Instant reaction: Seahawks lose, fall to 4-2-1

This was a stuttering, messy performance by an injury-ravaged Seahawks team.

The offense struggled for rhythm — a concerning fact against a poor New Orleans defense. They had blasts of success — the Tanner McEvoy trick play, the way they ran the ball to start the second half, the drive in the fourth quarter for a field goal — but never found any balance. This is an offense built on balance and it simply isn’t there.

New Orleans have one or two really good players on defense but there’s also a lot of dross. It’s hard to work out why they weren’t able to find a mismatch or two.

It felt like a day for Jimmy Graham — returning to the Saints. He had five targets for 34 yards. If New Orleans successfully took him out of the game, given their struggles, why weren’t other clear mismatches available?

The most problematic thing right now is they can’t find something to hang their hat on. They’re not trusting the run — whether that’s because of the O-line or the lack of Thomas Rawls or both. Russell Wilson’s lack of mobility isn’t helping. But the Seahawks’ mission this season was to be the bully again — and you can’t be the bully with this.

They still drove down the field with a chance to win the game — only to lead to a frustrating conclusion. A short dump off for a few yards cost critical time and turned 3-4 plays at the 17 with 20 seconds to go into one play from the 12. Wilson has to throw the ball away and move on, not check it down in-field on first down.

The final play with the game on the line was a fade to Kearse. That would’ve been a nice call for the first throw. Try out the 1v1 and it’s either a TD or you stop the clock. It’s not a terrible call here either because that was a matchup they liked all day. Yet the throw by Wilson has to be on it — and he asked too much of the receiver. It was nearly impossible to catch in bounds. Kearse nearly pulled it off to his credit. Game over.

Is it time to worry that Wilson hasn’t thrown a touchdown pass in his last three games? His interception today was also uncharacteristically poor.

The offense managed just 13 points against a porous Saints defense.

I think we can clearly see after seven games that injuries are preventing this team from playing anything like its best football on offense. Losing Rawls is bad enough — but Wilson’s injuries and Tyler Lockett’s underrated issues have had a major effect. At times they’ve been without C.J. Prosise, Germain Ifedi, Bradley Sowell and Luke Willson too.

This isn’t anything like what we’ve seen from this team during the Wilson era. It’s surely not a coincidence.

The defense started strongly with the fumble/touchdown by Earl Thomas but after taking a commanding 14-3 lead they gave up scores on six consecutive drives — three FG’s and two TD’s. They weren’t helped by the T.O.P. numbers (again heavily weighted to the opponent) but the pass rush was virtually non-existent and Tim Hightower was able to get New Orleans into favourable second and third down situations.

The Saints were prolific on third down, converting 9/15. Shockingly — they felt like the more physical team. They were committed to the run. They were balanced.

Special teams wasn’t bad overall but the botched hold from Jon Ryan possibly cost Seattle a crucial three points before half-time.

Right, now onto the refs.

The Saints pulled off two blatant, uncalled OPI’s on pick plays. Sometimes these calls are borderline. The two by Willie Snead, bulldozing into Jeremy Lane on both occasions, were not borderline. They were so far over the line they were in Mexico.

If it was the intention of the refs to let things go in the game, that’s cool. So why did they call Deshawn Shead for the weakest possible holding penalty on a crucial third down?

Why did they call this ‘block in the back’ on Justin Britt?

Why did they call Richard Sherman for holding on a crucial third down when he was battling with Willie Snead about 30 yards from the ball?

If you’re letting them play — let them play. To call Shead and Britt especially on two big penalties and miss the Snead OPI’s? Incredible.

The penalty count finished like this:

Seahawks: 11-76
Saints: 2-15

I don’t believe in conspiracies. I don’t think the refs were out to get Seattle. I just think they had a really, really inconsistent game.

Yet ultimately, the Seahawks allowed it to matter.

The refs did not win the game for New Orleans.

Seattle has genuine problems on offense and need to find some kind of identity. Whether it’s Wilson in the passing game, getting Rawls back, getting healthy in general or properly committing to the run — they have to do something. They need a spark from somewhere.

They’ve had slumps like this before but were always able to rely on something. It was Rawls’ emergence last year and Wilson. It was Marshawn Lynch in previous years.

What is it now? I’m not sure I can answer that. Who can they lean on?

If we’re talking about possible draft needs (this is a draft blog, after all) — having an extra offensive player who can help set a physical tone and lift the team when other stars are hurt is probably #1.

One player immediately springs to mind — but he’s probably going to go in the top five.

Onto some positives:

— The Cardinals lost in Carolina and the Rams are on a bye. This wasn’t a great result in terms of the #1 or #2 seed — but it didn’t hurt in terms of the NFC West. Given all of the injuries on this team right now — winning the NFC West should be the realistic target. That will be disappointing to some — but that’s where we are. Just win the division.

— The pass rush wasn’t very good today but Cliff Avril and Frank Clark still found a way to get sacks. Their personal production has been incredible so far. Avril is pushing for the league lead (7.5 sacks) while Clark (5.5) is showing off his major potential.

— The Seahawks, despite playing a mostly bad game today, still had a chance to win with the last play of the game. You might not like days like this but this team always has a shot. In terms of character this team is unmatched. When the Cardinals lose it occasionally spirals out of control. That never happens to Seattle.

— They gave up one sack only and George Fant played pretty well. Protection wasn’t a problem for the Seahawks and it hasn’t been for most of the season.


  1. LordSnow

    If Fant keeps improving, wouldn’t be surprising to see him never lose that job going forward. I don’t think he’s much of a downgrade from Sowell, and he’s the likely future.

  2. rowdy

    I think it’s time to bench wilson for a couple weeks and let him get healthy. His play is borderline horrible at the moment.

    • Rob Staton

      That would only be worthwhile if two weeks is enough for him to get healthy.

      If he needs 6-7 weeks to get back to 100% then there’s very little point sitting him. Just have to deal with the situation.

      • rowdy

        Then sit him for the season. We played the worst d in the league and got 13 points of offense.

        • Rob Staton

          That is silly, rowdy.

          • rowdy

            He’s getting worse every week.

            • Kenny Sloth

              So True.

              Trade him before he leads us to ruin.

              • RugbyLock


            • Rob Staton

              His mobility is getting better. Criticise his play but let’s not pretend his health is getting worse.

              • laphraoig

                Yes, his mobility IS getting better. We saw him rolling out a lot more today than in the past few games.

              • rowdy

                I think his declining play is directly related to his health. He doesn’t look comfortable, he may be moving more but not really better. He’s not stepping into throws he’s not running for much of any gain and when he does leave the pocket it’s not usually a positive play. He’s not throwing down field much, witch I believe is because he’s not comfortable planting his leg with his injury. Maybe his health is better but mentally he’s not back yet. Or maybe he’s got used to the pain and learned what he’s capable of doing on it. Regardless he’s not the same and his performance isn’t getting better. If he was healthier his proformence should be improving.

                • Rob Staton

                  There isn’t a scientific link between ‘getting healthier’ and ‘automatic improved play’. You’ve also got to accept that gradually getting healthier will not immediately lead to a sudden breakout performance, or that this is going to happen when the team can’t run for beans.

                  It really is as simple as this — Wilson is banged up but he still clearly presents the best opportunity for Seattle to win games — which they very nearly did again today.

                • Willy Istvan

                  To be fair, his passing could have been affected this week because of a minor injury to his right pec. Perhaps it was a bit sore. Maybe next week his mobility will improve just a bit more and his pec will be better and all of these things will help his passing game. I know it’s difficult but his performance will improve from game to game. I think the bigger problem is what to do about the fact that for 3 years now the refs haven’t been calling jack on our opponents. At some point this will affect the psyche of all the players. It hurts to be called on plays and to watch your brothers be called on plays, but then to watch opposing players do worse stuff yet never get called for it. It looks like it has already begun to affect Sherman. The league really needs to clean this up, even if they don’t really want the Hawks to make it back to the SB.

        • LordSnow

          This was the primary reason I HATED the Boykin lovefest (he’s too talented to let go, etc). He has no long term future with the team so why keep him if the only objective is for emergency fill-in, and he can’t do that? The emergency is here…

      • AlaskaHawk

        The alternative is to play RW until he either heals or is so badly injured that he can’t play. I thought he should have been benched before the bye week so that he had time to heal. Having said that – he had enough mobility today to win the game. He did fine in roll outs to left , the end was obviously waiting for him to roll right. The mobility was adequate , he seemed to lock onto one receiver early and never look past him.

        • HI Hawk

          He was feeling phantom pressure, it made him panic a bit on some plays and scramble/throw it away on a few occasions. On others, he just tried to rifle it in to his first read to just get it out of his hands. The pressure wasn’t that bad this game, he had time to read and step into throws. He was out of rhythm and it showed.

          • Willy Istvan

            Thanks to injuries, his O-Line has recently gone through even more changes and it will take a little time to get comfortable enough to trust this configuration of the line. If they can stay healthy and be a bit more consistent, Russell will be fine. I’m a little more worried that the line’s run-blocking doesn’t seem to be gelling.

  3. Volume12

    Great recap.

    Thought Prosise showed really today. Hope they keep using him like they did this game.

    The lack of a running game is killing us. Not setting a tone, not wearing down defenses, not keeping our D rested.

    RW is too damn inconsistent right now. He’s not the same guy without his mobility. Although he showed a little more of that today than he has maybe all season.

    The run D hurt us today. Keep NO’s drives going and allowed Brees to settle in, get into a rhythm, and gave their O-line confidence. They just might need a chess piece or hybrid on the defensive side of the ball.

    Injuries suck man and are absolutely killing our offense. Just got to weather the storm until Rawls comes back and Lockett gets healthy. RW too. Hopefully.

    Awful officiating. NO came into the game as one of the most penalized in the league. Gotta call it both ways. But, we can’t be the LOB anymore because Goodell doesn’t want physical defenses with colorful characters. On any team. He’s trying to turn the NFL into baseball. A bunch of emotional less robots. And high flying offenses.

    Every stop on 3rd down was a penalty. How do you play pass defense in today’s game?

    • lil'stink

      Outside of a big play or two I thought the run D was decent, only allowed 3.5 ypc. And that goal line stand was nice. Brees was allowed to pick on us by singling out Snead and Thomas for long stretches of play and we couldn’t seem to stop it. Can’t really blame the defense, though. The Saints came into this game averaging 6.1 yards per play, and our defense held them to 5.2

      The refs were horrible. When it goes both ways fine, you deal with it. But it’s when it is so one-sided that really kills me.

      • Rob Staton

        “Outside of a big play or two I thought the run D was decent, only allowed 3.5 ypc.”

        I don’t think big plays were an issue. Hightower consistently got 3-4 yards on early downs and that made things manageable for Brees.

        • C-Dog

          My fear going into this game was all those minutes the D spent on the field last week, perfect time for the Saints to face them. My sense is that, as the game wore on, the Saints started getting good push. Really didn’t help that the offense could not sustain many early drives.

          • HI Hawk

            The defense showed fatigue and didn’t play with the intensity that we’re used to seeing. Pick or no pick, Cooks should have been blown the f*%$ up by McCray, Thomas or a linebacker on those two pick slants. Instead the Saints exploited the underneath crossers with impunity.

        • lil'stink

          True. Good point. The Saints OL did a decent job.

        • Willy Istvan

          Like it or not, this is NOT the same D without Bennett and Kam. Their replacements will improve over time. Hopefully it will be soon.

      • Volume12

        Our goaline D is one of the best in the NFL as is our defense as a unit.

        Not blaming the D for anything. They’re prone to have a a bad game or two. It happens.

        Yes, the refs were absolutely awful. One of the worst officiated games I can recall watching in a long time.

    • C-Dog

      I thought Prosise looked really good as a receiver and as a runner. I would love to see him get more involved in both aspects moving forward.

      • Volume12

        Gotta have energy to tackle and after last week how much did our D have?

  4. LordSnow

    When Rawls comes back, and IF the running game does not take off, watch out. The calls for Cable’s head will come from all corners.

    THe interesting thing is seattle likes to make its opponents one dimensional. They are making us one dimensional and we have no answer. We need to quit running our traditional offense. Cmike is what he is. They know what he is capable of and what he’s not. This is on the coaching staff if it keeps trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. They need to show some flexibility to their own injury situation.

    If I were Buffalo I’d copy the NO game plan. Sit Tyrod in the pocket and cherrypick the zone, keep them on the field forever, and eventually, our defense will run out of steam.

    • Rob Staton

      “When Rawls comes back, and IF the running game does not take off, watch out. The calls for Cable’s head will come from all corners.”

      That would be very silly if it happens. Criticising a guy who was given a re-tread street free agent RB, a basketball player for a LT replacing a cheap LT nobody else coveted and with the QB badly hobbled — and expecting a really productive run game?

      Not to mention all of the injuries.

      I hope, somewhat in vain, that if things don’t improve on offense we’ll concentrate on reasons beyond just calling for everyone to be fired.

