Five hopes for the 2018 season

Firstly, if you missed the recent podcast don’t forget to check it out:

1. The Seahawks fix the run

It’s popular these days to try and diminish the importance of the running game. Regular readers will know I’m not convinced by the statistical arguments that suggest the run is overrated. Clearly you can create a somewhat convincing case based on situational stats and recent league trends. I just happen to believe there are certain things you can’t measure. Including the complete importance of a truly threatening running game.

I think this Tweet sums it up:

The Seahawks sold out to stop the run in this game, focusing almost their entire attention on Leonard Fournette. They were willing to challenge Blake Bortles to beat them. And he took the opportunity in what was undoubtedly his cleanest game of the season (and possibly his career).

I suspect many teams were willing to risk Russell Wilson beating them in 2012-14. They knew stopping Marshawn Lynch was the key. And even when they succeeded, as was occasionally the case, the attention Lynch drew often made life so much easier for the quarterback.

It’s probably one of the reasons they were a lot more successful ‘getting by’ on the O-line. Paul McQuistan was their starting left tackle for eight games in 2013. You’d barely notice aside from that one game in St. Louis.

If you can force teams to dedicate their focus to stopping the run, undoubtedly there are benefits to be felt. It might be difficult to quantify this but should you really even need to? Does everything need a number these days?

There’s also the cultural benefits of being a tough, physical running team. Lynch clearly inspired the LOB. The two key sections of Seattle’s team worked off each other, sharing the same attitude and intensity. It’s no coincidence that Seattle has lost the fear factor they once had since the running game collapsed.

2. Less politics please (don’t judge)

I’m not the type of person to write the words ‘stick to sports’ in a Tweet. I’m also not the type of person who wants players, fans or media to bury their heads in the sand and ignore big issues that need to be discussed.

That said, I think there’s too much politics in everyday life at the moment. You can’t escape it. Nearly everything is politicised. I appreciate why. This is a politically charged time around the world. Social media has become a hotspot for political views.

However, sometimes it’s nice to not have to think about politics. That doesn’t mean you’re ignorant to the issues facing the world. It doesn’t mean you don’t care.

Increasingly it’s harder to separate the NFL from politics. Every press conference Pete Carroll faces is always a mix of social ills and football. Every game there seems to be some kind of political strand attached. A lot of articles in the NFL media talk about politics, not football.

I’m not blaming anyone for that. I just wish that, occasionally, the NFL could go back to being a fun release.

3. A satisfactory resolution to the Earl Thomas saga

Richard Sherman wasn’t supposed to get cut. Cliff Avril wasn’t supposed to retire this way. Michael Bennett wasn’t supposed to be traded for peanuts.

Who could’ve predicted any of that back in 2013?

It seems, sadly, that the Earl Thomas saga is going to end in a similarly unsatisfactory manner.

It’ll be difficult to witness a dramatic holdout stretching into the season. The negative vibe of the Kam Chancellor holdout hurt the team. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that with Earl.

Either way a parting appears inevitable. Possibly via free agency next year.

What constitutes a satisfactory outcome? A fair deal via trade or an extension of sorts. Just something that doesn’t have the fans wringing their hands for weeks on end. Either draw a line on the situation and allow people to move on, or come to a compromise. And for either scenario to come true, it can’t be the Seahawks conceding alone. Earl Thomas has to be willing to compromise too.

4. Fresh start

The 2017 season wasn’t much fun. The Seahawks were in contention in the win column but most people knew they weren’t a genuine challenger. The injuries mounted, the run game collapsed and the defense started to toil. It was a far cry from the unbeatable excitement witnessed from the 2012 season right through to the end of that Super Bowl.

The Seahawks may never be able to recapture that magic. It’s perhaps unrealistic to think it’s even vaguely possible. However, they still have the ultimate playmaker at quarterback. They’re trying to get the running game back. They have some new, young pieces on defense supported by some exceptional veterans.

If nothing else, it’d be pleasing to witness a fresh start. A new energy. A reason to believe again.

5. A pass rusher emerges

The Seahawks’ biggest question mark on the roster is the pass rush. They have some young pieces but not a lot of proven quality outside of Frank Clark. Dion Jordan showed flashed in 2017 but has to prove he can stay healthy. The rest have to show they belong.

It’s possible we’ll spend most of the 2018 college season looking at pass rushers. That’s not a problem, the 2019 draft promises to be loaded on the defensive line. However, it would be a huge bonus if Jordan, Rasheem Green, Barkevious Mingo, Marcus Smith, Jacob Martin, Shaquem Griffin or another name really stood out and showed they can be part of the long term future. Especially with Clark set to be a free agent at the end of the season.

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  1. Coleslaw

    We better be ready for more games like the Sacksonville game this year. 8 of our games are against elite running backs ( Gurley x2, Johnson x2, Elliot, Cook, Gordon, Hunt). And that’s not counting McKinnon x2, Howard, Newton/McCaffrey. The easiest ones we get are Green Bay, Oakland, Denver and Detroit. 3/4 of our season will be vs above average running backs.
    Not that I have a dug in opinion on this, just something I noticed.

    • Ty the Guy

      Call me crazy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the combination of Penny, Carson, Davis, McKissic, and/or Procise ranked high in that group of good running teams.

      They will have to be if they want to compete. Agree with Rob, a good run game helps harden the mentality of the team. Hypes everyone up. Gives the defense a rest and add in a decent QB, they will be tough to beat. The key will be the performance of the OL.

  2. Ralphy

    I feel strongly that the protest (not saying I disagree with it in any way) had a lot to do with the Seahawks slow starts. I am sure it was an emotional decision to make and left the team distracted at the start of games. I agree that hopefully football is the only thing we are discussing at kickoff.

    • Hawk Eye

      I don’t think that had much to do with it. The Eagles had as many guys into the political stuff and I think they did ok last year. Baldwin was into it and had a good year. Sherman happened to get injured and Bennett was into the political stuff and is/was a difficult personality to handle. That was his rep in college. he bought in the first few years and then went back to being difficult. His political stance are not the reason he was disruptive, just the way he is. Sherman’s problems were not political, unless you mean that from a team concept.

      I think the slow starts are mainly on Russ and Bevel/Cable. O line and Pete can share a bit also. Russ needs to start with some urgency and stop thinking he can play hero ball in the 4th qtr.

      • Hawktalker#1

        Yeah, I don’t care how good a QB is. I lose all respect for someone that thinks he can intentionally slow start games just so they can take all the credit and play hero at the end of the game. Not cool.

    • FresnoHawk

      Displaced Anger! Our problems started way before the protest. Players were jealous of RW and most likely all QB’s compensation. RW throwing an interception on the goal line in the Super Bowl was too much for everyone to get over. If we can admit that and LEARN from all the mistakes by players, coach’s, management, and FANS we can truly build a dynasty.

    • Dale Roberts

      I have to agree with Hawk Eye that the protests had little to do with last year’s team issues. I give credit to PC/JS for recognizing that team had departed from its core personality. Every winning coach/team has a system, a process for achieving results. Pete’s is a strong running game, a stronger defense, and constant competition. We got old, injured and lost our edge. Michael Bennett and Richard Sherman became selfish players over the last couple of years and Kam’s injuries damaged his ability to lead. It’s possible that the bond from the political protest may have helped the team more than it hurt. Football is a sideshow, a fantasy world. Hopefully we don’t ever forget that.

      • FresnoHawk

        +1 As for the bond possibility, wouldn’t that be something! If it did happen it would be a historic accomplishment for a coach!

