Instant reaction: Impressive Seahawks win handsomely

Run the ball, stop the run, make explosive plays, create turnovers, win the field position battle.

Complete the circle. Play Seahawks football.

That’s the Pete Carroll way.

The Seahawks have found themselves again.

It’s been a few years. But here they are. Doing everything they want to do and more.

They ran for 176 yards and held Detroit to 34. They shut down Kerryon Johnson and took away Detroit’s ability to run. Johnson joins Ezekiel Elliott, David Johnson, Todd Gurley and Marshawn Lynch on Seattle’s hit list. All were limited.

Russell Wilson was efficient yet explosive. The perfect point guard. And yet again he was well protected by a fierce offensive line that continues to excel as one of the NFL’s best.

The Seahawks forced three turnovers and will likely end the week leading the league in takeaways.

They dominated time of possession (34:55 vs 25:05) and controlled the game.

Whenever they needed a play, someone stepped up and made one. This group is playing with energy. They’re physical. They’re the bully again. It’s taken years but they’re back. The bullies are back.

We’re also seeing new stars emerge. Frank Clark had another sack, Jarran Reed continues to play at an exceptional level, Chris Carson and David Moore are showing star quality as two former seventh round picks, the entire O-line set the tone (and there isn’t a weak link) and Tyler Lockett scores every week.

We’re even seeing gradual improvement in some of the weaker areas of the team. Take the pass rush. Players like Jacob Martin are stepping up. Dion Jordan had some good snaps today.

They look like a contender for the playoffs. And they’re playing a brand of football that wins in the post-season.

Yes they face a gauntlet of top-tier quarterbacks in the coming weeks. Yes we’ll learn a lot about this team in November. This was a big test too and the Seahawks answered. They didn’t just beat Detroit. They dominated them — on the road, in a 10am game, against a good QB and a team that has already beaten New England and Green Bay at home.

Pete Carroll is doing it again. I’m happy to admit after a disappointing 0-2 start I wondered where this team was going. They weren’t doing any of the things they set out to achieve.

The Dallas game was a turning point. Now they’re growing with every passing week. Can they carry this on? They’re 4-1 in their last five and the only loss was the back-and-forth contest with the brilliant Rams. Nobody is going to look forward to a game against this version of the Seahawks. They’ll be competitive as long as they stay relatively healthy.

And for all those who doubt the method or call it outdated. How can you call this a bad way to try and play the game? Is there a better way to watch a team win than what we witnessed today? Especially on the road?

The Seahawks look like the Seahawks now.

Not bad for the ‘Titanic’.

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  1. Volume12

    Inject that game directly into my veins! Just about a flawless effort by the Hawks except for that 2nd feeder from Stafford.

    Christopher Carson is a top 10 back in this league right now. Ain’t no one gonna tell me otherwise.

    I’m loving the breakout season of WR David Moore. And the reemergence of Tyler Lockett. Always knew he was that deal this off-season.

    Jacob Martin is gonna be a good one ya’ll. Having KJ back is huge. Can’t stress how important he is to this D.

    I said it a few weeks ago. Seattle was missing that leader on the O-line since Max Unger. They one in JR Sweezy.

    The return of ‘Big balls Pete’ was refreshing to see with that fake punt call.

    Next week is a must win against a Chargers team that’s rolling and always given us troubles. After that it’s the Rams/Goff, Pack/A-Rod, Panthers/Cam.

    • Rob Staton

      Don’t think it was a fake punt. Think it was a play to kill some clock then take a safety (as we’ve seen them do a couple of times in the past). Dickson made a call to run for it and it was a gamble — but he executed brilliantly.

      • teejmo

        That’s what both Dickson and Carroll said. In Carroll’s words, “That was a really terrific competitor seeing the moment and seizing it.

      • Volume12

        Ahhh. I stand corrected. Thought it was some misdirection. Making it look like he was rolling out to take the safety.

      • Volume12

        Hahaha! This is terrific.

      • LouieLouie

        That may be true, but PLEASE Pete, don’t try that again so deep in our territory.

        • john_s

          That’s the whole concept of the play.

          The punter runs around to kill some time and then runs out of bounds and takes the safety. This makes the other team play with a longer field and hopefully kills the click while Seattle is still up two scores.

          Baltimore did it in the Super Bowl and the Pats have done something similar, but the snapper just snapped it out of the end of the endzone.

  2. Ben

    I’m still laughing about Michael Dickson

  3. Mark

    Fantastic win. For me, the moment that stood out was the pick by Coleman. After going the-and-out, the Lions got bailed out by what looked like a poor pass interference penalty. A Detroit touchdown could have made for an uncomfortable finish. The defense really showed their mettle. Good teams find a way to close out games on the road. The Seahawks are developing that culture. I love what I’m seeing.

  4. Donovan

    “The bullies are back.” Yes, indeed!

  5. GerryG

    Huge win.

    The big two mistakes Seattle D made me realize how good they played the rest of the game. That was good O that will make you pay if you don’t do everything right. Their RB is good, WRs very good, with a very good QB. They shut them down most of the game. Pass rush was pretty good.

    • RugbyLock

      What mistakes were those?

      • Magmatizer

        I would guess GerryG means: (1) The first Lions TD where Tedric sunk down and didn’t follow Marvin Jones upfield to defend the deep ball; (2) The second TD to Jones where Shaquill passed off to Delano’s deep zone and he didn’t play with the needed depth either (understandable since he had just come in for McDougald).

        • GerryG

          Exactly. Pete said they were playing 2-deep on both those, which they don’t do that often. They let someone get behind them and Stafford made them pay.

          To me, that shows the Lions were capable of exploiting mistakes, but those were really the only two to exploit. The rest of the coverage was really good, most of the tackling was really good, and the run D was great making Detroit one dimensional.

  6. Elmer


    Sounds like Jacksonville were not good guests at all in London. An embarrassment.

    There has been a lot written blaming Bortles for Jacksonville’s struggles this year. Maybe that isn’t the whole story. Perhaps the coaches have lost control of the team, witness the behavior in London. Maybe?

    • Rob Staton

      I think they believed their own hype. Got too big for their boots after one decent year.

      Crashing down now.

      • drewdawg11

        Don’t underestimate the loss of Fournette. He gave that team some serious attitude on offense. He’s been MIA this season.

        • Rob Staton


          Big loss for them.

        • FresnoHawk

          Like the Seahawks they have to “beat up” their opponents how can the defense do that when they’re playing so many defensive plays they’re gassed, so tired they can’t think straight.

