heart of our team. There were previous thoughts that Browner may not stick around next year and that Thurmond’s future in SEA would possibly need to be solidified with solid play this year. Browner is now done in SEA and Thurmond could be as well.
Maxwell and Lane have the opportunity to show our true depth. Maxwell has played well in pinches, but has shown he has a lot of growing to do. I could say the same thing for Lane. Lane is amazing on ST and if his only role is gunner on kicks/punts, so be it.
Simon: I know he may not see the field this year, but that was mostly by design. Several times PC/JS said the ’13 draft was for the future. Simon essentially got to red-shirt while learning the playbook and learning how to become a professional (transgressions @ LSU). I can almost assure something like this will not happen to him.
Shead: He looks like the likely internal player that will be required to step up. Shead pissed me off a few times in the preseason by up-ending players (he even did it to Stephen Williams in camp). He plays physical and has a nose for tackling.
Are you sure you are thinking Winston Guy who hit Williams in TC, because he did?
Guy hit Williams with a classless blast where Williams didn’t even get to touch the ball. Shead flipped someone twice. They could’ve been accidents, or bad angles. Saying he pissed me off was probably extreme. I don’t want to see some guys career be altered cause another guy has sloppy technique
Pending a physical, the Seahawks will be signing Perrish Cox today.
Who sounds like a real upstanding citizen doesn’t he?! Not – ugh – he may have been found not guilty, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t assault the woman…
Not agreeing/disagreeing with you…
I read today that Simon is practicing this week and Shead is VERY CLOSE to being brought up from the practice squad.
Browner may be placed on the IR which will open up one roster spot (Cox I’m assuming) and Thurmond’s suspension will open a spot for Shead or Simon.
Shead is not really depth for nickle. Cox is the only true nickle corner we have now, although I expect to see Lane there a little bit. Maxwell and Shead are strictly outside. Great opportunity for Lane/Max.
Yeah; he denied ever touching her, she got pregnant, and he’s a DNA match. It sucks, because he could be a good player in this defense, but I’ll never like him.
Rob, Browner is not a lock to be suspended. Sounds like he was the victim of the stupid part of the NFL’s substance abuse policy.
This says he got to Stage 3 because he didn’t show up for tests, which make sense, because he wasn’t an NFL employee anymore…and then once you get to stage 3, you are there for life. If PFT is right, there should probably be some legal action from Browner’s side. Again, *if* this is true, then he’s getting hosed here.
Totally agree
Ha. If he fights it and avoids the suspension I’m going to enjoy the hawk hater meltdowns.
Whoa – the article says that this is a theory of what might have happened, so let’s not assume that it’s accurate until there is some substantiation of the theory.