Some voiced concerns about Seahawks fandom

It’s certainly not advisable to critique a fanbase. I’m going against my better judgement here and anticipate what the response will be.

But I kind of just want to say it anyway.

I think Seahawks fandom has become a little bit toxic.

I’ve said this a few times, especially when I’ve been joined by fellow Brit Adam Nathan on live streams. It feels very similar to Arsene Wenger’s final days as the manager of Premier League side Arsenal.

The fans were split between two camps — ‘Wenger IN’ and ‘Wenger OUT’.

It tore them apart, really. Everyone picked a side and went to war online.

It’s been four years since Wenger’s departure and Arsenal are only really starting to move on from the trauma.

I’m a little bit worried that something similar is brewing with Seahawks fans. Not that I expect to achieve anything to stop it by writing this opinion. I just wanted to share some thoughts on the matter.

I doubt things will ever get quite as bad as the Wenger situation. There does seem to be a split developing though between those viewing the Seahawks with a critical (not negative) eye and those who do not want to consider non-glowing viewpoints.

I’ve noticed it this week. There are a group of fans out there who seem to think anything short of constant praise and belief is a criminal offence.

Maybe it’s an overreaction based on my own experience? Perhaps. This is a short review of what has happened over the last year or so.

From 2020 onwards I was very critical of the direction of the Seahawks and anticipated a big problem with Russell Wilson was developing that would eventually lead to a split. This received a huge backlash, led to a ton of abuse including someone sending me the following message:

Hey rob. Your stupid is amazing. Don’t let your daughter to turn out same way otherwise she will become a prostitute. Even if you are stupid its not too late for your daughter.

People questioned my mental health. I had people threatening to hack my Twitter account. One guy spent several months emailing me abuse. I spent an age moderating the comments, which often led to further blowback when people accused me of being overly protective of my own views.

Then — the Wilson trade happened. I spoke positively about the fact a call had to be made one way or another for the franchise to move forwards — and it had been made. I jumped into the draft content and received a completely different, more positive, response. Then, after the 2022 draft, I gave the Seahawks a glowing review — including this video:

That A+ review of the draft class — even though I was personally not the biggest Charles Cross fan — gave me the most views my channel has had. I got a lot of positive feedback on the coverage of the draft and the look ahead to 2023 I’d already started.

During the pre-season, I thought areas of Seattle’s roster and their depth were exposed. I also thought they’d made poor use of their available cap space. So I talked about these issues. The abuse started to trickle back in.

It seemed to be forgotten that I’d said numerous times that I was just going to get what I could out of the 2022 season and enjoy it whenever possible. I had no expectations. I knew it was year-one of a rebuild. If watching the 2023 quarterback class was the most exciting part of the year, so be it.

I wasn’t writing-off the Seahawks. I just had incredibly low expectations. I think that was fair. I never once suggested I wanted them to tank. I simply didn’t want them to splurge resources on a mediocre QB (Mayfield, Garoppolo etc) to try and be a marginally better team.

They avoided that and I praised them for it.

I didn’t rate Geno Smith as a player and I still don’t think he will amount to much this season. I don’t wish him any ill-will or want him to fail. I simply have what I’d call a fair and hardly unique opinion based on what we’ve seen from him over the years.

Yet for some reason — this stance just earned the tag of ‘hater’ or ‘non-believer’.

I predicted a Seahawks win against the Broncos. They did win — but I haven’t really been able to enjoy any aspect of it because I’ve received a ton of messages suggesting I’m either disappointed they won or been proven wrong.

When I then voiced some modest concerns that so much had gone into that game that it had all the hallmarks of a classic emotional let-down against the Niners (and I love to beat the Niners and really want to do it again on Sunday) — the abuse started up once more.

Look at this thread on a Seahawks forum.

I know — the internet is full of stuff like this and I shouldn’t read too much into it. I’d also say — until you’ve experienced a four-page thread that is very personal about you (especially in relation to your fandom for a team and abilities) — it’s hard to realise how tricky it is to ignore.

Included in the thread, the following is suggested:

— I secretly want the team to fail
— That I have sour grapes because the team I follow religiously, won
— I don’t understand anything about the team
— I’m a ‘smarmy know-it-all douchnozzle’
— I have a vested interest in failure to justify calling my podcast ‘The Rebuild’
— All of my videos are ‘doom and gloom’ (see, A+ draft grade above)
— I think I’m smarter than everyone else
— I’m a mostly average football analyst
— When the Seahawks don’t draft the players I like, I hammer the team
— That I ban anyone who disagrees
— I was confident Geno Smith & Seattle had no chance vs Denver (see: prediction)
— I don’t mention the mistakes I make in the draft
— Apparently I get upset when people call me Rob ‘StaNton’
— I am a wanker

I had a lot of similar comments on the YouTube channel, although many of those preferred to question my fandom.

I don’t think any of this is particularly warranted. It’s also not my first rodeo. The job I do in broadcasting means a degree of abuse, assumptions, implied motives or agendas come with the territory. You’ll never please everybody.

I struggle with this a bit more, however, given ultimately this is a hobby. I am just a Seahawks fan with an interest in the draft who happens to also be an experienced journalist.

A lot of what is written above doesn’t resonate. I can live with name-calling as much as I can live with people not rating the blog or much enjoying it. I don’t think my videos are doom and gloom — I think I just give my opinion and it’s neither positive or negative. It can be either. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be?

I don’t think I’ve ever hammered the team for not drafting players I like. I’ve questioned and critiqued some decisions, which is fair given the run of drafts they had not so long ago. I’ve been more critical of the way they’ve approached free agency and the specific positions they’ve targeted in the draft. When I get things wrong, I always highlight it. I flat out apologised after the 2020 draft for not doing enough study on linebackers after they drafted Jordyn Brooks early — something I never anticipated.

I’ve defended the Dee Eskridge pick, despite a lot of people hating that selection. I think it’s obvious their drafting has been better recently.

I never want the team to fail. You don’t stay up until 5am on a Monday night/Tuesday morning to want your team to lose, just so you can ‘ya boo sucks’ everyone about Geno Smith.

The most successful period for this blog — financially and in terms of numbers — was 2013/14. It was also a period without much bickering or abuse. So I have no interest in the Seahawks being bad, either for the blog or for proving anyone wrong.

I don’t think I’m smarter than everyone else. I think I invest more time than most watching college football players and draft prospects and that enables me to have more informed opinions sometimes. But ultimately, I’ve never considered myself an ‘expert’ and that’s why, come draft time, I try to interview ‘experts’ who are in a better position to discuss certain topics.

