Matt Barkley to declare?

Tony Pauline ( & Draft Insider) is reporting that Matt Barkley will announce his intention to declare for the 2012 NFL Draft in the near future. This is significant news, considering the implications it’ll have on another big-name USC prospect. Offensive tackle Matt Kalil was reported to be returning to Southern California last week, before he denied the report and stated he was still undecided. If Barkley declares, Kalil almost certainly will too – there’s little point turning down the chance to be a top-three NFL draft pick to block for an unproven quarterback, bowl game or not.

It’d also be significant in confirming there will be at least one consolation prize when Andrew Luck goes first overall. With Robert Griffin III also expected to enter the draft after winning the Heisman, there’s going to be three legitimate quarterback prospects taken within the first fifteen picks next April.

Whether Seattle can get their hands on one remains to be seen…

It’ll be interesting to monitor developments in Miami and Kansas City after both teams fired their head coaches today. Matt Moore, the current Dolphins starter, had ties to Tony Sparano when the pair worked in Dallas during the 2007 season. Moore has done fairly well as the starter, but surely Miami is looking for a big ticket quarterback to finally end the cursed post-Dan Marino era? If they appoint a young, upcoming offensive coordinator to be their Head Coach (especially one with a history of developing young quarterbacks) it could be a big hint towards their intentions in the draft. Kansas City could show a vote of confidence in the quarterbacks already on their roster if they appoint Josh McDaniels (who worked with Matt Cassel in New England) or Kirk Ferentz (who coached Ricky Stanzi at Iowa).

In both cases, the teams are keeping the GM’s who overlooked their last few drafts. Unlike the recent makeovers in Seattle or Denver, this isn’t a complete regime change. That could also play some part in determining what happens in the draft, especially with the Chiefs who invested a considerable sum in Matt Cassel succeeding.

Victory tonight for the Seahawks and they’ll have possession of the 14th overall pick. Washington, Miami, Cleveland and Kansas City would all be picking ahead of Seattle. Although optimistic fans will point towards an unlikely route into the playoffs, it does appear the Seahawks are going to miss out on a post-season berth without the bonus of a pick high enough to draft one of the three solid quarterback prospects.

Stand by for months of speculation and calculation as fans try to work out if a trade up the board is possible or likely.


  1. EP

    With 3 top-flight QB prospects, seems to be no reason why Seattle wouldn’t be able to put a pick package together (two firsts and a second, for example) in order to sneak into the top 5 or 7 picks to grab one. Why would this not be possible?

  2. erik

    I really believe that Barkley is going to go 2nd overall and it will be a bidding war to land him. The essential thing is for the Seahawks to have the opportunity to trade for him and not just be used for leverage. I think our best hope is for the Vikings to land the 2nd pick. The Skins, Phins, and to a lesser degree the Browns all need to win at least one more game as well so that there is some distance between them and the 2nd pick. There are numerous variables that will determine draft order but I think the key game is the Redskins versus Vikings in week 16, we absolutely need the Skins to win this game. First it would bump the Skins out of the 4th pick and keeps the Rams out of the 2nd slot. The Rams would never allow a division rival to get Barkley and would glad accept slightly less from another team.

    The link below is the best mock draft that I have seen so far. Mostly because it follows similar logic to my own concerning Barkley and the price it will cost to go up and get him.

    Barkely or bust!

  3. Jarhead

    I just don’t have anywhere else to write this: Tonight was embarrassing. Spare me on the win. It’s irrelevant. To have Mike Tirico apologize for the play tonight, and to say “Fans deserve a ‘good’ game on Monday night”, and “Next week we should actually have some good football”, that is humiliating as a Seahawk fan. Our QB play is so abysmal. Tate, Baldwin and Lynch played out of their minds with a patchwork o-line. So anyone who thinks Jackson “isn’t that bad”, or say Jackson “is okay as our quarterback”, listen to the commentators. They made us a laughingstock tonight. I am not okay with being made a fool of, or having my team made a fool of. We need to do whatever it takes to get that quarterback. I’m sick of the way our team is viewed. We need to make a change now. No more complacency, how about we finally demand success? If I’m the only fan that feels this way, I don’t care. Flame me, write an ad nauseum response telling me what a complete buffoon I am, I don’t care. Cause it couldn’t make me feel any worse about being a Seahawk fan than tonight did…

  4. Colin

    Off season needs:

    1.) Franchise Quarterback.
    1a.) Franchise Quarterback.
    3.) Pass Rusher
    4.) Depth at Linebacker.
    5.) Depth at Cornerback.

