Seahawks in London: Thoughts from the camp

I’m in London and will be here until Monday. Here are my thoughts from today’s practise and press conference…

— The media were granted around 30 minutes to watch practise. One player stood out. Brandon Marshall. The only person on the field who came close to Marshall physically was Frank Clark. I’ve never seen a human being like Marshall. He’s had a slow start to the year but I can see why the Seahawks might persevere with him. He needs to start making some plays but I wouldn’t be so quick to write him off. He looks like a beast.

— None of the players appeared sluggish or frustrated after the long flight. The last four NFL games in London have been disappointing blowouts. This is a challenging trip if you’re not mentally right. Approaching it positively and not dwelling on the travel and time difference is key. There was no sign of any malaise today. I asked the Griffin brothers how the players were approaching the challenge of playing in London:


“A lot of guys are excited. On the plane, we didn’t leave until late night so it’s kind of the time when we start sleeping so it kind of worked out just fine. We were on the plane talking to each other and interacting with the coaches and stuff so it wasn’t a bad flight… everyone was interacting with each other and walking around. We got here and we’re ready to work and everybody came in tuned in and ready. I think that’s one thing that was very important was being able to, you know, be able to relax but as soon as it’s time to work, turn it on. And I think we do a very good job at that.”


“Yeah, you can see everybody dialled in. As soon as we got off the flight, everybody got their rest, came in and got a quick meal and hit the practise field and you can see how everybody hit the ground running. So you can see the focus there but you can tell everybody’s having fun and kind of just enjoying the experience of being here in London and out of the country but you can see we’re still here for business, everybody hitting the ground running… fast and competing.”

— Seattle made the trip earlier than the Raiders and are staying in a plush base outside of central London, often used by the England soccer team. They’ll have plenty of time to adjust in an isolated setting. The Raiders arrive tomorrow and are staying in a hotel across the road from Wembley Stadium. The two teams are approaching this very differently.

— I asked Pete Carroll a question about the impact of the running game during his press conference. If you watch the video at the top of the page, my question is at the 3:57 mark.

— I’ve attended hundreds of press conferences. One even took place in a toilet (don’t ask). However, today’s setting was particularly unique. The Seahawks are staying in a golf resort/hotel. Other NFL teams have stayed here before but usually the press conferences occur in the other (bigger) room. Today’s took place in what Carroll described as a ‘potting shed’. We had to reassure the Seattle media this wasn’t a usual setting for a press conference over here. And we gave that reassurance among the tomatoes and cabbages.

Here’s a video from practise featuring team warm-ups, then the O-line/QB/RB drills:

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  1. David Ashton

    Very interesting Rob. I will be watching from the yellow zone. Can’t wait and hope they do us proud.

  2. Hawk Eye

    umm, sorry, but you cannot say “don’t ask” when mentioning a press conference in a toilet.

    so, I am asking……

    • Rob Staton

      It was at Doncaster Rovers. All the rooms were taken at their training facility. The coach suggested we do the press conference in the gents because it was the only one available. So we did. And 2 minutes into the conference, as I was interviewing the coach, the urinals starting flushing. It was a career highlight.

      • Hawk Eye

        well, you can always pull that one out if a party needs some life

      • STTBM


    • Volume12

      Right? So many questions.

  3. BhamJames

    Nice report Rob! Look forward to your game report! You must be excited about getting the chance to be a media member for a Seahawk game in London?

    • Rob Staton

      Very much so, can’t wait

  4. cha

    Thanks Rob. I’m glad you get the chance to be as close as we are for a game. Closer in some ways.

    I’m not quite following the Shaquem quote. I thought I read somewhere that the plan was to get everyone to sleep as much as they could on the flight, and then stay up as late as possible to get acclimated to the time change. His quote makes it sound like everyone was up.


    • Rob Staton

      It might’ve been best to stay awake on the plane to be honest. From my experience going back and forth to the west coast, the quicker you adjust to the time difference the better.

    • Kenny Sloth

      I watched the interview. Sounds like they slept

  5. Group Captain Mandrake

    You cannot bring up an interview in a toilet and then tell us not to ask. That is just not fair.

  6. Bayahawk

    Flew from Oakland to London to root for the Hawks. Where are folks gathering on Friday or Saturday?

    • Rob Staton

      There is an official Seahawks pub near London Bridge. Think it’s called the Barrow Boys

  7. Pickering

    Thanks for the practice video. I was surprised but glad to see the practice squad players made the trip, too. Did you notice if any of the injured players were there?

    • Rob Staton

      Kam Chancellor was there, didn’t see KJ. Rasheem Green was definitely there and involved despite being ruled out. He was doing the warm ups and drills.

      • Pickering

        Ta 🙂 Pete mentioned Kam’s been with the team throughout. It will be interesting to see if he has an official role going forward.

  8. Omar

    Super cool seeing you speak to Pete Carroll

  9. Old but Slow

    What will the weather be like at the stadium?

    • Rob Staton

      Weather forecast says dry

  10. STTBM

    Rob, just beautiful! You made me miss my Brother in Law more than usual–they live in another State now. He’s from High Wychombe (Wickham?!). You remind me of reading Neil Gaimans The Wolves in the Walls to my kids. I wonder if the potting shed smelled like the fertilizer used for the rhubarb?

    And I have to tell you, when you say a press conference took place “in” a toilet, in America, that would mean literally inside the commode! We say “in the bathroom” or “restroom”! Just funny noticing the differences…

    Thank you for the insider details. Jealous (in a good way!) you are there for this! Hope you have a great time, Sir!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks man 👍🏻

    • Ghost Mutt

      Saying ‘bathroom’ is one of the Americanisms I picked up from watching too much TV.