I think getting big names like Scot McCloughan, Jim Nagy, Will Levis, Shelby Harris, Jim Leavitt, Tony Pauline and Mike Florio to talk is indicative of that desire to speak to more knowledgable people. Interviews with all are available on my YouTube channel and via ‘The Rebuild’ podcast.

I don’t think this is an ‘average’ place for draft coverage though. I think, while I’ll never get everything right (far from it) — I’ve had my fair share of success stories over the years and I do think this is a good resource for draft coverage and Seahawks opinions.

This has become a bit navel-gaze-y and about me but I don’t think I’m alone in this. I think something unsavoury is going on where a ‘with us or against us’ line is being drawn.

For example, I noticed over the last week how it seemed that some people completely turned on Russell Wilson.

Personally — I wouldn’t have booed him. Neither did I have any real issue with fans doing what they thought was best to help the team win on Monday.

Yet I’ve seen people start to imply things that simply don’t chime, then attack people for holding different (more positive) opinions.

Here’s a comment made on the blog earlier today:

I would disagree that ego has not prevented winning. I think it’s RW’s ego that urges him to dominate the defense, rather than take what the defense gives him. A great quarterback picks the defense apart. RW too often stepped to the line determined to throw deep, regardless of the coverage, rather than take the short throw, hit the open man. Those aren’t the glory throws, and RW wanted the glory, the legacy, the brand. Over the years it became almost all ego with RW, masked by “positive thinking” and striving for excellence. He’s good enough, or was (did you see how underthrown the Jeudy pass was?) that he made a lot of beautiful completions. He just didn’t make enough of the other throws that would have taken the defense out of their game. If the will to dominate others isn’t ego, what is? I’m grateful for years of exciting Seahawk football with RW at quarterback, but he and the team have been sorely limited by his increasing preoccupation with himself and his place in the quarterback pantheon.

This, quite frankly, is just utter nonsense.

Wilson had a preferred style of play that was very different to Pete Carroll’s. Their ideologies clashed. They both had strong opinions on the best way to proceed offensively.

Wilson also felt he deserved to have the kind of input and sway other highly paid franchise quarterbacks were receiving and pushed for the same kind of presence. Pete Carroll is also very confident in his way of doing things and stands by his philosophy.

I imagine there was also a sense of time passing for Wilson. He has lofty ambitions, he’s 34 in November and he knows time is of the essence. I suspect he lost confidence in the Seahawks’ top brass to help deliver a Championship.

Both parties were comfortable, in the end, in moving on and having a fresh start. The Seahawks, as is widely known, had been looking around at other quarterbacks. I sense John Schneider tired of Mark Rodgers a long time ago and was probably ready to not have to deal with him. I would also guess Pete Carroll, nearing the end of his career, was less keen on making a change for obvious reasons.

Schneider talked to the Bears a year ago but no deal was struck, reportedly because Carroll said no. This year, all three parties agreed a parting was best.

We don’t need to cook up conspiracy theories, apportion blame or create stories here. The two parties had been drifting for a long time and now they move on.

Nobody was going to be proven ‘right’ by the result of 1/17th of a NFL regular season on Monday. That will be decided years down the line.

But even daring to pushback against the idea that Wilson is a ‘villain’ and Carroll the ‘hero’ had you pigeonholed as anti-Seahawks.

‘With Wilson, against us’.

In reality — I want Carroll to succeed because it means the Seahawks will. I also don’t hold any grudges against Wilson. I’d quite like a high first round pick off the Broncos next year — but that aside, they are an irrelevance to me until they play Seattle again (whenever that may be).

A lot of us are simply passionate Seahawks fans, with big views. Some positive, some negative. But nothing brings me greater joy than a trip to Seattle to watch the team — aside from perhaps watching England at a major tournament (or in Milan against Italy, as I’ll be doing next Friday).

Fanbase battle-lines are being drawn and I don’t think it does anyone any good.

What is wrong with a balanced take that considers positives and negatives? Even if sometimes there are more negatives and sometimes there are more positives?

Or, for that matter, what is wrong with differing opinions and polite (if sometimes robust) discourse?

I’m pretty sure writing these words will have zero impact and might even make the situation worse (at least for this blog). I felt like I wanted to write them anyway and I feel better for doing so.

Check out my stream with Rob ‘Stats’ Guerrera previewing the Niners game:


  1. Peter

    This is the worst time to be a fan I can remember. The era where the owner tried to move the team away was better. At least there was camaraderie.

    Now the polarization and tribalization that encompasses the rest of our lives gets to be spread out into our fandom.

    Honestly though…..if you’re doing a four page critique of another’s site you my internet friend are pathetic. Start your own thing, do your own YouTube, get real funny/smart on Twitter.

    It sucks that since you do this site and like watching college people seem to love it when you’re wrong…it’s like a mental health issue.

    Really can not wait for Pete to be gone. That’s the only way to stop this ride.

    • Big Mike

      Agree Peter, and I think we have to wait til she sells for that to happen. She unfortunately seems in no hurry to do so.

      • Saxon

        Evidently it hasn’t occurred to both of you that the constant, non-stop, never-ending Carroll bashing is also an indictment of this fan base.

        The biggest problem among fans of all kinds is a simple lack of empathy, which is obviously a larger problem for our species overall. I’m not talking about the fake, virtue signaling variety that we see among corporations and politicians. I’m talking about true empathy which always starts with a simple premise: I don’t know for certain so, rather than judge unfairly, I’ll give that person the benefit of the doubt. I have no problem with fans criticizing Carroll’s schemes or Wilson’s hero ball, but it’s gone way, way beyond that. It’s become bizarrely personal.

        I’m shocked by the ad hominems directed at Pete and Russ which are almost entirely based on innuendo, supposition, and hearsay. The rank ingratitude expressed toward the two men most responsible for our franchise’s greatest achievements is apalling. Fans are always angry with “disloyal” players who sell themselves to the highest bidder and show no fealty to the team. Hell, how can you blame players considering the way Russell is being treated? Booing the guy who worked tirelessly to elevate our team and whom also was exemplary in the community? Seriously, WTF, is wrong with some of you people? FYI: there’s a person beneath the jersey. Wearing different colors doesn’t change the man. FFS!

        I’ve been as much a diehard as any of you over the years. I’ve never seen this level of toxicity. It’s embarrassing. Show some class. Show some gratitude. Criticize what’s happening on the field and in the playbook and leave the middle-school invective to Raiders fans.

        • Peter

          I literally have no idea what this comment is about.

          Love Pete, hate Pete…love wilson, hate wilson….

          The tribalization of this team amongst fans will last as long as Pete is here and russ exists. It’s pretty much that.

          This isn’t an attack on Pete at all it’s just what is going to going on with this team until a complete sea change transpires and there is no ties to the recent past. Which for me would be the best thing as a fan.

