Instant reaction: Seahawks don’t look like Champions

Tonight, it’s hard to find reasons to believe this is a Super Bowl season.

I don’t say that lightly. We don’t overreact here. I like to think we’ve offered a healthy dose of perspective over the years. This has been a consistently good football team for a long time. This is a golden age of Seahawks football.

Yet watching this — Seattle’s first decimation in over five years — there’s really only one cause for optimism. The wide open nature of the NFC.

The Seahawks still have a relatively straight forward route to the #2 seed. Home games against the Rams and Cards, then a trip to San Francisco. Win out and there’s every chance they get a first round bye and a home playoff game.

Aside from that, it’s hard to make a case for this team beyond reputation.

The quarterback is playing as poorly as he ever has.

The running game is being washed away.

The defense is struggling to create pressure with a four-man rush and jumps between fierce and formidable to passive and ineffective.

What is the identity of this team?

What can they hang their hat on at the moment? When they go into a game, what can they rely on? What is going to be good week-in, week-out? Which player? Which unit?

This was an embarrassing, uncharacteristic 38-10 beating.

They’re now 0-4-1 on the road against the NFC. Their last two games against Tampa Bay and Green Bay were hideously ugly. The LA and New Orleans losses were only a notch behind.

For a team capable of beating New England in their own backyard, they’ve been surprisingly poor in every NFC road game. In five of their seven trips they’ve scored 13 points or less. That is a problem.

Russell Wilson has thrown eight picks in his last three games. He’s 13-10. The injuries have no doubt impacted a year that started with so much optimism and talk of a MVP campaign — but that excuse is wearing thin.

Tonight he was fairly abysmal. Bad decisions, overthrows, inaccuracy. Awful.

The run game is being impacted by the fluctuating fortunes of the passing game. One week it looks great because the Seahawks are flowing and in the game. Then you get a day like this and they almost have to abandon it.

Despite the big sack numbers for Cliff Avril and Frank Clark — Seattle’s four-man rush struggled badly and has for three weeks. Aaron Rodgers had all day to find the mismatch, the open guy or the soft-spot in the zone. He extended plays with ease. At one point the camera’s caught him yawning. It really was that easy.

Can they cause consistent pressure without bringing extra rushers? And are they willing to take that risk now with Earl Thomas out?

It’s worth noting that this is a Green Bay team without two starting linebackers, their best pass rusher plus their starting center. Rodgers was limited with a hamstring issue, Clay Matthews is hurt and the right guard is not 100% either.

Could you tell?

John Schneider told ESPN 710 in the off-season they wanted to be the bullies again this year. They haven’t achieved that. At one point today the Green Bay D-line were chirping away at Seattle’s O-line. They pushed them around, had their way.

The Seahawks are not a bad team. Let’s get that straight. Most teams have a loss like this every now and again. But this is so out of character — that’s the concerning bit. It’s hard to work out whether it’s a sign of a gradual decline or just another off-day in a weird old season.

There are holes on the roster and some of them are more obvious than perhaps we thought at the start of the year. Arguably, there are also too many players simply not doing enough. Not pushing. Garry Gilliam has gone from starter to inactive. Alex Collins has allowed himself to become an afterthought despite the injuries at running back. They’ve already cut J’Marcus Webb and Christine Michael. Paul Richardson has drifted into the background.

Is the overall competition at the level you’d expect from this team? Are they carrying people?

Tampa Bay, Green Bay, Dallas. These are the teams hitting form in December like the Seahawks have in previous years.

Seattle will probably be in the playoffs — but they have to get better, right now. Because this doesn’t feel like a Championship team at the moment.


  1. nichansen01

    We just have to win one more game to win the division. That’s how bad the NFC west is this year.

    But it looks like we’ll be one and done in the playoffs anyways.

    • Darren253

      If it’s a home game then no, we should hold serve. If our first game is on the road, then yeah likely 1 and done given our road woes.

      • Greg Haugsven

        If we can go 3-0 down the stretch we should be the 2 seed. That would be 2 homes games where were playing good, a road game against a terrible team. Then a home playoff game, then if all goes as planned a road game in Dallas. The problem isn’t at home its on the road. If we can get to Dallas hopefully we can turn that around and make it back to the Super Bowl.

        • Greg Haugsven

          I also thought the running g game was doing well early then they started getting pass happy. Just pound the dam rock!

          • Greg Haugsven

            One more thing, every team needs an asset whooping from time to time to wake them up. I remember this happened to the Patriots a couple years back and they ended up Super Bowl Champipns. Let’s not stop believing.

            • Vista

              That was the chiefs game right? I really hope it lights a fire under them.

              • Greg Haugsven

                Yes it was the Chiefs game, on a Monday night

  2. Trevor

    Well said Rob! Hard not to over react to the worst game in the PC era but this team looked lost on both sides of the ball today. I am not going to say anything else because it would be emotion not logic speaking.

    The same needs in the draft are obvious though Offensive Tackle, Interior Pass Rush, Running Back and depth in the secondary.

    For the 3rd off season in a row I will be pleading for a replacement for Kearse at WR#3 and Alex Collins is not an NFL RB.

    • Volume12

      Let’s see what happens Thursday night. They had to win one ot these 2. They can still catch fire.

      GB needed this win, Seattle wanted it? Although they didn’t play like it.

      • Nolan

        If Russell Wilson played as well as he normally does the Hawks win this game I think but Wilson had no plays in him today for whatever reason he never looked right. This game was within reach if we get a normal Russell performance

  3. Volume12

    Nope. Sure don’t feel like a championship contender. It happens. Tough to win in this league.

    They aren’t winning or scoring on the road. At all.

    They have no idea who they are. None. I think losing Lynch, probably unexpectedly, not replacing Irvin and losing a playmaker, they need 1 more on defense, they probably felt like this would be a season they had to weather the storm to get through.

    Still waiting for this team to turn the corner. One week it feels like they do, the next? Not close. Too much inconsistency.

    Turning it over 5 or 6 times isn’t Seattle football nor can any team win the turnover margin at -6.

    Ugly, embarrassing game.

    • Trevor

      Yeah they really do seem like a team with no identity on Offense what so ever. This is supposed to be Russ’s team now. Time to stop using the injuries as an excuse and show us that this is his team. Smoke Stl next week then win out and get on a roll heading into the playoffs.

      Stafford is hurt so if we win out the 2 seed is still likely. Rest up on the bye week and hope to make some magic happen. This is not a dominant team but the Giants won two SBs without being a dominant team.

      On an unrelated note Vic Beasley is the next great pass rusher in this league. The light has come on and he is a beast now.

      • Volume12

        Once you get anything can happen. Everyone is 0-0.

        This team plays better with their backs against the wall.

        Its frustrating because there were plays to be made this game and they didn’t execute.

        Yeah, Beasley has come on. Dwight Freeney was the best thing that could’ve happened to him.

  4. Trevor

    Last thing.

    Rob I know you say I was harsh on Michael Bennet when I questioned his attitude but he has looked completely disinterested the last two games and has been a liability. If he is still hurt then rest him. If not then something is clearly up.

    • Rob Staton

      I still think you’re reading too much into it. Bennett has come back from knee surgery and hasn’t looked his old, brilliant best yet. But I do not see any signs of a bad attitude or disinterest. Not in the slightest.

      • Trevor

        If you re-watch the game or last week. Watch is reaction after plays on on the sidelines. He does not look like the same fired up guy we all love. I love Bennett Rob and I am not a critic I am just saying something is clearly up either health or otherwise because he has not played two games like that in his career much less back to back.

        • vrtkolman

          He got into the backfield a lot, and blew up a running play early. It looked like Green Bay was double teaming him most of the game. We didn’t have anyone else step up. The DT’s on this roster are a huge weakness.

          • Trevor

            Agree about the DT position needing to be addressed this off season. Reed is a keeper and I am hoping Q Jeff can come back strong but they need some penetration up the middle for sure.

        • Rob Staton

          Again Trevor, if I’m honest I think you’re looking for something that isn’t there. I just see the same old Michael Bennett. His play hasn’t been the usual standard, but his body language is the same.

          • Tien

            I agree with Rob here, Trevor. Bennett hasn’t been his dominant self since coming back from injury but after one of the Green Bay scoring drives, the camera panned to Bennett on the sidelines trying to fire the defense up. I think it’s probably just a combination of him not being fully recovered and trying to get back to game form after those weeks off. Onto a more pleasant topic, Kam stood out as the one defensive player who actually had a great game today!

  5. nichansen01

    The only team in the NFC west that won today was San Francisco. And they won by losing and getting a higher draft pick.

    • Volume12

      That doesn’t guarantee them anything. They have to nail the pick and actually pick someone that doesn’t need a year off or so.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      They already have the #2 pick locked in……. even if they had beat the Jets….

  6. Darren253

    Great points Rob.

    Just to amplify the pass rushing woes, 1 sack over 3 games and that by Rubin, a guy not know for inside pressure. Wheres’ Bennett ?

    Russ looks really bad. He seems to be high on his throws. Wasn’t that a knock coming out of college the tendency to throw it high ?

    Anything can happen in the playoffs but we need that 1st round bye to keep us off the road.

  7. LordSnow

    THis is why the end play in the sb loss still bugs me: the rarity of getting there and the likeliness that you reach the top…a decline follows. Dynasties are so few and far between and most teams have their moment and decline. Are we in that phase? We seem to be eerily following the path of that Bears ’85 team. Sometimes you win and look like your championship self, but then you have games like Tampa Bay and this game, and people question the identity.

    Chicago lost Walter Payton. We lost Lynch. What are we?

    If anything, I hope Pete returns to his ROOTS. Defense. Fix that defense. I don’t care that it’s #1 again in scoring against, it IS NOT the same, not as dominant, and needs an influx of talent to push some of the starters. 2013 that defense was an attacking, vicious, mind blowing unit that came at you in waves with its depth. THis one is a good goal line defense, but gives up lots and lots of drives and can’t get off the field enough.

    • Volume12

      Your right. That defense was historic for a reason. Because it doesn’t happen often.

      That season unfortunately was a blessing and a curse. It kinda ruined the standards and expectations for this team. They were never gonna be like that again.

    • vrtkolman

      The 2013 defensive roster was insane, there is no way we will ever replicate that. Guys like Mike Morgan, Rubin, and Lane would not make that roster, and this year they are starters.

      • LordSnow

        Yes, they won’t get to that level of talent, therefore…you must do something different. You can’t have the same approach in years’ past where Pete used to say, “They need to adjust to us.”

        This reminds me of Holmgren, when asked if he would modify the WCO, he said, “It has worked in the past, we know it works, and we won’t change it because it will work in the future…”

        But, with that in mind, I hope they go defense heavy in this upcoming draft. Restock it. Get that depth. Find those special players. Reestablish the competition.

      • Volume12

        Yeah, even watching this team that preseason, it was like the depth & talent they had was almost unfrair.

      • Drew

        Mike Morgan and Lane were on that roster…

  8. CharlieTheUnicorn

    The team lives and dies with RW. This is the simple truth. He (and the offense in general) looked a bit sluggish and several wide open WR/TEs were flat out missed. Mix in some crazy bounced passes that turned into INTs off for WRs…. and it got ugly quick.

    It was as if no matter what Seattle did today, they were not going to win. Football fates perhaps.

    • Rob Staton

      “The team lives and dies with RW.”

      Maybe that’s the way it is now, but it never needed to be in the past. This used to be a perfectly balanced team. Not any more.

      • vrtkolman

        Agree, Pete doesn’t want one person to define the team.