      • LordSnow

        I’m not calling for Cable’s head. But if Rawls comes back, and the running game doesn’t take off, expect it to happen. Nearly every blog and every talk show has a lot of people that think Rawls is the answer. If he isn’t, I suspect Cable will be the next target.

      • Trevor

        Rob for me the criticism of Cable is not based on today’s game it is for the following reasons

        – He has never coached an OL that has even been league average in pass pro.

        -The scheme he teaches causes more injuries and makes keeping an OL healthy difficult

        – Unlike any other position coach he is directly responsible for the OL we draft and despite more draft capital than any other unit it is a mess

        – Please name me one OL he has developed? Carp and Breno got better when they left, Okung is a physical freak but still has terrible technique and don’t even get me started on Sweezy.

        Please tell me what makes Cable an OL genius an untouchable when it comes to criticism!

        • Kenny Sloth

          Literally every pick comes from the coaches.

          “We draft for the coaches” the players they want to work with. -JS

          I guess Cable just isnt very good at coaching OL.

          The proof is in the putting. Everyone leaves this line and gets paid and are suddenly good at football when they get into a real OL guru’s hands.

          Shame on Cable for holding them back for so long

        • Rob Staton

          Trevor he has developed plenty of OL. Sweezy from defense to offense, Britt looks great at C, Glowsinski has developed from day three pick to starter, Breno played well, Unger went from after thought to key player, Fant has zero college football experience and yet he’s out there today.

          Pass pro will always be difficult to excel in when the coach publicly says he wants the best scrambling O in the league.

          Seattle’s physicality leads to injuries. It’s also led to a team nobody has wanted to play for several years.

          People want someone to blame and every single NFL fan for virtually every team points at the offensive coaches.

          • Trevor

            Rob I am not blaming Cable for the loss today I am just saying that he has not done a good job in shaping or developing this OL. I am tierd of hearing of his genius and how he has to make a line out of garbage when he is the one who has drafted and developed the line. He is directly responsible for our OL and IMO we have the worst OL in the NFL.

            I will agree with you about Unger and Glowinski. Britt looks so much better this year but was a bust until the move to Center.

            A big reason no one wanted to play this team was Beast Mode and a mobile Wilson. We have neither now. We still have Cables scheme and I don’t think anyone is worried about playing our run game now.

            • Rob Staton

              I don’t think Cable is a genius. I think he’s a very good coach who has done well with the resources available to him.

              • Kenny Sloth

                The resources available to any team for OL are scarce at best

                • Rad man

                  It would not be “silly” for Cable to be fired if they end up near the bottom of the league in running. It would be completely consistent in a league where results matter.

                  • Jack Laughing

                    It would be silly for Cable to be fired because Cable didn’t get Russell Wilson injured. Russell Wilson got Russell Wilson injured, and his lack of mobility affects the running game in big ways. It’s frustrating that the Seahawks have not found a good way to counter this, but injuries to Ifedi, Sowell, Rawls, Lockett, Prosise, Willson, and Vannett have significantly impacted both the O-line and the running game. Hard to manufacture consistency and build momentum when the starters on offense are a revolving door of injured rookies and veteran players.

                    Tom Cable is also not responsible for the Seahawks’ having no viable option at backup QB, that’s on Pete and John. Because the Seahawks really have no choice but to keep starting Wilson as long as its viable, Wilson’s recovery from multiple injuries is taking longer than it realistically should. It’s amazing and impressive that Wilson continued to play through all of these injuries, but having him out there suffering through this comes at a price.

  5. lil'stink

    13 points against the league’s worst defense. And our one touchdown was largely the beneficiary of a trick play that might only work once a year.

    I’ll have to go back and watch the game again, but it seemed like the run game did better when we were doing more man blocking instead of zone. Perhaps that could be key to getting the offense back on track? Either way, we need more than just incremental improvements on offense the nest several weeks. As good as the defense is, we aren’t the 2000 Ravens.

    Entering this game there were only 4 teams scoring fewer points per game than us. After this week there might only be 3 teams that put up fewer points. I want to hear a story of Earl or Bobby stepping up and challenging our QB and our offense this week. It simply looks diffusely broken.

    • Rob Staton

      “I want to hear a story of Earl or Bobby stepping up and challenging our QB and our offense this week. It simply looks diffusely broken.”

      I hope they don’t do that. The offense will know it’s struggling without being called out. Unfortunately with the injuries mounting this O might need another draft & off-season to get back to its best.

      • HI Hawk

        The offense is not horrifically injured. We are down ONE significant contributor (Rawls) and Michael looked better than Rawls when he did briefly play this season. Sowell is out, but he was awful, Fant isn’t negatively affecting the team. Wilson is playing injured, but the zip is there so it’s not affecting his arm strength or throwing ability, his eyes are healthy, his brain is intact – he has no excuse for leaving a perfectly fine pocket or overthrowing 1 out of every 4 passes. He’s played poorly for the past three weeks, I gave him the benefit of the doubt due to the injuries over the course of the season. That stops now, not because he’s 100% healthy, but because it’s his decisions and accuracy that are poor, not his physical ability to throw. The injuries are not relevant to his current issues, he’s making bad decisions and throwing bad passes.

        • Jack Laughing

          RW was 22 of 34 for 64.7% on his passes. If he was overthrowing 1 out of 4 as you claim I don’t recall his receivers making a lot of leaping catches.

        • Willy Istvan

          Russell did have an injured right pec this week. Pec injuries HURT. Perhaps it affected his throwing ever so slightly. It doesn’t take much for an injury like this to mess up a few passes.

    • Volume12

      To be fair, how many defensive TDs has Minnesota’s D scored for them?

      They’ve needed every one of them. They ain’t played no one either except for GB.

    • Ishmael

      How would Earl or Bobby getting into them help anything? I can hardly imagine anything less productive.

  6. JT

    Protection has been the most significant problem all season, just like it has for Seattle in past years. The difference is the OL is more depleted of talent than ever, and Russ can’t compensate for that anymore without his unique mobility. For years, the running game was also largely fueled by the threat of Wilson on read option or PA roll-outs. Without that threat, the RB’s can’t consistently move the chains, as the run-blocking has been terrible as well.

    • Volume12

      Garry Gilliam is really disappointing. He let Cam Jordan, who is a damn good player, take over. He’s too finesse for a RT in Seattle and TC’s scheme.

      • LordSnow

        If they use a high pick on a tackle, maybe it will be a surprise when it’s actually to upgrade from Gilliam than Fant or Sowell.

        • RugbyLock

          Use the high pick on Thomas or Staley and groom Fant to take over for Gilliam… 🙂

      • vrtkolman

        I agree, Fant had a rough start but he looked better overall than Gilliam. If Gilliam were a tight end, I would be thinking “wow, this guy is too weak to be blocking inline”. He’s not a NFL caliber tackle.

    • Rob Staton

      Protection was not an issue today. I appreciate it’s a go-to complaint (along with Bevell or Cable) but today I would argue the inability to play a consistent, fluid, balanced O was the key — and their inability to do so was not down to protection.

      • rowdy

        I didn’t have a problem with the protection. Wilson on a number of plays could step into the pocket but ran into the de instead.

      • JT

        Today wasn’t as bad since NO doesn’t have very good defensive personnel, but their inability to consistently move the ball, or run a “balanced” offense this season, is clearly due to the blocking. It’s plain to see that the Line is losing the battle in the trenches this year, and usually in horrific fashion. As a result, the offense has to gameplan around that, which in effect is making them one dimensional (and predictable).

        It’a not a complaint or an indictment of the FO/coaching, as we had to sacrifice money somewhere to field such a star-studded roster. I’m just calling it like I see it. It’s just unfortunate that Wilson’s been playin through brutal injuries all season, rendering him unable to lead a strong offense behind terrible line-play (something he’s done repeatedly in the past).

        • Rob Staton

          I do not believe it is clear they are losing the battle in the trenches. I mean, they ran the ball three times in the first half, one being the short yardage TD play. That’s not down to bad blocking it’s about not really knowing what or who you are on O. They come out in the 3Q and ram it down their throat. Then they go away from it. The O has an identity crisis.

          • Mike B'hamster

            A star quality veteran LT would provide some strong leadership to rally around.

            • JT

              It certainly would, though the cost would be very high. With the divisional opponents already behind and appearing weaker than we’re accustomed to, I’m betting they try to ride it out until Russ & Rawls are healthy (fingers crossed).

          • AUSTIN

            Isn’t it fair to be critical of the play calling then? I just think Bevell is in a funk and over thinking it. The running game seemed like it could get going and it just didn’t get enough chances. When Michael got rolling they abandoned it. Strange.

            I still think this team is as dangerous as anyone and will be right there in the end. But hopefully they turn this thing around soon and I think they will.

            • Rob Staton

              I think they lack consistency and currently lurch between run and pass without sufficient balance. I don’t think this a play calling issue per se as the O overall seeking a missing rhythm with so many issues to deal with due to the injuries (especially at QB).

              The fade at the end I had no issue with — I just wish Wilson hadn’t thrown over the middle on first down and taken away the opportunity to try other plays if it didn’t work.

              • HI Hawk

                I think it is both a playcalling funk and Wilson’s decision-making that’s hurting the rhythm. Normally I really like Bevell’s playcalling too, which is why it’s so odd. I think a part of it is also Wilson’s recent inability to to identify open receivers or properly read the defense. On Sunday he looked at Jimmy on two occasions and didn’t pull the trigger, despite Jimmy being open. I keep hearing rhythm by Pete, by Russ, by fans – well, what happened to thriving among chaos? That used to be the Seahawks way, they used to bully defensive lines and force the defense to play their game. They need to go look in the mirror and remember that the field is theirs, let the opposing defense adjust to them and hit them over and over and over and over and over… Penalties obviously aren’t helping since it’s forcing the offense out of their desired down/distances to run plays from, but Bevell can still call a running play on 2nd and 10 or 1st and 15. I get that sometimes the plan is to pass to open up the run, but if you go 3 and out, you haven’t actually set anything up other than a punt formation.

        • AlaskaHawk

          I don’t think it is blocking either. The line is adequate, Michaels is adequate. Maybe they just need to commit to running the way they started the second half.

          • 75franks

            lets give CM 20-25 rushes a game and see what happens! go hawks

            • HI Hawk

              Yes, please this. It worked to open the second half and then for some reason they once again went spread pass. The spread sets are invitations to blitz and right now, Russ isn’t making them pay the price.

      • Jake

        I thought the only reason are pass pro was good was because we did super quick passes and didnt try to go deep (outsidr of the trick play). So while the o line wasnt giving up many sacks or pressures they crippled our offense in a different way.

  7. vrtkolman

    Seattle has lead the league in penalty disparity for years now. Something is obviously up… teams just do not get calls against them when they are playing Seattle. It might be that referees are looking closely at Seattle’s “physical defense” and as a result, ignoring the other team, I’m not sure.

    Any explanation for Richardson making two great plays and then immediately being taken out of the game? With Lockett hobbled, it seems like he would be a good replacement.

    • Sea Mode

      Fair question about Richardson. With Lockett slowed down, we could definitely send Richardson long on a few consecutive plays to tire out a CB, then bring a fresh Lockett back in later.

  8. sb

    Seattle has always struggled early. It sucks and you don’t like to see it but eventually they have always figured it out. Bad game, bad officiating and sucks to lose but no reason to think they won’t come back. Almost won the game and almost stopped them on most drives but stupid penalties or plays killed us. We will turn it around

  9. Sea Mode

    Why don’t we come out on offense and play the hurry-up?

    We finally did it when we had to and their defense had no answer, with a lot of obvious communication problems and a couple inexperienced players in the defensive backfield.

    With those bunch formations that are so hard to read, we could have just given them no time to think. Plus, the bunch on one side almost always leads to 1v1 on the other side. If we like the matchup, we take a couple shots there too.

    Surprisingly, the OL played fine today. (as much as one can reasonably expect from an OL in our current state)

    Officiating…ugggh. I get that, as fans, we are almost always biased towards our team. But there has to be a way to hold the officiating crew accountable for consistency. The fact that our opponents are objectivley proven to be the least penalized over the last several years just isn’t right. I’ll stop now because Rob has already said it well in the article…

    On to Buffalo at home.

    • Rob Staton

      Hurry up might’ve worked today in hindsight. I think before the game though they would’ve felt, not unfairly, they didn’t need to change anything to play this defense. And ultimately they had to try and set the tone on offense, something they were unable to do.

      • Sea Mode

        I see your point.

        It would also be meant to push the offense to get into some kind of rhythm when, at least these last two weeks, they have been able to find very little.

        You are absolutely right that our style is to come out trying to set the tone. But this year, due to injuries and other factors, that just hasn’t been working for us. So I was thinking that if we can’t, for the moment, just come out and impose our will, the other great asset our offense has is versatility (as exemplified on the McEvoy throw). We have so many different weapons and formation options that if we can’t outright beat you, we can certainly confuse you.

        Hindsight is 20/20. Just trying to talk myself through an unexpected loss.

