Kudos to the Seahawks, they got it right

Baker Mayfield is heading to Carolina

It would’ve been very easy for the Seahawks to outbid the Carolina Panthers and claim Baker Mayfield.

No doubt they would’ve received plenty of supportive messages too.

Mayfield is a big name. The Seahawks have major question marks at quarterback.

This would’ve been a cheap, throwaway move with no long-term ramifications.

But they were absolutely right not to trade for Mayfield.

This isn’t about 2022. Let’s just keep repeating that. It’s very easy to live in the moment, demand an unspectacular upgrade at quarterback and harp on about the here and now.

Yet the priority for the Seahawks is to build a team and find a long term answer at quarterback.

Mayfield, realistically, is not going to be that.

Despite having offensive-minded Head Coaches, a superb running game, a great offensive line and weapons (expensive weapons) galore — he managed an 87.8 quarterback rating in Cleveland over four years. He had 56 interceptions compared to 92 touchdowns — a ratio that isn’t even 2/1.

We know what he is. We’ve seen what he is. He’s ‘not as bad’ as some quarterbacks but a long way off being anywhere near the top players.

He is a rung further up the ladder than Sam Darnold — and nothing more. A former high pick who needs a second chance. Ironically, his second chance will be the same as Darnold’s.

I suspect the outcome will be pretty similar.

But even if it isn’t — does anyone seriously expect Mayfield will be the long term answer for the Panthers?

Do they even believe that? Given it’s taken until the 6th July to take him on for basically a bag of footballs in a trade.

The Seahawks already have a reclamation project in Drew Lock. If you want to give someone a shot this year, give Lock a shot.

Otherwise the key for the Seahawks in 2022 is simple. It’s not about the quarterback. It’s about building the foundation for the future.

In 2011 they did that while enduring Tarvaris Jackson and Charlie Whitehurst as starters. They still found themselves. Their identity. Their personality. Their style and swagger.

That is what 2022 is about too. It’s about building up your young players, creating the future base and structure of the team.

When they achieved that in 2011, they had the ideal roster for a rookie quarterback to join. They drafted him in 2012 and the rest is history.

They need to set the table again. Then, in 2023, they should be looking to draft their quarterback of the future.

It means this year probably won’t be pretty at times. There will likely be some ugly moments and some difficult games — just as there were 11 years ago.

By the end of the year they were rolling. They were ready to be more than also-rans.

This is the year to take a step towards recreating the 2012 off-season where they landed their quarterback.

If you have to be aggressive next April — do it. That’s the time to be aggressive though, not now.

Part of the reason the Panthers are trading for Mayfield and Darnold and drafting Matt Corral is because they’ve been waiting for a perfect player to fall to them. They snubbed Mac Jones a year ago despite coaching him at the Senior Bowl. They didn’t want Justin Fields. Or Davis Mills.

They’ve been too picky and not really had a clear plan other than ‘we want a great QB, let’s hope it happens soon’.

The Seahawks should bide their time until the next draft and then strike. I think the two key targets should be Will Levis or Tyler Van Dyke. The media will tell you it should be Bryce Young or C.J. Stroud.

So far though I’ve been impressed with Seattle’s patience and willingness to play the long game. I’m still suspicious why they created cap space this year by restructuring Shelby Harris’ contract. Jimmy Garoppolo, as discussed, remains a potential option. We also brought up Darnold’s name a few weeks agoif Mayfield landed in Carolina.

They don’t need to make a trade to be 1-3 wins better in 2022. They need to rebuild. They need to reset.

And then they need to go and get a young quarterback on a cheap contract who can be their franchise star — not someone who has already shown he’s not up to the job.

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  1. Joe


  2. Big Mike

    100% agree Rob. My only concern is if Pete will play most of the young guys as was the case in ’11 or will he do as Curtis illustrated and play vets over worthy young guys like we saw happen to Alton Robinson last season. My hope is that he’s fully committed to a rebuild and doesn’t instead straddle the fence because of win forever.

    • cha

      12.27.2021 after the Chicago game disaster…

      [Michael Shawn-Dugar] This morning you said you don’t need a restart or you don’t need to adjust your philosophy and approach, but you do gotta grow and progress. In what ways do you need to grow and progress the most?

      [Pete] A million different ways but I’ll give you an example. How we ask guys to do what they gotta do in crunch time. What guys we put in and who we give the ball. Is gonna be comfortable and come through. For instance, Tyler [Lockett] has always been a guy that has always been a guy that comes through in crunch time. So you make decisions to position that guy so that he gets that opportunity more than maybe another guy or a newer guy.

      Say it’s D’Wayne [Eskridge] or Colby [Parkinson] at tight end. Guys that haven’t been out there in all those crunch time situations. So you’re looking at edges and opportunities to get guys in the right spots. That’s just one area to look at.


      So he was asked by a reporter what is the biggest way, the biggest thing they can change and his response is to rely on the veteran players MORE. To give them MORE opportunities.

      If he still feels that way in 2022, this team is in big, big trouble.

      • Big Mike

        Thanks for expounding on that cha. And I agree 100% with your points

      • Gross MaToast

        Reiterating, relegating Pete to a rah-rah guy with little-to-no say in calls, schemes, rotations, or playing time on either side of the ball is the most beneficial move the Seahawks can make in ‘22. His job is to chew gum and seem engaged. Since ownership would have to make this call, no chance.

        • Rob Staton

          I hope the bolstering of the defensive staff and an apparent move away from what Pete knows best to a Fangio-inspired scheme is indicative of just that. Pete taking a step back and being more of an overseer.

          I also think, potentially, they are setting the table for life after PC. Clint Hurtt seems like a star in the making.

          • TomLPDX

            I agree with both those takes. Really like Clint and the fact that Pete is revamping the D away from his own style speaks volumes to me.

