Could the Seahawks trade for Fletcher Cox?

Is it grasping at straws? Maybe.

We’ll take any scrap of hope at this stage.

Jimmy Kempski, a well known Eagles beat-writer for Philly Voice, has written an article discussing four possible trade candidates — including Fletcher Cox.

“It sure feels a lot like the collective nucleus that was kept in place from that Super Bowl run just isn’t going to contend in Philly anymore, and with a troublesome salary cap situation upcoming in 2021, it’s not as if they’re going to be able to add outlook-changing pieces to the mix.

But certainly, individual players on the roster from that Super Bowl run could help other teams.”

According to, the Eagles will be $70m over the salary cap in 2021 if it reduces to $176m.

That’s staggering.

The fact is teams who drop out of contention before the trade deadline on November 3rd will need to be conscious of their cap situation.

The Eagles aren’t the only team in bother. New Orleans (-$83m), Atlanta (-$37m) and Pittsburgh (-$27m) are all facing a difficult situation. Clearing significant money off the books for next year is going to be necessary for some teams.

If the Saints and Steelers are in contention for the playoffs, they’ll probably push this problem into the off-season. The Eagles and Falcons, however, are 0-2.

The downside is fans are turning in Philly — on the coaches and GM Howie Roseman. They might not survive the flying of a white flag. The team has been stuck in neutral since winning the Super Bowl, benefitting mostly from a lousy NFC East to make the post season but not being good enough to seriously challenge.

With the division looking pretty dreadful again this year, the Eagles are likely to stick around in the playoff hunt again. Between now and the deadline, however, they have to go to San Francisco and Pittsburgh in back-to-back weeks then host the Ravens.

Even if they beat the Bengals this weekend, they could easily start 1-5.

That would surely trigger some forward planning.

I’d never really considered that Fletcher Cox would be available. For years he’s been a formidable interior presence.

Here are his PFF grades as a pass rusher over the last few years:

2020 — 82.7
2019 — 84.8
2018 — 91.8
2017 — 90.9
2016 — 78.9
2015 — 89.0

He’s consistently delivered pressure from inside and has the athleticism and flexibility to play inside/out too.

Cox turns 30 in December so he’s not too old, even if he’s perhaps not at his exceptional best. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility he could deliver three more seasons of quality play.

What would the compensation be?

Here’s Kempski’s suggestion:

“…nobody is giving you a 1st round pick for an almost 30-year-old DT whose production is in a downturn, but maybe a 2 for a team in need of D-line help?”

The Seahawks only have one significant asset left to play with and that’s their 2021 second rounder.

Is it ideal going into a draft next year with zero picks in the first two days? No, it isn’t.

However — we could be witnessing the best season in Russell Wilson’s career. If he really is going to go on and win the MVP in 2020, surely you want to make the most of that?

Strike while the iron is hot. If you’re going to aggressively trade for Jamal Adams, you should be prepared to be equally aggressive to fix the flaw that could prevent you from a deep playoff run.

What are the salary cap ramifications?

The Eagles would be forced to eat $28m in dead money which would be a new NFL record. Usually you wouldn’t entertain that. This is a unique situation though. Remember — the Eagles need to somehow raise $70m. Not having Cox on the books when the 2021 season starts immediately clears $22.4m.

The Seahawks would be able to carry Cox this year and would inherit his base salary and roster bonus for the remainder of his contract. That would mean a cap hit of $16m next year and $17m in 2022.

On paper that doesn’t look too bad. The problem the Seahawks have is that while they have about $25m to play with in 2021, they also don’t have many players contracted beyond the end of this season. Neither do they have much draft stock to fill holes. If you want to retain Chris Carson, Shaquill Griffin or Quinton Dunbar — that’s going to cost you. Then you need to retain or replace the assortment of players on short-term deals.

Jamal Adams shouldn’t be a major problem because his salary is already on the books for next year. You can structure his inevitable extension to kick in from 2022 and it’d be smart to backload it, with the hope the NFL economy stabilises in a few years time.

As we saw with Calais Campbell in Baltimore, you can always re-work a contract to make the numbers fit if needed. So a $16m cap hit in 2021 isn’t obscene and might be workable.

Acquiring Cox would undoubtedly improve Seattle’s D-line and give them the interior specialist they’ve never really had in the Carroll era. It’s not the biggest need — that remains speed off the edge and an ability to win 1v1. The Seahawks are not getting any consistent pressure from their defensive ends and the loss of Bruce Irvin didn’t help the situation.

The phrase ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ applies here though. If Cox ends up being available and there’s nobody out there who can rush from the edge, you probably have to accept the situation and make the move.

When Pete Carroll talked about ‘surprise options’ potentially becoming available on cut-down day, I suspect he had the 2021 salary cap in mind. He and John Schneider will know the problems many teams face — and the relative wealth the Seahawks have in comparison.

That never materialised. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that they’re holding out hope of opportunities coming to the fore in the coming weeks.

They need to do something though. As noted yesterday, the number of snaps taken by Benson Mayowa and Jarran Reed is totally unsustainable. Pete Carroll has revealed today that Mayowa could miss the Dallas game on Sunday.

It’s quite incredible that Alton Robinson wasn’t active against New England to share some of Mayowa’s workload. Instead, Luke Willson was active as the fourth tight end on the roster.

Willson played exactly zero snaps against the Patriots.

Would it not have been wise to give Robinson 10-15 snaps? To give him a taste of things and help Mayowa? To see if he can provide a spark?

How on earth was he inactive and Willson dressed? It’d be understandable if they used their fourth tight end even once but they didn’t. They didn’t even use their top three tight ends much in the game plan.

The decision to pick Willson over Robinson is, frankly, incomprehensible.

It’s also been announced today that Rasheem Green has been placed on injured reserve. He’ll be eligible to return in three weeks but we’re all well aware how serious a ‘stinger’ injury can be by now.

Plus, as we also discussed this week, Seattle’s current defensive performance statistically is seriously threatening to undermine all the positives on offense.

Carroll understands better than anyone that a third of your defensive snaps cannot result in an explosive play and something needs to be done about this.

Check out our new podcast below where I make a (compelling) case for making a trade for Ryan Kerrigan. We also preview the Dallas game and discuss the terrifying advanced stats from weeks one and two.

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  1. dcd2

    I’ve always loved Fletcher Cox. He’d be a great, if expensive add, and the terrible cap situation is Roseman has put them in is the only reason that might be on the table.

    I wonder just how bad things need to get for Pete to do something significant to the DL. Surely it has to be THIS bad, right?

    Two really interesting articles on Kerrigan and Cox. If both could be had for a 2nd rounder, which would be the call?

    • Chase

      Based on how things are trending, especially considering cap space for both teams, I think Cox would be the more likely of the 2. However from a team need pov I think Kerrigan would the bigger of the 2 holes.

      • Chase

        *fill the bigger of the 2 holes

  2. cha

    Definitely warming to the idea.

    Inside pressure with Reed can do all kinds of things for the edges. They might (MIGHT) be able to get away with the Adams blitzes and the occasional Shaquem speed burst if the middle is clogged or making the QB move his feet more frequently.

    As far as the contract goes, the Eagles taking all the weight of the dead cap hit really cleans it up. Simple base salary and the 2021 and 2022’s are not guaranteed. So they’re not stuck with those big cap hits. They have options to create cap flexibility there.

  3. Jawbreaker

    First of all, I come in peace.

    I would like to say that it seems like the comment moderation recently has been rather active. Rob, is there some kind of standard that you follow for moderation? Want to know the line so my comments don’t get zapped. Thanks!

    • Rob Staton

      Yep. Happy to explain.

