Final 2016 draft podcast

Some final thoughts on Seattle’s draft with a focus on day three and UDFA. At the end we also look ahead to 2017 and some of the names to monitor during the new college football season.


  1. seaspunj

    Thanks Rob for so much insight for this 2016 draft.

    Rest well

  2. DC

    Great job all year. The draft now really has a Christmasy feel to it. So much scouting and buildup and mystery followed by some haggling and the revealing of the newest Seahawks! So glad you became a Hawks fan Rob.

  3. East Side Stevie

    Tulsa WR Keyarris Garrett Signed as an undrafted free agent with the panthers i really wanted the hawks to get him he went to my highschool

    • dawgma

      I would have much preferred him to Lawler, personally.

    • D-OZ

      The Petara Tulsa Conection. (Old School) Largent-Raible. Just going by memory here. Which is marginal at best.

    • Steele

      Yeah, I also had Key high on my list for the Seahawks. 6-3 220, deep threat. Exactly what I wanted for the Hawks. Too bad.

      They need a much better version of Chris Matthews on the team. I’m not sure they have it. Lawler is different, I think.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Second best hands in the class. To Kenny Bawller

  4. H M Abdou

    The Seahawks have an embarrassment of riches in terms of how much talent they have on that roster! Rob, as you mentioned on the podcast, there will be some really difficult cuts leading up to September (including my guy CMike).

    The competition will be fierce, and other teams will be poaching from the Hawks’ practice squad again, I’m sure!

    • Greg Haugsven

      There is no doubt they have a ton of talent. The only real free agent they have next year is Baldwin which they will most likely extend this summer. You look to the draft next year and what direction do you go? There stacked everywhere on offense. Linebackers are here for awhile. Secondary has a lot of guys and the Dline just got younger. It’s hard to think of where the holes will be. I guess the answer would be edge rusher?

      • H M Abdou

        I would make an offer to Luke Willson to stay. He probably will get a good offer next offseason, and the Hawks probably won’t be able to match, but still I’d make a decent offer and see if he takes a little bit less to stay.

        • Greg Haugsven

          Good call. Then you really don’t need a TE.

        • JustMeMyself&!

          Luke Willson is exactly the kind of middle tier talent the front office has avoided re-signing. You save your money for your elite players and offset their costs with cheap, young talent or with veteran cast-offs. There’s almost no middle tier on the team.

  5. Saxon

    I like Kenny as a writer, but to paraphrase Blackadder, his broadcasting is like listening to a plate of beans navigating a cow’s digestive system. Rob, you deserve a better co-host next year and Kenny needs to do what he’s good at.

    Can’t wait to see what this 2016 draft class can do. Especially excited about Collins and Odhiambo. Love the UDFA class.

    It’s going to be a fascinating training camp. Clearly the most talented cast of players that Carroll has yet had. Stunning to say that after losing Okung, Lynch, Mebane, and Irvin.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Pretty rude yo.

      I like Kenny’s fumbling bumbling style.
      It really contrasts Rob’$ clean, intellectual arguments well.
      It’s a podcast. Perfect format and medium for it.

      Some guests would be really entertaining!

      • manthony

        Is Kenny Arthur a commenter on this site as well or does he just stick to fieldgulls?

    • Forrest

      Nah, Kenny is great. The two of them work great together. Plus Kenny’s rants are hilarious.

      • Darth12er

        His rants are pretty funny. Some times you just don’t know where he’s going to go when he talks.

        • Josh emmett

          I like Kenny too, slips the occasional fbomb in and it always gets me laughing. Haha, they could be cursing the whole time because it’s a podcast but when done properly, very effective. Haha, I know a lot of people besides us crack pots wouldn’t be interested but could rob and Kenny get interviews with anyone in the scouting department? Not to give away any secrets or what have you but maybe just more insight into past drafts or guys they liked that went to other teams? Or anything? Could be interesting for sure, more interviews would be cool for sure, always good stuff hearing other point of views

    • RJ

      I’ve never commented on this blog; not one time. However, I have read, watched and listened to everything for the last 2-3 years… often on multiple occasions.

      I am in completely disagreement with you. Kenny and Rob are excellent and I value both of them the same.

      • manthony

        Kenny Arthur is that you? I had assumed Kenny Sloth was, but now idk

      • stregatto

        For the love of.. Please just fix Kenny’s microphone! If I hear feedback and Echo one more time

        • CharlieTheUnicorn

          This is actually a strong comment. Having worked in radio in a prior lifetime, the microphone issues are distracting. Overall, excellent work, since I doubt they had more than 2 guys talking football… no one to run a board or check the sound quality.

          I did enjoy hearing Rob on the big radio station however, he definitely sounds British. 🙂

    • SeventiesHawksFan

      Kenny definitely can get on long and effusive tangents where he kinda loses track of how a listener might be processing how he’s lost in his own soliloquy. But it’s also quite charming to me. He cares. He’s into the discussion and has an opinion. It’s intelligently reasoned too. And he’s sincere. And I don’t mean to sound patronizing by saying that. I hope Kenneth remains with Rob. And Rib is patient about it too. So it works. At least for me it does.

    • David M2

      Dear Saxon,

      As your mother should have taught you, if you can’t say something nice don’t say it at all.

      These guys put in their FREE TIME putting this content together for us to enjoy.

      Why dont you try adding to the conversation instead of bitching about it? We’re not talking about the future of fuckin’ radio here my friend.

      • Saxon

        @DavidM2 Whoa, dude. You’re calling me rude after that tirade? I thought I prefaced my comment about Ken by saying I like him as a writer, which I do, but find him unlistenable as a broadcaster. That’s obviously a matter of personal taste and I appear to be in the minority, which is cool. Maybe it’s a PNW thing ? I live out East and that style wouldn’t last 10 seconds out here. But if it works for you folks, fine. I just prefer Rob’s terse, articulate takes not be interrupted by rambling non-sensical jabber…but that’s just me.

        Chill, man. I deeply respect and appreciate what these guys do.