        • LordSnow

          Doesn’t he? When you take the ball out of the hands of the one guy (Rawls) who was putting it to GB in the beginning of the 3rd qtr on their 20, with a chance to get it to 21-10, and put it back into the hands of the guy who is having a completely shitty day, I don’t know any other way he’s saying, “RW is my guy and we are his team and living and dying on his arm whether it’s on or off.”

          • vrtkolman

            Yeah I’m not sure what to think about that. Paranoia over Rawls’ durability? The first drive looked fantastic and I thought we were in for a 30 point game. Then on the 2nd drive they ran on 2nd and 10, and threw to a route that ran a yard short of the 1st down. The offense was out of sorts all game long after the first drive, they really need to adjust sooner than at halftime.

          • Tien

            Put me down as another guy who didn’t understand why they stopped handing the ball to Rawls. Green Bay wasn’t really stopping our running game and yet, Wilson kept passing (and throwing interceptions) and then from about mid-third quarter on, they replaced Rawls with Pope & Collins. Unless they specifically wanted to evaluate Pope & Collins in non-garbage time, this benching of Rawls while the Hawks still had a slim chance of coming back made no sense at all.

            • Rob Staton

              I think it’s clear they’d decided it wasn’t worth risking Rawls’ health in that type of situation. If they lose Rawls, the run game is on life support.

            • LordSnow

              I don’t think they believe in Rawls as much as they seem to say they do. Over the years, I’m starting to tune Pete out when he goes rah rah over someone. He’s rah rah over all his guys. I think the proof is more in the pudding, and I think they like Rawls, but don’t see him as a core guy.

              • Smitty1547

                Why was he still gambling with Wilson health, it made no since. Give the rookie QB some reps we may need him one day.

  9. Trevor

    When either of our All Pro Safeties are missing this Defense just looks different.

    • Radman

      Yep. Thomas is probably their best player. He’s a sure fire HOFer and he’s gone. It’s a game changer.

    • Drew

      Having Earl Thomas would not have been any different in the outcome of yesterdays game

    • Attyla the Hawk

      Seems like a perfect reason to reload there. Particularly with the kind of talent available at S in this class.

  10. Mylegacy

    I counted 8 bad passes by The Man Formerly Known as DangeRuss (TMFKAD) and two easy drops by Baldwin and Kearse. Ugly.

    Our road record is not lying. We’re not the team we think we are.

    Now the good news – IF – TMFKAD had hit on several of them it’s a whole new game. This NFL – it’s a tough gig, n’est ce pas?

  11. vrtkolman

    Ugh, hard to read that from you Rob, as you are one of the more positive members here. I thought we would lose this game, but not by 28. Green Bay is dangerous and were playing for their season, but they aren’t that great. This almost feels like the end of an era, the Seahawks were finally blown out of a game. It almost feels like they didn’t give a damn today.

    Wilson and the D line both looked horrific today. Is Avril wearing down? He looked very frustrated all game long. The team NEEDS some legit DT’s, Reed is the only Seahawky one going forward. Rubin has really taken a step back. Green Bay bullied us today, a team that is extremely banged up and a team that no one thinks is physical.

    • Volume12

      This defense is refusing to evolve.

      • vrtkolman

        That is terrifying to think about. Great coaches of the past like Norv Turner refused to evolve and now he’s without a job.

        • Volume12

          They want to line up, say ‘this is what we’re doing,’ we’re gonna punch ya in the mouth. But, for whatever reason that isn’t there this year. Or one game it is, the next? Gone.

          Just show some different looks, confuse an offense.

          • RealRhino2

            I don’t think this is it; we’ve shown WAY more varied looks on D than we did in 2013 and 2014, and probably even more than we did in Richard’s first year last year.

            I think we just don’t have any interior pressure and aren’t stout or active enough there. Avril and Clark have good motors, but are also mostly speed rushers (though both are also tricky strong). And they get held a lot. If that goes uncalled, we are going to be in trouble because we don’t have the bull/power rushers to fight through that. Well, on GB’s very first drive I turned to my son and told him we were in for a long day defensively, because you could see they were going to “let them play” by letting GB hold Avril and Clark.

    • East Side Stevie

      Chill you are over reacting

      • East Side Stevie

        Not you V12

        • Volume12

          I know. I never take anything personal anyways even if it was at me. We all want the same thing.

          Emotions and saying things when mad happen and are never really the truth. Maybe a pinch of truth? ?

  12. Coleslaw

    This must have been hard for Earl to watch. I dont believe he’s gonna retire anymore, not for a second. Rob, you asked what the identity is, and there is no clear one. However, the Legion of Boom is one solid corner away from being back at it like the Byron Maxwell says. I’m starting to think this is the spot that could bring us the most value since the draft is so deep there. It would help the whole defense immediately and we would have Shead and possibly (not sure after tonight) Lane.

    • Rob Staton

      I have a hard time thinking the issue is corner. The overall identity is muddled, nobody is imposing their will on the opponent, the pass rush is just bizarre.

      • Volume12

        Yeah, the pass rush or lack thereof is strange. They have the personnel to get after the QB. Last week against Carolina, obviously they didn’t plan on having 0 sacks, but it seemed like the gameplay was to keep Cam bottled up.

        This week we couldn’t get to Aaron Rodgers on one leg.

        That has to be driving PC/JS mad. We know much they love athletic pass rushers and they’ve really never found that guy to replace Clemons.

        Clark is more of a hybrid. Game built on power. Marsh is a hustle, 2nd effort type rusher. Where the other long, speedy DE?

        • Rob Staton

          It’s a weird situation. They have good players but don’t seem able to consistently create a fierce pass rush. And they’ve never really had that to be honest. Not even in 2013. It was maybe more balanced in 2013. They relied solely on Clemons between 2010-12.

          • Volume12

            Yeah, that’s true. They never have been a dominant pass rush team.

            • Coleslaw

              Hence why I said corner. You’re right Rob, it’s one of many issues but it’s a big one, teams with 3 good receivers force us to rely heavily on Lane, and he’s a major disappointment this year. That’s a pretty big need to me honestly.
              Like Vol said we’ve never been a dominant pass rush team but we have had a dominant and Shut-down secondary if the NFL had ever seen one. Weve let everyone opposite Sherm go and now are paying for it. We’re one really good corner away from being a real great secondary again

              • Sea Mode

                Doesn’t matter how many all-pro corners you have if the pass rush is allowing the QB 5-10 seconds to throw.

                Secondary is not the problem right now. Pass rush has got to get home.

              • Rob Staton

                There isn’t a team in the league that covers guys out of contention to hold up a bad pass rush. The two go hand in hand.

                Upgrading Lane is so far down the list of priorities. Corner is not the area to focus on.

            • Coleslaw

              Also, we could even get CB and D Line in the first 2 rounds, get the defense firing again, its now about how to get an identity again and I believe it should be the defense.

              • David

                Shead was getting burned on straight go routes by Devante Adams all day long.

                • HI Hawk

                  Shead (and Sherman) play trail technique almost exclusively and Rodgers was absolutely on fire yesterday. Shead should know the scramble rules for WRs and have been there on one play. The other plays he gave up were just amazing throws, maybe Sherman could have made plays on them, but even then Rodgers was pin-point all day. Lane was beaten a little worse on the day, but I don’t think Shead was all that bad.

  13. AndrewP

    I’ll offer the one thing that is still giving me hope without completely giving up: this team has looked like crap on grass (LAR/AZ/TB/GB)… and they will not have another one on grass until the Super Bowl. It’s stretching, I know, but, as a fan, what else can I do!?

    • Trevor

      That is actually a good point as it definitely seems to affect or DL as well as offense.

    • Volume12

      Theres a correlation there for sure.

      • Volume12

        They aren’t built to play on grass. They’re predicated on being fast, athletic, explosive.

        1 TD on grass this year.

        • AndrewP

          Yup, and it took a perfect throw from Russ and catch from… Tanner McEvoy… YIKES!

    • DavidM2

      Well, fortunately our only other one on grass is against SF

  14. JC

    I guess you could look at this game and think don’t turn the ball over 6 times, and don’t miss wide open receivers for TDs or to move the sticks, and this was a game, but it’s hard to have confidence in that, especially if the team is forced to go on the road multiple games.

  15. negative neil

    Another road game with no focus or motivation. That has to be on Carroll and his adversion to anything authoritarian. Belichec would have pulled Wilson after the 3rd int for a wake up call. I have a feeling this marrage and the Hollywood scene that goes along with it, will not be good for Wilson’s career. The only hope now is to get to 11 4 1 and hope the Packers win out. With 6 losses the best thePackers could be is 4th or 5th seed. Then we could exact some revenge in the playoffs.

    • Rob Staton

      Let’s not resort to dynamics we know nothing about. Blaming Wilson’s wife or lifestyle is a cop out. Let’s focus on football.

      • Zach

        People were saying the same thing about Aaron Rodgers earlier this year. It’s a stupid argument.

        • Smitty1547

          An argument none the less, he looked like a businessman with a Hollywood wife who had not watched one lick of film all week. Looked like Alabama against Texas El Paso today

          • Zach

            This is blatantly false: earlier this year the GB receivers were struggling to get open thanks to injury, inexperience, and bad scheming. They’ve clearly fixed those issues (and Rodgers is also playing better), but to think that Rodgers was the problem is to be very, very confused about just how bad quaterbacking the NFL can get.

            • RealRhino2

              Not a stupid argument. And Rogers WAS part of the problem earlier this year. I don’t get this argument. Rodgers is playing very well right now, so that means no way he could have been playing much worse early in the year? Doesn’t work like that, just like Russ’s terrible game today doesn’t mean he’s a bad QB.

              Rodgers was pretty crap early in the year. Go watch the game tape. His problems were *partly* that they didn’t scheme anybody open, but he was also missing open throws.

              Russ today looked like Rodgers earlier in the year. He turned into a reactive (see it, throw it) passer. Problem is that, like Rodgers earlier, that means a lot of arm throws when your base isn’t set; your lower body is inconsistent with your upper body. That results in high throws.

      • Curt

        I disagree Rob. Something is up with Russ this year. Haven’t heard “Separation is in the Preparation” coming from him this year. It looks to me that he is lacking in the preparation department.
        He really looks off on a lot of his throws like maybe his mechanics are off.
        Just my opinion.

        • Radman

          Torn pec seems a better explanation than his marriage, though.

        • Rob Staton

          It’s pure speculation though Curt based on no evidence.

          Let’s focus on what we can discuss — football.

        • 75franks

          ive noticed in a few games this year RW seems to be trying to push the ball or aim the ball instead of just letting it rip. your right his play just looks different.

  16. Jim

    Hey Rob. Totally agree – the team looks and acts lost. I don’t see any “championship mentality”. I don’t see the fun in their play (side note: hate the knee jerk celebrations for little things – act like you’ve been there before).

    For the past two years, I would find myself annoyed by Britt’s play or really, the lack of it. Would never had thought I’d be cheering his on as he’s done a very good job this year. However, my new Britt seams to be Kearse. He’s played awful, painfully and apathetic. Wilson targets him too many times and we can alleviate that by taking him out of the rotation – keep McEvoy in there – he seems to high point and hold onto the ball.

    A lot of team seemed out of sync like Tampa – you’re right – very concerning. Happy holidays.

  17. Forrest

    Agree with everything you said, including the #2 seed being within reach…but I think this team needs to go through a bit of a house cleaning this offseason. Root out the non-contributors and guys that are slowing with age. This team needs a shot of young energy (especially in the defense). PC and JS need to evaluate the whole team this offseason.