          • Gross MaToast

            That could absolutely be the case – maybe Hurtt is the guy, maybe Desai was promised something later in order to get him to the Seahawks now. Either way, Pete stepping back is a huge plus, should it happen.

  3. TomLPDX

    Glad that got that one right. Let’s hope they don’t go after Jimmy G for the same reasons. We need to re-establish the core of this team and we have some young, hungry players that might be able to do it.

  4. Big Boi

    I’m glad the Hawks didn’t get Baker. I’m also pulling for Baker as an underdog and hope he’s uber successful after the dog crap the Browns pulled, who may now be forever cursed. I have two thoughts on this escapade though.
    1) The Browns are a cautionary tale to all fans. How many 1st round quarterbacks have they taken only to not get what they expected? While I agree the best option for us is to develop young non-QB talent now and pick the best QB in the 2023 draft, there are no guarantees. Let’s just hope the Hawks scouting is better than Browns/Lions/fill-in-latest-also-ran-team. There are a lot more Browns/Lions stories than there are Packers/Patriots.
    2) Part of me wonders if the Panthers are trying to follow the Hawks 2012 formula- strike QB gold in the middle rounds but bring on an experienced QB to hold the reins for a couple years. For the Hawks, we were fortunate enough to have Russ usurp Flynn right away, something the Panthers likely will not see with Corrall. I’m probably wrong as it seems their owner was pretty much smitten with any QB available and is content at throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks.

  5. seaspunj

    one less QB off the market but it may open up Darnold as an availability (who I also dont want) what’s the chances PC JS kick the tires on Darnold should he be waived or made available for free?

    i truly hope Drew Lock impresses enough this preseason and can be a place holder for the next QB in the 2023 draft

  6. ElPasoHawk

    I was a big proponent of the Hawks acquiring Baker when the Browns signed Watson. After watching all of the Browns games from last year and a single game from 2020, my enthusiasm cooled a great deal. He is competitive, elusive, and has streaks of good accuracy, but he is a turnover machine and gets a ton of balls batted down at the line. I still would be more excited to watch the Hawks with him at QB, but the results weren’t going to change. Rob was once again correct in his assessment and kudos to the Hawks for not biting. On to a hopefully quick rebuild.

    • bk matty

      2020 he was 11-5, 63%, 26TDs 8 Picks…. Healthy!

      2021 he was hurt all year….

      • Rob Staton

        Still not great numbers for year three with an elite supporting cast and offensive head coach

        • bk matty

          I wouldn’t call their 2020 WR corp elite, after Landry they had nothing. They also ran 50% of the time. Those are pretty good numbers on any level in the NFL for a 24yr old QB. They are also in a tough division with solid Pittsburg and Baltimore teams and now Cincinnati.

          To early to call him a bust.

          • Rob Staton

            Well, you’ve picked out one position.

            One position, incidentally, which included one of the best receivers in the league who just helped the Rams win a Super Bowl — with one of the most productive #2 receivers as his partner in crime and some reasonable depth behind them both.

            They also spent a R1 pick on Njoku (just been paid handsomely) and paid even more money (huge money) for Austin Hooper.

            That’s just the targets.

            He also benefitted from two of the best RB’s in the NFL and a fantastic O-line.

            You’re going to have to work hard to tell me that isn’t an elite supporting cast.

      • ElPasoHawk

        Go back and watch the first half of week 1 2020 against Baltimore. It looks remarkably similar to what you see when you watch 2021 film. He struggles for stretches with accuracy which combined with his willingness to throw into tight spaces causes interceptions or dropped interceptions. I don’t mind the gunslinger in him, it’s kinda admirable, but there is no way he is a fit for Pete.

        • James Kupihea

          I’m not sure I’ve seen a player benefit from so much excuse-making blind loyalty as Mayfield when he hasn’t produced anything to back that up. Of all the stats quoted about Mayfield, one that people like to gloss over is how he’s historically bad in big moments. He’s ranked #101 all-time in crunch-time situations since the NFL started collecting this data in 1999. To put him in context, a historically excellent crunch-time QB is Russ at #24, Manning at #6, Brady at #4, and Mahomes at #1 (with a much smaller sample size).

          I couldn’t pay a QB knowing he has a habit of coming up short when the pressure is on.

  7. Romeo A57

    When watching Charlie Whitehurst start games for the Seahawks, I thought that he had to be the worst NFL Quarterback of all time. I can’t believe that he somehow lasted a decade in the NFL. I just checked six teams and 11 years in the league.

    • Elmer

      One of the great nicknames ever. Clipboard J.

  8. Forrest

    Now San Francisco can trade Jimmy G to the Browns as a one-year replacement for Watson during his coming suspension.

    • Rob Staton

      Doubt Jimmy G will have any interest in that disaster zone of a franchise

      And Cleveland doesn’t have the trade stock to do it

      • Elmer

        They have really painted themselves into a corner. A troubled QB facing possible suspension for whom they gave up too much draft capital. A good deal if you are Houston.

  9. bk matty

    IM not a total seller on Mayfield. He was hurt quite a bit in Cleveland. When healthy he played well and led them on a solid playoff effort one year. There is still a chance with the right coach and system he can be very effective.

    • Mike Bara

      Which is why they should have traded for him.

  10. bk matty

    I think Mayfield was well worth a try for a 5th rounder. Surprised we didnt go for it. Hes been hurt in 2 of his 4yrs in Cleveland and when healthy has been pretty good. In 2020 he had a stellar year, they went 11-5, he had 26tds only 8 int and completed 63% of his passes. They also almost knocked off KC on the road in the playoffs. He also has the exact makeup for a PC QB. If coached up right in the right system, like ours, I think there was a high chance he could be effective. The real knock on him is injury concerns…

    • Rob Staton

      Was it a stellar year in 2020???