      The comment moderation has been the same from day one. No abusive comments. No comments that deliberately try to provoke. No repeat arguments over and over again. Unconstructive remarks (eg: ‘This blog isn’t good any more because I disagree with you on one topic’) aren’t welcome. And if someone speaks to me directly, or challenges something I’ve written directly, I prefer to discuss with that person one-on-one rather than have people chipping in. The wordpress comments system is clumsily designed and a serious conversation thread, a heated debate or an exchange of ideas can become quickly unreadable if multiple people pile in.

      For 12 years I have moderated this community on my own and most people would agree it’s one of the few places where conversation thrives. I’m very happy to be challenged on my points of view — people often disagree with me. I also respond robustly and don’t apologise for that.

      This year I’ve spent as much time moderating as I have writing. Presumably because I’ve been critical of the Seahawks, I’ve faced abuse on a level I’ve never experienced before. This has made moderating an even greater challenge than before.

      I’m still proud of this community.

      • Trevor

        I think the moderation is one of the things that make the blog a fun place to come chat about the Hawks as it is devoid of all crap on most blogs/ chats.

        • Rob Staton

          Thanks Trevor.

          And you’re right too. We stick to football on here.

          • RugbyLock

            The fact that we’re able to have intelligent discussions on differences of opinions is why this is the only comment section I read. The rest are just toxic.

            • Rob Staton

              Thank you

      • Jawbreaker

        Thank you for the explanation. Looking forward to constructive discussions about our favorite team!

      • cha

        It’s a great place to discuss all things Seahawks Rob, and I’d like to say thank you for the moderation. I’m sure there’s a ton of junk we don’t see.

        How do I know that besides your saying so? In the past, I’d occasionally drop over to FG and the daily links posts to see if there were any other links that would be worth a look. When a SDB post was linked, the comment section was lit up with about 30-40% of the comments arguing about your latest posts. The occasional ‘Rob has a point’ comments getting drowned out by people saying ‘I posted a legitimate counter and was banned’ and other such nonsense.

        In a bizarre way, it’s a compliment I suppose, as you’re a must read for people that like your work and people that hate your work alike.

        • Rob Staton

          That’s funny. I’m glad we’re giving them something to talk about.

          And thank you — for the words and for being a big part of this community.

        • LLLOGOSSS

          I can tell you from moving in other circles that I often tell people to get past the inter-personal and give the content another look. Still second to none in that regard. Best Seahawks resource there is.

      • BruceN

        I just don’t understand why people are giving you abuse. If they disagree with you so much and don’t enjoy the content on the site then go to many other available blogs. You produce an incredible amount of quality content and then engage with us which is great. My favorite site. We don’t say enough, but we appreciate all that you do. Ignore a few knuckle heads that rag on you.

        Regarding Cox, I have watched him in a few games and he can be a one man wrecking crew. Odds of getting him are small to none. But no harm in day dreaming. Boy our D is banged up. The good news is so are the Cowboys. This game will be a 44-42 shoot out game.

        • Rob Staton

          Thanks Bruce 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  4. SteveLargent80

    Rasheem Green goes on IR. Trading for someone is a necessity at this point, or Russell’s best season will be wasted, and another year of his prime gone

    • cha

      Field Yates
      The Seahawks have placed DE Rasheem Green on injured reserve. He’s been out since Week 1 due to a stinger.
      1:40 PM · Sep 25, 2020

    • Rob Staton

      So the pass rush is now down to:

      Benson Mayowa (who is questionable)
      LJ Collier
      Alton Robinson
      Damontre Moore

      This if fine

      • Ashish

        We could have 5 sacks, we were right there. Our pass rush is better than it looks

        • MountainHawker

          Not from our dline. There have been a couple flashes that haven’t planned out(grounding, Reed getting blatantly held, throw aways), but it’s no where near consistent. Adams has been great, but we definitely need more depth. Injuries are stacking up

      • Pran

        there is no point in pretending to rush any more.. time come up with a different game plan.

        • smityy1547

          drop 11

      • hawks31


        What about D’Andre Walker? He was a stud edge rusher in college (sr yr) and we snagged him after losing Clowney.

        • Rob Staton

          Well they have to give him a go.

          He can’t be inactive on Sunday.

          • Elmer

            Maybe they bring Shaquem up from the practice squad for one game (?)

            • Rob Staton

              Yes, reportedly that decision has already been made.

              It won’t make much difference though. Shaquem isn’t good enough. That’s why he was cut.

  5. hawkfanforetenity

    There would be an interesting connection here as Philly traded up with Seattle to get Cox in the draft. Seattle used their pick on Bruce Irvin. I’ve often wondered how things would have turned out if we’d stayed there and picked up Cox.

    • Ukhawk

      Exactly! Almost had the 2nd best thing to Aaron Donald. What could have been

  6. L80

    Who wouldn’t salivate to have Cox on the DL?.

    Can they or are they even considering such a move?….I hope so.

    We are in win now mode with RW and Adams.

    Please get us another Lombardi before RW is gone.

    • CaptainJack

      I fear Cox would struggle with no support at his age, and be liable to get injured, or just be ineffective. Then you go into the draft with no ammo at all, no picks until day three. At least Harrison doesn’t carry much risk with him.

  7. Scot04

    Is it wrong to dream of both Kerrigan and Cox on board for this this season. Not realistic, but fun to think about.

    • Rob Staton

      They couldn’t afford both.

      • Scot04

        I know, which only emphasizes how poorly we spent 60M.
        My preference is Kerrigan, but would be happy adding either. We definitely need to add pressure; whether it comes from the edge or inside.

    • CaptainJack

      You know what’s more fun to think about?

      Not blowing money on Olsen Finney Ogbhuei and Irvin, signing Eversen Griffen for 6 million, signing a vet DT and resigning Clowney.

      • Joe MT

        Sure looks like we could have saved a lot of that money and still missed out on Clowney. Maybe Griffen, too but we obviously should have approached the FA pass rush market differently. I thought Irvin was playing better than his PFF rating suggested, but it was too much to spend for a guy no one thought could hold up to the rigors of playing 3 downs.

  8. CaptainJack

    Dunbar listed as questionable.

    Might as well pencil this one as a loss.

    • Rob Staton

      Dallas are pretty banged up too.

      I’m betting on the over.

      • CaptainJack

        I’m going to be impressed if we make a single defensive stop all game.

        At some point, the offense just won’t be able to keep up, especially with the pass blocking we’ve seen the first two weeks.

        • Rob Staton

          I think a game like that is coming for sure.

          The offense is starting faster though which is a huge plus from previous years. That gives them a chance to score big.

          But you’re right, it’s very hard to keep winning if your defense is giving up what Seattle is giving up. Your chances to drop a game you have no business losing increase.

          Imagine if they’d properly sorted out their D-line this off-season. They might be unstoppable.

          • JLemere

            Pretty much it will come down to who gets the last possession, and that is something i will probably be saying all year long.

      • Jonathan Evison

        . . . i’ve been drinking the PC/JS kool aid for so long, that i actually believe the hawks defense (at least the back seven) will over-performs this sunday, even with our anemic pass rush . . . is it sustainable, no, but i feel like we can hang and keep winning until we get outside help . . . this scheme is just SO DEPENDENT on a competent deep safety that losing diggs last week probably cost the defense 7-14 pts . . . i was having flashbacks to dion bailey days . . . provided dallas isn’t smart enough to run EE down our throat, i predict the final score looks something like 38-24 hawks . . . as bad as our defense is, the cowboys secondary is in shambles . . .and even if dallas gets their pass rush going, we’ve seen russ overcome pressure over and over . . . i just watched all of russ’s 2019 highlights and even though i saw everyone of them in real time, seeing them all together compressed really brought home JUST HOW MANY TIMES russ ducks out of a collapsing pocket, rolls left or right, plants or doesn’t plant his feet, and makes magic happen . . .

