Instant reaction: Seahawks win the Super Bowl

Seattle Seahawks... Super Bowl Champions

We did it.

The Seahawks are Super Bowl Champions.

We endured the final days of the Ruskell/Mora era. Debated the merits of the 2010 quarterback class. Wondered if this team would ever make it back to the big game.

And here we are, right at the top of the mountain.

Winning in style on the biggest stage imaginable.


We all we got, we all we need.

From the very first play it was destined to be Seattle’s day. A botched snap led to a safety, and the momentum built from there.

The Seahawks led after 12 seconds and never looked back.

The narrative of Seattle’s ‘mediocre’ offense being unable to keep up with Peyton Manning was truly redundant. Not only did they keep up, they dominated Denver’s vastly overrated defense.

I don’t recall hearing the words ‘pot roast’ once.

The #1 defense in the NFL didn’t just shut down the most prolific offense in NFL history.

This was a massacre.

They did the little basics they needed to do to win the game. Tackle well, limit the damage, bend but don’t break.

They also did what they needed to do to take complete control. Manning was constantly under pressure and had no answers. The defense took the ball away time and time again.

Let’s reflect on what this unit did tonight.

This wasn’t some random offense they faced. This was Peyton Manning, coming off the best statistical season by a quarterback.

He and the Broncos attack scored eight points, having averaged 38 per game during the regular season.

Something aint right if we’re not talking about this unit like the ’85 Bears.

What else do they need to prove?

But it wasn’t just the defense who turned up in what has to be one of the best Super Bowl performances ever.

Offense, defense, special teams.

Seattle was just better in every single department — and that’s why they won 43-8.

Has there ever been a more balanced Super Bowl Champion?

Don’t make the mistake in thinking this is just something that happened over the last fortnight.

Think back to the pre-season. Seattle faced three playoff teams (San Diego, Denver and Green Bay) plus the Oakland Raiders.

It was pretty obvious even then that the Seahawks had the deepest and most talented roster in the NFL.

They haven’t always played lights out football. The three defeats were all avoidable, while some of the wins were closer than they needed to be.

Injuries played their part — and very few teams could’ve coped losing both starting tackles, Percy Harvin, Sidney Rice and Brandon Browner.

And yet they made it all the way to the final game, providing the opportunity to prove what we found out in the summer…

That this is the best roster in the NFL.

It was fitting that pretty much every active player had a role tonight.

A few highlights:

Kam Chancellor — set the tone on defense immediately with a sledgehammer hit on Julius Thomas. It wasn’t the only blast of the night. He also had a key interception and played at an unbelievable level in the post season this year.

Malcolm Smith — the MVP. He ended the season with four interceptions in five games, including two touchdowns. His pick six tonight was the killer — it ended a long Denver drive as they tried to recover from a 15-0 start. They chewed a ton of time off the clock and gave up seven points. That interception was the really the first point in the game that we knew this was going to be a beat down.

Russell Wilson — didn’t we say it? Didn’t we all point out that this defense wouldn’t be able to contain him? Unlike the Rams, Cardinals and 49ers — they don’t have the edge rushers to bottle him up and cause problems. Wilson did what he does to any average defense — moved around and made big plays with ice in his veins. He made some crucial third down conversions when the game was still a contest.

Jermaine Kearseduck’s all across New Orleans will be rushing to emulate Kearse’s touchdown run. After two weeks of blah blah blah about Denver’s receivers, an undrafted free agent playing for his hometown club had the biggest impact. And that touchdown was pure Beast Mode.

Percy Harvin — So, who wouldn’t trade for Percy after all? Denver had no idea how to stop him on a very basic sweep play. He was explosive, a complete game changer. And that kick return to start the second half ended the contest. Imagine a full season of this

Cliff Avril — his pressure forced Manning’s first interception to Chancellor, and his QB hit led to Smith’s pick six. As the 2013 progressed, Avril developed into a huge X-factor for this team. And the best thing is he’s signed up for the 2014 season.

Doug Baldwin — scored a touchdown eerily similar to the one he got at Metlife against the Giants, but also made some big conversions along the way. What a post season he’s had. A huge day against the Niners, the key third down grab against the Saints and now a decent stat line in the Super Bowl.

I’ve singled guys out there, but make no mistake — this was a complete team display.

A performance for the ages.

A night to look back on for the rest of our lives.

Here’s a couple of interesting facts — Manning broke a Super Bowl record for pass completions tonight (33). Demaryius Thomas broke the record for most receptions (13).

