Open thread: Seahawks @ WFT

A reminder that I am not staying up until 5am to watch the game tonight (a decision I wrestled with but I’ve got a big working week and can’t afford a three-hour sleep day). I’ll be waking up a bit earlier to watch the game on replay and will post some thoughts on the blog then. There will be no instant reaction live stream this week.

In the meantime, here’s an open thread for your thoughts during the game.


  1. TJ

    When I first opened the site and saw the headline for this thread, I thought it said “Open Thread: Seahawks WTF” Can anyone blame me? It’s been that kind of season.

  2. EM

    Go hawks!!

  3. SeaTown

    Lucky you Rob!

  4. TomLPDX

    Sleep well my friend, the sun will come up tomorrow! Thanks for giving us an open thread for the game, should be interesting.

  5. Ashish

    Really you are gonna watch replay and torched yourself? Game has not started it will be WTF. First time i even forget there’s a Hawks game.

  6. 12th chuck

    please play better than 3-1/2 quarters of bad d and 3 quarters of bad o

  7. Pran

    if Russ is not ready, why play him? that’s a bad throw

  8. Troy

    LOL, why should we expect anything different from Rus when he HUGELY over throws his first third down, fuck it makes me angry to watch this shit.

    • Troy

      In fairness Rus cooked on the second drive, glad to see it

  9. Bmseattle

    So odd that the DT cant cover the WR as he crosses the field.

    • cha

      345lb middle linebacker Bryan Mone

      • Bmseattle

        Just putting players in a position to succeed…like they have all season.

        • Peter

          DT to oline converts didn’t work why not try them at “spy?”

    • Troy

      I might have been a bit premature, Rus looked on point second drive

  10. Peter

    Classic seahawks.

    1 yd total offense. And the d just doing seattle things.

  11. Hawks4life

    Brooks with a couple very nice tackles

    • Hawks4life

      Good stand by the D, that’s the only encouraging thing so far

  12. Peter

    A pffs grade for you: peter’s for f— sake grades.

    Has there been a collection of middling qb’s that has ever had better games against another team?

  13. Big Mike

    “Bobby Wagner already with 5 tackles with 5 mins to go in the first quarter “.

    Well, um, he has been on the field nearly the entire quarter.

  14. Big Mike

    Here comes 3rd down stuff and a punt?

    • Big Mike

      Is nope blown Washington coverage well taken

      • cha

        Washington will do one of those a series. Maybe more.

        They’re terrible. If RW can find them and stay upright it’s gonna be a long night.

  15. cha

    That throw to Everett was a laser beam. My goodness.

    • Hawks4life

      Geno misses that 10/10 times. Hopefully that gives russ some confidence

  16. OP_Chillin

    Sensational throw to Everett there. That was absolutely perfect. Tight window as it can be. Lots of trust shown by russ there.

  17. Bmseattle

    Wow…thank you Amadi.

    • 206

      Right! #1 was hauling ass

    • Big Mike

      Well the kicker was still in position to make a tackle. šŸ˜€

  18. Bmseattle

    Great play by Robinson….now get him out of the game a quickly as possible!

  19. Bmseattle

    Brooks makes a great play on the screen

  20. Blitzy the Clown

    When was the last time Mayowa was even close to a QB strip? He looks anemic and impotent out there.

    And while you’re answering that, let’s ponder further the complexities of getting Robinson more snaps.

    • Big Mike

      They’re working on it. I mean it’s not like he didn’t just make a excellent play pressuring the quarterback or anything

  21. Blitzy the Clown

    LBs showed up tonight. Brooks’ best game so far in a while. I wonder if he watched Queen playing a solid game vs the Browns last night.

  22. SeaTown

    Why does it take so long to get DK involved?

    • 12th chuck

      ive seen a couple plays where he is fighting a double team

  23. Blitzy the Clown

    Eskridge sighting!