        • Rob Staton

          It’s certainly possible.

          And let’s be right — the Seahawks are definitely going to win more games than they lose this year.

          The problem is — with Wilson playing this well, even a ‘decent’ D-line could be enough to get you into the 13/14 win range. And I think we can all see that they’re going to end up dropping games they have no business losing because the defense is so bad.

          Last week was nearly a classic example. If they lost against New England it would’ve been a disgrace given Wilson had a near perfect game and they ran for another 154 yards.

          They just need a middle of the road defensive unit. Instead they’re giving up explosive plays on a third of their snaps, they’re blitzing more than Gregg Williams and yet their sack percentage is a woeful 3%. They’re shedding yards in the passing game like they’re playing with eight defenders.

          Tomorrow should be a win. Kansas City & Baltimore would win. I’m holding the Seahawks to that standard because they have a quarterback who is playing sensationally like the Chiefs and Ravens. The difference is, those two teams have a complementary defense. They have both aggressively added pieces to the D-line in the last two years. Seattle has done the opposite. They’ve traded away talent or watched it walk out the door. They are left relying on people like Benson Mayowa playing 90% of the snaps.

          If they don’t win tomorrow, the chances are it’ll be on the defense. And in the loaded NFC West every win is going to count. I don’t want to waste a chance to be the #1 seed and have homefield and a better route to the SB. I don’t want to be second in the division again and lose on the road in the wildcard or divisional round again.

    • cha

      Jon Machota
      Mike McCarthy says the Cowboys’ plan is not to run clock on offense to keep Russell Wilson off the field as much as possible. “We want to score as fast as we can, and as many times as we can.”
      9:12 AM · Sep 24, 2020

  9. Simo

    I’m completely on board with the sentiment that something needs to be done to help out this DL, but I seriously doubt a Fletcher Cox trade comes about.

    First, he’s still pretty expensive even though Philly eats a lot of dead money. PC/JS haven’t shown any inclination to pay a DL player this much, including Clowney just this year.

    Second, it would also require a fair bit of restructuring of current contracts (Russ, Tyler, whomever) to fit him in the cap. I just don’t see them doing that, even though the current situation on the DL appears pretty dire.

    Lastly, they really need more/better edge rush worse than an interior rusher, although I understand that sometimes (probably like now) you take pass rush however you can get it.

    If they can make this happen, I’ll stand up and holler though. Personally I prefer a trade for Kerrigan, with the hope they could extend him at fairly reasonable numbers.

  10. Gohawks5151

    Horrible timing for Green to get hurt. I said in the Kerrigan article that i thought trading for help was more a function of time than anything else. I feel the same about Cox. Its so unfortunate for us but a few more losses need to pile up for Washington and Philly for the idea to be palatable for the team AND fans to get behind. Particularly for the Eagles who have been known to fall asleep at the wheel for long stretches of the season only of finish .500 and sneak into the playoffs (ie: last year). This season they are looking bad and they are hurt so maybe they pivot early and trade i guess. The only team that is ready to punt is Carolina. They are bad and they lost CMC for maybe 2 months. I know people throw Kawan Short’s name around too, but I personally don’t think that is the move. However we are desperate. I think the team wants to hang on til the bye week and get someone in. We just have make it there in one piece.

  11. Rob Staton

    Basically the Seahawks need an equivalent to the Rams trade for Dante Fowler in 2018.

    Someone who’s at a good age, with potential, who’s shown something but maybe hasn’t reached their peak, with the right kind of profile.

    Again — they don’t need five first rounders lining up like San Fran or Washington. They just need someone who bloody wins a few 1v1’s.

  12. James Cr.

    One thing for sure is the game on Sunday wont be boring. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see a 48-45 game.

    • Rob Staton

      BIG 12

      • Gohawks5151

        The images are freaking me out. Haha. Is this a new thing?

        • Rob Staton

          I just found out how to do it and I’m now having a party with it…

          • Gohawks5151

            Go ahead. You deserve it!

    • Simo

      How about this prediction by Jim Moore!! Seahawks 34, Cowboys 23! I think it would be a major miracle to hold Dallas to 23 points the way the defense has been playing. Moore says the “Hawks will overcome injuries on defense against the Cowboys”. Sounds a lot more like wishful thinking than a confident feeling!

    • CaptainJack

      My “bold prediction” is one team scores over 50 points.

  13. Uncle Bob

    I think the beggars can’t be choosers is a fine description of where Seahawk management has put themselves. Cox, Kerrigan, someone/anyone able to rush a passer, just make it happen.

    Meanwhile, Mena Kimes, an admitted Seahawk fan in media, just had the best line regarding the Seahawk pass rush; “They’ve got less pressure than a motel shower head.”. Sad…………..but true. I’m surrounded by Cowboy fans…………………..I may need more bourbon to survive Sunday night.

  14. Rob Staton

    Another frustrating press conference.

    • Gui_Hawks

      It`s unbelivable how there`s no questions about the pass rush, or lack of…

  15. Sea Mode

    How’s his injury history been recently?

    Mike Garafolo

    #Eagles DT Fletcher Cox (abdomen) was limited today, listed as questionable vs. #Bengals. All indications as of now are he’ll be ready to go.

    • Gohawks5151

      I learned last year you can play through a sports hernia just long enough to leave a team the next year…

  16. DC

    It might benefit Seattle to wait until just before the trade deadline to make a deal if it is going to include a 2021 2nd. There’d be a clearer picture of the roster minus further injuries. If we’re in a position to ‘go for it’ then do so. It might cost a win in the near term but would protect against throwing away a pick if our roster becomes decimated by mid season. Also, without fans in the stands, home field advantage in the playoffs is greatly lessened. Get any spot in the playoffs with Russ, a relatively healthy roster and some semblance of a defense and we’ve got a legitimate shot. There will be some options to improve the team as this season progresses.

  17. Hoggs41

    Cox for sure would be an intersting one. Yes we need edge speed but sometimes that inside push creates edge pressure. If we did trade for Cox we could look to release Reed next year and that would cut Cox’s 2021 cap hit in half.

  18. JW

    Completely agree. it is so mind boggling that we are at this point, given they had 60mil to spend and worthy targets in free agency. what is also frustrating is PC getting a pass in Seattle. after the win last Sunday, he was asked specifically about the pass rush and he almost took offense to it. WELL PETE GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! would be such a disappointment to lose a game we should have won, there is one every year with PC, but man would it just be nice to put lesser opponents away. I live in Dallas and trust me, the cowgirls are not going to the SB This year.

  19. JW

    and lets not forget, Reed had his best year when frank clark was on the line, many of the sacks were not a direct reflection of reed but more coverage sacks or the QB holding onto the ball. i can remember back to that SF game that year and Reed had all day to get to the QB

  20. Ukhawk

    I’d love Kerrigan or Cox. Both are quality Pro Bowl vets who would add instant Upgraded production.

    We could get possibly Kerrigan and Snacks.

    Big question is health/fitness and getting something done.

    Don’t be fooled by Cox this year, if fit, he would command double teams and would tend to even win those often.

    Be happy to win now with any of these guys

  21. Robert

    Why would we need Cox if we are bringing Harrison in? Wouldn’t it make more sense to sign Harrison and trade for Kerrigan?

    • Rob Staton

      One’s a 380lbs run stuffer.

      One’s a pass rusher.

      • Robert

        True. What is better then? Kerrigan and Harrison or cox?

        • Rob Staton

          Not sure. Depends on what kind of shape Snacks is in I guess.

      • hawkfanforetenity

        Double take at the 380 lbs. Probably accurate though.

    • Ukhawk

      Though not probable I’m also wondering if they possibly could be even more aggressive and reshape the roster before the deadline ?

