Instant reaction: Seahawks rely on Eagles after Jags loss

Let’s just cut to the chase before getting into what happened in the game. The Eagles might’ve saved Seattle’s season. Despite losing quarterback Carson Wentz to a suspected bad knee injury, Philadelphia came from behind to beat the Rams 43-35 in the fourth quarter. Nick Foles, against his old team, did enough.

Had the Rams won that game the Seahawks’ playoff hopes would be hanging by a thread. They would’ve needed at least one of these scenarios to come off:

— Seattle to win all three remaining games and hope LA also loses to one of San Francisco or Tennessee in the last two weeks.

— Win at least one more game than Atlanta to claim a wildcard playoff place. The Falcons play the Buccs (A), Saints (A) and Panthers (H).

— Hope to win at least one more game than the Panthers and earn the tiebreaker. Carolina plays the Packers (H), Buccs (H) and Falcons (A).

This doesn’t even factor in a late possible surge by Dallas or Green Bay, who can both finish 10-6. They both won today too.

The Seahawks were so close to a calamitous week 14. So, so close.

Now, at least next weeks game is for first place in the NFC West. Thanks to the Eagles.

Onto today.

This was a preposterous game. In typical Seahawks fashion, they found a way to make it competitive when they really had no right to. This was not a good performance, littered with big mistakes from every facet of the team.

Russell Wilson threw three picks and the offense had a scoreless first half (more on that in a moment). The defense gave up a 75-yard touchdown immediately after pulling to 10-10, failed to pressure Blake Bortles and couldn’t restrict Jacksonville’s run game at crucial moments.

Special teams had a big turnover but also gave up a huge kick return to set up a Leonard Fournette touchdown and Blair Walsh missed another straight-forward field goal.

Yet despite all of this, the Seahawks turned a 27-10 deficit into an improbable six point game with possession of the football. They had their shot. Their chance to go ahead and escape, somehow, with a solitary win that would’ve carried the power of two.

No sooner had fans started to believe the impossible was going to happen — Jimmy Graham dropped a pass, Doug Baldwin unwittingly stepped out of bounds instead of getting the first down, Russell Wilson was sacked and fourth down fell incomplete.

For today at least, it was a fitting finale.

In many ways it was similar to the Titans road contest. A tight first quarter with the Seahawks struggling for offense, eventually falling behind before a dramatic comeback attempt fell short.

A week after achieving their first ‘clean’ performance of the season, they reverted to type today.

Seattle’s first six offensive drives were riddled with mistakes:

Drive one — Seattle moved the ball effectively until Russell Wilson overthrew an open Nick Vannett. The drive stalled soon after.

Drive two — Germain Ifedi was flagged for ‘taunting an official’, turning a 2nd and 8 into a 2nd and 23. Two runs and a punt followed.

Drive three — A big screen pass to Mike Davis was called back for an ineligible man downfield, eliminating a 35-yard gain. It moved the Seahawks back to their own 16-yard line instead of having first down at Jacksonville’s 45.

Drive four — Seattle resorted to chasing the big play to get some momentum, something that was worked for and against them this season (worked vs Houston, not vs Washington). A deep throw to Paul Richardson wasn’t close. Wilson’s second deep shot to Doug Baldwin lacked conviction, the receiver tripped up and it was an easy interception for Jalen Ramsey. It was a duck.

Drive five — after a heavy dose of Mike Davis got Seattle moving, the two-minute warning suddenly led to a strangely subdued, less up-tempo offense that seemed to focus on draining clock more than really attacking the Jaguars. They settled for a 38-yard field goal. Blair Walsh, unforgivably, missed.

Drive six — after taking an intentional grounding penalty, Wilson threw an ill-advised pass to Jimmy Graham that was picked off. Graham was then flagged for a personal foul for shoving A.J. Buoye out of bounds. Moments later Jacksonville scored a touchdown to lead 10-0.

It was another perfect illustration of how dependant Seattle is on Russell Wilson. As he struggled early, so did the team. When he launched the late comeback, suddenly anything seemed possible.

As good as he is it might be too much to ask of him to play with the efficiency and quality he did last week on a consistent basis. He needs help — and the Seahawks are just too banged up and without a proper running game to handle their significantly smaller margin for error.

This wasn’t completely on Wilson though. Far from it. When they finally got things moving (a field goal, special teams turnover and quickfire touchdown to tie it at 10-10) they astonishingly found themselves down 24-10 just moments later.

Now it was the turn of the defense and special teams to make mistakes. A huge blown coverage, a big kick return. 14 quick points. Momentum lost in a flash.

At 10-10 there was an opportunity to establish control. It wasn’t taken — just as it wasn’t with the scoreless first half.

Adding to the frustration of the day were injuries to Bobby Wagner (hamstring) and K.J. Wright. Simply put, this team can’t afford to lose anyone else.

This is the type of year where anything can happen. Case Keenum could win a Super Bowl. The Eagles, at 11-2, might’ve lost their quarterback for the rest of the season. A Head Coach who is younger than I am might win a Championship during his rookie year in charge.

For that reason, there’s still cause for fans to retain some modicum of hope. This is a crazy, weird, slightly off-putting NFL season. On their day, Seattle is capable of beating anyone, anywhere.

The problem is, there’s just been too many days like this to really believe they’re proper contenders. Would you be surprised if the Seahawks made a big statement next week against the Rams, only to toil against the suddenly resurgent Cowboys (who’ll be welcoming back Zeke Elliott) on Christmas Eve?

The 2017 season appears set to be defined as the year the Seahawks couldn’t get out of their own way. There’s still time to change that — but it’s getting late and the last bus is coming down the road.

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  1. Volume12

    ‘Case Keenum could win a SB.’ Jesus. Go back 2-3 years and just seeing anyone type that would’ve been the hottest of hot takes. Yet, here we are.

    • C-Dog

      Weirdly, I kinda dig it. If Case Keenum wins the Super Bowl, bravo. Good on him.

  2. 12th chuck

    we need a new d coordinator

    • williambryan

      Is a new D coordinator going to magically make Bobby, Kam, and Sherman healthy? Richard has been in charge of limiting the two highest scoring teams to their lowest outputs by far. He’s not in the top 99 problems facing this team.

      • 12th chuck

        nope. but we might be able to stop teams on 3rd downs and not give up 2 drives that took over 13 min. off the clock. Or might be able to record a sack .This is not just from this game. last year was the same. No sacks, not stopping on 3rd downs etc.

    • joel

      Maybe they do but I think that losing Avril, Sherman, Chancellor, and Naz Jones were a bigger issue, then losing Bobby Wagner to start the 3rd and losing KJ Wright to end the third were major issues. Bortles isn’t a great QB but he played really well for much of the game, so whatcha gonna do? They have Fournette and Ivory in the back field, which is going to stretch a defense no matter who is playing.

      • 12th chuck

        mid to late 4th quarter, our d cant stop teams from scoring when it many games have we lost because of that? I am afraid he will be back next year, and then what, more of the same. Lack of sacks, not stopping 3rd and long etc.etc.etc.

  3. Volume12

    Was it money, or what was the reasoning behind Seattle signing Eddie ‘Feastmode’ Lacy over Latavius Murray at RB?

    • Sea Mode

      Something tells me that was a PC override decision. He whiffed. But to be fair, he hit on Chris Carson in pretty much the same fashion in the draft. Ballsy Pete giveth and Ballsy Pete taketh.

    • brazilianguy

      Yards after contact.

    • John_s

      I’d say money and contract length

      • C-Dog


        I think the chances are they wanted to sign someone established on a prove it deal, and they’ve been eyeing the 2018 draft for RB.

    • Nate

      Might have been better to keep Hauschka and Collins, never sign Lacy?

    • LouieLouie

      Hey Vol: I think it was Feastmode over Alex Collins. He’s tearing it up vs the Steelers tonight. Blair Walsh didn’t lose this game, but he should be flipping burgers at Sonic.

      • red

        To be honest Hauschka had his issues in 2016 missed 5XP and missed 2FG under 30 yards.

        • NickW

          I get so sick of this crap. People keep blaming Haushka. Did you know Haushka only cost the team 19 points last year from his misses? In 18 games total. Yes that counta the playoffs. How many do you think Walshy boy has cost us this year in 13 games? Take a guess. I guarantee you it is more. It’s 22 points he’s cost the team so far. Sorry, thats not cutting it. Quit bellyaching about Haushka. Even in Haushkas lone down year he wasnt this bad. His down year he didnt miss like Walsh misses where it misses wide from close range, Haushka had kicks blocked. Which was very uncharecteristic of him. People need to get over this misconception that Haushka was so terrible last year. He wasnt. Not compared to this joker.

        • NickW

          Here’s the link for Haushkas stats if you dont believe me.

          And heres the stats for the blair walsh project. Which as of tonight are only updated through last week, but we know he missed a field goal tonight which is yet another 3 pts he cost the team.

  4. Sea Mode

    It’s clear teams have identified Ifedi as one whose head they can get hot. Those back to back hands to the face were not coincidental. It’s an attempt to get a retaliation from you, especially if you don’t get the call. Ifedi’s gotta know that he’s now got that reputation and it’s coming at him.

    • LouieLouie

      Ifedi is still a kid. I remember what a dumb-ass I was at 25 (or whatever exact age he is). That aggressiveness is what will make him a good O-Lineman.

  5. Trevor

    I know Jimmy Graham is a TD machine but wow is body language and attitude are awful.

    • brazilianguy

      At this point he’s nothing more than someone to isolate and target in the red zone. Both his heart and athleticism are very questionable.

      • SeaHusky

        He simply doesn’t have the speed and agility to be able to stretch the middle of the field anymore. He’s great in the red zone, but I think the team knows he’s not the seam-bursting monster that he was in NO anymore.

    • C-Dog

      This is the JG I don’t like seeing. The lack of effort displayed on that sideline pass, the middle of the field short pass that bounced out of his hands (where was the former basketball player on that attempt?), it feels like if they don’t get him active early, his effort feels questionable later in games.

      • red

        The 15 yards penalty for UR after the pick.

        • C-Dog

          Yup, that sucked all the way around.

    • Mishima

      You can bully JFG out of a game.

  6. brazilianguy

    The season is over to me. This team won’t win three straight on the road in the playoffs. Wilson can give us hope with his heroics, but our defense got old.

    Priorities now are rejuvanation of the defense and rebuilding of the running game.

    • Greg Haugsven

      If you win 3 straight here you first playoff would be at home. Where you might get Nick Foles or Case Keenum. I k ow we had Bortles today but that doesn’t sound bad to me.