  2. Robbie

    Rest assured Rob. We got your back on this. The age of the keyboard warriors are now. It’s sad that even when you’re positive you get so much hate. I respect the work you do and look forward to our conversations and your posts. Sorry you have to deal with it man, sucks.

  3. Dave1401

    The internet as a whole has gone to shit. Reddit – terrible. Twitter – terrible. Youtube- cesspit. Don’t think its coming back. I’m just glad I got to enjoy the glory days of the early 2000s.

  4. Big Mike

    Hang in there Rob. There’s a good core of people here that enjoy and support your work. Please don’t forget that when the opposite is happening. I’m not a big college football guy, more regional interest (Cougs & Dawgs) so I depend on you to open my eyes to the guys entering the draft. I’m not alone in that situation here.
    Btw, that site you quoted is shit. Left it years ago with very good reason.

  5. Starhawk29

    Congrats Rob, I’m pretty sure having your own hate-group means you’re famous now!

    All joking aside, I find it absurd how vicious fans tend to be to each other. Especially if they’re rooting for the same team. Ultimately, I think this is just another place where the internet has cut nuance out of society. I’m really sorry you and your family are receiving such abuse, all I can hope is that we stop screaming at each other if this team gets good. I want to get back to the days of 12s against the world, f– the 9ers type fan comradery. Hopefully, winning proves a salve in the future.

  6. 12th chuck

    This is one of the only safe havens out there for people not to have to deal with the worst part of a blog. I appreciate the fact that I don’t have to sift through childish comments left behind by someone with no intention of being rational or constructive. Sorry you have to deal with that on your own site, with your own money spending your own time for something that your passionate about.

  7. Ashish

    Rob, please don’t put the text about your daughter anywhere. It is disgusting to say for anyone’s daughter period. For what it matter, there are many readers here who like your work. It does not mean we agree on everything but we are able to put our point view and discuss. It’s a great community.

  8. JJ


    Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in. I have been coming to this blog for a long time. I enjoy what you write and I think it has made me more knowledgeable about the hawks, draft, etc. I know this is a passion project and the content you provide is worthy of a full time job let alone a hobby.

    I don’t always agree, but you always have a reason for your analysis. It is much appreciated. So just want to say thank you for keeping this up.

    • Sean-O

      Well said, JJ.

      People disagreeing with others is ok. But if someone feels the need to belittle someone else’s opinion, be snarky, condescending, etc. then it goes too far in my opinion.

      After all, it’s just a game. If this game makes someone act or re-act in such a negative way toward others, then maybe it’s time to reassess some things….

  9. mtpgod

    There’s a special place in hell for whoever wrote that about your daughter. There’s nothing worse than people.
    You have a lot of us on your side Rob, love the site and I love your draft content, this is the go-to site for Seahawks draft info imo. Unfortunately the idiots seem to be the more vocal of the two camps.

    I have thought Russ has been vastly overrated by the league for a few years now, I saw he dropped into the 60s on the NFL Network top-100 list, which is fair imo. I think he’s top 13-17ish qb since he stopped being a dual threat qb, being top half of the NFL as a qb is very good though, and I respect if ppl think he’s top-5, we all have opinions and no one should be attacked personally for having differing views. I was glad he got booed on Monday night, and I hope he does poorly this year so we get a top-10 pick. Starting next season, I’ll be rooting for him to succeed a bit more as the pain of the divorce will have worn off by then I think. In 5 years, I’ll look back at him being a Seahawk legend and the best qb we’ve ever had.

  10. TomLPDX

    Rob, thanks for putting up with the crap and continuing to put out critical, valid content. You’ve made me a more informed and educated football fan and I appreciate it.

  11. icb12

    I think we should all take a moment to appreciate the underrated and underutilized, insulting term “douchenozzle”, regardless of it’s validity or target.

    Also- can you be a wanker and a douchenozzle? I think those are mutually exclusive? I’m not convinced that you can be both. Choose only one please.

    As far as the individual bringing your daughter into it.. F*** them.. post their email address. Let the savages of the internet jungle off the leash to devour one of their own.

  12. Joshua Smith

    Rob, you are hands down one of the best at evaluating talent. Seahawks draft blog is pretty much my go to for draft knowledge. I also like Walter football but I think they have their hands in multiple things. You are researching with an eye for the Seahawks.
    That’s why we’re here. Fan bases can be irritating. Like others have mentioned in this thread. We appreciate you. We have your back.
    I struggle with people who overreact to every thing. Some people scour comments sections just looking to rip other people’s opinions without offering any insight themselves. And when backed into a corner they start spewing aggressive nonsense. Because they have no legitimate counter argument to add.
    I consider myself a true blue fan. Born and raised in the PNW..I am truly sorry you field this shit and it wearing on you.
    Please keep up the great job/hobby you do. Please ignore the mind numbing negativity from fans who watch games while drinking a 12 pack and scream at every flag as if the refs are “out to get us”. Although that hold on Lucas did feel really ticky tack..
    Most of us appreciate the hard work and long hours you put in
    Thanks man🤙

  13. HOUSE


    I have always enjoyed coming here and reading your posts and your input. I have been a fan since 2010 when I stumbled upon this page when I was deployed to Iraq. You provided an outlet for me to help get through my days when I was battling with insomnia. I understand that people will always have differing opinions, but it truly is sad how derogatory and just disgusting people can be online. For someone to even mention your child or to call you names because they didn’t agree with you is just ridiculous. Even if you didn’t ban these horrible people, your faithful fans would come at them. I truly appreciate everything you do and I will always be supportive of this page.

    I’m seeing more and more people spreading disdain and negativity lately. While there may be a lot of negativity about the current state of the team, I truly worry about the current state of the world and how that is affecting people. The boldness and just disrespectful behavior online because people feel safe behind keyboards is beyond silly. I would say with almost certainty none of those things that have been said to you would ever be said to your face.

    I truly hope the best for you as you have contributed so much to this Fanbase and team. If this post causes people to leave or causes people to get mouthy and get banned, maybe that’s a good thing. I learned something a long time ago, addition by subtraction is an amazing thing. If the negativity walks away, the size of the group shrunk but the level of positivity or respect increased. Stay awesome Rob!

  14. Daniel

    You provide great analysis Rob and that’s why I keep coming back. So thank you for what you do. My football fandom is better because of this site. As far as the haters, you can’t use logic to deal with that which is illogical. People have forgotten how to be civil. We live in times where people are demanding to have their views tolerated, yet they are often some of the most intolerant people there are.

  15. Andy J

    Rob, I am a huge consumer of your content. Please keep up the good work and now that a lot of people really value your posts.