      Trade Finney back to the OL depleted Steelers?
      Trade a WR like Moore to the WR depleted Pats or Broncos?
      Possibly Hollister to a TE hungry team like the Pack or Wash?

      • Rob Staton

        I can’t see them trading any weapons given Wilson is the be-all and end-all for this team. Neither are you saving that much.

        • Ukhawk

          I agree

          ‘Yeah but’ if Swain is emerging and/or Gordon is imminent it might be a possibility

          But yes unlikely if the likes of Dorsett, Olsen and Dissley spend time on the injury report

        • Robert

          Then what could we give to get cox? The Eagles could use some recievers since they were all hurt last year.

          • dcd2

            They’re all hurt this year too. Alshon & Raegor are both out and DJax isn’t exactly an iron man. David Moore (assuming Gordon gets reinstated) isn’t the worst idea for part of a compensation package.

            Cox has also missed two days of practice and is doubtful for Sunday.

  22. Chase

    If we were to get Cox, how would this affect reeds snaps? Would they be on the field all 3 downs? Would Reed come in for Ford on obvious passing downs? Or would it be a rotation of those 3 and mone/moore?

  23. Ukhawk

    Speaking of Dante Fowler – type pickup in terms of a younger guys.

    In terms of value, one I’ve had my eye on his teammate -Takk McKinley

    Apart from the Eagles and Saints, the Falcons are in 2021 cap hell and look to be struggling into the trade deadline.

    They failed to pickup Takk’s 5th year option @ ~$10m and may be willing to move on for a price given they probably will not be able to resign him next year.

    Maybe he could even be signed and extended at a reasonable rate as part of the deal.

    • Rob Staton

      What’s the point in moving him though?

      By not picking up his option he’s not on the books for 2021. They wouldn’t save any money.

      The key players who won’t be with the Falcons one way or another next year are:

      Ricardo Allen (6m saving)
      James Carpenter (5-6m saving)
      Allen Bailey (5-6m saving)
      Tyeler Davison (2.2m saving)

      They still need to create $20m or so.

      The only way they can do that, assuming the salary cap drops to $176m, would be to renegotiate numerous contracts. They can’t trade Jarrett or Fowler or Ryan or the two Jones’ because the dead money in 2020 is obscene.

      They’re going to basically end up reworking multiple deals to lower 2021 cap hits.

      • Ukhawk

        Same reason Washington would move Kerrigan

        • Rob Staton

          No. These are totally different situations.

          Washington is in the early stages of a rebuild and rebrand. They have just drafted two first round defensive ends and have four first round defensive linemen. They are trying to get younger and could do with more picks as they continue to build this thing up.

          The only reason the Falcons would be making trades is to get out of the cap blackhole they are in next year. Trading Takk McKinley does absolutely nothing for them in that regard. It just makes them worse this year, for a GM and HC on the hot seat.

        • Ukhawk

          Or any other team with a losing record with an impending free agent loss who they may want to get value for…

          • Rob Staton

            It’s not quite as simple as that though.

            Coaches and GM’s are not in the business of weakening their teams for the sake of it. Many don’t enjoy the kind of job security someone like Ron Rivera has in year-one of a big rebuild.

            Getting rid of good players before the start of November is give-up territory. So there has to be a reason for that. In the case of Kerrigan, it’s what I stated above. In the case of Fletcher Cox — it’s the unreal cap hell Philly is in next year.

            • Ukhawk

              Yes, Rob, defo not as likely as Kerrigan not Cox

              • Ukhawk

                …nor Cox

  24. JD

    Fletcher Cox and Josh Sweat for a R2 + change (late round pick or depth player)?

    Health was a big risk with Sweat who played in 16 games last year. I’d gamble on that upside.

  25. charlietheunicorn

    I just don’t see the financial aspects working out for both teams. Eagles would eat up most of their remain cap this year and would have to take a partial hit next year as well. They are already in the hole from over the cap if I recall.

    Seattle taking on a significant salary going into a cash (cap) down year… doesn’t seem ideal either. You then end up with 2 guys playing DT making North of 10M per season, and still not address the pass rush depth as well as leave yourself with less flexibility in 2021.

    • Rob Staton

      As far as I’m aware if they trade him this year there’s no hit for the Eagles next year. They eat the dead money (most of which is already on the books) this year and he’s gone from their cap for 2021.

      • charlietheunicorn

        Over the cap has a figure (assuming a trade post June 1) of clearing out 16M in 2021 and 17M in 2022 against the cap, but here is the problem… the Eagles appear to be taking a 6.4M in 2021 and 5.2M dead money hit in 2021 with his deal in a trade.

        I agree they are in cap hell and they will be selling off assets. But he would be a very difficult player to move since he is 1.4M per game (vs cap) played this season. His cap number is 22M each year until 2022….. yikes

        • Rob Staton

          If you trade him this year I’m pretty sure you absorb the dead hit this year not spread out. Could be wrong but that’s why I thought the dead cap hits are listed year to year.

          • dcd2

            You’re right Rob. You can’t spread a dead cap hit for a player not on your team over multiple years.

    • cha

      So first off, to the Seahawks:

      None of Cox’s 2021 and 2022 salaries are guaranteed. There is zero guaranteed money the Hawks would owe if they traded for him. That gives them a lot of flexibility if they need cap room, as well as some leverage. There’s several options. They could tear up those two years, give him a new contract with bonus money instead of salary and lessen the cap hits. Or negotiate a lower salary for those years.

      There’s also room on Reed’s deal in 2021. $8.45m cap savings if they decide to cut him. So there’s all kinds of options there.

      So it’s not like the Seahawks would be bound tight to some unbreakable burden of a contract if they made the trade.

      Now for the Eagles:

      Trading accelerates the bonus money/cap hit, so they’d have a $27.9m chunk of dead money to deal with. Since it’s a post June 1 I believe they can choose to take the dead hit in 2020 and be clean going forward or spread it between 2020-2021. If they choose that option, it would be something like $12m and change in 2020 and $15m and change in 2021.

      I’m not sure why OTC has cap hits into future years if you choose a post-June 1 trade option. That’s not correct. Either choice would be painful and tough to swallow though.

      But they’d be free of Fletcher’s salary and roster bonus in 2021 ($16m) and 2022 ($17m).

      And those are huge steps toward relieving their cap burdens.

      • Rob Staton

        Cha — thank you for the clarity

        • Ralphy

          These are the kinds of posts I’m here for. Nice work guys.

  26. charlietheunicorn

    WTF – Kerrigan is a decent target, if you are looking for help.
    Vikings – Yannick Ngakoue is very likely to get moved, if the season keep free falling / spiraling put of control. The offense and defense look like a wreck. Week #6 would be when they make the move, if they ever do. Yes, the week after they play the Vikings on SNF at home.

    • charlietheunicorn

      Maybe Malik Jackson for the Eagles could be a target for a trade. Later round pick.

    • BobbyK

      Do you really think the Vikings GM – who is clearly on the hot seat and will lose his job if they don’t win at least 8-9 games – would be willing to trade Ngakoue?

      He’s fired if they lose too many. Why trade a player who will help him win when he’ll be fired and unable to use the draft pick if they trade him to the Seahawks?

      • dcd2

        Not to mention, he just traded FOR the guy like a month ago.

        • DC

          If the Vikings are sitting at 1-7 or worse with a decimated roster and a belief that YN departs at season’s end for nothing then they might consider moving him. If it’s for a 2nd rounder then you had an 8 game failed experiment that ended in a near wash rather than just pissing away a native 2nd rounder. The gm can blame the covid inspired injury bug and pray that he keeps his job. Or… they could just be stubborn like we were with Earl.

          I’m expecting to see significantly more trade action this year than in years past.