      • Greg Haugsven

        In the seconday playoff game that is.

  7. Michigan 12th

    I have not had faith in this team all year since Tennessee. I still think there is a lot to play with going forward though. I am concerned though that next year we will be in a bit of a rebuild mode, because we will not be able to keep all of our guys. Cleveland and San Fran will poach a couple of them. Now with news that McDowell has been arrested, he will probably be suspended to start next year even if he was ready to comeback. I think it is time to move on from guys that we can, free up some cap space, and go after it in the draft again. Get some young really talented guys to go with Bobby, Earl, and Russel.

    • Rob Staton

      I feel similarly, since the Tennessee game. This has never felt like a year where the Seahawks were destined for the Super Bowl. You always hold out hope with this group. You never completely tune out. That hope that it ‘could’ happen lasts until the last pass/run/kick of their last game. But this season has been trending in a certain direction from early on.

      • Trevor


    • C-Dog

      There’s going to be some really tough decisions for John Schnieder to make at the end of the season in terms of who they try to keep and who they might have to let go of. Looks like without cutting folks, they have just under $13 mill to play with. Sheldon, Jimmy, PRich; Can they really keep all three?

      • Michigan 12th

        I dont think they can. I am really starting to wonder if they can keep Richardson.

        • C-Dog

          I think it will to tough to keep Sheldon Richardson and also hang onto PRich and Graham.

          • Smitty1547

            Graham needs to go

  8. tony

    too many injuries. as sad as it could be missing playoffs, maybe it’s for the best. a healthier, hungrier team that surely will be written off next year is just the recipe to get that chip back, a lot of these guys haven’t missed the playoffs in there also could push Pete to actually change things on the coaching staff. I would love to see us win out and somehow go on a run, but I just don’t see it happening. like rob said, i could see us winning against the rams somehow and dropping the cowboy game.

    this team is consistently inconsistent. whether it be drives, quarterly, weekly, they seem to never really get on the same page.

  9. Bigten

    Let jimmy go, draft gesicki. For all the competitive drive Russell and locket and Baldwin bring, jimmy just doesn’t seem to have it. That unnecessary roughness on him was ridiculous if you ask me though. Jags were shoving a heck of a lot more out of bounce. The dude bounced into graham and he pushed away. Not even fire in th push. Was sad. And Baldwin seemed a bit off to me today. 2 picks I kind of put on him. Russ throws some of those balls with the expectation of the WR to go get it, as well they have before. Baldwin slipped on one, and kind gave up on the other from my perspective.

    • Rob Staton

      Letting Graham go to draft a rookie TE early does not seem like a wise idea.

      For starters, you’re hoping the rookie at the very least makes up for the loss of Graham. But even if that happens, it prevents you from improving another area of the team via the draft.

      If they let Graham go, I think they almost have to re-sign Willson and let he and Vannett take on the responsibility. But as this team moves swiftly towards being Russell Wilson’s Seahawks, getting rid of his favourite red zone target and BFF would be a questionable move. Not totally unrealistic — but questionable.

      • Trevor

        I agree about Graham Rob his production is going to be impossible to replace but can you win big games when the guy you count on most disappears when things get tough.

        • Rob Staton

          Well, I neither think we count on him the most or that he necessarily disappeared. It’s possible the Jags did a great job taking him out of the game with their coverages. Vannett and Willson were also quiet. I think we count on Russell Wilson the most and he had an off-day today.

          One bad game from Graham (and he wasn’t alone, Earl was poor today, Wilson, others) shouldn’t suddenly eliminate all the TD’s and good points from previous weeks. If he moves on, replacing him with a first rounder so everyone can critique his production and effort in the way they do with Graham is not appealing IMO.

          • LouieLouie

            I agree with you, Rob. Graham is still a pass catching machine. The main focus in the offseason has to be the running game. Davis is pretty good, but he can’t stay healthy. McKissic is also solid, but not a workhorse. I don’t know what to make of Rawls.

            The O-line played pretty well tonight. They were not the problem today.

          • H

            Whilst i agree his tds have been extremely valueble. My concern with him moving forward is whether his asking price will match his overall value. Tds are valueble but so are crucial first downs down 6 to a great defense.
            We’re so strapped for cash id find it hard to justify signing a guy, who may be nothing more than a red zone weapon at this point, to a contract you’d give a gronk or a kelce.

            • H

              Im also a fan of Mark Andrews from Oklahoma

            • Rob Staton

              In terms of yardage Graham is about 25 yards behind Kyle Rudolph and 160 behind Zach Ertz, in an offense that has never had TE production like NE or KC.

              • Smitty1547

                Hes soft does not block and will only put effort in to catch the ball if it’s in the end zone and more than likely won’t get hit. Fine for 5 million but not the 10 or more it’s going to take. Richardson and Brown better places to invest money IMO

                • Rob Staton

                  I’ll take 10-15 TD’s for the price.

    • John_s

      I’m a fan of Dallas Goedert.

      • Trevor

        His clips look good for sure!

        • John_s

          Travis Kelce comp for me!

  10. Trevor

    I know I in a minority on this but I think LG and Edge rusher are a far bigger need than RB when we make our 1st pick.

    Joeckel was almost as bad a signing as Lacey.

    We got zero pressure on Bortles today. It was a big factor as he looked beyond comfortable back there. He had all day to make his reads.

    I think a combo of Davis, Carson, Prosise and a mid round RB can provide enough in the ground game with a solid OL.

    • SeaHusky

      It might be time to start thinking about moving on from Bennett, whether it’s after this year or the next. His ridiculous temper problems aside, the production simply isn’t there anymore, at least not consistently. Give me a young, hungry EDGE who can pair nicely with Clark while Richardson and Reed/Jones hold up the middle. Taking a dynamic EDGE rusher early on can solidify our DL of the future. I agree that EDGE needs to be a draft priority going forward.

      I think our OL nucleus is actually decent, with Brown, Britt, and Pocic looking nice nice players who can play well together. Pocic needs to get stronger in the offseason, but he has the technique and smarts to play for a long time for us. If we take OL early, I don’t think I have much of a preference whether its a tackle or a guard.

      • Trevor

        Agree I would like to see Bennett used more as a penetrating DT next year and a lot less as an Edge rusher.

        I am optimistic about the OL for the first time in the PC /JS era. If they can solidify the LG spot the OL could be a strength of the team next year.

        • SeaHusky

          Pass protection has generally been solid since we traded for Brown. I think Wilson just needs an offseason together with this line to adjust his internal clock; he still has the habit of scrambling out of clean pockets because he’s dealt with a crappy OL for his entire career until now.

          Run-blocking is an entirely different story, however. Just awful.

          • Trevor

            Agree on both counts.

            I think our run blocking is so bad because neither Guard is functional powerful enough. Pocic needs an off season in the weight room to bulk up like Fant. Then they need a big nasty LG.

            • Greg Haugsven

              I agree and lineman are harder to find later. Assuming a trade back I say take the best lineman you want ( LG or Edge) then maybe take an RB next.

            • red

              I think they draft OG after trading down to the 2nd. Our Defense is getting injured because we can not win time of possession running the ball controlling the clock keeps Bennett fresh, if we had a running game Kam is not on the field getting hurt in the Arizona game because we are taking knees.

      • SighGone

        +1 on Bennett. I’m not sure what any savings would be by cutting him, though, or if there would be much dead money. I could clearly be wrong, cuz I don’t watch all-22, but it sure seems like he’s lost production this year, after a small start downhill last year.

        Downside is you have to deal with anyone wanting to cut him likely being labeled as doing it for non-football reasons.

        I’d prioritize Edge over RB, and also OL over RB (although I know we’ve thrown a lot of resources at that).

        • Rob Staton

          I get the EDGE, but OL has had its day now. They’ve pumped so much resource into it. This Seahawks team isn’t 8-5 because of the OL.

          • Ralphy

            Thank you Rob. There are holes out there and the pass pro has improved. More stock in the OL would be a mistake. Let these guys stay together and spend draft capital somewhere else. Its lazy to continually blame the OL after every loss.

          • H

            I do reaally like Will Hernandez though. LG will only be a minor need even if Joeckle doesnt return. Right now thouca i agree; nothing feels more valueble than a rb who can stay on the field that to me is Harris

      • Smitty1547

        I agree time to part ways with Bennett, his production is down and his leadership is all bad. So glad we did not sign his brother the 2 of them on the same team would be horrible cancer

  11. Isaac

    This was such a let down game. More because of the injuries. Once kJ and bobby went down we struggled to stop Jacksonville’s run game. Blake bottles is one of the worst qb’s in football and he seemed to have a clean pocket all night. Y? Where did our pass rush go? I’m worried that this will be be the shoulda coulda woulda year. Ugh!!!!

  12. Adog

    Joeckel has looked bad since his return. Would not mind to see to see him moved to the bench mike davis cannot stay healthy…nor does he seem to be great shape…runs out of gas in those long run/passses…and was asking to be waved oiy after he had that series of 10 yard runs. Maybe that is why he’s been on the p.sqaud all year. Graham is a third down player. He is a poor blocker and will not catch a ball over the middle. Finally we have michael bennet…who does not have speed to play de anymore. Then he had the dumb cheap shot at the end of the game. He and graham look soft .

  13. Trevor

    For me the most disturbing things on a bad day as a Hawks fan.

    #1 Wags injury. He is the glue on this defense and irreplaceable. Fingers crossed is it not serious.

    #2 McDowell getting arrested at 1 AM in a club in Atlanta. Seriously! The worst pick JS has ever made because of the players attitude and just keeps looking worse and worse. Could have had a solid OT like Ramcyck or Robinson and instead we take a guy who quit on his team at Mich St.

    PC/JS built a SB team by looking at character first. I hope they go back to that recipe going forward.

    #3 Hawks poor sportsmanship at end of game. That was Bush League.

    #4 Jimmy Grahams effort. Just when he starts to win me over with his red zone play he gives an effort like that. You cannot win tough games with soft players. Love the talent but I would not re-sign him if I was the Hawks management.

    • C-Dog

      I thought Graham’s effort today fueled the camp that wants to see Seattle move on from him.

      The McDowell stuff though? Seriously disturbing. I’m beginning to doubt if the guy plays professional football.

      • Greg Haugsven

        If Wagner can’t play next we are in trouble.

        • C-Dog

          Certainly wouldn’t make things easier, but I wouldn’t count the team out against the Rams. Like Rob mentioned, it’s a weird NFC season. Tough to feel certain about much, win or lose.