    That being said:
    – I think some people are just jealous
    – Internet culture breeds toxicity
    – Teams on the decline create frustration in fan bases
    – You do defend your positions with a sharp edge

    – Monday night was the first time in a long time that the Seahawks fandom community, at least for me, transcended the toxic funk we’ve all been in. I don’t care about politeness decorum norms. I was at the game and was happy to see a fanbase that was 100% invested and passionate.

    • Rob Staton

      – You do defend your positions with a sharp edge

      Too right I do

      It’s the only way to do it IMO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • Ty the GUy

        Never stop. Unless it best suits your personal life, which us as consumers of your work NEED TO STAY OUT OF!!!

        Internet trolls are just that, sad and miserable and misguided.

        Russ should not have been booed. That made me cringe as a fan. Too often we pick a side and for better or worse we follow that line. It can be both. We can be a little upset that he felt the need to have more control, but we can also appreciate that was his choice and the organization did what it needed to in order to move on.

        Too many times to count, Rob you have given me a different perspective than my own. I believe you have an excellent feel for this organization and the NFL as a whole. You are very good at this “hobby” of yours.

        12s, let’s ditch the toxicity and get back to supporting our team. This looks like the start of another big run…. if only we can find a way to plug Levis into the equation next year. Until then enjoy these men giving it their all for us.

      • Andy J

        Never stop.

  16. Olyhawksfan

    We are in an age where if some disagrees with you there’s no discussion, no back and forth, just ‘shut them out, call them names, and hate them. This transcends everything, unfortunately.

    You’re a good writer and an honest read on the team. You are very much appreciated. Same for this community.

  17. Feindt

    Sorry to hear that some people voice their opinions that way. Unfortunately the anonimity of the Internet provides Cover for hateful comments.

    While such comments are certainly demoralizing, especially when sacrifing your own free time, I believe that you have a great number of supporters behind you.

    I have grown to love this site as well as the community in the comment section (especially Cha and the other users who complement the blog) and appreciate the content. Your articles are always well written and opinions well justified, especially the controversial ones. You can proudly way that you have Chosen the right profession as you clearly have a talent for putting actions into words. As a non-native English speaker I feel that I can always improve my English by reading your articles.

    You have correctly anticipated the RW3 Trade and over the years unearthed special Talents/ Blog favourites in your draft analysis. I love your interviews with the prospects before the draft and think that smart questions were being asked.
    Last year I thought that some RW3 articles were a bit repetitive (less would have been more) and rather looked forward to other content.

    However, to end this comment on a positive note, I think that this is one of the best football sites available and you can certainly count on me to Return for as long as you keep doing this!

  18. Sten

    I think (and hope) the animosity with Russ will stop after this week when we have something to focus on that doesn’t directly have to do with him. This season does have the potential to tear apart the fan base quite a bit if they play poorly and they look poor while doing it. If they win, even some games, say get to 7-10, that’ll be a good spot for everyone, draft position and improvement of youngsters, etc. Winning more than that ought to make everyone happy.

    I appreciate your blog so much, and I’m sorry that the haters who obviously don’t take the time to read your labor of love hate you for opinions that you don’t even have. When you’d make posts about the russ situation back in 2020 I read it but kinda wrote it off because I didn’t want it to be true but you were vindicated in my eyes, when the trade happened, you were totally right and honestly the blog had already softened the blow of the trade, if not made me excited for the future when it happened. Especially since all this stuff is projecting what will happen years down the line, people tend to forget when you were totally right years ago and focus only on the here and now. Shaun Alexander will be inducted to the ring of honor this year, despite being basically spat on as an average running back when we had Lynch. People will always have their stupid opinions

  19. Adil

    Hey Rob, I’ve read your content for close to 3 years now but have never commented before.
    I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you write and how you are an independent thinker. You’ve got your opinions and you back them up with logical reasoning. I may not always agree but I still really respect what you do. How you run this blog actually inspired me to start my own venture (nothing Seahawks related).
    Sorry you have to deal with so much abuse. People these days are just so… stupid. Hang in there buddy

  20. Group Captain Mandrake

    My feeling is that if you looked at any fan base in any sport, you would find the same (or close to it) level of toxicity. We just see it a little more up close when it comes to Seattle. It’s probably been there for a long time, but now that we have social media and the internet, you get the displeasure of actually seeing or hearing this nonsense. Social media is a huge blight on society and it’s the reason I avoid Twitter/Reddit all together. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but maybe we shouldn’t all scream it into the void. Bottom line is that it sucks that you have to deal with all this nonsense, but a huge number of us appreciate and support you, Rob.

  21. Slartibartfast42

    You’re right about the fanbase: I was just at the Pike Place Market shopping for a gift for my wife, and there was a guy kind of arguing with a vendor about why he doesn’t like Russ. Because it’s “blue Friday” and I was wearing a Hawks shirt, they asked me about it, and I said I still like Russ–after all, we won a Super Bowl with him. As I walked away, he was talking about Russ’ perceived arrogance and how Marshawn was better, etc.

    I feel like it’s reflective of our broader culture: everything is set up to be a hot take on one side or another. Every headline is designed to elicit an emotional response like “Pete is old and the game passed him by” or “Russ is fake and just wants to win an MVP”. Our local radio hosts play each side of these off their co-hosts and take calls from people who know as little about football as possible, but darned if they don’t hate Pete or Russ, depending on the time of year.

    Unfortunately, a rebuild takes patience, and most people lack that–they’re still fired up from that NFL-curated dramafest last Monday night. When you can’t seriously talk about Geno leading the team to the playoffs, you have to at least make sure your opposing opinion is heard, even if you didn’t have that opinion until you read something online or heard something on the radio.

    I love the deep dives into the Hawks here–it’s so much more than what you can put in a newspaper article, and you can tell that there’s real investment in the team. Alas, we’re currently in a world where quick soundbites and 160 character hot takes generate that sense of satisfaction. If one can’t take the time to read or write some of the longform analyses you find here, one certainly may have trouble enduring a multi-year rebuild. Or reboot. Or whatever they want to call it to keep fans interested.

  22. Randy

    Rob , thanks so much for the time.effort and content you provide. Yes nowadays people are not allowed to be reasonable. So sad. I must check your site 3 to 10 times a day and comment rarely mainly because I write so poorly. Try not to let the jerks get to you. This going to be a interesting year my guess is bad but interesting.

    (No need to post)

  23. Dusty

    Everyone is a tuff guy on the internet. Forget about them. None of these geniuses would say anything to your face. Especially if you keep flexing dem pipes in your videos. Congrats on dem gainz dood.

  24. ShowMeYourHawk

    Not sure about you but I think “smarmy, know-it-all douchnozzle” would be a pretty dope t-shirt I’d rock when out and about.