  24. Big Mike

    Shit blocking

  25. Bmseattle

    Do you think the plan was for 3 of our offensive lineman to trip over each other there?

    • Blitzy the Clown

      Fuller is as ghastly at OG as he is at C. And frankly, Gabe Jackson is a disappointment. I’m outraged on behalf of Wilson that this, this, is the best OL the Seahawks could put in front of him.

      • Bmseattle

        I agree.
        Why isnt Haynes playing guard?
        He’s gotta be better than Fuller.

        • Blitzy the Clown

          They activated him off the PS so he should be available.

  26. KennyBadger

    When you think of 3rd & 1, you think of deejay dallas.

  27. Bmseattle

    Are you just not allowed to jump back from an encroachment now?
    He didnt make a lineman jump.

    • Big Mike

      Seems pretty bullshit to me

  28. Blitzy the Clown

    Mayowa is pure shite. I can’t believe Robinson isn’t out there.

    • Bmseattle

      Well…he was out there, in coverage,that play!

  29. Big Mike

    95 yd drive here?

    • Peter

      Wilson has been a problem this year but this time of possesion so far is 100% on the defense.

    • Big Mike

      Well that didn’t age well and it was a good thing. Great play by digs

      • Blitzy the Clown

        And Adams. He’s having a good game.

        He’ll never be worth what we paid for him, in trade or against the cap, but I hope he plays well.

  30. Bmseattle

    He almost dropped that.

    • 206

      I expected a drop lol – he just barely held on tho!

  31. Troy

    Is this the apocalypse? 2 Jamal Adams INTs in the season

    • Peter

      Is this the apocalypse……nice!

  32. Hawks4life

    Diggs laying the wood and adams capitalizes, love to see it

  33. Blitzy the Clown

    Swain has to recover that. He HAS to.

  34. 206

    Great play by Lockett. Time of possession still an issue. – damnit a fumble šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

  35. 12th chuck

    peacock out strutting for an actual good play, nice to see. He officially has more int’s than albert haynsworth

  36. Big Mike

    New York must have called and said to call penalty on Seattle to keep fan interest in the East Coast team
    That is a total complete and utter shit call

  37. Hawks4life

    That’s such a bullshit call

  38. Seahawkwalt

    These referees are ruining the game

  39. Big Mike

    Seattle should have had the ball with a minute 20 to go and 2 timeouts instead we get this period this is all on the officials it is all on that horrific no penalty call that they call the penalty. The NFL gets harder and harder to watch every year and I have about had my fill

  40. Robbie

    What is happening with these refs?!!? Are they trying to gift them a touchdown? So confused

    • pdway

      penalites on three consecutive plays….

    • Big Mike

      Of course they were trying to give them a touchdown Robbie. That’s how they roll in the NFL

      • Malc from PO

        They tried their best to keep us in it at the end so it balanced i guess

  41. pdway

    well there’s a play you don’t see every day..

  42. Robbie

    Rasheem Green taking it 80 yards made my night haha

  43. Leo

    That might be the shittiest 2 minute drive I’ve ever seen.

  44. cha

    Can anyone explain Deejay Dallas on third and short? Twice?

    • pdway

      i’ll keep this handy, when friends of mine ask why i’m ready to move on from Pete

    • Big Mike

      Sure cha. It’s the Pete Carroll keep the game close and when it in the 4th quarter strategy. We’ve seen it a 100000 times. I mean why have your quarterback throw when hes looked very good since early in the game and been very accurate since early in the game when we can keep it close and try and win it in the 4th quarter

      • Peter

        Character reveals itself in keeping it close when you don’t have to.

    • BobbyK

      Because the push Kyle Fuller gets is just that good. lol

  45. pdway

    i mean come on…why run deejay dallas on 3rd down? he’s just not that back. frustrating.