      It was an average year statistically. With an elite supporting past and good offensive head coach.

      If that season is him at his best in an ideal environment — his ceiling isn’t great at all. That year pretty much is the argument against Mayfield. With everything going for him, that’s all he is. A 26/8 TD passer who just about gets you in the playoffs.

      • bk matty

        Again, Jarvis Landry as your #1 WR with nothing behind him isnt elite, even their TE corp is average. THeir RBs were elite and that is why they ran 50% of the time. You are not looking at the stats correctly, he only threw it 486x in 2020, the top passing QBs throw it 600x. adjust his numbers for attempts and they would be much better. Cleveland threw it 50% of the time. His year was statistically even with Matt Stafford and Philip Rivers, good company to be in.

        • Rob Staton

          Are you deliberately ignoring the points I’m making?

          As I mentioned, he had Odell Beckham Jr as his #1 and couldn’t create ANY chemistry with him. So they basically shipped him off to LA… where he immediately helped them win a Super Bowl.

          Jarvis Landry is an above average #2 receiver.

          They just signed David Njoku to a four-year, $56.75m contract extension. So they clearly don’t think he is ‘average’. They invested big money in Austin Hooper too.

          I then highlighted, clearly, that when I talk about an elite supporting cast — I don’t just mean receivers. You’ve glossed over that to tell me I’m ‘not looking at the stats correctly’ to try and move the goalposts but clearly he was the beneficiary of two outstanding running backs and a top-tier running game — plus an excellent, expensive offensive line.

          It’s OK to accept that this is a fantastic situation for any quarterback. You don’t have to try and call a spade a fork.

      • Mike Bara

        Mayfield’s 2020 is exactly what this team needs at QB. Now thanks to clown show running this team, it won’t happen.


        • Starhawk29

          While I think a 26/8 TD/INT ratio would certainly be a boon for this team, this is hardly a stellar year. Carson Wentz just did him one better, with a 27/7 in 2021…should we have traded for Wentz? Stats lie all the time, I think it says more that the Browns were willing to sell the farm for someone accused 26+ times of sexual harassment/assault. Furthermore, just because Baker had those stats 2 years ago doesn’t mean he can replicate them in Seattle. He had a better Oline, equally good receivers, better running backs, and a defense with talent. He’s a fine QB. In the NFC he’s in the top half (though that’s not saying a lot). But the odds of him being a great QB are lower than the odds of finding a guy in the draft.

          • Rob Staton

            The entire NFL said ‘nah’ to Baker Mayfield until July 6th and the team that traded for him is desperate AF and gave up a ham sandwich for him

            But we’re supposed to believe the Seahawks desperately needed him in the first year of a rebuild


            • Peter

              How in the world would mayfield’s “great,” 2020 season be good for Seattle?

              What are we even doing here, folks?

              We all watched that stat line last year and it was one if the least enjoyable seasons I can remember watching in decades. Until i see the fruits of Hurtt/Desai a 26/8 td:int stat line is going to have Seattle firmly in the meh to bleh camp.

              I’m firmly excited about watching development and *still* very stoked in the draft almost proportional to how bad free agency was but….a bang average display at qb in the modern sense via Mayfield isn’t going to suddenly catapult Seattle to relevancy.

              • Starhawk29

                I think part of the problem is the increased skill of the average QB along with the proliferation of offense in the sport. Simply put, bad QBs put up better stat lines now. As I mentioned above, Wentz posted better numbers and got traded. The standard for QBs has changed, and a middle class is emerging at the position. You can have success with middling QBs, but only if your roster is already great. Ours isn’t.

                All that being said, the goal this year is to build a team and reset the culture. I do think there is a benefit to having a decent QB in this regard as it allows the offense to function properly, instills a sense of capability in the team, and ideally provides some form of leadership. I see TJax as an example. He played through injury to lead the team and that helped set the culture and endear him to fans. Was he a good QB? No. Did his grit and bang-average consistency help set the tone for our SB win? I think so.

        • Big Mike

          Well you’re right in the correct neighborhood for the season record.

          • Rob Staton

            I highly doubt the Seahawks will finish with a record like that

            They basically were an expansion franchise in 2010 and won seven games

            They were developing and building in 2011 and won seven games

            They were bloody awful for large stretches last season, had to start Geno Smith and Russell Wilson played with a mangled finger and still won seven games

            They may or may not win seven games in 2022 but 4-13? Not for me

            • Big Mike

              I of course sincerely hope you’re right. My prediction is actually 5-12, that’s why I said “neighborhood”.

            • Big Boi

              I honestly hope you’re wrong. First off, comparing the NFL of 2011 to the NFL of 2022 is as apples and oranges as it gets. The game has changed dramatically in the last decade. Second, 7 wins will land us at the back end of the top 10. Unless the QB we wants happens to fall to us, the “quarterback premium” would mean that our #9 pick plus the Broncos’ #22 won’t get us to number 3 without throwing in 2 second round picks or a third #1 (took the niners 3 firsts and a third to get from 12 to 3). Using 2 1s and 2 2s to get Russ’ replacement who may or may not work out is a bit of a bitter pill for me. It would be so much better to end the season with a top 5 pick and just stand pat to keep all that draft capital to continue the rebuild.

              • Rob Staton

                I didn’t compare the NFL of 2011 to the NFL of 2022

                I compared Seattle’s situations, which are almost identical

                The state and form of the league is irrelevant

      • Elmer

        The point is not whether Mayfield is a better QB than Smith or Lock. The point is building for the future. It’s doubtful IMO whether the incremental improvement would justify the salary plus what would have been given up in a trade.

  11. Mike Bara

    Acting like Mayfield got a fair shot in Cleveland is far from the truth. Massive instability at head coach and OC. Terrible ownership. He still has upside. Huge mistake not to get him as he has already demonstrated he is miles ahead of Drew Lock or Sam Darnold.