    That said, knives out seems to be the working MO for anyone with little to say that still intends to be heard. The comments about your family are disgusting and completely below dignifying.

    Head up, Rob. You’ve been a great source of content for those of us that love the game and the ‘Hawks, without making the team’s success critical to our own self worth.

  25. Dennis Simonson

    Sorry to hear that people aren’t appreciating your honesty. This blog is informative, helpful, & insightful. I have been following it since before we drafted Russell. I think people in this day & age are being shown by politics & workplaces that if you don’t agree with their mindset then you are the enemy.

    Of course it’s utter nonsense, but I do think that line of thought has become pervasive. I think even when I don’t agree with your takes at least I have a thought process for WHY you think the way you do. Nobody is going to want to hear that they wasted premium on Jamaal right in the midst of years of poor drafting, but value wise we absolutely blew it in this trade. It would be different if you were just spitting out “Hot Takes” but I find the topics thoughtful while always looking at the other viewpoint & why it isn’t the one you hold. Again maybe a subset of the fans have a tough time watching if they have to look at the teambuilding process logically… I can understand people just wanting to watch to enjoy & only be told good things about the team. After all it is meant to be a rest from daily grind, but I saddens me to hear that people don’t appreciate the site which in my mind is the best Seahawks content around.

    Honestly its still not even close either, Where else can you get so much content, so much insight, drafting through actual play? I hope you know that supporters are here Rob. I wish I could contribute financially as well.

  26. bmseattle

    Not sure if you are seeking suggestions/remedies for the situation, but if so, here are a couple..

    1. Implement a paywall on the site.

    Before people get all up in arms, hear me out.
    Trolls and internet bullies notoriously refuse to pay money for content.
    They expect others to provide free material for them to consume. They feel *entitled* to it.

    So, even a minimal amount in a paywall.. say, $5/month, would dissuade most from joining.

    Before people start screaming about how many people can’t afford 5 dollars/month, I’ll add that Rob could
    make exceptions to those who reach out to him, and allow free access to those relatively few people who can’t afford 60 dollars a year.
    To me, this is a simple, effective solution.

    2. If Rob doesn’t like the idea of losing eyes on his articles by closing his site to a paywall, he can keep the articles public, but make the comment section closed to “members”.

    Members could be vetted by “joining” the site, for a fee.
    Again, Rob could grandfather in, long time commentors of the site, if he so chooses.
    His articles would then be free for all to read… but only the members of the site could comment.

    • Slartibartfast42

      My arms are getting all up!

      But, before that…I’m a subscriber to the Athletic, and let me tell you that the paywall there doesn’t seem to deter the common troll from opining on all manner of things tangentially related to the article. At least they may employ one or two interns to help scrub the site from some of the more vile comments.

      That said–paying just to comment? Genius! You’d probably make even more money than Twitter and have to fend off offers from car-magnate, rocket-building billionaires. Which is probably a good problem to have.

    • Kaeso

      This may be a good idea. I think some people would be happy to shell out a bit to comment. I don’t like gated communities. But, I do think that the blog is of a level that could require some sort of pay wall, perhaps.

  27. Luke

    Hi Rob,

    Those who know, know this is the best Seahawks website on the godforsaken world wide web. Those who don’t, don’t, and are free to seek equally free content elsewhere.

    Is every fanbase so intent on policing the attitudes of other fans? Most Seahawks media fuels this particular fire, too. There is constant self-reference as regards not the content of what one is saying, but which position one occupies on the enforced “optimist/pessimist” fan dichotomy. And, as they say in the movie “Highlander,” there can be only one (correct attitude toward Pete Carroll). Nuance is not for those who double-wield a weapon as fierce as social media.

    I used to be a writer on a very popular Seahawks website some years back. I wrote a few things critical of Pete Carroll and soon decided that I had better things to do with my time. I’m glad you’ve got thicker skin than I. Thanks for the great articles, videos and podcasts.

  28. Tyler Jorgensen

    First, I detest the level of personal attack you’ve received. That’s just not okay ever.

    Also, on the general sentiment, I feel you!

    I often find myself in disagreement with you, but I appreciate greatly your perspective and see tremendous value in that.

    It’s funny, I get “lumped in” with you often in the comments in Fieldgulls, even though we disagree often with legitimate reason and preference for the disagreement, so I end up both clarifying that no, I am not a “Staton-regurgitator” and I DO think for myself, and also that you have a sharp mind and understanding of the team.

    Also, that it’s okay for people to disagree, and that it’s unhealthy to judge another’s fandom.

    I think much of what’s happening is a microcosm of what’s happening in our western culture with tribalistic divides being the norm and the creation and defending of them taking priority over rationality or connection with others.

    I don’t buy in, which often makes one even more a target.

    Keep writing, keep producing. Your stuff is some of the best out there, and it is appreciated by many. I don’t know that forum, but I recognize some of those names from way back, and I don’t particularly miss them.

  29. Rick


    I just want to say that I love reading your articles and am very appreciative of the hard work and effort that goes into maintaining this blog. This is the best source for honest Seahawks appraisals and an excellent source for getting a handle on upcoming prospects.

    Have to say that it is just Seahawk fans that have the issue of polar divides.

    The whole world has gone this way on any issue that you can think of on the internet. Sports, politics, religion, family, health, etc it does not matter what the issue is there are no more reasonable moderates around anymore. You can’t have an opinion on anything without having a bunch of internet anonymous trolls raining down fire on you. Anonymity means that they don’t have to listen, be reasonable, be considerate, or have a sense of understanding what the point being made is.

    Every issue is a coin flip. It’s either heads or tails. With one side over the top agreeing and celebrating while the other side is villanizing and calling for death and dismemberment.

    I truly hope that you are able to get through this mentally and emotionally healthy and that you continue to do what you enjoy.


    • Rob Staton


      And thank you

  30. Tyler Jorgensen

    Random semi-unconnected note – Rob Rang and I used to sit in the back of English Lit survey classes at Central Washington University and talk Seahawks.

    Rob, you may appreciate that he and I went through something most Americans have not. We had a roundtable 12 person senior and grad-student class 400 level Thomas Hardy class together. We read and broke down Tess, the Mayor of Casterbridge, Return of the Native and Far from the Madding Crowd that semester, in addition to many of his poems.

    On that note, one of my favorite poems even before that class is a Hardy one, and it seems fitting in this era of tribalism and side-taking.

    “The Man He Killed”
    By Thomas Hardy

    “Had he and I but met
    By some old ancient inn,
    We should have sat us down to wet
    Right many a nipperkin!

    “But ranged as infantry,
    And staring face to face,
    I shot at him as he at me,
    And killed him in his place.