  7. Trevor

    If you were to describe the perfect win for a Pete Carrol Seahawks team that would have to be it. Loves it! You nailed it Rob the bullies are back and no team will want to face this team.

    The best part is the team is playing with passion and now of the off field drama of recent years with Sherm, Bennett and Earl etc. This defense lost 6 pro bowlers (Kam, Sherm, Earl, Bennett, Avril and Richardson) and despite national media predicting its demise is playing faster and better than they have in years.

    Please extend Reed and Clark now JS. This defense is so young on the backend with Mcdouglad as the young leader of a bunch of pups in Griffin, Thompson, Coleman and Flowers. They should only get better and better. Has any coach in the history of the NFL ever done a better job in developing secondary players than Pete?

    A stud pass rusher in Rd # 1 this draft and this defense could be ridiculously good next year.

    • Volume12

      They don’t have as many needs as some would have everyone beleive.

      A couple D-lineman, some depth at DB, another weapon/depth on offense, K, possibly backup QB depending on what happens with Hundley. And 1-2 areas of concern will be addressed in FA.

      We know they like to have 7-8 picks, but I’m not 100% sure they need it this year with how well they clean up on day 3 and UDFA. I mean, Moore and Christopher from the same class, both in round 7?!? And don’t look now, but Jacob Martin might be the next one.

      • Trevor

        Agree completely about Martin. He looks like he could develop into the solid 5-6 sack a year rotational giu I was hoping Cassius Marsh was going to be.

      • FresnoHawk

        I agree Hawks do not have a lot of holes they need the players that they have to play to their potential. Will not be surprised if we bring almost everyone back. Looks like Frank Clark will shop his skills and take the best offer, hard to imagine anything else after his agent’s comments & spending so much time with ex Seahawk DLineman. Wondering how much is too much for the Seahawks?

        • Hawk Eye

          either he signs with Seattle or they franchise him. They are not letting him go

          • C-Dog

            Yeah, I don’t see them letting him go. I think their big free agent splash with be extending him.

            • FresnoHawk

              We could bring the entire offense back = drafts needs of FB & WR prospects. Franchising Clark works out great gives us more time with Green & Martin. We should still add a DE in the 1st 3 rounds to fill Brandon Jackson’s spot. Coleman is the wild card how hard is it to get a starting slot guy in the draft? I’d like us to draft DT & DE with our 1st 2 picks or 2 DT’s. Could our 1st 2 picks be DT & WR or DT & CB?

    • Kenny Sloth

      Lets not get ahead of ourselves.

      The Rams want every piece of us they can get

      • FresnoHawk

        Lets see if Gurley can take them wire to wire. We know RW can do it.

    • Bill Bobaggins

      You know what’s really interesting about the drama guys being gone and their napalming of the bridge while walking away? We haven’t heard a word about that garbage from Kam. And even more, he’s been on the sidelines for these games (even the away ones). We had always heard that he was the alpha male, the leader of the LOB…and now he’s continuing to show true leadership by remaining incredibly faithful to a team that took a shot on him.

      It’s unfortunate that Sherm and ET “went out” the way that they did. I’ll guess that, with age and maturity, they’ll regret their actions and words. Kam will be the one remembered beyond them for the way he approaches life after LOB.

      • DC

        Avril too. Dude was top notch.


    Seems like “the Titanic” turned out to be the former players’ intensity and focus.

    • Rob Staton

      They never realised they were part of the problem.

      Now they get to sit on one win teams looking on.

      • RugbyLock

        Did Sherm call the Hawks the Titanic?

        • Rob Staton

          Apparently it was a name given to the team by many of the veterans (some of which have now departed).

          Sherman was clearly the main source for that hit piece. Karma’s a pain sometimes. 1-7.

          • FresnoHawk

            Passing baton of top CB in the league screwing up their own team. Baton is now in Jacksonville! They’re wannabe Deon Sanders without the talent.

            • Kemoarps

              Ehh… I think that’s a little harsh. He may have caused trouble with his attitude , but the Deon Sanders bit just doesn’t track, on two fronts:
              1. While Deon may have been great in coverage, he was notoriously averse to tackling, and one of Sherm’s greatest (and most overlooked) attributes aside from his stickiness in coverage was (is?) his willingness and ability as one of the best run support DBs in the league,
              2: ‘without the talent…’ Sherm has been the best CB in the league for the better part of a decade, and is inarguably one of the best of this generation, and a probable HoFer when it’s all said and done. Saying he doesn’t have the talent is simply not being truthful.

  9. Trevor

    If Fluker is not out and Sweezy started the first 2 games then I truly believe the Hawks would be 5-1. The Broncos have an awful run D and this Hawks team would run it down their throats for 200yds +.

    The impact those two and Solari have made on the O-line is mind blowing. The OL looks amazing right now I’m pas bluing and run blocking.

    Also let’s give some props to Ifedi who is playing with confidence and looks like a 1st round RT. He looks like a new man next to Fluker and it is so nice to see.

    • Rob Staton

      Ifedi looks great.

      • FresnoHawk

        If Ifeldi keeps it up he could make the ProBowl. Lol! HA! “Choke on your chicken” doubters. A little advice do yourselves a favor and jump off the Penny doubting bandwagon cause Seahawks got the MOJO now. “Fierce Offensive line” How do you like them apples?

        • Bluenlime

          What’s your thoughts on Tre flowers, do you see him as a serviceable browner, shead or Maxwell type or he’s a player who’s going to make he’s own name out here to the likes of sherman? Usually when we dont hear much about a corner he’s doing good right?

          • LLLOGOSSS

            Honestly, I see him as sort of a Maxwell type, not a Sherman. It’s asking a lot to ask him to ascend that high — the difference I think is ball-skills and positional awareness. As a box safety he never had to develop either of those things so he’s way behind there, and likely will be for some time. He’s focused on not giving anything up — that’s different than making plays. Now, the traits are there, and he’s certainly been assignment correct, which will allow him to expand his game as he gets more comfortable, and he’s going to contest catches (like a Shead) and punch some balls out (Maxwell). My guess is his ceiling is a Pro Bowl or two if he really comes on in a couple years, and I’m more than happy with that.

