Memphis receiver Anthony Miller is really good

On the recommendation of community member Volume 12, I spent tonight taking a look at Memphis receiver Anthony Miller.

He’s received a fair bit of buzz recently. One anonymous NFL executive said this about him:

“He’s a highly productive, competitive receiver who plays faster than he will test. He runs very good routes and has a large catching radius. All he does is make plays.”

Chad Reuter at says:

“(Miller) will be one of those third-round receivers who contributes immediately for whatever NFL team drafts him.”

And Tony Pauline listed him as a week three draft riser:

“Miller gave serious consideration on entering last April’s draft but decided to return to Memphis for another season. It looks as though he made the correct choice.”

Tony also notes the importance of his combine workout. At 5-10 and 190lbs he’ll need to test well. The Seahawks drafted Tyler Lockett after the following workout:

Height: 5-10
Weight: 182lbs
Forty: 4.40
Vertical: 35.5
Short shuttle: 4.07

Lockett performed as well as any receiver before the 2015 draft. He also had a strong Senior Bowl. Hopefully Miller will compete in Mobile too.

So far in 2017 he’s put up major numbers, providing the Memphis offense with a dynamic X-factor. In the same way Paxton Lynch elevated the Tigers a couple of years ago, Miller seems to be having the same effect.

Today I watched his play against Houston, UCLA and Connecticut and he had a huge impact in all three games:

UCLA — 9/185 and two touchdowns
Connecticut — 15/224 and four touchdowns
Houston — 10/178

He combines crisp routes and excellent body control with fantastic speed. He’ll explode out of his routes to create separation, he’s a terrific deep threat and always competes for the ball.

Miller isn’t a flawless hands catcher but he has a tendency to make the occasional spectacular grab:

He also makes his fair share of contested catches:

Against UCLA he made a fantastic diving catch, laying out to collect a deep shot despite tight coverage. He runs by the defensive back on a post route and just extends to make a finger-tip grab. It’s a stunning play made with just a minute to go until half time. Shortly afterwards he beats man-to-man coverage to complete a 33-yard touchdown. Memphis went ahead 27-24 before the break and it’s all on Miller and the quarterback.

That drive was the perfect illustration of the way he can have a game-changing impact.

When you consider his athleticism, the chunk plays and the contested catch ability — Miller absolutely has to be on our radar moving forward.

In terms of his character, here’s his postgame interview last night:

Note the bit about him being a former walk-on (grit).

This isn’t a great class for wide receivers. Some of the bigger names have been a bit underwhelming so far and a prospect like Miller could rise up the boards considerably over the next few weeks. There’s always a team looking for an early round weapon on offense.

It’s hard to say whether the Seahawks will be in the market for another receiver next year. They have been willing to spend high picks on the position (Golden Tate, Percy Harvin, Paul Richardson, Tyler Lockett, Amara Darboh). They have a young group they clearly like. Richardson is out of contract though — and Miller is the kind of player you can imagine them liking even if they ultimately don’t draft him.

So far he has 55 catches for 784 yards and nine touchdowns in 2017. Last year he finished with a 95/1434/14 stat line.

Keep an eye on this guy.

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  1. Nick

    Excellent write up…he looks incredibly talented.

    • Greg Haugsven

      I watched Tha UCLA game and I remember him jumping off the screen.

  2. C-Dog

    I keep going back and forth as to whether Seattle would take a WR within the first three rounds. One thing about RW, though, he seems more comfortable with WRs that get open quickly, and this guy seems to be exactly that.

    • Old but Slow

      Good point.

    • Volume12

      If they can find a Sidney Rice type or BMW though…

      • C-Dog

        Ah, yes. The elusive big WR. That would be nice.

        • Sea Mode

          IDK, if Jimmy isn’t working out…

          As someone suggested earlier, maybe Russbot is simply hard-wired not to pull the trigger until he sees separation.

          • C-Dog

            He had good chemistry with Sidney Rice his rookie year and into year two before Rice got injured. He and Golden, and Zach Miller were kind of his go tos. It was Baldwin that he was a bit slow to develop with.