      • STTBM

        I think you might be right. Seattle thought the Saints D was just what the Doctor ordered, and they found out otherwise. Perhaps now Seattle (by this I mean Carrol) takes a good hard look in the mirror and admits to themselves the run game isnt working, the deep passing game is dead with the line inconsistent, and the only games we’ve scored more than a TD on were either against bad teams and/or where we passed quickly to set up the run.

    • sdcoug

      It’s the same argument (or frustration) several of us post repeatedly after every maddening loss to the Rams, or inept offensive performance against a good D-line (AZ). When we get the ball out quick, we move the ball. It opens the run, which in turn further opens the O. It helps an immobile Russ. We refuse to play to our current strength, and instead insist on spending 3/4 of the game tone-setting, when in reality we aren’t out-physicaling anyone.

  10. Forrest

    This game was disappointing, but not unforgivable. I think the defense will be re-motivated to decimate their foes, and the offense will start to pick it up a bit in November.

    The last two seasons have started disastrously and ended miraculously. This season isn’t quite like 2013, but the defense is flashing images of that year, and the offense is arguably better (just really beat up). If history repeats itself this team should have a pretty good November and a great December. I hope that’s the case. Honestly the only two NFC teams that scare me are the Packers (at Lambeau), and the Cowboys. Other than those two I think the Hawks can stand up to any other NFC team come playoff time.

    Bills at Seattle are tough but beatable. Patriots is a loss unless magic happens (turning point win of the season?). Eagles will be a close game, but I think Wentz will get a little flustered and make mistakes in Seattle. Buccaneers are beatable, but it’s a 10 am game…so? Carolina are probably the best worst team in the NFL right now, but I don’t see them winning again in Seattle. Packers will likely be a loss (depend on Rodgers). Rams…are an enigma when it comes to Seattle games, but I think they lose. Cardinals get decimated on Christmas Eve, and the 49ers get blown out at home. 11-4-1 probably isn’t #1 seed, but it wins the West, and it could be #2 seed. Sweeping the rest of the NFC teams is possible, and there’s a lot of time for one of the NFC front runners to stumble or implode.

    Either way, go Hawks!!

    • Rob Staton

      That’s the kind of thinking I like on a day like today. Kudos, Forrest 🙂

      • Volume12

        Seconded. Great post.

        Is the TB game a 10 AM start? I thought it was a 1 or 1:25 start. I mean they could’ve flexed it.

        • Rob Staton

          Buccs game is a 1:05pm start at the moment, not a 10am start.

        • Forrest

          Whoops, didn’t notice that, still an east coast game though. Winston is the epitome of on fire one week and on ice the next, so the game is really a wild card however you look at it.

          And thank ye!

      • Forrest

        Why thank you sir!

        Believe me I see the negatives and hurtles, but this team almost like clockwork finds ways to overcome whatever obstacles are in their way. So until proven otherwise I remain optimistic.

  11. Volume12

    Oh my god. That ‘block in the back’ by Britt posted above is one of the worst phantom calls ever. What the hell was that?

    Side note. Did anyone else think Baldwin was gonna break that tackle at the end there? He’s gonna bust one of those to the house this year.

    Nice to see Lockett get some of his wiggle and COD back, but his injury is still limiting his explosion. He wants a kick return for a TD so bad.

    • Rob Staton

      I definitely allowed myself to think for a split second Baldwin was going to score. I was also convinced after they spiked the ball cleanly they were going to win the game.

      • Volume12

        Me too.

        I didn’t mind the call to Kearse either. Just put a little too much air under it.

        • Volume12

          I actually like the fact that Kearse is getting more involved. We need him.

          • STTBM

            Great point VOlume. He has been playing better every week, and looks ready to have a big game. We DO need him to step up and take some heat off Graham and Baldwin while we wait for Lockett to get back to 100%.

        • Rob Staton

          With the way Kearse was playing, think he makes the TD with a throw he can legitimately get in the end zone.

          • AUSTIN

            Hated the play call in that moment. It’s just not a high percentage play. I honestly think Bevell is in a funk and over thinking things. Too much talent on this team for the offense to be sputtering this bad.

            • Rob Staton

              A fade 1v1 with that matchup I will take. Poor throw by Wilson. NO had done a good job underneath on previous drive if memory serves. I think Kearse scores with a better throw.

        • Sea Mode

          It was a good matchup and he made the catch. Call was fine, just a little overthrown by Wilson.

          I don’t think he is trusting the pocket at all (probably with good reason). Even the commentators pointed out a throw where he needed to step up into the pocket.

          • RealRhino2

            Not a good call, always a terrible call. I’d like to see the success rate on that call, since we do it pretty frequently. Want a good call, watch the end of the Dallas game. Give the QB options to find a guy and fire it into him. Kearse play was as stupid as the bomb to Graham in the Arizona game, for all the same reasons. It’s a low-percentage throw, where you purposely limit your options (from, say, 4 to just 1) and are forced to make the throw before you even know if your man is going to be open. Same dumb playcalling that cost us the Rams game, as a matter of fact, when we had Baldwin (IIRC) and Graham get open when we had a 3×1 (again, IIRC), and instead of seeing who would get open, we picked the least likely guy (Kearse), the middle of the trips, and threw it as our first read.

            So yeah, it’s a great play call if you like losing three games you could have had a much better chance of winning.

            • David

              I agree – if you have one shot, I think it’s a horrible play call. Everyone says “Well, Kearse caught it, it was just overthrown”. That’s the point, it’s an incredibly difficult throw to make and due to the boundary, the room for error is incredibly small. The ball basically has to be thrown with pinpoint accuracy and unless you are Trevone Boykin and Josh Doctson, it’s a low probability call.

              I get the thought process, it was probably the only place on the field where Russ had a 1v1 matchup in the end zone so I can’t fault it too much, but I’ve seen Russ throw that ball plenty of times even closer and not throw it where it needs to be.

    • lil'stink

      Lockett seemed to be moving better than previous weeks, FWIW. He’s due for a big game. Maybe next week.

  12. cha

    I knew it would be a weird game when Earl Thomas got flagged for hugging a referee.

    • LordSnow

      I think the ref should have warned him to chill out and that’s about it. THe NFL is really turning into a bunch of killjoys.

  13. Sea Mode

    And another positive note: that was great, great commentary today by Charles Davis. Chris Spielman was pretty good too and they played well off of each other. Knowledgeable guys who prepped well and actually talked football to enhance the fan experience. Two thumbs up from me.

    Anyway, I at least really enjoyed it. So refreshing after last week.

    • Kenny Sloth

      No British accent tho

  14. george

    All in all the stats for both teams were very close. The difference in the game was the penalties. Unfortunatly the last minute heroics are no longer working. Taking into consideration the way the team is playing, and the schedule, there are two deffinate losses and two possible losses in the next 5-6 weeks. Is it possible the NFC WEst is returning to the NFc worst ?

    • cha

      “Unfortunatly the last minute heroics are no longer working.”

      What are you talking about? They literally had late minute heroics the last two weeks.

      They won late vs Atlanta by scoring 10 pts in the last 5 mins, and drove down the field vs Arizona in OT only to have Haushka shank the FG attempt.

  15. Ed

    With a hurt Wilson, why did the Hawks run only 14 times. Still averaged over 4ypc. It just doesn’t make sense. I said two years ago they would start to pass more because of Wilson and most thought I was crazy. But this makes no sense. It was a close game, they needed to give the D a rest from last week and they have a 34-14 pass to run. Ridiculous. Yes, they passed the entire final drive, but still. The offensive playcalling and philosophy for most games this season and last few years is offensive.

    Yes, the two big plays for NO were offensive PI, but whatever, it happens.

    On a positive note, AZ lost again. Run the table at home and at least Hawks have one home playoff game. Still see them at 11 wins.

    Get smart, get healthy.

  16. Jalil

    Have to say that RW did not play a great game today. A few good throws, but just as many bad ones. A number of bad decisions, especially at the end. The interception was terrible, not just as a turnover, but that it came on the first play of a new drive. The defense didn’t even get its customary, all-too-brief three-and-out to rest before being called back on again. RW’s decision making at the end, going over the middle, not hitting the sidelines, etc may have cost us a couple plays on the final drive.

    Mentally, he just doesn’t seem as dialed in as in the past.

  17. DavidM2

    *Post removed by RS*

    Too much swearing. Way too much swearing. I will remind people that we don’t swear in the comments section here.

    • DavidM2

      Oh, and f the refs too!

      • DavidM2

        Sorry Rob, I was just ticked off. Can u put it back without the swearing?

        • Rob Staton

          I can’t unfortunately David — usually I just do a quick edit to take out the words or put in some symbols but you swore more times than Seattle had rushing yards today so it would’ve been a very long edit 🙂

          • DavidM2

            Thanks man, understood. Gotta remember I’m not on Fieldgulls. 😉

    • 503Hawk

      Amen and thank you Rob.

    • Mike B'hamster

      I appreciate and follow this blog to a great extent because it is comfortable to share a broad range of opinion without having to endure the foul language too often present in other venues. We’re here because we love the Hawks and love to ‘participate’ as well as ‘spectate’. Emotions can run high, but the self discipline and courtesy of the contributors is a testament to the example set by, as well as the genteel discipline occasionally imposed by, RS.well handled by Rob, and,graciously rectified by DavidM2.

    • Mike B'hamster

      I appreciate and follow this blog to a great extent because it is comfortable to share a broad range of opinion without having to endure the foul language and acrimonious commentary too often present in other venues. We’re here because we love the Hawks and love to ‘participate’ as well as ‘spectate’. Emotions can run high, but the self discipline and courtesy of the contributors is a testament to the example set by, as well as the genteel discipline occasionally imposed by, RS. Well handled by Rob, and graciously rectified by DavidM2.

    • RugbyLock

      This is the reason that this is the ONLY comments section I regularly read because it’s always a civil discussion and not the sewer that PFT is… keep it up Rob!

  18. C-Dog

    I absolutely agree that the lack of identity for this offense is starting to be felt.

    I’m no offensive guru by any stretch, but it seems to me, the offense has had much more success with the quick short passes early out of the gate, setting up the run, keeping things in 3rd and short. IMO, it appeared like they were determined to run early to set up the pass, and the Saints were beating them at the LOS, putting them in 3rd and long. This, coupled with continual offensive penalties, putting them in 3rd and long, again, hurt this team.

    It seems to me last year they took off mid season when they got this quick short passing game going, and RW did most of his work from the pocket.

    I’ve been thinking the need for an inside/out passer rusher might need to be a trade target, but I wonder if Seattle doesn’t try to pull off a trade to get an established vet on the OL, after all. If for no other reason, help settle things down, build more trust with the run game, hopefully trust from the QB.

    Fant held in pretty well, admirable considering the circumstance, but I wonder what a seasoned Vet would do. I thought Gilliam kinda had another rough outing, and Ifedi a bit. Just so much youth on that line.

    Should Seattle simply deal for Thomas?

    • lil'stink

      Fant coming out and doing as well as could be expected might make it tougher to pull the trigger on Thomas. I keep thinking that Glowinski could greatly benefit from having a guy like Thomas playing next to him. And if Gilliam continues to struggle perhaps Fant could push him for snaps on the right side? Seems like not having a power run blocker at RT has been something we have been missing the last year and a half. Not sure Fant is the answer, though. Just spitballing.

      Thomas could have a synergistic effect on our entire line. Tough call to make, although it would be an exciting move.

      • C-Dog

        Yeah, this is the direction I’m leaning towards.

        • RugbyLock

          My thoughts as well… If I had to I’d settle for Staley… 🙂

    • Volume12

      I agree.

      They have f***ing clue or idea as to who they are. All off-season the talk was about improving their physicality and getting back to pushing teams around. Being the bullies on the block.

      But, they’re a finesse, spread offense right now.

      It’s hard to say because of the types of injuries he has, but currently RW needs a stud at the RB position. It confuses teams because they see and think ‘Run. They’re gonna run.’

      • DavidM2

        My last comment got deleted because of language (gotta remeber I’m not on Fieldgulls here), but the point of my comment was where does the onus fall on the OC? 14 runs all game? Russ shouldn’t have been throwing on first down at the end of the first half and if he was throwing it over the middle why wasn’t Graham the target? Only 5 targets in the game? How do you have a pass 1st offense with a healthy JFG and only give him 5 targets? It simply doesn’t make sense.

        I’m not going to keep ranting about Bevell for the rest of the season, this will be my only rant for the year besides the one that got deleted, but Bevell simply doesn’t have the creativity capacity to call the right play at the right time. Fade to Kearse in the back of the end zone for the final play? Have a rub route/pick play ready to go to get JFG open and throw him the ball. Who cares if it’s illegal? Yeah the laundry’s been out all day, but it’s the final play of the game. Much less likely to see tbe flag on the final play.

        • LordSnow

          I didn’t like the final play like Rob and V12 did. I just don’t think Kearse presents a physical mismatch, although he does have a history of miraculous catches and RW trusts him. I would have preferred Graham in that spot and that’s one of the reasons they brought him in. But the play that bugged me was at around the 40 when Cmike was subbed in for Prosise, he brought in a play, and as he’s talking with RW, about 10-15 seconds seemed to come off the clock. Then the play is a 4 yarder to Baldwin. He didn’t appear to be a checkdown. Couldn’t they come up with something better?