  46. 12th chuck

    pass rush working but tackling always an issue. wtf is going on with the penalties

    • STTBM

      Every time we play WFT it’s the same: we get a lead, the refs start throwing flags every third down, untill WFT scores a TD. Yet another reason Carrol needs to stop playing not to lose–the refs will decide it then. Carrol needs to bury these guys, remove all doubt.

  47. Big Mike

    I mean seriously, isn’t it suspicious when the play is over and the teams have all gone to the sideline and the Washington punter comes on to the field and THEN the officials huddle up and come up with a penalty on Seattle? How can that be anything but suspicious. Serious question

    • BobbyK

      That offsides on Dunlap was stupid and the Ugo hold was so ticky-tacky. There’s a hold like that on every NFL play ever. If it’s a legit hold, call it. But don’t turn the tide of an entire game with a BS ticky-tack call like that. Let players play.

      • 12th chuck

        nobody moved on offense, got back before the snap and then threw a flag. some phantom holding calls as well

    • AlaskaHawk

      The whole thing reeked of rotten fish sauce.

      What a crazy first half. Who would have guessed a point after gets run back for two points? Just crazy. Russell showing signs of improvement. We just need an offensive line to block for our dwindling running backs.

    • Big Mike

      Play him at running back. He’d be better than DJ Dallas

      • Peter

        That’s some early 90’s play cortez at rb magic…

  48. Peter

    As troy asked above: is this the apocalypse?

    Maybe. In college news apparently brian kelly is leaving notre dame to coach LSU.

  49. Hawks4life

    Gonna be a long night with these penalties

  50. cha

    Eskridge returning the kick is nice to see.

  51. Bmseattle

    No reason to ever target DK,I guess

    • cha

      Can’t do it if you are going to count on Dallas and a banged up OL to get you first downs.

  52. Big Mike

    If he hadn’t recovered that, the refs would’ve found a way to call a penalty on Seattle so they’d have kept the ball anyway.

  53. Troy

    Looks like we are trying to lose the time of possession 3 to 1 tonight.

  54. Denver Hawker

    So is Russā€™ finger a non-issue or is he suddenly not accurate anymore? We were told itā€™s not an issue, but no one believes it. Heā€™s missing short throws with little pressure.

    Call me crazy, but Iā€™m starting to wonder if Geno could perform better. Whatā€™s worse than this though is just the feeling the fans are being blatantly lied to about Russā€™ finger affecting him.

  55. cha

    What is the defense doing?

    Rasheem Green on DeAndre Carter?

    Then not even lining up to cover Carter on the next play?

  56. Troy

    Taylor Heineike and Colt McCoy carving up this pathetic defense

  57. Hawks4life

    The amount of 1st downs we allow is absurd. And just like that they run in untouched

  58. Seahawkwalt

    WFT throws to rb in flat… nobody within 15 yards and they get 20 yards. We try that and we immediately get tackled by 2 players for 1 yard gain

  59. BK Matty

    RW sucks, there is really no other way to say it. Likely the finger or he is making business decisions as he prepares for the next leg of his career or he is just in a career worst slump, but he sucks right now!!!

    • Hawks4life

      The combination of his finger injury, terrible coaching and no blocking/running attack I don’t expect much more right now. We all know it’s time for a change but this still hurts to watch

  60. KennyBadger

    Nice effort on the td Jamal. Puke.

  61. Troy

    Pardon my language, but fuck this SOFT football team.

  62. cha

    $18m blocked out of the play

    $17m just likes to bounce around and observe

  63. Chris Banta

    Defense would probably be fine if they werenā€™t on the field the whole game.

    • STTBM

      …aaaand if anyone other than Norton Jr was in charge…

  64. DC

    All signs of a very poorly coached team

  65. Canadian Hawk

    If everything Rob and the blog has discussed this year isn’t enough, here’s another reason why it’s time for a change.

    Halfway through the 3rd quarter….

    First downs:

    Wash 22
    Sea 4

    Time of possession:

    Wash 26.35
    Sea 9.55

    This is against WASHINGTON.