            • FresnoHawk

              Flowers has tipped so many passes, he’s a little stiff (not as bad as WR Moore), great tackler way more thump than Sherman, locking down sidelines year 1, faster than Sherman and he’s durable. He’s still learning how to play CB Sherman played CB in college. With his height & length most CB’s that big cant hang with speedy NFL WR’s but as ugly as it looks sometimes Flowers is successful. Eventually the game is going to slow down for Flowers and he’ll know what the WR’s are gonna do before they do it.

          • FresnoHawk

            I see him as the next great CB in the league because he has a LB mentality against the run,speed, and he’s always tipping passes year 1. I think Griffith & Flowers will be the best duo in the league possibly best ever!

        • Kenny Sloth

          I said three years ago that he would make the pro bowl in year three or I’d print eat the tweet

  10. Bob Johnston

    Ben Baldwin says “But muh data…”.

    • Rob Staton

      Tough stretch for the anti-run brigade.

      • mishima

        Run / pass ratios (est.):

        40% run / 60% pass: 0 – 2

        60% run / 40% pass: 4 -1

        Go figure.

      • Bob Johnston

        I think the thing the anti-run brigade doesn’t take into account is that all teams are different, perhaps the evidence does show that running successfully overall doesn’t matter but when a team’s identity is built upon it like it is the Seahawks then it becomes hugely important.

        The reaction to the Schottenheimer quote from the preseason that led all the pundits to say that the Hawks were simply going to run up the middle regardless of 8 men in the box was just stupid – PC doesn’t have the record he does without knowing a thing or two about running a successful offense. The past couple seasons the Hawks were totally a passing team and too many times they got their butts handed to them because they weren’t good at smashmouth and weren’t good at finesse. Like you said in the article, they want to be bullies and being good at running gives them the confidence to do just that.

        Analytics are fine, I just think you shouldn’t base your team identity on them. You want to know what play to call on 3rd and short, sure… use analytics. But if want to establish an identity for your team and get good enough at running to be able to say “We’re able to run on you any time we want” then that’s a mindset that comes through experience.

        • Rob Staton

          The point you make about all teams being different is a pertinent one. Your personnel, talent and ability to execute is the key, not necessarily the vision or philosophy. It’s no good saying you want to play a certain style if you have a roster full of people incapable of executing that style. The Seahawks appear to have a philosophy that matches their personnel currently. They are executing and they are winning. That’s a cause for celebration.

          • LouieLouie

            Rob: You may be putting the cart before the horse. I think Carroll and the Schneid have brought in people that fit their philosophy. They tweak things here and there, but I think it is no accident that the philosophy and the personnel fit. Also, later round draft picks that produce way above their draft spot is another uncanny, but consistent characteristic of Carroll and Schneider.

            • Rob Staton

              I wasn’t implying Carroll has worked a philosophy around the players. When you’ve been the man in charge for eight years you’re not inheriting anything. Plus he’s made it clear what he consistently wants to do. My point is simply that not every team can win in the same way. And this style suits this group.

              • Mark Souza

                I like this brand of ball. It’s perfectly suited to the personnel on this team. We don’t have the right talent to be a pass predominate team (as witnessed by the first two games). Other than Brown, our line does not excel at pass blocking. But goodness, how they can dominate run blocking. And when a team has to respect the run, and the Hawks pick there spots to pass, the line does just fine. But the run is the key. It also wins the time of possession battle. And when you do that like we did this weekend, the opponent has to be almost perfect when they get the ball because they won’t get it that many times in a game. Keep the chains moving, Hawks, and keep bruising your opponents.

        • IHF

          The thing the anti-run brigade doesn’t take into account is the fact that sports are played by people and not numbers on a spreadsheet.

    • Volume12

      As if Pete Carroll ever gave a sh** about analytics.

      That dude is a geek.

      • Rob Staton

        I do think Carroll is appreciative of analytics. At least the ones he thinks are worth consideration.

        The issue isn’t analytics. It never has been.

        The issue is the nature of the discussion and the unwillingness from some people to talk about anything else.

        • Trevor

          Agree completely! Analytics are a must in today’s professional sports world. They are valuable and have a place but they are limited in that they can not calculate things like heart, spirtit, toughness and momentum etc.

          The thing the anti run gang seem to miss is that football is still a tough physical game and when one team can impose its dominance physically in the run game it carries over into other aspects of the team. That is why the defense loved Beast Mode and now look so agressive again. When the offense is tonight the defense tends to play tougher.

          Can you think of a finesse high powered offensive team that had a tough smash mouth defense? Most teams that have had great defenders have had great run games (Bears with Walter Payton, Ravens with Jamal Lewis, Steelers with Bettis, Hawks with Beastmode etc.) This is not a coincidence but cannot really be measured by analytics.

          • Rob Staton

            The anti-run stuff presents an interesting hypothesis. I’ve said that all along. It’s a conversation worth having and debating.

            It just doesn’t need to be had every day, never ending. To some it’s become their purpose. Debating this topic is what they’re known for. It’s their favourite toy. It’s made what should’ve been a reasonable and interesting discussion a tiresome and often frustrating chore.

            Not every team is built the same. A certain style or approach is still dependant on your personnel, talent and ability to execute. That’s often a lost point in these anti-run discussions. The Seahawks are clearly suited in their current guise to this style of offense. We should embrace and enjoy that.

  11. Uncle Bob

    This can be the kind of game that gives the entire team another boost in confidence. The idea of team and scheme shows you don’t need to have stars at all positions……….just guys who work well together within the talent they possess. That coupled with better coaching than I anticipated is building a team to be reckoned with. The next 4 games will hopefully put proof to that wish. My expectations aren’t high, but I’ll certainly be a believer if they emerge into December on a winning record.

    This team still doesn’t get the respect it’s earned so far, achieving above expectations. After a convincing win today they likely still won’t from the national talking heads with few exceptions, but the Vegas odds makers will be more circumspect. But who really cares about those guys as long as the team continues to grow and perform.

    Ball for Paul.

    • LouieLouie

      If they can go 3 -1 for the next four games, the “experts” will have to take notice.

  12. Aaron

    They’re finally playing the brand of football Pete Carroll loves, physical physical physical! The bullies are back baby! Such a fun group to watch. We ain’t afraid of nobody and I pity the fools who play us the rest of the season. We gonna hit you and you gonna feel it long after the clock hits 0:00. Go Hawks!!!

    • FresnoHawk

      The Seahawks are also usually the biggest team off the bus. Physical, big, fast, unpredictable, and aggressive. One big advantage we have over everyone in the play offs is that we can run on every single 3rd & 4th & short and defenses will have to defend the pass because we have thrown it so many times in the past. That’s one way we can turn all those idiotic passing plays into winners for us in 2019 & 2020.