    Wilson is still the guy (freak bad game today), but guys like Kearse, Richardson, Collins, Willson, and most of the O-line should be looked over thoroughly. If they don’t fit let them go or trade. This team needs young barbarians on offense. In my mind the four offensive guys you build around are Wilson, Baldwin, Graham, and Rawls (maybe). Also Lockett is great, but to a lesser extent.

    The defense doesn’t need as much help, but it has gotten very long in the tooth. Sherman, Thomas, and Kam are the mainstays in the secondary, and KJ and Wagner are still dominant, but for how many years will these groups be solid? The secondary might need a bit of a rebuild soon. LBs seem safe, but a dominant third would really solidify the group. The DL is clearly having issues. I think you have to build around Clark, Reed, and Marsh (sort of). Pick one of Aviril or Bennett. I don’t want to put money into 30+ guys that may be on a bit of a decline.

    The problem is, this will probably take a couple of drafts to mini-rebuild. I think the team is fine, and will continue to win games consistently, but dominant super bowl contenders every season? Nope. The team has most of the pieces needed, but it’ll take a while to be complete.

    • Rob Staton

      I think they have the pieces to be a contender — but they don’t do one thing consistently well. Even if the defense regressed a bit but they were able to run the ball and play ‘their’ type of offense. That would be fine. But the offensive performance is so up and down — and the defense has it’s moments too. You don’t need to be complete to win it all. But you can’t be this disjointed and inconsistent, with a lack of clarity on what you can rely on every week.

      If you turn up to a game and you don’t know which RW you’re getting, or whether you can run, or whether the OL can protect, or whether the four-man rush will work etc. That’s an issue.

      • Forrest

        I think the team has gone from being consistently great underdogs (2011-2013), to an inconsistently great team (2014-present). Something changed somewhere.

        • 75franks

          the chip isn’t so big after a sb win and a big contract

          • Forrest

            That’s definitely part of it.

      • negative neil

        ” Each week you do not know which RW you are getting” What do you attribute that to ?

        • Rob Staton

          Errr… what we’ve seen all season?

          • Eric

            I may be wrong, but I thing that Neil meant to ask is: “What do you think the cause of that is?”

            In other words, why do you think RW has been especially inconsistent this year?

            I’ve heard it attributed to his injuries early in the season, but I think it’s safe to say it’s more than that. Maybe e has some lingering issues or fatigued himself mentally with his weird no sleep rehab regimen, but it seems more substantial than that this year. He’s making uncharacteristically bad throws and decisions out there.

            • Eric

              *think what Neil meant to ask is

              Sorry for the typo – maybe RW isn’t the only one who needs more sleep.

            • Rob Staton

              “In other words, why do you think RW has been especially inconsistent this year?”

              I would say injuries and quite possibly he’s exhausted himself trying to stay healthy. He made multiple references to like 2-3 hours sleep to rehab. Very possible. I suspect he’s still not 100% either. He doesn’t look like Russell.

      • negative neil

        ” Each week you do not know which RW you are going to get” What do you attribute that to?

        • NickW

          Russ was trying to dang hard today. He was getting hammered all game. Did anyone else notice all the hurries, hits, and knockdowns? Of course hes gonna start making bad decisions and throwing where he shouldnt. Not saying its all Oline because Russ does have the choice to make the bad throws or not, but I do think a big part is the line. I was so jealous watching Green Bays oline compared to ours. Actually, a lot of the teams we’ve played their olines looked consoderably better. It honestly looks like a highschool oline trying to compete in the nfl. Was horrible and hard to watch.

  18. Hughza

    No reason to panic guys! This team is going to be just fine. A few balls/calls go our way and this game is a win

    • LordSnow

      I don’t know what game you just watched.

      • Hughza

        There’s. lot of ifs in the statement, but if you take away the silly turnovers that are an anomaly, it’s a much differrent game.

        • LordSnow

          Every team in the NFL can say that about every loss. If the score were reversed and a green bay fan came on here saying that a few things here or there…

          C’mon, seattle got its ass handed to them

          • Hughza

            I just think everyone is overreacting to a bad loss. I’ll be more concerned if they don’t come out firing next week.

  19. Zach

    This was an ugly game, for sure…but it’s also a testament to the thin margins in the NFL that they were a few plays away from this being very different: if Russ hits Baldwin and/or Graham in the 1st quarter, the game unfolds in very different fashion. Frankly, we were long overdue for a game where we just get waxed: it happens to every team in the NFL.

    That said, the struggles of the defensive line are what worry me most. Not only the lack of pass rush, but the struggles against the run, when the Packers basically don’t have a legit NFL running back. There were missed tackels galore early, and the d-line got pushed around all game.

    Yet even with all that, I’m not sure there’s an NFC team outside of Dallas I’d say is better. GB and TB have both looked good recently, but only focusing on the last few games ignores the parts of the year when they were awful, and those games matter too.

    Be interesting to see what happens on Thursday: the Rams look utterly spent, so if we struggle against them at home, that would be far more worrying to me than losing the last two road games.

    • LordSnow

      I don’t expect a blowout either way. Even if we play well on THursday, the Rams match up well against us, so I don’t think we’ll see RW have a lights out game throwing the ball. If anything, it will be a 17-13 kind of game and everyone will still wonder what’s wrong with RW thru that week as well.

      If Jared Goff has one lights out game this season, it would be against us. It’s the Rams.

  20. Sea Mode

    Felt like the NFCCG vs. Packers mixed with the Panthers game from last playoffs, just without the spark to fight back.

    So wierd to watch a performance like this after what they did last week. Kind of seems like if things aren’t working, they are not sure what they can fall back on.

    Glad there is still a lot to fight for over the next 3 games and they will have time to re-focus a bit.

  21. Matt

    Rob, you are certainly correct; this isn’t a bad team. It’s simply broken.

    For me, it boils down to 2 options:
    1. This is a talented team that is maddeningly inconsistent which means we are facing a serious coaching problem.
    2. Perhaps this team isn’t nearly as talented as we think they are.

    That’s it, IMO. We are still either very talented or we are not. If we are, then there need to be serious discussions about how such talent can be so up and down, week by week. We are no longer talking about hot or cold streaks. We are talking about hot game-awful game-great game-awful game. Something is very, very wrong here.

    So what is it? I honestly don’t know.

    Our QB looks completely lost. If we are being objective, he has been a bottom of the league QB for all but 10 quarters this year. Yes, he has had injuries but he plays scared and stupid. He’s simply not reading the field. He looks like his mind is made up before the snap.

    Our OL fluctuates between “wow, this could really come together” to “they have the integrity of wet toilet paper.” More often than not, it’s the latter.

    Our Defense is a bunch of badasses against crappy teams. They seem to have quite a few no-shows once we face some serious talent. I don’t care if we can take bad offenses to task. What do you do when we are facing good teams?

    This team simply gives away too many plays, series, and now games. That’s not the sign of a healthy team. They are literally bi-polar.

    This has been a truly weird season as a die hard fan. I have to admit, I don’t even enjoy watching this team anymore. It really has lost it’s appeal. 40-7 Wins are grossly offset by 14-5 losses. I’d like to think we have serious talent, which makes it all the more frustrating. At this point, I don’t even get mad because quite frankly I go into every game thinking “well this is either going to be amazing or one of the grossest things I’ve seen.”

    Keep up the good work Rob. I really don’t know what the solution is, but something is very broken with this team/organization right now and it might behoove them to make some significant changes (no, not talking rebuild or anything like that).

  22. KingRajesh

    We need to relax. This happens to championship teams some times. The 2012 Ravens ran into a buzzsaw against the Houston Texans and lost 43-13.

    • LordSnow

      Except that that Ravens team, and the hawks of the past few years, had an identity. Theirs was Jamal Lewis and the defense, ours was Lynch and the defense.

      We don’t know what this team is, and that’s why people are perplexed.

      • HI Hawk

        The defense is still elite – this was a bad game against the best QB over the last decade having one of the best games of his life. He was seriously on target and locked in. This defense can rely on their defense, despite how poorly they played today, made worse by how great the Packers played. Slips and footing was a major issue and Russ’s performance certainly had to be a major factor as well since they knew there would be no comeback this time. This team is a defense first, big play offense based around the unique ability of their QB and a fantastic running game. Was that there Sunday? No, it wasn’t, but it has been there in other games this year (New England, Carolina).

        Further, I think Lambeau might be in Russ’s head – he’s had his three worst games there. I know he wants to show out in Wisconsin and North Carolina (where he played college ball), yet he’s been bad in those road games – very bad. Good thing there’s no way a trip to Green Bay or Carolina is in the cards come playoff time. Dallas is turf, Detroit is indoors – I like the Hawks chances of being themselves in either of those venues. This was ugly, but it’s only one game and hopefully it can serve a purpose – win the next three, a bye is all but guaranteed.

  23. Kyle

    im having such a hard time with our inability to run and then being able to run but then calling pass plays instead. We are a run team. We need to be a run team. That’s why our d thrives so much.

  24. Wall UP

    It was a lose. I’m sure not many of us had this game in the win column in the beginning of the year. This is do or die for the Packers. They’re also a very prideful team that knows Seattle’s personal. I’m sure Michael may have assist their defense to a certain extent. Regardless, they lost, badly.

    This may be the kick in the pants that they need to get things going. Humiliation can be an instigator. Hopefully, their pride will be shown Thursday to erase the bad taste in their mouths due to this BAD performance. We’ll see.

    • Curt

      I sure hope it’s a kick in the pants this time. I thought they would have got that after the Tampa game but seems like that was just a slap on the butt.

      • Wall UP

        A 28pt spanking for a team not losing by more than more than 10pts in the last 5yrs, is true humiliation. They’re also relatively healthy outside of Earl & CJ. This should get things started, in primetime Thursday.

  25. DavidM2

    If the only away games we win the rest of the season are against SF and Dallas. I’ll be happy.

  26. 75franks

    why do we go away from the run? coming out in the 2nd half runnin the ball down to the 20, I thought ‘this is more like it’! then 2 straight passes and a pick. 12 carries for rawls, its been the same all year! you want to be the bully again then run the damn ball!!

    the defense was pitiful today. the d play calling was awful too. it was clear Rodgers was gimpy in the first half but do we blitz no. so he picks us apart all day. I really like Richard, but I don’t know if hes been good for our d.

    there is no excuse for this kind of game, the blame lands on everyone including the coaches(yes even bevel).

    • vrtkolman

      Is Rawls capable of running the ball 20+ times a game? He looked pretty banged up on the sidelines a few times today.

      • 75franks

        it doesn’t has to be all rawls. but if I was a coach id like to find out what I got. but It could be more runs for RW it could be more runs for AC or pope or flippin anyone!! u cant be the bully being a finesse passing team! I don’t understand why we get away from it so quickly especially when RW is obviously struggling and the run game was being effective.

        • LordSnow

          There’s no COMMITMENT to the run. THat’s the problem. They are not the running team Pete says he wants.

          • Rawls1234

            This o line is not going to hold up running the ball consistently. You could tell once Green Bay started keying in on the run that it wasn’t going anywhere.

            • 75franks

              12 rushes for 67 yards was rawls final tally. a lot of this came after halftime. when did they start keying on stopping him? do you mean when they stopped giving him the ball?

    • negative neil

      It is not just this game. The play on both sides of the ball has been really inconsistent all year. The lack of fire and passion from years past seem to be missing. We don’t see as much head slapping, high fiveing, fist pumping etc after big plays. I wonder if all the political crap [ locking arms during the anthem, tweeting, speaking at public meetings} has been a big distraction. We never really know what goes on in the locker room.