        • David M2

          Dear Saxon,

          If you re- read my comment, at no point did I call you An-Y-Thing, I think the word you may have been looking for is In-Sin-U-Ate.

          However, what you kindly took the time to illustrate with your kind words would be known a backhanded compliment, which is ultimately an insult.

          Here’s the Wikipedia definition:

          A backhanded compliment, also known as a left-handed compliment or asteism, is an insult that is disguised as a compliment. Sometimes, a backhanded compliment may be inadvertent. However, the term usually connotes an intent to belittle or condescend.

          And here’s a nice little video example from our dear friend Rickey Bobby with something along the lines of a backhanded compliment:

          Click Here To View

          So yes, with all due respect sir, now that we’ve taken some time to look more in-depth at what was said, maybe it was a bit rude and instead of defending yourself to me or others on this blog, quite possibly a simple aplogie to Kenny would be more appropriate and in better taste my good fellow.

          • David M2

            *simple apology

          • Saxon

            Not sure what you’re saying, David. I think I made myself clear in the preceding paragraph. You seem to be demanding that I agree with you. I don’t. You are entitled to think whatever you like, as am I. I won’t insist that the many who love Kenny apologize for not thinking the way I do. Doesn’t threaten me in the least. Glad they enjoy it, just wish I could.

            Anyway, let’s get back to football. I’m stoked for 2016!

    • Al

      It’s funny, I find Kenny endearing to listen to on the podcast, but never liked his writing style. I think they work well together, though anyone who works with Kenny must find him a tiny bit aggravating at times 😛

      • 503Hawk

        I hope Kenny wasn’t offended by Saxon’s comment. I thought it was well delivered. Personally, I see his point. I don’t listen in because of those issues. Let’s face it though, Rob is the “star”. I especially enjoy Rob’s manner of writing; has depth and detail, but not too wordy. Also, Rob gets to the point. I hate reading five paragraphs before finding out what the writer is talking about. To each his own though.

  6. Lenny J

    Rees in the 3rd round was ballsy. I hope they hit on that one. PCJS probably had a higher grade on him than most.

    • Steele

      Agree, Lenny. Ballsy, a big reach I think. Let’s hope they fleeced the rest of the NFL and landed a pro bowler.

      • Darnell

        JS said that Rees was a top 45 prospect prior to his injuries, and that, in part (along with his deceased parents I would imagine) was why he was so emotional when he got the draft call; JS said the sports science guys all gave Rees the greenlight.

        Could be a steal, could end up not working out as is often the case when you shop for discounted talents.

        • David

          I would hardly call end of the 3rd round for a perennially injured OL, discounted.

  7. Spireite Seahawk

    Just wanted to take time to say thanks for all the hard work you have put into this blog. It’s been unmissable reading for Seahawks over the last few months. Time to rest up a little bit mate.

  8. David

    I guess this wraps up another draft season. A thousand thanks Rob for all your hard work and giving us a space to obsess over the draft and the Seahawks.

  9. Sea Mode

    Thanks for a great draft season, Rob! Following SDB, I’ve enjoyed this one like none before.

    Interesting info from the JS radio interview yesterday. Lots of good talking points for us:

    – All 13 UDFA signings had draftable grades.
    – Apparently Chicago called them asking if we wanted their R2 pick for ours and a R4. Wow!
    – Rees Odhiambo would have been a top 45 pick if it weren’t for injuries. He will play LG.
    – They don’t just look at injury history in a vacuum, but their Sports Science group looks at other factors that can compensate for those and gives a “durability grade”: punctual(?) movement and flexibility for Rees were incredible.
    -They had a mid R3 grade on Quentin Jefferson.
    – Alex Collins: unique, a little bit of a short stepper who has really, really good vision
    – Tre Madden at FB
    – They had originally planned to add just two RB’s, but Zac Brooks was a favorite of JS and a couple in the room.
    – Fant at T or TE
    – Mike Morgan was ready to sign with PIT but we jumped in to bring him back on a 1 year deal to compete with Marsh.
    – “There were a couple interesting SAM prospects in the draft. […] It was one of those positions that just didn’t just fall exactly…you know… you can’t add everybody.” Yet another possible Fackrell nod?
    – They almost drafted De’Andre Elliott. Very similar to Lane.
    – Highest upside of all drafted players? Jarran Reed. “A top 10 pick from a talent standpoint.” And Rees Odhiambo. “once he gets healthy people will see how dominant he is.”
    – Highest upside UDFA: Brandin Bryant, will play DT and some FB. Trevone Boykin, only fell cause of arrest. “Doesn’t need his feet to throw.”
    – DE Ryan Robinson should surprise fans this year. He was practicing with the first sub group last year when he tore his achilles.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Functional movement?

      Great notes.

      Pleasure scouting with you.

      • Sea Mode

        Functional sounds like a better option, yes.

        Right back at you. And we WILL do better next year!

    • Steele

      SeaMode, I think you underestimate Tre Madden.

      Madden is an extremely polished back with very good moves. He is NOT a fullback, not a physical type. He has battled injuries for much of his college career.

      Watch his film. Really nice moves, good angles and vision. His long TD runs are beautiful to watch, weaving through the traffic.

      I think if he stays healthy and makes the team, he competes for RB with Rawls/Collins with Prosise as a separate RB/WR hybrid deal.

      • j

        I believe he was was quoting John Schneider from his interview. The team apparently sees him as a fullback.

        • C-Dog

          Yeah, Madden to be tried at FB came from Schneider on the radio.

          • Steele

            I think that is unwise, given his injury issues and his style. Smooth runner, not a Tukuafu.

            I can see him as a versatile decoy. Fake being a blocker and bust off a long run.

            There is a clear pattern among the picks this time: versatility.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      The entire draft had value picks from round 1 through round 7. Many many many players slipped which I think surprised many teams. Seattle might have even been caught off guard a bit, but when they got their footing after round 1, they hit their stride and made some of the best picks I can remember from an overall perspective. Each made sense and provided some tremendous value at the round they were picked… Collins in the 5th is a prime example. A nice pick at a great draft price.