    Petey, let’s get us a QB. Griffin or Barkley have to be calling Seattle home next April.

    I think for losing 3/5 of your offensive line, they didn’t do too shabby tonight. Yes, it was the Rams, but they still got it done. Defense was pretty stellar other than that stupid penalty on Sherman. Need to upgrade the pass rush…

  5. Cougfan45


    Who gives a rat’s ass what Mike Tirico thinks? You are honestly going to let a play-by-play announcer determine how you feel about a team?

    “So anyone who thinks Jackson “isn’t that bad”, or say Jackson “is okay as our quarterback”, listen to the commentators.” -Are you serious?

    Every Seahawks fan knows we need an upgrade at QB. It’s no secret and it doesn’t help to keep bashing TJ every week. He’s obviously a stop-gap until the FO can find the QB of the future, which all signs point to them drafting one this year.

    Instead of focusing on the mediocre QB play, look at how the rest of the team is developing. The run-game is coming together pretty well, even without 3 starters, and the D just gets better every week. We have a pretty damn good secondary, and they are incredibly young still. Baldwin and Tate are emerging as weapons at WR. The list goes on.

    This team is young, developing, and building tons of confidence with each win. Don’t let the QB blind you from seeing the rest of the team. I for one am more than happy to see this team win because it tells me we are very close to being a contender next year.

  6. Don

    Erik, I agree with you 100%. Barkley or Griffin or Bust! Interesting mock draft, I think that will be very close to what will happen, except I hope Seattle will out bid Washington for the #2 pick. Getting the #2 pick is the key, unless you can get the #1 pick. Seattle needs to offer two #1 and whatever number of picks this year to get a QB.

  7. David

    If you listen to last weeks game, Jaworski,Gruden and Tirico werent excited about coming here anyways, so i could really careless what they like, its ESPN, they could careless about West coast teams (ESPN=Eastern sports programming network), they have grown used to Brady,Manning,Rodgers,Brees lead teams that they dont care about the others. So i could care less what those guys thing, but anyways, i think Tarvaris played a good game i think minus his mid air jump throws and his throwing at the feet, he did a decent job, No picks and a TD, no i dont think he’s the future but hes a nice stop gap, Marshawn is turning into the RB we’ve been wanting, i think if we can get a QB, we need to get a RB in later rounds (LaMichael James maybe?) someone that when lynch rests can come in and still keep the running going. Tate is still impressing, i still think he could be used as trade bait, Hes scary after the catch and theres space or even on Reverses like we saw tonight.

  8. Karlos

    YOU PLAY THE GAME TO WIN!!!! Ugly wins come and some are beautiful… If we win against the Falcons, Cleveland, & Kansas City all you would have heard is how remarkable the turn around in Seattle is in such a short time. Media ppl are hot & cold based on wins & loses (Who’s hot & who’s not). We have alot of cap room available to fill alot of needs in free agency before the draft which means draft picks may become ammunition for an aggressive approcah to move up. Does Tavares have a wow factor… No but he is what Pete says he wants in alott of areas. When Tavares played his best games the running game wasn’t clicking, now that it is our star wideout & O-line aren’t here to show what impact it’s addition would cause. HELLO WE WERE PICKED TOP 5 IN MOST MOCKS PRESEASON!!! Remember young team, no vets, cut Lofa, no run game, horrible qb, no leaders, & add in the lockout #FAIL. They were wrong continuity was suppose to be a key factor with teams this year and the young teams would suffer. Yet & still here we are making a push for the playoffs & ingraving an identity that teams must gameplan for. I have 2 regrets this year, 1 we didn’t have Tavares or Marshawn against Cleveland & 2 we didn’t close out the Redskins. We have enough ppl against us so don’t be a poisoned fan who can’t see progression, some things take time.

  9. Rob

    EP – I think a trade up is very possible, it just depends where the Seahawks end up drafting, what trade partners are available and whether a deal can be made considering other teams may also be sniffing around.