  13. C-Dog

    Perfect Pete Carroll Seattle Seahawks win.

    Russell Wilson, Chris Carson, David Moore, DJ Fluker, JR Sweezy, Frank Clark, Jarran Reed, Bradley McDougald, Bobby Wagner = studs. Stud football players. Flat out studs.


    • Rob Staton



    • Bluenlime

      As usual KJ is forgotten. Defense looked different with him in there.

      • C-Dog

        KJ is great, one of m favs, but those young fresh faces on the D have been balling without him. KJ is a big time bonus.

        Another big time bonus is if they end up getting Mychal Kendrick back, which there are some vibes out there that they might. Seattle could end up ridiculously deep at linebacker.

      • Tecmo Bowl

        Agreed KJ made a big difference. Ive been of the mind that he’s gone after this season. Now not so sure.

        • GerryG

          Love KJ, he was great yesterday. I still think he is probably gone next year. They need to lock up their OL, pay Franck, sign a FA edge, pay RW.

  14. Rob Staton


    How about 1-7 in Santa Clara.

    • H

      Haha nah bro, its kumbaya Carrol thats lost his way 😛

  15. Sean-O

    Terrific win today! Love how PC basically gives the middle finger to the pundits who say you have to play a certain way to win in today’s NFL.

    Rob – Do you anticipate the Hawks making a move at the deadline? On one of the morning shows, one of the insiders listed Bruce Irvin as someone on the block. I can’t imagine the price would be too high. Teams could always use more pass rushers.

    • Rob Staton

      With only four draft picks in 2019 I think it’s virtually impossible for the Seahawks to make a trade.

  16. Matt

    This feels like 2012. We are definitely a few pieces away but the attitude is there. We are the team nobody wants to play and I absolutely freaking love it. I absolutely love this group of guys.

    Fluker has been a revelation and I think has completely set the tone on the OL.
    Carson is phenomenal. An absolute tone setter.
    David Moore…legitimately looks like he can become a true #1 WR in the next year. We really haven’t had that. Size, speed…he’s the total package. *Also just comes across as a great dude.
    Tre Flowers? Um…how is it even possible that he is this good, this early?
    Frank Clark has turned into a leader. I know there are still fans who hate him for the incident in college, but the young man has matured into a great leader. He needs to be retained.
    Jarran Reed has graduated from bad ass run stuffer to a total threat at DT. Another one to retain.
    Pete Carroll looks like he is completely rejuvenated.
    Russell Wilson in this formula…nobody better.

  17. FresnoHawk

    Moore & Carson looked stiff last year but flashed. This year they are no longer stiffs love watching the progression. Penny this year can’t stay on his feet, next year watch out!

  18. Matt

    Wait.. does this mean we’re not trading Russ and firing Pete?

    • Rob Staton

      Nope… and we’re running the ball too and everything. And it still matters.

  19. Trevor

    David Moore is a stud. No wonder PC/JS made certain to not loose him off the PS last year. I would love to see what he can do as a returner. He is still super raw and need to learn how to run better routes but he is a playmaker. Reminds me of a slightly bigger and faster version of Golden Tate. He is one of the most pleasant supries for me this year. He can be a legit top 3 WR and is a bigger guy to go with Baldwin and Locket. I think he is why they were so willing to let PRich walk.

    Still early but Moore and Carson have a chance to be the best 7th round draft any team has had in a while.

    • FresnoHawk

      I was sick when he didn’t make the 53 after camp last year, relieved when he was added to practice squad, and when he was promoted to the 53 I knew I was right Schneider was playing Russian Roulette with him. Speed & Strength attracted me to Moore as I witnessed great catching ability & radius from our practice squad prospects I figured there was no way Moore would not learn how to do those things in the Seahawk system.

  20. Seahawcrates

    So impressed with Russell today. He threw lasers and lofters and trusted his receivers to make plays- and they did. He looked so shaken in the first two games and now he is just stirring.
    Special teams is so improved. Like the old days the young starters are playing there. TT’s stick on the kick return turned a game that was looking like a see-saw to a Seahawk catapult.
    My wife said she has never seen Pete look so happy on the sidelines. I think she is right. This stretch has been Pete’s revalidation.
    And oh boy Chris Carson has a seriously beautiful jump cut. Loved the way he planted that DB in the turf on that touchdown too!

    • Tecmo Bowl

      “So impressed with Russell today. He threw lasers and lofters and trusted his receivers to make plays- and they did.”


    • Kemoarps

      I don’t know if I’d call it a catapult… maybe more of a trebuchet! 😛

  21. Trevor

    I know there are a lot of great options in this draft class for front 7 but he guy I want to see most in a Hawks uni is Christian Wilkins. I have been banging the drum on him for a while and despite the fact that his stock with the National media has slipped. I think he would be the perfect fit in our defense. He can be a 3 down 3 Tech and be exactly what PC/JS hoped to get in Sheldon Richardson. He is said to be an incredible leader and locker room guy and ticks all the boxes IMO.

    I really like Polite and Burns as speed rusher guys and Ferrell as a traditional DE but all will go before Hawks pick I think.

    Extend Clark, Reed and sign Jordan to another short deal and the DL could be scary next year as Green and Martin develop.

    DT – Reed, Stephan, Wilkins, Ford, Jones
    DE – Clark, Green, Jordan, Martin, Jefferson, Jackson

    That is a really young, talented and aggressive group

    • Rob Staton

      Wilkins will be long gone when Seattle picks IMO.

      He’ll go before Polite and Burns.

      • zxvo3

        I think Polite could fall to us. He would be a great fit

        • Rob Staton

          It’s more likely than Wilkins IMO.

          Especially because I’d expect Wilkins to have an outstanding combine.

  22. Eburgz

    Funny how quickly perspectives can change. After the Arizona game I came here and read about 100 negative comments about this same team. Glad you guys don’t want to talk about tanking and trading our best players this week. This was my take 25 days ago when the sky was falling.

    “I honestly don’t get all the doom and gloom. Losing Earl is HUGE, but we were prepared to play without him before the season started. Let’s see what T2 can do. If wright comes back soon the Kendrick’s injury isn’t a huge blow. You all realize we just won a road game against a division rival and this is the reaction. These ugly wins aren’t new, especially on the road. The Cardinals have good players on their roster and they were desperate for a win, this wasn’t some JV team. Some people are the biggest negative Nancy’s and yet their expectations are still through the roof.