            Here’s the thing about Russ that I see. I know that he frustrates a number of fans, but I think he plays quarterback pretty much exactly how Pete Carroll wants it to be played. He does want his QB to just “chuck it.” He wants his QB to be careful. Russ doesn’t throw a ton of INTs, that’s never been his game. I think he hangs onto the ball because he searches for targets more open. I think what fans want and what the coach wants might be differing there.

            I think that if Russ had a head college that wanted more volume passing day that to be the identity of the team (i.e. Mike Holmgren), Russ probably wouldn’t feel as restricted, and would be more freed to let it rip. Those head coaches tend to be more willing to live with turnovers because they understand the rhythm it takes to get into with those kind of offenses.

            Carroll wants to play time of possession, field position, turn over differential, doesn’t mind winning 16 to 9 in the fourth quarter.

          • Kenny Sloth

            He’s s bad at throwing to covered receivers 😂

  3. Volume12

    Love the potential comparison to Tyler Lockett. Can definitely see it due to his size and route running. Also has some Tate in him the way he moves after the catch and just plays bigger than he is.

    I remember when QB Paxton Lynch came out. Seattle attended his pro day. Who was the guy that he was throwing to in front of scouts? Anthony Miller.

    A trio of Baldwin, Lockett, and Miller would be a nightmare for opposing teams especially against zone D’s. 3 guys that consistently get open. I agree though. The question becomes, how high are they willing to select a WR?

    • C-Dog

      I think that it depends how much the run game pans out the rest of the season, how the OL evolves, whether they become a better or worse unit, and whether they feel that they need another edge rusher to replace Avril should he retire. Its going to be a challenge without the second round pick, but FA could help. I’d totally be down for adding a guy like this, though. I don’t think depart WR is that strong right now. They gave up to get Sheldon, which I applaud, but I think they can use more.

  4. Volume12

    So, Seattle is scouting OK St. again right? Everyone assumes it’s for QB Mason Rudolph, or WRs James Washington & Marcell Ataman (kind of ‘meh’ on Ateman personally). And while it very well could be, won’t rule it out, we know Seattle to be a little more… unconventional, for lack of a batter word.

    What’s my point? DT DeQuinton Osborne could be more plausible. HC Mike Gundy and his sweet, sweet mullet says every scout that comes through has asked about this kid. Describes him as ‘cat quick’ and ‘one of their hardest workers.’ And mentioned NFL scouts like his ability to get under blocks.

    He’s a former Mizzou guy that ended up going to a JUCO school before transferring. He’s 6’0, 305 lbs.

    Through 12 games 2016 stats: 12 tackles, 5.5 TFL, 3.5 QB sacks,
    Through 6 games 2017 stats: 17 tackles, 6 TFL, 3 QB sacks

    • C-Dog


  5. Old but Slow

    Thanks, Vol 12, you have continued to make my must watch list unmanageable. I am retired, with much spare time (thank you SS), but you make me tired.

    Honestly, I appreciate your scouting, and I hope you continue, but between you, Rob, and others, I am entering a depth of draft investigation that I have not experienced before, and I have been a bit of a draftnik for some time.

    Can you give me some sources, blogs, links, and all to where you get info, and how you access film to watch players? I look at Draft Breakdown and YouTube, at times, but are there more?

    • white-salmon-hawk

      good for historical searching or player comparisons.

    • Volume12

      I DVR a ton of games and watch them in my spare time when I ain’t watching wrestling and the award winning WWE network (inside joke).

      I have zero sources. Wish I did. This is the only place I go blog wise.

      NDT scouting is a good one. Tony Pauline’s website. Bleeding green nation (Ben Natan runs it. Great follow and it’s an Eagles dedicated site). Jon Ledyard is a great twitter follow as is Jim Coburn.

      Draft daddy was amazing when they were running it. But I think they shut it down.

      Draft bible is good, but some stuff is behind a pay wall.