  3. Rupoman

    Spot on – all five

    • FresnoHawk


    • Stevo


  4. CharlieTheUnicorn

    The 2019 offseason will be about finding NFL pass rushers, who are under valued. This has been the Seahawks operation for at least 5 years now. Bring a vet in and kick the tires.
    Think of how Bennett was more or less cast aside by the Bucs… he came back to Seahawks and dominated. This is the “type” of player I’m thinking of…… the draft seems less (from my perspective) about focus on a pass rushing guy, unless you have a mid 1st round pick.

    A guy to keep a very close eye on would be ….. Bruce Irvin with the Raiders. I think he may likely be a cap casualty after this season. Not the cheapest guy on the market, but could be a very nice fit again in Seattle.

  5. CharlieTheUnicorn

    Gene Steratore has become the fourth NFL referee — and the second this week — to retire this offseason in what has become an unexpected exodus from the league.

    Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

  6. FresnoHawk

    100% agree with you Rob! Geopolitics is a blood sport it will ruin sports! If 1 side uses sports for propaganda it forces the other side to fight back. I’ve been begging folks please don’t make me fight you here (NFL) I know you hate me and you know I don’t like you, but lets take a break for just 3 hours every Sunday, have a beer and watch the Hawks! If liberals & conservatives support the same football team it does not make them hypocrites and it does not make them less committed to their values. I’ll lay down my weapons to watch the Seahawks if you will?

    • Old but Slow

      Agreed. With no TV at home, I watch the Seahawk games at my local. Reserved seat. I share the space and the enthusiasm, and displeasure with people I am almost in arms against in bar arguments about politics. These people are clueless, but they are Seahawks, so in that sense they’re OK.

      • FresnoHawk

        I would encourage all Hawk fans to join your local Seahawk fan club. It’s so much fun, people of all types, rooting, singing, dancing. Don’t be afraid to go alone, if your a loner it’s a great way to get comfortable communicating with folks.

  7. Saxon

    I don’t mind players discussing politics, I only wish they had a more nuanced grasp of the issues. But, of course, I wish the entire American electorate did too. Ask the average voter the difference between Keynesian and Austrian economics and their eyes glaze over. Low info voters doom democracy and the vast number of players discussing politics are extremely uninformed. Of course the media loves to solicit a player’s political opinions because it usually aligns with the their own prejudices.

    As far as the Hawks go, finding a reliable pass rusher beyond Clark is paramount. No pass rush + young DBs = Ken Norton JR aneurism. Unfortunately, I just don’t know where consistent pressure will come from, meaning more blitzing just to try to get off the field on third down. Shaquem is the x factor in blitz packages. Would love to see him contribute in that role. Big ask from a rook, though.

    • cha

      “Shaquem is the x factor in blitz packages. Would love to see him contribute in that role. Big ask from a rook, though.”

      Disagree. That’s exactly the role Bruce Irvin had in his rookie season. Not position wise but overall use wise.

      Zero starts. 8 sacks.

      “we’re not giving you 30 snaps a game, maybe 10-15 but cut loose and rush the passer.” And it worked.

      He had 2 sacks against the packers in the Fail Mary game. One was a drive-killer if I recall.

      I think Griffin’s 2018 role could be just that. Special teams demon and package pass rusher. No starts, no complicated scheming. Just putting him in the best position to use his natural skills at key moments and turn him loose.

      • Stevo

        Yes, Shaquem could give us some of what Bruce Irvin gave. And Green could provide some of what we had in Michael Bennett. But both these guys are raw rookies. Expecting production from a rookie is a sucker’s bet.

        I think a Healthy Dion Jordan would be one of the Best things that could happen for this D in 2018. But that’s probably a sucker’s bet too.

    • pqlqi

      ” Of course the media loves to solicit a player’s political opinions because it usually aligns with the their own prejudices. ”

      Just wanted to point out that your statement seems to include more than a little bias about the media, and is in fact a political statement. Let’s keep both the overt and the subtle political statements away from here.


      • Saxon

        @pqiqi This is a football forum, and a great one at that. Rob opened the door to discuss how politically charged the NFL has become and I commented that the media abets this situation due to their editorial agenda. I did not subtly imply anything and, trust me, out of respect for Rob I have shown great restraint not to rant for a dozen paragraphs. But it is interesting how even “subtly implying” something these days is enough for some to call for the muzzles.

        @Stevo – exactly this. I hope that Griffin and Jordan can contribute pressure but I wouldn’t rely on it. Pass rush looks shaky at this point. We may have to outscore teams to win this year.

  8. Dale Roberts

    Of all of the changes (for which we were probably a year too late) I will miss Richard Sherman the most. He’s likely the best football player I’ve had the privilege to watch regularly since Steve Largent. His intelligence and personality only added to his charm and intrigue. I believe when his career is done he will be inducted the the HOF as a Seahawk and will contribute great things to our society as a future leader. If Griffin is three quarters of the player Sherman was we will be happy indeed.

  9. Sean-O

    6. I think the ’18 season hinges on the 2nd/3rd year players like Shaquill, Delano, Thompson & Jarran Reed on D & Darboh, Vannett & Pocic on offense. The Hawks are top heavy with proven studs but if most of the guys I just listed can take the leap from average to good, solid NFL players this team will have a shot at the playoffs. If not, .500 is the ceiling.

    • Elmer

      It hinges on the whole team, including the coaching staff. They need attitude, swagger, toughness, smarts, and conditioning. If not, a 6-10 team on paper could unfortunately become that in reality. A little luck with injuries would be a big help too, depth is lacking at some positions. Go Hawks!

  10. neil

    I agree with Rob. Players that are trying to enjoy a night out, would not like to be confronted by a fan with a controversial issue. I expect the same courtesy when I am at the game. Time to just FOCUS on football!

    • FresnoHawk

      Great point Neil!

    • Group captain mandrake

      There is, however, a difference between kneeling in protest and being confronted face to face. If you don’t like it, don’t look. You can’t do that person to person.

  11. DJSapien

    It’s easy to want escapism from political and social issues when you don’t have anything at stake.😏

    • Rob Staton

      I did wonder how long it would be until something like this was said.

      Can I ask, how do you know I have nothing at stake?

      I said what I wanted to say in the piece. I think it’s a shame this is often the automatic response to anyone who isn’t constantly trying to be the most virtuous person in the room.

      • Kenny Sloth

        If you can ignore police brutality in the US. Like not morally or anything.

        If you even have the capacity to say “let’s just take a break from it”

        That’s a privilege.

        DJ is wrong to talk about your stakes or what you could lose.

        But be Michael Bennett in Vegas and try to “not have to think about politics”.

        Sports and politics are wholly intertwined and it’s wrong, detrimental, historically very bad, and kind of silly to try to separate them.

        • Bigten

          It’s kind of ironic (to me at least) you bring up the Michael Bennett incident in Vegas, considering it was proven to be false allegation on the part of Bennett. So he did in fact “think about politics”” when he created the narrative that he created. Sports and politics, historically, have been intertwined in a way that sports help people rise above politics and bring inclusion and acceptance into the world. I’m not disagreeing with any of the players motives (though I question what Kaps actually were), and I don’t think anyone would disagree with the motives. I’m a Latino American, I’ve been around misuse of power by police officers. But the execution on behalf of the players and the terrible response by the media and owners have lead to dividing the whole NFL community that watches. This in essence destroys the great historical positive of sports that brings people together. That’s what Rob and others are getting at, Mr. Sloth. It’s wrong and detrimental to respond in the way you have, not just here, but many other instances. Defense might win championships, but being defensive does not win battles.