      • LordSnow

        We’re also missing the one team that made us pissed off for greatness: SF

  27. Sean A

    Okay so we can expect Russell Wilson to be better going forward. We can expect the defense to play better than they did today. But how do we fix the mediocre offensive line. All year people have been saying, its not that bad, they are improving. But at the end of the day when you don’t have the talent out there, it is hard to count on improvement. How many big plays would we have had this season, if there were instances where Russell had forever to throw like Rodgers did today? I think people focus too much on sack numbers and pressure numbers. How about all the big play opportunities we missed because we don’t have an offensive line that can hold really well every now and then. That kind of stuff is not in the stat books.

    At this point I would rather give up playmakers on offense like Graham and Baldwin for a solid pass blocking oline. I think with Russell’s incredible improvisations skills, he will succeed better with a solid line more so than with the playmakers he has today. When did it become okay in the NFL to give the all important LT position to a former basketball player in college? At some point you have to blame the GM.

    • Rob Staton

      So go on then — which star left tackle have they passed on?

      It’s too easy to say, ‘why haven’t they created a star studded OL’. It’s a lot harder to actually achieve.

      • Sean A

        Agreed, a star studded offensive line is probably one of the most difficult things to achieve in the NFL. However, I think that the investment specifically at the Tackle position has been low compared to where it should be. We decided not to pay Okung, did not draft a tackle, and did not look at free agents that had demonstrated success in the NFL. We decided to go with a recently converted project at LT, which is arguably one of the most critical positions in football. Especially considering we have a franchise Quarterback to protect. I am not asking for a star LT, just a reasonable serious investment at a critical position.

        • Rob Staton

          Technically they did draft a tackle but then decided his best fit in year one was guard. Who knows where Ifedi plays going forward.

          Okung I doubt was ever coming back here for less than big money. He’s not had the kind of year in Denver that makes me wish Seattle gave him $9-10m a year.

          I don’t really know what else they could’ve done. If there were 2-3 players they fudged on I get the argument. But they were stuck in a make-do scenario and they’ve had to get on with it unfortunately.

  28. nichansen01

    Lots has been said about this game.

    Two of the most disappointing things for me were pope and Collins. Pope just isn’t built to be an NFL player. Collins doesn’t have the ball security. Shame. We don’t have anything besides Prosise and Rawls at RB, and we are not using Rawls for whatever reason, and Prosise is out.

  29. ROBERt Las vegas

    This game was just brutal to watch.we really don’t get much inter pass rush remember Clinton McDonald .Aaron Rodgers had way too much we all agree on tha.and how many wonder if Paul Richardson role and how many if he wasn’t on the team next year.we blame the O line slot but we really can’t give them much blame for this one.

  30. Coleslaw

    Green Bay, Atlanta, Giants, Dallas are all teams we could face in the playoffs who will challenge Jeremy Lane with their third receiver. That’s not considering AFC either. Can we really trust him anymore? He’s been awful all year long, not one good outing. As of now we have 2 corners we can trust to start on the outside…. How is corner not a need?

    • Coleslaw

      I mean look at New york, their recipe is a good secondary plain and simple and they make that Dallas line so much less effective. We’ve seen week in and week out pass rush doesn’t work against Dallas but now we know secondary does. There’s something to that.

      • negative neil

        I don’t agree that pass rush won’t work against Dallas. The Giants did a good job of pressuring Prescot. No matter how good your pass coverage is it can’t hold up for 5 seconds or more.

    • Volume12

      I agree. What was this team built on? Secondary. From the back end to the front end.

      Here’s the thing though. Do we really beleive they’ll take a corner before day 3? They refuse to adapt.

      • Coleslaw

        Idk, I hope so.. Theres some good talent and I’m not sure they have the luxury to ignore the issue anymore. I don’t believe the idea that an early picked corner isn’t gonna be good day one. An exceptional athlete who’s gritty, smart and athletic should excel opposite Sherm. I’m going to be watching a lot of corner tape tonight

        • DC

          Shead is okay opposite Sherm but not young. We need a reliable 3rd corner to compete with Lane in their rookie year. If Seattle breaks from tradition and takes one early they will have their pick of the deepest group of quality DBs that I can remember seeing. We NEED more draft picks imho.

          It’s time to adapt and it’s time to “Go For IT!” Several of our defensive stars are aging and showing mileage. I don’t take for granted that their level of play will continue at peak. Bring in competition.

          Don’t know if you saw it V but the Salary Cap breakdown I gave yesterday included a $10+M rise in the cap from 2016 to 2017. So if we want to be players in the FA market(I do) then extensions can wait until December and Willson walks for sure, possibly even Hauschka (ASU’s Zane Gonzalez is an option). I’m not worried about “losing” guys like Bennett and Kam as much as I am worried about missing our best opportunity to win another Super Bowl with these guys. Besides, that contract year often brings out the best in players.

          We’re beginning to understand what New Orleans and Green Bay already know, winning a second Super Bowl is no sure thing…

          Oh, and I stand by what I said the other day. Green Bay is our public enemy #1 in the NFC!

          • Coleslaw

            Hell yeah, man. Im only 2 games im but im diggin Marshon Lattimore so far. And it seems he might be there. He’s the only one I’ve watched so far but he looks to fit the bill. Great at keeping the receiver in front of him, willing tackler, above average recovery speed, change of direction. He’s a cover corner, looks to struggle a bit in zone and is susceptible to getting caught up on a block but most plays he looks really good. Flashes good football IQ and has a chippiness to him like he won’t take any shit. Gonna watch probably 3 more games then go to Sidney Jones. Anybody have some corners they like?

    • Rob Staton

      I’m staggered your take from this game is Jeremy Lane is the thing holding Seattle back.

      Corner is not a need.

      • Coleslaw

        LOL “staggered” huh? So you’d be okay with Lane starting for an injured Shead? And who to take Lanes spot? Elliot? Who’s behind Elliot? We’re weak at corner. I’m staggered that you don’t see it.

        • Sean A

          I think great QBs like Rodgers have games where they put on a show regardless of defense. Lets not overreact based on one bad game. Overall our pass defense has been very solid this year.

        • Rob Staton

          So by that theory, free safety, quarterback, middle linebacker and WILL linebacker are also needs. Because if the starter gets injured, you’re having to fill in with a player of a lesser quality.

          The Seahawks are not weak at corner. Lane has had some rough games this year. You know what? So has Russell Wilson. So have several players. Replacing the slot corner is so far down the list of needs.

  31. Dumbquestions

    I can’t prove what I’m about to say, so take it for what it’s worth – but I think defenses have figured out RW’s improv style to some degree: flush him out, guess at his tendencies, proceed accordingly. And those tendencies are throws to Baldwin and Kearse. If RW doesn’t thread the needle and throw perfectly (he didn’t today), he’s vulnerable.

    The margins for error always play a role here – two of the INTs were clear misses by receivers literally hit in the face by the ball. But RW was throwing high all day. Why does he do that? What is the fix?

    The D performance is the greater worry. They have been the insurance until now – but Rodgers, one of the greats, can’t be given the time he was given. The pass rush was nonexistent, and I’m back to saying the loss of Irvin had more impact than anyone guessed.

  32. Volume12

    This is the year of mediocrity across the entire league.

    There’s not 1 dominant team in the NFL. Not 1. Dallas’ MVP worthy O-line? That it? Dominant units and players. Not teams.

    Every team that gets into the playoffs this year has a shot.

    • Trevor

      I agree completely Vol but the one unit that has been consistent all year is that Dallas offense because a power run game rarely has an off day. Their D makes them vulnerable but they are going to move the ball and score points no matter which team they play or the weather because they have a mobile QB and great run game.

      I hate the Cowboys but they are the class of the NFC and team to beat IMO.

      • nichansen01

        Whelp the Dallas offense was awful tonight.

      • Volume12

        I’m not sold on Dak. 2 weeks in a row now. If that was RW, he’d be eaten alive by his own fans.

        They’re the best team in the NFC. Yes. Not dominant though. That O-line is though.

        They’re young, inexperienced, and haven’t been battled tested in the playoffs. Not a bad thing by any means, but just something to keep in mind.

    • nichansen01

      Some teams seem to be putting it together, ignoring early parts of the season. No one dominant… Steelers Cheifs Patriots Raiders and even Ravens all seem pretty even but no team seems great. Dallas always seemed overrated. I really like the Giants especially after watching their defense tonight, but their offense looks pretty pathetic outside of OBJ.

      Atlanta and Tampa have both been inconsistent but both look HOT right now. I think Tampa will beat Dallas next Sunday night.

      Greenbay looked good (besides their run game) … Are they dominant? Or are the Seahawks just bad? The Broncos Titans Dolpins Texans are all weak besides sporting winning records. Cincinnati is a forgotten team.

      Rams Seahawks cards panthers 49ers Bears Eagles Vikings all
      JOKES in the NFC. Lions looks like a team like Dallas that’s been winning games but just hasn’t beaten anyone good. Saints are below average just like every year recently. Bills Colts Chargers are scrubs and Jacksonville is completely awful.. What a joke along with Cleveland and San Fran. San Fran is embarrassing… Easily the worst team in the league. Washington is worse then Dallas but seem competent I’m not sure where to put them?

      Anyways seems like quality of play around the league is very low this year but more continuity. Many MANY here will disagree with me but I think Alabama could beat a fair number of teams in this league.

      Alabama is CHALK FULL of first rounders and future first rounders. Jonathan Allen, Tim Williams, Dalvin Tomlinsom, Deshawn Hand, Ryan Anderson… All NFL STARTERS. Marlon Humphrey… NFL first round QUALITY STARTER. Same with Rueban Foster. The offense would struggle against an NFL team but the Alabama defense could keep them games with teams like Jacksonville, LA, New York Jets, Cleveland, San Francisco etc….

      • Callum O'Riley

        Rams Seahawks cards panthers 49ers Bears Eagles Vikings all
        JOKES in the NFC.

        The Seahawks are jokes?

        That is crazy talk.

  33. bobbyk

    So weird not to have an identity this late in the season. Never know what you’re going to get.

    Even if the Hawks aren’t as great as we’d like – there’s still chance for them to get confidence going into the play-offs because of the opponents.

    Goff in Seattle? As much as the Rams have our number, they are checked out and their rookie QB looks more like a junior high kid in a league of men. He’s terrible. Then it’s the Cards. This could be a tough game, but one the Hawks should win. Then there’s the mess in San Fran. They are terrible. Essentially, we are going to create momentum going into the play-offs based on who we play. These teams are terrible. Then they will have their confidence back. Then once you get to the play-offs… anything goes.

    As much as this team talks about week to week stuff (championship week of preparation), I don’t see it. They have been so good for so long that it’s almost as if they are bored with the regular season. However, once the play-offs begin, it’s almost as if that’s their time (makes the 31-0 start in Charlotte last year a bit confusing).

    It makes more sense that they would win at New England and lose at New Orleans. The Patriots game was prime time and many guys wanted “in” for the Super Bowl a year and a half prior. They came out to play. I didn’t see those same efforts in places like New Orleans (or today).

    I still think we can do this. I wouldn’t feel the same if we had a schedule like Detroit these next three weeks, but the schedule is our best friend right now. We will be “hot” entering the play-offs by default. Can that give them confidence (so important in sports) to take this ride to Houston? It could.

    • Volume12

      That’s a good point.

      Does this team play down to its competition and when its not a ‘must’ win?

  34. Nate

    I don’t have any advanced statistics to back this up, but the year’s iteration of the Seahawks looks like the most inconsistent one we’ve had in the PC/JS era. For a team that preaches always compete, they sure love to go from looking godlike one week to looking utterly terrible the next.

    I think the most aggravating part about this is that in theory, we have so much talent on both sides of the ball. However, it seems very rare that we can put together a complete game. If the defense plays lights out, then the offense shits the bed and vice versa.

