Happy New Year!

I want to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year and all the best for 2012! Only four months to go until the NFL Draft…



  1. D

    Hey Rob,

    As a follower from the start, let me say that you are still kicking arse whit this site. As a Hawk fan this is one of the better sites out there.

    Thanks and have a great year of the Dragon

  2. Rob

    Thanks D and thank you for sticking with us form the start! Really appreciated and have a great new year.

  3. Craig

    Love the site, hope you have a great New Years also!

  4. Rich

    Rob, I don’t post often but come here every day. I can’t thank you enough for your efforts here and hope you have a fantastic 2012. To kick the year off properly I hope the Hawks knock the snot out of the Cardinals.

  5. Rob

    Absolutely… I’m feeling confident about the game today, could be a long day for John Skelton.

  6. PatrickH

    Happy New year! I started coming to this site about a year ago and have really enjoyed and appreciated the insightful analysis provided by you and by Kip. Look forward to more of your work in the months ahead.

  7. Turp

    Happy New Years Rob! Thanks for the great insights and analysis. I read your blog every day and time has proven that you have some of the best tape analysis around. Cheers to another great year of Seahawks Draft Blog!

    I’ve watched the every Hawks game over a few times this season (thanks NFL Game Rewind) and it’s clear they need a pass rusher. The defense is good but an elite pass rusher would make the difference. It was no more clear than today’s loss against the Cardinals. A little more pressure would have gone a long way.

    Also, totally not relevant, but Sherman is awesome. I can’t wait to see him play next year.

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