    And let’s look at the historical reality: It took the Seahawks 36 to find their first true franchise QB. The odds of doing it again in 2023 are less than 10%.

    They should have traded for Mayfield.

    • bk matty

      I tihnk the bigger issue is Baker is a bit of a D. People just don’t like him and he mouths off to much.

      • Scott Crowder

        So was Sherman. Being a Diva should have no bearing on football decisions. That it was speaks poorly for the Browns FO. That they took Watson, paid Watson and will watch Watson be suspended for an entire year on their dime says volumes about the Browns FO and their decision making abilities, or lack thereof.

        While I’m happy we passed on Mayfield, I have to acknowledge that a 5th rounder and what was it? $5mil? seems like a price we could have paid to take a flyer on him.

        • Hawkdawg

          I think the D being referred to was Douche, or maybe Dick. Mayfield and Sherman have much more differences than they have commonalities.

    • no frickin clue

      Are you saying that Mayfield is a franchise QB hiding in plain sight, done in by all of these various factors outside his control? If so, I think he’d be the first.

      You’re giving him every benefit of the doubt at the same time that you’re dismissing the entire 2023 QB draft class.

      • Chuck

        A 5th and 5M is so little to give up, though. I’m no a Baker fan boy by any means but when you have Lock/Smith as your potential starters, he represents a clear improvement for one bridge year. I don’t need to view him as the answer to think he would make the team better.

    • Rob Staton

      Mayfield got a fair shot

      No acting necessary

    • Peter

      How then is your argument not the same for lock? Massive instability. Learning a new system during covid protocols.

      Shouldn’t we assume he will do much better in a new environment?

      How then was Wilson able to fare so well? Not one decent OC of note. A great running game. A mostly terrible oline and certainly one with a million moving parts. Late round try hard recievers until the end of his time here. Who knows what was going on with the TE’s for a decade. But somehow he made it work.

  12. no frickin clue

    Maybe the Shelby Harris restructuring is a precursor to a DK extension?

    To cha’s point on Pete preferring to play veterans on the roster – do you think this is a function of wanting to be a “player’s coach” and showing loyalty to the old guard? Back in 2011, there were no sacred cows.

    • Big Mike

      Never thought of that but it seems like a possibility and at least a subconscious thing for him.

    • cha

      Maybe the Shelby Harris restructuring is a precursor to a DK extension?

      I guessed the Seahawks would tack $3m on in 2022 in my piece on his extension to get started on the cap hit so there is some symmetry there.

      To cha’s point on Pete preferring to play veterans on the roster – do you think this is a function of wanting to be a “player’s coach” and showing loyalty to the old guard? Back in 2011, there were no sacred cows.

      Hard to say, but the most optimistic view is probably that he was pressing, trying to hold things together while Russ was here instead of pushing younger players onto the field.

      Now that Russ is gone, is the light on that his best option is to develop the talent?

      • no frickin clue

        That’s an interesting point. Another way of phrasing this might be to say that Russ’ presence may have had an effect on Pete’s roster and playing time decisions.

        The next consideration would be this: did Russ make any overt demands of Pete on the roster construction or on playing time?

        We know Russ wanted a say on play-calling (although to be fair, what QB wouldn’t)
        We know Russ wanted a say in the next OC, choosing Waldron from a select group
        We also know that Russ never wants his fingerprints on anything in the public arena.
        Would it be a huge surprise if we someday found out that Russ barged into Pete’s office a few years ago and said “go get Jamal Adams, I don’t care what it takes, dude’s a superstar”? Or insisted they go get Greg Olsen at TE? Or told Pete “stop playing the rookies on D, we need guys I can trust”?

        • Rob Staton

          I think there’s next to no chance Wilson did that

          I’m sure he made his feelings heard but I doubt he was demanding specific players in trades or dictating which players play on defense

    • Rob Staton

      There’s no reason to take money away from 2023 and add it to 2022 for a DK extension

  13. bk matty

    I will say this, either Darnold or Mayfield will be available for a 7th come August….

    Perhaps we are playing the long game….

  14. Sean-O

    Like most Hawks fans, I was thrilled to see this news come through yesterday. It will be nice not to have to listen to all the Baker to Seattle talk any longer.

    Now they can ramp up the Garoppolo talk. Hell, I’m sure the Darnold rumors are on their way too. Fun, fun.

    As the article states, I too hope the Hawks bide their time till the next draft. Plus, if you want to add that bridge type of QB next season, the free agents possibly available in ’23 are Garoppolo, Mayfield, Daniel Jones, Lock? & Gardner Minshew.

    Pair one of them along with a high-pick of a QB, then you’re hopefully on to something.

  15. Chuck

    Josina Anderson is looking really dumb right now.

    • Big Mike

      right now?

  16. David

    Grayson McCall?

    • Rob Staton


  17. Happy Hawk

    Glad they passed on Mayfield. Draft your QB next year, Just got back from Vegas and the Futures LIne on the Hawks winning the Super Bowl was 30-1 which was in the top 15 best odds to win it. What does Vegas know? I would expect them to be more in the 75-100 to 1 range given their roster and talent level. Head scratcher. And no I did not make that bet.

    • Michael Hasslinger

      Now those are intriguing stats. What about the Seahawks roster do they like? It cannot be the schedule, can it? Thank you for sharing.

    • Big Mike

      I was in Vegas in mid-May and saw the Hawks at 65-1 to win it all. Either the book you were at was trying to pull a fast one and sucker some people into making that bet or the odds have come down a lot in 2 months which makes little to no sense.

      The Mariners were 500-1 to win the World Series at the same time and while I don’t think they have a prayer to do so, I still consider that a better bet than the Hawks at 65-1.