    • Matt

      A lot of talk about talent and we have it for sure, but our OL is really really bad, RW was pressured 23% of the time today, a season high, by a very average GB pass rush. Our OL really isnt good, they are bad. I do believe Fant will be a nice lineman in time, but this is a win now team and he is a growth prospect. They need to drop the first half of the next draft on OL imho, and probably make a move in FA, find the money, just get it done.

      • Nate

        Agree with you on the o-line Matt, but I think the issue here specifically is that like the rest of team, its way to inconsistent.
        They can either look average to above average or utterly horrible all in the same game. I feel like if they were consistently bad, good, mediocre, or whatever, maybe a little bit of these offensive issues might be alleviated since the coaches and Russell know what to expect. Since their so inconsistent in their performance game-to-game or even drive-to-drive, these deviations could be throwing off the timing of the offense since no one knows what to expect.

        • AlaskaHawk

          What can they really do with the offensive line that would improve it? They are playing mostly rookies, and the backups are more rookies. The line has been assembled on the cheap both cost wise and draft wise. It shows. There is a potential for the core three players Glowinski, Britt and IFedi. Coincidently that is where the most draft capital was spent. The two tackles are a mystery as far as abilities, I like Fant’s story but no one knows if he will be on the team in two years. So it is no wonder that the offense both underperforms against a good defense and are inconsistent.

          • Rob Staton

            Alaska, please stop pedaling the false narrative that they haven’t invested in the OL via the draft. It is a fallacy.

  35. Matt

    We are simply not use to this kind of game as its the first one since 2011. Sometimes you have to just forget about it and move on this is that sort of game. its the NFL. The NY GIants got pasted in Pittsburgh much more than the score shows last week adn they came out and beat Dallas at home tonight. GB is surging, Rogers is getting his groove on and they hate us and wanted this game in a big way. When I first saw the schedule this year I thought they had two guaranteed losses on it, 1 was at NE the other was this game. So it came to be.

    That being said, our OL is really really really really bad on the edges.

    • bobbyk

      I agree (forget it and move on – and beat 3 inferior opponents to create much needed momentum).

      After Lane got torched, this is what the Green Bay scoring drives looked like:

      TD – 26 yards
      TD – 48 yards
      TD – 32 yards
      FG – 19 yards
      TD – 19 yards

      A friend pointed this out to me.

      • Volume12


        How many off TO’s too?

        If RW hits 2-3 throws I think we’re having a different discussion.

        • nichansen01

          I truely beleive Russell Wilson hitting Baldwin on that first drive and then later hitting Graham would completely change the course of the game.

          • GerryG


        • Hughza

          Thank you V12! My thoughts exactly.

        • Seahawcrates

          The Tampa game could have looked a lot like this too. The difference was in that game the Defense held the Bucs scoreless multiple times when in position to score. No phase of the game looked good tonight but this was on the offense entirely. Give Aaron Rogers multiple short fields and throw picks on both sides of the half when you are in scoring range and in position to change the game and you are asking for a blowout.
          It didn’t happen against Tampa but it probably should have.

  36. nichansen01

    Can we just enjoy how awful the whiners and lambs are? (Well
    It’s unfair to call the whiners whiners anymore because I think every fan has been so demoralized that they have no more tears to cry).

    Jared Goff is soooooo bad. He needed more time to learn. This guy shouldn’t have even been drafted. A Texas tech transfer stepped in for cal and was just as productive. He’s a system qb. Not an NFL player. Maybe he’ll get there in a few years, but not on a team like la. Not under Jeff fisher. If the Rams beat us Thursday Seattle will really be lost.

    And San Francisco is so laughable. Blowing a 17-0 lead to the jets… With Bryce petty at quarterback. Armstead and Buckner were both awful first round picks. No weapons. Vance McDonald getting paid Gronk money is just downright funny. San Fran’s beat wide out is a cast away from drumroll please… Detroit. A team with rather pedestrian receivers to begin with. They’re such a sad team.

    Anyways… The Seahawks can get back on track. They only need to beat one of their next three opponents to secure a playoff spot. They can even afford to lose out as long as Arizona doesn’t go 3-0.

    • vrtkolman

      Don’t forget Arizona drafting Nkemdiche over Chris Jones, that is huge for us going forward.

  37. nichansen01

    A few more thoughts:

    Russell’s response (paraphrased):

    We need to play better, I put the game on me, we need to commit less turnovers. We play next Thursday and we’re going to get back on track.

    Michael Bennet:

    We lost to a great quarterback and a great organization. We lost to a good team. That’s what happens when you play football.

    It just seems to me… Bennet doesn’t care anymore. He’s not getting more money, so why play hard? Bennet always seemed like a money motivated player. He just doesn’t care anymore.

    Another thing- let’s not forget how terrible Terrell was today. A few missed tackles but seemed to be out of position, especially on that first TD pass to Adams. Thoughts?

    • Volume12

      No on Bennett and no on Terrell. When did the ball even enter Terrell’s 1/3 of the field?

      He’s not the explosive, rangy safety ET is obviously, but the lack of a pass rush is what did this defense in. You can’t give good QBs 10-12 seconds in the pocket, no matter how good your corners.

      • vrtkolman

        Agree. Terrell played fine to my eye. Lane was just atrocious and Shead wasnt a whole lot better.

    • Sean A

      Why hate on Bennett he has been great every season he has been healthy. He was doing good before he went out.

    • LordSnow

      Lane was the dude really missing tackles. Lane is horrible.

      • nichansen01

        I think I saw Terrell miss two and Lane miss one.

    • Rob Staton

      This angle on Bennett is one of the weakest things I’ve read on here in a long time.

      People are looking for things that aren’t there. Wilson’s wife, Bennett’s body language.

      These are not the issues.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Tell the truth Monday; they were unprepared.

  38. GerryG

    Rawls cannot handle the load imo. Multiple plays he looked like he was getting punished by running his style.

    Also, this OL is not good enough to keep handing to the RB and expecting to get yards. They need balance, hence the passes. The play calling was not the problem, it was the passes and lack of catches.

    No clue on pass rush and DL, but Bennet is not back

    • Volume12

      That’s what I don’t get.

      Everyone wants this punishing runner, but then their not durable enough or too injury prone. Are we trying to find the next Marshawn Lynch or someone to help carry the load and add to the stable?

      • DC

        There are ZERO Marshawn Lynch-s in the NFL now. That dude was Special. We were blessed to have got to witness one of the best in his prime.

        Theoretically a backfield of Rawls, Prosise & another good RB make a dangerous group. The difficulty is staying healthy.

        • Trevor

          I disagree with that Elliott looks every bit the part of a power back who gets stronger as the game goes on. He is the best RB in the NFL as a rookie.

          • brseahawks

            Elliott is great and is definitely a top 5 running back in this league, I don’t agree he’s the best RB in the league. He’s not better than LeVeon Bell and David Johnson, not at all. I doubt he’s already better than a healthy Adrian Peterson. I still think LeSean McCoy is slightly above him.

            I also think the Seahawks shouldn’t be targeting a Marshawn Lynch-like talent, because if we’re targeting this type of prospect, it means we’re landing top 10 picks year after year. It’s extremely rare to find players like Bell or Johnson in the middle rounds.

            • HI Hawk

              Elliott, Bell, and Johnson are the three top backs in the NFL – true workhorses. Peterson is 31 and coming off of a major injury, McCoy is always banged up and isn’t the game-changer he was a few years ago. If the Cowboys had not passed against the Giants, Elliott would have won them the game. Some of it goes to the line, they are great – but Elliott makes a lot of those yards on his own.

  39. nichansen01

    I’m getting the sinking feeling we have way too many needs to satisfy in one or even two drafts. This team is far off.

    BIG needs:

    Right corner
    Slot Corner
    Interior Pass Rusher
    Free Safety
    Bell Cow Running Back
    Offensive Tackle
    Another receiving weapon

    Unless we work some UDFA magic and make some signings… We are not covering all these needs this offseason. This team will still be very incomplete next season.

    • vrtkolman

      No team is going to be fully complete in this salary cap era, it is what it is. This roster is still better than most, the coaches need to figure out what exactly they want to do with it though.

      • Volume12


        They need to turn their focus to what they want to be. Who are we?

        This defense is missing one more playmaker. Not 4-5.

        There’s not that many needs bro. Fix the offense.

        • Coleslaw

          I’d say 2 maybe 3 being DL, CB, and a later round SAM. Get all these and the defense is back, I really hope that’s the way we go. Stockpile OL in the mid and later rounds. If Bolles isn’t there I don’t want us to reach on a tackle with the defense needing work too

          • Volume12

            D-line definetly. The lack of pass rush seemed to really piss PC off.

            As for CB? I’d love for them to add one early, but I’m not convinced they will.

    • Rob Staton

      Half of these aren’t even needs.

  40. Volume12

    Skip Bayless is just the worst.

    He’s cheering for joy that Seattle lost because he knows them and the Giants are the biggest threats to his Cowboys. Fair enough.

    Now he’s on the Giants bandwagon and being a ‘fan’ by jumping off the cliff for his Cowboys. One game! Yes Skip, band-wagoners fall hard.

    This stuff makes me laugh.

    • nichansen01

      Dak Prescott – rookie qb who lost on the road by 3 points to a great defense.

      Russell Wilson – 5th year QB who lost on the road by 28 to one of the leagues worst secondaries and threw 5 picks, tieing a team record in the process.

      • Volume12

        I get that.

        Dak is playing great for a rookie, but he’s limited. He was awful tonight. 7-21 att., 91 yds, 2 INTs. Dallas has converted 2-23 3rd down attempts in 2 games combined.

        GB might be one of the worst secondaries, but they played a nearly flawless game.

        • Sea Mode

          Agreed. Have to tip hat to GB secondary. They flat out made some plays yesterday, despite having struggled all season.

        • AlaskaHawk

          You could see Dak get frustrated in the 4th quarter and start making bad decisions and bad throws. He left the pocket a few times when he should have trusted his blockers, and every time he was flushed there was a defender rushing him off to the sideline. A valuable lesson about leaving the pocket.

          Giants are a better team then they have been given credit for. They have a way of winning the tough ones. That was a superbowl worthy effort.

  41. Ed

    Won’t talk about the lack of readiness away.
    Won’t talk about the hc.
    Won’t talk about the offense.
    Won’t talk about the oc.
    Won’t talk about the defense.
    Won’t talk about the dc.

    What I do want to talk about is the absolute miss to be 2 games out of home field for the playoffs with 3 cupcakes compared to Dallas had they won.

    Hawks 9-3-1 (LA/AZ/SF) 12-3-1
    Cowboys 11-2 (TB/DET/PHI) 12-4 (TB and DET playing amazing D right now)

    Now they don’t even have a bye and would have NY or TB coming here.

    Let’s go Pete. Find a new motivational spark, the guys aren’t hearing the message lately.

    • LordSnow

      In the previous two years there was always one game that made this team turnaround the season and head into the playoffs loaded for bear. Is Green Bay this season’s game? I sure hope so. As the playoffs are right around the corner.

      But we had a strong running game the past two years that was a fallback to their basic structure. When Russell took off last season after Pittsburgh, he had that running game as the weapon to drive the passing attack.

      Getting them back to some kind of consistent identity may be Pete’s toughest job yet outside of building the 2013 team.

  42. C-Dog

    Random Thoughts;

    1. No Russell Wilson apologies out of me today, he flat out stunk. I don’t even have that big of a problem on the onslaught of INTs (One was Jimmy Graham falling down, another was a great play on the GB DB, the third was bounced off of Kearse being mugged, and the 4th and 5th bounced off his receivers), it was missing TD opportunities of wide open receivers, and being way too often completely unsettled. This was a ridiculously bad game for him. And maybe it’s a culmination of the pass pro struggling more often lately, or feeling the need to press, but for God’s sake, he needs to settle down.