          • FresnoHawk

            +1 BigTen this Chinese American agrees with you 100% and so does my huge family! My family loves American values, my family has voluntarily enlisted in the military for every single war since WW1.

          • Kenny Sloth

            Sorry if you misinterpreted my tone. Hard to convey so early and through text.

            I wasnt being defensive because Rob didnt offend me.

            Just because you’ve witnessed police abuse doesnt mean it’s a fact of life.

            The divides were already there. The players just said enough is enough.

            And others disagreed.

            • Jujus

              Police abuse power everywhere. There is no specific structured targeting of any people

              • FresnoHawk

                True but there are lots of good cops too. The truth is there are lots of corrupt cops but embedded within that community is something that is so Sinister & Evil WHEN the public learns the truth it will cause a complete meltdown of a significant part of the population including the law enforcement community.

              • Kenny Sloth

                I’m not in the business of changing minds, jujus. Let’s see some good football this year

              • Largent80

                Last week they showed a cop hitting a WOMAN repeatedly on the sand at the beach while he had her pinned down.

        • Rob Staton

          Sorry Kenny but I don’t agree.

          I’m not blind to the various issues facing parts of the world. I do find it frustrating that frequently when someone says something that isn’t overtly virtuous and supportive of, in this case the players, the word ‘privilege’ emerges. We’re all dealing with our own s**t in the world. Life is one constant battle against adversity for most people.

          Twitter, social media just seems absolutely determined to separate people politically. It’s creating a ‘with us or against us’ mentality, where people are placing themselves at extreme ends of nearly every debate.

          And your last sentence… sports is sports. Sometimes (often) politics and sports become intertwined. It’s usually better for everyone when that isn’t the case. At the moment practically everything is political. Sports, cinema, social media. There’s no escape. I don’t think that’s healthy for anyone, even those with a significant interest in a certain set of politics. Sometimes in life you need an escape from it. My post wasn’t a commentary on the player protests. It was a commentary on how everything in life is politicised. And I personally don’t think it’s healthy.

          • Kenny Sloth

            Your point that lots of politicized subjects are highly divisive and unhealthy is definitely one well taken.

            Your point about those with special interest in these topics not helping themselves with the rhetoric is even more applicable to the Seahawks in that Pete’s constant attempts at showing his wokeness and letting politics permeate his workplace has made for an insecure work environment.

            He’s documented his multiple attempts at bringing up the protests and “starting the conversation” to the point whrre guys were telling him they just wanted to get back to football.

            So I totally see what you’re saying. And to your point about Pete always having to field questions about political or otherwise scandalous topics, that’s the huge problem with the Earl Thomas saga. Just another chapter in the tumult that has been our post superbowl loss. So many things Pete is managing that have nothing to do with football.

            You do also make a good point about the immediate castration of anyone that doesnt wear a nice shiny little ‘woke’ badge on their sleeve/every tweet. But you also term it as virtuous and that is something I want to be more of. Woke implies you’re already there. When, as many have said, it’s a constant struggle to an unreachable ideal of true equality. Both as an individual and as a society.

            People are too quick to judge and too slow to listen. And far too rapidly do we beg for the punishment of someone who disagrees or makes a mistake.

            I know you would never want to silence anyone’s voice and just want to see something better than the animosity, vitriol, basically trash-talking that is done in the name of red vs blue, black vs white. Side vs side. That kind of tribalism is not healthy and is quite rampant most internet places.

            Wanting an escape is not a privilege, it’s human nature.

    • FresnoHawk

      Come on DJ everyone has everything at stake no matter who you are or where you are.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      The mess that is Brexit is about 100x worse than anything in the USA.

      World Cup, “Football” and Football are a good way to pass the time.
      Heck, even the Mariners are worth following in MLB this season. (Ok, I went to far there)

      4+ Weeks until TC kicks off….. hopefully everyone keeps their noses clean and names out the papers.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Rob could have a black American brother who kneels for the anthem and it wouldn’t make his points any less valid.

      • Mark Souza

        Yeah, let’s get back to grown men ramming into one another at a sprint, getting injured, maimed, and sometimes paralyzed. When they take a knee beforehand it ruins the entertainment of it for me.

        • Rob Staton

          And this is exactly why I wrote what I wrote.

          Some people just can’t help themselves.

          There’s too much blind arguing of the extremes and never any nuance or understanding or willingness to understand another persons stance.

          • LouieLouie

            A couple of points I would make, Rob. First of all, the pentagon has paid millions of taxpayer dollars to the NFL for patriotic displays on game day. Like it or not, that is political. Also, most teams play in publicly funded stadiums, and have a largely taxpayer subsidized feeder system called College Football. It can be argued that makes it the “public square.” If the NFL doesn’t want players to express themselves, they could build their own stadiums, and have minor league football teams.

            • Rob Staton

              Two things:

              1. Why are people still connecting my point to the player protests? I’ve been over this already.

              2. Whenever I hear about how owners should be grateful for the stadiums etc I always find it odd. NFL football brings so much joy and interest to the public. I would happily contribute to that. It’s not like the owners don’t pay for these clubs in the first place. Many of them are reaping the benefits of NFL growth but many of them also put their money where there mouth is during an hour of need (eg Paul Allen).

              • Hawk Eye

                sorry Rob, have to severely disagree on the use of public funds for sports stadiums. That is unwise use of public funds. Any proper analysis of the numbers will not justify it.

                for example, the Big Owe in Montreal cost the taxpayers over a billion dollars and was extremely corrupt. Mayor Drapeaux famously said “the Olympics can no sooner lose money than a man can have a baby.” I think he gave birth to triplets.
                In Toronto, the Skydome had a $110 million budget, but had $400 million in overruns. The winning contractor did not include electrical in his bid, but was allowed to add it in later. He was also related to the premier. When the government sold it to Rogers, they sold it for $25 million. It had $80 million in liens that had to be cleaned up, even though they have to sign a legally binding document that they paid everyone. Corruption that would make a banana republic dictator blush.
                And the it is much harder to get public funds in Canada than the US.

                if schools and healthcare were properly funded, if university was affordable, if transportation infrastructure was in good shape, if water was safe to drink in Flint, if there was a growth in well paying jobs instead of the service industry and Walmart, then there could be an argument to subsidize billionaires to help them entertain the masses.
                Let NFL fans pay a special tax for football stadiums, but don’t force everyone to pay for a billionaire’s toy. They can pay for it, but choose to sucker the public into doing it.

                funny how rich people hate socialism, but love using public money for themselves. The banks destroy the economy in 2008 due to reckless and criminal behaviour, but the government gives then $12,8 trillion while the average Joe goes bankrupt. A free market is not free when the rich control it and own it.

                • Rob Staton

                  Well, without wanting to get too political on this, I didn’t say every deal is a good deal. But from a personal point of view I’d happily contribute to a stadium in Seattle after someone like Paul Allen helped keep the team in the city. The NFL provides so much entertainment to the public. I would want that in my city and wouldn’t just expect someone to pony up the cash for an arena that is multi-use after buying the team. It isn’t just the Seahawks performing at the CLINK after all. Music gigs, the Sounders. It’s a public arena for amazing events, not just a Seahawks stadium. Very few people won’t get any benefit out of a stadium like that.

                  As for socialism, the total reliance it places on the state to run your life is enough reason to dislike it without even getting into publicly funded stadiums.