          I think they could. I think we can, and should, expect better in situations like that. The next play, I believe was that long gain from Baldwin, but the previous play still cost too much time for so little to gain from it.

          Is that Bevel? I don’t know. I just expect more in those situations.

          • Rob Staton

            I think we all would’ve preferred Graham in that spot but let’s remember here — the reason Kearse got a 1v1 is because he isn’t Jimmy Graham.

            • Attyla the Hawk

              Have to agree here.

              This is a pattern Kearse is very good at. He was the proper read. That call was fine. The execution on the pass sucked. But Kearse is the correct read and that’s a play he can and does make with regularity. Wilson just didn’t give him a chance.

              • STTBM

                Wilson waited too long to throw. He forgot it was the final play, he has to throw a catchable ball and not worry about a pick–just trust Kearse to go get the ball.

              • STTBM

                Once again, Wilson being too careful and playing not to lose. When you do that, you fail to win. Down by five, you HAVE to throw that ball where Kearse can get it IN BOUNDS easily. Period.

                • RugbyLock

                  Yep! He sucks!! Too conservative! Trade him!!

                  • STTBM

                    You know that isnt what I mean. But he obviously has some flaws, and his passing in the Red Zone leaves a lot to be desired. Talented and smart as he is, he should be better at aggressive throws in those situations at this point in his career.

                    Its on the coaches to teach him to improve. The problem certainly isnt talent, its technique.

      • C-Dog

        I think RW would definitely benefit from a stud back. If I were Carroll, I’d consider factoring in Prosise more, if he keeps making plus plays. I think if he can stay healthy, he might have some legit upside as a runner and receiver. Big question is health.

        There is something about Michael to me that still doesn’t feel right. He makes some flashy runs, but I also feel like is a due a bone headed move at some point.

        I think might be difficult to bully on that right side of the line. Those early run plays to the right were ugly. It’s weird considering that Ifedi is there. Seems like Seattle has had better success running left where Glowinski is. Ifedi, we know is going to eventually settle in and be a nice player on the right, but I have major, growing concerns about Gilliam.

        If Seattle were to say, go all in on Joe Thomas, they could move Sowell to the right, who has shown some decent run blocking, to compete with Gilliam.

        I think they are more finesse right now, my question is, if this is what they are, maybe they should commit to that more? Hence continue with the WCO short pass to set up the run like they did last year?

    • Mike B'hamster

      Yes, Seattle should try to deal for Thomas or Staley. Hopefully that will happen before the trade deadline Tuesday. Better late than never! Obtaining an All Pro veteran LT would make our weakest position our strongest on the OLine, provide instant veteran leadership for a struggling batch of young players to rally around, give us an immediate ‘first round’ 2017 pick who is proven, and eliminate the need in the next draft to use one of the high picks on a O tackle. It would also show that the FO is working the problem, and perhaps settle everyone down… Go Hawks!

  19. Ishmael

    Trying not to overreact but the offence just sucks at the moment. They’re putting the defence in totally unwinnable positions. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I’d love to see them go back to their roots and re-commit to the run game. If that’s not possible because of personnel, then a re-evaluation of some draft moves and priorities might be needed. If it’s a scheme or coaching issue, then address that. The defence were out there for over 35 minutes again, totally ridiculous.

    Procise was fun though, hey? I’d like to see him get used the way Atlanta do Tevin Coleman.

    • 75franks

      but when the d cant stop them on 3rd down its partly their own fault

      • Ishmael

        Sure. Nothing occurs in a vacuum. But they’re being put in an unreasonable, and untenable, position.

        It was always going to be hard to win without Kam and Bennet, trying to win without those two and having to play insane amounts of snaps for the second week in a row?

        • HI Hawk

          Exactly Ishmael, the defense gave up a lot of first downs, but not a lot of points, despite being out there an inordinate amount of time for the second straight week. Also, they scored one touchdown themselves and came into the game shorthanded and fatigued. The offense needed to gameplan around that and grind the clock out. If it’s ineffective and they go 3 and out anyway, what’s changed? They were going 3 and out with the passing game. At least if they run it more the game is shortened and the Saints offense loses possessions and time.

    • C-Dog

      It’s difficult to tell, but it feels like they don’t altogether have the personnel for a power run game. The disconcerting thing about this game was that the Saints haven’t been good against the run, but snuffed out those couple early runs to the right. Starting to think that the issue may be Gilliam at RT. Going into the season, they seemed very hopeful Webb was going to be the RT, but he never showed up there. If they do want to go more power run, I wonder if they don’t try Webb there again. My suspicion is that Webb might be out of favor right now, and if they were to make a splash trade for a tackle, they would probably cut bit with him. We shall see.

      That said, Prosise was exciting to watch, and I think should give fans some hope as to what might come. Carroll mentioned after the game that they want to get him involved even more.

  20. Dan

    Looks like losing Bennett hurt more than losing Kam.
    You’re right Rob, we can’t blame the refs for the loss entirely. A better offensive performance, a made FG at half.. Some situations that led to poor calls were a direct result of poor play by the Seahawks. With that said, these are the worst types of losses. When your team loses because of critical calls at the most inopportune time instead of losing because they were the lesser team… it just sucks
    I watched the AZ game too. Cards looked a little gassed from last week as well. Especially David Johnson.

  21. Trevor

    This was always going to be a much tougher game than it appeared.

    We just played an epic battle against Ariz have to fly all the way across the country for an AM start. Then you add a hurt Wilson, missing Kam, Bennett, Rawls and our starting LT.

    Then you throw in 13-2 penalty disparity.

    All that and we still have a legit chance to win on the final play.

    That is what is so great about this team. Despite everything they gave themselves a chance!

    Sucks for today buts let’s appreciate this group of players and have confidence the offense can turn things around. They always seem to find a way.

    • C-Dog

      They were in it for the final play. The defense held the number one scoring team to 25 and spotted the offense 7 points, after spending the majority of the game last week and this week on the field. It’s impressive.

      I’m going to go half full on this one, and say that they will respond next Monday Night, at home, with the good win against the Bills.

      They just need to figure themselves out a bit more.

  22. 75franks

    id didn’t read the comments above so I’m sorry if I repeat anyone.
    1. the refs sucked big time today. the pick on lane the defensive hold on shead are both terrible calls/non calls and there were more. I don’t think that the refs lost us the game but they sure seemed to favor NO today.
    2. 14 rushes?! let me say that again: 14 flippin rushes against the worst d in the nfl! we have a gimpy RW and a RB who is a big play waiting to happen and they decide to run it 14 times. awful game planning on this one.
    3. the defense was off today. they had some nice goal line stands but the 3rd down efforts were awful again just like last week. it was just too easy for them. even after a tough game last week I expected a little better.
    4. why is no e still the returner? he just doesn’t look right just not hitting it if hes not ready then don’t play him!
    5. I don’t think the season is over by any means but this game sucked balls big time.

  23. Trevor

    Kudos to George Fant to come in and start at LT today. A couple of mental mistakes but a great game IMO givne the circumstances and situation. You can’t help but have hope for him and his potential.

    For me his play along with the continued solid play from Mcray and flashes from Prosise we highlights on a rough day.

  24. nichansen01

    Dline got dominated by the New Orleans oline. Not good.

    I think Michael Bennets importance to this team is still underrated. I think we’re missing a legit Sam as well at the moment and that’s affecting the way we run the ball.

    Put Boykin in. Russ isn’t healthy. We can get the same production out of Boykin if not better ( Russ’s TD – INT ratio is 0:1 in the past 3 games, Boykin can’t do worse than that…). Boykin needs snaps to continue to develop. He’s gifted. I know he’s no the qb of the future or anything but we need to get him to the point where he can fill in for Russ. Next week against San Fran is almost a guaranteed win. Then start him against a tanking buffalo team at home the next week. New England would be a loss anyways even with a healthy Russ so let him start there to. We will likely by 6-3-1 and that point, then see how Russ is.

    I don’t remember Russ looking this bad at any point last season, even when we were 2-4.

    • nichansen01

      Stop the run* obviously the sam won’t help the offense out.

    • C-Dog

      It’s the Bills next week on MNF. I don’t see them putting in Boykin.

    • Rob Staton

      Anyone who thinks Boykin will offer more production also needs to consider the depth of knowledge Wilson provides reading coverages, calling plays, getting people organised, being able to check out of situations, being able to take on 2-3 different options and call at the line.

      Boykin won’t be able to do any of this as a rookie. He might be able to run around a bit more, but Wilson’s experience, decision making and ability to avoid mistakes completely blows that out of the water.

      • C-Dog


      • AlaskaHawkw

        It’s not just experience. Wilson needs time to heal.

        Boykin can run the read option and that is exactly what this offense is missing.

        • AlaskaHawkw

          And where was all that experience in the last two minutes? That was a string of bad plays that was only saved by Baldwin slipping a tackle. That whole series was either bad coaching, bad play calling or bad decisions by RW. I didn’t expect much, and that is what the Seahawks gave me when it took them a minute to run two plays.

          • Rob Staton

            Yeah, I’m sure Boykin would’ve led the team 80 yards for a game winning touchdown.

            • nichansen01

              Well… he has done it before (preseason at kansas city)

              • Kenny Sloth

                Remember Wilson as a rookie preseason Kansas City?


          • C-Dog


        • Rob Staton

          One or two weeks off isn’t going to heal a MCL. This is the reality now.

          And simply ‘running the read option’ isn’t going to cut it. As noted earlier, there are so many critical things Wilson can do that Boykin can’t that go well beyond merely being able to ‘run a bit more’.

      • AUSTIN

        Playing Boykin would be disastrous. Wilson is helping the offense not hurting it.

        • Tien

          Yes, please stop it with the thinking that Boykin might be an improvement over the currently injured Wilson. The only thing Boykin offers more than Wilson is his health and better quickness. As Rob stated above, you can’t expect Boykin to actually read defenses, get everyone set, recognize defensive sets and audible out of them like Wilson can etc. Against 1st string defenses that will game plan for him, Boykin will be a hot mess and turn over the ball like a typical flustered rookie. I’m frustrated with Russell’s injuries and diminished play also but he still gives us the best chance of winning. If we can just get some consistent run blocking and establish a ground game to ease the pressure on him and balance out the offense, we’ll have more success.

  25. nichansen01

    And… Very concerning how Gilliam looks much worse than Fant. Fant was decent all things considered. Gilliam was inept all day, it seems like Russ was always facing pressure from the right side.

    • Trevor

      I think there is every chance that when Sowell comes back that Fant could move to RT if Gilliam does not improve and quick. It is so disappointing because I really thought he was going to have a breakout year.

    • lil'stink

      GG not taking a step forward this season has been pretty disappointing. Seems like the team was counting on his development this year.

    • AlaskaHawkw

      Sowell won’t be back – unless it is to replace Gilliam. Fant is playing a lot better than you are crediting him.

      • RugbyLock

        Considering this was his first start I thought he did a remarkable job. I think your post is spot on Alaska

  26. line_hawk

    1. Seattle’s offense is terrible. Injuries are an easy scapegoat but the bigger problem is lack of game planning and adjustments. The keep running the same plays that are not working. So many times when they could have taken shots to the endzone from 15-20 years but they dink and dunk into field goals. At the end of the season, when you look back at where you can improve the team, you have to look at these last few stinkers from Bevell and make the call (kinda what they did with Jeremy Bates). If Bevell is not one of the top 5 offensive coordinator, we need to find one. We don’t want to do what the Packers did with Dom Capers, living on past laurels and ignoring the problems. Bottom line, we need a more creative offensive coordinator.

    2. There is no point blowing the draft on Fournette. We just need a physical runner and am convinced we can find one in free agency. Just look at the 2017 free agents ( and you can see guys like Blount, Deangelo Williams, Asiata, Hightower and others that fit the bill and are cheaper than any first/second rounders.

    3. The lack of physical players on offense is the results of years of drafting small quick players whether on Oline or RB/WR. Its comical watching PRich duck contact time and time again (don’t blame him considering this size) and Michael falling down on first touch every time. I also don’t understand why they don’t give Collins some carries.

    • Rob Staton

      1. I never like calling a team or coach out for a lack of ‘game planning’ or ‘adjustment’. None of us are capable of knowing the intricacies of a pro-game plan or why it has/hasn’t worked on the day. I would say the runs to start the second half were a clear adjustment. They are struggling on offense at the moment but I’m loathe to start trying to find flaws in things we really have no knowledge of.

      2. Blount, Williams, Asiata and Hightower? I think I’m going to cry.

      3. Their first round pick in 2016 was a 6-5, 325lbs monster for the O-line. Their first round pick in 2015 was traded for a 6-7, 265lbs tight end. Drafting small?