      • Happy Hawk

        It was at the Westgate Sports Book which I believe is the book that sets the lines in that town – could be wrong. They had the Bengals at 25-1 and the Hawks at 30-1 didn’t make sense. You may be right Big Mike.

      • Big Boi

        My place has them at 130-1 (+13000). Maybe you didn’t see the 1 in front of the 30? They have the Titans, Cards, Eagles at 30-1, for example. O/U on wins is still sitting at 5.5 which is probably about right.

  18. James

    John Schneider, in the name of all that is good and holy, find us an elite championship QB. Our quality of life as Seahawks fans is completely in your hands. You did it once, you can do it again. Fail, and the next decade of our #12 existence is all rack and ruin. Get this right, and we will rename Seattle as “The Town That John Built.”

  19. Big Mike

    Former Hawk David Moore arrested on drug and weapon charges in Texass.


  20. Bankhawk

    Rob, I know it’s a recaoitulation of what you’ve (rightly) been saying all along, but you’ve said it here so, so we’ll.
    A really nice read that puts the whole matter in a nutshell!
    Twitter can put THAT in their pipe and smoke it! Some truly nice writing, there, my friend! 👍

    • Rob Staton


  21. cha

    Montreal takes Slafkovsky #1 overall.

    Crap. He was my guy for the Kraken.

    • Hawkdawg

      The guy they got was a surprise, was he not? Another center, but many thought he would go No. 1….

      • cha

        Yes. Wright wasn’t the consensus #1 pick but he was at the top of most mocks for quite a while. Sliding to #4 may be the best thing that ever happened to the Kraken. Two centers they can build around is a strategy that is hard to argue with.

  22. cha

    Seattle Seahawks
    A group of wideout weapons 💪

    More on our strengths heading into the 2022 season, according to

    📰 » http://shwks.com/5rt7u7 |


    That’s great, only….the PFF article they link to, after highlighting the WR strength says this…

    Biggest Weakness: Everything Else
    When you take Russell Wilson off the Seahawks roster, you realize just how bad the situation had become and what the team required of him to drag them to the playoffs every season. The departure of Bobby Wagner removes yet another quality player from the group, leaving Seattle with one of the worst rosters in the league and one of the worst quarterback situations to go along with it.

    How long do you think the director of social media keeps his job if he keeps posting links that say stuff like this?

    • McZ

      This franchise has a #1 WR holding out to get a contract before the 2022 crap season ruins his market cap, and a #2 WR on his last contract. They are the last place where top FAs would go.

      The rest of the team is pretty awful. They are stuck with a lame-duck HC, unwilling to play rookies, creating the most unwatchable football in the entire league. They have a crap defense with only one player possibly scratching top 10 on his position. They have a badly coached rebuilding OL full of questionmarks, nothing at QB, a

      Even if they hit on their 25% chance to get a workable QB in the 2023 draft, they would still be in limbo for a couple of seasons.

      The reality is: it’s time to move on.

  23. Ashish

    Bump: Should Hawks get Darnold after Mayfield trade?

    Just give us a break, it is not even 24 hours for Mayfield saga now people are on Darnold.

    • Big Mike

      Hey Tom, I can’t remember did you take the under when I said the over/under on this was one week? iirc you took the under.

      • TomLPDX

        I took the over for 1 week but under for the beginning of training camp. I really doubt they bring him in though.

    • James Kupihea

      Me hoping we can be extra sneaky and poach Corral 😉

      • cha

        Why would you want to punch Matt Corrall? What did he ever do to you?

        Wait. Let me read that again…

  24. cha

    Okay this is awesome

    • TomLPDX

      Pretty cool!

  25. cha

    Athletic with a deep dive on the Baker trade, confirms Seahawks never in it.

    The Panthers weren’t in a hurry to re-engage with Cleveland, in part because they knew they were the only suitor. Externally, a lot of dots connected Mayfield and what appears to be a rebuilding Seattle team, but the Seahawks never made a real trade inquiry. Fitterer, who had spent 20 years in Seattle’s front office, would have known if the Seahawks were serious about Mayfield.


    • Rob Staton

      But… but… Josina said…

      • cha

        They still trying to figure out how I know/ heard !

        No we’re not.

        Always been fascinated by this kind of stuff. What had her so convinced she felt on solid ground basically calling Rapaport a liar?

        And was there a conversation that took place with her source after Rap broke the story and/or several other prominent reporters have backed his account in the aftermath? “WTH you told me the Seahawks were in on this and I went to the mat with it…”

        Or is she literally so obnoxious she thinks that she is the main character in every interaction she has?

        • Rob Staton

          Her tweets are the worst. They are highly embarrassing.

          • JJ

            I was just on the phone with Josina and I was told….

            • Rob Staton

              Probably told a load of bollocks 😂

          • Rob Staton

            Not a surprise mind given the journalism industry is now blighted by reporters who are addicted to generating attention on social media and/or telling us their opinions on absolutely bloody everything.

            The classic reporter dedicated to simply uncovering the truth, reporting accurately, holding to account and being prepared to ruffle a few feathers are rarer these days than is necessary for the industry to thrive.

            • RugbyLock

              That type of reporter is almost like a Unicorn these days…

        • Ashish

          Browns team tried to create an artificial demand for Baker and Seahawks was perfect team who needs QB upgrade. Panthers may got a good deal, but they could have waited for Brown to cut Baker. In that case Baker would have sign any team so make sense to give up some draft capital.

          • Sea Mode

            Exactly. She got used.

            • Big Mike

              “She got used”

              (Must not type what I’m thinking….must exercise self-control….struggling….)

            • Rob Staton

              But it’s the fact so many journalists are willing to be ‘used’ these days just so they can get five minutes of fame when they get thrown a nugget from an agent for their willingness to ‘do business’

              This isn’t journalism

              • Ashish

                Agreed guess what we are talking about Josina but was wrong reasons.