      • Volume12

        Nope. Draft daddy is back up. I highly recommend it my man.

      • Kenny Sloth

        Ledyard and Coburn 🔥

      • Old but Slow

        Thanks guys.

      • Kajomo24

        I never post, but have been following this blog for years. I am a die hard eagles fan, but always appreciated the Seahawks approach to the draft. Funny that you are check out Bleeding Green Nation as well (one of my many daily eagles blogs). Always think it’s smart to get another perspective.

  6. TheDarnold

    I feel like Anthony Miller is going to be this years Haason Reddick, where everyone falls in love with him and then he ends up going in the top 15.

  7. Volume12

    What a game between OK St. and Texas!

  8. Volume12

    Seahawks also scouted the Marshall vs Mid Tennessee game last night.

    Add Marshall to the list of schools being scouted multiple times so far. ‘Bama, Stanford, USC, OK St., Texas, and I think ND.

    QB Chase Litton and WR Tyre Brady are both studs.

  9. Kenny Sloth

    Working all day. No cfb til tonight 😭

  10. John_s

    With all of the Sam Darnold love and the projection that he’s going #1, I would love to be the team that drafts #2 and take Saquon Barkley. Dude is a beast!

    Tonight first two drives, 2 tds for Barkley against Michigan

    • C-Dog

      I can see Barkley going 1 overall. Some rumors have it that Darnold is going to stay in school another year.

      • Greg Haugsven

        Can we go old school New Orleans Ricky Williams and just give up our whole draft for Barkley?

        • C-Dog

          I’d rather not, but if we can get our mitts on one of the Golden Domer OLiners that would be sweet.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I’ve soured on USC as a team, just not sure how much of their performance is linked to Darnold. Basically I think he has less of a shot than other QBs would have because he hasn’t lifted the team with his performance. RGIII lifted Baylor to a Bowl Game win.

  11. Volume12

    LSU’s Derrius Guice finally looks healthy. I think we’ve forgot how talented he is.

    • Volume12

      They feed off him in an incredible way.

      You can tell who the emotional leader is for that team.

    • Ishmael

      He’s fantastic. I think it’s a bit of a case of Barkley’s talent making everyone else pale in comparison. Guice is going to make some team very happy.

      • Pickering

        After watching Barkley catch the TD pass he juggled but held onto, and then jump WAY high in celebration, I’m curious to see the results of his vertical jump at the combine. Hope he stays healthy. Bo Jackson comp?

    • nichansen01

      First rounder

    • C-Dog

      I would be so jacked up if Seattle grabbed one of these stud backs.

  12. nichansen01

    Arizona State might be this years USC…

  13. MarkinSeattle


    Any thoughts on ND’s defense? They are performing well and I am curious if there is anyone there you think might be a good pickup. Their performance can’t all be from an improvement in the DC.

  14. Volume12

    Wyoming QB Josh Allen. Woof.

    Watched him against Boise St tonight pump fake a screen pass and then proceeded to throw it straight into the dirt, or in this case the blue turf, behind the LOS. I guess due to that blue turf he’ll get a pass though.

    Meanwhile, Boise St WR Cedrick Wilson continues to impress.

    • Volume12

      Perhaps my favorite moment of today was when Cal decided they’d to for 2 against Arizona in double OT. Love me some CFB man.

      Arizona QB Khalil Tate sure is fun. He’s the CFB equivalent to Kaepernick in 2012-2013.

  15. SheHawk

    Just watched cougs game…. remain convinced Hercules is awesome and was impressed with rest of the WSU defensive front. Speed D wins games! They were like red streaks heading to gang tackle buff’s RB Lindsey. Who is good by the way… Can’t wait for hawks tomorrow to see progress in our young fast D like Clark,richsrdson Griffin& naz continue

    • Volume12

      Can’t wait for Arizona/Wazzu next week. Give me that high speed car crash over Penn St/Ohio St.

      I like my NFL football to be tough, low scoring, defensive battles, but not my college ball.