    “I shot him dead because —
    Because he was my foe,
    Just so: my foe of course he was;
    That’s clear enough; although

    “He thought he’d ‘list, perhaps,
    Off-hand like — just as I —
    Was out of work — had sold his traps —
    No other reason why.

    “Yes; quaint and curious war is!
    You shoot a fellow down
    You’d treat if met where any bar is,
    Or help to half-a-crown.”

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you for sharing that

      And it’s cool you got to hang with Rob and study together

  31. Rob Staton

    Appreciate all these kind words guys

    Really means a lot

    • Elmer

      Unfortunately it’s easy to hide behind the anonymity that computers provide. If I and more importantly my family had received the abuse you describe, I would be tempted to shut the biog down and walk away.

  32. Kevin Mullen

    Haters gonna hate, you keep doing you. Don’t let these clowns (including myself) deter you. Best content on the web.

  33. YakiMax

    Ignore the haters, Rob. Love your honest, balanced take. This is the first site I always check whenever there is Seahawks news, and that wouldn’t be the case if you were always negative or positive on what the franchise is doing. Really, really appreciate all you do.

  34. Hawk Doc

    I don’t often comment, but I read every post you put up. You have the most thorough and interesting draft coverage I’ve seen. Your opinions are always well reasoned, whether I agree with them or not. Any NFL fan base has a share of idiots and arseholes. Don’t let that obnoxious, vocal minority overshadow the appreciation the rest of us have for you.

  35. Mike

    Ignore the haters. Keep up the good work.

  36. Steve

    This is sadly the state of discourse on the internet today. Everything is toxic. Just look at Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Sandman and Rings of Power fandoms lately. If it gets too bad, just cut the comments section.

    Though I will agree with the guy who said you were a wanker. That just seems like the standard descriptor for British folks.

    • Slartibartfast42

      I can almost picture a whole football stadium (in England) chanting that for some reason…

      • UkAlex6674

        No need to picture it – its a regular event at ANY game over here!

  37. Joe

    Can’t say much that hasn’t already been said…you know your products are top notch. If people want a kool aid drinking analyst their are plenty of them out there. Unfortunately they feel the need to get their jolly’s being asshats on the internet. I am going to venture your fans vastly outnumber these fools, keep up the good work.

  38. Kaeso

    I think it is strange for a seahawk fan to turn on Wilson, why? The revisionism seems strong. Let him go do his thing, why hate? We have a new team that seems like it is going in the right direction. It was the best thing to happen for the seahawks, and Wilson.

    As for the blog, it is good content. More haters who don’t do anything close to what Rob does here in terms of looking at football and writing well about it. People like to shout out into the void. But, really, Rob, you put out a free, quality product. If you are complaining about this blog, then don’t read it.

  39. JIM

    All the best Rob,
    Unfortunately what you just wrote will just fuel your “haters” more.

  40. KSB

    Hey Rob don’t let them get to you and keep up the great work.

    I’ve found your site about 4yrs ago and think that you and a lot of the Hawks fan’s here make this place the best.

    As mentioned. I like your takes and possible scenarios that you have put out over the years. Even though I may hope that the Hawks don’t do some of those things. I like that you explain the thought process behind it. I like different takes on things as long as they are logical. You have came up a lot of good one’s too. Things you don’t hear on the local sports radio networks, web sights, TV or in the newspapers.

    You have obviously put in a lot of time and hard work.

    I think what were seeing with the Hawks fan’s (not just on here but on the streets as well) is what happens with teams.When all is well, everyone is happy and jolly. Like you mentioned about back in 2013-2014. But when we fall on the hard times. People will be more critical and defensive towards each other.

    Sorry to hear that you have had to deal with some of the things you mentioned. Wishing I’ll will on a person’s family for their own personal views is of very poor character.

    I also enjoy your commentary about the college games of the week and players to keep an eye on.

    Keep up the good work 😃

  41. SeaTown

    Rob, I’ve been a passionate fan of this team since 1977 and as someone who loves reading and discussing Seahawks football, this is the only place I come to for real, honest analysis of the team. I don’t always agree with your takes but appreciate the way you cover the team. It’s incredibly sad to see the vitriol that you have to deal with just trying to enjoy football and your favorite team. What an upside down world we live in. Just know that all you do is truly appreciated and hopefully you can drown out the idiotic minority that don;t appreciate this Seahawk community.

  42. Tomas

    With you 100%, Rob, well done. I’m no saint, with hindsight, I could have tempered a bitter remark or two on your SWDB, will take to heart your remarks.

  43. pez

    Hi Rob,

    Though I’ve only ever commented once or twice (maybe after the Super Bowl win or your your first kid’s birth maybe?), I go back with you at least as far as the T. Williams/Okung days, if not a bit further — I can’t remember, probably 2009. There are many of us, I’m sure, that come here to read, think and enjoy — quietly and without needing to flex the muscles of our individual fandom. Whether we always agree or not you’d think would be beside the point — you’re providing free content, and it’s really really good! So, to the extent that it helps to hear, just know that the toxic keyboard warriors are a minority in this community, and any community. Unfortunately, here and elsewhere, they suck up a hugely disproportionate amount of the oxygen.

    Let me just take this opportunity to say how much I’ve enjoyed your work over the years, and I hope that you’re able to shrug all this stuff off. Easy for me to say, I know, since I don’t have to put with the crap. Hopefully it means something when I say this simple thing: your writing and analysis has enriched my experience as a fan. To me, that’s all it should be about. Hang in there and keep going.

  44. Don Hill

    Rob, I have been a follower of this site for several years but have only commented a couple of times. So I just wanted to say your blog and videos are the first football site I go to for my quest for more football knowledge! I have learned more in the last couple of years following this blog than a dozen years of following some of the other Seahawk sites. Thanks for all you do I’m a better fan for it.

  45. Romeo A57

    Rob, Unfortunately there is no room for disagreement for many fans. Thetr are a lot of miserable people out there with no reasoning skills. They want to believe that their team is great every year even if the losses start piling up. I can already see their excuses if the Seahawks lose a lot this year. Fans will not want blame PC/JS even though they are the most responsible for the current lack of talent on the roster.

    ” It’s RW fault because he left us without a franchise QB”
    ” If JA hadn’t got hurt…”
    ” Well our OC and DC are not any good…”
    ” We have a lot of rookies ”
    ” The refs hate the Seahawks…”

  46. Rob Staton

    Again — just wanted to say thank you for all the kind comments and support

  47. Roger Davis

    Long time follower, infrequent commenter.

    I have, on this site, explained my thoughts about Rob and his wonderfully educational site of information about “my” Seahawks and the Draft – the year round search for our Hawks to find a shiny gem, or two, or three…

    Personally, from my first visit, I’ve felt like this site is Rob’s Personal Seahawk Draft Diary.