    • Rowdy

      I disagree about the brawls at the end, the jags had it coming. From the start of the game they were throwing punches and taking cheap shots after plays. Remember when the whole jags team was on are sideline pushing are players and coaches with no flags. If jimmeys push in the back was bad, what would call the one prich took 5 yards out of bounds? What about the play Jimmy got hit helmet-to-helmet standing straight up, he’s 6-7 and again with no call. The officials let dirty play after dirty play go uncalled the whole game for the jags.

      • peter

        it was pretty brutal that seattle got a penalty on a helmet to helmet hit on graham. I liked the announcers going stone silent after saying “we’ll see here on replay what a great tackle he made….” then dead air as the player launches himself at jg.

  14. Ishmael

    Man, things got really ugly after the game. Jags fans throwing stuff at Jefferson as he left, security had to hold him back from climbing up into the stands. That could have been incredibly grim.

    • Volume12

      I’ve seen some people say he needs to be suspended for the year or a certain amount of time for trying to go into the stands.

      How about someone shows up at those people’s job, throws beer at them, and tells ’em they should be fired.

      • Volume12

        * throws beer in their face

      • Ishmael

        Seriously. Beyond disgraceful from the fans. Although Robert Mays actually blocked me on Twitter because I disagreed with his take that the fans should be jailed haha. It’s a really good think Jefferson didn’t get into the stands though. These guys could do serious amounts of damage to a normal person. Could have been an awful scene.

      • SighGone

        I’ve been on lots of college sidelines, it’s not totally uncommon to have something thrown down. They are professionals, and have been yelled at and called awful things many times certainly including slurs, and had things thrown at them before a time or two in all probability. It was not just the throwing stuff here or words of fans, it was clearly he was hot and let it get to him. No excuse. I would suspend him for two games without blinking an eye, and Bennett for 1.

        Also the fans should, and maybe will, be banned for life from NFL games though. They are not excused in this, IMO. I just don’t see anything though as justification for attempted climbing of the wall. If he just yelled back at them a little, meh no big deal.

        • Tien

          I agree with you about Bennett. There really is no excuse for that cheap shot at the guy’s knees at the end of the game and I’d be ok if the NFL suspend him for a game. It would hurt our defense but that sort of behaviour can’t be tolerated. I’m on the fence about Jefferson. Yes, he should have kept his composure but since he didn’t actually go up in the stands (sure he tried but the fact is, he got held back and didn’t) so I”m hoping he only gets fined and not suspended. I’m really hoping Sheldon doesn’t get suspended because if we lose more than one DL for next week’s game, we’ll have a tough time against the Rams. I’m also really tired of the poor sportsmanship displayed by some of the players after losses and I put that on Pete. Until he does something to change player attitude, they’ll continue to lose composure when frustrated.

          Here’s hoping Bobby & KJ are back for next week’s game!

  15. Hawk Eye

    disappointing but not surprising result. Hawks have done this for a few years, play a great game and then lay an egg the next week. I was not able to watch the game, but 3 ints and Bobby and KJ injuries can pretty much sum up the game probably. I can see them going heavy for D next draft. They need more youth and depth, enthusiasm and hunger on D.
    How does this team put lots of pressure on Wentz and nothing on Bortles?
    Russell throws some ints that seem very avoidable, but overall the offense is ok. Still need a running game, but I expect the o line to improve next year and they will probably pick a RB in first 3 rounds (after a trade back)

    I still remain hopeful, but hard to see them in the Super Bowl this year. So as long as someone takes out the Pats, and the Rams don’t win it, I won’t be too upset.

    Hopefully next year, they get the gift of health.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I”m kinda glad I didn’t see it. Sounds like a bad game all around.

    • Mac

      The eagles were missing a left tackle and we exploited that matchup with Clark and isolated a 1v1 matchup. Cam Robinson is a rookie but he’s able to match athletically. I’m disappointed by the lack of pressure regardless of who’s in the secondary. We allow a slot receiver to become a star every game, which is normally fine as long as you can generate pressure. I’m disappointed that we couldn’t be more creative and productive with a d line that could take $50 mil in cap space easily.

  16. Adog

    Meanwhile alex collins…

    • Trevor

      He is a prime example of why I think fixing the OL is key to the run game. No RB would have looked good with this group at the begining of the year.

      • Pran

        Collins went beast mode on that drive vs pit

      • AlaskaHawk

        He runs well with blocking!!

    • AlaskaHawk

      I totally agree and hope they can finish rebuilding the offensive line in the next draft. Should help the running game immensely. As for Alex, lets just admit he was a perfectly fine running back that found his home on another team.

  17. drewdawg11

    Is anyone going to talk about Pete Carroll getting thrown to the ground by a jags player? What a complete lack of control by Sterator and his incompetent crew. We can’t exoext this team to be consistent. We had earl out there with a bunch of backups. Here is my recurring gripe about this team: the defensive line doesn’t produce when they need to. Zero pass rush against an average offensive line all day. Bortles has time and he had open receivers. Bennett has had two games this year where he looked like himself. Sheldon still isn’t rushing the passer much. Clark is a one or two play warrior every week and today… zero. I would trade Bennett to anyone who would give us a decent pick. Sheldon needs to show more from here on out. They just stunk it up.

  18. BobbyK

    For all the talk about resigning most of our guys, I’m thinking if they bring all of them back… they’re basically staying the same. Right now the same isn’t good enough and it’s foolish to think it will get better next year when this aging team gets another year older (especially with no 2nd or 3rd round picks).

    Have injuries hurt this team? Yes, but they hurt every team. There is a correlation that older teams get more bumps and bruises, too.

    This team needs to get younger everywhere, except at QB and on the OL. And they need to draft well, which is hard to do when you have one pick in the first three rounds. We can talk about the drafts of ’11 and ’12 all we want, but those were a half-decade ago. They haven’t drafted a legit Pro Bowler since. Maybe some good players here and there, but nobody great. Frank Clark is good, but I don’t hear anyone talking about him being a Pro Bowler. And, these days, making the Pro Bowl isn’t so hard to do because a billion players back out each year than many above average players play in the game.

    For all the doom and gloom talk… just think of this: If Paul Richardson isn’t tackled (or the ref actually saw it), everyone here would be talking about the Super Bowl. Such a small margin of error.

  19. BobbyK

    Why is Malik McDowell in Atlanta when the Seahawks are from Seattle and on the road playing a game in Jacksonville? A Seattle or Jacksonville arrest seems to make more sense. What am I missing? Good thing we passed on TJ Watt for this guy.

    • Volume12

      Haha. Don’t take any offense to this, and I know where your coming from here, but just reading ‘an arrest would’ve made more sense or been more logical in a certain city’ is fun.

      • Greg Haugsven

        I don’t get Atlanta either. If he got arrested in Michigan or Seattle OK but the ATL?

        • Pickering

          Does this mean DL is a higher priority for the ‘Hawks this draft?

          • Greg Haugsven

            Might be, he would just be a bonus at this point.

    • Smitty1547

      Or Cam Robinson who kicked are ass yesterday.

  20. Ed

    Time to pull a Patriots. Retool. Traded a lot of picks to get Brown and Richardson. Better resign/extend them. Trade back multiple times and hope JS pulls another awesome draft.

    Gone, one way or another please:

    Joeckel/Lacy/Walsh/Ryan/Graham/Prosise/P. Richardson/Bennett/Sherman/Avril/Kam


    McDougald/S. Richardson/Brown/Coleman

    Move on from Bevell too. It’s just time. Get a more college type OC (need a creative mind).

    First two picks (after trade downs): RB and WR

    OL Brown/Pocic/Britt/Ifedi/Fant

    • Volume12

      I mean Seattle already has the most college type of coach you’ll ever find at the helm in PC.

      • Ed

        In the offensive minded playcalling. Oklahoma O

    • BobbyK

      It’s been over a half decade since he’s had an awesome draft. And now they don’t have picks in the 2nd or 3rd round. Not going to hold my breath.

      Not sure it’s smart to pay Sheldon Richardson. He’s never been known as a hard worker with impeccable character. He’s best on a 1-year deal (or franchise tag; which I don’t believe he’s worth). It’s kind of like drafting Malik McDowell and his character risks with your first pick. Whatever.

      So you’re saying to resign Richardson AND use one of our first two picks on a WR? With Baldwin and Lockett under contract (and a 3rd rounder this past year under contract, too)?

      • SeaHusky

        To be fair, it’s unrealistic to expect any FO to replicate what ours did from 2010-2012. The league has caught up with the market inefficiencies that we exploited. I think it’s a false equivalency to solely determine the value of a draft class by comparing it to those legendary drafts. There’s a reason those drafts were so special; they don’t happen very often.

        I agree with you that our top picks should not be going to receiver. Baldwin and Lockett make up two good, relatively young WRs that are more than capable of shouldering the receiving load. RB is a priority, and hopefully Darboh develops nicely and takes that WR3 spot (if we don’t resign Richardson).

        • BobbyK

          Those drafts aren’t realistic. I agree. But they haven’t even had any that are decent. We can point to a decent player here and there but there isn’t any draft where it’s legit core guys who can say they are among the best at their positions in the NFL. Like the ’14 draft with Britt/Richardson. Just because both are okay, doesn’t mean it’s a good or decent draft. If drafts were made up of guys like that for a number of years, you’re the Browns (or Packers minus Rodgers). Nobody is going to confuse a good Frank Clark for a Pro Bowler, either (or that draft). Lockett was a good pick after Clark, but he’ll never sniff a Pro Bowl as a receiver (though he was a great kick returner his R year).

    • SeaHusky

      I agree on letting all of those guys except Sherm. Providing he makes a full recovery from his Achilles tear and proves that he can still play at a high level, I think the team would welcome him back with grateful arms.

      Sherm’s style of play is much more reliant on superior technique and football IQ than other CBs generally are. When you’re more reliant on athleticism and straight-line speed to beat a receiver, you usually experience a more sharp decline than players like Sherm as you age. I think his style of play gives him a much more graceful decline than the traditional CB, and I think he still has a few more great years ahead of him. Regardless, there’s going to be some hard decisions coming up.

    • drewdawg11

      You want to throw everyone out? Good luck with that. I mean… Sherman gone too? Can you see what’s happening out there without him? If he’s healthy next season he makes the defense so much better. It would be great if we could get anything for Bennett, but we probably won’t. He’s not good this season. More of an annoyance than anything. How many offsides penalties has he committed this season? Probably 5 times more than sacks. Bevell should have been gone a long time ago, but what makes you think he will be fired when Russell is putting the team on his back every week and making him look better? We definitley can’t keep being so bad at running the ball.