      • Kenny Sloth


        On Sundays I want professional ball. On Saturdays I look at development

  16. CharlieTheUnicorn

    Field Gulls @FieldGulls
    Ow-Ooooowwwww!!! Seahawks will be wearing wolf grey against the Giants

  17. Ed

    Report Texans willing to trade D. Brown. How about Graham, Lane and a 3rd or 4th. No LT in the draft or free agency. Let Joeckel and Lacy go next year to resign him and then resign L. Wilson to play alongside NV. I think the team gets much better based on that move alone.

    • C-Dog

      I think that the sticking point might be that Seattle doesn’t want to give up JG. It would be the easiest clearing path for this trade, and it hasn’t happened yet. Lane being injured probably hinders him being dealt. I kinda don’t think a deal like this is going to happen.

      • AlaskaHawk

        Can’t get rid of Graham mid-season when he is productive.. The Seahawks are very thin at wide receiver. Just a few injuries away from disaster.

        • C-Dog

          I think you’re right. I think that he’s another player that the team might value more than a percentage of fans.

  18. Volume12

    Quick reminder.

    Seattle passes on FS Eddie Jackson who went one pick later for Tedric Thompson who can’t even make the active STs unit.

    • Volume12

      3 defensive TDs in 2 weeks? 🔥🔥🔥

      • C-Dog

        I was thinking about that. Question, though: with a healthy ET does a backup see much time anyway?

        We don’t even seem to be seeing much McDougal out there, and the whole buffalo package we were speculating about has been MIA. Seattle does it’s standard base and then regular nickel. As soon as I say that, though, watch them roll out with it against the Giants.

        • Volume12

          Jackson’s too good to keep off the field. I think he would’ve played a little slot corner made an impact on STs. He’s a future building block though.

          But, it also confirms something that Seattle fans need to get used to. They draft for backups. Not all their picks are gonna be starters nor were they meant to be when selected.

          • John_s


            I think about this often as I see Tedric on the inactives. Completely surprised that they took a FS that runs 4.6.

            At the very least I thought they were going to take Desmond King and move him to FS over Tedric.

          • Kenny Sloth

            Why put him out there when you got Justin Coleman on ST

        • Volume12

          I hope Thompson is coming along in practice because he looked completely lost out there in the pre-season. He looked bad.

          • Rob Staton

            That’s a bit harsh. He had that bad play where he misread the deep ball against LA but even Earl had whiffs as a rookie.

            • Volume12

              You and me both know that there’s a big difference between getting beat and looking lost. Earl never seemed like he was guessing. Taking chances or taking bad angles, yes.

              • Rob Staton

                Sure, but he’s not Earl. A fourth round rookie gets a pass IMO on a mixed pre-season. He had some good plays too. I think he’s a redshirt, kind of redundant with McDougald on the roster.

                • C-Dog


              • Kenny Sloth

                Im not gonna write off a guy for looking lost in preseason versus a guy who is playing regularly midway through the season.

                Thompson isn’t a bigger faster stronger guy so his play wouldnt show up on special teams per se.

                He’s a cerebral player. His play comes from opportunistic reads. Once he gets the speed of the NFL we could see him turn into a very valuable starter (for someone else)

          • C-Dog

            Yeah, he didn’t have a good preseason, but we don’t fully know how well he has practiced. I don’t know if being a high 4th is enough to warrant a roster spot if they don’t see potential. Don’t get me wrong, though. I think I was a big fan of Eddie Jackson coming out as a pure single high safety and would have been jacked up if Seattle would have taken him.

            • Volume12

              I’m not writing him off. Far from it. I was a fan of his coming out and I hope he ends up having a great career in Seattle, but I’m not holding my breath.

  19. Volume12

    Who does Seattle like on that Cal team? Hmmmm….

  20. Volume12

    This is the would be a very fitting backup for RW.

    Khalil Tate highlights:

  21. Sea Mode

    Kearse burns Tanquersley for the long TD. Rooking growing pains…

    • Volume12

      Tank has played really well this year.