It equated to one touchdown and eight total points.

It’s yet another example of a better overall team dominating a side that has total reliance on one aspect (passing game).

I remember listening to Pete Carroll’s first press conference when he revealed the Seahawks would run the ball and play tough defense.

It seemed like a dated approach at the time. The NFL was all about big name quarterbacks throwing for hundreds of yards.

Now the entire league will be scrambling to mimic Carroll’s approach.

He hasn’t just won Seattle’s first Super Bowl title, he’s changed the game.

The way teams approach the draft. The way they treat their players. The way they set up on offense and defense.

Everyone will be rushing to copy the Seahawks.

You can’t expect to get by with just a great quarterback. Not with teams like Seattle around.

You have to be balanced. You have to play tough defense. And that’s why the teams that pose the greatest threat to this franchise are all in the NFC West.

This isn’t something that is easily copied by outsiders. Carroll is unique. An underrated coach for the ages.

A legend in the making.

To have the success he’s had at USC and now in Seattle is really unprecedented. And yet you get the feeling we’re just getting started.

By the end of next week I sincerely hope and expect he’ll have a new contract. His current one runs out at the end of next year.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s already signed and sealed, waiting to be announced.

The Seahawks have the best coach in the league, supported by the best GM.

And now they officially have the best team too.

They’ve received no accolades along the way. No ‘Coach of the Year’ for Carroll or ‘Executive of the Year’ for John Schneider. Despite going 13-3 and winning the NFC, none of Seattle’s players came close to winning any ‘Player of the Year’ awards.

This is a team that couldn’t stop the Broncos, according to 27/37 “experts” on ESPN’s web site.

Nice words and praise don’t suit this bunch.

I guess winning titles kind of does.

It won’t stop here either. Aside from this being a young group, you better believe every pending free agent — every young draft prospect — wants to play in Seattle tonight.

They see these players enjoying themselves — and winning Championships in the process.

In fact one of the greatest challenges this front office will face going forward is identifying those who will really cherish the opportunity to be part of this thing, versus those who expect an easy ride.

It’s a great problem to have, as Carroll and co go about trying to turn this into a rare (and yet somehow achievable) dynasty.

There are two other things I want to mention quickly.

Firstly — the Seahawks officially own the #32 overall pick in the 2014 draft.

I’ve waited a long time to write that.

Secondly — we deserve this.

I bought into this team after one visit to watch them play. Not because of anything I necessarily saw on the field. It was the way this franchise valued its fans, plus the way those fans valued each other.

It felt like home. It felt right — and I had to be part of it.

Carroll’s podium interview had me choked up.

“This trophy is for you”

Yet again it reminded me how much this team values the people that matter the most.

So many sports, so many teams take their fans for granted. They’re viewed as customers — there to be exploited and abused.

Not in Seattle.

Not with these Seahawks.

Tonight, the 12th man can celebrate.

We did it.

And we did it in style.

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  1. Alexander Hsie

    Greatest sports day ever!

    • rrsquid


    • glor

      What a Game!

      • glor

        Rob, fantastic write up as always!

        • Rob Staton

          Thanks glor.

  2. Kyle

    With the 32nd pick, the SUPERBOWL CHAMPION SEATTLE SEAHAWKS…………….

  3. AlaskaHawk

    That was a dominating win. Percy Harvin had some great plays including the end around and a nice punt return for a touchdown. Yards on the ground were hard but we did churn them out. Wilson overthrew his first pass then settled down and had a great game. All our receivers contributed for a great game receiving. Wilson had a 110 QB rating. Tje defense was so solid with a shutout in the first half. Way to go world champion Seahawks!

    • Jon

      Kick return TD for Harvin though, but who cars.

      • AlaskaHawk

        Russell Wilson’s QB rating ended up at 123!

        and scoring by 5 different players – 6 if you count field goals. I am sooooo stoked!!!!!

        • Ben

          Steven Hauschka was the only player that scored with the ball more than once.

    • John_s

      Percy was a gamechanger for the offense. Even if he wasn’t the main target he attracted double teams.

      The Lockette catch comes to mind. Harvin ran a go and took the CB and S with him leaving Lockette with a ton of space to get open

      • AlaskaHawk

        It was nice to see Percy finally playing at his potential. I’m hoping he has a long injury free career with the Seahawks.