      • line_hawk

        1. Sure.

        2. I am in no way comparing any of the four to Fournette’s talent. Its obvious the latter is on another level. But, I am also not comfortable making him the highest paid running back in the league before he makes his debut. That’s what he is going to get paid if he is taken in the first 5-10 picks. And that’s not even considering the opportunity cost of drafting an impact pass rusher/safety if you are drafting that high. If you ask me to choose between Adrian Peterson and Von Miller/Earl Thomas, I will go with the latter every time.

        Back to Seattle’s problem, they probably didn’t expect Rawls to be out for so long. A backfield of Rawls/Michael/Procise/Collins looked good on paper but Rawls is the only physical back in that group. And once he went down, Michael started getting spanked around. So, next year, what if we replace Micheal with say Blount or Williams and got a genuine full back? Again, no idea what’s up with Collins.

        3. If they hadn’t selected Carpenter because he was slow, he would never have eaten Justin Smith’s lunch consistently and we probably would have never won Super Bowl. Ifedi might develop into a good OL but his fame comes from Spark scores, not from opening rushing lanes for Ingram.
        Regarding Graham, remember when he was in NoLa and the LOB was calling him soft. He is phenomenal catching the ball but he isn’t going to run to the second level and block for Micheal, like Zach Miller (the guy he replaced) used to.

        Just look at some of the high picks on offense in the last few drafts: Procise, Graham, Micheal, Richardson, Lockett, Harvin. And people expect us to have a ground and pound offense! At this point, they need to play to their strength and just open up the offense more. Abandon the run, throw more downfield, play more spread, make them pay if they stack the box. Make your 22M QB the focus of your game. And bring me more fantasy points! 🙂

        • HI Hawk

          Wilson isn’t taking advantage of his opportunities. They are trying to run spread concepts, but it’s backfiring horribly because Wilson isn’t taking advantage. In the NFL, defensive linemen are smart and they’re on to the Seahawks tactics. They see the OL trying to cut them, they back up and watch Wilson and try and disrupt his throwing lanes. The reason he isn’t throwing “on time” is because the defense is taking away the lanes he needs. Bevell & Wilson have yet to counter that with screens, draws and pump fakes. A simple pump would open up the middle of the defense to Wilson, but for whatever reason he’s gone away from something that worked so well for him in the past.

  27. AndrewP

    My synopsis…

    Russell is letting go of the ball too high, and the ball is sailing on him. Should be an easy fix.

    Great rebound week by the OL. They opened holes and created a pocket on most occasions.

    RBs looked more assertive and hit the hole with authority. Why weren’t they called on more often?

    It’s impossible to say whether officials determined the outcome of a game. I will say this: They do their job as pros, there is a totally different flow to this game. The Saints had three drives extended by awful calls, and can directly attribute one of the TDs for such. The Hawks, on the other hand, had at least two drives ended by non-calls the D wasn’t flagged for. Does that mean NO “won the game b/c of the officiating”.. Yes, I think they did. So… I think you’re wrong, Rob. As this game was called, it directly led to a NO win. Now, does this mean NO wouldn’t have won this game if called differently? That, we’ll never know. And it’s a shame. B/c I think it’s a game, warts and all, the Hawks could have pulled out against the odds.

    Bottom line, things for the season as a whole are not dire…

    I do, however, think we’re in for two more ugly games. Tyrod’s intro to the Clink won’t be pretty. But, the Bills have a good D, and I think it’ll be a brawl. After that, they get to go to NE. Oh, and likely no Rawls/Bennett/Kam for either. Honestly, it you would’ve offered me 1-2 before today, I would’ve taken it. The Hawks have to gear up and do what it takes for a W on Monday. After than, it’s a tough order asking for a W in Boston, so I’m mentally preparing for a loss (along the lines of today, actually) there.

    After that, I think the skies clear. I can honestly see a 2014 run where they go from things looking bleak to a big run. So, I ask for patience among us all the next few weeks, b/c if they can get to even 5-3-1, even when it looks bad, I think brighter days are ahead… Eventually.

  28. Aaron

    Coyle@WLB, Bobby@MLB, KJ@SLB

    Don’t really care much for this alignment. Left me wanting for something more. Wish KPL was a go for the game. If the draft doesn’t provide an inside pass rush; would love an upgrade for the SAM snaps.

    • C-Dog

      I kind of suspect they might be addressing SAM with the draft this year, possibly within the first 3 rounds.

    • STTBM

      I thought Coyle looked good. But Im a Montana homer…I didnt see him screw up. What did he do wrong?

      • HI Hawk

        Something on the edge was broken, not sure if it was the LB, SS, or DE – but the edge was exploited repeatedly by a terrible running team with a terrible running back. That toss sweep went for at least 10 on every attempt. The stretch play went for over 5 an attempt as well. It was painful to watch.

  29. JC

    3 of 4 road games, the offense has been inept, Manish Mehta just had poor timing for his criticism I guess. The defense and their inability to get off the field, though keeping scoring to somewhat of a minimum, has kept the offense from getting a few extra possessions the last 2 games, but 80%+ is falling on the offense. 4-2-1 arguably has been fool’s gold, the record so easily could be 2-5, MIA dropping gift TD, Atlanta throwing a late pick and Julio no-call, and Arizona missing chance after chance, including OT TD/FG… and they could with even modest offensive production be 7-0. Bills beat Rams and Cards, so no reason to take them for granted, then Patriots, yikes.. I’d like to think 10-5-1 and win division perhaps as 3 seed, but I could see worse.

  30. C-Dog

    Simulated draft after Instant Reaction Saints Game.

    27: R1P27

    59: R2P27

    91: R3P27

    135: R4P33

    205: R6P26

    214: R6P35

    224: R7P6

    Seattle needs to continue building back towards being the dominant bully in the conference. It all starts up front. Fant had a nice game. Assuming they don’t make a splash Joe Thomas trade, they take the BPA at the biggest need position on the OL, a tackle. If they pass on Dawkins, might not have much else there after R1.

    Seattle jumps on Chubb still being available in R2, then make a long run on players for the defense. Victor fills the need at SAM, Brantley provides for the inside rush, Woods is a safety/LB hybrid (possible Kam heir apparent), and Wise JR provides size and depth at 5 tech.

    Seattle goes for OG depth with Asiata.

    Not drafted is WR, TE, QB, and CB.

    QB; Wilson, Boykin, Stave

    RB; Chubb, Rawls, Prosise, Collins,

    FB: Cottom, Howsare, Madden

    WR: Baldwin, Lockett, Kearse, Richarson, McEvoy, Lawler, Williams, Lucas, Slavin

    TE: Graham, Vannett, Sommers, Shields

    LT: Dawkins, Fant

    LG: Glowinski, Odhiambo

    C: Britt, Hunt.

    RG. Ifedi, Asiata, Pericak

    RT Gilliam, Webb, Myers

    RE: Avril, Clark, Marsh

    DT: Rubin, Reed, Brantley, Jefferson, Smith, Hamilton

    LE: Bennett, Wise Jr., Barnes, Harris

    WILL: Wright, KLP, McDonald

    MLB: Wagner, Coyle, Palacio

    SAM: Victor, Tripp

    CB: Sherman, Shead, Lane, Elliott, SJB, Seisay

    FS: Thomas, Powell

    SS: Chancellor, Woods

    Perhaps they resign vets like Willson, McDaniel, McCray, or Sowell, Thorp, Terrell, etc.. Very possible they cut bait with Webb to make room. If they draft Chubb, probably means they let C Mike walk.

  31. CHawk Talker Eric

    Some thoughts I have on today’s game:

    1. The lack of a consistent running game is more responsible for RW’s recent lack of production than his injuries. Neither help, especially in combination, but not having to sell out to stop SEA’s run game means pass completions are much harder to come by.

    2. Fant outplayed Gilliam today. I know SEA like Gilliam’s athleticism, but he’s the weak link on the line right now and has been for most of this season.

    3. Michael Bennett deserves to be paid this offseason. His absence today was palpable. Clark performed nicely, as did Avril again, but Bennett makes so many things happen even if he doesn’t finish the play himself.

    4. It’s too early to prognosticate about the running game after Rawls returns. And regardless of what they fans may want, Cable isn’t going anywhere.

    • C-Dog

      Absolutely agree with #4 and #3.

      I also agree with #2, and this is becoming a growing concern in my mind. It’s a bit telling that they didn’t give Gilliam much of a chance at LT over Sowell, after they were so complimentary about his skill set there last offseason. IMO, his skill set doesn’t seem great at RT either, and does get overpowered from time to time. RT should not be a position on the line that gets beat with power very often.

      I also think it’s a bit of an underrated storyline that the player they chose to start at LT was a player not only new to the position, but new to football, and he held his own there. This leads me to wonder that if they aren’t getting the results they like on the right side, and if Webb is firmly in the doghouse, could there be a switch coming with either Sowell or Fant to the right side.

      As for #1, I think RW’s health is affecting the run game, as it is taking the threat of the zone read away, and they presently aren’t getting consistent enough run blocking to where they don’t have to play with zone read, if that makes sense. The effective zone read made up for a lot of the blemishes on the OL in the past.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        Gilliam was an upgrade of a RT over the dumpster-fire signing from the summer. Sowell was a stopgap at LT, until they found the “guy”….. Fant has a chance.

        • AlaskaHawkw

          I would hate to move Fant after they finally found some one to play at left tackle. Let him grow and learn there. Only reason to move Fant is if Seahawks pick up an experienced left tackle.

  32. Rik

    I’m watching Wentz and Prescott making quick decisions and finding open guys with ease. How is it that rookies are looking more polished than our experienced QB? Is it the design of the offense, or is it Wilson himself? He looks so hesitant, double pumping and second guessing his throws. He’s also moving into pressure much of the time. I wonder what’s going on with him. Gotta be more than the state of the running game.

    • Rob Staton

      We also saw Dak throw a horrendous pick that Wilson would never dream of throwing in fairness.

      • Rik

        Thats true. But do you think an offensive redesign might help Russ rediscover his magic touch?

        • Rob Staton

          I think they just need to get back to what they are. Feature the run, play action, move the pocket whenever possible. Try and find something or someone to lean on. And of course try and get healthy.

        • Tien

          Prescott looked good tonight but beyond that interception, he also made a couple of other boneheaded throws that should have been intercepted. It looks like Dallas lucked into a franchise QB with him but Prescott is not at Wilson’s level of play yet (and that goes for Wentz also). Wilson will play better when he gets healthier, the OL is better, and we have a semblance of a running game. Prescott is doing great right now because of his skills but he also has one of the best OL in the league as well as the leading rusher in the league to keep the pressure off him.

          • AlaskaHawkw

            Kinda like Wilson in his rookie season. I expect great things from Dak. Elliot has been impressive running the ball and will likely set records his rookie year . That was a good game to watch!

        • RugbyLock

          IMO Russ is struggling to adjust to life w/o legs that can get him out of trouble and cause all sorts of headaches for defenses. In many ways the injury is a blessing in disguise (in the long run) as it is forcing Russ to make better decisions since he doesn’t have his legs to help bail him out of a bad situation and greatly accelerating his overall development as a QB. As he gains back his mobility the offense will open up as the opposing D will have another thing to worry about. Right now he’s not a threat to run and that is making life easy on the opposing D.

      • STTBM

        Wilsons picks this weekend was pretty gross. He does that a couple times a year…

        • Rob Staton

          Still wasn’t as bad as Dak’s.

          • STTBM

            Lol, Okay, Okay! You win!

  33. Dumas

    Making moves to grab Fournette seems to be more and more attractive. In addition to Rob’s unflagging confidence in the man as the most complete package (athleticism, production, character, leadership) it is his tone-setting in such an important position that stands out the most.

    Fournette can be a foundation and a promise. For a team with almost all its leaders on defense, he rejuvenates the offense. For how much we love and appreciate Marshawn, how much would you spend to steal him in the draft? We may have a chance to grab a champion as a career Seahawk in a time when we are pushing for the championship. So, how much would you pay to invest in the baddest bully in the new generation?

    • LordSnow

      The only way this team gets Fournette is if he inexplicably falls in the draft because of other teams’ needs, and we can maneuver trade for him, or, if he has a severe injury that scares teams off.

      It’s better to look at the second tier because that is more likely.

  34. rowdy

    Watching the Dallas game I don’t know what a penalty is any more. It’s amazing how different each game is called. It looks like the officials are trying to will Dallas to victory.

    • AlaskaHawkw

      Except they had a holding call on Elliot’s big run

  35. Marc

    Seahawks offense is not very good right now. The inexperience on the offensive line really shows. This unit has potential to be very good. I am not not sold on Gilliam and I would suspect the Hawks will be looking to upgrade their right tackle in the 2017 draft.

    People need to relax and let the line learn how to play — this can be painful. Russell is not himself, but he’s still better than the backup.

    Not having Michael Bennett is brutal. The Hawks better pay the man and hope he gets healed quickly.

    I take consolation that the NFC west is not very good and most of the NFC is a mess. The Hawks have time to get this together.

  36. Trevor

    How would you feel if you were a Browns fan watching MNF and knowing you came out of the last draft without Wentz or Elliott and could have had either.