          • cha

            They do have the option to franchise Ngakoue.

            • DC

              Mmmm, good point. I forgot all about the franchise tag. Maybe they learned what not to do from us.

  27. Gohawks5151

    Ok. I’m in a waiting room and bored looking for pass rushers from bad teams or with bad cap situations or Dante Fowler types. Why not shoot for the moon?

    JJ Watt. 2 years left at 15.5M and 17.5M so similar to Cox. Still obviously a premier player. Has had injuries over the last few years so it’s a risk. Texans over the cap 15M next year. Currently 0-2 and going against a Steelers D that’s rolling. After that they play a still dangerous Vikiings team, Jags, a good Titans team and the hot Packers. Could start 1-5. They also don’t have a pick higher than a 3rd next year due to Tunsil and Cooks trades. Could use picks to surround Watson with cheap weapons and other costs effective options as his and Tunsils contracts kick in. A second could be enough and BOB has been open to trades.

    Obviously the injuries are the big worry as he literally broke his back carrying them. Reward could be huge.

  28. Trevor

    My two bold predictions

    #1 38-35 Hawks with a Myers FG to win it as time expires.

    #2 After the game Pete will get asked about having no pass rush and he will blame it on injuries.

    No Pete your injured guys can’t rush the passer either.

    • Rob Staton

      My prediction is Pete won’t be asked about the pass rush.

      • Lewis

        Not exactly a “bold prediction” is it?

        • Rob Staton

          It is not!

      • cha

        It appears both Cowboy OT’s are hurt and will likely miss the game. So backup bookend tackles. The pass rushers should be licking their chops, but we probably won’t see much difference.

    • charlietheunicorn

      Bold, italicized and underlined prediction: Seattle has 5 or more sacks against the Cowboys.

  29. charlietheunicorn

    Florida State Seminoles have a Senior DT that Rob Rang was singing his praises on the radio….
    #21 Marvin Wilson / 6’5″ 305. He considered him to be one of the very top DL prospects and a top DT prospect. Any thoughts?

    • CaptainJack

      He’s pretty good, will be long out of range for the seahawks.

    • Lewis

      My thoughts are if that is true, we have no hope of drafting him

      • BobbyK

        No problem! We could trade DK or Russ. lol

    • Rob Staton

      Wrote a piece on him during the summer

    • Adog

      Just caught a smidge of Florida vrs ole Miss…and Florida has a sophomore de Cox who was making some plays

  30. Steve Nelsen

    The way Kerrigan’s PFF pass-rushing grades are trending, you may end up paying pro-bowl money for a grade in the 70s…and trading a draft pick to do it. No thanks.

    If Seattle was going to pay $16M/year for a DT, they would paid it to Clowney.

    I’m hoping to see something from Alton against Dallas and continued improvement from Collier. They might try Brooks in the Irvin rush role on passing downs. They need more bodies in the rotation.

    • Hoggs41

      It wouldnt hurt to give Deandre Walker some reps at LEO.

    • DougK

      Actually, Kerrigam’s grades are closer to the 60’s. He’s been trending down as you say. Last year (2019, 12 games) he was at 63.0; so far this year (small sample size of 2 games) he’s at 63.7. Number in the 60’s are about league average. He would certainly help since we have no depth. But I’m not convinced he’d be a difference maker unless he returned to pre 2019 levels. In 2018 Kerrigan was at 75.9, just slightly better than Mayowa’s 2018 score of 72.8.

      For comparison to Mayowa in 2019, Benson was just slightly worse than Kerrigan at 60.1. This year in 2 games of over-use as stated with the snap counts, he’s down to 54.4. Again small sample size but over 2 years the trend is clearer.

      So based on PFF only, Kerrigan is trending down closer in value to Mayowa so I personally wouldn’t expect much greater production. But perhaps he was playing hurt last year or other circumstances. But the added depth would help no doubt.

      • Rob Staton

        If Kerrigan can win a few 1v1’s I will take an average grade

    • Rob Staton

      But Brooks isn’t a rusher.

      Bruce is lean and long and was once called by Carroll ‘the ideal LEO’.

      Brooks’ body type is more like Bobby’s but a bit more squatter.

      He had a rush late in the NE game and it was not good.

      Look —- I don’t want to trade high picks for older players. I also don’t want to squander Wilson’s best season because we have an inept pass rush.

      • Steve Nelsen

        In all fairness Rob, we don’t know what Brooks is yet. It is nonsenses to judge him off one rush as an injury fill-in. He needs reps to show us where he is now and he will need reps to develop. That is the same with LJ Collier and Alton Robinson. Right now is the time to let the young cheap hungry guys play. We aren’t going to waste a season of Russell’s prime in the next month or so.

        There should be more options when we get closer to the trade deadline. And the team will have a better idea of what they have on the roster. If Kerrigan is the best option available then, go for it.

        • Rob Staton

          But we do know Steve.

          There is a specific body type conducive with rushing the passer at SAM/LEO. Brooks doesn’t have it.

          He is NOT a rush linebacker. I am not just judging him off one bad snap as an injury fill in. I’m judging him off his tape, who he is, what he is. He is a run and chase linebacker ideally suited to playing inside. That’s how the team described him too when they drafted him.

          Is Bobby Wagner a rush linebacker? Is KJ a rush linebacker?

          Was Lofa Tatupu a SAM/LEO in the making?

          Lose the attitude and read what I’m arguing.

          • Steve Nelsen

            I’m not saying Brooks is a rush linebacker or a SAM/LEO. I’m saying give him some reps so we can see what he is. He has speed. Can he finish a blitz and get a sack? You correctly pointed out that the ratio of our blitz % and sack % is unsustainably poor. Can Brooks help a bit? Maybe. Let’s find out.

            I also don’t mean to sound like I think Brooks is the answer to our pass rush. I don’t believe that at all. Maybe he can chip in a bit is all I’m saying. For any significant improvement in the pass rush, Seattle needs to get Alton and Collier and Walker some reps because you also correctly pointed out that the current snap % for Reed and Mayowa is unsustainably high.

            I don’t mean to sound like I have an attitude. My point is simply that all this panic to do something NOW is premature. Seattle is 2-0. We aren’t going to waste the season in the next 3-4 weeks. Now is the time to evaluate and develop. Give it a month.

            Seattle is in a good position for next year’s cap. And remember next year will also be a year in Russell’s prime. We may need that draft pick and cap space so we don’t waste next year.

            • Rob Staton

              That’s fine. You’re hoping he can ‘chip in a bit’.

              Still doesn’t mean it’s ‘nonsense’ as you suggested to point out he isn’t a rusher. He isn’t.

              He’s a linebacker in the mould of the players I mentioned in my previous repy.

            • cha

              Only thing I have to add to this discussion is Brooks may not even be playing SAM this week.

              PC was asked Wednesday if Brooks was playing SAM and KJ WILL or KJ sliding over to SAM and he was cagey about it.

  31. jopa726

    If the Seahawk’s defense shuts out the Cowboys on Sunday e.g Seahawks win 28-0. The Postgame Video should be just Robbie talking and Rob staring blankly at screen with his jaw open.

    • Steve Nelsen

      Seattle isn’t going to shut Dallas out. I think it could be 42-38.

      But, it would be encouraging to see the run-stuffing group of Poona, Mone and Rush can handle Zeke as well as they handled New England. And it would be encouraging to see some improvement in the pass rush; more effective blitzes or improvement from some of the young defensive linemen. We know the new nickel back plan (whatever it is) will get tested.

  32. Chris

    Love the thought of getting someone like Cox, his presence would go a long way. (Giggity)

    But I wouldn’t be to surprised if the Eagles won’t try to move on from Wentz if his play continues spiraling downward. Their coach, Doug Peterson, did not defend him recently in a press conference as to why his play has dropped. Add the fact there have been multiple reports about him being a locker room cancer throughout the years, that they think his body is to fragile for the NFL, don’t make him the most popular guy in the room.