  66. Robbie

    I love seeing Al Woods dropping back into coverage! That will trickā€™em. Unbelievable. Also 22 first downs to 4 so far, Great stat! Russ is making business decisions for sure.

  67. OP_Chillin

    Run game is absolutely useless! It’s a waste of a down at this point. OL getting destroyed more than the WFT OL starting a 4th string center!

    • MikeB

      Well, it does get the entire team off the field quicker, so we dont have to endure watching this train wreck of a team any more than is absolutely necessary.

  68. DC

    Might as well trade DK now since we’re not going to throw it to him

  69. Robbie

    3 and outā€¦.shocking!

  70. Chris Banta

    You have to try to run it because Russ stinks right now.

  71. dand393

    Wilson is broken I donā€™t care what anybody says Iā€™d rather see geno in there right now russ is so clearly affected by the finger itā€™s ridiculous

  72. 12th chuck

    its garbage time

  73. Braden

    Feels like Russ has quit on the team. Whole team is a joke. Offense, defense, Pete, Russ, etcā€¦ plenty of blame to go around.

  74. OP_Chillin

    Offense is totally broken. One good drive converting a couple of third downs. The rest, utterly crap. No running game and Wilson just can’t make the throws necessary right now.

  75. cha

    9 runs. 17 yards.

    • OP_Chillin

      They have to just throw every play from now on. Can it get much worse? Probably, knowing this team, but at least we’d have a chance!

  76. 206

    It is really tough to watch a team with this many ā€œstarsā€ be this bad

  77. Leo

    If (once) we lose today. we will have gone 9-11 in Russ’s last 20 starts. He has been broken for 13 months now, this isn’t just the finger.

  78. Matthew

    Is it crazy to think Russ is just done? I mean, sure heā€™s still has a higher ceiling than some replacement player, but heā€™s 33, heā€™s not who he was, and itā€™s not just the finger. Heā€™s been off for awhile.

    • 206

      Possible. But I could totally see him with a fresh start lighting it up again like he used too

    • Hawks4life

      Yes it’s crazy, should he have waited to get healthy absolutely, do we know how the finger is doing nope and we probably won’t. I’d rather watch Russ being 50% over Geno at 100%.

    • Tony

      I don’t blame russ. This is a team with no plan. No adjustments. No answers to anything. Russ is swimming so hard against the current of this team that he has tired out. When every play like screens, quickouts, etc is snuffed out that he has basically been reverted to a rookie. The system is broke. Plug brady, mahomes, rodgers in there and they would suck. No run game, terrible designs, bad playcalling. It’s a full breakdown of the system. Hes not playing well. But who can blame him, he can’t fix this mess with a couple deep bombs. The seahawks have been figured out and fully exposed.

      • Matthew

        He canā€™t find the open receiver, and we he does, he canā€™t make an accurate throw. Itā€™s been awhile that has been bubbling up, and it was before the finger issue.

  79. STTBM

    Zero targets for DK. Even if he does have feet for hands, this is criminal!

  80. KennyBadger

    RW needs to play better, no doubt but no one in the organization is doing a good job. This team has major flaws regardless of the outcome tonight.

  81. STTBM

    DK ain’t no Kearse…

  82. BK Matty

    best part is how the Jets will get our top 4 pick next year! Awesome work management!

  83. Bmseattle

    Fuller absolutely destroyed by Allen on that play

  84. Tony

    I’m anticipating petes press conference more than the game. Will he walk out again? Will he admit the season is over? Will he still have hope? Will he be stoked that the game was somewhat close? Will it still be a play or 2 from winning?

  85. Troy

    Are we the worst team in the NFL???

    • 206

      Bottom 5 for sure

    • SeaTown

      Sadly I had to think about it. But both the Jets and Jags are a tad worse.

      • bk matty

        Jags and Lions yes, we are likely even with the jets, they are at least young and playing with some heart, we are old and making business decisions across the field.