    • SeventiesHawksFan

      What JS offered about Brandin Bryant having ‘highest upside’ seems like SUCH great news. After missing on Bullard / Kafausi bad seeing his measurables being in Aaron Donald territory and his holy **** who is this guy tape, he’s as exciting a pick for me as any other player we selected. He just looks and seems electric for a DT. Get that kid in the system and develop him into what we need from a special athlete like him is what I’m hoping for.

      • Nolan

        They want him to be a FB though

        • Alicamousa

          They want him playing both ways, FB and DT.

          It was pointed out to me in another thread that he has seriously short arms. And once you notice it you can’t not. The tape is phenomenal, but whether he’ll be able to get into NFL guards and centres remains to be seen.

  10. Kenny Sloth

    Film study Andy Benoit and your Seattle Seahawk Jarran Reed

    Some highlights;

    I ask Reed if there is a tight end in college football who has a chance at blocking him.
    “In college football, no.”
    How about the NFL?
    He ponders and then says, “No.”
    You sure?
    “We go against big guys. I don’t think my coach would be satisfied if we got blocked by a tight end.”

    In the clip during which Jarran Reed collides with a teammate on a QB pressure, you can see fellow Seahawk, Alex Collins drop Ashawn Robinson in pass pro. Then proceed to bully him into the dirt.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Pops the RT on a false start. Chippy play.

      “You’ve got to, man! You’ve got to! The whistle wasn’t blown yet. And it’s football!”

    • vrtkolman


  11. vrtkolman

    Kenny Lawler fits the Jermaine Kearse profile to a T. Both ran similar 40 times, and both aren’t especially tall but they win the jump balls more often than not. Both are also decent red zone targets. Lawler is an inch taller, longer, and has bigger hands. He also doesn’t have the dropsies Kearse did coming out of college. I think Lawler is here to push Kearse so he doesn’t get too comfortable after his contract signing.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Plus Lawler has some insane beat press skills that Kearse lacks, limiting him as anything other than a flanker. Kenny has feet like Paul Richardson. Moves like a 180 lber.

      • Volume12

        Douggy, No E, and Chop Chop are your starters.

        As CHAWK said, you use P-Rich for deep shots down the field.

        Lawler will be brought in for red zone opportunities and used like Chris Matthews. When seperation becomes a non-factor and you just need someone to make a tough, big time catch.

        Love the way that Lawler attacks and plays the ball.

        A couple of the many other receivers will be PS guys or depth for injuries.

        • Sea Mode

          “Best hands in the draft”, says JS.

          • H M Abdou

            I’m not a big fan of Chop Chop Kearse, so I would start ADB and Lockett, use Kearse as 3rd WR outside and put Doug or Tyler in the slot in that 3WR situation.

            • Steele

              They didn’t get a pure Chris Matthews type, which saddens me.

              But I expect Lawler to get some of that.

              It isn’t Rice/Tate/ADB/Kearse, etc. but Bevell has more variety in place now than in the past two seasons. I would add Prosise as a situational WR, who can do slot and deep. If JFG comes back 100%, he’ll get some tall WR duties (Vannett frees him up to just be a receiver). P-Rich and Lockett can go deep, but smurfs going deep is not the same as tall WRs going deep.

              • Greg Haugsven

                With Vannett on board maybe they’ll throw Graham out wide every once in awhile.

                • Madmark

                  I have no idea what you guys see with Jimmy Graham. He is not a TE. He is the Tall receiver and he can line up everwhere a WR does but please don’t put him in the standard TE spot outside the tackle. I just cringe when I remember last year him trying to block. I can see Vannett getting more time playing and I think he will pull down 15 receptions 150yds but that’s a win when The other 2 are more reception type TE.

              • Ben2

                I remember marshawn moving out wide on occasion….Prosise would in excel in those looks I would think

                • Greg Haugsven

                  I agree, if a LB comes out to cover him it’s all over

  12. smitty1547

    A little disappointed that they are going to start Ifedi out at RG, I really like Glow there and thought he had earned the first look.

    • Volume12

      Glow is probably the LG.

      Go with a highly athletic, mobile left side of the line in GG and Glow to protect RW’s blindside and to help CJ Prosise who favors runnung to the left.

      Go with size, mass, length, and attitude on the right side.

      • Sea Mode

        JS said in his radio interview yesterday that Rees Odhiambo, if healthy, would have been a top 45 pick. And that he will be at LG.

        Tom Cable in one of his interviews didn’t hesitate to use the word “rebuild”, so my projection is:

        LT- Gilliam: we’ve known this for a while

        LG- Odhiambo: he’s dominant from what they are saying and is also a bit bigger than Glow. If he’s healthy, I think he’ll have a real shot at winning the spot.

        C- Hunt: this guy was a must-have for them. Will take control of the new OL. If you watch his snaps, I think the suddenness of them will become a distinct competitive advantage for us. Boykin in shotgun had the ball in his hands before the DL even reacted to the snap. This allows Hunt to consistently beat the DT to the point of attack, compensating in part for his lack of size, and gives the QB an extra split second to read the defense. In a game of inches, this could end up being even more valuable than we imagine. It can also slow down the opponents pass rushers as it is harder to jump the sudden, rocket snap. (that’s just the impression I got watching tape)

        RG- Ifedi: PC said this yesterday. Maybe the reason they came out initially saying they saw him at RT was to be able to attract UDFA guards. I can imagine a UDFA might not be as eager to sign if he knew he were to compete against a team’s first round pick for a spot. Just a theory.

        RT- Webb: going with size on the right side. He was reportedly always better on the right anyway and his problems started when they tried to move him to LT in Chicago. We’ll see.

        • Volume12

          I could definetly see Odhiambo winning the LG spot, but I’m not ready to write off Glow just yet as a starter. And if he’s not, no big deal. He gives us good depth.

          Completely agree about Odhiambo being a 2nd round talent if healthy. Tony Pauline did say he was viewed as a top
          100 prospect.

          He was one of my favorite picks.