        However I don’t think he was needed for the win. We have already beat the finest teams that play football without using him. He is just a little extra frosting on the cake. Or perhaps he is the X factor that can be used as a spark when the rest of your team is going down. Either way, I’m glad he is on our team.

  4. Ed

    Glad the weather didn’t give people an excuse. Knew our D would lock it up, but I didn’t even think they would lock it up like that.

  5. karl

    No words….

  6. Olyobst

    An amazing game. Pure class

  7. FC


  8. Colin

    THEY DID IT. THEY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE THE BEST IN THE NFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God bless Pete and John. No one believed in us, no one gave us a chance, no said we were capable…..

    AND WE F****** OWNED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Rugby Lock

      We’ve all waited nearly FORTY FRICKIN YEARS to say that!!

      GO SEAHAWKS!!!

      This is just the beginning! Enjoy it boys!

  9. JamesP

    Such a happy day. D was off the charts good. Totally got into Manning’s head from the first play and never let up. Wilson was super efficient and the passing game clicked at the right time. Some really under-rated players stepped up too: Kearse and Smith were fantastic. Total domination – better than I could possibly have hoped for.

  10. Kyle


    I think you talked a bit about it in the past, could you touch on how and why you became, not just an NFL fan, but a Seahawks fan from across the pond. I think your faith was rewarded tonight. 🙂

    • Rob Staton

      No problem Kyle. I used to live in Vancouver and me and my wife travelled to visit Seattle a few times. On one of these trips I went to a Seahawks game and became instantly hooked. Travelling back to the UK and being so far away actually encouraged my interest in the team to the point of obsession. It really is for me: 1. Wife, son, dog 2. Seahawks

      And tonight, I’m celebrating all the way over here. We did it!

      • Kyle

        Awesome. Do you remember which game it was? If I had to take a wild guess, it would be the 2005 win over the Giants.

      • Ray graham

        I too am from Vancouver and my love affair began with the announcement of the expansion franchise way back when. I loved the loveable losers of jim zorn and co. I endured the mediocrity of the ken Bering yrs, including the horror of the almost move! I bled blue after the travesty the was the first Super Bowl , the shameful reffing still boils my blood. I greeted the hireing of Pete Carroll with a little scepticism, he was after all a hated Trojan ! But I saw the stars begin to align after that epic draft where we finally found our elusive franchise QB. This moment is sweet beyond belief and I will savour it… But to quote my favorite athlete , “no time to sleep” cause the defence of this title begins today!!!! Go hawks!

  11. Sam Jaffe

    I want to say what a night, but what I really feel is what a tremendous three year period. After 35 years of being a Seahawks fan, I finally get to see them win the game that matters the most. The game itself was actually a miserable experience for me. Living in Colorado, I was actually asked to leave the living room of my friends’ house because I was upsetting their kids by cheering for the Seahawks. So I watched the game on their old plasma set in their basement. Not the best environment. My feelings are not of triumph but of satisfaction. The last three years have been nothing short of amazing. The best part is that I really like all these players–yes, even Richard Sherman. The second best part is that this isn’t over. With a little bit of deft management by Schneider, they will be contenders for at least the next three years. And I truly believe that Russell Wilson has a lot of improvement to come. What a moment. What a team.

    • Rugby Lock

      Some “friend”… Don’t think I’d be back there… More than likely they used their kids as an excuse because you were probably pissing them off…

    • Hawk meat

      Wow. I am sorry your friend treated you that way. Just sad. Go hawks friend!

  12. PatrickH

    As a Seahawks fan since the 80’s, and having suffered through the bad seasons in the 90’s, there is no word to describe how great this feels. Superbowl Champion!

  13. Cysco

    Perhaps the most well rounded total team win in the history of the super bowl. offensive rushing TD, offensive passing TD, defensive TD, Saftey, FG.

    That my friends, is a team win.

    Thank you so much to PCJS and Paul Allen for giving us this gift

    This is by far my biggest sport high ever.

    Cloud nine.

    Now, how about adjusting those last two spots in the mock draft!

    Gooooo HAWKS!!!!!!

    • OakHarborHawk

      Don’t forgot about Percy Harvin’s kick return TD to start the second half.

  14. Chris J

    From the coin toss it went better than to plan. All faceats of our team outplayed their respective opponents. I can’t believe what we just witnessed. #1 offence? The AFC must be pretty ordinary in that case. As a bit of a statistical anorak, the symmetry of scoring plays occurring 12 seconds into each half and the link to the 12th man wasn’t lost on me.