    We can’t forget they drafted Jalen Hurts in the 2nd round last year too. There might be some in their office who’s already planning for a new QB. Granted this is all speculation and we haven’t even seen Hurts play, but if Hurts does light it up we might begin to see some interesting things take place.

    I do think it’s important to view the Eagles cap space as an issue for them, but if they decide to jettison Wentz, that should save them a lot of money.

    • Rob Staton

      It’s a fair point. I’ve wondered if Hurts could end up starting sooner rather than later.

      But they need to raise $80m plus so it’ll take more than one player to get out of this hole.

    • cha

      They can’t do much with Wentz until 2022 at the earliest.

      • Rob Staton


      • Chris


        Forgive the ignorance, I’m fairly new to overthecap. But are you referencing this in the contract notes section?

        “Wentz’ 2021 salary will become fully guaranteed if he is on the roster on the 3rd day of the 2020 league year.”

        And If they do decide to trade him, won’t his salary go with him? And if not, couldn’t the Eagles make that part of the trade?

        • cha

          No worries.

          Yes it would you’re absolutely correct. It would follow Wentz to the new team.

          The problem is the bonus money. When a team trades or cuts a player, they’ve got to account for all the bonus money the team has been spreading out over future years. So over $50m gets accelerated against their cap. Which, when you’re trying to lower your cap, completely runs counter that goal.

          When you combine those factors with the fact that they probably wouldn’t get a huge return in trade, that makes it a pretty ugly proposition for the Eagles.

          The Eagles gave Wentz a massive extension in his 3rd year of play, when they could have played out his 4th and 5th years at relatively lower numbers. It was a gamble to get ahead of the massively ballooning QB market, and if he’d been playing like Mahomes or RW nobody’d be batting an eye at this deal. But he’s not.

          • Chris

            So if you’re accounting for the “Bonus” hit, I added up all the years for 2021 till 2024 ( I’m assuming they already paid the bonuses for 2019 & 2020 during those years ) So would they have to take the Prorated Bonus hit? The Roster Bonus Hit? Or Both???

            Prorated Bonus 2021 – 2024 $24,547,072
            Roster Bonus 2021 – 2024 $21,000,000
            Base Salary 2021 – 2024 $78,400,000
            Guaranteed Salary 2021 $25,400,000

            If its one or the other they’re saving money in the long run if you compare the amount to his salary he’d accrue if he’d play for them. And if they trade him, his Salary will kind of counter out the bonus hit.

            • cha

              Correct. The salary savings will finally counter the prorated bonus hit in 2022.

              If they traded him this year or next, they would actually have an extra cap hit that would push them over the cap. The league office wouldn’t/couldn’t approve the trade without some kind of corresponding move to restructure or cut other players. So he’s practically uncuttable/untradeable until 2022 (barring some slick oiled up maneuvering).

              Bonuses – I should have been more clear. Yes the prorated bonus accelerates. The roster bonus goes with Wentz to the new team if he’s traded, or evaporates if he’s cut since his contract is terminated and he obviously wouldn’t be on their roster to qualify for the bonus.

              • Chris

                Till death do they part .. That’s crazy how much they’re tied to each other. Why would they draft Hurts then if they’re stuck till 2022?? I know JS has made some weird picks but that just seems ridiculous.

                • cha

                  It’s a team building strategy. They take having QB depth more seriously than any other team in the league.

                  Hard to argue against it – it won them a SB.

    • Gohawks5151

      Making a lasting winner is so hard. They did exactly what all Seahawks fans wanted. Sell out on defense and pass rush to maximize a QB on a rookie deal. They won a superbowl. They even got out ahead of it and signed Wentz to a contract before all the big QB deals came. They kept making good picks on DL too, this off-season included. They have an imaginative offensive coach who can be a bold playcaller. And yet they could be looking at 1-5 in a bad division. The are injured. QB has not progressed. They are also way over the cap. We love Seattle and pile on them for mistakes but even a good process can go wrong.

  33. Rob Staton


    “This was the priority”

    • Big Mike

      Number 1 priority

    • cha

      If only there was some kind trade we could make so we acquire a DL from the #1 team…hmm…

      • Sea Mode

        If only there were some top DL in pressure % that we could have signed without having to give up a draft pick…

        • cha

          I like how the piece picture shows KJ and half of Benson Mayowa.

          A nice little bit of shade there.

    • CaptainJack

      Read this if you want to gouge your eyes out. (Found on Twitter)

      12’s are the most delusional fans in all of sports. I got a good laugh out of this at least.

      • Rob Staton

        That’s a relief.

        Glad we don’t have to worry about the defense any more. I guess the whole ‘third of plays going for +10 yards’ thing is just one of those unfortunate coincidences.

      • cha

        Closed the tab after he said Cam threw a pick-6.

        I think the blogger is thinking of Dunbar’s interception. Calling it a pick-6….oof.

        • Rob Staton

          Dunbar’s interception identifies as a pick six though.

          Who are you to question that!!!???

          • cha


      • Big Mike

        12s are not the most delusional fans in sports, cowpuke fans are. But 12s aren’t far behind……….

  34. Tree

    The Hawks biggest problem the past 2-3 years and a top priority of a PC defense is to stop the run (all the finger pointing about what Pete and John said to the press is a bit over the top (they also said they wanted to keep a line together that included Hunt, Fluker and Ifedi)), even though pass rush was obviously a big need as well (to be fair 3 (Taylor, Green and Irvin) their likely top pass rushers have been hurt). It will be telling if we can stop Zeke on Sunday since if we do then at least this defense can apparently take away something (I feel a lot better about our ability to stop the run with Rush on the active roster and maybe Snacks in the future). I also think it will be telling if they let their young guys play (the snap count for Benson is perplexing as is keeping Robinson inactive with Green out) and put them in positions to utilize their strengths. Norton has said he has personally been coaching Brooks and they took him the first round. Let’s see if they can double down on playmakers by not trading a first this year as part of the package for Adams (who may not have even been available before the draft). I believe they need to let him play WLB to utilize his speed and occasionally blitz (not rush off the edge as Rob pointed out is not his game). Overall, I have less of an issue who they have drafted the past few years then letting them play (I get that Carson is a stud but Penny would be 1,000 rusher if you played him), Blair would have been a playmaker last year if they let him be, Pocic like Britt and Unger was thrown around as a guard but fine as a center, Ifedi is grading out well as a guard and I didn’t hate him as rookie there, etc.

    • Rob Staton

      “The Hawks biggest problem the past 2-3 years and a top priority of a PC defense is to stop the run”

      They literally said, multiple times, fixing the pass rush was the priority.

      “their likely top pass rushers have been hurt<"/em>

      They don’t have any ‘top’ pass rushers. Even so, Benson Mayowa (their ‘best’ pass rusher *shudders*) has played both games. So has first round pick LJ Collier and Bruce Irvin (he was injured late vs NE). The pass rush was abysmal. This is not because of ‘injuries’.

      “It will be telling if we can stop Zeke on Sunday since if we do then at least this defense can apparently take away something”

      That depends. If Zeke has 15 runs for 70 yards and Dak Prescott throws for 450 because the Seahawks couldn’t defend the pass if he was throwing a beachball instead of a football, then they won’t have ‘taken away the run’. The Cowboys simply won’t have needed it.

      “I also think it will be telling if they let their young guys play”

      Telling? They have no choice. What’s telling is that they kept Alton Robinson inactive last week in order to force Benson Mayowa to play 90% of the snaps and thus be hurt all week, just so they could keep Luke Willson active so he could play zero snaps. That was a mind-numbing decision by the Seahawks.