  10. Rob

    Erik – there’s a lot I disagree with in that mock. Not sure how Mike Adams can warrant a R1 grade (he’s not even close), Brandon Thompson isn’t a top-15 pick, Jerel Worthy hasn’t done enough to warrant a R1 grade and Brandon Jenkins is a mid rounder at best coming out of FSU. But perhaps the thing I disagree with the most is Quinton Coples to Seattle – how does he fit? The Seahawks don’t use orthodox 5-tech’s and Coples isn’t playing the LEO. He’s too small to convert to a pure 3-tech. I’m not really sure how he fits into what the Seahawks do on defense.

  11. Dave

    Jarhead —

    one question, legitimate question. When AFC North teams routinely put up clunkers on Monday Night, does anyone apologize?

    When Baltimore lost to Jacksonville in one of the worst football games played this season did anyone apologize? Of course not. I see no cause for Seattle fans to apologize either. We are where we are in our rebuild, simple as that.

    If that was Baltimore or Pittsburgh beating this same injured Rams team–with the same offensive performance Seattle put up–all we’d hear about is their “dominating defensive effort, and how that’s ‘real’ football.”

    MNF has put plenty of bad football on the air. They’re just crying because they didn’t have any bona fide stars to sell.

    I’ve read your comments, so I know you’re an astute observer who is just frustrated. But, take heart m’friend. I believe you know that there is no way you can look at this team compared to last year and not see clear cut and sustainable improvement. (Three fifths of the offensive line was missing against a legitimately good pass rush, and for the most part the protection and run blocking was solid.)

    Seattle needs a better QB, without question. But, you know as well as the rest of us that there is no QB tree out back where we can just go pick one out. The better this team gets aside from QB, the less severe the upgrade we need. Or to state another way, the more options we have available.

  12. Dave

    Question for Rob, Kip, et al. re: QB

    I don’t know if you focus exclusively on the draft, but I wonder about the likelihood of a current NFL QB (either starter or backup) coming available because this draft has a number of developmental prospects.

    In other words, if the Colts pick Luck and Peyton Manning hits the streets, does that set off a chain reaction of QB movement that maybe benefits Seattle?

  13. D


    I can see how you reason but I’ll have to tell you that the Seahawks is looking more and more on the right track every week that passes.

    Sure we need a QB but as every one who has played football knows; you can not win without the desire to win. This team now has the desire to win and go toe to toe with any opponant. That is extremelly valuable and hard to achieve. Once to team starts throwing games you loose it.

    And also, who cares what Tirico thinks? They use old preseason opinions and regurgitate them 16 out of 16 weeks. That goes for every team, not only the Hawks. It is so lazy it is unreal and how it is even allowed I can not figure out. They don’t deserve any fans attention, no matter what team.

  14. Doug

    With a few teams needing a WR, is it possible that we wrap up Tate in a nice package to include with some pics so that we can go get one of the top 3? I guess my question is:

    Rob, Can a specific player be included into a package of draft picks to sweeten the deal?

    Jarhead, dude, that is harsh. Of course we need a QBOTF, but last night was far from embarrassing. We showed the nation some of our youth in a great way, and still got the win with countless starters out. We have known all year that we’re rebuilding and never really expected a lot. Jeez, you sound like you want to throw yourself off a cliff from so much shameful embarrassment. Just because some silly talking head dogs us a little bit? He is just another East Coast bias jackass who didn’t even know who Baldwin or Sherman or Wright, or Browner, (etc.) were before last night.

    I for one, am FAR from embarrassed by our team, in fact, I am downright PROUD of what our boys are doing.

  15. Jeff M.

    Right now we’re at #14, but I expect to fall even further in the draft order. We should pass up Chicago and plus Tennessee (maybe one or two others), putting us around #16 if we don’t again flukishly make the playoffs.

    Looking at the trade value chart, #16 is worth 1000 points and #48 420 points, and let’s figure our 2013 first is worth about 400 as well. Two firsts plus a second would then put us in the neighborhood of the #4 pick (1800 points), while two firsts or this year’s first and second would get us to around #8 (1400 points).

    It’s hard to project who will end up where (there are currently six teams tied at 4-9 who would get picks #4-9) but I basically see the threats to draft a QB out of that group as Washington, Miami, and Cleveland, while the potential trade partners are Jacksonville, Carolina, and Tampa Bay (plus Minnesota, who will almost certainly have a top-3 pick). We basically need to hope for wins by the former three and losses by the latter three. That’s the only way the draft order falls so that we can jump to #4 to get Barkley or something #6-8 for RGIII.