    • nichansen01

      And every quarterback needy team in the league has to live with passing up on Prescott.

      • RugbyLock

        and RWIII…

  37. Michael (CLT)

    Dak is damn good

  38. Michael (CLT)

    Dallas well on there way to #1 seed. That club is loaded. Fun Sunday night game tonight.

  39. Nathan W.

    ‘Hawks lost today, but I don’t really agree with the narrative many fans and members of the media are spouting for the team. I think that the Seahawks know their identity, and they are truly just trying to transition from not having a true playmaker at the RB position. Our linemen actually don’t seem to be too shoddy this year, but whoever is at the RB pos for this team needs to not only be a good runner, but he needs to run with violence and ferocity. In my humble opinion, that is what embodies this team the most. not necessarily running the ball WELL, for humongous gains, but running it with tea physicality and unrelenting force. With a runner like that back st the helm, I think we will begin to recapture the successes that we had on offense. Michael is a fairly decent running back and can be a real threat to take it to the house/break through (except when he’s on his ice skates) but I don’t really feel the awe that I experienced when I was watching Lynch run, or sometimes when Gore carried the 9ers

    • STTBM

      You need to look up Micheals yards after contact. Its insane. Most of his yards are after contact, and its not because he’s blind and cant find the hole. Its because all too often, there IS NO HOLE. Everyone keeps trying to twist the narrative and blame the backs, but even a one-eyed cricket fan can see that our line isnt blocking in the run game worth a darn most of the time.

      Micheals has room for improvement, but Prosise looked decent. But on first and second down, there isnt much running room for Micheals. You cant expect a back to get 3 yards after contact plus on every single play and then say the line is fine.

      • Rob Staton

        If Christine Michael wasn’t part of the problem (not all BTW, just ‘part’) then I am convinced they would be trusting him with a lot more of the ball than they are. Only 50% of offensive snaps vs the Saints.

        • STTBM

          You both make excellent points Rob and Nathan. I do think Michaels is somewhat in the doghouse the last couple weeks, for mental mistakes and not running as aggressively as Seattle coaches want. I think the line’s poor performance is really affecting Micheals ability to run his style. The guy isnt a wimp, he’s just not the same as Rawls.

          But dont forget, Rawls was doing more running sideways than North/South before his latest injury, and looked half speed compared to Micheals to boot.

          Perhaps Carrol and Cable should adapt to Micheals style and get on the line for their performance instead of always pushing other positions to make up for the line’s inadequacies. They’ve done it publicly over and over, always insisting the line isnt bad and its Wilson, its the WR’s, its the RB…c’mon, what do they think, we’re stupid?

      • Nathan W.

        I am aware of Michael’s YAC which, if I remember correctly was 2.5<?, and I certainly don't think the line is perfect. To quote myself, "not too shoddy", is not really a stamp of approval. The line can do their job better. I also don't mean to blame the RB position. I am suggesting that we lack a real bruiser at the RB position that we have had in years past. Michael is running the best he can, in his own style, and I am appreciative and actually like watching him run, however, for this particular coach and team, I think his display of ferocity and force in his running style leaves something to be desired. Not to sound too pretentious on this particular matter, but I used to play football before all of the other guys in secondary school put 30-50 pounds on me, but I still ended up getting carries and reps on D, not because of my size, but because I ran with more anger than the sophomore 25 pounds heavier. That mental edge is what helps this offense do what it does.

  40. DC

    I said it at the start of the season and I still believe that this team is going to win the SB next season. The way I see it regarding the O line, our best hope this year is that Fant really grows from the experience he’s getting and becomes a legitimate starting T in time. Gilliam is fine as the swing T. If we can find one solid starter in FA and draft another OL we ought to be okay to good by 2017 seasons’ end.

    On the defensive side we need to add 2 pass rushers. Go after Jabaal Sheard with gusto. We also go after another good inside/outside pass rusher in the draft. A Solomon Thomas or Taco Charlton type. With the way our secondary is getting called for ticky tac crap it’s become obvious that we need to destroy the passing game at it’s source. The NFL is damaging our style of play with laundry and it looks like a consistent change. We need to answer the change at the LOS by crushing QBs with Avril, Clark, Bennett, Sheard and Rook. Happy now NFL?

    We need a feature RB. Is Rawls ever going to be the peak 2015 version again? Hopefully but I wouldn’t count on it.

    Here are some of the scheduled UFAs for 2017. I don’t know who might make sense for the Hawks among the OL but I know I want Sheard on D and Paea was once interesting and now plays for Cleveland which makes him an automatic candidate.

    Matt Kalil LT 27 MIN
    Marcus Cannon LT 28 NE
    Riley Reiff LT 27 DET

    Sebastian Vollmer RT 32 NE
    Gosder Cherilus RT 32 TB
    Andre Smith RT 29 MIN
    Mike Remmers RT 27 CAR
    Ryan Schraeder RT 28 ATL
    Byron Bell RT 27 TEN
    Jordan Mills RT 25 BUF

    Luke Joeckel G 24 JAC
    Larry Warford G 25 DET
    Kevin Zeitler G 26 CIN
    Oday Aboushi G 25 HOU

    Jabaal Sheard DE 27 NE
    Stephen Paea DE 28 CLE

    • C-Dog

      I like your thinking. As this game is sitting with me, the more I’m feeling the reality sitting in to NOT push the panic button too hard.

      Fant’s play was encouraging. Prosise’s play was also very encouraging.

      The team can get better with a little more interior rush. Right now, Jordan Hill is a street free agent, and with Tony McDaniel’s ankle injury, it will be interesting to see if Seattle by chance brings him back in.

      If Fant looks like he can be any sort of answer at LT, and Prosise can actually be a more featured back, then Spring, they can possibly look to address DL and the other OT spot with FA or the draft. Personally, I think if they want to reward Bennett and possibly Chancellor, it’s going to be tough affording a FA rusher, might be a good year to look at the draft for that.

  41. Steele

    I agree with most of Rob’s take on this game. But the o-line protection was indeed a problem today. Russell got heat all day, even if sacked just once. Cameron Jordan had an easy day. And the defense this season has simply not been shutdown, and still isn’t, allowing the Saints to march quite easily.

    Even if there were no injuries, I don’t think this team is dominant. Bevell isn’t brilliant, never has been a reliable coordinator. The D has not been the same since D. Quinn.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      I thought they blitzed a bit too much… leaving large voids in the defense which were exploited. The rushing attack as limited (despite the 100 yards+ given up) and the Saints passing attack is explosive with 3 very good younger WRs which are more quick than fast…. a problem for the Seattle CBs from time to time. Brees was sharp, very few off target throws from my eye.. and he had players make some outstanding catches.

      • HI Hawk

        Brees was sharp and Russell was not. Russ took too many checkdowns and he needed to push the ball down the field against an awful secondary. It was frustrating to watch him play so hesitantly.

    • Rob Staton

      Heat all day? I cannot agree with that Steele. The pressure Wilson faced today is the same pressure any QB in any game faces. If you expect a perfectly clean pocket for the majority of a NFL game your expectations are unrealistic.

  42. Del tre

    Hey Rob I have 2 questions for you to start
    Is there any chance the seahawks trade for a running back?
    Is there any chance we could see Prosise starting in the next few weeks?
    I just think the coaches have lost all faith in Michael. I’ve been griping over Darrell Bevell all day but he has always been somewhat inconsistent, it was just masked by a great run game. Now that Bevell doesn’t have that he does need to compensate and 13 points against the worst defense in the league is inexcusable but I can’t say I blame him for abandoning the run with Michael. This is why I want the hawks to get back to “Seahawk football” which means pound the rock, play defense, and control the clock. It was talked about quite a bit last season and i think the hawks are going to need to start to force the run game. But I think Michael will need to go, from my observation teams aren’t scared of him they empty out the box because they know he will slip after 10 yards. There have been several times this season where i find myself saying “Thomas Rawls and Marshawn Lynch both would have had 6 that play.”

    I know that the offensive line hasn’t been spectacular but I think Michael has just been that bad. He seems to lack any vision as a runner, unless the play is blocked perfectly and his gap is right in front of him he can never make the play. Starting Prosise would be akin to having David Johnson’s or Leveon Bell’s dual threat ability (at least in terms of predictability). I’m really interested in hearing your answer to both of these as you have been banging the drum for the hawks to draft a RB this year. I feel like our season is at a critical juncture and this is the lowest the Hawks have ever fallen offensively. It’s not all doom and gloom, the defense has played up to the standard of or better than the 2013 defense in every game so far, especially on the defensive line, but the offense is so anemic. I’m worried that without some kind of change the season could be wasted by an inept offense whether its Bevell’s fault, the offensive line, Christine Michael, or even purely injury. What is your opinion on this? I am doing my best not to blame penalties (although i know they played a major role) but if you could isolate it down to a single issue what would it be?

    • Rob Staton

      “Is there any chance the seahawks trade for a running back?”

      I think it’s unlikely because there isn’t anyone out there. GB just traded a ham sandwich for Knile Davis and they are even more desperate than Seattle.

      “Is there any chance we could see Prosise starting in the next few weeks?”

      It will depend on Rawls’ health. I would expect Prosise to have a really big role going forward — I’m not sure if he will ‘officially’ start though.

    • vrtkolman

      Prosise looked more physical in two runs than Michael ever has. If Rawls ever gets healthy, him and Prosise would be a nice duo. There are so many things I dislike about Michael… his over the top celebrations over small things, the way he casually lets go of the football a second after hitting the ground (it almost looks like a fumble), the way he dives forward after snaking through the hole.

      It’s hard to say this is the worst the offense has ever looked, I think it was worse during the first half of last season actually.

  43. CharlieTheUnicorn

    I didn’t peruse all the comments, but a positive from the game was Fant held up decently today.
    He seemed to make the right reads and block the right guys. RW had some pressures, but I thought it was manageable. The rushing attack was better, not perfect of course, but it was moving in the right direction. The main problem was the lack of ball control… for the second straight game.

    Yes, there were some key calls (and non-calls)… that lead to Saints points. Overall, I thought the defense played pretty well. There were a few blown assignments, but after playing 150 plays in 2 weeks… I’ll give em a pass. The rush defense, in-spite of allowing 100 yards on the ground was very solid in the redzone and overall.

    The last possession had some curious play-calling. So, maybe I should beat the dead horse about the OC…. j/k

  44. C-Dog

    Alright folks, as the dust is settling in, I am officially not panicking after this game. Seattle played a very difficult game last week in the desert, and fell flat today. Plain and simple. I think it is reasonable to compare this to playing a very difficult game against the Vikings in the playoffs and coming out flat against the Panthers the following week. Still, in the final moments, we almost pulled it out.

    I’m here to say, we are going to be just fine.

    1. Russell Wilson isn’t playing that bad. He’s not at the level he was last year. He’s limited, but he is still effective and doing enough for us to win these games. Think no? Let’s compare him to other prolific NFL passers, and young upstarts.

    Russell Wilson 65.6 compl % 1,812 yds, 258.9 ave yds, 5 TDs, 2 INTS, 91.5 QBR
    Eli Manning 64.8 1,984 283.4 8 6 87.3
    Aaron Rodgers 64.0 1,742 248.9 17 4 96.4
    Joe Flacco 61.4 1,837 262.4 5 6 75.4
    Andy Dalton 67.0 2,349 293.6 9 3 98.0
    Cam Newton 57.0 1,508 251.3 8 6 80.7
    Carson Palmer 62.8 2,068 295.4 10 6 87.9
    Ben Roethlisbr 64.2 1,685 280.8 16 6 99.2
    Dak Prescott 68.7 1,486 247.7 7 1 103.9
    Carson Wentz 63.8 1,324 220.7 8 3 92.7
    Philip Rivers 62.3 2,285 285.6 15 7 93.8
    Sam Bradford 67.5 1,214 242.8 7 1 100.3

    Tom Brady, Matt Ryan, Drew Brees, Derek Carr, and Matt Stafford are having top statistical years. The Patriots are 7-1, Falcons 4-3, Saints 3-4, Raiders 6-2, and Lions 4-4, and the Patriots were winning without Brady. So stellar passing numbers doesn’t make for over all team success, if there’s not enough surrounding parts. Seattle has enough surrounding parts.

    What is key for Seattle’s success is for RW to continue to do what he has always done, going way back to college, be efficient with the football. His completion % is really good. His TDs are presently down, but his TD to INT ratio is solid. His yardage is better than Aaron Rodgers’. His TDs were at a humble number at this point last year, and then he went ape s##t on the second half of the season. I think he is going to be fine this year.

    Dak Prescott, Sam Bradford, and Andy Dalton’s completion %’s are the only on this list better; Dallas is 6-1, Minnie 5-1, and Cincy 3-4-1 with a defense that is playing bad football right now. So the formula of good defense with efficient QB play is a good one. Seattle has this.

    2. The running game isn’t what we are used to having. However, what Prosise did today was pretty impressive along with Michael, and we are getting Rawls back. There is still a chance this could become a position group of strength at the end of the season. IMO, I think there is a chance, if he can stay healthy, Prosise could evolve into a more featured back in this offense.