    Superbowl champions!! This is simply awesome!

    • Rugby Lock

      I remember watching the AFC Championship thinking just how ordinary and slow they were compared to the defenses we see in our own division.

  15. Barry

    Just enjoying this. So awesome… Thinking how I found this draft blog of your’s a few years back Rob, when I was down and hadn’t been into football or the draft like I had since I was a 20 something. What a ride, feels good right now. Lucky to have this blog and the community and info Robs has brought us.

    Go Hawks 2014 Super Bowl Champs!

  16. CC

    I told everyone this week, that we were going to shock everyone, that this team was loose, had no pressure and they did it!!! SEAHAWKS!!!! Amazing team effort! All phases of the game!!!

    Congratulations to everyone one!!! All the 12s – we got this!!


  17. seaspunj

    Great season and such an amazing journey

    Go Hawks!!! Superbowl Champions!!!

  18. Hawkspur

    I’ve been boring my friends with talk of how impressive and exciting this Seahawks team would become for the last 3 years. I could only dream it would be this good. Unbelievable. Go Hawks!

  19. Nick


    Thank you so much for everything. You have been there every step of the way giving excellent analysis through this incredible journey. Keep doing what you are doing my man.

    And how about that Percy harvin changing the game for the wide receivers.

  20. OakHarborHawk

    Me and my dad called the Harvin TD right before kick off. Crazy game all night. The safety to start the game happened at 12 seconds and the Percy’s TD to start the second half happened at 12 seconds. Talk about it being fate for us to finally win the Championship.

    Love the fact that Malcolm Smith got Superbowl MVP. Him catching The Tip is the reason we got to this game and his pick six is when I started to believe we were going to win it. For me he’s the new Big Play guy on the team.

    Harvin is going to win league MVP next season. Guy is just a pure game changer on offense and special teams. He doesn’t play against you YOU have to play against him. Opens up everyone else just by drawing everyone’s attention to him.

    We get the season opening game in Seattle and you got to believe it’s going to be a Superbowl rematch against the Broncos. 1-0 every week. GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!

  21. AndrewPMM

    I’m not even that excited just spent, relived I wanted them to show the national midia who the best was and they did. Now I’m tired happy and ready for bed. Or I’m going to rewatch the game. Manning has a great history we have an amazing future. Go hawks.

  22. usblainemc

    I second that Nick.. Rob you have created a great site here and it is clear to see that the fans that visit respect your opinion and enjoy your PROFESSIONAL analysis. I am a huge Seahawks fan and for a few years now i have visited this site almost daily, always looking forward to everyones opinions and great conversations. I dont post much but i just wanted to give you and the rest of 12’s on here a shout and tell you all congrats.. WE DID IT!!! Superbowl 48 CHAMPS!! Feeling blessed

  23. David Ess

    dont know how credible this is, but hey thought i’d point it out


    • Rugby Lock

      Earl is more important to this defense than Sherm is. He allows them to play the way they do.

  24. Todd

    Rob, I need to say thank you for putting together a great site for our team. I don’t ever comment, but read every post for the last three years. How ESPN pays guys like Terry Blount to cover the team instead of you is insulting. This is a great site, thank you. What a year!

    • Austin

      I couldn’t agree more Todd. Nice job Rob!

      • Rich

        Absolutely..Thank you Rob!!

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you Todd, that means a lot.

  25. Vin

    Gosh, only getting married and having 2 kids tops this! I honestly never thought this day would come. I’m so happy for the team, the city, the fans, Rob and all the other posters on SDB. Just too awesome. Go Hawks! Sea…….Hawks!

  26. Jon

    So I just must question something. Is Smith still under contract?
    If so, is there any way someone gives up some draft capital for him. His value in a trade will never be higher, and though I would love to keep him it seems that we should take what we can when we can. I feel weird thinking that way.

    • Ben2

      Yep. You should feel guilty. Too early. Go Hawks!!

  27. Alexander Hsie

    Really unbelievable. I started following this site from the 2010 draft when Kip and Robb were analyzing Trent Williams, Russell Okung, Eric Berry, Joe Haden, Earl Thomas, Ndamkung Suh. To think that those same players we analyzed eventually evolved into this team is a great feeling. It really feels like I saw a team grow from beginning (nothing) to end (champions).

  28. Dave

    Rob, thanks for documenting this amazing journey we’ve all experienced the last few years. You have given us countless insights and food for thought along the way.