          And I do believe that Ifedi is their eventual RT.

        • Kenny Sloth

          A really heady center is an underrated weapon. I’ve heard Smart centers can just flex their snap hands and get DL to jump the neutral zone

          • Volume12

            I get that Hunt has short arms and why that concerns fans, but there’s something that stands out about him other than what’s been pointed out. An underrated part of an O-linemab’s game.

            His arms.

            When you watch his tape, his arms hardly, if ever, get outside/too far from his body.

            It’s textbook technique.

            Elbows up over the knees, sholders square, and they make that ‘L’ shape when you get into and inside the defenders frame when they close the gap or attack.

            • j

              Arm length is definitely an issue and I am concerned how he will adjust from big-12 DL to NFL DL.

              Not saying he can’t find a way to overcome his short arms, but it is something he’ll have to work around. It will be interesting to see if he can do it.

        • j

          Hunt was a must-have for Cable.

        • DC

          This line, though starting from scratch, has the potential to be the best we’ve seen in the PC/JS era once it matures. If those 3 (Odhiambo, Hunt, Ifedi) end up as the interior starters it’s a good sign as they would have beaten out everyone else currently on the roster.

          Lewis & Glowinski are still going to have roster spots. Fant and/or Sowell serve as the swing T.

          • Steele

            ” If those 3 (Odhiambo, Hunt, Ifedi) end up as the interior starters it’s a good sign as they would have beaten out everyone else currently on the roster.”

            I want to see that happen, DC. All I wanted out of this draft was a new interior o-line of the future.

        • Steele

          I can hope that Odi will become that kind of beast.

          But I really like everything you say about Hunt. He is indeed special on his snaps. Dude also gets to the second level with earnestness.

          As for the few inches of height for Russell, absolutely. I was hoping last year for Shaq Mason, for the same reason.

      • nichansen01

        I think (and hope) that Obhiambo is going to be the new left guard. I like Glow but I worry about his play strength.

        Also, it is worth noting that Glow was a pure guard in college and Obhi played left tackle. In most cases, the best linemen at a college plays left tackle. Obhi was also drafted an entire round before Glow. All this might give Obhi the edge over Glow.

        I really hope we move on from Britt. Horrible at two positions now.

        • Ignorant

          He did well against Red Bryant.

          • Greg Haugsven

            Probably looking like this


            • C-Dog

              Yeah, that’s what I tend to think as well. I think there is a decent chance they could give the starting job to Hunt in 2016, but he has to show he is clearly ahead of Lewis in camp. if Odhiambo gets healthy and stays healthy, there could be a very interesting battle between him and Glowinski at LG.

        • C-Dog

          Glowinski played LT for West Virginia.

  13. nichansen01

    Justin Britt is actually quite a bit stronger than Glowinski. In the arizona game where Glow got his first start, he played well but really got knocked back a lot in the run game.

    If Obhiambo shows superior strength to Glow and superior pass protection to Britt, he will not share one of their weaknesses and really improve that left guard spot.

    • Volume12

      Glad I’m not the only one who saw this.

      Glow was impressive, but he didn’t get a ton of push in that game.

      • Kenny Sloth

        And does he have the versatility to stick around as a non-starter?

        • manthony

          I thought Glo played tackle in college. I have Glow ahead of Sokoli, Poole, and Britt at this point. Maybe he learns to snap and play C. I like Lewis, never liked LJP or Britt(or Sweezy) and think their roster spots will be used elsewhere this year.
          Maybe more then just a RT, we’ll need the veteren presence if we plan on running the line out there with a bunch of young guys

          • C-Dog

            Glowinski was a LT at West Virginia who converted to guard.

      • CHawk Talker Eric

        Glow was also the last OLer to move off the snap vs ARI – every time. It didn’t seem to impact negatively his performance in that game, but it’s not what you want to see.

    • Ignorant

      Those are pretty negative judgements after his first start in the NFL, against a contender. Lining up against a mountain like Red Bryant.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        …and as the game wore on, he showed improvement with each series.

      • manthony

        Thats how i gelt too, especially considering he was filling in for Whiff Sweezy. Sweezy could get after it once he was engaged, he wasnt always able to figure out who to block. If our RG can correctly figure that out each play, then its already an improvement

    • C-Dog

      Glow played well in pass pro against the Cardinals and didn’t whiff in the run game is what I remembered.

      • manthony

        Yeah i was kind of hinting at that. I like Glow, an O Liner playing the O Line. I didnt care for Sweezy. It was cool Cable was able to polish that turd into a millionaire, but too many times i would see guys get by him too easily on Pass Protection. Hed whiff an awful lot too trying to cut people. Yet everyone else always seemed to love him and never critisize him.
        I dont understand how people can be so critical of Glowinski after one game, considering hes replacing the worsf starting OLineman of Cables tenure here.
        -* Justin Britt is a close second

        • manthony

          Not saying you were being critical C Dog, i was talking about the other posters

          • nichansen01

            Britt is far worse than Sweezy…

          • Volume12



        • C-Dog

          Speaking of Britt, I just read at Hawkblogger a recent piece suggesting they may try Britt at Center. At first, I scoffed, but he did bring up a couple interesting points 1; Pete and Tom have both indicated they might try him at center in the future, and 2; Britt has struggled most during 1 on 1 match ups insides, and at center he would mostly be doing combo blocking. The idea Nemhauser is suggesting is that Britt would offer the biggest line if he was playing the position, and that might be what they are after. Personally, I think he might be way underestimating what they might see in Joey Hunt, but it’s worth the read.

    • Lewis

      Regardless of who ends up winning each spot, I think that’s exciting is that we could have backups at spots that were better than the starters at those spots last year, and starters as backups at other spots. The roster looks like it is getting a big, big talent infusion all over the place and some of the guys who have been hanging by a thread because we had nothing better are going to be long gone.

      • 503Hawk

        Joining the conversation a day late…
        During the off season I posted some thoughts on the O-line play vs Arizona. Yes, Glow got blown back FIVE TIMES (three consecutive times on the goal line). And, yes, he was the last one out of his stance all night long.
        Its not criticism, its game analysis.