      • BobbyK

        Exactly. You don’t cut everyone. Or get rid of everyone. You keep guys like Sherman, no doubt. No major changes and don’t cut guys getting older for the sake of it… they just need to get younger and if it means not signing a guy to good money (which is what many FAs get these days worth anything) who doesn’t deserve it (like Richardson, Mcdougald, etc.). Next year is the perfect scenario for a guy like Hill to start at SS (just like Kam and the R year redshirt before him). Not pay however many millions to a SS who is decent.

      • Volume12

        Russ does not make Bevell look better.

        He’s hit 48 or 49 throws of 25 yards or more this year. 40% of those have been structured or timing throws. That’s Bevell’s play calling/design.

        • East Side Stevie

          I think it was laughable to read Ed typing that Sheldon Richardson is not a hard worker

          meanwhile Ed, a grown man, was sitting on a couch reading through an online blog that has absolutely nothing to do with his career or life.. what a world we live in…

          • East Side Stevie

            I would like to apologize it was Bobby K’s post, not Ed’s. My mistake.

  21. sdcoug

    Only team in the league that can turn Blake Bortles into Peyton Manning. Guy throws Ints like they’re going out of style yet we bring pressure only one time the first half. First down on the 25 with plenty of time and timeouts, down by only 3 and yet we play for a FG?! Another first half of ridiculousness, but i guess they wanted to keep their 3-yr streak of first half futility alive.

    Again, I’ll be one of the ones to say it. Coaching is lacking.

    • neil

      I absolutely agree. The lack of creativity on both sides of the ball is astounding. The screen pass has only come back into the offense in the last three or four games. Do you ever see Wilson changing plays, or reorganizing backs and receivers before the snap? I believe Wilson gets the play call that has two options, if they are not their he has to run or scramble and improvise. The defense has always been basic, with the occasional blitz thrown in. This year it look as though a 10 win team will be left out. With the falcons, Jags, Packers. and potentially the Cowboys holding tie breaks, odds are it’s the Hawks.

      • Rob Staton

        I don’t see any lack of creativity. Not at all. If anything there’s too much creativity and not enough consistency.

  22. Seaspunj

    I feel like this season is one of those seasons where there was so much potential to now just calling it a season.

    We trade for Richardson we have a decent RB in Carson oline improvement with Brown


    Now Wagner KJ both injured

    How much more can go wrong?

    Less picks upcoming draft and even if the Seahawks run the table … Very difficult to make it with the current lineup

    How is it that the Seahawks can play so poorly in the first half only to step it up in the final quarter. That urgency needs to be every snap from start to finish.

    I also hope we get a new kicker. Walsh not gonna cut it. I can’t rely on his leg in a clutch moment in the playoffs.

    Off-season needs should start with a kicker as well as RB DBs LB imop … Sorry 12’s for being morbid but my hope for this season is pretty much gone. I hope I am wrong.

  23. nichansen01


    All gone. Wow.

  24. Ishmael

    I really, really, hated seeing that from Bennett for what it’s worth. The team should suspend him for a game, even if the league doesn’t. The intent to injure was awful.

    • Tien

      I don’t think the team/Pete has the guts to suspend him but I do believe that the league will. And I agree, such a terrible cheap shot.

  25. C-Dog

    Few thoughts.

    1. Watching the Sacksonville Jaguars play today kinda affirms in my mind how Seattle should look to reload next year. Great depth at RB, solid rotation on the DL with a mixture of veterans and youth, Talent at LB, and in the secondary. IMO, Seattle has the players on defense, they have the answer at QB, but they simply don’t have it at RB. Mike Davis had another nice game, but got injured yet again, and all they had behind him was McKissic.

    2. Seattle didn’t need to chase the big play like they did in this game. They were moving was the short passing game mixed with runs, what they did against the Eagles. I think if they would have stayed with it, things could have opened up later.

    3. Bad game for the tight ends. Not a great pass to Vannett, but you get two hands on the ball, you gotta make the catch. Ditto for Graham on his two drops. That said, those three INTs going deep certainly didn’t help the techno tight ends get going. I wouldn’t put too much into the body language from Graham, I’d just rank this up as a clunker and move forward. For those thinking Seattle wouldn’t extend him now, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that.

    4. I think the defense missed Nazair Jones, and Kam Chancellor today going against Fournette. Losing Bobby and KJ is a scary idea going against the Rams. Depth on this defense is getting seriously tested.

    5. As frustrating as Ifedi was at times, and Joekel illegally getting down field on what should have been a very pretty screen, I thought the OL held up admirably against the Jaguar DL rotation.

    6. At the beginning of the season, I felt like Seattle would probably go about 11-5, either win the division, or make the playoffs as a wildcard. I’m going to stick with that.. for now.

    7. Seattle doesn’t need a running back, it needs running backs. Carson and Davis have looked nice, but do we feel comfortable relying on them next year to stay healthy? I don’t.

    8. Insult to injury the news of Malik McDowell getting arrested at an Atlanta nightclub is bizarre, if not entirely troubling. If I am John Schnieder, If I wasn’t making Sheldon Richardson my priority re-sign before today, I am now.

    9. Big decisions to make post season. I think the team tries to hang onto Jimmy, Sheldon, and PRich. I think that probably means the end of Cliff Avril in Seattle if that happens. Along with RB, I can see Seattle looking to add edge rusher in the draft.

    9. Mock draft Jaguars edition.

    Seattle extends Jimmy, and Sheldon, and maybe one of PRich, McDougald, or Joekel. Probably cuts Avril and Lane to clear up room. Offseason agenda is to shore up run game, and continue adding new wave of talent to the defense.

    R2 Damien Harris RB Alabama. I think Seattle trades back to acquire picks that would give them two to play with Day Two. I think they’d love to get their mits on Harris.

    R3 Duke Ejiofor DE Wake Forrest. Seattle trades out of R1 to pick up a 2nd and 3rd. They package up in R3 to grab the pass rusher they desire. Ejiofor rushes the left side a la Cliff Avril.

    R4. Iman Marshall CB USC. Seattle continues adding depth at corner.

    R5 Darren Carrington WR Utah. Seattle looks to add depth at WR with Lockett in a contract year, possibly PRich gone, as well.

    R5 Kalen Ballage RB Arizona St. Seattle looks to add some uniqueness to the RB squad.

    R7. Rasheem Green DL USC. A Mike B type hedge for the uncertainty of Malik McDowell.

    R7 Cole Madison OL Washington St. Depth at guard if they don’t extend Joekel.

    R7 Keishawn Beirria LB Washington. Would be nice to add some youth behind Bobby and KJ.

    • Volume12

      I like it. Let Joeckel and Sheldon walk. What has Sheldon added to this group? A few splash plays?

      I’m sorry but I think the Jets fleeced Seattle with that Kearse trade.

      • Volume12

        Kearse gives Seattle that receiver they’re clearly crying out for. Russ needs all the help he can get.

      • vrtkolman

        When is the last time we didn’t overpay in a trade? It probably has something to do with Seattle’s rep for always drafting late in rounds.

      • Volume12

        I shouldn’t say he hasn’t added anything because he has.

      • C-Dog

        Yeah, maybe it’s the eye of the beholder, but I think Sheldon has fit this defense really, really, well. He would be the least of the pending free agents I would want to see gone. He has been really strong against the run and pressuring the QB. The sacks aren’t there, but the hurries are, and considering how quickly QBs try to get the ball out against this defense, hurries are pretty vital. I had prime seats against the Eagles last week, and there was a few Wentz throws that were off because 91 was in his grill. He’s a keeper for me.

        • Sea Mode


        • H

          +1 Shelodon has been the second best defensive player on the team this year and he’s just 26. Resign please

          • Michigan 12th

            Yes but for the right price, he is certainly no Donald or even Wilkerson of his former team. If we can get him resigned for 12-13 per year then absolutely, but anything more than that, and I dont see his worth at that price point.

            • H

              Well certainly, but thats really true of all players. Ultimately the market will set his value and I doubt he gets more than what youre suggesting. Like you say he’s no Aaron Donald

  26. Volume12

    Doug Baldwin says he could’ve gotten the 1st down and now wishes he had, but what was trying to save time. He does that dumb a** move every game.

    What kind of rationalization is this? 2 TO’s and a 2 minute warning left. Seemed more like forcing a big play that wasn’t there instead of knowing the situation. Then again, this team has been absolute garbage at situational football this year. Weird, considering they perhaps use to do it better than anyone else in the league.

    • Greg Haugsven

      You actually wanted to keep the clock running there was so much time. Your right, have to know the situation.

    • cha

      Also let himself be outmuscled by Ramsey on the end zone interception. Looked like Ramsey jostled him and he went down like a rag doll. Not his fighting best today.

  27. East Side Stevie

    Fun Fact:
    Case Keenum and I grew up in the same town! He’s several years older than I am though. He went to a different high school than I go to.

  28. drewdawg11

    They sucked in key moments today. Blown coverages are far too common with this team. Mike Davis had some nice runs, but he’s incredibly limited. The talent level at running back is the worst in the league. Uncharacteristic poor run fits and missed tackles as well. Puke Joke-Hole spent more time on the ground than any veteran lineman ever should. He’s garbage and I know that I keep saying it, but he is. Get the bully of a guard to play next to Brown and then get your back. Linebacker is a huge need as well. We have one good one on the roster and Wright is slowing down and decline is inevitable. The group of Wilhoite, Garvin, and Alexander are jags in the worst way. Warm bodies for sure.

  29. vrtkolman

    Hard to see this organization with the cap flexibility or draft capital it has where they can address all their needs this off season. Maybe just one or two? They are in a really crappy spot, odds are they lose more talent than bring in. All the while, the defense keeps getting older.

    What can they do to change things up? Build on an improving offensive line, address the RB spot, go all in one offense so to say and hope that the coaches can squeeze out one more decent season from an aging defense? Carroll looks exhausted and probably sees the writing on the wall – this team is closer to a rebuild than the 2013 young, hungry bully.

    • C-Dog

      Still think it’s more reload than rebuild. A healthy run game would be a big time shot in the arm. Even if they didn’t extend Sheldon, they have nice young talent on the defense with Clark, Reed, Naz Jones, Griffin to go along with Earl, Bobby, KJ, Bennett, Sherman. Major question marks as to whether Avril and Chancellor Co,e back. As long as they have RW, they should be in it.

      I can see Carroll coaching another five years or more. I don’t see him slowing down.

      • East Side Stevie

        I give carrol no more than 3 years before he hangs it up. My intuition says 2019 is his last year as a head coach. He might take the Tom Coughlin route and become an executive though.