                  • Hawk Eye

                    very few good deals for the public regarding stadiums.
                    Can there be multiple uses and benefits? Of course.
                    But these deals are almost always one sided to favour the billionaires.
                    Now if you can do a deal where the public pays, and the NFL, other users pay a fair rent and the deal breaks even, or close and offers a variety of benefits for the population, then great. But the numbers do not bear that out. When owners hold cities hostage for a better deal or move the team, the public gets played. Overall, it is a zero sum economic game at best for the public when you just switch cities in the same country, no real job creation, just a rich guy getting richer from the public purse. But as long as one city will offer a better deal, the game continues.

                  • AlaskaHawk

                    I remember my Uncle bitching about the King Dome taxes when that was put in. Higher property tax on houses 50 miles away, added hotel taxes and added rental car tax. All to soak both the home crowd and visitors. Those taxes don’t ever go away.

                    I’m in agreement that they need to quit soaking the tax payer. That money should be used for infrastructure and other public goods. Not for putting on a sporting spectacle.

                    • Rob Staton

                      CLINK isn’t just a sports venue though. We need to remember that.

              • LouieLouie

                Hey Rob:
                I wasn’t arguing that the public shouldn’t pay to build stadiums, although I agree with those who say that there are much better uses for public money. I was saying that the public money creates a “public square” element in public stadiums. Being able to express one’s self is the essence of what a public square is about. I stand with Michael Bennett and Kaepernick in that.

    • jujus

      its well known that Rob has a family and kids. So saying he has nothing at stake is laughable.

  12. JimQ

    I think the whole kneeling issue would slowly go away IF, the TV cameras were trained on the crowd during the anthem just once (as it was many years ago, I also recall a waving flag shown back in the 1950’s), then everyone can easily see how many in the stands are on their phones or cameras, sitting, talking, etc. If a team has one player protesting of their 53 active, I’d bet that at a minimum, many, many more than 1 in 53 of the crowd are doing the same damn thing.

    Then the debate might be:
    “Should the players be held to a higher political standard than their own fans”?

    The NFL execs would do themselves a solid if they were to side a bit more with their players rather than to continue with lower TV ratings (that really get their attention). We as fans only tune in to just watch some good football games, not a 3 minute political debate followed by a 2+ hour game.
    IMO- The media in many cases pays much more attention to the number of kneelers than they do the actual games and to me that is pure BS as a fan of NFL football.

  13. Madmark

    1st off Kenneth Arthur you do a good job putting on the draft 3000 mock I have no complaints what so ever and you go right ahead and continue to produce the shit outta of it with a little intro music. The problem you have is your an American that’s just can’t compete with a Rob Stanton who has that James Bond accent so don’t beat yourself up.
    1. fix the run. Seattle has done as much as they can this year to do that. They got a new offense coordinator and offensive line coach. They drafted a RB in the 1st round to not just push an injury depleted running group but hopefully to add depth. They got us a couple of TE for blocking which we have lacked since Miller retired. What I hope to see this year is an offense that can score a TD in the 1st quarter of a game so the defense doesn’t get wore out before the game is at halftime. I want to see the defense of a team stacking the line and we actually get a screen pass to work which I’ve not seen since Lynch left. I like to see I formation play action passes because I think if you have a run game the percentage goes up on play action pass. I want to see them grind out that second and third down 1 to 3 yard gains for a first to keep the defense off the field.
    2 less politics. I watch this game for my recreation. If I want to know about politics I go to CNN or one of the other news channels and that’s all I got to say about that.
    3. Earl Thomas issue. The market for FS is not good and holding out when you have a contract is not going to change a thing. I sign a contract when I joined the U.S. Navy for 4 years and my first months pay was $468.00 and my last year was $1268.00 what do you the Navy would do if I said that’s not enough and I decided not to go to work because I didn’t think I was making enough. Bottom line is your word is worthless if you don’t fulfill your contract and go out and see what you can get. I love Alex Rodriquez but I had no problem when he left in FA to go play for the Rangers. I mean 17 million compared to 25 million is a no brainer. Come in and play that last year and see what you can get next year but don’t hold the team hostage.
    4.Fresh Start. Getting back to the core that built this team to begin with is this year all about. The team lost its hunger and that’s something you have to have to win. We have some holes to fill and I expect the next man up philosophy is still a standard for this team.
    5. Pass Rush Emerge. It possibly the pass rush could emerge if they aren’t on the field for 40 minutes and they can stay healthy. Having a better offense that can control the clock would go a long way in helping the defense. They were out on that field way to long last year. Looking at number 4 we definitely need for next man up to help this defense get better.

    I still think this is a good team that can make the playoffs and really that’s what ya work for. The defense will take step backwards but not as far as I think people are saying. The offense will get better thou and with a better kicker I have Seattle going 10-6 and possible 11-5. Looking at our schedule I have us losing to Rams 2, Chargers 1, @Panther 1{Always tuff there}, Vikings 1. To make it 6 loses maybe we slip and lose to cowboys or 49ers at there place but it still looks OK to me so I haven’t lost any hope at all.Go Hawks

    • mr peapants

      6. I want to see a third and +10 stop. ive never seen a team give up so many third and longs as the hawks did last year.

    • FresnoHawk

      Don’t snooze on our WR’s. Locket is %100 and Pete praised David Moore and Marcus from the Bennett trade.

      • Madmark

        I haven’t snoozed on the WR at all but they really aren’t the big name talent WR that other teams have. Russel Wilson has thrown 22,176 yds so far in his career and Doug Baldwin has caught 5,157 yds of those yards. I guess watching the top 100 NFL player 2018 and seeing Tyrann Mathieu talk about Russel Wilson in the 11 spot on the list was dead on. He said, it’s like he wins 11 games every year but who does he throw the ball to. You can name one maybe 2 of the guys but that’s it. You should take a look.

        • FresnoHawk

          I wouldn’t be surprised if Locket, David Moore, and Marcus Johnson become “big name talent” that’s what I’m saying!

          • Madmark

            Don’t get me wrong I think that Seattle has some talented WR but the team really doesn’t want to be an all pass team like last year. Russel Wilson has a talent of spreading the ball around and with more of a run game will mean less opportunities. If any of the guys you mentioned can show up like Jermaine Kearse it will be a win win scenario.

  14. Bankhawk

    Ah, Rob-again at a time when life seems to feel like it might just get to be too much, you come with your usual fresh air of balance and reason. On all points cited above, I’m with ya, mate. And, as always, though the words feel too pale to express what I’m feeling hêre, I thank ye, my man.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks man

  15. Ashish

    @Rob can you think of players which Seahawks can target 90 to 53 cuts? E.g if Rams good pass rusher which will get cut? Can be good write up.

    • Rob Staton

      It’s too early to tell but by pre season might be able to consider some names.

      • Ashish

        Thanks Rob

  16. 805Hawk

    Rob, I couldn’t agree more with every point you made. Sometimes your views are so refreshing. I even read #2 to my wife, a casual fan,and she loved it. It’s hard to even go to a movie these days. without politics creeping in…or maybe I’ve just become hypersensitive as I’ve grown older. I’m going to start yelling, “Get off my lawn!” soon, I swear. Thanks for another great post.

    • Rob Staton

      I think you’re right. Everything is political. Sport, cinema, social media. As noted in the piece, it’s a politically charged time around the world for many different reasons. But it’s dominating our lives. You can be both politically aware and socially active while also not having to constantly have it dominate every facet of your life.