  86. SeaTown


  87. 206

    How the hell have we got to a place where we are down 8 points in the 3rd quarter and the game feels all but over

  88. Walter W Rucker

    Time to force a throw to DK

  89. Paul Cook

    RW is pretty bad tonight.

    • Rowdy

      Has been bottom of the league for a year now

  90. STTBM

    This coaching staff is as inept as Mora’s or Flores. Russ is awful, he’s making business decisions. Seattle should just forfeit the season. Only bad things can happen from here…

  91. cha

    Defense 3 and outs Washington back to back. Offense has no excuses now.

    • Chris Banta

      Defense is playing with heart. The offense is clearly broken.

  92. AlaskaHawk

    Come on Russell, time to prove you can lead this team.

  93. bk matty

    this is lol bad….

  94. 12th chuck

    might as well trade dk in offseason, he doesn’t want to stay in this shit show

  95. DC

    PC/JS should be fired after this game

  96. cha

    And once again Deejay Dallas blows it on third down. This time by not being even remotely able to pick up a block.

  97. SeaTown

    Ok Russ not playing well. No doubt. But heā€™s not healthy. The finger isnā€™t right. If you didnā€™t watch the interview he gave in pre game go check it out. The woman interviewing him asked him about the finger and asked him to show what it looked like. He basically waves his hand not showing anything. That basically proved its not healthy. But Carroll and Waldron ate terrible. This scheme is a joke and not putting anyone in a position to be successful.

    • Paul Cook

      I agree that his finger/hand is not right. But he’s also not seeing the field well at all. He’s been missing open receivers a lot this year.

      • Troy

        He’s playing scared

    • Hawks4life

      The finger is a bigger problem than anyone knows I think that’s pretty clear. Russ was playing great football before the injury, shit most the people on this blog calling him done were calling him the MVP 6 weeks ago. I pray Pete and John step down so we can get this thing rolling in the right direction, with or without Russell.

  98. STTBM

    No QB could do much with this line, Waldron, and Carrol calling the shots.

    Love watching Carrol run for no gain on every first down. Love the sideways throws, and the lines inability to pick up even 1 of 2 blitzers. It’s pretty Epic Fail….

  99. Andrew M

    Five straight 3 and outs. 18 total rushing yards. Metcalf has zero looks. Russ playing the worst game of his career. For the third straight game. Time of possession almost 3:1. How can it be this bad?

  100. Robbie

    This is absolutely embarrassing. Top 10 QBs donā€™t and shouldnā€™t play like this. Something ainā€™t right. This team has no heart, no desire, no passion, no identity

    • Tony

      Brady looked like trash in last couple years at NE. Not this bad, but close. He had virtually no wrs. Brees had some rough times to last couple years. Both 10 yrs older, so in prime years, no. Right now rw is looking mark sanchez esque.

  101. cha

    Jordyn Brooks is ready to be the MLB in 2022.

    He’s having a game.

  102. bk matty

    I actually feel for the defense, they have held up very well given the ToP discrepancy. They will likely get run over from here on in but I cant blame em, they kept the game tight for 3 quarters

    • AlaskaHawk

      They have played okay. Gave up a lot of runs earlier.

      Seahawks finally catch a break with that holding call on Washington bringing back the long yardage run.

      • bk matty

        cross country vs a team that is playing better, they have held up very well.

  103. Paul Cook

    I NEVER expected the offense to be WORSE than the defense this year.

  104. Rowdy

    Russ is bye far the biggest problem with the offense

    • Blitzy the Clown

      Totally. I mean, the biggest problem with the offense definitely isn’t Kyle Fuller or Ethan Pocic šŸ™„

      Are you serious?

      • Rowdy

        Stop deflecting man, everything I said is true

    • STTBM

      Are you for real?!

  105. cha

    Great play call. Let Russ make a play with his legs.