        • C-Dog

          Possibly. I don’t see him slowing down, though. He’s indicated recently to John Clayton that he sees himself going into his seventies like Marv Levy did in Buffalo. I can see him extending beyond 2019.

  30. Greg Haugsven

    Ben getting ready to pass mumber 60. Just flat out abandoned run game.

  31. drewdawg11

    This offseason and draft should be about fixing the offense so we don’t waste Russel’s prime seasons. Next off season work on the youth movement on defense. We can’t keep going half way.

  32. Greg Haugsven

    Seahawks current draft pick is #20

    • C-Dog

      Could be a nice RB sitting there.. maybe an edge rusher. Do you stay with that pick or trade back?

      • Greg Haugsven

        Tough call because there is usually 15-20 first round grades. That being said we have no 2nd or 3rd so I think you have to trade back.

        • C-Dog

          Also, supposedly a projected top heavy draft, good 1 through 65 or so, but not so good mid to late rounds. Maybe Seattle looks to drop back with the first pick and then move up for their second pick?

  33. East Side Stevie

    Man I can’t believe how impressive the 2017 RB class has ended up being.. Alvin Kamara, Leonard Fournette, Samaje Perine, Joe Mixon, Kareem Hunt ,Jamaal Williams, Chrstian Mccafrey, Elijah McGuire, Jerrick McKinnon, Tarik Cohen… all have made an impact on their teams,

    Then there is the other tier who have performed well sparingly:
    Corey Clement, Marlon Mack, Aaron Jones,

    Then the injuries if all went well who knows what could have been…:
    Dalvin Cook Chris Carson D’onta Foreman

    • East Side Stevie

      To put this into context:
      Heres what Jamaal Williams has put together since week 9..

      week 9 1 rushing TD, 2 receptions 31 yards
      week 10 20 carries 67 yards 1 rushing TD 1 reception 7 yards
      week 11 18 carries 57 yards 4 receptions 38 yards
      week 12 21 carries 66 yards 1 rushing TD 4 receptions 69 yards
      week 13 21 carries 113 yards 1 rushing TD 2 receptions 10 yards
      week 14 15 carries 49 yards 1 rushing TD 7 receptions 69 yards 1 reception TD

      Thats from a late 4th rd running back with the roller coaster season Green Bay has had..

      • Volume12

        It’s a fungible position. Always has been, always will be.

        • Trevor

          Agree that is why an RB late in Rd #1 makes no sense to me. It is too late to get a guy like Elliott or Barkley then there are just so many mid round guys with similar potential.

          For example is there much difference between Harris at #20 or a guy like Sony Michel in the late 2nd or 3rd.

          • C-Dog

            Personally, I like Harris a lot more than Michel, but that is just me.

  34. Ed

    Could you see PC leave after this year? He is looking old lately. The team is getting old. Lots of little things, don’t think he goes more than next year.

    Open jobs next year:

    Broncos (maybe)
    Bears (maybe)
    Bucs (maybe)
    Raiders (maybe)
    Cardinals (maybe)

    Top candidates:


    • C-Dog

      I think he coaches at least five more years in Seattle. I don’t see him slowing down, and I think Paul Allen likes him.

    • SeaHusky

      No. Pete’s entire philosophy is to always compete. Don’t let his charismatic and optimistic persona fool you; the man is as competitive as anybody. There’s no way Pete ends his coaching career (whether in Seattle or for good) by being the HC of an injured, aging team.

      I have the utmost confidence in Pete and Schneider to retool and reload this offseason, regardless of the outcome of the rest of this season. If Pete quit on this team now, that would run counter to his entire philosophy and mantra.

      • Ed

        Alright, he just seems to be at odds with himself then. Maybe all the loses, the penalties, the same problems over and over. Seems like he may pull another USC.

      • C-Dog

        +1 mill. I don’t think he is anywhere close to calling it quits.

  35. Robert Las Vegas

    First of all of we did not get on the fourth down play P Rich got tackled that hurt .and the have last drive third and 11 everybody knows they are going to run they do and get the first that hurt.nevertheless the seahawks are out balanced something is out of whack

  36. Volume12

    Love the fact that Baltimore was down 1, 42 seconds left, 1 TO, and you think ‘they got this.’

    And then what happens? Oh yeah. They got Joe Flacco at QB. Nope.

  37. Hughz

    I may be over reacting but I want Bennett traded before next season. His sore loser antics at the end of games are immature. I hope the NFL suspends him.

    • Mac

      I never wanted him resigned, he has a temper still in the twilight of his career. I would rather of saved the cap space and kept Dwight Freeney for pass rush and to set an example for our younger players. We used to have stronger veteran leadership with guys like Red Bryant.

      • peter

        Red Bryant was loud and fun but wasn’t really that good. whereas Bennett is divisive to fans and has actually been great at times in his career.

  38. Kenny Sloth

    In other news Alex “Why is he so slow, they need to cut him” Collins racked up 166 total yards and two scores.

    Almost like consistent production in the SEC means SOMETHING

    • Trevor

      Our OL could not run block so all our RBs looked bad.

    • David

      Eddie Lacey says “YEAH!”

    • peter

      got to agree with Trevor here. Collins looked pretty mediocre here because seattle insists on using a zbs and then drafting a guy from a big boy power scheme and then wondering why the RB can’t make that work, all while showing up to nearly every game with a different online combo, no fullback, and like most bell cow backs tge y need a ton of touches to figure out pacing but seattle likes to up the degree of difficulty by not building rhythm.

      I’m not dogging cable or Bevell but you got to get real when drafting or how long you’re willing to wait for a RB to learn

  39. Steele

    Consistent inconsistency. Game to game. Quarter to quarter. Among players. It’s unacceptable. The bad behavior at the end of the game just adds to the fact serious changes are needed from the top down.
    In other words, Pete and the coaching. It just isn’t working anymore.

    I was going to come in here last week after spanking Philly to say, wow, that was the first game in years that the Seahawks looked…like the Seahawks should. Finally shutdown D. And wow, the season is turning around. But the skeptical part of me expected—-correctly—that they could easily come out and lay an egg. And here we are.

    It is true that in this wild season, anything can happen. The point is, this team is simply inconsistent and unpredictable, and therefore not impressive. Or, up until now, frankly worthy, no matter what happens from here.

    • peter

      seriously though who?

      I’ll play along. though I doubt he’d ever leave there is literally only one coach I think I’d like instead of or after Pete Caroll and that’s coach Dabo down at Clemson. fundamentally he prioritizes defense, uses mobile qb’s. there’s a lot to like there. and like Pete he’s be a hire outside of the gruel that is the nfl coaching tree that is currently employed.

      but back to your statement. “who?” new gm? where from? new coach? how does that fix all the injuries?

  40. Mac

    I’m just really bummed. I think we need to take a flier on Cole Madison in the draft to replace Ifedi. We need to sign some veteran leadership on that D Line to show the young players what a professional looks like. I mean what if Jefferson, Richardson and Michael Bennett have to serve a suspension while we play the rams? What about if more than just them got suspended and we don’t have KJ and bobby? I doubt we have the cap space to bring guys from the practice squad to play as it is. It’s one thing to stand up for your brothers, it’s another to ensure that the Rams walk away with the W next week and kill our playoff hopes.

    On another note for all the D line talent we have, I am disgusted by the fact that we couldn’t scheme any heat on Bortles. We allocate all this money on a potential $50 mil a year D Line and can’t figure out how to make his jersey green.

    Pete looks tired, exhausted and like he’s losing control of his team.

    • Rob Staton

      Ifedi is fine. Second year guy, but he’s taken a big step forward this year.

  41. C-Dog

    Offseason Plan. Reloading, Not Rebuilding.

    Seattle needs to fix it’s ground game. It’s been the story all season long. What Russell Wilson has been doing without a reliable run game is crazy, but not most likely sustainable for a deep play off run. Additionally, Seattle’s first pick Malik McDowell’s future got even murkier with his recent arrest, not having even played a down of professional football. Mix in spinal injuries to Cliff Avril and Kam Chancellor that they may not come back from. The Defense absolutely needs to be fortified with continue infusion of talented youth.

    Seattle’s also has many key players set to become free agents who include Jimmy Graham, Sheldon Richardson, Paul Richardson, Luke Joekel, Bradley McDougald, Mike Wilhoite, and Luke Wilson. Behind Jimmy Graham and Luke Wilson, Nick Vannett has flashed a bit lately. Behind Sheldon Richardson, Nazair Jones has played pretty well, and leads interior linemen in sacks for the season. Behind Paul Richardson, Tyler Lockett has been steady, and the team drafted Amara Darboh in R3. Behind Luke Joekel, Seattle had unknown Jordan Roos, former starter Mark Glowinski, and likely Rees Odhiambo. Behind Mcdougald, the team has unprovens Delano Hill and Cedric Thompson, but Delano Hill is another third rounder. Wilhoite has played SAM well enough, not a ton behind him, Josh Forrest and Alexander are under club control, Garvin is a FA.

    Arguments can be made to keep each one of these players, but arguments can also be made to let them go. Of the pending free agents, I feel best about the depth behind Paul Richardson, and Sheldon Richardson. I feel worse about the depth behind Jimmy Graham, Luke Joekel, Wilhoite, and Bradley McDougald.

    On a personal preference, I would like to see the re-sign Sheldon Richardson the most for the simple fact that athletic 3 techs that are young and in their prime are rare, and Malik McDowell gives me no comfort. However, there has been recent indication from Sheldon himself that he perhaps wants to test test the market. Seattle’s cap situation is not great, even by cutting Avril and Jeremy Lane. Frank Clark is not going to be cheap. Carroll seems genuinely pretty high on Nazair Jones, and thinks that he will make a big leap in year two, a la Jarran Reed. Personally, I think Jones was having a better rookie year than Reed did last year until the ankle spain. Also, lost a bit, is the good play of Quenton Jefferson. Seattle good let Sheldon test the market, and is some team wants to throw crazy money at him, they got talent behind him.

    In this scenario, Seattle let’s Sheldon test a market, knowing they will get a third round comp in 2019, and he signs for big time $ elsewhere. Also, Seattle allows Paul Richardson to test the market, and he finds a big pay day elsewhere. Seattle extends Jimmy Graham, Luke Joekel, Mike Wilhoite, and Bradley McDougald. With some extra $ to kick around in FA, Seattle is able to entice Carlos Hyde to sign a multi year contract. Carroll has always liked Hyde and wants to put his trust in the veteran runner.

