Terrelle Pryor will be cut

This was on the cards. Pryor, for all his outstanding athleticism, simply isn’t a good quarterback. Too often he succumbed to the temptation to run after the first read, too often he made the wrong decision. The interception in San Diego was a glimpse of what he’s capable of under pressure. While Russell Wilson remains ice-cold, Pryor in that instance tried to throw it away and lofted one up for grabs.

Stashing him on the roster would’ve meant carrying a non-active red-shirt player who’s out of contract in 2015. Even if they spent time developing him (and how can you develop a 3rd string QB with limited snaps in practise?) they could’ve lost him for nothing in a few months.

Look at Indianapolis when they had Peyton Manning. They never developed a suitable backup or prospective replacement. Why? Because Manning took all the practise snaps. When you have an established quarterback that’s what happens. Pryor just wouldn’t get the snaps week-to-week to show real growth.

It seems likely they’ll run with two quarterbacks again, freeing up the option to carry an extra wide receiver (Bryan Walters?) or another defensive lineman (Benson Mayowa?). It’d be a surprise if the Seahawks didn’t look on the waiver wire for a defensive line or defensive back addition to the roster.


  1. Mark

    I wonder if they’ll look for a TE. Although, I’m not sure there are any worth picking up.

    • redzone086

      I liked Allen. Never saw enough of him, but as a 3rd TE developmental player he seems to have potential.

      • CC

        Allen could make the practice squad – which would make sense

  2. CC

    I could see us looking at DT – since Scruggs and Hill aren’t looking great right now.

    Hey Rob, I will make one comment on the 2013 draft discussion from yesterday. I don’t really hold it against them that guys didn’t stick – mostly because the team was so stacked that none of the draft choices were better than the back ups. I don’t think that meant it was a bad draft, but rather that they had done a good job the 2 years before getting the team together.

    The 2012 draft was so good, it was almost impossible to do as well in 2013.

    Now, when we get to this years draft, we now had some openings, because of people leaving – this draft is probably more important than the 2013 version because we may have some openings again next year.

    Best of luck to all the guys who get cut – at least they got a chance to try to make it in the NFL.

    • SeaTown

      Honestly, I haven’t ever seen anything from Scruggs. Not sure what the coaches see.

      • Colin

        We need to remember that Scruggs is coming off an ACL injury and hasn’t played meaningful football in a year and a half.

        • CC

          Unfortunately, this isn’t a patient league.

          Seems like some veteran DTs being cut – not sure if they fit into Seattle’s system, but I won’t be surprised if they kick some tires.

          • Colin

            I fully expect them to.

  3. Michael (CLT)

    Brandon Coleman cut. Wow.

    • PatrickH

      He dropped a lot of passes in practices, according to a report.

    • KyleT

      Totally predictable. The guy had horrible tape

      • Rob Staton

        Knee issues and drops are why he is now a free agent. Not Rutgers tape.

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