    That said, they were moving the ball initially. IMO, this offense may not be too far of track, but it’s now time. Like, right now. And it starts with Russ.

    2. I think if they can’t get home with 4 rushers against Rodgers, or QB of the like, they probably won’t blitz out of fear of getting beat by the big play. Over these next 3 dgames, expect to see more blitz. Having said that, I want to see more Jarran Reed in the game and less Tony McDaniel. Not that McDaniel is playing the poorly (although I see him get washed away from time to time), I think Reed physically offers more. I wonder if the coaches are holding back on Reed in a similar way they held back on Frank Clark last year, wanting to go with more seasoned talent. Last year, they were forced to playing Clark more due to injury. Just want to see more Reed.

    3. I think this team is under an identity crisis right now. Don’t think the OL plans has gone according to plan (See; the free fall of Gary Gilliam, the incision of George Fant at LT, and the growing pains of Germain Ifedi). I think there are players on IR that they were hoping would factor in more (See, CJ Prosise and Quentin Jefferson) and counting on (See Earl Thomas). I also think there are players they were counting on to play better than they have been (see Kearse, and today especially, RW). Moving forward, I would almost have to expect OL will be sharply addressed again in the offseason, followed by a host of pick’ems in the positions of RB, LB, DT, WR, CB now possibly Safety.

    4. I think this team can correct itself over the next three games, and make another deep play off run. There is too much talent. There is too much veteran talent. I’m looking forward to seeing them do that. I think they will.

    • subterranean

      Is it just me or does it seem like this team, under Carroll, has had an identity crisis every season? It seems like every year they start off slow and have to figure out who they are and “what kind of team they want to be.” Does every other team go through that identity crisis as often as the Seahawks? Is this some trait of Carroll’s? The coaches should know the players well enough to know how to use them most effectively. It is the coach that imprints his identity on the team: smash mouth defense, control the ground, and explosive passes. Heck, the core of this team has been the same for 5 years. They should hit the season knowing what type of team they are.

      • AlaskaHawk

        I’ve been commenting on slow offensive starts for years. It just seems like they are back at square one every season, and the preseason is not enough practice for the offense to show even an average level of competence. This year is was exasperated by the rookies on the offensive line, Wilson’s injury, and Rawl’s injury.

        With the retirement of Lynch and with Rawls injury, the offensive identity has clearly been an attempt to make the passing game more important. RW has had every opportunity to show his arm. Unfortunately he has been injured most of the year and probably doesn’t trust the line to protect him. What I notice is that he isn’t doing the read option much, and he also has horrible mechanics/footwork, mostly doing jump passes or passing off the back foot. Lots of high throws and lobs.

        • Rob Staton

          They have not tried to change the identity.

          I don’t believe that for a second.

          Actually achieving what they want the identity to be is the problem.

          • Subterranean

            But beside the offensive line the core has stayed the same. So identifying why they aren’t able to be who they want to be is tough to diagnose. I agree with you that the inconsistency this year has made it harder than usual. But sometimes the play calling has gotten away from it too. It’s just strange to me that PC walked in with a very clear blueprint for his team yet every year that struggle trying to figure it out. In some way they look like a team that built their identity off a need to prove themselves. Then they did. Now what motivates them and drives them? Was being a bully more about the mindset of feeling sleighted and doubted?

      • C-Dog

        I think a Pete Carroll coached team’s identity is always going to be this:

        1. Protect the football. Translation; have a commitment to the running game to give a balanced attack. If the run game isn’t there, make smart decisions in the passing game moving the ball.

        2. Take the ball away. Translation; stop the run, keep offenses in 3rd and long, have an effective pass rush, force turnovers.

        These are to the two principals this team is built on. So, looking over the scope of the season with a record that is 8-4-1, I don’t think it is hard to pick about the games in which they wewre successful in those two core principals and when they weren’t. In the 4 losses they did not protect the football, and take it away enough. In the games they have won where the running game wasn’t entirely there (see, Jets, Pats, Bill, Fins, the entire AFC South), they protected the ball with a sharp passing game that scored points. In the last two losses, Tampa, GB, RW threw 7 INTS on the road. Not a winning recipe.

        Here the reality, and I don’t think it is terrible. Russell Wilson is a really good QB, even after the GB meltdown, and he’s normally very good at protecting the football. There are clear signs the running game is returning. Seattle has the opportunity to turn this thing around quickly over the next three weeks.

        Defensively, I kinda want to throw yesterday out the window because the offense turned it over so often, and game GB great field position. This team is still loaded with talent. They have rushers in Bennett, Cliff, Frank, Moore, and Marsh. While yesterday I didn’t like a lot of the packages they threw out (Rubin and McDaniel rushing on 3rd and longs?, Marsh rushing and getting washed away inside?), I expect sacks to return. I expect turnovers to return.

        • Kenny Sloth

          Time of Possession Battle, Turnover Differential, Explosive Play

          I doubt we’ve won most of those in most games this year.

  43. Hughza

    Can we pull the plug in Collins already?! I’m not sure he’ll ever be able to hold onto the ball.

  44. DC

    Looking to “correct” the pass rush asap for next year and allowing that we can sign one impact FA, we’ve had our best outsider successes bringing in DL. Can we continue that trend?

    I would love to poach one of the following UFA; (current age & season stats)

    Calais Campbell DE/DT Arizona (30) / 6’8″ / 300 lbs / 4 sacks / 12 qb hits / 1 ff / 1 int
    Devin Taylor DE Detroit (27) / 6’7″ / 275 lbs / 4.5 sacks / 9 qb hits / 1 ff
    Jabaal Sheard DE New England (27) / 6’3″ / 265 lbs / 4 sacks / 6 qb hits

    Our 2013 group featured 3 rushers in their prime, Clemons, Bennett & Avril, boasting additional contributors in Irvin & McDonald(interior). Get one of the above mentioned guys and we are sitting at 4 out of the 5 I feel we need to get back to a formidable & deep pass rush. Add another in the draft.

    • Rob Staton

      Campbell would be ideal.

      • DC

        Campbell would exactly address our #1 need, free up the draft & weaken a division rival. Would love to see him as a Hawk.

        • LordSnow

          If you sign him to what he will command, I could see the first Michael Bennett tweet about rewarding guys who weren’t part of the original team.

          • DC

            Bennett & Avril were both street free agents, great pick ups & raised our pass rush to a championship level. I’m suggesting we do that again. Bennett will make $9+M next season. He’ll find a way to get by.

            • Volume12

              That’s what I think they’ll do in FA.

              Add a veteran D-lineman and probably one other guy. Veteran LB maybe, veteran safety maybe, veteran O-lineman. Something like that.

  45. line_hawk

    Great points.

    I have blamed Bevell in the past for his lack of adjustments. However, it looks like we have lost a lot of talent in the last couple of years and haven’t replaced it. Guys like Mcdonald, Irvin, Carpenter, Okung, Sweezy, Giocamini, Lynch, Tate, etc were day and night better than our current starters in those roles.

    Usually, a team goes up or down a couple of years after a draft when players seem to have impact. Our 2013-15 drafts have been mediocre at best. The last pro-bowler they drafted was Wilson in 2012 (excluding Lockett on special teams). The 2010-12 drafts have been home runs and have held the team together until now. Now that recent draft picks are becoming starters, we seem to have fallen off a cliff.

    At this point, it doesn’t matter if they want to be bullies or not. They have drafted fast, quick guys for years (Al Davis 2.0) and cannot just flip a switch overnight to become bullies. You play with the cards you have in your hand and they did not choose the bully cards. So, they ended up with guys that can’t run and also can’t stop the run.

    Having said that, there is a lot of young talent on this team and I hope some players will blossom in a year or two. The inconsistencies are normal with so many young players on the team (think of 2011-12 teams).

    Also, they cannot seem to draft dline talent. They got lucky to land Bennett, Avril and Clemons but its one area that they have consistently sucked in the draft. Given that, they need to sign more dline FA than paying CBs like Cary Williams and Lane. Imagine if they had signed Sheard instead of Cary Williams as many of us on this blog wanted (at least I did).

    The NFC this year is pretty chaotic and if they get #2 seed, they can get to the big dance. But that will need getting a lot of breaks like the Broncos last year.

    • Volume12

      I 100% disagree that they haven’t nailed these past 2 drafts. 2013-2014 were not good outside of Britt and Luke.

      2015- Clark, Lockett, Glowinski, Rawls. There’s 4 starters right there. Not to mention Gilliam, but he didn’t pan out.

      2016- Ifedi, Reed, Prosise, and 3 guys that will play roles next year in QJeff, Odhiambo, and Vannett. Elliott, Powell, McEvoy, Fant in UDFA.

      Sowell has actually been pretty damn good at RT. Its like were playing with 4 guys. Fant shouldn’t be starting.

      • Volume12

        If NE doesn’t play Sheard, leaves him at home on road trips, he would’ve been a bust for us.

        If we’ve learned anything about Seattle, its they’ll take a try hard over a talented player with no effort.

        • line_hawk

          By most accounts, Sheard was benched for non-football reasons. BTW, they also traded Chandler Jones and Collins and Easley. Don’t think we can really conclude anything from Belichick’s moods.

      • Drew

        I would argue Fant has played better than Sowell, although neither have been performing “pretty damn good”

        • Volume12

          I disagree. I think Sowell has been much better at RT and not as bad as advertised.

          • Sean A

            Not as bad as advertised maybe. But not pretty damn good…. That Bucs game was not a good performance.

            • Volume12

              He’s had some rough games for sure.

              But, he’s been serviceable.

              I’m not of the opinion that Seattle needs 2 new OT’s. They can get by with a weak link somewhere on the line.

              They need 1 good OT, let him compete at RT or LT, and then roll with Fant, Sowell, whoever at the other spot.

              Fang’s struggling right now, baptism by fire, but a full off-season should do him good.

      • line_hawk

        Agreed.. 2013-2014 were not good.

        2015 is looking ok (Clark, Lockett, Glowinski, Rawls) but they have been either hurt or inconsistent. The fact that they are starting doesn’t mean they are good. Remember Wilson, Sherman, ET & Wagner were probowlers by the end of second year. I know its unrealistic expectations to expect probowlers every draft but its telling that we haven’t drafted a single impact player since 2012. They are good role players but they are inconsistent in the starting role.

        2016 looks good on paper and there are many I am excited about. So far though, no one looks like a rockstar. They could as easily go Gilliam route as they can the Wagner route.

        • Volume12

          Wasn’t Lockett a pro bowler as a rookie?

          I think your expectations are a little high. Scott McCloughan is also responsible for a lot of those drafts.

          • Volume12

            Clark has 7.5 sacks in 11 games. He’s in a slump as of late, but it happens.

            Ifedi and Glow have solidified our 2 guard positions.

            Prosise is as dynamic as they come.

            • Volume12

              Seattle was also picking in the middle or the early portion of every round until 2013.

              Jimmy Graham is also part of the 2015 class.

          • line_hawk

            Yes, Lockett was a probowler on special teams as I pointed out and that has been a big improvement after the struggles of 2014 (Sherman returning punts).

            On offense/defense, there is no one who is playing at an elite level from 2015. (You can include Graham but then we also lost Unger). I am not saying they are busts, but they are inconsistent and/or hurt. They might become great players by next season but until they do, we are likely going to see this roller-coaster of a team.