    Seattle has club control of RB Mike Davis, DT Rodney Coe, DE Dion Jordan, CB Justin Coleman, RB JD McKissic, DE Branden Jackson, and LBs DJ Alexander, and Josh Forrest

    2018 NFL Draft. Seattle trades back to acquire a second and third round pick










    Seattle has RW, with Boykin and Stidham battling for the backup spot.

    Seattle goes aggressive to fix the run game signing a proven vet, and drafting talent later in a draft loaded at the position. The RB room consists of Hyde, Carson, Michel, Davis, McKissic, and Prosise. They might consider conventing one of McKissic or Prosise to WR to fill the PRich void.

    The WR room is Baldwin, Lockett, Pettis, Darboh, David Moore, McEvoy, Chark, Grayson, along with possibly Prosise and McKissic battling. I’d look for Darboh and possibly Moore to break out. Pettis is a hedge for Lockett as a returner and receiver.

    Vannett takes the spot of Luke Willson, and Breneman is the third TE.

    The OL consists of Brown, Joekel, Britt, Pocic and Ifedi. Fant, Odhiambo, Glowinski, Roos, Quessenberry, Hunt, and Battle all battle for back up spots.

    Seattle’s DL room consists of Clark, Reed, Jones, Bennett, Bryan, Q Jeff, Coe, Jordan, Jackson, and McDowell. Bryan and McDowell could battle to be the heir apparent to M Bennett or battle Naz Jones for the starting three tech spot. If McDowell has somehow get it together, this DL situation could be crazy talented.

    The LBs are KJ, Bobby, and Wilhoite. DJ Alexander, and Josh Forrest provide some depth, and special teams play. Cameron Smith could be groomed to become an eventual starter.

    The LOB remains somewhat in tact with Sherman coming back, Griffin, ET, and McDougald, with uncertainty over Kam Chancellor. Chancellor has no financial incentive to retire. Seattle could carry him on the PUP all season long, he would get paid and not play. There is little cap savings to cutting him. Seattle will still have Coleman at nickel, along with Thorp, DeAndre Elliot, Mike Tyson, and Delaney battling at corner. Hill and Thompson are another year along at safety, maybe one give McDougald a run at SS. Deshawn Shead or Byron Maxwell could also come back. They feel good there.

    • Trevor

      I would love that draft!

      • David

        Pretty sure Stidham is not eligible to declare next year and when he does, he’s probably going in the 1st round.

    • Sea Mode

      Nice post, C-Dog. Interesting exercise, trying to look at the picture if we were not to re-sign Richardson. Hope it doesn’t come to that, but we all know JS is not going to put himself in cap hell to keep him or anybody, for that matter.

      I really don’t see the need for another WR in this draft unless it’s a late-round flier on a sleeper/value project. (Antonio Callaway, anyone?) We know they like Darboh, Moore, and even Grayson and those guys need to get a shot before we go spending high draft capital on another WR, in my opinion.

      • C-Dog

        You might be right on with WR. Depends what they feel with Darboh. Personally, I like the idea of adding Pettis, so it might be me being a big homer there.

        • East Side Stevie

          If Jarred Stidham declares he will be gone by round 4

  42. drewdawg11

    C-dog, you keep saying we should resign Joeckel and I can’t get down with that on any level. He plays like a veteran minimum player, and you want to reward that and tie up cap dove? No doubt in my mind that you can get the same production from Odiahmbo. At least Wilhoite is relatively cheap, despite being an awful player. Also, I don’t think Stidham comes out this early. Still only a redshirt sophomore, although it would be good for my Huskies next fall when they play one another.

    • Trevor

      +1 Joeckel is not a re-sign for me.

    • C-Dog

      I’m not really campaigning for Joekel. I get the vibe he is likely a player that they like more than many fans, though, and I think there is a decent chance they extend him. The player I most want them to hang onto is the player that I also think might be the hardest for them to keep and that is Sheldon Richardson. Especially if they want to keep Graham and PRich.

      I think Wilhoite has been decent at SAM, better than what they had last year. He might be the starting MIKE against the Rams if Wagner can’t go. Wouldn’t cost much to hang onto him. Probably not a priority re-sign but I can see them bringing him back.

      Forgot Stidham was that young.

      This scenario is just a bit of a process of limitation trying to read the tea leaves as to who the team might prioritize, not how I would prioritize.

  43. Peanut

    To me, an edge rusher/linebacker deal (Bruce Irvin player) is rising in need. I mean, if Wagner and Wright are out, we are starting Garvin, Wilhoite and DJ Alexander (one of our best ST players).

    Edge/Linebacker, RB and CB are concerns to me. Sherman aint getting younger, and I only see Shead and Shaq as actual starter potential players (assuming Justin Coleman leaves) J-Lane aint good enough.

    Also my faith in Sheldon is fainting. We got some solid young potential on that DL, assuming Malik comes back.

  44. Drew G

    That last drive still frustrates me. They showed the replay of the 4th down play where Richardson getting pulled down then tripped multiple times on the screen and its amazing how they didn’t get that call. Regardless of that and the Jimmy drop & Doug play, the play call on the 3rd and 1 was baffling. We ran one of those long developing plays rather than a handoff or quick pass. Time was not issue.

    Anyways, it really hurt to not have Bobby and KJ in that last half. I don’t think they convert that last 3rd & 11 with them there. I would’ve loved to see Russ with the ball one more time.

    Also, it does not surprise me how fans were throwing beers and objects at Jefferson. I am a Jacksonville native and was at the game. It was ugly. The fans made it really hard to root for the Jags going forward. It felt like the fans took on the persona of the team. Not much respect.

  45. Trevor

    Ifedi has penalty issues but I think his 1st yr at RT has been a success.

    • C-Dog

      He has improved down the stretch, but the penalties have been infuriating, especially in a year in which the run game has been tough to get going, and the over reliance on RW. I’m actually pretty hopeful about him next year once the RBs are settled, which is a different place than where I was at a month ago.

      • Greg Haugsven

        If we could draft a guy like Braden Smith who could push him at RT but could also play guard that could be ideal. Im all for letting Ifedi develop year 3 as Justin Britt did and see what happens but we could also draft a guy like Smith or even let George Fant possible compete ther as well.

        • C-Dog

          I think Cable indicated last week that they don’t see Fant competing with Ifedi on the right side, and that they like how he has been coming along. Could they envision Fant at LG if Joekel is not retained?

          • Hawk Eye

            I don’t think they have the draft capital to spend on o line, other than a late round flyer. Too many other needs, and they have invested a lot in the oline in draft capital. I can see them letting Fant compete at LG and also backing up Brown at LT. I think they want to leave him on the left side since he is raw and footwork might get screwed up if he plays both sides. I think with the weight he gained and his enthusiasm for run blocking, he can play guard to start. I think Rees is also a better guard. I think Joeckel is gone, he is just average, at best and cap is tight. I can see Glow gone as well, 4 years and he is a back up, at best.

    • Matt

      I totally disagree. He’s a 1st Round non-LT and he’s a below average player who leads the league in penalties. That’s an atrocious pick. Bottom line; he hurts this team more than he helps it.

      This team continues to blow high draft capital. Between him and Malik McDowell – it’s a massive setback for an aging team that has huge holes. They need to start hitting.

      I don’t know what they are going to do this offseason but they need to start moving pieces. This Defense got old, fast. Outside of Bobby, Frank Clark, Earl Thomas, Jarran Reed and Nazair Jones; I think everybody else is fair game to trades and getting their starting position challenged. Yes, I include Shaq Griffin as well. I don’t get the love affair. He doesn’t make plays. I don’t care how “close” he gets; he doesn’t make plays.

      • Rob Staton

        Ifedi hasn’t been an atrocious pick. This is Ifedi’s first year starting at RT and while he needs to work on the flags (as did Breno initially) his pass protection has been pretty good.

  46. drewdawg11

    Ifedi literally got two flags for holding that weren’t holding. He buried Fowler into the turf. That’s his job. He’s now a flag-net. Yellow cloth just follows him everywhere he goes. And honestly, he’s a tough guy who has a hot temper sometimes and there is a line that he needs to walk or else he will hurt his team and put them in poor positions, like yesterday.

    • drewdawg11

      Also, I would like to copyright the term “Flag-net”, meaning a player who is a magnet for penalty flags.

      • Sea Mode

        Ok, let us know where to send you the royalties every time we use it… 😉

        • Mishima

          Flag-netted for sarcasm. .003 cents to drewdawg11.

  47. Hawk Eye

    I think there will be several (or more) things that have to be addressed in the off season

    1. Salary cap. Hawks are too close to the limit, so expect some changes, a few guys let go and some not re-signed.
    2. Offensive line has improved, I doubt they use a high pick, and I doubt the re-sign Joeckel or anyone else much above the minimum. I think Ifedi will improve, only his 2nd year. Pocic needs to get bigger and stronger, and Rees, Roos and Fant can create some competition.
    3. Sheldon, PRich and Graham will all be tough choices and I doubt the Hawks will get into bidding wars for them. They don’t have a lot of cap flexibility. Same with McDougall, he has been great, but if he gets a better offer, he will go and they will use Hill to replace him. I doubt the Hawks sign any free agents from other teams that make them lose a comp pick.
    4. Need a young, fast LB, I expect one of their top picks to go for one. Same with CB, I expect Lane to be gone, BMax is just a step slow, and after next year, Sherm may also be gone. Need more young guys.
    5. I suspect Avril won’t be back. Kam will be, even if he does not play, just because of the way his contract is structured.
    6. More worried about the damage from the accident than the arrest for Mailk. 20 year old with money and lots of free time doing something stupid is not a shock. Hawks will give him a chance to come back, he is young and has talent, guys like that get more than 1 chance.
    7. Running game needs to be fixed, and other than Carson, they don’t have much as a possible bell cow. I can see them using a high pick. I keep hearing guys who want Hyde, but he has had lots of injury issues and SF does not seem to want him. Not sure we want another vet with not much left, or he has a big pay check. But I think the running game will also need a lot of improvement from the guards.
    8. Kicking game. Walsh is average at best, probably not even that, and who is not nervous if he has to make the kick to win the game? Ryan is an average punter, and not cheap. Lockett has had 1 or 2 good games returning kicks, but they need another kick returner. And the coverage has not been special. They need to go back to having a top 5 special teams.

    Just need to get a couple of good rookies and have decent health next year. And a healthy Russell. And hopefully, he cuts down on the WTF pics he has been throwing this year, and I think he will be in the conversation for MVP for a while.