    • David

      Christine Michael’s long run on the wide split formation with the safety cheating up on the blitz was run right through RG. Glowinski seals the gap beautifully on that play.

  14. Kenny Sloth

    It is imprtant to note that while, due to his testing numbers, Kenny Lawler ranks middle of the pack in SLA, he is the #1 WR in this class by tFreak (the size, length portion of SLA the A is athleticism using SPARQ). Higher than even Devon Cajuste, he is in the 95th percentile for the whole NFL WRs since like 2003

    • Producehawk

      I guess the lesson here is “trust the FO”.

    • Kenny Sloth

      And Jarran Reed actually has lower SLA than Ashawn Robinson!
      Sitting in the 30th percentile, but that’s for all INT not just two gappers.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Models his game after Ndamukong Suh. It shows.

        • Grit21

          I just remember him being EVERYWHERE during the national title game

  15. Barry

    On my down time I’ve been making myself more familiar with the UDFA we signed that I didnt already watch film on or know about.
    This LEO prospect David Perkins has me very hopeful.

    Nice little write up right here. I will look for film on him tonight. What I came away amazed was the quote “taking a average high school football program and turning it into a powerhouse”. And “I think probably 80% of the game is mental, if you know what’s going on and who is going to be where. If you know the offensive tendencies and really break down your opponent, you reduce the game to technique and effort”.

    • Steele

      Perkins is a willing pass rusher. Technically he has a lot to work on. Long, skinny legs, not many moves, but goes for it. Problem is, he’s a tweener. Not big enough for DE, and I don’t think he is great as a LB in space.

    • Josh emmett

      thanks Barry, good read. Suck it jets

  16. Ignorant

    There’s some Rees Odhiambo here (LT number 71) for you.

  17. Steele

    Rob, I echo everyone else here in thanking you profusely for your work in this blog. This is the place I go for Seahawks information, period. The fact that you do all of this while also dealing with a full-time day job is amazing. We are spoiled.

  18. Ben H

    One UDFA I didn’t hear you mention is Montese Overton – he definitely seems like a solid ‘get’ who could factor into the OLB picture.

    • Steele

      Ben, Overton was a guy I had high on my draft list.

      He is as close to anyone in this class as a Bruce Irvin. Very athletic and explosive, but above all, he is a pass rusher who can wreak havoc off the edge. IN film, he has a real nose for the ball and is relentless.

      I didn’t expect him to drop off the board into UDFA. There must have been other issues (off field, health) that scared off teams.

      I think he has potential to be more than just a solid get.

      • C-Dog

        Dave Softy rattled a list of Seattle’s UDFA to Daniel Jeremiah today during the afternoon commute to get his impression, and Jeremiah listed Overton and Powell as the two that stood out to him as pretty good football players.

        • Del tre

          I think Overton has some crazy tape. I agree with Steele I wanted Overton in the late rounds but thought he would be gone. I think he is better than a lot of this drafts linebackers and the Hawks knew it.
          Also on tyvus powell, if I’m getting this correct he is 6’3 210+ now considering that the Hawks know Kam is getting older and maybe a bit slower I would expect to see powell maybe more at SS but also backing up earl. Kind of like shead but maybe less switching around I don’t think he can play corner
          All I know is one way or another the Hawks got players that I like and analysts seem to agree (PFF gave us an F so I consider that an A+ and every other analyst was scared to get burned) this year’s roster could be damn near the 2013 roster with a better offense

  19. DC

    Pretty interesting possibilities now for 12 personnel.

    1 RB. Prosise as a receiving option out of the backfield.
    2 TE. Vannett helping to block at least initially with Graham/Willson running routes.
    2 WR. 2 of Baldwin, Kearse, Lockett wreaking havoc.

    If the O line holds up in protection we can stretch and stress that defense.

    Early 2017 FA wishlist. DE Jabaal Sheard. NE sniped us once, here is our second chance.

  20. LandofBoz

    Any chance that Prosise will play wideout quite a bit? I thought he only switched to RB last year because ND needed him to.

    • H M Abdou

      I’m guessing they’re thinking of using Prosise partially like Harvin, partially like Fred Jackson.

      • Steele

        I think Prosise will indeed be used creatively, if Bevell has it in him! I believe he will be both RB and WR, used opportunistically depending on the opponent. Keep ’em all guessing.

        Collins and Madden also offer variety. So does Rawls, for that matter.

        Gee, there’s a pattern!

      • Ben2

        Swiss Army knife

      • SeventiesHawksFan

        Would love to see him become our version of Julian Edelman.

        • H M Abdou

          So where does that leave CMike?

          Is he definitely going to be cut, or does he have a legit chance to make the 53? I think CMike is better than most 12s think he is, hopefully he’s not satisfied with how well he played late last year. Hopefully he’s more focused so that even if he doesn’t make the team, he can push the other RBs to be at their best.

          But I really am pulling for CM to be a major contributor for this team going forward, love the attitude and professionalism he showed when he came back.

          • C-Dog

            I would say C Mike is in a tight battle with Collins for the 3rd spot, but maybe they carry 4 RBs if they factor Prosise more into an Offensive Weapon role in the passing game than a traditional RB. Collins and C Mike both have to show they can hang onto the ball, hence the drafting of SPARQy Zac Brooks.

            • Volume12

              I think Collins is a lock.

              Prosise has incredible upside and can be used in different spots. At least early on and for the time being, he appears to be a 3rd down back.

              All these backs have to prove they won’t put the ball on the ground, just like Rawls has to prove he can play a 16 game season.

              But, from the perspective of who’s the better pure RB? It’s Collins.

              I’m gonna guess they will carry 4 RBs this year. Leaving that last spot to Brooks or C-Mike.