  16. Jarhead

    First thing: to all the commentors who maybe didn’t read or didn’t care- I did mention that Tate, Baldwin, and Lynch played extremely well with a patchwork o-line. So pay attention, and secondly- we didn’t play a complete game against a team that probably should have given up 50 points to us. We played a quarter and a half of solid football. You all are typical Seahawk fans who are so happy to eek in to the playoffs just barely and be happy as a pig in slop about it, regardless if we have a legitimate shot at a superbowl. I’m used to being in the minority of Seahawk fans who demand Championship contention. Why I am so frustrated is simply- this team could easily be a top 3 NFC team RIGHT NOW! If we had better QB play- if we had actually addressed the issue appropriately we would competitive right now! This team has countless amounts of talent- from relatively out of nowhere. And the sports media and collective fans in general see us a punchline- I want respect. Dave I appreciate your comments and you are correct. Anyone else, you’re just homers so you’re mostly just noise. I’m not being harsh- I want this team to be elite. I have been in the trade up for an elite QB prospect camp since we played ourselves out of a top pick- but most of the homers would probably say- oh you can’t trade all that draft capital, it’s not worth it. Look at the talent and potential in this team with all it’s healthy talent playing- and then plug in an elite qb. Pretty exciting, isn’t it? So maybe we don’t just need a “game manager”, just any ol’ body. If that’s the case let’s get Matt Flynn and be done with it, or keep Jackson. Maybe Pete is just using coach speak when he says he just wants a game manager, to justify the move they were essentially forced into making because of circumstance? I say with even a top 15 QB, this team is in the NFC championship game. We would be unbeatable at home, and I see the time is now

  17. SteadyHawk

    I’m not sure at this point if we have a shot at Barkley. If we lose out we might be in a situation where trading a future first rounder or two might work, but I’m not getting a good feeling at picking at #15 or so.

    This is going to be an interesting off-season for sure.

  18. lol

    Jarhead calls us all homers and then goes on to say that we would be in the NFCCG with an average quarterback. Cute.

  19. Jarhead

    There are too many trolls and mouth breathers on this site… Oy. Anyhow SteadyHawk since you bring an intelligently thought up point- I believe that a lot of different teams will be seeing Griffin and Barkley quite differently. As Rob has brought up previously about the Blaine Gabbert draft day trade last year. One team may see that one is preferable to the other, it all depends on how it shakes out. Perhaps Miami goes out for a defensive minded coach who has no interest in grooming a new qb, and Dan Snyder might become enamored with the hype of Griffin. Miami may go after a veteran guy or hell even Manning for that matter. You’re right in that it’s an interesting offseason, but I am firmly entrenched in trading in to the Top 4 which will nearly guarantee us a shot at ONE of the three. A see no other position that will impact our team greater than a new quarterback, so go all out for it is what I say. And as a simple courtesy, if any of us ever disagree on something, insults are fair game but can we at least frame them in either a witty or thoughtful way? You make us all look bad when you half-ass it like that…

  20. Lefty

    Jarhead what is your opinion on Sidney Rice? Do you think he will be reliable and as good as he was in 2009? Reliable meaning being able to stay healthy.

    If he can be like 2009…then if the Seahawks trade up and get a QB like Griffin or Barkley. They could have a big-time receiver right away to help them. And, the running game has obviously been quite good.

    It would be quite interesting with one of those 3 QBs next year.

    I mean look at S.F. They are in a similar position. If they had a better QB they would be a legitimate SB contender. As it is…they will most likely lose to N.O. or G.B.

    There really isn’t that much difference between the Seahawks and S.F. They just won a couple more of their close games.

    The Browns and Redskins games are the ones that still sting obviously.

  21. SteadyHawk


    I’m trying to wean myself off of Barkley. Someone wrote that Barkley was at the Game last night and it made me all neurotic. Quit teasing me Barkley! Arrgggghhh!!!!!!

    Every win brings as much joy as it does sorrow. I feel as if we are on a raft, peering at an island from a distance and we’re slowly watching that island become smaller and smaller as the tide carries us from shore.

    Just as the Island might bring life giving sustenance so does the prospect of Barkley to our beloved Seattle franchise.

    It’s still Barkley or bust for me, but in more of a somber tone.

  22. Eli

    Steadyhawk, you know Barkley’s girlfriend goes to SPU right? It’s pretty much written in stone. I bet we’re his first choice… it’s just a matter of whether things fall right.