    I hope they win the last 3 games, but am pretty dubious they can win 3 playoff games against good teams, especially on the road. And if Bobby and KJ miss some time, and Sheldon and Bennett get suspended for a game, that may give the Rams the division and they may not even make the playoffs.

    • C-Dog

      Running game has got to be the priority, IMO. I would prefer them to use the draft to fix, but I could see them using a combo of the draft and free agency, especially if Hyde has a cold market. I think Seattle needs backs, not a back.

      What was most troubling about the McDowell arrest was his bizarre behavior, which could signal brain injury concerns. I just have a unsettling feeling about his situation on the whole.

      In terms of #3, I agree that none of these guys are must re-signs, but of them, Sheldon and Graham feel to me the closest. I wonder what the feeling is with the team. They’ve been pretty mum.

      • Greg Haugsven

        Thats a great post Hawk Eye. I pretty much agree on everything you said. I like Hyde but no thanks. One they dont have the money and two he will be 27 and RB’s usually are done after the age 28 season. The best production from running backs come in there early years. About 2 weeks ago I thought Graham and Sheldon we would want to resign. Graham just kills me sometimes as he just seems to check out of games when he doesnt get the ball. He just seems lazy. I love Richardson but I rarely have seen him put pressure on the QB. He is great against the run but you can get those guys anywhere. Just not sure he is worth the money. I would have put PRich 3rd on the free agent sign list but he might have moved up. I could just see letting them all go.

      • Hawk Eye

        yes, running game helps Russell not have to throw “prayers” downfield, and helps the defense get some rest and can demoralize the other team if they can’t stop it.

        I think the salary cap will be a YUUUGE factor in who gets re-signed.

        was McDowell just being a 20 year old jerk or is there a brain damage issue from the accident?
        Hopefully he was being a young jerk and can be turned around. I don’t see brain damage as something that gets solved or ever sees him on the field. If he can play and up to his potential, the 2017 draft is going to look pretty good.

        • C-Dog

          Brain damage is what I’m fearing. No joke.

  48. Stephen Pitell

    Great (if depressing) list of screwups to start this game. Put together like that it is amazing we were’t down more than 3 points at halftime.

    The depth of this team is both crazy good and still not enough in the face of two more injuries to pro-bowlers. We have ETIII and a bunch of replacements now behind our D line which didn’t do enough to help out those scrubs.

    Wilson is amazing, and Jimmy Graham is not. Unless he’s willing to play for a LOT less, I’d let Jimmy go and take the compensatory draft pick. I’d rather have PRich or the other Richardson. Preferably, both.

    Wilhoite and Alexander played with heart and soul and showed some talent in place of our injured LBers.

    While our season hangs by a thread and even if we make the playoffs we are unlikely to advance far, I still am hanging onto hope since there are no really great teams and no one particularly scares me. We’ve shredded some of the best defenses in the league with ease, and only shooting ourselves in the foot has ever really stopped this team.

    It’s been an interesting season ….

    • C-Dog

      Nice post. It definitely has been an interesting season.

  49. Sea Mode

    This has to be worth something for my man Bryce Love. I still think he’s the real deal, a Percy Harvin who can also run between the Tackles.

    May be redundant for us with McKissic and Prosise, but somebody is going to get a heck of a player. My only reason to hesitate might be comps to McCaffery.

  50. Joshua Smith

    Shameful antics by some of the Jags fans after the game. More shameful antics from Michael Bennett as well, but what else is new.

    Referees again had a hand in the Seahawks losing. There was the obvious PI on that 4th down attempt which wasn’t called. The “taunting an official” penalty on Ifedi after a holding call that we never got to see a replay of – you never see taunting an official called and guys always taunt officials. There were several late hits out of bounds by the Jaguars that weren’t called. I’m sure there were others that I am forgetting.

    • cha

      They did show a reply of the Ifedi taunting call. It was so non-descript it might have just escaped notice. Ifedi put his hands up and said something to the ref (something every OL-man, ever, does when they get flagged). Ref immediately grabbed his flag and let it fly.

      Ifedi must have said something really salty.

      • Joshua Smith

        Yeah I saw that, I meant that they didn’t show a replay of the holding call. He might have had a legitimate gripe.

  51. C-Dog

    Seattle PFF grades after loss to Jags, for what it is worth.

    RW and McDougald shine brightest. Very interesting analysis notes on McDougald that support the notion he’s becoming closer to a priority re-sign. Also shows why Seattle might be fine at WR, even without PRich. Interesting note on Frank Clark’s play, and while Edge might become an offseason priority.

    Russell Wilson 82.3

    “Russell Wilson’d stat line looks like he had a very high highs and low lows, the first part of that actually was true. Wilson provided some big plays when the Seahawks needed it the most. Where most people will look at the interceptions as the flaw in Wilson’s play, the biggest issue was his play under pressure. Eight of the 17 plays he was under pressure were due in part to his own style of play. While some games he can get away with it, against the Jaguars he only completed 42.9 percent of his passes for 91 yards.”

    S Bradley McDougald, 81.1 overall grade

    “From Weeks 1 through 13, McDougald was asked to line up as a linebacker on 35 percent of his defensive snaps; thanks to some injury issues though with the Seahawks’ linebackers in Week 14 he spent 73 percent of his snaps against the Jaguars in a linebacker position, and he appeared to be up to the task. McDougald led Seattle’s defense in terms of overall grade and he also led the team with five stops, giving him ten over the last two games.”

    WR Doug Baldwin, 79.0 overall grade

    WR Tyler Lockett, 77.4 overall grade

    C Justin Britt, 76.3 overall grade

    RB Mike Davis , 68.7

    “Coming off a week where it looked like Mike Davis would be the lead back for the Seahawks, he led the Seahawks in carries and again gained over 40 yards after contact for a second straight week and forced 4 missed tackles. It looks like the Seahawks will be ending the season with Davis and McKissic spiting the work load.”

    EDGE Frank Clark, 40.5

    Clark followed up his elite Week 13 performance (92.1 overall grade last week against the Philadelphia Eagles) with a bit of a dud against Jacksonville. Clark did earn three pressures on 22 pass-rush snaps (two hurries and a hit) but he didn’t have much of an influence beyond those few plays, as he recorded no stops and missed a tackle. Clark has now failed to record a stop in four of his last five games (he had three against the Eagles) and he’s on pace for just 17 this season after he notched 27 a year ago. Clark had a stretch in the middle of the season from Weeks 4-9 where he finished four out of five games with a grade of at least 79.0, him getting back to that level would go quite a ways as Seattle makes their playoff push.”

  52. cha

    It’s not hard to see the path to a division title or a wildcard spot. But it is very hard to envision this team as currently is reeling off the 4 straight wins against quality competition in the playoffs needed to net a ring this season. A dominant win last week, followed by another injury-marred and mistake-filled loss this week just sows too many doubts.

    That said: It is possible the Hawks can still catch fire and go on another run. And that possibility is right in front of our eyes.

    RW has ascended to being a dominant QB. It feels like we’re seeing the tipping point being reached the last few games. He can take this team on a deep playoff run on his shoulders. He just needs some small tweaks to get in gear a little earlier in the game.

    I’m not saying the Hawks can withstand stupid penalties or a weak performance by the DL (no sacks and only one late hit on Bortles? Inexcusable). Everyone has to carry their weight for this team to win. But week in and week out, teams know they have to stop RW and he still finds ways to compete and be successful.

  53. Sea Mode

    Florida WR Antonio Callaway declared, wonder if RB Jordan Scarlett will as well. They were both suspended for the 2017 season for credit card fraud case, and Callaway has other off-field issues as well, but could be value as a late-round flier, cause the talent is there.

    Antonio Callaway “Slow Down” Florida Gators Highlights

    Here’s the rundown on off-field stuff:

    [Callaway’s] repeated off-the-field headaches had piled up. There was the university’s Title IX investigation that cleared him of any wrongdoing related to a sexual assault allegation in December of 2015, through which his defense was that he was “so stoned” at the time in question. After being suspended and missing spring practice in 2016, he returned to the team that summer. But this past May, he was charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession after being stopped in a car with a 41-year-old career criminal. Callaway eventually plead no contest to possession of drug paraphernalia.

    He was given yet another chance by former head coach Jim McElwain, his staunch defender through his miscues, only to get involved in the credit card fraud scam that would ultimately cost him his junior season.

  54. Greg Haugsven

    I just dont know about trying to resign Jimmy Graham. The more I watch this last game the more angry I get about his play. His body language can put Jay Cutler to shame. Yeah he has 9 touchdowns but he only has 52 catches for 457 yards. Thats a game average of 4 catches for 35 yards. Plus he doesnt contribute in the run game so it just might be time to move on. Put that money somewhere else. He is also 3rd in the league with 6 drops.

    • Trevor

      I am with you Greg. I was in the camp for signing him but his attitude is just awful at least from what you can see visually. He seems to disappear if not targeted early or often or when opposing teams are physical with him. That just not seem like the type of player you win playoff games with.

      He is so talented and unique with an amazing ability in the red zone that you just want to ignore everything else and look at the TDs but I am leaning more each day to hoping they move on from him.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I don’t think he’s that talented. He has dropped a lot of balls this season. Most of his red zone catches have been pretty straight forward and available to any tight end who would run 5 to 10 yards downfield, turn and box out the defender. I haven’t seen any jumping ability demonstrated. I just think his touchdowns are more based on RW throwing to him (finally this year) rather than some inherent ability.

      Don’t get me wrong= I’m not saying he isn’t good and useful. Just not pro bowl 10 million/year material.

      • Hawk Eye

        JG is not top 3 tight end anymore. Cannot afford to overpay him.
        top 3 red zone threat? Maybe.
        But does not want to block and runs hot and cold, which is why he gets love and hate. And too many drops this year
        Maybe McEvoy can be a tall red zone threat, and they try to find another TE who can block and help out the run game. If they lose JG, they have his cap space to use somewhere else.
        with a tight cap, it will depend what he wants, and I can see him wanting to take top $

        • Greg Haugsven

          Think I would rather try to resign Luke Willson to low money (3 years for $6-$7.5) and draft a good run blocking TE. Go into the season with Willson, Vannett, and draft pick for the TE position.

      • Rob Staton

        Oh come on Alaska — you’re literally arguing that Graham has achieved ‘nine easy TD’s’.

        I sure wish we had a running back who could get an ‘easy yard’ every now and again.

        • AlaskaHawk

          Nothing is easy. I just don’t think he’s worth 10 million a year. Unfortunately his drafted or free agent replacement might not be worth it either. At this point Grahams value is the Wilson likes to throw to him. Last year he didn’t , this year he does.