    We are finally running the ball again. Our big uglys are playing well up front. The defense has been surprisingly good considering all the young guys and turnover. It seems like our greatest weakness has been qb play (drops and guys not getting open doesn’t help), luckily our qb is the best player on the team and we know he is at least capable of playing at an MVP level (as recently as last season). Russ is learning a new system for the first time in his career, give him a little time to get adjusted, hopefully there isn’t something physically wrong with the guy. . Remember Matt Ryan’s first year with Kyle Shanahan? It can take some time. I’m stoked on the OL (fluker has been a game changer) run game and young overperforming defense. Only a matter of time before Wilson starts balling.”

    • Rob Staton

      I understand why people were very frustrated after the Arizona game and concerned. Think it’s unfair to come on now and start challenging people because they didn’t share a similar level of optimism.

      • Eburgz

        I don’t think I meant it to come off as challenge (def wasn’t going for I’m right you were wrong blah blah blah).

        I do wish hawks fans had a little more faith in the regime, especially after a win against a division rival. I liked what I was seeing from the team aside from qb play. Qb play has improved (as could be expected considering who our qb is). I suppose I have more fun being hopeful and optimistic than trying to act like I know better than Pete Carroll. (I don’t think rob thinks he knows better than Pete, really appreciate his perspective/analysis). Also observing how quickly things can change (Or feel like they have changed) in the NFL.

    • Chris

      An interesting comment in your post. ‘Losing Earl is HUGE’.

      At the time did we think that our D was likely to struggle more or flourish? With all the hype and hysteria around him and his ‘hold in’ etc, was the ET3 situation actually more of a hinderence to this team and locker room than we thought? No doubting his skill and ability and he’s been a favourite of mine since he first pulled on the jersey, but ironically has his injury allowed the rest of the guys to step out of the shadow and perform instead of it being all about #29?


        Of course. The last strand of baggage has been severed and now this locker room is free to create its own identity. Love Earl, Sherm, the Legion of Boom era, it was better than amazing. But it was holding the team back. T2 is still not Earl and never will be, but I’m glad we’ve transitioned.

      • Eburgz

        I think we are a better team with Earl playing. “Team chemistry” or whatever be damned. Luckily there hasn’t been a huge drop off with Tedric playing well. I feel like the secondary is a tighter group without earl there but losing earl is a net negative considering how good he is.

    • AlaskaHawk

      It’s all about the eye test. Do they look like a good team? At the beginning of the season they looked like a bottom third team, raggedy and disjointed, giving up lots of sacks. With the dominant performance against Detroit they look much better, perhaps even on the edge of top 10. I like the change = go Hawks!

    • GerryG

      While many of reactions were over the top, and reports of the demise premature, it’s not like they came from nowhere.

      There was a string of bad drafts, a catastrophic end to 2017, the loss of 6 pro bowlers, years of an inept rushing attack. Then the first 4 games of this season looked to be more of the same. They had the worst/ugliest win ever against AZ (and that is saying a lot). Things did look pretty.

      I was wrong. I can admit that. Looking forward to seeing continued improvement! 🙂

  23. Mac

    I never understand the anti-run folk. You should never be anti-run or anti-pass at any level of football. The truth is, if you can put yourself in a position to dictate both lines of scrimmage, you will control the clock. Whether it is in college ball or the pros, you use your strengths to dictate the game. We have a mauling guard in fluker, a solid LT, an athletic guard in Sweezy, a mammoth rt and a rather large center. The running game can continue with this mix.

    Today, Detroit made a mistake that’s been killing them all year. Not giving Kerryon 20-30 carries. That guy is an animal. I really liked his style coming out but Patricia has eyes for Blount and keeps giving him wasted snaps.

    For the Seahawks, they have a chance to make the wild card, get some solid picks and get ready for next season. Personally, I would like Ben bur Kirven and Troy Date late. A little refresh in depth at LB, a pass rush pick up, a kicker, and maybe another corner. Not too many needs but nailing the pass rusher is paramount.

  24. STTBM

    What a great game! Validation for Carrol, indeed! And for young Schottenheimer, and Norton as well. I am so glad to be able to say I was wrong about Carrol and Schotty; after the Bears loss I was seriously questioning Carrols ability to coach. I wasn’t sure he was going to adapt enough to get back on track, and it appeared to me he had utterly lost his way by abandoning the run. But he figured it out!

    It’s just really too bad he lost his mind vs Denver and the Bears–we’d be sitting one game back of the Rams. But it’s fantastic to be sitting at 4-3, and to have Identity and Purpose to our game planning again. This is a physical, tight Team again for the first time in years.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love the passing game, but watching the run game this year has been pure joy. I want to see us put the hammer to GB and NE!

    My only quibble with today’s game was Wilson missing Baldwin for a TD and watching Baldwin get open in the first half but Wilson fail to get the ball to him. What has gone wrong? To me it looks like Wilson is just not on the same page, perhaps still being a bit too hesitant to pull the trigger on time, into tight windows?

    It would also be great to see someone step up opposite Clark to provide pressure; perhaps Martin is becoming that guy, but he’s too small for anything but a specialized role. What has happened to Naz Jones?! He’s disappeared this year…

  25. STTBM

    It was interesting to see Kerryon Johnson, whom so many here had strong opinions about. He looked pretty good to me, despite Seattle slowing his runs, he looked like a rising star. It’s interesting to think about the What Ifs, if pointless; what if we drafted a different position in the first, and/or traded down and taken Chubb or Johnson instead? Personally, I can’t help but wonder, but I’m happy with Penny, who has looked to me like a 3-down, do-it-all back who is still learning. I think Penny will be a star as well–he’s just stuck behind Carson and Davis, who are really good backs–Carson has a chance to be great. So I don’t get the people who rag on Seattle for taking him in the first. Him being stuck on the bench because we have two fine backs ahead of him is a wonderful “problem” to have. I bet the Pats would love to have him instead of Sony Michael, who is usually hurt.

  26. Bluenlime

    What’s your thoughts on Tre flowers, do you see him as a serviceable browner, shead or Maxwell type or he’s a player who’s going to make he’s own name out here to the likes of sherman? Usually when we dont hear much about a corner he’s doing good right?

    • Trevor

      Flowers is the most impressive rookie performance I have seen a Seahawk have since Russ. For a converted Safety to come in and learn the technique, start Day #1 and not only play but excel is so impressive! I think he has the attitude and physical profile to be a star.