  23. Brandon Adams

    Jarhead, if you’re going to be insulting and condescending, you really need to just take a breather and quit posting for a while. I’m sure Rob doesn’t want to be patrolling the site cleaning up fights.

    As far as you being in the “minority of Seahawk fans who demand Championship contention”…whatever. Most of us are content with the current messiness because we understand it’s temporary. The only “minority” around here are the people who believe that Pete Carroll is completely happy with the team the way it is right now.

  24. Rob

    Since 2008, I’ve probably had to step in once to make sure the atmosphere stays right at Seahawks Draft Blog. I’ve only ever deleted three posts, which is incredible. Let’s try to maintain that. This has been a great community for such a long time now, a place for Hawks fans to talk about their team and the draft. We’ve avoided some of the nonsense that has impacted other blogs and forums, let’s try to keep it that way.

  25. Jarhead

    Brandon if you read the previous posts you’ll see that there were several other posters who felt compelled to start a flame war, as it were. I really hardly ever single any one out and try to make comments that are vague and ambiguous enough to not offend anyone. I am in congruence with you, I want this to stay a healthy forum for interaction. But I also would like to feel comfortable venting frustration with things that happen this season, as any fan does. If you’ll see lol and CougFanblahblahblah, and their posts were just vitriolic enough for me to respond. Read most of my other posts, I am quite congenial and try to be respectful- when it’s warranted. I don’t ask anyone to agree with me, if you don’t and my posts bother you, ignore them. Don’t single me out, you see what I’m saying? You also disagree with me and chose to single me out, and I’m responding to you in a manner I feel is respectful and calm. I love this site that Rob has made, and only wish I’d found it sooner. So either way, thanks Rob

  26. Jarhead

    Lefty I feel that Sidney Rice- when healthy- is elite. He can be that “Fitz” or “Megatron” type guy that make mismatch nightmares and influence Safety help to his side. He has been a serious injury risk in every one of his seasons and that concerns me. But in the Red Zone, I feel Rice can be an Automatic Man. If the right QB with appropriate instincts has the ability to read the defense, look off the db’s, and exploit favorable mismatches to Rice’s favor, you’re looking at a receiver who can put up those 10+ YPC, 65+ rec, and 15+ touchdowns. Keeping him healthy is the key. I honestly see him being most effective as a situational receiver, not an every down guy, to limit his contact. But with Baldwin and Tate emerging, it takes pressure off. With Zach Miller, and if the Seahawks do the right thing and lock up Charlson, we can have more than enough weapons to utilize Rice. He has me excited. And Steady- don’t give up on Barkley just yet. Griffin won the heisman and he may (and most likely) will put up guady numbers in his bowl against Washington’s porous pass defense and Barkley gets no bowl game. Griffin will also be a combine star. I see his stock going up and up and believe it or not, Barkley’s may go down a touch. Not because he isn’t good, but there is always teams that fall in love with this prospect or that prospect. Plus being that we have a TON of really great young talent in really affordable contracts, we have additional trade capital. It not just be picks we’re dealing. Tate is doing us a huge favor in that regard. So I think that we are more than in the game for Barkley, I’m pretty excited to see what develops

  27. SteadyHawk

    Steadyhawk, you know Barkley’s girlfriend goes to SPU right? It’s pretty much written in stone. I bet we’re his first choice… it’s just a matter of whether things fall right.

    Actually I didn’t. Maybe Pete could slip her a Ferrari to get Matt to publicly say he will only play for Seattle? 😉

    It would be so cool to see Barkley reunited with Carroll. They both could accomplish something never done before here. Man, could you imagine what Barkley could do with Rice, BMW, Baldwin, Tate, Obo, Miller and Carlson(assuming they weren’t traded)? PLUS having Lynch in the backfield????

    That would be some exciting Football. Not only to have an elite QB prospect behind center, but to have the 12th man home field advantage as well?


    I’ll keep on with my delusional fantasies until draft day, then I’ll stuff my head into the ground like an Ostrich so I don’t have to hear Matt’s name get called by Washington, Cleveland or Miami. We’ll probably draft Moore in the 4th round with my luck. 🙁

  28. Colin

    I maintain the belief that Pete and John have waited so long for a QB because they want to get THE GUY. They could’ve easily drafted a qb or two in the time being. Time for them to make the move.

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