          • Rob Staton

            Graham’s value is he’s been automatic in the red zone.

            That is HUGE.

        • Smitty1547

          I’m with Alaska

    • Del tre

      Sign Martellus Bennett

      • Smitty1547

        No way one Bennett to many right now

  55. GoHawks5151

    I know it sounds like excuses in a bad loss turned even uglier at the end but I don’t think you can say enough about the injuries. What team can survive without its starting SS,CB1, MLB (and DPOY), WLB, DE1, as well as rotaional DT’s? Losing Bobby hurt the most. No coincidence about why the rushing numbers were up in the 3rd and 4th. On the game clinching run Wilhoite and Alexander both tried to fill the same gap and off Fournette went. Bet all my money Bobby makes that tackle. I think all the long games on D have finally caught up to them. Absolutely stupid actions may cost us 2 more starters on D. Next man up only goes so far and doesn’t when you need to replace every man. As for the offense, they weren’t perfect but still put up 24 on the legit best D in the league this year. O line did better than i thought they would The O made mistakes for sure though. Doug should have gotten the first down with the 2 min warning still to go. The PI on Paul was atrocious. With a fresh set of downs near midfield I would bet on Russ all day. I don’t know what to think for the rest of the season. 2 home games, thriving on doubt/adversity, Seattle in December and what not. It just feels like it might not fall like we thought. This team is way unpredictable. The off season will be huge but that seems so far off with huge games to go. Guess we will wait and see.

    Oh and can we be ready for the deep over route this week? Philly missed Ahgolar on it for a TD. JAX hit it for a long TD. Most certainly McVay and the Rams will run it.

    • Trevor

      It says a lot about Russ IMO opinion to think they were a blown call (PI on Prich) from going down for a game winning drive against the best D in the league.

      I have no faith in this team but if they beat the Rams and make the playoffs by wining NFC west. They could beat anyone left on a given day if Russ is hot.

      With Wentz hurt assuming, GB does not make the playoff, Only the NFC south teams scare me as a Hawks fan. The run games of Car and NO look like down right scary.

      • Del tre

        If we have Bobby and KJ the run game won’t be as much of a problem. Plus Shead is an excellent tackler so when he comes back it should help. I’m worried about NO but not Carolina, Cam is just too inconsistent, if he’s hot going into the playoffs he might come out the first game and pass for less than 100 yards

  56. Greg Haugsven

    Wentz gone for the season. If we can get in the playoffs we have a chance. 1 seed has a back up QB and the 2 seed is Case Keenum. The playoffs are a different animal so I’m willing to bet neither of those 2 teams will play in the Super Bowl.

    • Trevor

      I think the NFC winner comes from the South (Atl, Car or NO) 3 teams with solid run games and QBs who have been there done that.

      • Volume12

        N.O. and Pittsburgh is my SB pick. Watch out for the Chargers though.

    • AlaskaHawk

      It does change a teams chances if they can get through the first round of playoffs. I’m liking the odds better.

  57. FuzzyLOgic

    My main thought after the game was what if we had a taller explosive type WR on those 3 picks down field instead of a 5-10 Baldwin? Even if the taller WR didn’t make the 3 catches at least he wouldn’t allow the 3 picks to happen probably. Josh Gordon? Any worthy tall receivers in the draft? That might be more important going into the draft than a RB in round 1-2. I think Carson/Davis and Procise/Mck will be fine next year imho. Any big WR in this draft worthy of a high pick that we could get?

    • Volume12

      Its actually a sneaky good draft for WRs. Only a couple #1 options, but if you want a 2, 3, or 4th WR this class has that in abundance.

  58. Neil

    Once again the Hawks looked like they were sleep walking thru the game. It was clear the Jags were playing with more fire and emotion. Maybe it is time for PC to go. Wilson shouldn’t get a pass for this game either. 3 picks is a bad game any way you look at it. That is 11 for the year, and we all know it could easily be 15, as many potential picks were dropped by opposing players this year. He is also continuing to overlook receivers breaking wide open, { Richardson in the end zone }. It is my opinion it is because of his height and he just can’t see every thing that is happening. With age now, every year his ability to escape the pass rush will diminish, Then what? I appreciate all he has done for the Hawks these 6 years, It has been a terrific run, but the Super Bowl window has closed in my opinion.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I see next year has a rebuilding year, except it is hard to rebuild when you don’t have a 2 or 3 round pick!

    • Hawk Eye

      Woa! That is a little harsh. Wilson is for sure part of the reason they lost that game, but Steve Young played pretty well into his 30’s and Brees is playing well at 37 or 38. His height is a “slight” problem, and with better o line, he won’t have to run around as much. He misses guys, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER QB. does sometimes. As long as he is healthy, the hawks are a threat. Who was the last Seattle QB you could say that about???

      not disagreeing with the Jags being more hungry, but I don’t put that completely on PC. Maybe a bit, since he is the coach, but not enough to show him the door.

    • vrtkolman

      Russell is still learning the position. He’s still a youngster when it comes to QB experience, his best years are far ahead of him. This is the first year he’s really had to carry the team, he’ll learn from it and next year throw less INTs for example. He may lose some speed but he’s not going to lose his sense of when and where pressure is coming. As the O line continues to improve he’ll stay in the pocket more often and move up rather than bail. The Russell Wilson show is just starting IMO.

      • vrtkolman

        If were comparing to Steve Young, Young didn’t even start 16 games until his 8th season in the NFL.

    • Volume12

      That’s a hot take. Imagine what Russ could do if they ever protected him consistently.

  59. EP

    It’s crazy to think that as bad as the seahawks played yesterday they still only lost the game by 6 points. A loss nonetheless but it’s clear that Seattle have had some difficulties throughout the season primarily arising from their injury problems. As much as the future appears slightly murky, I highly doubt these questions would be raised if we had all our stars out there. What team could still be in the playoff race and competitive in every game that they play if they had lost the majority of their starting D at some point during the season.

  60. GoHawks5151

    All the talk about our super bowl window and the faults of Seattle focuses too much on our guys getting old/worse at their jobs. Quite frankly I don’t think we give enough credit to other teams. We take great pride in our talent identification and development. I think we are still at the forefront of the league. It doesn’t take long to look around and see that (Shaq, Naz, etc). But the league competition is better than 2013-14 by far. Look at New Orleans. They were bad to mediocre that past few years and turned decent draft position into a fantastic new core around the old one. Also don’t discount Seattle’s role in all this. So many teams have copied our blueprint and seen success (Denver, Atlanta, Jacksonville). People will always see success and try to get a piece. Those with resources and smarts have done so

    We are not the Patroits. Pete isn’t Bill. We signed dudes that deserved it at the time and shit happens. Now it is time of the Seahawks to respond to the challenges of the league. Both on field and off. That doesn’t mean burning it all down as some suggested. Trading a bunch of dudes for draft picks won’t garuntee success. We are the NFC Steelers ( Or they are the AFC Seahawks). We can keep core guys and restock the shelves accordingly all while remaining in contention. We have seen amazing things from these guys before, all while trusting their process. Desperation will not be a good look for us.

    • EP

      Agree completely

    • Hawk Eye

      good points
      let’s hope for the best, not be too upset if the worst happens, and enjoy watching a team that never quits and will compete for a while. Other teams try too, and some days you just don’t have it when they do.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I agree, but Pete Carroll has to start hitting on some draft picks for offensive line. And it doesn’t help when last years #1 choice hasn’t played a down and seems set on trashing his own life.

      • Rob Staton

        They HAVE hit on picks on the O-line.

        Britt has worked out very nicely. Ifedi gets a rough deal because people love to focus on the negatives. Let’s see on Pocic, nobody can judge him yet. Brown has been a great pickup.

        Seattle’s obsession with discussing the O-line is even more emphatic than the desire to constantly talk about Cable and Bevell.

  61. 321go

    Any thoughts on Bennett? Aside from the theatrics at the end, he had a pretty horrific game. He was reach blocked often on the run plays, had zero effect rushing the QB, and seemed to guess at a side and then completely give up if he didn’t guess right.

    His pass rushing has devolved completely, and has turned into trying to headfake his way around the defender before getting redirected and giving up.

    And then for him to dive at knees during the victory formation… not a great look.

    That was the type of performance that would have gotten a vet cut early in the Pete Carroll days.

  62. FuzzyLOgic

    We may very well lose the rest of our games this year with all these injuries. What team in the NFL can lose so many top rated players for their team and still win 10+ games? What pick in the draft would we get if we went 8&8 or 9&7?

  63. FuzzyLOgic

    Seahawks rookie defensive tackle Malik McDowell was arrested for disorderly conduct in Atlanta early Sunday, TMZ reports.

    According to a police report obtained by TMZ, McDowell was yelling with the head of security at SL Lounge about $600 he believed he was owed by the club. The staff and McDowell’s friend repeatedly tried to tell McDowell the club did not have the money he was asking about, according to TMZ.

    McDowell was eventually let back inside the club, before being kicked out again, according to TMZ. They add that McDowell was yelling about the money the second time he was removed from the club and the according to the police, the arresting officer almost had to pepper spray or tase McDowell. McDowell was released on $325 bond according to TMZ.

  64. Greg Haugsven

    Spend some time really looking at the NFC playoff picture. It really sets up nicely for Philly to be the 1 seed (even without Wentz) and for Minnesota to be the 2 seed (they would own tie breaker over the Saints who have the best chance to win the south). Then if we end up winning the west we would be looking at the 4 seed. With New Orleans getting the 3. It really looks like the 4 seed or nothing for us at this point.

    1 seed, Philly (11-2)…@Giants, Raider, Cowboys (most likely win all 3) 14-2 maybe 13-3

    2 seed, Minnesota (10-3)…Bengals, @Packers, Bears (Maybe lose 1) 12-4 or 13-3 (beat New Orleans)

    3 seed, New Orleans (9-4)…Jets, Falcons, @Bucs (beat Carolina twice) 12-4 (maybe Rams if they win out)

    4 seed, West Winner (Seattle if they win out, LA if we dont)

    5 seed, Carolina (if Rams win the west) (Rams if Seattle wins the west)

    6 seed, Atlanta (if Rams win the west) (Carolina if Seattle wins the west)

    If Rams win the west then Seattle is out, if Seattle wins the west then Atlanta is out.

    • Greg Haugsven

      There is a lot riding on the Rams/Seahawks game

      • John_s

        No margin for error for the Seahawks. They have to run the table however even if the do, I’d pick the 6 seed to beat them in the playoffs is Seattle makes it in.

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