Explaining the changes, what you can expect

By Rob Staton
Ahead of the 2010 NFL and NCAA kick off Seahawks Draft Blog has made significant changes to it’s appearance and application. I want to explain some of the changes and what you can expect to see on the blog going forward.

There is now a navigation bar underneath the main logo. The blog will continue to be updated regularly and you will find the latest posts on the homepage or by clicking ‘Home’ on the navigation bar.

I have published an updated ‘top 15’ mock draft for 2011 which can be viewed by clicking ‘Mock Draft’. Scouting reports throughout the year will be published on the blog homepage but will automatically be organised into the ‘Scouting Reports’ section making for easier location later in the year.

Underneath the navigation bar is a welcome note. Breaking news and significant publications will be listed here. You may have also noticed the ‘Twitter’ logo – Seahawks Draft Blog will use twitter regularly throughout the year to communicate with followers so why not add us to your follow list? (@robstaton)

So what can you expect and what will be different? We’ll continue to publish regular scouting reports on prospects, opinions and information via the form of links and guest material. These will be greater in detail with better use of video.

A regular podcast feature will be available soon to download. I have made plans attend the Senior Bowl work outs for 2011 in Mobile and this will provide a further unique ability to speak with prospects and get an insight into how the draft is shaping up.

My goal for this website going forward is to try and provide the best ‘team’ draft blog on the Internet for Seahawks fans. The investment I have made in this site is the next step forward. Seahawks Draft Blog will continue to remain independent and no adverts will be seen anywhere on the blog.

I am not trying to compete with the heavyweight national blogs or corporations, I just want to provide a service that fans can enjoy. Since Seahawks Draft Blog began in 2008 I’ve been overwhelmed by the interaction and positive feedback received. I hope everyone will continue to contribute in the comments section and create the great discussion we enjoyed in the blog’s previous format. The blog will only ever be as good as the people who visit it and so far – we’ve had one of the best.


  1. Dan C.


    Are you still going to have an RSS feed from this page? Loved having it in my Google Reader! Love the new layout!

  2. Patrick

    Kudos Rob! The new website looks absolutely terrific!!! I cannot wait for another year full of reports, discussions, and all the seahawks draft information we could ever hope for!

  3. D

    Dude, you ARE one of the heavy weights, at least in my Seahawk coverage and I’ve been a fan for 15 years.

    Thanks for continuing to improve…

  4. Jim Kelly

    Looks good so far. It’s amazing that you’ve been doing this for two years. Good luck and thanks.

  5. Hakon

    Really appreciate this blog! Keep up the good work 🙂

  6. Blueboy

    Good stuff Rob and good luck for the future with this site.

  7. Rob

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys, really appreciated and hope you’ll keep visiting. The RSS Feed will be available tomorrow by the way.

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