  17. Robert Las Vegas

    My biggest concern for the seahawks is the pass rush I mean you lose Michael Bennett .Sheldon Richardson and Cliff A that’s a lot QB pressures and the newest member of defense line I have concerns

  18. Kenny Sloth

    I want to see us get back to our roots.

    Winning the time of possession battle, the turnover battle, and the explosive play battle as often as we can.

    Having a complete game in which we can minimize mistakes in all three phases of the game, especially just alleviating the problems with the special teams, and doing so consistently is paramount to playing complementary football again

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      I simply want competent OL play. That is it, nothing more or nothing less. I mean, it is fun watching RW run around for his life and make spectacular plays and all….. but could we please have at least one or two games where that is not the case. I kind of think it would help all phases of the game for the Seahawks … smoothing out many other warts on the team.

      • Kenny Sloth

        I blame Russ for being short and not perfect.

        Everybody deserves blame on every play.

        Thats team sports.

        Every sack is more Russ’ fault than any OL. He should be in total control. If he can’t run his offense, that’s on him.

        Players have done more with less. Reall wish we’d stop putting everything on one position group because that quickly becomes one position, one player, one coach.

        I mean imagine a DL just pinning it’s ears back every play because they know you can’t run it.

        Might make you false start 14 times too.

        Having a shite run game was way more detrimental than any say a lack of quality along the OL.

        And I dont get that argument either. Our OL is full of quality players. These guys are pros and have room to grow. So many people want to just draft and replace them because they can’t see what is actually happening. Namely a lack of running ability making a team one dimensional and not the dimension theyre good at allowing the defense to play more predictively and limiting our play call.

        Cuz if you never run longer than 8 yards noone fears it.
        If you can’t score out of the backfield nobody schemes for that.
        Especially when you consider our tenent to create explosive plays off of play action passes. That shit went down the drain. (There’s a statistical argument to be made there.)

        The players dont make the OL, the OL makes the players.
        Can’t wait for an RB to step up this year.

        • Kenny Sloth

          (Statistical argument to be made against relation of run success to play action pass success)*

      • Nem Beselek

        You know, a big part of that “run around for his life, the make a spectacular play” has actually been on DangeRuss. If the new QB coach will tell him “Russ, when the ball is snapped count: one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three. You have to get the ball out of your hands before that little clock in your head reaches to three.”

        I know he has had just about the worst line protection in the league since he first got here. But a lot of the issues have also been on him for the last two to three years. All of this “scramble drill” where he runs around in the backfield till someone gets open 20 yards down field is really poorly coached and poorly implemented football. I really don’t know if the whole “scramble drill” thing was on the coaching staff or just on Russ, but it needed to go. Great emergency play to get out of a jam, terrible basic third down planned play.

    • Kenny Sloth

      And let the players be themselves.

      Pete’s system just for the sake of the system is growing tired

      • FresnoHawk

        Uh no way I think that’s crazy, I’m a true believer in Carroll’s system. Kenny I’m starting to wonder if politics is not the main issue. Could it be that we have different definitions of what football is? What entertainment is? What fun is? What winning is? That may be it because its obvious we can’t just agree to disagree.

        • Hawk Eye

          constructive disagreement is an important part of a healthy society. Some people have a “liberal brain”, some people have a “conservative brain”. Does not mean we follow that all the time, but liberals and conservatives need each other as each have strengths and weaknesses. That said, what we have in the US and many other countries today are not real conservative/liberal debates, they have devolved into something extremely partisan and dangerous where each side thinks they are right about everything and the other side is evil.

          I too am a true believer in the PC system. I have based some business practices on it, he is a very enlightened coach. Does not mean it works all the time or with everyone, but that is why the roster was reset. Pete changed the people rather than the system because he has proven his system works

          • Kenny Sloth

            +12 to Pete’s system being applicable in other ways

            Just wish he stuck to it.

        • Kenny Sloth

          Pete’s gotten so far away from his system.

          We were a passing team last year.

          There’s a reason players questioned him

          Cuz that dude gotta have some answers.

          (Also I don’t recognize your handle or remember anything we’ve discussed or defined so you can agree with whatever you want. I’m not about super long winded philisophical discussion. I’m a bullet-point kind of guy.)

          • FresnoHawk

            Kenny it was Pete’s fault that he got away from the system but it clearly was not his intent.

            • Kenny Sloth

              So true. Makes Rob’s point about him fielding the social and political questions at every press conference all the more aggravating.

              We know Pete thinks he can save the whole world, but who doesnt just wish he’d focus on the team.

              That’s what I mean; get back to the football and let the players do their thing.

              Dont make Mike’s struggle an organizational point of emphasis.

  19. Hawk Eye

    I don’t think we can now escape politics being involved in some way with football, the anthem, sports in general. Except hockey, those guys toe the line and stay in their lane.
    There will be another incident that will make the players angry and some of them will make a statement. If is not a question of “if”, but “when”.

    If you really want to eliminate politics from sports, start by removing the national anthem, saluting the troops, jet flyovers, etc. The players see the government and owners make political statements and then are told they cannot. You can force poor people to eat the hypocrisy, but most of these players already have more money than most of us will ever make. In the world of politics, they have F.U. money.

    now, if you think of politics as the one of the world’s greatest reality shows played out by the worst people from both sides of the political spectrum, with tragic consequences for most of us, then just sit back and enjoy the spectacle. Because our opinions do not matter to them and never have.

    in a weird way, I think politics has entered the world of entertainment more and more as news coverage has become more and more biased to one party or the other, and politicians seem to be grandstanding and looking for attention more and there are more and more scandals revealed that the political talk shows focus on. So you should not be surprised when the entertainment world gets political as a result.

    • Kenny Sloth

      What do hockey players have to protest?

      Did Ovechkin get thrown to the ground in Vegas?

      Sports have never been separate from politics and its so weird to me when people shy away from it. I think you have to embrace these discussions or they’ll just come back uglier than ever.

      And not from like a cynical gameshow spectacle standpoint either.
      I thinks it’s the exact same fear that doesn’t want to talk about the political aspect of sports.

      Because it is there. Nobodys PUTTING POLITICS IN Sports. It was always there. Some people just want to ignore that aspect because they want to be entertained and not approach uncomfortable topics and have those hard conversations.

      People want an escape and I guess the athletes are the lambs we’ll sacrifice so we can eat.

      It’s from a place of privilege that we can say “let’s ignore that for a few hours at least, even though we’ll take care of it later”

      The people living it cant ignore it. They don’t have the privilege.

      Politics are bad for the Seahawks, but are we that selfish.?

      I’d trade the entire franchise for one life saved.


      (Not trying to be so charged, just passionate)

      • H

        Couldnt agree more.
        When John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised their fists on the podium at the 1968 games the narrative was exactly the same as we see today.
        In retrospect it was one of the most important moments of the civil rights movement. More people would do well to remember that when they sey they want politics out of sport.

        I completely respect peoples frustration with the way the focus of the media has leant so far away from football at times though.

      • Hawk Eye

        sports has always been political, going back to the Greeks and Romans, and athletes back then could achieve wealth and fame. There is a chariot racer from Rome that won prize money amounting to hundreds of millions in today’s currency. The Olympics of the 20th and 21st century are VERY political. Our system vs theirs. We are the good guys, they are the bad guys, only they cheat.

        The difference I see today is the athletes are making more political stances. If the Romans and Greeks did it, they would just be killed. After the Romans defeated Spartacus for the gladiator rebellion, they crucified 5000 of them and lined the roads with them for hundreds of miles. That’s paying a price for a political stance! Today, the players just get crucified in the press, or don’t get another contract, lose an endorsement.