  26. Kenny Sloth

    Think mayfield has a lot of character red flags that aren’t talked about enough, personally.

  27. Kenny Sloth

    Meanwhile Oregon Ducks pick up perhaps the #1 recruit in the nation: Dante Moore is Green and Yellow

    We might have the best QB room in the conference now, if Bo Nix can show well.

    Very good day for the O

    • Rob Staton

      Bo Nix is awful though, let’s be honest

      • Kenny Sloth

        I’ll be honest I didn’t see a single game of his last year, but he beat us as a true freshman in his first game. Always thought he had a lot of potential, but didn’t really benefit from staying in a comfortable place like Auburn working under his father.

        Hope we can rekindle some of what made him an exciting recruit only a couple seasons ago.

        Not ready to write him off as trash, but certainly would be quite pleased to see Moore comfortably take the job. The kid may have the most natural pocket awareness I’ve seen despite being a little undersized and slow footed. Needs a lot of mechanical work, muscle added, and get that arm strength up, but you see what the scouts like.

    • Ben

      You mean Bo Picks???

    • uptop

      I don’t know where you’ve been but Dante Moore isn’t even the top QB in the class

  28. Sea Mode

    Interesting, Jordan Brooks made a top 10 ILB list:

    10. Jordyn Brooks, Seattle Seahawks
    Highest ranking: 5 | Lowest ranking: Out of top 10
    Age: 24 | Last year’s ranking: Unranked

    Brooks elevated his game in Year 2 with 10 tackles for a loss, five pass deflections and 184 total tackles, which ranked second in the league. The 2020 first-round pick now steps into a leadership role with the departure of Wagner.

    “Brooks is outstanding in the run game and one of the most explosive hitters in the game,” an NFL coordinator said. “His pass coverage needs a lot of work.”

    That last part shows in the advanced metrics, as NFL Next Gen Stats credited Brooks with a league-high 658 yards allowed as the nearest defender in coverage, along with four touchdowns. Still, his ability to win head-to-head matchups was impressive. He rushed the passer only 58 times, but on those rushes, he produced a stellar 43.3% win rate. His 37.5% run stop win rate ranked 11th in the league among linebackers.

    “An ascending player,” an NFC scouting executive said. “If he can get more refined in the passing game, his game can take off.”


    • Kenny Sloth

      Maybe if he wasn’t so darn good last year we would still have Bobby 😩

      Wonder if that absence will impact his numbers this year.

      Is Kj coming back or at least sticking around as an assistant/ambassador?

      (Ps good to see you still very helpful and sharp, SeaMode! All love big man)

      • Sea Mode

        Good to have you back commenting here and there, Kenny! Hope all is well for you! You still coaching…? 💙💚

        I definitely think KJ will be back either as an assistant coach or perhaps even on the “ghost roster” in case of injuries.

        P.S. So weird not to be in the middle of the World Cup right now, isn’t it? Think the stars and stripes make a decent run this time around?

  29. Rob Staton

    Big interview coming next week for the pod

    Stay tuned

    • Big Mike


    • Kenny Sloth

      I don’t comment much anymore or read every article, but I always tune in to your interviews and most podcasts!

      Keep up the good work guys

  30. cha

    Word is DK is working out with Geno Smith.

    But still no contract. Two weeks and change until camp.

    Do the Seahawks really think they can handle another ‘hold-in’ and not have their offense affected?

    PC kept assuring the press Adams was fully involved in meetings and was up to speed. How’d that work out?

    • Big Boi

      I personally think he’ll actually hold out, not in. For Adams, he was looking for a $8-9 million raise (his fifth year option, if memory serves, was around $9 million) and so paying several hundred thousand in fines represented a decent portion of the raise. For DK, he’s looking for a $25 million raise (if reports are true that he wants to be the highest paid WR) and so a true hold out carries a lot more weight. Plus, because he’s on his rookie contract, the team can forgive the fines down the road (he could lose a year of eligibility but that’s meaningless to him in this situation). A true hold out would be a PR disaster for the Seahawks. He would take a bit of hit in terms of public perception but he’s truly the only real “star” on the team right now and wants to be treated as such, especially since the team has clearly made a move that is going to hurt him statistically in 2022.

      • HawkfaninMT

        Trivial perhaps…

        I don’t think the team can forgive fines anymore

        • cha

          They can if you are on a rookie contract.

          The big stick is the accrued year getting yanked. Nobody wants a piece of that.

          Darrell Taylor will make about $4.8m non-guaranteed in 2024 instead of signing a 5 year $140m contract with $75m guaranteed because he lost an accrued year to injury.

          • HawkfaninMT

            Thank you for the knowledge

          • Big Boi

            The accrued year doesn’t matter to DK because he doesn’t care about reaching free agency since his new contract is/should be coming before then. He is not playing this year on his current contract regardless because he knows he’s getting a new deal from someone regardless. Playing this year on this contract only hurts his value (whether it’s from QB play, scheme, or injury) and gets him closer to a reality where he can be tagged. His draft mates have shown what his value is so there is literally no reason to play out his contract, accrued year or not.

            • cha

              I think you’re assuming way too much about what DK wants and how this will work out.

              What we do know is you screw around with a holdout through training camp and you lose a year of eligibility. And that is a major, major gamble. The owners negotiated that part of the CBA to be very punitive.

              • Big Boi

                Huh, I really didn’t think I was making much of an assumption. Do you think his agent is going to advise him to play on his current contract when he’s worth literally 6-7x more but his production could decrease by a third to a half? Do you envision a scenario where DK does NOT get a new contract in the next month, either with Seattle or elsewhere? I think the writing is on the wall that he’s getting a new contract and therefore an accrued year is meaningless and thus holding out is going to be a lot more effective than holding in. I really don’t think I’m making wild assumptions there.