              • Del tre

                I have a feeling the RB room will be stuffed but I could see them
                Dropping Kasem Williams and Kevin Smith (I don’t want smith gone in just have a hunch) and instead keep procise on the roster considering him to be filling a receiver and a fullback spot.
                Keeping no fullback on the roster (I’m bummed I loved Derrick Coleman and have a signed jersey and book…..) instead keeping Bryant and Collins or tre madden or Zac brooks at fullback. This way Brooks can fulfill a special teams role while still contributing. People can disagree but I have a hunch the Hawks are going to want a few of these running backs to work at fullback so that they have a guy who they can run the ball with too. Just imagine how much that would suck as a defensive coordinator, imagine the crazy read option plays.
                As much as I really like Kevin Smith and K Williams I expect them both to be gone next year, let’s face it Lawler I’d a bigger longer version of Williams with better hands and more potential, and Kevin Williams can be replaced they already have Kearse on the roster (that’s really what I see his ceiling as a better kearse)
                So in other words I expect the HawKS to be very creative with their roster this offseason.

                • Del tre

                  For procisee I meant a receiver and running back spot

                  • Volume12

                    Brooks would be an awfully small FB. If he’s a JS ‘pet project’ he’ll sneak onto this team somehow someway if he doesn’t show out,

                    I think they like Madden as that Derrick Coleman type. And if he disappoints in rookie camp or OTAs, I wouldn’t rule out Coleman coming back.

                    But, it says a lot to me that Boykin, Powell, French, and Madden were the priority UDFAS or R (rookie)FAs.

                    Doesn’t mean they’re locks, but the coaching staff will probably be more patient with those 4.

                  • D-OZ

                    Brooks also.SAK

                • David

                  I fully expect them to carry a FB (either Cottom, Bryant 2-ways or a street FA) and one who can carry the boom. The I-formation and the strong I are a primary tenet of what the Seahawks/Bevell do on offense.

                  I would imagine that they do keep 5 RBs on the roster (1 FB) like they did last year as Prosise can be counted as a RB/WR and I’m guessing they want to avoid the situation from last year at all costs of signing street FAs in the middle of the season to carry their running game.

              • C-Dog

                Good points. Yeah, I think Alex Collins is most definitely a heavy favorite to make the roster. For an upset to occur (in the Terry Poole variety), he would have to show a chronic case of fumble-itis that he wasn’t able to correct in time while C-Mike has fully reinvented himself has runner and all the things that have gone on with him upstairs, and Brooks’ preseason play was simply too special.

                Personally, I think the fumble issue with Collins can be corrected, and I’m going to guess he’s going to be pretty coachable on that. Just heard him on Brock and Salk, seems like a really good kid.

            • mtskibum16

              My guess is they carry 4 RBs. I think Prosise is a lock as a 3rd down back (from listening to JSPC). It sounds like everyone is high on Collins, but there will be lots of competition for the last 2 spots. My guess is Rawls, CMike, Prosise, Collins is what shakes out. I wouldn’t be surprised to see CMike get beat out, but I hope he doesn’t because he still has the athletic potential to be great. They’ve mentioned Madden and Brandin Bryant as options at FB.

  21. nichansen01

    Could Justin Britt be in the seahawks plans for starting center?

    Here is the evidence:

    Britt has played center before.

    JSPC have talked about Britt being able to play center.

    Britt has started on the line for two years now.

    JSPC has mentioned they want to build cohesion on the line early,

    And finally…

    In the photos of team OTAs from today… Glowinski is seen at left guard, Gilliam at left tackle. Center is off screen… Britt and Webb are present, so who is playing center is Britt is not olaying left guard? Could it be Britt?

    Just a hunch…

    • H M Abdou


    • Saxon

      This is interesting but I just don’t think he is a very good interior blocker, and I don’t think switching to center will fix that. If he makes the final roster it will be backing up RT and probably third team LG/RG. He just lacks the leverage skills and backpedal out of the squattier inside stance. He played better out wide and they should have left him there, but they were trying to get their best 5 on the field.

      I know folks are predicting he’ll be cut to make room for the kids, but I wouldn’t bet against him. He’s got a lot of experience, is versatile, and will likely outplay the rooks throughout camp and preseason. Another great battle to monitor.

    • C-Dog

      You should read this piece at Hawkblogger, he’s suggesting they may in fact try Britt at center, as we would offer them the biggest line, if that is what they are going for.

    • RealRhino2

      Justin Britt is the Lane Kiffin of the OL…..

    • vrtkolman

      He failed at two other positions on the line already, I wouldn’t want to try a third (especially one that requires more responsibility). He’s a sunk cost, might as well keep him around in case of emergencies until his rookie contract is up and then say bye bye.

    • Josh B

      Let’s hope not – or, more optimistically, let’s hope Britt takes an enormous step forward if that’s the case

      My lasting mental image of Britt from last year was him on the ground – either on his butt due to being manhandled by a DT, or on his face due to a mis-timing a block

      Britt lacks the physicality or the decision making necessary to make it at C.

      • matt

        Training Britt at C increases his versatility to back up multiple positions. Think he has proven he’s not worthy of being a starter, but if he can back up 3 positions that’s valuable. Only suiting up 7 OL makes versatility a must with the 2 back ups.

  22. Álvaro

    Isn’t anyone worried about the LT position? We only have Gilliam, who’s never played at the left and Sowell, who… well…
    I know that many other players in the OL can play tacle, but we don’t have any pure LT on the roster, and only 2 competing for the position while there seem to be plenty of guards.
    Do you think they’re happy with that or you think there will be some kind of reinforcement?

    • mtskibum16

      Gilliam had never played RT until last year and did ok (not great but flashed). I’ve heard JSPC mention multiple times that Gilliam was on the team being groomed as the future LT before being thrown to RT out of necessity. I don’t think they’re just moving him out of need, but rather that was the plan all along.

    • matt

      Yeah I’m worried about the depth at LT too. It looks like Webb is the first option to back up LT, where he has looked over matched in the past. We do have $5m or so in true cap space, so we can’t rule out a vet pick up.

    • H M Abdou

      If it gets to the point of being ridiculous, where Gilliam is really struggling, we could see a lot of Nick Vannett on the left side giving Gilliam help.