    3. The OL got punked by the Cardinals last week, but as Rob pointed out, pass pro has not been a major issue all season long, and George Fant held up pretty well in his first start, not just in the NFL, but as a LT, ..ever. Digest that for a moment.

    Fant has the potential to become a fascinating story, and I wouldn’t be shocked if we see more of him moving forward. There is a reason they have kept him active over Odhiambo and Webb, both players with not just more experience at the position, but light years more experience in playing the game of football.

    I have reservations about Gilliam at RT, but I don’t think he is a total disaster. I don’t think he’s playing that well, and I’m not convinced he’s the right player for what they ideally want out of that position. I just think that they feel he’s the best they got right now. However, overall, I think this line can and should get better as the season moves along. Britt has been solid at center. Glowinski has been pretty decent at LG, and Ifedi is still getting caught up.

    4. The Defense is truly impressive. What they have done considering the amount of time they have been on the field the last three weeks is ridiculous. Today, I think they might have been a bit tired, but still, the goal line effort was stellar. The DT rotation is stout. KJ and Wags are playing lights out LB right now. Shead has answered the other CB spot. Earl is playing at a ridiculous level. McCray has been solid. The rush efforts are by and large great. Today they only got to Brees a couple times, but I believe he was the least sacked QB in the league this year and has been getting the ball out at a rapid pace, tough QB to get to.

    It hurst having Bennett out, but it looks like they will get him back within a few games, and this is a great opportunity for Frank Clark to start. McDaniel might miss a game or two now, but with Reed, Rubin, and Siliga, I think they’re going to be in good shape inside. They could activate Hamilton, also, Jordan Hill is currently on the street and could be brought back in.

    They are getting Kam Chancellor back. Kelcie McCray has been playing great, but they are getting the enforcer back at some point.

    There are four cornerstone players that a successful team must have. Have to have a QB, have to have protection, have to have pass rush, and have to cover. Seattle has the QB, gimpy or not, they have been decent in pass pro and Fant has a chance to be a diamond in the rough, they can get to the QB with multiple players, and they can cover. This division is still theirs for the taking. Just need to get back to the basics a bit more, stay on schedule, as they say.

    • Sea Mode

      Thanks, C-Dog. Great take.

      I have full confidence we’ll be clicking come Thanksgiving and December, as has become the norm with this team.

      And even in our losses, we have always given ourselves a shot to win. I think as a spoiled fanbase who has come to expect wins every week, we don’t appreciate that and have totally forgotten what it is like to simply be blown out of games and have no chance by the 4th quarter.

      On offense, a little step forward from a couple rookies to contribute a bit more (Fant, Prosise, Vannett) and a little better health for a couple other players (Lockett, Rawls, Wilson) and we are winning these games.

      • C-Dog

        Yup. Carroll said to today on Brock and Salk that he feels like this offense is really close to doing some special things again, and he has history on his side. The team has a knack for this.

    • LordSnow

      Yup, all we need is just the element of time. Once the oline is beyond rookie status, things will take off, and the talk of Fournette fixing all that ills the seahawks will drift away. Time to jell, and time to heal.

      • C-Dog


  45. Trevor

    Sounds crazy to say but the team that scares me the most in the NFC is the Cowboys. Their offense has all the components that give your defense problems.

    -Patient short passing game with pass catching TE and small shifty receivers
    -Great offensive line and consistent power run game.

    They are not great on D but given this teams reliance on our Defense to win games I think to Cowboys will be a tough out come playoff time.

    • LordSnow

      Agreed I wouldn’t want to face an elliott all game with a screaming texas stadium. They’re good.

    • AlaskaHawk

      All Dak has to do is dink and dunk and pick the zone defense apart. It is the same formula for every team the Seahawks face. Throw in a few misdirection plays that Sherman often bites on. Add an elite running back following one of the best offensive lines in football. Yes it’s going to be a tough matchup.

  46. SeaTown

    Russell Wilson is hurt. Plain and simple. He won’t be healthy the rest of the year. Combine that with no Beast Mode to rely on and take the pressure off Wilson, and this is what you get. Michael is nothing more than a stop gap. Rawls? We’ll see. But if we are counting on Rawls to save the season and help with a deep playoff run, I think that’s asking a bit too much.

  47. AlaskaHawk

    My thoughts: I really don’t think the offensive line is playing badly. With Fant in the lineup 4 out of 5 are playing good enough to be average. There will be more improvement as the season progresses. In fact I would say the offensive line is performing the same as they have every year for the last four years. Start the season looking terrible, looking about average by mid-season, and hopefully improving to very good by playoffs.

    Why do they look terrible at the beginning of the year? Normally I blame it on poor coaching and lack of reps. But this year there were just too many new players or players at new positions. We have yet to see if Gilliam will pan out, but there is hope, at least two of the issues last game were caused by RW bailing and running into the defensive end.

    Defense wise, I really like the way the new guys Rubin and Clark are playing (along with everyone else). Hopefully Bennett will return in time for playoffs. There are some questions in the secondary, especially with Shead. They found a good third safety.

    My question for the group. How is it that the Seahawks can make such a large effort to draft running backs, drafting 3 of them and trying out 2 or 3 more, and not find anyone worthy of giving significant time on the field? Sure we have played them a few times, but none of them are used consistently. And as an entire group they also aren’t being used consistently. What happened to Collins? With Wilson injured this is the season when they need that production from the running game. Yet only three runs in the first half? And game before it was 3 and out over and over again. So is the issue a lack of running backs, a lack of blocking, a lack of good running plays, or they just aren’t calling them?

    • LordSnow

      Hawkblogger blamed Bevel for not committing more to the run. Personally, the RBBC that Carroll likes, I was dubious this offseason when there was talk about it. Nice to talk about, but so far the evidence shows they primarily stick to one guy on first and second downs. We’ll see what happens with Cmike when Rawls gets back, because on third downs, I’d rather see Prosise out there.

      When Sowell gets healthy, I for one, hope Fant keeps the job at LT. These game situations will help get all these rookie penalties and learning out of the way. The timing, the line calls, the different defensive wrinkles. Get them out of the way. He could be the future and you need to know what you have. He doesn’t look like the kind of guy who gets his confidence shot and becomes jello the rest of his career. Keep him out there the rest of the season and we’ll know going into the next draft whether we have to put high pick draft capital into that position.

      • STTBM

        Other than most of the field goal drive after halftime, Seattle has managed a run of 4 yards or more on a pathetic percentage of their runs. You cant just run on first and second down and then pass on third and long all day. They tried that multiple times the last few weeks, and almost always it caused a three and out or killed a drive.

        They have to pass more on first and second down, not less. They just need to actually get more than a yard or two on most of their runs. Until they can, running just to run with no payoff is insanity. Its the very definition of it; running into a brick wall over and over again, hoping the wall will disappear…

        • HI Hawk

          Passing over 60% of the time is killing this offense, and this defense. If nothing else, running the ball shortens the game and bleeds time from the opposing offense. I think that helps the defense more than a 3 and out that burns 17 seconds off the clock.

  48. vrtkolman

    Patriots trade Jamie Collins for a 3rd round comp pick? What? They are really playing with fire. I get that Bill is shrewd and a genius, but what happens in the playoffs when Brady gets shutdown by a great defense again? They will miss Chandler and Collins.

    • C-Dog

      Yeah, that was a weird trade for me. Seems like they knowing they won’t be able to afford Collins and are just trying to get something for him now?

    • cha

      Schefter worded it “3rd round compensatory pick” and Rapaport just said “3rd round pick”.

      Since compensatory picks haven’t been awarded yet and Alex Mack is 9th on overthecap’s 2017 projection (a 4th round comp pick), I’m inclined to think this is their natural 3rd round pick. Which if things keep going as is, will be a very high pick in the 3rd round.

      Sounds like the Pats don’t want to pay Collins or wait for the 2018 comp pick they’d get for letting him go in FA.

      • AlaskaHawk

        I didn’t think you could trade compensatory picks.

        • cha

          You can in 2017, that’s a new rule change. But they haven’t been officially awarded yet.

        • Rob Staton

          You can starting this season.

      • Trevor

        It is a 3rd round Comp and if thre Browns don’t get the 3rd round comp then it reverts to their natural 4th rounder.

        • HI Hawk

          Collins was overrated by those that considered him an all-pro level LB, but he was a pretty good player and played a vital role on their defense. He does for them what K.J. does for Seattle, and I think this could bite the Patriots down the road this year against teams with good receiving backs/TEs.

  49. LordSnow

    Pete just said no Rawls for Monday night. So the running game questions will linger onward.

    • STTBM

      Rawls wont fix this mess even IF he plays as he did last year, which he’s shown zero sign of being able to do. If you dont run block, you arent going to run. We dont have Christian Okoye…

    • Rad man

      Rawls won’t solve those drive killing holds by the O lineman. Nor does he heal Wilson.

  50. STTBM

    Yes, its time to worry. When Jimmy Graham has two 100 yard games and a near-100 yard game, makes 10 million per year, and yet has ONE TD through 7 GAMES, you have a problem, Houston! The worst part is they arent putting Graham outside or moving him around in the Red Zone…

    Wilson inside the Red Zone may be the NFL’s most careful qb. That is NOT, however, to be confused with being the NFL’s BEST Red Zone QB, which he most definitely is not. He continually is late with the ball and high, and gets into trouble when throwing over the middle because of that.

    Seattle’s Red Zone offense has frustrated me since Bevell arrived. All too often, I can tell what play is coming–run or pass and where they are headed–just by the formation and their stubborn lack of originality. If I can call it, you know NFL defenses sure can…They need more variety, and they need to stop being so conservative. You only get so many chances in the Red Zone, and this team MUST put the ball in the end zone more.

    Week in, week out, I see teams running brand-new plays in the Red Zone, I see teams throwing slants etc into the dirt for the WR to pick up, and it works…yet Seattle never uses these plays. I see teams with tall TE’s and WR’s putting the ball into the end zone on slants, posts, skinny posts, and turn-around jump balls in the corner…yet Seattle rarely runs these plays, despite having Graham and McEvoy….and when they do, Wilson is late and high with the ball.

    Fant did ok. But its NO, and their D is bad. Yet Seattle scored 13 points on offense against a D that was giving up 32. THAT should be cause for alarm.

    Tom Cable has been exposed. His line never has run blocked well, and without Wilson running for 500-800 yards its obvious they stink at it. This line cant run block worth a damn most of time, to use Cable’s own words.

    Defense did ok, but missed Bennett clearly and badly. Richard going to have to blitz to get any pressure at all going forward. Teams will use the same strategy NE and NO used to beat us–short passes and tough running up the gut. And we cant stop it with the offense unable to move the ball or use up clock.

    Carrols clock management is pathetic. So was Wilsons decision making–how do you throw a checkdown for a couple yards and use up nearly a minute rather than throw the ball away when you dont have timeouts?

    There is time left to right the ship, but so far it looks like the line and the injury to Bennett are possibly going to sink our Championship boat…

    • Kenny Sloth

      Despite the arrogance in doing so I would assert that a lot of Wilson’s RZ problems come from his height

      • STTBM

        I would hate to think that, but its possible. Still, Jim Zorn managed. To me, if that is the case, the real problem is Coaching. Both Bevell and Carl Smith should be able to work with Wilson to get him better at throwing a guy open in the end zone, finding passing lanes, etc–whatever it takes.

        I see a Red Zone offense that avoids slants, posts, skinny posts, or really anything except throws to the sidelines and underneath out of the endzone. And that wont get it done, defenses are too good.

        We have Jimmy Graham and Wilson, but have 1 TD pass to him in seven games. Any way you slice it, that is a damning indictment of our entire offense, from the HC on down to the line, but its a huge knock on Bevell and Carl Smith. They are ultimately responsible for the lack of success in the red zone.

    • vrtkolman

      You know Bennett is throwing this stat into JS’ face today:

      Per ESPN Stats & Info, the Seahawks pressured Drew Brees on just three of his 37 dropbacks (8 percent), including Brees’ final two of the game. That’s the Seahawks’ lowest pressure percentage in a game in the last six seasons.

      He is going to get a big extensions in the off season.

      • Rad man

        How? Where’s the money for Bennett? He may well get paid but I don’t think it’s here.

        • vrtkolman

          There’s a good amount of cap room in this off season to give Bennett some more money.

          • AlaskaHawk

            Only if they keep drafting rookies on offensive line and rookies for running backs. Seahawks haven’t been willing to pay 5 million at either position lately.

            • Rob Staton

              They gave Lynch a new deal 18 months ago worth twice that amount.

              They are willing to pay for those positions — but not for the sake of it. A player has to be worth that type of money.

              • Rad man

                and Lynch was younger by several years

        • STTBM

          By cutting Chancellor, for one thing. He’s missed five of the last nine games. I dont care how hard he hits, how big a leader he is, you cant pay a guy his wage to be hurt in every game. I cant remember the last time Chancellor played two games straight without ending up gimpy. He’s utterly done after this year, and regardless Seattle needs to move on.