                • cha

                  his agent is going to advise him to play on his current contract when he’s worth literally 6-7x

                  You’re assuming this is never happens. It happens all the time. Lamar Jackson played on $3m last year and is playing on the tag this year with their ownership practically begging him to come in and negotiate an extension.

                  The player tells the agent what he wants him to do. Not the other way around.

                  but his production could decrease by a third to a half?

                  You are assuming two things here – first that his production will drop without Russ, and second I’m guessing you’re thinking that this will actually hurt his market value. Neither of those things should be carved in stone.

                  Do you envision a scenario where DK does NOT get a new contract in the next month, either with Seattle or elsewhere?

                  I would absolutely hope so. But experience has taught me not to assume anything. Until it’s signed on the dotted line, it’s not happening. I’m laying out the potential problems of a hold out vs a hold in.

                  I think the writing is on the wall that he’s getting a new contract and therefore an accrued year is meaningless and thus holding out is going to be a lot more effective than holding in.

                  A hold out rather than a hold in as you originally suggested limits DK’s options severely.
                  You can’t say ‘the writing is on the wall that he’s getting a new contract’ while also asserting that he needs to hold out to get the contract. That’s not how things work.

                  Giving up an accrued year simply by refusing to put on shorts and a t-shirt and sip Gatorade on the sidelines is a real gamble.

                  DK staying away from camp would be more than just an attempt to get his contract. It would show a serious divide between the two camps. And in the Seahawks’ first post-RW and post-Bobby season, it would be particularly ugly from several different potential angles.

                  • Big Boi


                    Jeff Darlington has officially raised the flag. It will be an interesting couple weeks and then we’ll see who’s assumptions turn out correct. I think it gets done at $26-$28mil because neither side wants it to get ugly, but
                    I believe wholeheartedly this agent is going to pull out all the stops.

                    And for the record, I’m not solely attributing DKs production drop to the QB play. The Seahawks have essentially proclaimed that they are going to a run-heavy offense that will feature TEs more than ever (with both TEs and the starting RB making more than DK). It’s not IF his numbers go down, it’s by how much. And if you don’t think a down year in the what-have-you-done-for-me-lately NFL will hurt his negotiating power then you and I live in totally different worlds.

                  • cha

                    Jeff Darlington has officially raised the flag

                    A reporter acting as an agent mouthpiece. Happens a lot.

                    And for the record, I’m not solely attributing DKs production drop to the QB play. The Seahawks have essentially proclaimed that they are going to a run-heavy offense that will feature TEs more than ever (with both TEs and the starting RB making more than DK). It’s not IF his numbers go down, it’s by how much

                    Check back in soon. Piece that discusses this is coming. It might not be as bad as you think.

                    And if you don’t think a down year in the what-have-you-done-for-me-lately NFL will hurt his negotiating power then you and I live in totally different worlds.

                    Apparently we do.

                    Look at AJ Brown. His 2021 yards and catches numbers went down 10% from 2020. His TDs went from 11 to 5.

                    Philly ponied up a current-year first and a third in trade and gave him 4y/$100m.

    • Rob Staton

      Lot of hubris about how they handle contracts

    • Denver Hawker

      I will never understand how this happens. I travel extensively and own lots of guns. I would never in my most inebriated/lucid mind take a gun through TSA.

      • Pepoandart

        I have a feeling this happens a lot more than we imagine. That said I highly doubt this turns into anything major for Duane. As long as it was a legal firearm I think he will walk away with a warning. My dad accidentally left a magazine in his backpack last time he traveled (no ammo or anything just the clip). TSA told him he couldn’t take it with him and he had me take it home for him. End of story.

  31. Robert Las Vegas

    I could be 100 percent wrong about this but I wonder if the 49ers aren’t totally convinced on Trey Lance? They may just keep Jimmy G around. Kyle Shanahan is probably one better offense coach’s in the NFL they’re must be reason why Jimmy G is still on the roster especially at this point

    • Big Mike

      I don’t think they’re totally convinced about Lance myself. HOWEVER, they have no choice but to trade Jimmy. If he stays the fans, and more importantly his teammates will want him under center. He’s very popular in the locker room and if he stays it would be very messy at the first sign of trouble with Lance. Once Jimmy’s shoulder is cleared, he’ll be moved. They simply have to.

      • Big Mike

        That should’ve read the fans and his teammates will want him under center if and when Lance struggles

        Also, the 9ers can’t risk outright cutting him cuz he could then end up in division with our Hawks. Thry’re going to have to find a trade partner tho I have no idea who that might be.

  32. swedenhawk

    According to PFN data, through July, Will Levis is the 12th most selected 2023 draft prospect in its mock draft simulator.

    Will Levis, QB, Kentucky
    Stroud and Young are the obvious frontrunners at QB in the 2023 NFL Draft. But the uncertainty lies in who takes the third spot behind him. Right now, per MDS data, the most popular QB prospect behind Stroud and Young is Kentucky’s Will Levis.

    With an average draft position near the top 20, Levis has been a consistent first-round selection in user mocks thus far this cycle. Levis isn’t locked into that range just yet, but evaluators and spectators alike have already become enamored with his physical upside and steely toughness.

    • Rob Staton

      “The obvious front runners”

      …if you just listen to the media who copy each other

      • AlaskaHawk

        I’m just going to throw this out there. I think Young will slip in the draft because of his smaller size at 6-0 and about 200 pounds. His small size will lower his draft status in many teams eyes. Plus as has been pointed out, he has less adversity playing for Alabama. I think he will be the third quarterback picked in the draft.