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you Dave.

  29. Austin

    Unbelievable game! Feels like this blog has been around during this whole process and I’m thankful for it. Thanks for all the hard work Rob.

  30. Tomahawk

    Such an amazing feeling. I tried explaining to my two young kids that some fans never get to see their team win a championship, and that today was truly special. This feels so good!

    Now it’s time to focus on defending our title! Our FO will keep nailing the draft and everyone will want to play for Pete, but I sure hope we can re-sign some of those key guys that are now FA’s. Go Hawks!

  31. Tomahawk

    ……Oh, and don’t forget to click the link from this webpage when getting your championship gear!

    Rob, we appreciate all you do!

    • Rob Staton

      And I appreciate all of you guys too who make this community what it is. I can’t thank you guys enough.

  32. Adam K.


    Thank you! I am not a commenter but I have read this site and Field Gulls for the last few years and have been a Seahawk fan all of my 29 Years! Reading your site made me a more informed fan and has made tonight so much sweeter! You and Kip have done amazing work and my hat is off to you!

    This is so Amazing!! I am proud to share this moment with all the 12’s!

    We all we got!! WE ALL WE NEED!!!

    • Rob Staton

      A night never to be forgotten. Thanks for the kind words Adam.

  33. CC

    And I wasn’t going to buy a NFC championship shirt – because I knew SB champs would be sweeter. Rob, I clicked through to the shop via your blog – thank you for all you do! What a great day!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks for the support CC, it means a lot.

  34. cplus


    this blog is my first stop post-game. Love your instant reaction posts. But this one is sweetest of all. You’re all my brothers and sisters! Love you all. Go Hawks!!!

    • Rob Staton

      cplus — it’s a moment we’ll never ever forget. What a team. What a fan base.

  35. jw

    I watched this game with a 89 year old friend of mine who has been a season ticket holder since season 1.

    I am ecstatic we won. But mostly, I’m happy for my old friend. He’s been to every single home game in franchise history. Hip replacement? He’s there. Broken wrist? There. Another hip replacement? There.

    This one’s for you, buddy.

    I think I’ll get “mine” in years to come. This one is his.

    • Jon

      wow congrats to him. and all 12s

    • Rob Staton

      That’s an amazing story JW.

  36. Stuart

    Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Champs, the Dynasty is on. Congratulations to the Seahawks and the 12’s.

  37. Aaron

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. I’ve just been focused on living the experience of this amazing season. But I just want to say congratulations to all my fellow 12s and particularly to my fellow SBDers.You/we do indeed deserve it. Rob, you’ve created something very special here. So I want to say thanks for that. You operate at a high level, and tonight’s write up is another great example.

    Being part of the 12th man is something that’s very meaningful in and of itself obviously. But this particular space has managed to substantially improve my experience as a Seahawk fan, and that’s a high bar to reach. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again now, I just really appreciate having a place where I can come for intelligent, insightful, and civil Seahawks dialogue. And also community.

    We’ve all been in on this thing from the beginning together, and I just feel proud to be part of what I consider to be the very best of the best when it comes to sports fandom.

    Life is good. Go Hawks!

    • CHawk Talker Eric


    • Rob Staton

      Great post Aaron and thank you.

  38. Kenny Sloth

    Go Hawks.

  39. sdcoug

    One of my sweetest moments tonight was to read the FB post of one of my diehard 49ers friend to his Bronco buddy. Essentially, it went “…I told you for two weeks ‘john doe’, your broncos have NEVER faced a defense like these Seahawks…”

    Thank you Rob, Kip, and you 12s everywhere for what this ride has meant to me…

  40. Connor Jackson

    I just don’t understand why no one is talking about the terrible performance TJack had… dang we need a new backup… ha just playing WERE WORLD CHAMPIONS BABY!!!!

  41. Michael M.

    Go ‘Hawks!

  42. Chris J

    Brilliant write up Rob.

    In addition to those guys you picked out. For me, one player who has stood out throughout the post season and deserved his superbowl TD was Doug Baldwin. Clutch plays at crucial times. Just goes to show what production you can get from undrafted free agents.

    Go Hawks.

    • Rob Staton

      With hindsight I don’t know why I left out Doug and Cliff Avril — so I’ve added them to the piece this morning.

      • Chris J

        Probably as it was late and you could’ve picked the names of a dozen others who put in stellar performances. Can you believe Cliff’s story? Talk about zero to hero!