      • Kenny Sloth

        What? You aren’t watching The Puntah?

    • Aaron

      Local analyst Rob Rang sure thinks highly of Flowers…

    • C-Dog

      Just my typical glass half full sunny take, but I think Flowers has more upside than Browner, Shead, and Maxie.

  27. sdcoug

    Fire Schotty!!! He’s worse than Bevell! Right guys?! Uhhh….guys?

    Oh wait, guess that was two or three weeks ago y’all wanted him run (no pun intended) out of town.

    • Rob Staton

      Just enjoy the win.

      Not sure why people feel the need to get at others when the team has just had a great win.

      • sdcoug

        For the same reason everyone is allowed to call for heads less than 3 weeks ago after slow start to the season. The overreaction is hilarious; everyone clamoring to make it known they pounded the table to keep bevell, etc.

        Scrolling through this entire thread, only one nod to schotty…which after the constant condemnation, I find curious and humorous.

        • Rob Staton

          There’s a big difference between critiquing the team after a very poor start to the season and coming on a few weeks later to shout ‘I told you so’ at the top of your voice, demanding your crow.

          Just let people enjoy the damn win. We don’t need a review of the comments thanks.

          • sdcoug

            A light-hearted jab at the “this is what we’re stuck with now” mentality is hardly keeping people, nor myself, from enjoying a good win. I skip past numerous posts each week that I didn’t agree with, or find silly, or highlighting previous reactions….it’s not hard to ignore, and not worth getting upset about. Not exactly demanding crow; relax

            • Rob Staton

              I’m perfectly relaxed.

              I’ve no time for ‘told you so’s’ in the comments section. There’s a reason this place is completely different to twitter and every other comments section around. I intend to keep it that way.

              It was perfectly reasonable for people to react as they did after the first two weeks of the season. There’s zero need to come back now and call it out.

              Time to move on.

      • greg haugsven

        Still dont understand what happened the first two weeks. Just doesnt make any sense.

        • Rob Staton

          It doesn’t. They messed up, big time. Completely went against everything they set out to do.

          But they’re making amends. And I’m inclined to just remove those two games from my brain. Not sure anyone was ever going to stop the Rams winning the NFC West this year. But the way this team is built, they could give them a game in the playoffs.

        • Trevor

          One reason for the debacle weeks 1&2 is definitely the insertion of Sweezy and Fluker but the playcalling has definitely changed.

          • GerryG

            The play calling was mystifying. They played the two best edge rushers on the planet in back to back weeks and proceeded to call 2:1 pass:run playing right into their team strength. Some of those were pretty slow developing plays too.

  28. charlietheunicorn

    Let’s slow down a little bit.

    Seattle win against the Lions .. handsomely. The Lions are a flawed team. I thought the loss vs the Rams was way more impressive… and the true turning point in this season. I keep thinking they will end up going 10-6, but I’m just not sure how they get there. They have some very tough games coming up, with decent QBs attached to them.

    There was one thing I was not a fan of in this game… the OC taking the foot off the gas in the 4th quarter.

    The whole Dickson fake punt was priceless…. OMG, easily the best special teams play in a number of years. That is one set of brass balls right there.

    As for some above comments about the 49ers being bad, if you lose your starting QB…. you are going to look pretty bad. The 49ers overall have been hit by a decent number of injuries. The team is a bit thin right now and needs 1-2 more solid drafts to restock. Sadly, we will get to experience the “toilet bowl” next TNF.

    Lastly, what position will Seattle draft next season? I was thinking TE should be a priority, but now… if Dickson picks it up and carries the mail the rest of the season… they may need to look at… LB instead??? (I also think they are drafting as kicker next draft)

    • Rob Staton

      Slow down? Why ever would we do that!?

      The last two or three years have been a grind watching this team. It’s been tough. Now they’re playing with renewed energy and physicality. They’re 4-1 in the last five games. People deserve to enjoy this.

      There’s no need to diminish the Lions. They beat the Pats and the Packers at home. They have a good QB and were running the ball well. It was a 10am start and a road game for Seattle.

      Did they take the foot off the gas? Maybe, maybe not. I think the Lions did well to limit them. In that moment you’re trying to kill clock. I’m very comfortable with the end. They won 28-14. That’s not easy to do on the road against an opponent with the same record.

      I’m also very comfortable laughing at the Niners. They’re the Niners. I don’t care about the injuries. Enjoy 1-7, Sherm.

      Draft needs — front seven on defense. All the way. They’re fine at TE and are showing they can plug guys in.

      • Dustin Roe

        For draft I think they draft DL then OL for the first 2 picks depending on value that comes to them. They can only give second contracts to 40% of these guys and Duane Brown isn’t young. They back filled LB/DE last year and have the depth at DT now. 2 years before need is when they acquire typically.

        My UFA expected extensions:

        Wright or Kendricks


        *Franchise Tag

        • Rob Staton

          I think they can leave OL. They’re stacked. Fant, Pocic and Hunt is good depth plus Jones will come back.

          • red

            Fant and Hunt botH RFA next year just something to consider.

    • cha

      Oh yes it’s OK to make fun of the Niners.

      They have had years of bad drafts and worse player development.

      The let Frank Gore go, and all he did was outrush his replacements in the 3 years since he left.

      They paid $21 million to a fullback with 5 career TDs on his resume. $21 MILLION.

      They committed $74 million to a QB with a 7:5 TD to INT ratio in 6 games.

      They have had 3 head coaches on the payroll at once (paying Tomsula and Chipper to go away while paying Shanahan).

      I could go on and on…

  29. Largent80

    So many great things about this game. Another one was the make up play by Tedrick Thompson after getting beat deep for a TD, he stripped the ball carrier on the kick and the Hawks turned it into 6.

    These are the things that make for a great team, being able to turn a fumble into a TD not a FG.

  30. Largent80

    Oh and I’m going to say this…….Marshawn Carson.

  31. BV Eburg

    Pretty convinced addition by subtraction is a thing.
    Love being the bully again. Fun to watch for the first time in two years.
    Sure would love a mulligan/do over of those first two games with this iteration of the team not the pass happy version.

    • Volume12

      Pete’s become the leader once again. He’s righted the ship and corrected course.

      I still believe his ‘rah rah’ style works best on younger guys when your at your most impressionable and still optimistic before life crushes ya.

  32. H

    Not much to add to whats been said already except the mistake T2 made for the first td seemed to really light a fire under him. He knows he’s filling some enourmous shoes and he played lights out with the pressure from there on out.