        I have no problem with it, I prefer personalities to robots and admire someone taking a stand that will extract a price. And I enjoy watching someone make the rich and powerful uncomfortable. But I also do not believe in patriotism or nationalism, don’t want my kids dying for a flag or a jingle. I don’t think most people will agree, but read a few thousand books on history and politics and you might change your mind.

      • mishima

        Couldn’t agree more.


        • Smitty1547

          Michael Bennett in Vegas turned out to be more Michael Bennett trying to hard to bring attention to himself and what he thinks is a wrong than actual police brutality, the tapes prove this and may have had a part in him being shown the door and his trade market being worthy of a bag of peanuts and some of Tom Brady deflated balls.

          So know I didn’t see Ovechkin get thrown to the ground in Vegas. I agree with most of your post’s and opinions. However this dying belief in Michael Bennetts Vegas story is not one of them.

          Do I thing police brutality is real, Yes. Do I think minorities get the brunt of it Yes. Do I want to hear about it every Sunday, well if I did I would turn from the game to any of the news networks and watch.

          • Kenny Sloth

            Ok the issue isn’t if he got a gun pulled on him or if they used excessive force.

            The issue is they threw a millionaire on the street, a respected and valuable member of his community, who regularly and generously gives back. They threw him on the ground cuz they just saw another _____r.

            And it happens over and over.

            So no it’s not fake news or something. The video shows him on the ground.

            SHOULD. HE. BE. THERE?


            Ovechkin WASNT. ever.

            Definitely not Chris Collinsworth’s job to affect social change during games 😆 so i get why the players shouldn’t do it.

            Bennett’s age and DENSE injury history is why he was traded for a (still valuable) fourth round pick. He wasnt gonna go for much more in the best of circumstances. But his protest and drama certainly couldnt have helped.

            • FresnoHawk

              Kenny I lived in Vegas if you ask anyone who has lived there for years they will tell you Cops in Vegas do not discriminate they will shoot anyone! Vegas is horrible but cops in Nevada in general have & will shoot you if you don’t do what they say that’s a fact. They will not hesitate to shoot you even if your 90 years old and cover it up. MB is lucky to be alive and if he’s smart he will never go back to NV again. My friend was a clean cut White male, well educated and earned 200k Vegas police riddled him with bullets while he was exiting Costco front entrance with dozens of people around him. Even though it was an upscale neighborhood and all the witnessess testified cops just started shooting and the entire city watched the hearings on TV the cops got off scott free!!

              • jujus

                They chased someone who fled what they thought was a gunshot scene. Kenny You really love to discriminate people based on their identities? It doesnt matter if your bill gates, or a homeless dude if you run from the cops they will chase you, regardless of color.

                • Smitty1547

                  I have a Vegas background as well, and everything Fresno said is truth and goes double if it goes down in a casino.

          • Fairlawn

            Protest has to be confrontational, disruptive, to be effective. The forever cry to talk about it somewhere else, sometime else, is really a cry to talk about it never at all. The Seahawks’ other actions over the past year say that’s precisely when they intend to be a part of the conversation.

            • Whinemaker

              I agree with Fairlawn that the point of protest is to make it uncomfortable, otherwise we’re happy to ignore it. I urge people to not assume that we would get serious about this just as soon as Monday morning arrives. That we’d fix it then, after we had our nice bout of escapism. It isn’t true, especially for issues that don’t directly affect our own families. That said, it’s only as uncomfortable as we want to make it.

              When it comes down to it, a player kneeling during the national anthem is directly asking so very little of the fan. It’s the fans’ shrieking Twitter reactions and the endless droning of the pundits and politicians that actually makes it miserable. What has Kaepernik directly done to you? Let him kneel (or sit at home, as the case seems to be now). How can a fan feel so put upon and harassed as many suggest they feel?

              Football is still an escape, even if the whole damn team stands on their heads during the anthem. Let’s toughen up a bit and use this as an opportunity to grow as humans, not be so personally damaged from it.

              • Rob Staton

                I think people are missing the point in the piece.

                This wasn’t supposed to be a commentary on the players kneeling.

                It was a commentary on how everything in life has become overly politicised and how it’s not healthy for anyone.

                But for what it’s worth, while we’re here anyway, it’s amazing how Doug Baldwin achieves so much without needing to protest on a Sunday. I think we could all learn a lot from Doug Baldwin. If you want to term it as ‘waiting until Monday’ — that to me is a little dismissive of the point — well, Baldwin seems to be initiating the change he wants to happen.

                • FresnoHawk

                  Rob it’s a great write up and props for trying to be peace maker. Hopefully hearts will change this summer I’m gonna stay positive until the 1st protest even though Republicans are currently war gaming the complete destruction of the NFL.

                • Kenny Sloth


        • FresnoHawk

          You have your opinions and I have mine! Putting that aside I’m not worried at all about our OL & Running game, with all the size & speed @ WR my gut tells me this years offense could be the best to date. If things go well this summer I’m thinking betting “Over” on the O/U in Vegas for Seahawk games is a winner all season long. Besides betting under always gives me heart burn!

  20. Nem Beselek

    You know, a big part of that “run around for his life, the make a spectacular play” has actually been on DangeRuss. If the new QB coach will tell him “Russ, when the ball is snapped count: one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three. You have to get the ball out of your hands before that little clock in your head reaches to three.”

    I know he has had just about the worst line protection in the league since he first got here. But a lot of the issues have also been on him for the last two to three years. All of this “scramble drill” where he runs around in the backfield till someone gets open 20 yards down field is really poorly coached and poorly implemented football. I really don’t know if the whole “scramble drill” thing was on the coaching staff or just on Russ, but it needed to go. Great emergency play to get out of a jam, terrible basic third down planned play.

    • Hawk Eye

      I agree, Russ needed a new voice in his ear that wasn’t blowing smoke up his @** telling him he is great.
      He can be, but the constant slow starts are not greatness. And he does run himself into trouble at times. Was that a reflexive action after years of bad protection?
      For Russ to get to the Brady, Rodgers level, he needed some changes around him. Familiar and comfortable is not a way to keep growing and learning.
      Let’s hope the o line is better and the running game is greatly improved and Russ is better by having to do less.

    • Hawktalker#1

      I agree. Much better for the team if he just throws the ball away a lot more often when the O-line breaks down or just takes the sack that is definitely heading his way. No need to be a hot-dog out there. Is this where the phrase “take one for the team” should be inserted? I guess this is the down-side of having such an ego-driven showboat QB, right? Doh

  21. Frank

    Great point and I agree 100% that isn’t nice to take a couple hours to enjoy a game, and not focus on more serious matters, life, political, health relationships, whatever else. This is the most respectful and in my opinion should be the most respected blog for sports I’ve ever encountered. I love a good political debate, but to steal a little personal time to unwind is why they play the game, and why we watch it so fervently. Enough telling the English man he’s polite as all hell and greatly appreciate what he’s built here for our pleasure:). I for one am really excited about the upcoming season and the sense of newness and opportunity for the players. The ex players talking crap about the team just seem like jaded ex girlfriends, they didn’t want replaced and as much as we all know it’s a business and they wanted payed, are gonna have some hurt feelers when their ride with the hawks is over. Earl is a drama queen and always has been, he just desperately neeeeeeds the worlds attention and I won’t even begin to argue that he isn’t a HOF player, just that he’s a diva in the same vein as TO without the charm. I don’t think Earl is Earl without Cam putting him in position to make plays. He has a couple years of greatness left in him, it would be a shame to see him throw one of them away over needing attention.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Earl let Kam play like a LB for years.* not the other way around.