    • Rugby Lock

      And Kearse… too bad they’re such a pedestrian group.. 🙂

  43. Jim Kelly

    Rob and Kip,

    The two of you have done so much for us. Thank you.

    12s have been through so much. Together. Not distant. Not apart from each other. There’s always an instant bond between us when we meet. It’s so unique, separate from any other fan base. I can separate myself from sports, because, after all, it’s just sports. The Seahawks are different; like a brother you haven’t seen in years, you hug, and it’s like you were never apart. That’s the connection 12s have with each other, and the Hawks. This is family.

    And just like family, we get things that we deserve. Others may say we don’t deserve it, but guess what? We got it. We FINALLY got it.

    Thank you family, thank you Rob and Kip, but mostly, thank you Seahawks.

    Champions. plain and simple.

    Go Hawks.

    • Rob Staton

      Nicely put Jim and thank you.

  44. Grant

    Nothing left to say other than thank you Rob, and go hawks!!!! I look forward to your breakdown of pick 32!!! 32!!!!!!!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Grant.

  45. Cysco

    What makes this so special for all 12s is the connection we have with this team. It goes beyond a sporting team representing a region. In this case, the fans are embraced by the organization as actually part of the team. This year teams visiting Seattle committed 21 pre-snap penalties, called an unknown number of forced timeouts, and experienced unquestionable chaos. All largely due to the fans. The 12th man is real.

    Most teams fight for themselves. Few teams fight for something bigger than the team. This team fights for the fans.

    Because of this relationship with the fans WE (the Seahawks organization and the fans) won the Super Bowl.

  46. Ross

    As a kid, I watched this team in my dingy Bellevue, WA basement with my dad every Sunday, except for those games that were BLACKED OUT. We truly bonded over watching this team. I continued to watch them every game, every year. 2 wins in 1992. 4 wins in 2008. Chuck Knox’s first playoff appearance. RFA gaffe with Hutch. Nightmarish Super Bowl XL result. I was at the inaugural game at the new stadium. I watched the Kingdome implode. Everything – all those memories now fade into this gleaming picture of RW holding up the Lombardi and also Pete say that this trophy is for the 12s.

    I was too young to remember the Sonics in ’79, but this I’ll remember. Any my son is 8 years old and I hope he remembers this also. This is an amazing experience. One that I’ll never ever forget.

    Thank you Seahawks! I just can’t believe it finally happened. Thank you.

  47. CC

    Good morning everyone – it wasn’t a dream!!! Super Bowl Champs!!!

    • Chris J

      Brilliant feeling isn’t it, CC? Over this side of the pond I went to bed at 4am and woke at 9am to a text congratulating me on the win (not that I had much to do with it!) which quickly allayed any fears I had dreamt such an outcome!

      • CC

        That is so cool!! Love that there are 12s EVERYWHERE!!! We may not have played in the game, but we believed and we knew what this team could do. We can enjoy this – so please do!!

  48. Frank_MTL

    I just wanted to share, all the way frome Montreal, my joy of seeing the Seahawks winning the Superbowl. I’ve been a Seahawk fan since my childhood, and thus, have been waiting for this for twenty years (I know some of you have been waiting even longer…). This is a salute to all the fans wherever they are, to all the 12’s that make the CLink an already mythical place, to everyone who makes this a special franchise (as was said in the original post). I hope someday to be able to witness in person that special bond between Seattle and its favourite team.

    Rob, I’ve been reading your posts for the last two years. Being in a hockey market, the local football analysis I am hearing makes me… grimace most of the time. I not only enjoy this site, I need it quite frankly. Keep up the great work!

    Again to everyone who follows the Seahawks and that I get to read here, let’s do it (our way) again next year!

    • BIG AL

      Another fan in Montreal! Awesome! I think everyone in the old port heard me yell LOB this morning when I got in to work 😉

      Been a fan since 1978 when I first started watching football, last night was truly amazing.

      FLAGS FLY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Frank, appreciate those kind words.

  49. Colin

    Bless this site. Bless you Rob, you’ve done an amazing job with this site. It’s remarkable how far this team has come, how average we were, how bad we were at one time, how Pete couldn’t lead these men, how John was an idiot for taking Bruce and Russell and Big James and how it all has come together.

    They had to deal with us.

    And they couldn’t handle it.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Colin.