  22. Kenny Sloth

    Brandon Coleman the worst 7th round pick ever just scored a 22 yarder against Green Bay

    Exactly the type of play that made SDB fall in love with him years ago

  23. Kenny Sloth

    McCaffrey just got stood up in the hole and has 100 rushing yards on the season

  24. Volume12

    Seattle using McDougald?

  25. Volume12

    Who’s Arizona’s backup QB?

  26. Volume12

    Here comes Pocic.

    • Ishmael

      Got absolutely clowned by Harrison there.

      Hawks are hilariously bad in the RZ, have been for years now.

      • Volume12

        That was Abosuhi, but yeah how many plays have they run inside the 10 here?

        And Prosise played 1 snap and re-injured himself. Safe to say that boy is soft.

        • Volume12

          Kick the FG. Take the points.

          • Volume12

            Yikes. 10 plays, 5 minutes, from the 14, and 0 pts.

            • Ishmael

              Dreadful. No idea why they’d back the offense to score there, how many goes did they need? 10th time lucky? Come on now…

              • Volume12

                ’10th and goal.’

  27. Ed

    It really is laughable how bad the offense and redzone offense this team has had for so many years. If PC would get a clue and made changes years ago, maybe they could already have 3 SB wins.

  28. Kenny Sloth

    This game is soooo slow. Penalties and injuries every other play

    Lockett bouta score!

  29. Ehurd1021

    We’re paying $9-$10m for THAT… hit the guy litterally in the fucking hands/stomach and he drops it. No emotion after the pay either… just walks back to the bench lol. Graham is mentally checked out for playing for the Seahawks.

    • Volume12

      I agree man. He just don’t click.

      I’m starting to see why Bruce Irvin and them were calling him ‘soft.’

      • Volume12

        He’s kind of a goon.

      • Ehurd1021

        SOFT!! lol. I still remember that playoff game, Graham wanted no parts of that defense after pre-game.

  30. Kenny Sloth

    We know who the best Joker TE wearing 88 is on the field today

  31. Rowdy

    Thus team is a shit show and that’s putting it nicely

  32. vrtkolman

    This team doesn’t have a running back on its roster yet were ok pounding it up the middle again.

    • Volume12

      And Russ can hardly plant his back foot before he has to bail.

  33. East Side Stevie

    SOS they arent broadcasting the Hawks game in my region where can I watch the game????

  34. Volume12

    Graham is trash! GTFO outta here. Fly ur plane back home bruh.

    • Volume12

      3 penalties on Ifedi!?

    • Rowdy

      We’re a better team without him

      • RealRhino2

        Of course we are. Absolutely should have cut him after he hurt his knee and used the money for something useful. Said it then, will continue saying it. We had scraps at TE for two Superbowls, and have been worse every year since with JG.

  35. vrtkolman

    Prosise and Graham are both incredibly soft.

  36. Ehurd1021


  37. Kenny Sloth

    I can’t forgive that Jimmy.

  38. Ishmael

    Well, the good news is that the NFC is a mess this year. Still got plenty of time to get this right.

    Rawls is trying too hard.

  39. Kenny Sloth

    JPP way in Ifedi’s head

  40. vrtkolman

    Russ kind of screwed himself there.

  41. Rowdy

    Why not just take a knee and punt it

  42. Ishmael

    Totally bizarre from Graham. No way of knowing from the outside, but I wonder about his confidence.

    Silver lining, at least we’ve seen some drives? The defence have been able to rest for a bit?

    • Volume12

      Graham and Rawls are just not good anymore. Time to move on.

      • Ishmael

        How do you drop a screen in 10 yards of space?

        They look rattled.

    • Ehurd1021

      Bizarre? This has been the same BS from Graham since he arrived in Seattle. He’s a professional athlete, his confidence shouldn’t stop him from dropping wide open passes that are hitting him in the hands. The issue his Grahams lacking motivation; he doesn’t want to be here. The Seahawks should oblige him.