      • Ed

        By making everyone afraid to go across the middle, I think Kam also let Earl be Earl. The pressure helped ET and so did Kam.

      • Ed

        Kam intimidated the other teams from throwing short middle. He helped ET as much, if not more, as ET helped him.

  22. Coleslaw

    If you ask me these guys will be our top 4 receivers this year. Add in McEvoy and 1 other (Darboh, Johnson, Stringfellow) and it should be a decent group.

    • j hawk

      I don’t agree about McEvoy…don’t see him making the 53 man. I like your first four plus two of the last three you named. Good comPeteing this year. I am really excited for the new offense this year. Only 32 more days until football.

  23. Coleslaw

    I see one of McEvoy or Marshall making it, need a big guy to block. McEvoy should be more suited to handle it than Marshall at his age. I think Brandon can play his way onto the team but I think it’s McEvoys job to lose

  24. Georgia Hawk

    I’m a little surprised nobody has mentioned the slow starts, both macro and micro, as something they’d like to see. It seems like each game was a microcosm of the season as a whole. First drive of the game was all but assured of a 3 and out, maybe 40 yds total by 2Q. Usually either in a deficit by half or at best the game was far too close for comfort. Come out after half with a little life, but then Russ takes over in the 4th and on we go. Of course there were exceptions to the rule, there always are, but this has basically been the Hawks MO since Pete got here.

    I just want the Offense to drive down the field and put the ball in the EZ on the first drive one freakin time. Is that too much to ask? I’m tired of telling my fan-of-the-opponent-buddy that Im watching the game with, “just wait till half time.”

    Regarding politics in football: I don’t think having players involved with causes is a bad thing; Baldwin has done incredible work up there. Most of these players are in a position of welath, influence, and visibility that is perfectly suited to be the standard bearers for these causes. I do regret that politics has invaded our everyday life, much as Rob said. Sometimes its nice to just have an escape from it all. People make memes about being “triggered” by all these little things, but memes are only funny if there is an element of truth behind it. Walking on eggshells all the time is never good…for anybody.

    Beyond all that, the biggest problem that I see is the utter lack of leadership, from the very top. Where I came from, calling somebody a “SOB” was scrapping words. The players took that one on the chin from the very person who is supposed to be leading this country to a BETTER place than it was given to him. How can America progress if its leader is acting like a child all the time? I’m conservative by nature, generally vote Republican, but this is embarrassing. I can’t blame the player at all for getting involved. I may not agree with the method of their protest, but I don’t begrudge them that right.

    We won’t even talk about the owners decision to just ignore the problem entirely. “Just ignore it and it will go away.” Cause THAT always works.

    • AlaskaHawk

      From my perspective the players need to quit protesting during games. Their reasons of fighting police brutality and shootings of minorities (which don’t even make the paper any more) are good – but the problem is that the message has been twisted and people aren’t listening.

      Basically they need to find a new way to bring attention to their cause. If that involves some other form of protest that annoys you / us outside of a game, so be it. I could make a lot of suggestions = but it is up to the players to decide how they want to protest.

  25. Hawk Eye

    we seem to be getting away from the “no politics” rule, but I have to say, no one has yet called anyone a nasty name. Pretty rare.
    Easy to have strong opinions on politics, and dangerous ground to wade into as it can get nasty in a hurry. I have learnt (very, very slowly) to tread carefully when these topics come up and look for an escape when someone has some extreme opinions that will not be changed by facts.
    Encouraged by what I see as a lot of respect and restraint, as opposed to other football sites that quickly degrade into some real nasty “st*t.

    We need some football to talk about. All we will get for the next month or so is someone getting arrested or suspended. Hopefully those will all be Pats, Rams and 9’rs….

    • Rob Staton

      I was wary or bringing up politics in a piece for the reasons you noted Hawk Eye. I ended up doing it for two reasons — 1. I thought a brief synopsis wouldn’t provoke a mass debate and 2. I feel like the only way to push back against politics dominating every single aspect of our lives is to occasionally speak out. I took a small risk and it’s majorly encouraging that it hasn’t descended into name calling. Further testament to how unique this online community is. Good debate without any of the nonsense that plagues so many other forums and social media sites.

      • BobbyK

        Great point.

        I saw the political rants begin and simply skipped every message. As a public school teacher, I deal with injustices to kids all year long. I hate what so many kids have to go through for various reasons and I spend a good amount of each year trying to help and do what’s right for them. I’m certainly not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I love football, the Seahawks, and this blog because it does bring about a much needed escape from reality.

        • JimQ

          A very easy solution for many could be: Out of sight, Out of mind. Treat the 3 minute anthem time like it was a commercial you don’t like seeing 1000 times, mute it or skip it on tape. It then would be harder to complain. I know, I for one, do this on a regular basis, I don’t want to watch any silly commercials, I’m there to watch the football game. Perhaps, if I were at a live game I’d feel differently because I would most certainly be standing at attention with the proper respect.

          I never stand in front of TV’s during the anthem, (and sometimes I might actually be kneeling, even if just due to my back pain) but them I’m old & handicapped (and also a veteran) when I watch the anthem on TV. I have to wonder, do any of y’all stand at attention in front of your TV’s? That may seem an odd question, but Trump is IMO, exasperating the political aspects to the point that maybe he thinks (in his great wisdom) we all should be deported if we don’t stand for the anthem, even in front of TV’s at home or in sports bars? This stuff just needs to go away sooner rather than later….

          • Ed

            The problem isn’t black and white. It’s the poor. And for those that say it wasn’t about the flag, the first thing CK said was he wouldn’t stand for a flag that oppressed people of color.

            DT definitely went extreme with that comment. But, my family stands for the anthem on TV. I want it all to go away. Let football be football, it’s a great escape.

    • Georgia Hawk

      +100! it is so refreshing to have a cultured discussion on something without all the “shouting.”

      Kudos to Rob for cultivating that type of environment here. If we ever cross paths, I owe you a beer for giving me a blog like this.

      • FresnoHawk

        Rob it’s encouraging and your doing a great job judging what your community can handle and when they are ready to engage certain things.

  26. AlaskaHawk

    I just wanted to point out to some earlier posters who say “Seahawks have to get back to the running game” that they never left the running game. They stubbornly ran the ball last season even when the running game wasn’t working at all. So I’m in favor of improving the running game because PC will not be altering his game plan whether the run works or not.

  27. BobbyK

    While I am concerned about the pass rush in 2018 (Avril, Bennett, Richardson) – I’m not as worried for a few reasons…

    1. I don’t see Avril being retired as a negative from 2017 to 2018. Think about it – it’s not like he played in 2017. He got hurt in game four (had 1 sack through 4 games; on pace for a 4 sack season) and missed the last 12 games. The last time Avril really played well was the 2016 season.

    2. What’s the difference between a player who does nothing each game vs. a player who will have a 5-yard sack AND a 5-yard penalty each game? Obviously, there is more to it than that, but fact of the matter is that Bennett was the most heavily penalized defensive player in the NFL last year. How many times was he lined up offsides on a third down or lined up in the neutral zone? He was offsides 10 times last year and twice had neutral zone infractions (among other penalties).

    3. Sheldon Richardson had 1 sack last year.

    *There’s more to stats than sacks because the semi-consistent push/pressure from Bennett and Richardson had will be missed.