    Thats a championship attitude right there

  33. Drew

    Can we just not have a FB anymore? It seems like anytime Tre Madden is in (5-7 snaps a game), we have no success running it. It just feels like A) he’s either not very good at blocking (I specifically remember whiffed blocks multiple times this years) and B) it’s a wasted roster space. The sequence of getting stuffed on the goal line. Quite frustrating. I love pounding the ball, but our use of a FB has not provided good results.

    I also noticed that Prosise made an appearance. They put him in motion and split him out wide matched up against a linebacker. The Lions then immediately called a timeout. I would love for him to at least get a small number of plays like that just to have it on tape. He’s healthy, so I wonder why he’s not really cracking the lineup at all for snaps.

    • Doug

      I thought that was McKissack? I don’t remember seeing Prosise.

      • Doug

        My bad–checked the snap counts and it was Prosise. I am sure it was announced on tv as McKissack though.


      It seems Prosise really has lost his place in line. I doubt the talent is diminished as much as the coaches see other players who haven’t loosened their grip on playing time (as Prosise has, repeatedly). It’s unlikely he sees many — if any — running plays with the stable we currently have, but I’m with you in that I’d love to see them scheming some more ISO pass plays against LB’s with him split wide. Thanks for catching that and sharing, I missed it.

      I’m guessing if we get into any shootouts we might see those plays get called more, but we’re simply not passing enough for Prosise to get his number called right now.

    • FresnoHawk

      Pete Carroll will stuff his RB group with studs given the chance I’m sure it’s something he’s been trying to accomplish since day 1 as Seahawks coach but it hasn’t worked out. I’m sure he misses his USC days when he had RB stars sitting on the bench, historically that has been the USC way of doing things, I don’t think USC would have hired PC if they didn’t believe he would acquire the best RB’s in the nation.

      • Kemoarps

        That’s why my sister always hated USC and Carroll too… she was from Arkansas and was a big Razorbacks fan and she would complain that Carroll would steal all the best RB recruits from her state by lying to them that they would have a chance to start when he knew they’d languish on the bench. I honestly believe he’d give them the chance to start (his whole compete thing after all), they just weren’t the best at their position on their team, even if they would have been the best on a lesser team.

  34. SebA

    The Hawks are back. Life is good.

  35. Logan Lynch

    Finally got to see a game, and what a game to see! Now THIS is the team I’ve wanted to see the past 3 seasons, but no matter how hard I squinted they just didn’t look the same. Physical, tough, nasty, swagger. Hell, add ugly in there too. This is a team that cares not for style points. These guys are out there playing loose and having fun…I love it.

    Carson taking that poor DB’s humanity at the goal line is the perfect representation of this team. Hungry. Same with David Moore. 50/50 ball in the air? Nope, that pass belongs to Moore. It’s happened enough times where it’s not a fluke anymore. Some guys (Tate) are just skilled at catching contested passes and Moore seems to fit that mold. And even though Russ is throwing less, let’s give him some credit. 3 TDS against 3 incompletions. I know for sure one was a throwaway and another was Doug not getting 2 feet down. The other may have been the Vannett drop, but I’m not sure how the penalty affected that. Either way, nearly all of his passes were catchable and many of those were dimes. He played a lethally efficient game.

    I don’t know how far the team will get this season and I’m sure there will still be bumps along the road, but this is a young team that looks set up for both present and future success. Go Hawks.

  36. neil

    Great game by the Hawks. The next four weeks will tell the story of the season, in my opinion. Ju st one question, WHAT THE HELL IS ” T TOM” DOING ON SPECIAL TEAMS? That was a terrific hit he put on the kick returner to cause the fumble but losing him to injury will really set the new defensive cohesion back a good bit. He seems to be moving forward on his learning curve and is playing well, and I think he took all the defensive snaps.

    • cha

      Go back and watch those SB teams. Sherman and Thomas were frequently used on ST.

      ST are important to PC. The best players will play.


    If I may, from Fieldgulls Twitter:

    “The Seahawks didn’t win today because of their running game. They won because they’re better than the Lions in virtually every phase of the game, including the running game.“

    How intractable do you have to be? It’s so much effort to go through to enjoy a victory…

    “Planes don’t fly because they have wings — they fly because of aerodynamics, jet fuel, and speed. And also wings — but that’s NOT the reason they fly. Wings are overrated.”


    • Rob Staton

      That’s why I hit the ‘unfollow’ button.

      Just enjoy the win. It doesn’t have to be a constant fight between the anti-running game brigade and everyone else.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Soooo strange

  38. Pran

    Good all around game..hope it carries over for next few weeks.

  39. Frank

    There are always times watching a team as a lifelong fan, that it’s easy to get really frustrated, Playing ball a bit and having a pre conceived notion on how the game should be played with way too many Madden style Roosterbation can further that :).It seems like a great time to reflect on watching the ebbs and flows of a team, the places where you get to feel justified in the beliefs of the past, and eat some crow along the way. Things I hated in this era, the hiring of Pete Carroll, the Jimmy Graham trade, Hanging on to Cable too long, a lack of impact players from our first round picks, and the refusal to resign players on offense and hand out massive third contracts to players on Defense, and in general losing the identity that made them a bully and a winner. Missing some Micheal Bennet in our pass rush as well.
    I can eat some serious crow for not loving the Pete Carroll hire, Jimmy Graham was as poor of fit as I expected although a great player if you just let him be a WR, I much prefer the Brandon Marshall option on the cheap and having TE, that can block. Marshall is probably a better blocker. Cable yep. Seems no harm no foul on not bringing Unget, Carpenter, Sweezy, Okung, Graham or even enticing Lynch to stay with us. Always felt we should have at least kept Carpenter, but Flucker is same mold of a player with a very great attitude. Lack of first round future stars, is still true but since they constantly find stars in late rounds, and do a great job manipulating the board really difficult to complain. It’s odd to me, a defensive coach with a gift for developing young players, to consistently resigned the type of players he has a gift at developing DB and LBs, and not focus on spending that Cap money on premier offensive players. I’m glad Richardson Wr and Graham shipped out of town( neither of them could run block a high school player) the Sheldon Richardson trade was a miss, but a swing at a super bowl with a aging team. All in all, every major complaint I had about this era was addressed this off season and I had no idea what everyone doom and gloom was about. Can’t possibly feel better about the direction this team is going and think there is no real cap on how far this team could make it. Can’t wait for the game to slow down for Penny a bit, that could be a pretty serious 1-2 punch. This has been my favorite offseason as a fan, since the first two of the PC JS connection. Looking at next year draft already, feeling pretty good about them being able to target talented players and not have any dire needs. Best guess Dl, Wr,Lb, DB, OG,K, Rb, DB.