  50. Madmark

    I got to say, this website changed my view of the NFL and the Seahawks 5 years ago. The Superbowl is done and we won but I’m already working on my draft mock for next year to make this team a contender to continue on due to this website. I love this website and my friends probably hate it since I repeat a lot about the Seahawks stuff I learn from here. Its not just the fans but the different insights I get from reading thing from people who love the team like I do. I just got to say Rob, Kip, and those who post comments give me to much knowledge that drives my friends crazy. I like the class this website shows with every post that people put on it so thank you Rob.
    Now, I made a lot of money this Superbowl because I believed that Denver all season long never played the defenses that we have here in the NFC West. I love it Malcom Smith wins MVP a 6th round draft pick from USC, you just have to be estatic about that.
    And my last comment, I can finally wash my 12th man jersey that I put on the night before a game and wore the whole day that seahawks play before I put it back in the closet and waited for next weeks game. Its pretty ripe. Go Hawks!

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      It’s only weird if it doesn’t work!

    • Madmark

      Now I pissed off. just watch ESPN for 1 hour. 15 minutes on the game where we won the superbowl and then 45 minutes on Peyton Mannings legacy. No respect at all. I guess we’ll have to win a 2nd one for the media to wakeup and smell the coffee!

      • Chris J

        I hear what your saying. Everyone was quick to jump on the NFC West when we all had losing records. In some quarters that view has changed and rightly so. Our division is all of a sudden one if the most competitive in the league. The way we kept Manning down (despite the SB record completions), harassed and chased him, allied with his career and injury comeback this season was always going to get reporters talking about his future. We’re Superbowl champions, no-one can take that away from us and to be honest it’s kinda nice to slip under the radar. We all know and respect the job done at the organization and that’s all that matters.

  51. Steeeve

    What makes me so happy is that players who have been a part of this team turn-around through the growing years, who might not necessarily be here for the long-term (Clemons, Robinson, Rice, Browner, even T-Jack) get to walk away with a ring.

  52. AlaskaHawk

    Thanks so much for putting up your blogs Rob. It’s given us a chance to read and discuss so many good players. Not only players who may become a Seahawk, but I also recognize players who made it on other teams. You can always play that what if scenario when another draft pick slips away.

    Thanks to all my fellow 12s for the hearty discussions. We finally won!!!! I knew the defense would play well. But this is the FIRST time all year that I’ve seen our offense clicking, and it was awesome.

    I’m looking forward to all the discussion leading up to next years draft. Whether we draft another big bodied receiver or a “pot roast” defensive tackle, it is all good from here on out.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks AH.

  53. Ed

    First: Thank You Rob!!!

    Second: I almost wish Peter didn’t take the gas off and we broke the scoring record and point differential record.

    Third: Offseason.

    If they can sign to good deal: Giacomini/Baldwin/Bennett/Haushka
    Probably gone for money (too expensive or can’t restructure): Tate/Clemons/Thurmond/Miller/Rice
    Need to think about new deals in the next year: Thomas/Sherman/Maxwell/Wilson/Wright


    Big WR

  54. Kelly

    Been on this site everyday since i found it. Have been a Seahawks fan ever since i can recall the thought of football. I was born in 1988 so i haven’t had to endure things as long as some of you. Being in the Navy has taken a little bit from me as far as being able to watch the games and stuff. That is the only disappointing thing for me was that i was deployed most of this year and had to watch a lot of Games through gamecast on ESPN. I am also currently at sea but was able to watch the game for the most part. Our reception cut in and out at time and was only able to see maybe 1 out of every 3 plays in the first half. Also missed Percy’s kick return. Was able to watch almost the entire second half and lost reception again just as Russell took the Lombardi in his hands. Didn’t really hit me till then and thinking about it now puts tears into my eyes. I have been a die hard fan ever since i can remember and follow everything as close as can as far as personnel and all the 7 rounds of the draft when i have the opportunity to watch it. I am still shocked at the beatdown that just occured. Just want to thank Rob for this site and allowing people to state their opinions freely. And thank all of my fellow Hawk fans for sticking with this team thick through thin. That was the first step in what i hope becomes the greatest dynasty ever. They are young enough to be able have the opportunity to accomplish this. Everyone enjoy this and soak in every moment of the celebration because of what it really means to most of us which is alot. So fellow 12s congrats WE FINALLY DID IT!!!

  55. Hawk meat

    I have to stop myself from thinking about contracts and next year…and just enjoy this Super Bowl win!

  56. Maz

    Just pure AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!

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