            It could be McCloughan leaving but that is a troubling sign. The argument of not picking in early portion of rounds doesn’t hold because they have consistently traded down and all of their stars except Thomas/Irvin are non-first round picks.

  46. Volume12

    I re-watched the game. Yes, brutal. OK not every snap.

    They played badly but other than that 1st drive GB got everything off of TO’s, bad punts, which equal short fields. They took advantage of some really fluke INTs too. 2 deflections, a no PI call, and a guy falling down in his route?

    My hat goes off to RW for putting this game on his shoulders and taking the loss.

    And while the pass rush has been struggling, it looked like the hard count was driving the D-line nuts. Something was bothering these guys. Rodgers controls the rush so subetly its scary good. However, it wasn’t good enough. I can’t figure it out. Its frustrating me.

    Yeah, it probably seems like I’m making excuses. But we have been so incredibly spoiled lately. Sometimes unappreciative. I guess I gotta learn to stay away after losses or even when we get down. Jesus.

    IMO a short week is good right now. Not a loss, but playing in a few days. Came out of this game healthy, need to get the bad taste out of our mouth, and this isn’t the same Rams team from week 2. Rookie QB with a bad defense. They have to put LA away.

    Remember, fans are something that blow hot air. (Heard that today and loved it)

    Sidenote: Can Joe Buck please get off Aaron Rodgers nuts? Its becoming a John Madden-Brett Favre type, weird obsession.

    • C-Dog

      Awesome notes on all of this, Volume. Especially the Joe Buck nut swinging. Go Hawks!!

    • AlaskaHawk

      I agree that a short week is just what the Seahawks need. Wipe that defeat away! Hopefully the team can start their 3 game winning streak now.

      Pass rush wise – our front four were being handled. So that leaves the linebacker or corner blitz to add some zing to the rush. I didn’t see any of that happening. Volume 12 did you notice any linebacker blitzes on the rewatch? Granted that Rodgers could still pick the secondary apart on a blitz, but it was happening anyway.

      • Volume12

        A couple. Mostly BWagz up the gut.

        I noticed Bennett getting held like crazy. 1st defensive snap of the game Bahktiari just mugged him.

        The Giants out performed the best O-line in years last night with a 3 man rush. It was incredible.

    • GeoffU

      Not true, fans also blow cold air 🙂

  47. Vista

    Apparently Dede Westbrook has been arrested multiple times. Some interesting news for someone who was a Heisman Finalist this year.

  48. Frank

    It’s games like this that make people call our receivers pedestrian. Of the five interceptions, at least three can be attributed to the recieiver failing to react to the ball in time to secure it, one pick because of Graham failing down on his cut, and one under thrown desperation pass, that a Golden Tate type would have came back and caught. RW wasn’t as bad as his receivers and Fant made him look this Sunday. Earl Thomas is to much better than the next man up for this team to win it all this year, we need better depth at DB all the way around in this draft. Fant is a project, and I think a good one eventually. I think RB is our number one need, three technique next, and some help in the pass game wr or db wherever you can find the talent to be more than just a camp body next. I get that we are a running team, but seriously do we have the worst receivers in the league? Not being a jerk, legitimately asking.

    • Drew

      The interception to Graham would’ve probably happened anyways, pass was behind him regardless if he didn’t fall down

      • Volume12

        I think the majority of teams would love having a trio of Jimmy Graham, Doug Baldwin, and Tyler Lockett. I wouldn’t say they’re the worst in the league, but they need one more guy to step up.

        • Donald

          I would like to see more McEvoy in the lineup. He consistently catches the ball, and is a taller target.

  49. DLep

    Some good stuff from Pauline today, specifically on the Husky underclassmen. Pretty much confirmed that Ross and Jones are entering and are both first round locks. And that word is both Baker and Qualls will also enter. Victor was planning to enter the draft before his injury, but sounds like he is looking at returning perhaps. Vea also likely to return. As a Husky fan, that is probably a best case scenario – losing 4 guys but keeping both Victor and Vea.

    Pauline also devoted some space to Bolles – the advisory guidance will drive his decision. Pauline’s take though is that if he enters, he could very well be a top 20 pick, which would obviously be out of Seattle’s range.

    • DC

      If we can take care of our interior rusher need in FA I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Bishard “Budda” Baker end up a Hawk. He would give our secondary a real shot of young talent, hunger and energy.

    • Smitty1547

      right now we look to be in play for 20

      • Volume12

        20 what?

        We’ll make the playoffs and win at least 1 game.

        • AlaskaHawk

          Wouldn’t a win in the playoffs put the Seahawks in 24-27 range?

    • C-Dog

      As a Husky fan, great news if Vea returns. As a Hawks fan, not so great Bolles would go top 20, although I’d be fully expecting that anyways. I think this might be another draft Seattle drops back for more picks.

    • Ukhawk

      Hi. Can you show the link to theses comments by Pauline pls

  50. STTBM

    I hope to God the entire team notices the footage of Rogers yawning during the game. If their sad-sack performances vs TB and GB dont wake them up, this might.

    I am at a loss to explain this team this year. They have a ridiculously talented roster, yet are a total mess in every facet. Bevell has become utterly predictable, Cable’s line is simply pathetic, and Carrol’s time management and gameplanning are failing. He’s underachieving with a roster this stacked, no way to pussy-foot around it. Something is very, very wrong in Seattle.

    Wilson played even worse than in last years AZ game where Carrol called him out. He’s not looked elite in nearly all the games this year. I have no answers, but even Stevie Wonder can see Something is Rotten In Denmark…

  51. LeoSharp

    There seems to be a fear to allow Rawls to be the head of the offense. Russell was clearly not on his game agains the bucs panthers and packers. The only game they won is where they leaned on the running game and didn’t allow Russell to throw it away. The coaching staff consistently talk about being physical but too frequently they’ll abandoned in favour of thrower who isn’t playing at an elite level. This entire offense feels like the final Superbowl play, we now have the ability to run but we’re just deciding to pass.

    • LordSnow

      I’m not convinced they are sold on Rawls no matter what they say about him being the guy to fire the team up, etc, brings the intense attitude, etc etc.

      They like him, but also want someone/something else.

      • vrtkolman

        I just don’t think they trust his durability. He looked like he was in pain on the sidelines a few times after some of his more physical runs. I think it comes down to two choices: 1. Lean on the run game, which means giving more snaps to Collins/Pope in order to keep Rawls’ snap count down, or 2. Let Wilson direct the passing game in between Rawls’ runs. Would you want to give Collins or Pope more play time? Not from what I’ve seen.

        I think Pete was banking on one of his three rookies to partner up with Rawls going forward. Prosise was that guy, but now he’s hurt. It’s been a crappy season health wise.

      • LeoSharp

        Pete has mentions in interview that a Rawls type back just bigger would be ideal. They haven’t given Rawls more than 15 carriers since he was injured in Baltimore. The running game isn’t back until it’s actually a force in the offense. They’re currently purely running to set up the pass. Not to set a tone.

        • Volume12

          He’s getting 15 carries and they’re missing that other guy to give them the other 10-12.

          As vrt said, that would’ve been Prosise plus 4-5 targets in the passing game.

          Replacing Lynch was always going to be a 2 man job. They need, as we’ve known for some time, 1 more back to add to this stable in case Rawls or Prosise get hurt again.

          • LeoSharp

            In the 7 games Rawls was the leading ball carrier lasr year he averaged 18 rush attempts per game with lowest of 16 being against Chicago when he didn’t start. That’s more like a lead back than this running back by committee approach with only one back currently being used. They’re clearly limiting Rawls but at some point you need the other backs to actually have live game reps the first time that has really happened all season was against Greenbay in garbage time

            • HI Hawk

              That #32 wearing green and gold yesterday could have taken 7-8 carries off his hands. The decision to dump Michael was done way too quickly.

              • LeoSharp

                And you can pretty much count on him not getting injured with the way he avoids contact and tackles himself. 7-8 more carries for 28+ yards would have at least softened the pass rush against Greenbay

          • 75franks

            actuaslly v12 hes only gotten 15 carries once this year against Carolina.
            14 philly
            12 tb ???????
            15 car
            12 gb

            is he the lead back or not those numbers are just silly.

            • Volume12

              That’s kind of my point though. He’s getting ‘around’ 15 carries is what I should’ve said.

              I think he’s the lead back. Yes. But, they’re probably bringing him along slowly. He’s all they got right now.

              • LeoSharp

                With as bad as the line look in Tampa the running game was working but they basically abandoned it in favour of Russel Wilson. It just gave us no chance to claw back into it and wasted a strong defensive performance. It’s feels like whenever they start to trail they just tell Russ to do it by himself or figure it out as they go and all it does is drag it out.

  52. negative neil

    Well the Hawks had better get something figured out, because as bad as the Rams and Cardinals are, these will be their play off games. Don’t expect them to lay down. If the Hawks lose any of these games. they will have little or no chance in the play off’s,

  53. AlaskaHawk

    I’m beginning to think that Russell Wilson deserves a shiny new toy on offense. Somebody who is a game changer. An Odel-Beckham Jr or a big running back like Fournette or McCaffrey. I wonder who will fall to the Seahawks draft spot?

    • Donald

      I agree. I am really interested in the Hawks drafting Corey Davis. He is a very talented WR for Western Michigan and his interview shows he is serious about football, emphasizing he practices using frozen and wet balls .. Just what the Hawks need.

    • Eric

      Lack of offensive weapons isn’t the problem.

      He has Jimmy Graham, Doug Baldwin, Tyler Lockett who are all proven quantities and sufficiently talented.
      In addition to those three, we have promising (and under-delivering) players like Richardson, McEvoy, Prosise and Vanette.

      Wilson needs to learn how to get the ball to them again, similar to what we saw in the last few games last season when he and Baldwin went or a tear.

      It may partly be on scheme and play calling as well.

      Either way, seeing passes bounce of the hands of Kearse or go over the head of Lockett won’t be solved by drafting another offensive skill player.

      • HI Hawk

        I feel bad for Kearse, I don’t dislike the guy – but his being in a Seahawks uniform is hurting Wilson. I don’t even blame Kearse because he isn’t throwing himself the ball in impossible windows. If Kearse was on the bench, Wilson couldn’t try and force him the ball, which would help Wilson, Kearse, and probably Jimmy Graham.

    • AlaskaHawk

      What about running backs? Maybe McCaffrey in the first or Foreman in the 2-3 rd rounds.

  54. Ed

    Not just about yesterday and no putting all on him, but it’s well known I’m a DB hater (Rob knows). I just don’t think he works with what he has. Even with Lynch, he continued to no entirely use what he has (which probably lost the Hawks the SB and got Lynch to give him the bird during a game). Maybe it’s PC with a little JS. In thinking about post ML, I think the Hawks have lost their way. It’s been said in this blog and by Rob himself, they are not the bullies anymore. They don’t dictate. Not even the defense at times (24/25/25/24). They got JG, but hardly use him. They keep Kearse for what exactly. They have a terrible pass blocking oline, but continue to do 5 and 7 step drops for RW. It’s maddening.

    Run the ball and don’t get away from it. Rawls should get 18 rushes and splash in someone else for 5 and Wilson with 5. 28 rushes, 20 passes (give or take) and keep the defense fresh. That’s the Hawks blueprint. Too many times they go away from it way to soon.

    Play action
    Play action

    • Volume12

      I think losing CJ Prosise hurt this offense more than we realized.

      • Sean A

        Agreed, I think he looked like the the skill player with the most potential last couple of games he played. Would be huge to get him back for the playoffs. Those little dump offs to him are so effective, also bandaids some of the offensive line concerns.