        Comparable active quarterbacks would be Murray and Wilson and Tagovailoa. Perhaps you can throw Baker Mayfield in there too though he is an inch taller and 15 pounds heavier than Young. Small quarterbacks who can sling the ball. But their appeal is limited.

        • Big Mike

          Wilson’s “appeal” is not “limited”. Denver doesn’t give up what they did if that were the case.

          • TomLPDX

            Neither is Murray’s. He’s the smallest QB out there and still went #1 overall.

            We need to let the college football season actually begin before making any pronouncements on next year’s draft.

        • AlaskaHawk

          I’m afraid the QB rankings have already been made. I’ll be curious to see how they end the season. Anyway I don’t think it’s a secret that teams would prefer a larger quarterback.

  33. cha

    Tom Pelissero
    Team execs are just starting to come back from vacation. Most training camps open in two weeks, and the expectation within the league continues to be that Garoppolo is traded — somewhere — by the end of the month.
    3:52 AM · Jul 11, 2022·

    • Ashish

      ah, we are not done yet. One more to go, come on hawks you can do it.

    • Big Mike

      Any chance they stroll back from vaca and actually, oh, you know, get a contract done with DK?

    • cha


      Jeremy Fowler

      *Deshaun Watson timeline

      *49ers’ hurdles in a Jimmy Garoppolo trade

      *Seattle has done its homework on the QB, at least worth watching here.

      Not really news, the Seahawks would be negligent if they weren’t doing their homework. But yeah it’s out there.

      • Rob Staton

        A nothing report to be fair

  34. 509 Chris

    I’m starting to think the 9ers might keep Garoppolo and write Lance off as a horrible mistake. I’ve heard from a couple places his mechanics are still horrible and the coaching staff/ locker room have little to no faith in him. Either way it’s a cautionary tale as we head to an era of uncertainty at qb. Has any major trade up to draft a qb worked out for a team recently?

    • Big Mike

      Didn’t the Chiefs trade up for Mahomes?

      I don’t buy those rumors. The kid has barely played in a real game. But if it were true, oh man……..

      • 509 Chris

        The Chiefs did but to get to the 10th pick it was for next year’s first and a third. Far less than the 3 firsts the 49ers gave up. Early in the year they had some packages for Lance and the offense looked dead. Shanahan wasn’t seeing anything he liked so he nixed it and they rallied around Jimmy G. I agree though that he’s young and we don’t really know what the kids got yet.

        • samprassultanofswat

          Way too early to write off Trey Lance.

          As far as the Drew Lock/Geno Smith debate. Not looking forward to see Geno Smith as the starting QB in the fall. We have already seen Geno Smith. In clutch situations he screws up. In clutch situations he is like the bad news bears. Don’t want any part of Geno Smith. In fact I don’t think I can stomach watching the Seahawks if Smith is the QB.

  35. cha



    • TomLPDX

      Good for Joe! Surprised it took this long for him to find something.

    • 12th chuck

      with any luck at all, he will take over saulks time slot

    • Robbie

      This bring me much Joy! Now if they add Rob to a time slot as well life will complete! 🙂 (just bring me on as a guest sometimes though Rob haha)

      • Rob Staton

        I suspect my appearances on 710 might’ve gone to Denver with Jake… 😂

        • Yoonhawk

          Rost seemed to be a big fan of yours as well. Hopefully she’ll ask you back on.

  36. cha


    Tells us again Chuck Arnold that the silver throwbacks can’t happen because you’re having supply chain issues.

    • Big Mike

      Maybe red is more available in the supply chain than silver?
      or maybe Arnold is just full of crap.

  37. cha


    Another writer twisting himself in knots to tell us that Jamal Adams ‘is better than you think’

    Also digging the thought that the Seahawks’ two most expensive defensive players by a country mile are underrated.

    • Big Mike

      C’mon cha, teacup making business decisions is in no way his fault just like that ONE dropped interception he refers to wasn’t his fault. Never mind that there were several others (doink!) And even tho he didn’t mention it, I’ll go ahead and say it isn’t his fault that he regularly got beat in coverage as well. And hey, he’s great at being the 3rd guy to a pile too. The Prez babeeeee!

      I will say the writer is right when he says “Specifically, dropping Adams into coverage against athletic tight ends and shifty slot receivers is setting him up to fail” he’s correct. But hey I understand, Pete Carroll isn’t a defensive oriented head coach so he can be excused for mis-using the guy.

      • TomLPDX

        DOINK! That play defines the teacup as far as I’m concerned. No awareness.

        Spot on Big Mike.

  38. cha

    Ian Rapoport
    It’s a 7th rounder in 2024 going to New England.
    Quote Tweet
    Mike Garafolo
    · 2m
    The #Patriots have traded WR N’Keal Harry to the #Bears, sources tell me and @RapSheet. Former first-round pick gets a shot at a fresh start.

    • TomLPDX

      I hope for his sake that this move works. What a huge disappointment so far. Just goes to show that even the GOAT COACH isn’t perfect.

      • Big Mike

        To me Lombardi is still the GOAT and I know I’m in the minority there. But, he is still the only HC to win 3 NFL championships in a row and won 5 of 7, something no one else can claim either.
        That said, and more on point Bill is simply very poor at drafting WRs and that’s been obvious for some time.

        • 12th chuck

          not to mention lack of cheating,

          • Big Mike

            Very good point

    • Rob Staton

      Was never a fan

      Couldn’t separate

  39. Rob Staton

    Big interview being recorded today

    Check back on the blog to hear it later…

    • cha

      Can’t wait!

    • Ashish

      Looking forward to it

    • Big Mike

      Mariners doubleheader and an interview here. That’s a good day.

  40. Ashish


    Rob, will levis is no more a secret

    • Rob Staton

      And he is the man I have just interviewed…

      Publishing momentarily…

      • TomLPDX

        Wow, so cool. Looking forward to it.

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