      • Adog

        I’m guessing that there’s more to the story with Robinson…maybe a disciplinary deal.

  35. Aaron

    I wonder if this DL situation is gonna play out like the OL situation did a few years back. How many times from 2015 to 2017 did we hope and beg the Hawks to add a proven talent at OL (i.e. Joe Thomas, TJ Lang, Alex Mack, etc…)? Every time they passed on that proven talent for backups, journeymen, and projects. It took a new coach in Solari and bringing in a veteran OL in Brown to finally get it into the FO’s heads that the OL matters and proven talent matters. I’m afraid we’re going to hit the trade deadline and like those years with the OL they’ll pass on any opportunity to go get a guy like Cox or Kerrigan. Please let me be wrong Hawks…please!!!

    • Rob Staton

      “I wonder if this DL situation is gonna play out like the OL situation did a few years back.”

      I think it’ll be worse.

      Having the best scrambling, improvising QB in the league helped mask the poor O-line play to an extent.

      For example, Seattle had the #2 ranked offense in 2015 per DVOA, the #17 offense in 2016 and the #14 offense in 2017.

      I doubt this defense gets as high as even #17 this year.

      • CaptainJack

        The 2015 season was so frustrating. Started out 2-4, all 4 losses included blowing fourth quarter leads.

    • CaptainJack

      We need a new defensive coordinator for sure.

      • Rob Staton

        People need to remember exactly what the operation is in Seattle.

        You’ve got a Head Coach with complete control over everything with a particular focus on defense.

        He has had, as defensive coordinator, a string of people who he has worked with who know ‘his’ scheme. And when he fired Kris Richard, he tried to re-appoint Gus Bradley and then went after Ken Norton Jr.

        By all means critique Norton Jr’s credentials. But understand what the situation is. If you get rid of Norton Jr, it’ll just be another person who Pete previously worked with — dealing with the same problems (terrible D-line).

        • Big Mike


          • Big Mike

            This is Pete’s show. Always has been, always will be.

            • CaptainJack

              Schottenheimer has really improved the offense from the Bevvell days. Norton ran a historically terrible defense in Oakland and the defense in seattle is now historically bad. Sure he doesn’t have much talent to work with right now, but I think it’s fair to acknowledge him as part of the problem. He still has responsibilities independent of Pete.

              • Rob Staton

                People complain too much about coordinators.

                They’re an easy target when people like the head coach.

                • CaptainJack

                  Perhaps, but can you argue against the positive changes Schotty has brought to the offense?

                  • Rob Staton


                    Just don’t see why Bevell has to be brought into it.

                    Schotty is doing well is suffice.

                • cha

                  All the same I’d like to know if Clint Hurtt (DL coach/Asst HC) was pounding on Pete’s desk all summer or if he is a Cable-cobbler and thinks he can spin gold out of dimestore yarn.

                  • Gohawks5151

                    From what I know about him at Miami and Louisville, he was one of their big recruiters. He wants the premium talent. I doubt he is wanting to make chicken salad out of this situation

  36. Josh emmett

    Anybody been watching college ball? Anyone standing out?

  37. Steve Nelsen

    One guy on the Eagles roster that I was looking at a while back was DE Brandon Graham. He could put Mayowa back into a rotational role without costing a ton in terms of salary and draft picks. His contract is easy to move.

    • Rob Staton

      Graham’s contract is not easy to move. The opposite is true.

      His cap hit this year is just $6.3m. Trading him would cost them $23m in dead money.

      There is absolutely no way the Eagles are taking on an extra $17m load this year so Brandon Graham can play for the Seahawks.

      The difference with Cox is the dead hit is similar to his cap hit and they make a greater saving next year.

      • cha

        Eagles are leveraged up to their eyeballs. They’re a mess.

      • Steve Nelsen

        My bad. I should have checked OTC before I posted instead of going off memory of who was on the possible surprise roster cut/trade list.

        • Steve Nelsen

          After checking OTC, I was probably remembering Derek Barnett.

          • Rob Staton

            Barnett is certainly tradeable.

            Dead hit is the same as his salary this year and it’d clear $10m in 2021.

            Doesn’t really make much of a dent and they’ll need to create tens of millions elsewhere but he is someone they could theoretically deal.

            I suspect they might be more likely to pilfer some of the more expensive players and maybe extend him.

  38. Hawkcrazy

    Fletcher Cox is an absolute stud and I would love him on the Hawks. He is a difference maker. I know we need edge rushers but Cox at his contract price is imo a deal for a stud (better than Clowney although Clowney is an edge). Cox is a disrupter who is excellent against the run, takes on double teams and can collapse the pocket. He will remain so through his remaining contract and is the nearest thing to Donald imo so if a deal could be struck I would love it. I think Robinson and Taylor will ultimately become good edge rushers for the Hawks although it may take time. Cox and Reed in the middle with a deep rotation of Poona and Mone would greatly benefit Mayowa, Robinson, Green and LJ in the interim. In addition I would love to see what the impact would be on blitzes by the Prez.

  39. cha

    Yesterday’s Press conf w PC

    [corbin smith] Signing guys off the street with COVID protocols? “It is different due to time frame. Hard to immediately respond if you want to do that. Solve problems immediately from within. Find a guy to match up and fill a need. Always looking, always working. Know what’s out there, have the info to get it done. Protocol for guys entering the bubble, tests, is what it is. Not reluctant based on protocol.”

    [bob condotta] Rasheem Green IR? Benson Mayowa? “Green will be a couple more weeks. Expecting him back, process and make sure he passes tests. Mayowa practiced today, looks alright, got a chance.”

    [michael shawn] Breonna Taylor meeting? “We did. Went well. In house counsel talked to us.”

    [jon boyle] Ugo & Brooks stepping up? “Real excited for Brooks to get more playing time. Ready to go. Bright FB player, position him in good spots to do good things. Ugo’s ready to go. Diligent and ready to roll. Real active in this game.”

    [curtis crab] Dunbar knee? Thorpe banged up? “Dunbar didn’t practice much this week, but ready to play. Thorpe groin issue we got to figure out. Gametime decision.”

    [brady henderson] Workaround for COVID protocol? Neutral location? “Really big step administratively. Convo’s about that for a long time, central spot. Hasn’t come about. Procedures fine. Not as big an issue as you might think.”

    [gregg] Gordon, send game film? Keep in touch? Indication on reinstatement. “No.”

    [joe fann] Open roster spot? “Yes.” Share “not yet. Competing on this end.”

    [curtis crab] Linden Stephens roster? “Good camp, very competitive, went after him a lot with top WRs, did really well. Working at nickel spot too. Factor in ST for us. Energy guy. Tough, really good quickness.”

    [art thiel] Mentioned Week 2 injuries will do study. Results? “not complete yet to give you a solid answer. Curious about week 3. Continue or fluke? Ahead of numbers in past.”

    [AJ] Presentations focus on local elections? Educating public? “yes local elections. Ballots intimidating. Decipher what players are looking for.”

    [bob condotta] Alton Robinson seen so far? “Real strong player. Natural rusher, natural package of moves, speed to power, got some real stuff. Not hesitant to play him at any situation in the game. Confidence he’ll do a good job.”

    [chris francis] Playing at home? “Advantage is you don’t travel. Just a different location. Noise not a factor. Our guys feel better about routine. Interesting to see how during season numbers for travel vs home. Going to Atlanta not an issue for us. Didn’t bother us.”

    • cha

      Now taking guesses for who they’ve got for that open roster spot.

      Nick Reed?

      Daryl Tapp?

      Rufus Porter?

      • Big Mike

        Steve Hutchinson
        still too soon?

      • dcd2

        Trade for Nick Vannett. DL doesn’t really matter, but you can never have too many active TE’s.