  23. Old but Slow

    Congratulations to Leicester. Winning the Premier League is awesome and unexpected (5000 to 1 odds!), but then to have the world snooker champion at the same time (minutes apart!). They must be flying high there.

    • bobskid

      Hi OBS, glad to see your still around the hawktalk, miss seeing your thoughts on the PI forum,

  24. Coleslaw

    So it looks like our. 3rd down defensive line is going to be Avril Jefferson/Hill Bennett Clark. Not a bad group, add Clark on the inside sometimes and you got options.
    I’ve got a feeling Tharold Simon is gonna make waves this year, if he locks down the outside spot Lane could go to the nickel where he’s best. We could run nickel even more often like the Chiefs when we need to (Rodgers, Brady, Rivers).I don’t see a lot of holes on this roster even in the depth, should be a fun year!
    Along with Tharold, I think Hill will make a jump this year, even if that just means 3 or 4 sacks while splitting time with Jefferson that’s still good.
    Also, C.J. Prosise is going to be a STUD. I think he wins the 3rd down back role and splits carries with Rawls, giving us 2 3 down backs. He reminds me of Le’veon Bell! Alex Collins as the goal line back and Christine Michael as the change of pace guy.
    Time for another super bowl run!!

    • Coleslaw

      Also, Vannett is going to line up as a fullback sometimes, he could even end up being one and a TE with Madden also on the roster

      • Volume12

        It’s interesting to me that Jordan Hill has lost 10-13 lbs., and is now right around 290.

        Leaving Seattle with 2 run stuffers in Reed and Rubin,

        Which is why Silinga probably doesn’t go anywhere. Seattle has always carried 3 run stuffing DTs.

        Hill looks like a pure 3-tech right now, and Jefferson probably isn’t gonna be asked to stop the run. It’s not what he does best. That doesn’t mean he can’t be effective ‘playing’ the run, and as he continues to develop, I think that’ll be part of his game. Just not early on.

        • Coleslaw

          Yeah that’s the line on sub packages.
          Who are you most excited about out of the draftees? Always love your posts would be fun to pick your mind lol

          • H M Abdou

            To throw in my 2 cents, the draftee I’m most excited about is Jarran Reed. I think he was a very safe draft pick. You know exactly what you’re getting with him. And finding him at pick 49 was an absolute steal, even when you factor in the 4th rounder given up to go from 56 to 49.

          • Volume12

            That’s a good question,

            A lot to choose from right? Thought they killed this draft, even if I didn’t see some names coming. Maybe that’s just me though IDK.

            I’d have to agree with H M.

            Jarran Reed. A legit top 20 talent. I think he’s gonna be this year’s Tyler Lockett.

            What I mean is, he’s not really gonna make ‘sexy’ or splashy plays, but he’s a hands down steal. Fan favorite, big time character, and will instantly be one of the best at his positions from the rookie class.

            It doesn’t concern me one bit that they gave up a mid rounder for me, because we got a 4th coming for Bruce Irvin and can trade comp picks next year anyways.

            Speaking of next year, I’d look at EDGE rushers early on.

            • Sea Mode

              Top 10 talent according to JS! He and Prosise are the two that have me most excited. I think the routes out of the backfield are going to create so many mismatches for us to exploit. Any defense caught without exactly the right personnel on the field at any given time against us is going to get toasted.

              So funny, I was just thinking that same thing this morning: we’re going to load up on EDGE guys next year like we did on RB this year.

              Don’t count out Ryan Robinson, though. JS mentioned him by name as someone as one of the guys already on the roster that could surprise us this season.

              • Kenny Sloth

                Obviously Germ is my favorite, Reed a close second.

                Excited for Vannett, Odhiambo, Prosise.

                Collins, too.

                Kenny Lawler is another real one.

                Bryant controls his fate.

                French, Longa might fall short.

                Can’t see Powell being stopped.

                Likely no room to stash McEvoy

                Elliott could steal a spot.

            • Kenny Sloth

              Yeah looking at a Leo next year.

          • C-Dog

            Jarran Reed, hands down for me, as well. Very interesting player. Started out as an LB in JUCO, and grew into a DT. Elite run defender, shows the athletic upside to develop a pass rush. Rob Rang said he was the purest DT in the draft. IMO, drafting him at 49 was potentially as great of a move as when Seattle took RW at 75 in that I don’t think Reed enjoyed that slide very much, and there is probably 31 other teams in the league he would love nothing more than remind them about it every Sunday. Powerful dude with what is likely going to be a major chip on his shoulder.

        • C-Dog

          Considering Seattle had a 3rd round grade on Jefferson, Hill could be in for an intense battle for a job. If Jefferson handles his business through camp, I’m going to say he’s all but a lock. If Seattle considers him a DE/DT, and he becomes the backup to Mike B, I think that helps Hill keep his position. That’s kind of what I’m anticipating will happen.

          • H M Abdou

            I see a lot of intense camp and preseason battles, and difficult cuts in late August. Some of my favorite players probably won’t make the 53.

          • ClevelandDuck

            Well thought out. I’m wondering as well how much Seattle’s preference for veterans in the interior will weigh in Hill’s favor as well.

          • matt

            Jefferson looks like an upgrade over Dobbs. Can play some DE in a pinch and interior pass rusher on 3rd downs, when Hill gets hurt.

    • David

      Unless Clemons makes the team as he was signed purely as a 3rd down rusher

  25. Old but Slow

    There seems to be a lot of projection about the potential lineups that we will employ this season. How things shake out in the long run, may be very different.

    This rookie class, draft picks and free agents, is going to make some noise. Competition in camp could be more intense than ever. Our veterans will need to be on their toes, as there will be a number of fine athletes trying to unseat them. This was as strong a draft class as I can remember, and I have been a draft nut since who flung the chunk.

    It would be unusual for as many of 2 undrafted free agents to make the team which is so near championship quality, but this year, there may be as many as 4 free agent rookies make the team.

    OK, that may be a little much, but there is some real talent coming to camp this season. Bring it on!