    • Volume12

      Whoa. You didn’t like the Pete Carroll hire at first? Legit curious as to why not.

      • Kenny Sloth

        +1 I’ll echo Rob in saying I felt it was the start of something big

      • DC

        I hated ‘Petey’ as coach of the Trojans because they kept destroying my cratering to oblivion Dawgs. I was pissed at the time that he escaped his punishment. I didn’t know who he was other than the enemy. Great hire?
        Bet your azz it was.

        Credit the FO that they have learned. Keep that defense young and hungry and let Pete sort em out!

      • Frank

        I didn’t like the Pete Carroll hire namely because the coaches before Carrol/ Harbaugh/ Kelly weren’t to successful. The dolphins got a full dose of that, and with Saben success after being a flop going back to college it was easy to make the assumption that it would be better to promote from within a group of people proven in this league.. I believed in him as a talent evaluator, but didn’t think he’d be able to plan the X and 0 necessary for a pro offense. He was the exact opposite of the Holmgren who was a crap evaluator but a brilliant offensive guru. His previous stints with the Jets and Patriots was kinda Meh. Happily proven wrong:).

  40. Volume12

    My god! The violence in this play. No place in the league for it. Glad they called this a penalty.

    • no frickin' clue

      You posted this without the obligatory NSFW tag? That’s just reckless, man.

      • Sea Mode

        lol right up there with Jacob Martin’s “roughing” the passer…

  41. RWIII

    Man: You gotta love D.J. Fluke

  42. RWIII

    You gotta love D.J. Fluker

  43. Georgia Hawk

    Slow down Rob, it sounds an awful lot like you are trying to say running matters.

    We all know that to be hogwash.

    • Rob Staton

      But the stats….

  44. no frickin' clue

    Here’s some interesting stats about the remainder of the season. I took a look at the Hawks’ schedule of opponents in terms of how well they defend the run, using Football Outsiders’ Adjusted Line Yards for team defenses. Here’s the data through week 7, with opponents in weeks 9 onwards:

    Week 9 – Chargers (defense ranks 23rd out of 32 teams in run defense)
    Week 10 – Rams (20th)
    Week 11 – Packers (29th)
    Week 12 – Panthers (6th)
    Week 13 – Niners (18th)
    Week 14 – Vikings (19th)
    Week 15 – Niners (18th)
    Week 16 – Chiefs (32nd)
    Week 17 – Cardinals (12th)

    Bottom line, if we want to run the ball (and we do), then running against teams that are poor in stopping the run would be helpful. The Lions ranked 31st here. Of our remaining 9 games, only 2 of them face defenses that are in the top half of the league at stopping the run. This bodes well I think.

  45. GerryG

    Come Thursday it will be November, and Seattle has played TWO GAMES at home! That seems crazy.

    So here they are with 6 games to play in an outdoor stadium during the worst two months of the year in the PNW, when wind and sideways rain is pretty much the norm this time of year.

    I think having an offense that can move the ball on the ground is going to be a pretty good thing. Russell has had some pretty bad games throwing on some of those rainy days in the past

    As we have said before this style of play will travel, and it will work in the rain. And just in 2012 (Atlanta playoff game) or the end 2015, if they do have to throw it 35 times RW can do that.

    Color me optimistic! If they can stay healthy they have a shot at the playoffs.

    • 12th chuck

      It has crossed my mind as well, the teams are building their d more to stop the pass first then the run. hope that will lead to more success for the hawks!

  46. Volume12

    Reflection time!

    Remember when the Browns held onto Hue Jackson after he won 1 game in 2 combined seasons?

    Remember when the Raiders gave a 10 year, $100 million dollar deal to a HC that hadn’t coached in 10 years, then that same guy traded away one of the 3-4 best pass rushers in the game, we watched Derrick Carr cry on the field and then he said he didn’t cry? Good times.

    Remember when the Bucs who’ve been trying to fix that pass defense for years and were dead last in defensive DVOA, passed on DBs Derwin James and/or Jaire Alexander?

    • Kenny Sloth

      I would absolutely cry from that hit lol

  47. dylanlep

    Holy sh**

    From PFF: Russell Wilson when targeting Tyler Lockett – 25-39 for 394 and 6 TDs. 158.3 rating.

    • Magmatizer

      It’s crazy! What’s even better is that Russell also has a 158.3 rating when targeting David Moore – 11-14 for 221 yards and 4 TDs!!!

  48. BHarKnows

    Hey Rob. Couldn’t agree more. Just wanted to thank you for everything you do on this blog. It’s a pretty unique community you’ve cultivated. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to see you on the HawkBlogger podcast soon!!!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks 👍🏻

  49. Hawk Eye

    from the ” just a matter of time department”

    Josh Gordon disciplined by Pats for tardiness.

    I would love to see the kid get his sh*t together, and as much as I hate the Pats, if he can’t do it with Bill and Tom, can’t see how he makes it.

    that he is not cut speaks to the talent, and to the desperation in NE

  50. Kenny Sloth

    My dreams have come true and Jameis has been benched!

  51. Forty20

    Hahaha! Just caught your response to Baldy’s Breakdown on twitter, Rob. It is a rather enjoyable video I must say. Baldinger was perhaps the most vocal critic of Cable and Seattle’s o-line woes in the national media last year so a 2min+ video of him gushing over what they did against Detroit is lofty praise indeed.

    • Rob Staton

      I love how he narrated the video like Steve Irwin.

      • cha

        Look at the carnage! LOOK AT THE CARNAGE RIGHT THERE!

  52. pepperpig

    Loved the smack on snacks by Ifedi on the Dickson touchdown.
    Most enjoyable Hawks game for me in a long time. Looked like they were having fun.

  53. Sea Mode

    TT should have had 2 picks as well. We didn’t need them in the end this time around, but the fact that he was able to get into position bodes well for the future. Eventually they will come.

  54. HD

    Even CBS is taking note on the Seahawks…and eating some humble pie

  55. AlaskaHawk

    Just looked at latest power ratings. Seahawks moved from 18 to 15 on yahoo. I thought the Seahawks would be rated in the 10-12 range. They will just have to beat the LA Rams before they can get any respect.

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