          • STTBM

            We lost Kam and barely missed a beat (well, Atlanta being the exception on a couple key plays). Bennett wasnt himself last week playing hurt, we tie and he’s out this week and we cant pressure the Saints, who arent world beaters.

            Doesnt matter what it costs, Seattle has to pay Bennett. He’s far more valuable than anyone on the team except Thomas, and yes, that includes Sherm who isnt himself this year.

            • Smitty1547

              I agree with Kam hes done and over rated, not sure i agree on Earl being more important than Sherm

          • vrtkolman

            Rumors are his groin injury is pretty serious, Arian Foster level and we all know his groin never completely healed. I don’t think this is far fetched at all. McCray is a free agent as well. With how good this safety class is, Seattle has a good shot at having a 1st round caliber safety drop into their laps.

            • STTBM

              I think Seattle re-signs McCray (or at least tries to) and dumps Kam. He’s got a new injury or two every week. He’s just too beat up to continue playing at a high level.

              Seattle hasnt had good luck bringing in DB’s from outside to play here, and they like to redshirt guys if they can–like they did Kam. They may draft a S, but I dont see them letting McCray go unless he gets a mega-offer.

              Just my two cents.

              • AlaskaHawk

                They need to sign McCray, he has proven himself this year and will only get better. I have mixed feelings about Chancellor. I’m nostalgic for Kam in his prime, but my time in fantasy football taught me that most players don’t age well. And he is such a hard hitter that the aging process has been accelerated. I hope he recovers, but I wouldn’t bet a long term contract on it.

              • Rob Staton

                I doubt they will ever ‘dump’ Kam — he’s too important as a man and a presence. I think he might retire before a lot of people expect — but I expect that retirement to be with the Seahawks.

                • STTBM

                  You could be right. But they shocked Dave Boling of the Times by dumping Mike Rob too, and everyone seemed to think his roster spot was sacrosanct. And they dumped Red Bryant when he could still play, and they tried to play hard ball with Mebane for a year or two at the end of his contract and he called their bluff and they lost.

                  But I sure could see them having The Talk with Kam, to convince him to pull a Lynch and just hang up the cleats so they dont have to cut him.

          • Rad man

            well I too think Kam is cooked. But I have a hard time seeing this FO go big for Bennett on a contract that will start when he’s 32. He’s been a great value and a terrific player, but I doubt they pay more for what will almost assuredly be less. At least, I hope not.

            • STTBM

              If they do, it will be a contract they can wiggle out of within two years. Bennett shows no sign of slowing, and this D isnt ready to move on from him just yet.

            • vrtkolman

              Edge rushers age well, just something to think about.

              • Rad man

                while not showing signs of slowing down right now, he does have a knee injury now, and he’s 30. There’s still a season and a half of football to be played before his current contract is up.

                nobody ages well in football

                • AlaskaHawk

                  I would agree with that. Lets see how he makes it through next year and a half and if he is still useful then offer a two year contract.

      • cha

        This is one of the reasons I’ve been stumping for a top 3 round 2017 round pick to be a DE/DL/EDGE.

        • Rad man

          I agree. The Seahawks struck gold with Avril and Bennett on the FA market by getting them below value. Their decline (and it’s coming) will have to be offset mostly through the draft.

          • STTBM

            They have been looking for a Clemons in the Draft since he got hurt. Maybe before. Still havent found one. Clark is the closest they’ve come, and he’s no Bennett and no Clemons. He’s himself.

            I too think they look hard for an EDGE guy in the first two rounds.

    • Rob Staton

      Before the weekend Graham was on course for a 1000 yard season despite severely managing his snaps in weeks 1-2.

      More TD’s would be nice — but he is having an impact.

      • STTBM

        Not arguing with you there–till this week Graham was having a big impact–just not in the Red Zone, which was his forte and the stated reason we traded for him.

        Its mind boggling to me that Bevell cant figure out how to get Graham the ball in the end zone. Its like not being able to get the ball to Steve Largent in his prime on third down even though you’ve got Joe Montana at QB…makes no sense at all.

        And 5 TD’s passing in 7 games is really not a good sign from Wilson. Even with the injuries, this is concerning.

        • HI Hawk

          Wilson has started very slow and he is not playing up to his standard for sure. He exploded last year around this time, so I will hope for the best, but it’s not set in stone that it will happen. I’m tired of the injury talk, it’s not about the injuries. He is throwing the ball poorly because he’s too preoccupied with “finding a rhythm”. He needs to get out of his own head and just play ball, he needs to play with urgency because this season is there for the taking. The top of the NFC includes some paper champions right now, the Vikings and Cowboys are not scary – the Seahawks need to assert some dominance. Russ needs to get back to his normal self when he was dissecting teams from the pocket DOWN THE FIELD.

  51. STTBM

    On the plus side, Wilson seems to be getting better–slowly. Lockett too–he’s not 100% by any means, but you can see his speed and agility coming back bit by bit. Fant did ok, though Im holding my breath for when he faces a real pass rush threat. Micheals ran harder and Prosise showed why they moved on from Spiller and why they drafted him. He’s going to be a really fine player.

    THe defense is still fantastic, they just need to figure out how to get pressure consistently without relying on Bennett. That security blanket is gone for awhile…Clark is a good player but he isnt taking over games the way Bennett does. Its up to Richard to scheme us out of this mess…

    Bevell is a good coordinator, but he’s got to find a way to get Graham TD’s in the Red Zone, and to stretch the field. And he cant just “commit to the run” by stubbornly running it 25 times per game no matter what. They have to make each run count. The ZBS is supposed to get you 3-4 yards every run, not 0-2 yards on 80% or your run plays or whatever…

    Rob was right, injuries are hamstringing this offense. Lockett, Wilson, Rawls, Graham having his knee not 100% and taking a beating each week….Ifedi out for weeks instead of OJT…

    the trick is to scheme your way out of it. Thats what Cable, Bevell, and Richard are paid for. Can we get healthy and/or figure it out faster than last year, or will this season go down as yet another missed opportunity?

    • Rad man

      Very hard to stretch the field when you’ve basically surrendered to the fact that the team is unable to pass protect for more than 2 seconds, and hard to run when the defense no longer fears the keep, and holding penalties kill momentum on the regular.

      Going into this season many saw transition and upheaval on the O line was the teams main weakness. It’s certainly played out that way so far.

      This team (coaching staff) feasted on the very special combination of a running back who consistently broke tackles 1 yard (or less) beyond the line of scrimmage, and a QB who forced defenses to lay off run pursuit, and who often made huge plays off broken pass protection. Those golden tickets have been punched. Time to find a new one.

    • DavidM2

      Fant already did face a real pass rush in Chandler Jones. Handled him pretty well.

    • AlaskaHawk

      It’s not that the offensive line is worse then before – it is that the running back and QB read option were much better then what Seahawks have now.

      • STTBM

        The line is worse in run blocking then it has been in the past. Its not just losing Lynch. This line isnt getting it done, and you can see that on nearly every play. Even their pass pro isnt great–as evidenced by Seattle getting the ball out REALLY fast on every play.

        I think our line’s of the past four years got a lot more credit than they deserved as far as run blocking, but they really were better than what we have now. Our line now though is very young, and very large and athletic. They SHOULD be able to learn and improve–IF Cable is what so many think he is–a great coach of technique.

  52. vrtkolman

    Well, if there is a silver lining it’s that unless the Rams go on a magic run, Seattle can probably cruise to the NFC West title. Jared Veldheer is out for the season with a torn tricep and the Honey Badger dislocated his shoulder (as we know for a safety, that is a serious injury). Arizona’s season arguably ended after tying the Seahawks.

    • STTBM

      Wow, hadnt heard that about Veldheer and Mathieu. Tough break for AZ. Worse for them than us losing Sowell and Bennett.

      Bugs the heck out of me we wont get to see Bennett crush Brady. I think NE whomps on us with him out…short passing and running hard up the gut, to say nothing of our TE bugaboo (they have TWO badass TE’s!) are our weakness, and thats just what NE is doing to perfection….

      Gonna be hard to beat Buffalo and Philly too, and if we lose to NE we HAVE to take those two…

      • vrtkolman

        I have already accepted a loss to the Patriots. If they win that game look out! That would be franchise defining. I think we will beat Buffalo and Philly. Both their offenses aren’t really equipped to deal with our defense. Tyrod isn’t that good and McCoy is an east/west runner, which is exactly what we feast on. The Eagles have nothing to worry about really. They will try to dink and dunk us to death but won’t do it as effectively as Brees and Palmer. Being at home, I would expect a few scoring drives at least from our offense. The coaches will adjust as they always do.

        • AlaskaHawk

          Speedy Sproles will give the Seahawks run defense fits. Should be interesting.

          • Rob Staton

            Seem to recall he did absolutely nothing during his time with the Saints vs Seattle.

            • STTBM

              That is true, Rob, but this is a totally different defense. Im still a bit worried about Sproles, but moreso about Philly’s D. If Seattle cant move the ball consistently or score more than 13 points on a team giving up and average of over 30 points a game, they are in trouble.

              And the injuries keep mounting.

              • Volume12

                Should of asked this before the game. How many points did Seattle need to score against NO for it to be acceptable?

                I’m not ignoring the fact that this offense is in a funk and needs to find itself, but NO in that dome is a tough out for anyone.

                • line_hawk

                  “NO in that dome is a tough out for anyone” – No, it isn’t.

                  Here are visiting teams at the dome this year:
                  Oakland: 35 pts
                  Atlanta: 45 pts
                  Carolina: 38 pts
                  Seattle: 20 (really 13)

                  • STTBM

                    Seattle needed to hang at least 24 on the Saints to make me feel they were moving in the right direction. Instead, they put up 13 on offense vs a defense that has given up 35 points or more at home all year.

  53. Kyle

    So CJ Prosies looked great. I don’t want to be that guy that goes overboard to fast on a guy but i really liked what i saw from him. He looked like he got more yards then michael did on his runs and his ability as a wr is amazing. I can’t help but compare him to johnson from Arizona.

    What do you guys think the chances are we give him the chance to show us what he could do with a starting role for the entire game?

    It would help on our run plays cause they would have to respect his passing game ability. If he can stay healthy, do you guys think he could approach a johnson style player with the same effectiveness? Dare i say, even a bell? okay bell is to far, and johnson might also be to far but its intriguing.

    Also, I’m still in the sell the farm for fournette, but i can have my mind changed if we see more from prosies. A lot more.

    • STTBM

      To be fair, Micheals is running on first and second down, with defenses keying on stopping the run, while Prosise was in on third downs, most of which were long-ish yardage situations. A much easier job to run for 5 yards on third and ten than to do the same on first down or second and 8.

      He looked good though. He’s fast and tough and can catch. I was bummed when he left the game WEek One and even more when I learned he broke a bone in his hand and would miss time. I think he’s a big key to Seattle’s offense finding its groove. They need him because they arent going to do squat running 2 of 3 downs or even half time; they will have to pass to set up the run, and run vs pass defense, etc.

      I also think he was a big part of the plan for our offense, and his injury forced Seattle to scrap a bunch of stuff they intended to run. His injury added to Wilsons and Locketts really hamstrung this offense.

  54. Nathan

    Jamie Collins traded for a 3rd rounder.

    The Pats are up to something with the next draft.

    • icb12

      Typical pats.

      Can’t pay everyone. And they are the best in the business at keeping it a business.
      Trade high now rather than fight the battle later.
      He was reportedly looking for von Miller type money.

      Pats are robots. No emotion. just keep winning.

      • Volume12

        Or did NE do him a favor? Wouldn’t of got Von Miller shmoney in NE, but he’s gonna get paid now regardless. Big time.

        • icb12

          They traded him to the Browns.

          I wouldn’t call that a favor.

      • vrtkolman

        Supposedly he was freelancing in the Buffalo game and was responsible for giving up a 28 yard gain on Buffalo’s 2nd play.

  55. GoHawks5151

    All the big problems are just not quick fixes as stated. Russ health cannot be understated. Not making excuses for him but if you have doubts about your physical reliability it will most certainly make you play a bit uncharacteristically. And he really hasn’t played that bad. Especially with the lack of run production. It just dulls the effectiveness of all play action and roll outs. The counter to the lack of the run game? Get the ball out quicker. Protection has been ok but penalties the past 2 games have absolutely murdered productive drives. The both of these combined just allows the other team to play defense like Seattle does in a sense, keep everything in front, make a tackle, get off the field. I’m actually surprised more throws have not been more contested at the catch considering defenses know mostly everything is being thrown underneath. Its a negative view for sure, but as its been said one return from injury is not going to do it. Hawks are in pure survival mode at this point. Every game will be like the last 2 for the time being. Pete Carrol preaches, just keep playing hard and something good will happen. Going to really put that to the test going forward.

  56. george

    I agree Wilson is not 100 % , but what is he now ? 27 – 28 ? We may be seeing the future Wilson. Every year older takes away speed and quickness.

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