    Only, every day, as he creates them, he lets us into his thoughts, opinions hopes and dreams. I feel blessed that not only does Rob let me explore his thoughts but he even allows me to respond. Occasionally, he even deems to comment to some of us his agreement, or not so much agreement, about our remarks.

    Rob, I love your work. I love your insights and your Draft projections. I can’t thank you enough for letting me follow your journey. You are a daily “Go to!” site. I come here every day, even in that tiny month(ish) long break during the off season, when Rob sits on a beach at Bournemouth (Brighton is just too rocky). I come every day just in case Rob has decided to share some thoughts and will let me into his mind.

    Rob, I’m here because of you and my only fear is that some of us will drive you away from your obsession on their terms not yours. Fight on Rob. I’ll raise my next Guinness to you and your blog. And, my next Guinness isn’t too far away…in fact…

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you Roger, I loved reading that

  48. Alasdair

    Love the blog man, been following it for near a decade (before Mora!). And reckon I will as long as you feel like doing it!

    It’s always given me a heads up who to keep an eye on in College ball, which makes that far more interesting considering how dreadful my Sun Devils usually are.

    Tough to do as a guy who is plugged in to the media circus, but I’d just ignore the internet miasma. Had a blast this Monday with old buddies just watching the Hawks, appreciating the young talent, appreciating the QB who once was, and knowing that the future is not so dim. Heck, beyond just watching the games when I can, this is the primary site I’ve followed for Seahawks news in the past 6 years.

    • Rob Staton

      Had a blast this Monday with old buddies just watching the Hawks

      I hope, now that the Denver game is gone, we can just all do this — because it sounds awesome

  49. Paul

    Best Seahawks site out there. Easily.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Paul

      • Adam from Australia

        I bloody love your blog and pods mate.
        I read and listen to all your stuff.
        I think you do an incredible job of presenting an opinion with out shoving it down peoples throats or proclaiming it as fact (it’s just your opinion coz it’s your blog!)
        I feel you go to great lengths to support any opinions you have with your reasons for having them and I learn so much from you. You talk all facets of the Hawks like current/ past team, future talent, coaching and management.
        I’m not active in social media but I have commented on this blog now to throw my support behind you so you know that even fellas on the other side of the world love what you do … and because I hate tossers sitting in the cheap seats hanging shit on people like you that are actually out there having a crack.
        and I also throw a little change your way each month via patreon (which I do not do for any other content provider as I’m a total tight-ass) because I respect the amount of work you put in for my benefit and I appreciate you having the guts to stick your neck out on Hawks issues to give us a foundation to start forming our own opinions from.
        Keep it up buddy.

  50. Tom

    Rob, I am a fan of your blog. I have commented a few times, and disagreed with some of your opinions. Nothing personal, as it should be. Expressing different points of view is a good thing. Unfortunately, our society doesn’t like people expressing different points of view. For example look at politics in the US! It is polarizing. Keep your head up! I read your blog for information, not to agree with you! I believe this is the way you would prefer. Having everyone agree with you all the time would be boring. As for the jerks of the world, just ignore them, if possible!

  51. Travis

    I have been reading this blog nightly for a decade. I generally just post at the end of the year to say ‘thank you’. Hearing different perspectives and reasons for that view is healthy. This blog is so much fun and I am a far more intelligent football fan because of it. Thank you for your time and giving us a place to meet. Here’s to this blog spotting out the next Joel Bitonio and hopefully PCJS pull the trigger!

  52. Bankhawk

    Do want you can to keep the blockhead at bay Rob. I gotta think that they are an insignificant (if veeery annoying) sliver of your full fan-following.
    I’ve followed since sometime near the end of Mora era (funny how that sounds a bit like Mora-dor, to coin a rather poor Tolkien pun).
    Anytime I engage in Seahawks chatter, whether with mates, or random strangers, it is very likely that 90% of any confidence I have in the opinions I express flow from this blog, you and the community at large!
    ‘Preciate ya, bruh!

  53. UkAlex6674

    Not sure how anyone can call your draft coverage as average. It gets better each year and is my only go to for it. It single handedly made me have a new interest (2017l in the draft so much i get as excited for that as much as I do the Superbowl. Plus – and this is the best bit – you have what 11/12 years of collected resource from the blog to draw down from when your write.

    What we are getting on here is a blog born out of love for the sport and the team, by someone giving nearly all of his free time, at the level of a BBC journalist.

    Keep going!

  54. Neville


    I have nothing new to add that hasn’t already been articulated by others, but I also wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your work. No one deserves that type of abuse, especially someone as thoughtful and classy as you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.



  55. GoHawksDani

    People forgetting that this is just a stupid game. 22 guy running around, trying to catch an egg-shaped ball and hit each other. It’s fun and can be interesting, but at the end real life, people around you and even unknown people across a monitor should matter more. But it’s not just sports, the internet tends to de-humanize people, like “you’re not Rob, just a bunch of characters on the screen, I can sh.t on you pile of characters”. And social media amplified this trend. Unfortunately my guess that it’ll only get worse as there are so much in the world currently that cause people to get sad, mad or frustrated.

    I’m not always on the same page as you Rob. And you have a strong voice and opinion. BUT! A, this is your platform, you can tell your opinion and views B, if someone comes here voices their and get a stronger reply from you, they can accept it or go away.
    At the end of it, you produced a ton of quality content. And while you can’t be always right, I think you’re the most well thought-out, informed Hawks writer and between the best draft analysts out there.

    BTW is “rate/rating/rated” some new UK slang? I heard it in a reality show and now you also used it 😀 does it mean “appreciate/value”?

  56. sonicreducer


    Absolutely love this sight! I appreciate everything you write, I cannot imagine the hours you put in, especially with a wife and kids at home, full time job, etc. I know for me, it will be a sad, sad day if you ever stop. You content has made be a more educated fan, and I thank you for that.

    And you know those F’ers would not say that stuff to your face!

  57. Mick

    Rob, I’m sorry you have to go through this because of something you are so passionate about. Sure, it’s easy to say it’s just crap and it doesn’t matter, but it must be really tough to face this amount of needless hate every day. I hope you will keep doing what you’re doing. I have a really great time reading your articles, way above many others are paid to write, I highly appreciate many of the comments and I love the discussions here. You have built something here that will last. I hope the positive feedback that you get from so many people will motivate you to go on in the same way.

  58. Jim

    I’m going to be so pissed when these assholes finally kill Rob’s passion for this hobby and we lose some of the best Seahawks coverage we’ve had over the past decade.

    I honestly can’t believe how lucky we are that he continues to put the work in to make this blog happen.