  43. Volume12

    This is an NFL offense?

  44. Ishmael

    Why do all of the Giants coaches look like creepy Sopranos extras?

  45. Rowdy

    Rawls and Jimmy should be benched for someone on the street that wants to play. Both are jokes

  46. Kenny Sloth

    Stefan Frei for MLS goalie of the year

  47. Volume12

    Good for you Baldwin. Hell yeah!

    • Ishmael

      Love Baldwin. All the respect in the world.

      • Volume12

        Lacy ain’t looking too bad.

    • Volume12

      Pete like ‘Ifedi, who’s this?’

      Kam is a bad man.

    • vrtkolman

      Hell yeah!

  48. Volume12

    How bad do you think JS and PC want that 5th rounder from last year to take TE George Kittle?

  49. Pran

    Russ bad decisions twice, bad throw to Graham on TD drop

  50. East Side Stevie

    Any idea how or where I can watch the game???

    • Pran


    • Volume12

      Isn’t there something on twitter?

      • East Side Stevie

        Something on twitter where?

        • Volume12

          I think twitter has a live feed. I could be wrong.

          CBS sports does.

  51. Volume12

    Damn. Lockett got his head rocked.

    • Volume12

      Guess not. Solar plexus?

      • Kenny Sloth

        That was my thought or maybe Collins caught a nut 😂

  52. Ishmael

    Look, in seriousness I’ve actually like the commitment to the run. Going at almost 50/50 pass/run, even though it isn’t really clicking. Hopefully pays off late and the chunk yards start coming. There have been a few nice play calls that have put key guys into good positions, and that’s all you can ask for from Bevell and Wilson.

    The Giants have been held to 40 yards of offense. They’ve converted zero third downs. Manning is going at 2.4YPA.

    There you go Jimmy. That’s a good tough catch. More please.

  53. Volume12

    Great coverage.

    • Volume12

      They gotta pair Lockett and Baldwin with a WR who has some size.

  54. Ishmael

    Yowch. Opened himself up there, took that right under the ribs.

  55. Volume12

    Bad call man.

    • Ishmael

      Rough one. Home town call, it happens. I’d want it if it went against us you know?

      Was that McEvoy who tried and failed to set the pick for Baldwin the previous play?

      • Volume12

        Yeah, I get that, but the league has to let the WR and DB battle a little bit.

        Of course it was. And Graham.

        • Ishmael

          I really don’t understand the point of him. He seems to be good for one dumb penalty and one blown play a game. I guess he was good two preseasons ago?

  56. Rowdy

    Look at Graham, in the middle of everything and doesn’t touch anyone? This guy is complete trash at this point

  57. Volume12

    Seattle has 223 yards of offense

    Giants have 44

  58. vrtkolman

    More concerning here is that Russell has taken a dozen shots already this game. Even if we pull this out, he’s not surviving this season.

    • Volume12

      Don’t care what anyone says.

      This is the year you reach for O-line help.

      • Trevor

        I overpay the best Vet OL talent on the free agent market. I have zero faith Cable can coach up anymore young guys.

        • Volume12

          I’m sure they’ll grab a vet there and a veteran DT. At least we’d like to think and hope so huh?

          • Trevor

            Agree Vol. lets hope it is not another coming off an ACL and someone legit!

  59. Volume12

    DT Jarran Reed is really starting to come on here lately. Finally looking like his Alabama self.

  60. Pran

    Let’s say Graham does not fit the locker room, trade him away to a pass happy individual first team for his own good!

    • East Side Stevie

      Okay I am on Reddit what do I do next?

      • Volume12

        I posted a link up above for ya. Its on YouTube, live feed.

      • Pran


        • East Side Stevie

          Thanks a lot guys!

  61. Trevor

    If the Texans will trade Brown for Graham then JS should be on the phone right now!

  62. Ishmael

    How did the Bears win with Mitch Trubisky throwing seven times? That’s amazing.

    • Volume12

      FS Eddie Jackson had 2 defensive TDs himself.