        • HI Hawk

          He falls hard when he gets tackled, it’s a concern. His injuries are piling up and he’s only a rookie. I wouldn’t expect a whole lot out of Prosise this year IF he comes back at all.

      • rowdy

        He’s never really been apart of it

    • Rob Staton

      Let’s not go down the Bevell road again. There were others significantly more to blame for yesterday than DB.

    • AlaskaHawk

      They have tried at least 6 running backs this year. Rawls is the only one that is making a difference. Prosise may be good when he comes back from his injury. The rest haven’t made it onto the team yet.

      That’s why I’m beating the drum for Christian McCaffrey this draft. Versatile guy that can run and catch the ball. There are some bigger guys available too. I think they will have to pick another back for insurance, just a question of where. Also the usual one or two UDFA signings.

  55. Coleslaw

    Rob I’d like to here an explanation on why you think corner isn’t a need, many people here agree with me. Who do we have that makes you say “we’re good.”? Cause I see Sherman and a bunch of average players

    • Sean A

      Shead is a solid corner that has the potential to be even better. Sherman is elite. Lane is at the very least average for his position. Could we have better depth? Probably, but I don’t think this is a pressing need at all. LT, RT, pass rushing DT, even RB over corner.

    • Rob Staton

      Because Shead has had a good season overall, Sherman is Sherman, Lane has had some rough games but is more than acceptable as the slot corner. They hand picked DeAndre Elliott from a strong, competing bunch of DB’s.

      The Seahawks are not losing games in the fashion of GB and TB because of their cornerbacks.

      • Kenny Sloth

        I think Earl Thomas is one of the greatest limitors of explosive plays in the league.

        He is the key to that defense.

        • HI Hawk

          To suggest that Earl Thomas somehow could have stopped some of those big plays is flat out false. Terrell was perfectly fine in coverage, he could have tackled better – but Earl is no stranger to missing tackles himself. I love Earl, he does make a huge difference in a lot of games – but other than his attitude and leadership, Terrell replicated his role quite well in this one.

          • Kenny Sloth

            I think Earl would have made a big difference.

            He completely takes away center field. He closes on the line of scrimmage faster than any safety in the league.

  56. nichansen01

    I think DB and RB are the top two needs.

    • Volume12

      D-line, OL, RB

      • AlaskaHawk

        Offensive Tackle, Defensive line, Running back, and definitely a player or two to replenish wide receiver and cornerback positions.

        • Kevin

          Nobody seems to think WR is a position of need and it bothers me. I think Baldwin is elite and I really like Lockett, but other than that I’m not sure. I really liked P-Rich his rookie year before he got hurt, but he’s a non factor. Jermain Kearse hardly shows up and hasn’t played very well when he has. I want to see more of Tanner McEvoy, although he’s very raw. I think Russell could use a big bodied Wide Reciever on the outside, we probably have one of the smallest WR cores in the league. Bigger receivers would also help the run game more because our recievers do such a good job of blocking. I think the offense should run the ball much more moving forward. Theres a big difference between our o-line run blocking and their pass blocking. After saying all this I really miss Golden Tate. I think he brought physicality to the receivers, something we don’t have. I miss how he would take a short pass and turn up field breaking tackles and juking and getting close to the 1st down. He did this so often.

  57. Volume12

    Rams fire HC Jeff Fisher.


    • Kenny Sloth

      Hahahaha snap!

      Maybe that’ll wake up Jared Goff

      • DC

        Well, will he take his Hawks voodoo away with him?

    • AlaskaHawk

      I bet Harbaugh is chortling and rubbing his hands together like the Grinch that stole Christmas. I wonder if he will make a sympathy call to RAMs owner or to Fischer? heh heh

    • vrtkolman

      Well at least Pete won’t be outcoached Thursday like he usually is against Fisher. He can relax now.

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      It’s a shrewd move by Kroenke. The 2016 season is over for them anyway, and losing out the rest of the way only gives them a higher draft pick.

      More importantly, by firing Fisher now, the Rams are essentially first NFL team looking for a new HC this year. Kroenke has a glorious new stadium in the works, the 2nd largest TV market in the country, and very deep pockets.

      • Coleslaw

        The higher the Titans will pick* they hold the Rams 1st rounder from the Goff trade

  58. DC

    It’s rumored that Okung will actually get a salary bump up to $8M for this season if he continues to play the amount of snaps he’s been getting.

    Does that boost the comp pick up to a 4th?

    • Kenny Sloth

      I think we’re past the deadline for those escalators to be included in the calculation.

      • DC

        Idk how the adjustments work. People are saying that Bruce will become a 3rd rounder due to snap count adjustments but I don’t see where it’s spelled out. Anyone have a reference site?

        • cha

 is a good site, as is writer Nick Korte’s twitter. @nickkorte

          Okung will be an interesting test case for the comp pick formula, since his contract is so unique.

  59. Vista

    Michael Floyd was arrested for DUI.

  60. Ukhawk

    Kizer declares

  61. Matt

    Rob – What about an offseason trade for Sheldon Richardson? Expensive? Absolutely. But you are talking about a premiere 3T that is still very young. If we don’t think a high end OL will be available in the 20s why not get a sure thing on the DL for the same price?

    I know there was talks about him potentially being available earlier in the year. What say you?

    • Rob Staton

      It would depend on the cost. He has some checks against him hasn’t he in terms of league suspensions? You’d hate to lose him for multiple games after a big trade. Some character issues. But what a talent. Would consider it. Wouldn’t be for a first rounder though.

  62. DC

    So here’s one envisioning for our 2017 “Return of Defensive Identity(and maybe offense too)” off season.

    UFA incoming;

    Calais Campbell DE/DT Arizona. The Big Fish. He brings that interior rush and disrupting element that we sorely need. I’ll pencil him in for a $9M cap hit in 2017.

    Breno Giacomini RT NYJ. “The Big Russian” becomes a cap casualty this off season. He comes back to teach our boys about “tude” with whatever he has left in the tank. At or near Vet minimum.

    Returning UFA;

    Bradley Sowell OT. He’s earning his $1M and I’d be open to another 1yr/1M deal.

    The Draft;

    First off we need more picks so I see some form of trade down/s to add 2. I’ll put them in the 4th and 5th round because we are barren there. So here are the picks in order of selection, not set in stone obviously.

    1 – Budda Baker – S Washington

    2 – Hasson Reddick – LB Temple

    3 – Daeshon Hall – DE Texas A&M

    3 – Jeremy Sprinkle – TE Arkansas

    4 – Freddie Stevenson – FB Florida St

    5 – Ahkello Witherspoon – CB Colorado

    6 – Zane Gonzalez – K Arizona St

    6 – Jordan Morgan – OG Kutztown

    7 – Lavon Coleman – RB Washington

    Priority UDFA Jamaal Williams – RB BYU (injured)

    We add play makers, youth, depth, energy & competition at every level of the defense with the interior rusher in Campbell and one EDGE of the future in Hall. Depth & flexibility/versatility in the secondary and a possible replacement for Earl. A unique LB. We will have the best defense in the league next year and everyone will know it and feel it! IDENTITY

    We get more physical in the running game with 2 more backs coming in and a nasty guard. Our O line in general gets another year to learn and grow together with Breno coming in to help gel the group. We do the best we can considering the slim pickings in this draft.

    Gonzalez takes over for the ever steady Hauschka at K in order to maintain the cap space to bring in Campbell. ZG has been very good for ASU.

    And with that I present your Super Bowl LII champion Seattle Seahawks…

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      Very interested to see how Morgan performs at Senior Bowl.

      Just a feeling, but I think SEA will add to the DL in FA, and draft OL. If Bolles is gone by their pick then I think a trade out of R1 is a strong possibility. A trade from the mid 20’s to mid R2 would net an extra R3 and R4 pick.

      If Taylor Moton passes TEF, I see him being a R2 pick for them.

  63. Brian Miller

    What happened to Clark and Marsh? Snap counts way down on both? Timing of that seems to be the same as now not getting any pressure on opposing QB? Am I missing something here? I haven’t been a fan of Kris Richard as a DC

  64. 75franks

    its funny every week I keep hearing and reading that there are no good olineman coming out of college and that the league is begging for better o lineman. that may be true. but when I watch other teams play there lines don’t seem nearly as bad as ours. why is that? its killing this team and I’m tired of this rhetoric. were still a pretty young team with some great players but if we cant field a decent oline then we are not going anywhere. rob you have brought up the point ” who have we missed out on that we could have got?” that’s a fair question and I really don’t know the answer. but eventually it will be too late and the window will be gone. from everything ive read it seems that the zone blocking scheme we run is pretty hard to get the hang of and physically demanding. could we change that to a simpler scheme? would that make it easier to find more guys that fit? would our guys not get injured as much? any thoughts…

  65. A-Aron

    I know i’m going to catch some flak for this, but when are we going to start blaming Bevell. We complain of not having an offensive ‘identity’ and abandoning the run. Well who does that primarily fall on? Bevell. The Hawks go through stretches of extreme offensive impotence and then we’ll have a 2 game explosion so people turn a blind eye to the previous struggles. When you look at Bevell’s career as the offensive coordinator as a whole it’s not pretty. It’s time to move on.

    And stop blaming the D, they’ve been great all season save for this game. Yes our pass rush has been struggling but the unit as a whole has still been nails.

    Fire Bevell

    • Ed

      Been on that wagon for awhile. Rob doesn’t like it. ha ha. So I moved on

    • Rob Staton

      Are you seriously arguing that people have NOT blamed Bevell to this point?

      We’ve been over this so many times. We don’t need to go there again.

      • Ed

        A-aron might be new to the blog Rob, tag doesn’t look familiar. He doesn’t know the vitriol for DB here. Ha ha.

    • Kenny Sloth

      Yep. Its far more likely that he’s an inept moron being carried through these dynasty years with no flexibility in his personnel and matchups than that they got out coached in a blizzard at one of the most storied venues in the nation. Might as well blame the fans or refs.

      I don’t think we were prepared as an organization.

      Every single member of the seahawks community should take ownership of the loss.

      Because I guarantee when fans were buying their tickets, very few were quick to sign up for a road game in Green Bay in December.

      Fire the Fans for not showing out.

      So much for the best traveling fans in the NFL.

  66. Ed

    I know this won’t go anywhere and won’t happen, but, since I don’t want to talk about how bad the Hawks looked this week.

    If the Rams came knocking, would the PA trade PC to the Rams for a boat load?

    Pete is an LA guy and to be back in LA where he loves and was a G O D, wonder if that is on his mind.

    Pete to LA for 2018 2019 2020 first round picks.

    Would you do it?

    • Rob Staton

      I wouldn’t do it. Strengthen’s an opponent and then Seattle has to find someone to replace its most successful coach ever.

      It won’t happen though. No way Pete moves to a team in the NFC West and gives up on Russell Wilson to take on the Goff project.

  67. Ed

    One draft note. It is evident the hawks need a RB that’s 220-240 that is durable. LF and CM have had some injury history. They won’t fall, so that’s not an issue (unless they decide to trade up). Are the RB you see the Hawks making a play for later have injury issues and the size the Hawks need?

  68. Coleslaw

    Whatever our opinions are on where the needs are most we should all be focusing on one thing overall, how to build an identity for this team this off-season. Offense or defense, we need one, bad.

  69. LeoSharp

    Alex Collins has been a disappointment this year but minus the latest fumble it looks like he’s starting to develop and may be more of a factor going forward. Yes it was garbage time but that was the first time he’s really been used all year.

  70. AlaskaHawk

    Just when I thought I was over hating the LA Rams there is this rumor:

    • Rob Staton

      Carroll is not going to LA.

      For starters, they’d have to give Seattle about five first round picks. Not happening.

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