    • Neville

      Indeed. This is what I’m concerned about. The jerks kill off Rob’s passion for Seahawks football and we no longer get to enjoy his brilliant insights.

  59. RSA

    Longtime listener, first time caller. Love your blog it. It’s the only one I read. Wouldn’t touch another comments section with a ten foot pole. I don’t always agree with what you write, but that’s one reason I keep coming back to read it. Why would I want to be presented only with views I already hold? Why wouldn’t you stick to your positions unless offered compelling arguments to the contrary rather than just abuse? How the heck could you sustain this site for so long if you were just jotting down meaningless words that you could take back at the slightest resistance, without a care?

    Please keep at it!

    All the best.

  60. Blitzy the Clown

    Seahawks and CFB fans need Rob. The Blitzy needs Rob. That’s why I fought for you. That’s why WE fight for you. That’s why you’re still here.

    • Rob Staton


  61. Brandon

    You have a very honest point of view, and I really do appreciate that.
    I was so ready for the Wilson/Seahawks split. He was a great quartback but stuck on Wilson first and the team second. This draft has felt like a revelation, as I do enjoy old school smash mouth football. I’m so excited too see across, Lucas and Mafe develop. The fact that woolen is looking like another 5th rd gem is unbelievable. Lastly, don’t let these idiots that talk about your family get too you. Pay them no mind they are pathetic goofs. Probably creeping in the dark of they’re parents basement. You incredible work and I also look to you for Seahawks draft knowledge.
    Cheers and Thanks

  62. chris

    rob, i love this site. i’ve been here for over a decade and only commented a few times but i read every single article. i don’t always agree with you ( sorry but i absolutely love jamal adams ) but i would be destroyed if this blog disappears because of the hateful trolls. i’ve learned so much more about the draft and football in general than i ever meant to, and it’s been great. i can’t thank you enough. this is hands down the greatest seahawks site out there. i’m an out of work actor with some minor success, and the internet trolls are the absolute worst. i hope you can find a way to shut them out and keep on keeping on. all my best to you and yours. happy football season !

  63. Joe

    Rob I started on and field gulls years ago and no longer even think about those sites; yet i come here nearly every week of the year. keep up the fantastic work, THANK YOU!!! it’s an honor to know a fellow Hawk fan like yourself.

    • GoHawks5151

      Been coming here since 2011. Best Seahawks content around. I appreciate all the effort and passion in which you write. You have a unique point of view and are always on the cusp of issues I don’t always consider. The discussion is top notch. Social media is horrible because many peoples opinions should stay in their heads haha. If you called it quits it would be a big blow to the sanity of many. I can’t say for sure but I’d like to think most are positive about your contributions and the negative minority should be tuned out. Easier said than done I’m sure. Thanks for all you do

      • GoHawks5151

        Should have been it’s own post not reply…. Smh

  64. cha

    Keep doing your thing Rob.

    If there is anything I can do to support you more, please don’t be afraid to ask. It’s a privilege.


    One that always gets me is when posters on other sites write the ‘I did not agree with Rob and he banned me’ trope. As if it were they were these innocent little lambs who dared to raise their hand and say something different and they got smacked down hard.

    When in reality they usually just spout their opinions and when asked to provide facts and logical arguments, offer the flimsiest of facts or just find ways to restate their opinions. Which doesn’t hold water. And when that is pointed out, they resort to name-calling, bigotry or gatekeeping the fandom. And that is not conducive to having a comments section anyone wants to read.

    One particular poster was griping on another site about Rob and revealed himself. He said something like ‘all I did was call Rob and everyone in the community an idiot. And he blocked me for that! The nerve of that guy!’

    It’s further telling that another site *cough* makes a big show of their comment policy…respect others, no name calling, opinions aren’t facts, etc and moderate accordingly but their own mods are happy to flout that policy when people are trashing Rob. I’ve even seen the mods gleefully join in. So sad.

  65. God of Thunder

    Do not let it disturb you, Rob. There are some bitter and cynical people out there…

  66. Balint

    Hey Rob,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been treated like that. I know that it is so much easier to say than actually do it, but you should simply ignore those a..holes.

    Just keep thinking about so many supporters of yours: the people who comment here regularly and also your “silent upholders” (like me), the uncounted readers who are blown away about your impressive and quality work you do on this site constantly.

    Cheer up man, you are the best!

  67. Christopher

    It’s the age we live in, and I don’t believe it’s a Seahawks Fandom thing. Listen to this podcast: “Why Does It Seem Like Everybody Hates Everything?”

  68. tony

    I was turned onto your blog the year before Hawks drafted RW. When we picked that kid from Wisconsin I went ape shit and soon after was rewarded with a Super Bowl win.

    Sucks that a toxic online community (everywhere it seems, not just Seahawks fans) makes it almost interoperable to have any kind of online presence nowadays. That said, I love reading your blog and without question you provide the best NFL analysis out there.

    Thank you for all that you do, sir.

  69. R. L. Howser

    The world is full of ignorant asshats, Rob, and most of them love to spread their bile on the internet. That’s why I stopped reading the comments on any site.

    You do great work and most of us greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into it. I think you’ve been quite measured in both your praise and your criticism of the Hawks. They deserve both. This is the best damn Seahawks site anywhere and I learn more here than all of the other blog sites combined. Ignore the stupid bullshit and keep bringing us the news. You’re not always right, but your batting average is a lot better than anyone else I read.

  70. Bob Heins

    It certainly seems as if you have a healthy attitude about it, respond when you have a defense and write the rest off as internet toxicity. I doubt I’d be as even tempered as you are. I notice that you are sensitive to how important the Seahawks are to some people. I don’t have a need for tact, so I would tell people that they must never have had a gravely ill child in the hospital, or had their home burn down or a family member kill themself. If they had, no matter how big a fan they are. They would realize that it’s just a game…get a damn grip. No matter how good your self esteem is, the sheer volume of personal nastiness is bound to discourage anyone. Your response was not only reasonable, it was constructive. I’m a faithful reader, but I don’t agree with all you do, but in this case I stand up to applaud you. Thanks for your incredible committment.

  71. GrittyHawk

    Rob, I read SDB almost every day but never comment. Just wanted to say it sucks that people can be so toxic. I don’t understand all the hatred and vitriol. If people don’t like your analysis or think you’re a “douchenozzle”, it seems like it would be much easier for them to just move on. This site ain’t for them. That they take time out of their day to hate-read your content just to whip themselves up into a shit fit is much more of a them problem than a you problem. Like the vast majority of your readers, I appreciate all the work that goes into this site and I hope it continues for a long, long time! Fuck all the haters.

  72. Matt

    And some Seahawks “experts” wanted to trade for Jimmy G or Mayfield.


    • Rob Staton

      Which experts called for that?

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