      Every time I say it in the pub it invites no end of “I wouldn’t have a bath in there pal” comments.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Friggin water closet son

  11. Shady Hawkster

    As someone who has listened to many hours worth of Pete press conferences and Rob podcasts, it was a joy to hear the two have an exchange. Great question Rob, you hit a vein regarding the core philosophy of this team.

    Really appreciate your work!

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you 👍🏻

    • Tecmo Bowl

      Couldn’t say it better myself. Much appreciated for this fantastic stuff Rob!

  12. Ashish

    I agree with Shady Hawkster, it was great to hear question from @Rob to PC. No wonder PC gave high praise “Good observation” but I was like heck ya Rob knows the answer he is just double checking ha ha.

    On another note, saw Saquon Barkley first time in game he is just amazing. Not sure what Kene is smoking arguing on not picking RB in first round. He is a game changer and Manning sucks.

  13. LouieLouie

    A toast to you, Rob. I’m looking forward to watching the game (on TV). If the Hawks can continue executing the run, they should return to Lower 48 with a victory and a 3-3 record. That wouldn’t be bad considering what I was afraid the record might be at this point.

    • Rob Staton

      3-3 and building momentum… that will do for me! Really think Seattle’s plan for this trip is superior to Oakland’s too.

  14. EranUngar

    My team landed at 8:30. We found our way to the nice B&B appartment, settled in, put on my sb champioms shirt and went immediatly to practice walking around Westminster. after a mild afternoon nap we headed to a great steak place and got to bed early. Everybody is in great shape ready for the game.

    We plan to join the tailgate party around 3 pm on sunday before the long climb to out shitty nose bleeder seats.

    If everything works the way i feel it will for the past 3 week, this is going to be a very onesided game and the Seahawks are going to head into their bye week feeling they can do more than just survive this re_set season.

    Ok…time to end this and hit the streets.

    • Rob Staton


    • UKAlex6674

      EranUngar all the seats at Wembley are good! It’s going to be EPIC!

  15. GoHawksDani

    Hey Rob, or other guys from London 🙂
    I have no idea what should I wear for the games. Some lighter jacket? Do I need some pullover?
    Read everything from like 9 degrees to 20, and no idea how’s the weather feel inside the stadium.

    I’ll arrive around 1 pm on Sunday. I thought about going straight to the tailgating area in front of the Wembley, but if you guys think, there’ll be a better way to pass the time before the game, I’m all ears 🙂

    • Rob Staton

      I would wear a hoodie or pullover with a light jacket. The temperature is warm but it’s pretty windy

  16. Largent80

    I love that you are there Rob and giving us the scoop. I also love that the Hawks left early. As a person that has traveled to SE Asia over 10 times I totally get how long it can take to get the time difference down.

    It may just give the Hawks extra “juice”. Also I said earlier (after looking at the schedule) if the Hawks can be at 3-3 going into the bye they would be in decent shape with a lot of home games to finish the schedule.

    • Rob Staton

      Back at the press conference today. Carroll and the players speaking shortly.

  17. Sea Mode

    OT, but just Saquon Barkley doing Saquon Barkley things…

    • Rob Staton

      What a wonderful player he is

  18. Georgia Hawk

    Appreciate the dig at the Anti Run crowd you got in there Rob. Im so exhausted over the continued whining about it…even after hearing it from Pete himself.

    Twitter has been an absolute cesspool the last week or so with all the anti runners screaming and crying “But analytics and numbers say I’m right!”

    Those guys are getting so caught up in spread sheets they are forgetting about the real world. Analytics and numbers are great, but how many Rings do the As have with their analytics approach? Your spreadsheet says running doesn’t matter?

    The Hawks run based approach to win the SB over literally the most prolific passing Offense in history says otherwise.

    You want numbers to back up the argument? How bout the only numbers that matter? 2/2/14

    • Rob Staton

      I’ve always felt like the numbers provide an interesting insight into certain current trends and are worth discussing and acknowledging. What I can’t stand is the need for certain people to talk about this every day, make it the permanent agenda of Seahawks discussion on social media and resist any counter.

      And sadly, some people have decided that they’re only purpose is to continue on and on about this one topic.

      It narrows the conversation into one frustrating, angry, heated argument at a time when there are so many cool things to discuss. We should be celebrating Seattle’s O-line and the way it’s now a team strength, talking about the return of turnovers to the defense and looking ahead to a great occasion in London. Instead… it’s run game, run game, run game. Shame.

      • H

        Incidentally, I was at a job interview today for a sports data company, (here in england btw) I was chatting with some of the guys about the NFL and one of them bought up the anti-run debate. Was saying that, according to PFF, Saquon being as good as he is makes no difference to the Giant’s chance of winning.

        I couldn’t hold my tongue, apparently 200+ total yards isn’t helpful these days.

        • Rob Staton


          I suppose all those losing seasons in Cleveland equally renders Joe Thomas irrelevant.

  19. lil'stink

    Kinda pointless to say, but deep down I wish PC would understand/acknowledge/accept the fact that his team would be in a much better space if he would take to heart all the advice and info posted by a certain blogger that was asking him questions at the press conference.

  20. Kenny Sloth

    Rob cuts right through the light banter about foreign fans and international games with a juicy question technically critical and biting about tactics and philosophy.

    The last three weeks lmaaao

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