      • Adog

        Was that Carroll’s first deal…trading tapp for Clemons?

    • CaptainJack

      Another really lame set of questions. Reporters really handing Pete excuses for roster mismanagement.

  40. cha

    Damon Harrison Sr.
    Soon…Folded hands
    8:03 PM · Sep 25, 2020

    • Big Mike

      Well if his hands are folded they can’t be putting food in his mouth so guessing that’s a positive. #Robsaid380

    • charlietheunicorn

      The man has a family to feed. time to eat.

  41. cha

    Dallas Cowboys Public Relations
    On Saturday, the
    made the following transactions:

    – Placed CB Chidobe Awuzie (Colorado) on Reserve/Injured
    – Signed CB Saivion Smith (Alabama) to the active roster
    – Elevated CB Deante Burton (Kansas State) and T Eric Smith (Virginia) to the active roster
    11:48 AM · Sep 26, 2020

  42. Volume12

    Oklahoma doing everything to lose this game as Spencer Rattler is 28-34, 374 yes, and 4 TDs 🤦‍♂️

    • Volume12

      What a kick!

    • Volume12

      His receivers just can not seperate

  43. Rob Staton

    Kyle Pitts looked superb today for Florida (stating the obvious).

    Here’s what I wrote about him earlier this year:

    I still found Florida @ Ole Miss thoroughly boring. Neither team played defense. Easy, cheap conversions and points. When there’s no resistance at all it’s never fulfilling.

    • cha

      Neither team played defense. Easy, cheap conversions and points. When there’s no resistance at all it’s never fulfilling.

      Getting your Instant Reaction post out of the way early I see.

  44. L80

    Keeping Robinson inactive for the first 2 games falls in line with the way the handled the entire off season. It’s flat assed DUMB. Especially considering your top DE pick probably won’t see the field until (and maybe never) get on the field this year.

    The guy needs experience and at least SOME reps. Now, he’s totally inexperienced except a pussified training camp, and we’re without Irvin, Green and maybe even Mayowa.

    What in the hell is wrong with these guys brains?…..They had better find a spot for anyone on the practice squad that can play defense, this is getting ridiculous.

    Dal-ASS will have a field day Sunday. Unfortunately for them, they are facing a pretty good and confident offense in Seattle….Plus they are missing Vander Esch and Lee at LB, and are paper thin at CB. RW will have another MVP game.

  45. Volume12

    LB Jabril Cox for LSU is big time. What a performance so far.

    DE Ali Gaye looks like he’s gonna be a stud too. Length on him is ridiculous.

    • CaptainJack

      That report on Gaye is very painful to hear as a UW fan

    • Gohawks5151

      Gaye looks really good. I will be watching the D line in that Miami-Florida St game

  46. Sea Mode

    Field Yates

    The Seahawks have promoted LB Shaquem Griffin from the practice squad to the active roster for Week 3. He and twin brother Shaquill get to go work together again Sunday.

  47. Sea Mode

    15k for spearing someone in the head. 100k for not wearing a mask. ok…

    Tom Pelissero

    #Seahawks safety Quandre Diggs was fined $15,000 for the hit on #Patriots WR N’Keal Harry that got Diggs ejected last week.

    • Sea Mode


      Tom Pelissero

      #Seahawks LB Bruce Irvin was fined $20,000 for roughing #Patriots QB Cam Newton last week. No flag was thrown on the play. Insult to injury for Irvin, who suffered a torn ACL in the same game.

  48. cha

    What I’m looking for tomorrow…

    Is a pissed off Adams an effective Adams?

    He’s been talking about some talk back home about how he’s not a good cover guy. Can he stay focused, do what the defensive plan calls for, and get back to having an impactful game like he did Week One?

    OL play

    Lots of cautious optimism about the OL through the first couple weeks. This Dallas front may have not played up to expectations but there’s still a ton of talent and ability there. Damien Lewis vs Dontari Poe should be a fun matchup. They’ll need to keep RW clean but also continue their great run blocking. Because….

    Offensive playcalling and gameplanning is (and will be for the rest of the season) critical

    Schottenheimer has done a great job so far. RW has ascended to another level. Next up on the task list: playing defense. They need to get a healthy lead to put pressure on the Dallas offense, and then kill the clock with Carson and Hyde. Two TE sets with Dissly and Olsen drive blocking. 8 minute drives that give the defense rest and keeps Zeke, Cooper, Gallup and Lamb (and most importantly this gastly DL) off the field.

    Special Teams has to continue being a top unit

    If they can’t close the loop, they absolutely need ST to play as well as the offense and excel. Punting and coverage has been very good, but what about FG kicking? Myers has only attempted 1 FG yet and hasn’t been called on in a pressure situation to convert a critical FG. Has he improved from a less than stellar 2019? Unknown at this point.

    DL get pressure. Something. Anything.

    The DL will be facing a no-longer-legendary Dallas OL. It’s possible the two tackles will be backups. If Tyron is playing he for sure won’t be 100%. Whether it’s getting wildly creative, somebody having a real rush at a key time, they have to get something. Miami was the worst sacking team in the NFL and had 5 on Thursday. No more excuses. No more ‘we got a hand on him’. Dak needs to be put on the ground.

    Personnel inactives and snaps

    Who is active and how will the snaps be distributed this week? Will Damontre Moore get his 18 snaps again while a banged up Mayowa gets 65? Will Mone and Rush get more snaps? Will Jarran Reed have to file an L&I claim against the Seahawks for playing 90% of the snaps? And what about the TEs? Is Dissly on a pitch count? Are Hollister and Willson just extremely expensive insurance policies?

    LBs vs Zeke

    Brooks getting his first start. Can we see some of his “burst through the line to TFL the runner” magic? Is he ready to play? They’re going to need a solid effort from him. Maybe not highlight reel worthy but right place right time and sure tackling will be critical.

    Also, I think we’re seeing what we’ve concluded – Barton is relegated at this point. He’ll probably get some reps to give Brooks a break here and there, since Brooks has only like 16-20 snaps of pro experience at this point. But it’s telling nobody even assumed or thought Barton was in the mix when Bruce went down.

    • Big Mike

      Traded up for Barton right? Yet another draft day whiff it would appear.

      • Rob Staton

        Hopefully they relegate Barton out of the bloody GL packages too.

        • cha

          Right. If you can’t tackle a QB in the open field you have no business setting the edge on the GL.


          • Gohawks5151

            You have the power to turn back time. Us regular folk must live with their posting/grammatical errors for all eternity.

          • McZ

            Watch Brooks vs Baylor.

  49. Nathan W.

    Hahahahahahaha. Oklahoma falls to KSU.

  50. CaptainJack

    Quem is the practice squad call up and Neal is promoted to active roster to replace Green’s spot. Thorpe not likely to play.

    • Steve Nelsen

      Get Quem some reps as a pass rusher.

  51. Rob Staton

    New article on the blog about a pass rusher to keep an eye on for the 2021 draft.

  52. Spencer Duncan

    Jurrell Casey is a great player, maybe a step down from Cox, but he only fetched a 5th rounder. Would Cox really cost a 2nd?

    • Rob Staton

      Cox is a more impactful player.

      Philly might struggle to bargain with such a ridiculous cap situation for next year but equally who knows if the cap will even drop as low as $176m?

      So I doubt they’ll be holding a fire sale.

  53. Trevor

    Can’t remember the last Sunday I was ever cheering for the Bills, Giants and Lions. We could really use a little help this week to get some L’s for the division competition.

  54. Leonardo

    It’s astonishing how easily you can rip apart our defense, 2 plays and boom, they’re knocking on the door. Pete must be fuming

    • Jordan E

      jesus. We need some pickups on defense this week.

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