    • bigDhawk

      I and several others leading up to the draft mentioned blowing up the entire OL and starting from scratch with a new player at ever position. If Hunt wins the starting center spot that is almost certainly what will happen. Indeed, this is the best competition we’ve had at OL in the entire PCJS era. It will be fascinating to see how this unfolds and how it ultimately works in the season.

  26. Eran-Ungar

    When Kenny asked Rob if there was a player he would rather have the seahawks get with thier last pick in the draft (Brooks at 247), Rob outlined a few players that already ended with the Seahawks after the draft.

    I wonder why Cajuste was not mentioned with that list considering how high he was on our radar.

    • Rob Staton

      I understand he was not considered by the team. Neither was Ervin.

      • Eran-Ungar

        Oh OK, i thought that question was about your personal opinion. I must admit that when they where on the clock at that pick I was thinking – Keyarris or Cajuste.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Wow any reason for each?

        I mean I was marking Ervin way down for lack of length.

        Cajuste is a ‘weird’ dude?

        • vrtkolman

          Cajuste doesn’t run as fast as his combine suggests, which is already pretty slow. He just looks really slow and sluggish on the field. He also provides zero special teams value, which we know is important for making the roster as a fringe player.

          • Kenny Sloth

            Ah. Shite workouts and interviews. So he’s a niner

            • ClevelandDuck


              Good intel, vrtkolman and Rob.

  27. D-OZ

    I think Brooks is their Irvin. Prosise will fill that roll. They might have to stash Brooks. Who know’s he might make the team and get some touches. Injuries and not putting the ball on the ground in camp and pre-season will be telling.

    • Eran-Ungar

      There is something I notice watching Procise again.

      We all saw he only caries the ball in his left hand but in some of those games he only runs once or twice to the right and most of his efforts are center and left.

      Anyone else noticed that trend?

      • Sea Mode

        Yeah, he will have to work on it, especially if the right side of our OL is projected to be the power side.

        • H M Abdou


          Line up both Procise and CMike in the backfield together. If the run is to the left, give it to Prosise, it it’s to the right, Michael. LOL!

  28. Kenny Sloth

    Not Kenny Arthur, but maybe someday….

  29. Kenny Sloth

    Common denominator among Seahawks OL draftees?

    All played against Ole Miss really really well.

    • bigDhawk

      Ha! Great point. I watched the Hunt performance against Nkemdiche in the 2014 Peach Bowl but had not considered the other players. I’m sure this is just a coincidence since they could not have known the Cards would get Nkemdiche, but fun nonetheless.

  30. Kenny Sloth

    Brandin Bryant looked really unsure of his knee that had just recovered. Production was down and he didn’t explode violently anymore. This is where the Seahawks shine. This medical staff gives us a competitive edge They’re going to clean up that knee and strap some meat to that skinny bubble on Brandin Bryant. He’ll have renewed confidence in that knee and could have an impact year one

  31. Sea Mode

    I had been looking at Justin Simmons as a Deone Bucannon comp, but check this out:

    Tyvis Powell: 6026, 211, 32.750 arm, 4.46/2.62/1.59, 15 bench, 34.5 vert, 10 broad, 4.25 ss, 7.03 3-cone
    D. Bucannon: 6010, 211, 32.275 arm, 4.49/2.60/1.54, 19 bench, 36.5 vert, 10’5″ brd, 4.26 ss, 6.96 3-cone

    Houston, we have a hybrid…

    (credit to “stufr” over on FieldGulls for pointing out the comp.)

    • ClevelandDuck

      I think that’s where the comparison ends though. Their style of play is not otherwise similar, per every scouting report I’ve seen.

  32. Kenny Sloth

    Germain Ifedi was the lockerroom’s spokesman per Sumlin.

    Road game at SMU was rained out. Ifedi hadn’t gotten to eat and was pissed. He found tiny box lunch sandwiches on the way back after the win.

    Next week he asked Sumlin “if we beat Arkansas can we get some real damn sammiches for the way back?”

  33. Mylegacy

    Well Rob… another outstanding job. BRAVO!

    In Rob’s place he can only paint the picture in broad strokes. Rob doesn’t have have the Health Science Team to look into and through every iota of every medical implication. Rob doesn’t have the countless private insights from coaches and key insiders like Schneider and Carroll do. Rob doesn’t have have a team of full time scouts with special access. AND Rob even has an ocean and (in many cases) a full continent between him and the targets of his analysis.

    All Rob can do is identify WHO the Hawks HAVE chosen, examine and identify what criteria and parameters separates these athletes from the vast pool of potential choices. Rob then gives us insight into WHO he sees in the draft that has demonstrated these attributes and why they might be of interest to our Seahawks.

    In doing so Rob (and many others on this site whose input is invaluable) provide us lesser mortals with months of delicious feed to chew on. And chew we do!

    This site is the best Seahawk site by far – and it you love the smell of pigskin – this site may well provide the best Football Insight you can find.

    BRAVO Rob.

    • H M Abdou

      Well said, and I agree with everything you said!

      Bravo, Rob!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks man 🙂

  34. Steele

    DeRunnya Wilson is a Patriot. UDFA!? There’s another guy I thought would have gone higher.

    Hawks got a better WR in Lawler, but DeRun has freakish size.

  35. Steele

    Now that the draft is over, is it time to play “What I Would Have Done Differently”? If you’re really bored—you’re on the clock!

    • H M Abdou

      As boring as this may sound, there’s really nothing that springs to mind that I would have done differently in this draft. I think Pete and John did a fabulous job of getting value and addressing needs. The theme of the draft, getting more physical, was perfect.

      It’ll be easier to decide if there’s something I would have done differently once we actually see these guys play, too early to tell at this point. A player that we’re excited about might not pan out, and vice versa.

    • RealRhino2

      Initial thought, I probably would have passed on Odhiambo for more of a C/G option at that spot, which leaves me free to use my 6th on Travis Feeney. Then I prob would have used the last 7th on either Eric Striker or Jeremy Cash.

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