      That Bears D is young and getting scary good.

      • Trevor

        Fox is a great defensive coach!

      • Ishmael

        The ‘Bama kid who came back from the broken leg? Good for him.

        A Bears team with a good defence is a good thing for the NFL.

      • Kenny Sloth

        They harassed the shit outta Cam. He looked rookie-ish

        • Volume12

          He really did. Like a kid on the playground.

  63. Pran

    what’s that play calling with 3rd and really long pass for rawls… What’s JD for. Same play later to JD yielded a FG

  64. Trevor

    Eddie Jackson was a steal for the Bears.

  65. Volume12

    Anyone notice Seattle has no short passing game?

    • Rowdy

      Wilson looks to scared to throw one. He pump fakes for 3 seconds then runs to the sideline

      • Volume12

        I think its a combo of three things.

        What you just mentioned, PC wanting explosive/deep shots, and not having a target with size. Or a TE basically.

    • Ishmael

      Have we ever seen it under Carrol? Run, run, run, explosive play, run, run, run.

      How much of it is due to Wilson struggling to see things around the LOS?

      • Volume12

        True, although there was a little more of it with Kearse, Rice, and Miller.

        • Ishmael

          Yeah, it’s probably a bit of everything. Coaching tendencies, quarterback limitations, and personnel. Wonder if they drafted Darboh thinking he’d be able to do some work around there?

  66. Ishmael

    Graham has had a couple of absolutely shocking drops, but people talking about his motivation are guessing at best. High definition has bred too many armchair psychologists to go with the armchair QBs and armchair GMs.

    Maybe he gets traded, but the team haven’t exactly shown any inclination they’re thinking about it.

  67. Volume12

    We needed that in the worst way

  68. Ishmael

    Having just had a pop at armchair GMs, I wonder if we might see a WILL taken in this draft. You can only play as fast as your linebackers, and it looks like Wright might have lost a step. Still a very good player, but I just wonder…

    Great play by DJ Alexander. Need some points now.

    • Volume12

      Didn’t they really just leave JPP as a free rusher?

      • vrtkolman

        If that was the case, it would have been a quick pass play.

      • Ishmael

        Yeah… Looked like they were trying to get McKissic open over the top of JPP on the right. Hard to say without the All-22 though.

  69. Volume12

    Did Jimmy the clown just make a big play?

  70. Volume12

    Great play call. Even if Baldwin don’t catch it, Lockett was held.

  71. Ishmael

    Ha that was a great bit of commentary. Circled the open space right as Wilson threw into it.

    Baldwin has had a fantastic game. Excellent play call.

  72. Volume12

    Someone on our D-line was held like a mf’er!

  73. Rowdy

    Can the refs be more one sised

    • Rowdy

      Case in point, that hands to the face call

  74. Volume12

    McKissic has a bad habit of leaving his feet.

  75. Volume12

    Reed having himself a day

  76. vrtkolman

    Guys, Jarran Reed is turning into a star.

    • Volume12

      He’s looking like ‘Bama Reed finally. Still want them to add one more DT though. Only having 3 in a 4-3 D is risky.

  77. vrtkolman

    Fail Mary part 2 LOL

    • Kenny Sloth

      Why are you like this, Seattle?

  78. Volume12

    Tie goes to the receiver or did the league change that too?

    • Volume12

      That’s a god damn TD!

      • Volume12

        Yez sir!

        • Kenny Sloth

          Against a stud no less

          • Volume12

            Good point.

            • Kenny Sloth

              Surprised we havent tried more screens.

              Giants DL is known to get upfield

              • Kenny Sloth

                I’d like to see Luke Willson and Tom Cable retained. Maybe not their counterparts

              • Volume12

                I think the announcer said they’ve thrown 3 or 4 all year.

  79. Kenny Sloth

    Cheers to Sounders for locking up the 2 seed for the playoffs!

    They need to get healthy over the bye and stay consistent!