  28. FresnoHawk

    Rob are you aware of other blogs for other NFL teams? If yes please provide links.

    • Rob Staton

      I’m not, although I haven’t really looked

      • Greg Haugsven


        • Hawktalker#1

          Why all the testing?

          • CharlieTheUnicorn

            “Attention: This is a test of the emergency Seahawks Fan system, this is only a test.”

      • FresnoHawk

        Tempted to take a looksee but I don’t trust myself not to comment and bring a bunch of Trolls back here so I’ll chalk it as another bad idea.

  29. Largent80

    I’m hoping that we get more inside pass rush this year and I actually think it’s going to happen. Jones flashed pretty well and can only get better. Reed is going to be a load this year and getting Johnson was pretty good from Minny. Also if Jefferson can remain upright we might have a decent rotation….Oh and don’t forget about Poona Ford !!!!!

  30. Greg Haugsven


  31. Greg Haugsven


    • Hawk Eye

      Greg, I hope you pass the test.

  32. LouieLouie

    Hey Rob:
    Now for football. If the O-line becomes halfway decent, the team will be able to absorb all of the high visibility losses pretty well. If the O-line can run block and pass protect, the offense will hardly notice any of their losses. If the Hawk’s offense can sustain drives and keep the defense off the field, that will help the defense immensely to absorb their lost pro-bowlers. The key is the O-line (and injuries).

  33. SheHawk

    Thanks Rob for another insightful piece. Like BobbyK,I skip posts that bring in politics. The real world can wait while we discuss football.
    The last 2 years I’ve really gotten into the Mariners. Love them and follow them daily! I believe in the Ms team and the “team first – culture” Scott Servais built. After the drama surrounding Hawks it’s been really refreshing. They remind me of 2012-2013 Seahawks before politics and egos exploded.

    Huge style difference between Pete and Servais…yet Scott also masterful at getting outstanding performances from young players. He is such a chill guy and excellent skipper.

    Baseball has managed to keep politics out of the game. Hope Seahawks share the spotlight this fall with Playoff baseball !🙌

    Trying to pick a mariner for my Jersey. There is no 12 – general fan. “24 Griffey is classic and saw him play but I want a current player….. leaning towards Diaz, Gordon or Segura.
    Any SDB thoughts?

    • Darnell

      General rule of buying a jersey as an adult – do not wear the jersey of someone who is younger than you. So Griffey might be okay, HOFers are generally safe bet.

    • Elmer

      Why not Edgar? He’s a current Mariner (coach) and likely will be in the HOF.

  34. SheHawk

    Thanks Rob for another insightful piece. Like BobbyK,I skip posts that bring in politics. The real world can wait while we discuss football.
    The last 2 years I’ve really gotten into the Mariners. Love them and follow them daily! I believe in the Ms team and the “team first – culture” Scott Servais built. After the drama surrounding Hawks it’s been really refreshing. They remind me of 2012-2013 Seahawks before politics and egos exploded.

    Huge style difference between Pete and Servais…yet Scott also masterful at getting outstanding performances from young players. He is such a chill guy and excellent skipper.

    Baseball has managed to keep politics out of the game. Hope Seahawks share the spotlight this fall with Playoff baseball !🙌

    Trying to pick a mariner for my Jersey. There is no 12 – general fan. “24 Griffey is classic and saw him play but I want a current player….. leaning towards Diaz, Gordon, Cruz or Segura.
    Any SDB thoughts?

    • Coleslaw

      Gordon and Segura will be our 2B and SS of the future. And Gordon is an excellent CF as well if we keep Cano.

      Personally I’d go for Gordon, hes such a beast.. I actually have my fingers crossed so hard they’re bruised for a Cano trade making Gordon our 2B now, while we add legit talent elsewhere on the roster. Unload Cano’s massive contract, too. You don’t want to be on the hook for 5 years of bad Cano at top dollar

    • McZ

      The M’s are really a team effort, with few players consistently standing out. Jean Segura or Big Maple would be good choices.

      Brings me to the point, where all those armchair coaches mocked Jerry Dipoto for doing lot’s of trades the last two years, without catching up any really big name. A very schneideresque thing to do, and here we are, a team with a really good defense, improved slugging and a solid if not fancy starting rotation.

  35. Hawk Eye

    Tyler Hilinski autopsy reveals he had CTE and the brain of a 65 year old. Kid was only 21
    My kids are not playing football. The high school football coach is going to be unhappy when my 12 year old gets there in 2 years, but the track coach will be happy.
    Not sure this is a problem that will be solved

    • AlaskaHawk

      A wise decision. I used to have a buddy whose knee would pop out because of a football injury. We were both 14 at the time. He loved to play and was small and fast, just got tackled hard one to many times.

    • Gohawks5151

      Uggh… I hate hearing this. Granted i have skin in the game i guess. I am a high school coach. Two things:

      1) I find the whole report confusing. He has a 65 year old brain, then some degree of CTE, then mom says that she doesn’t think football killed her son. This is such a layered debate. Concussions are a hot button topic and early in the report when it was just some degree of CTE it really underscores the point that this is just as much a mental health issue. Apart from football it is possible to be very successful and talented, and very unhappy at the same time. Look at the music world. In the interview they talk about his attitude changing after a loss to Arizona. You can make just as convincing a case for CTE and mental illness to describe this. As a new dad it is concerning. But CTE research is new and football is the only sport under the micro scope currently. It would be interesting to see stats from every contact sport and see the degree of CTE for all.

      2) Football really is safer than at any time in history. Awareness has really changed the game and how it is taught. At our school we have moved to a Seahawk rugby style tackling. There are less contact days and no doubles. Coaches are certified on tackling and concussion recognition. When the helmet technology progresses to the point of mass production and distribution the game will also benefit. This is a violent game and the players are getting bigger and faster. However there are many dangerous activities and occupations where proper technique and job training make all the difference. I think that is what we are seeing here.

      I know i seem triggered but i really feel the game is changing for the better, however slow.

      • H

        I think you nake some very nice points in defence of the game.
        To speak on your point about other contact sports, over here in England Rugby has come under some fire, even some talk of banning it from schools. Even Football (soccer) has had to answer questions with regards to heading (although thats really more of a concern for older players dealing with the long term effects of heading those leather balls.
        However it faces no where near the scrutiny that Football has been getting lately

        • AlaskaHawk

          I’ve seen some hard head hits in soccer. One kid was really going after the soccer ball, jumping into other players while the ball was in the air and knocking heads, and other kids were knocked to the ground in concussion mode. The amateur ref refused to card him – even though all the parents were screaming. It was only after the third hard head to head collision that he finally warned the player.

      • H

        Damn pressed send by mistake…
        Anyway Rugby doesnt have the same issues almost entirely because the tackling technique is significantly safer. The biggest thing this sport could do is introduce this kind of tackling by law. Not sure what can be done about LOS play though.

  36. Hawk Eye

    Yikes, off season starting bad for the Giants

    Per law enforcement sources, police are investigating a possible strangulation/suffocation as the cause of death in the case of the body found at Giants CB Janoris Jenkins’ home.

  37. Hawk Eye

    Danielle Hunter signs 5 years 72 million extension with Vikings.
    his stats are a little better than Frank Clark, and no pre-draft baggage, but I think Clark will use that as his baseline. If I were the Hawks I would use that as the ceiling

  38. Kenny Sloth

    Russia toppled Spain, Argentina, Portugal, and Germany are out

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