    Luckily Stefan Frei has continued his cup form from last season leading the league in shutouts in what looks to be a keeper of the year campaign

  80. Volume12

    Lockett is looking better and better with every punt returned. Getting his legs back under him.

    • Volume12

      Rawls is C-Mike esque. Out of control. Feet move faster then his brain.

  81. John_s

    Off topic but Volume 12, you ready for AJ vs Demon Finn?

    • Volume12

      Ur a WWE fan? I thought it was just me, Logan, and Rob a little bit.

      • Volume12

        Yes I am. AJ & Roman are my 2 favorites. They’re gonna tear the house down.

        I hate the goddman complainers. ‘There’s no build!’ Relax. They can always come back to these 2. Just became they have a match don’t mean they can’t feud.

        • John_s

          Oh yeah. Love it.

          I hate the complaining about no build either. Just watch and enjoy. They’re going to steal the show. 2 former Bullet Club leaders going at it? yes sir.

          If anything having this match then AJ going back to Smackdown will just make their program better in the future

          • Volume12

            Yeah, I agree. Damn man. I’m so excited that ur a WWE fan. That’s awesome.

            U think The Club get involved somehow?

            And this might be the match that AJ needs to snap him out of his slumber, although that triple threat at HIAC and the rematch with him and Corbin on SD was lit.

            • Volume12

              I ask everyone this as if it validates something, LOL, but u like Jinder?

              • John_s

                Jinder’s growing on me. I was skeptical at first but gotta respect his hustle and grind.

                If the WWE wants to make this match a tease they would totally have Gallows and Machine Gun Anderson do a run in so neither guy loses.

                I can’t wait for the reception that Angle is going to get too!

                • Volume12

                  Love Jinder myself. Just an old school, classic heel who is getting better promo wise and in the ring. I think he’s gonna be a big star for the ‘E.

                  You know Angle asked Vince ‘So I can moknsault off the ladder?’ And Vince was like ‘what!? Hell no! Goddamn pal, what r u trying to do to me?’

                  And we’ll end getting an Angle moomsault or Angle Slam off the ladder.

                • Volume12

                  I also think this was the best thing for Finn. I like Bray, but his character is dead in the water.

                  Finn is money and he was being wasted in an awful feud with Bray. Kind of like Bobby Roode with Ziggler.

                  • John_s

                    Yep. Finns feud with Bray was getting ridiculous with Bray dressing as Sister Abigail.

                    I can’t believe that they let Dolph get over on the Glorious One. Then again I’m surprised that have him as a baby face.

                    It’s unfortunate that there isn’t anyone on the RAW roster for Finn to have a real good feud with.

                  • Volume12

                    Ehhhh. If the NXT nerds didn’t cheer him he wouldnt be. There’s more money in him ditching the theme song and turning heel after everyone starts to buy in with him.

                    Ziggler is garbage.

  82. Volume12

    I know we dunk on Jimmy alot here, but its good to see him and the team celebrating together like that.

    • vrtkolman

      Yep. Maybe this will give Jimmy the confidence boost he needs. I still think he’s soft.

      • Volume12

        Lmao! Me too.

    • Rowdy

      It is but good but you can tell it’s forced with a celebration on a garbage time he like that lol

  83. Volume12

    Bad call.

    • Volume12

      What!? Earl, how u gonna drop that?

      • Volume12

        Shaq balled out today

        • East Side Stevie

          From the little I saw I agree on Shaq. Man does it feel good to have hit on another DB via draft. Not to mention we have shead coming back and lane will be healthy in a couple weeks. Even if he gets hurt again lol. I have seen Shaq’s confidence grow week to week. He’s looking like a bright future in the secondary.

          • Volume12

            Did u use that live feed on YouTube or reddit?

            • East Side Stevie

              When the youtube was cut off due to copy right violation I went to Reddit, but it made me pay money to watch the live stream. It said it was FREE but made me enter my card information insuring that it would not charge me, then I looked online and my debit card was charged $4.

  84. Ishmael

    Good win in the end. Very tidy. Put them away comfortably.

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