  106. Leo

    “One of the great healers of all time” is not fit to play right now. The fact that Pete can’t sit Russ down and tell him he’s hurting the team is proof enough that Pete’s time is done. If you can’t have an honest convo with the QB you’re not fit to lead anymore.

    And Russ should stop getting high on his supply with these BS cliches and focus on football again. I never worried about his commercial ventures before but “let Russ cook” really messed with his mindset.

  107. TheOtherJordan

    So whatā€™s the percentages for a 3-8 team to make the playoffs?

  108. DC

    What a terrible game to be on MNF

  109. SeaTown

    Broken. Simply broken.

    • neil

      That is why we got flexed out of Sunday night next week

  110. SeaTown

    Pete needs to resign after the game. Itā€™s over. Take your millions and play with your grandkids on the floor. Fire JS. Fire Shane Waldron. Start from scratch.

    • Rowdy

      So does russ, he’s worse then pete

      • Peter


        Sorry. Russ sucks this year. But pete made this whole thing himself.

        • Rowdy

          Keep telling yourself that

          • Peter

            You’re right. Pc’s team is great. The run game is unstoppable. Defense rules. And adams is a world beater. ….okay

  111. 12th chuck

    this is by far the worst seahawks team ever, and I have been a fan since 76′

  112. Troy

    Yep. Blow. This. Shit. Up.

    Head coach. Coaching Staff. GM. All under-performing veterans.

  113. Justaguy

    Russ is a fucking mess. He honestly looks like he doesn’t give a flying fuck about the scheme and is just throwing wherever the fuck he wants. My guess is he will request a trade this off season with or without Pete retiring

    • Rowdy

      He’s literally said this in a interview, people bashing Pete for the scheme when russ refuses to play by it

    • Matthew

      Him scrapping a play, but doing some playground shit, and salvaging it and getting a big ā€œmagicalā€ play is what he does, he just canā€™t manufacture it anymore.

      • STTBM

        Russ did get pretty much our only first down in six drives by bailing on a play and running up the gut himself….

        Blame Russ for not blocking for himself while your at it…

  114. Tony

    It has to get worst before it gets better. Secure jets with a top 5 pick. This is essentially, we have to hit rock bottom. Leave no hope. Only then will real change happen.

    • Matthew

      That rock bottom looks to include Wilson sinking his trade value with the rest of the year. That Chicago deal might have been the best offer.

      • Tony

        There’s always 1 team thinking they can fix him.

  115. Gary

    Anyone who puts this loss on the defence didnā€™t watch this game.

  116. AlaskaHawk

    They are just picking the defense apart now.

  117. Chris Banta

    Waldron is no great shakes, but Russ is making him look bad as well

  118. AlaskaHawk

    OMG running yards 34 to 146. OMG

  119. Paul Cook

    This is so embarrassing I have no words. The offense is nonexistent.

  120. OP_Chillin

    These guys have no kicker. They literally just need to get a stop on 3rd down and the punter has to kick the FG. Good chance to hold em to 0

  121. bk matty

    you can see it in RWs face on the bench, he knows hes cooked right now…

    • STTBM

      Not much he can do with a Coach who is senile and an offense of 25 plays, 22 of which we’ve run since Bevell was OC…

      Russ stunk up the second half, but he can’t block for himself.

      At this point, I don’t want Seattle to win a game. I just want this coaching staff and front office gone…

  122. DC

    Wish I was Rob and didn’t stay up for this game. I’ve been on the keep RW train and get Sean Peyton, but honestly I don’t know how much longer he has it. He doesn’t play in scheme and on time now, what makes you think he will for Peyton?

    • Tony

      Because he will trust peyton. He has no trust in pete or his scheme. Peyton will show him an actual plan.

      • DC

        And break 10 years of habits? I’m finding it hard to believe

        • Tony

          No gaurentee it’ll work. But I can see rw actually attempt to change. Or atleast the scheme change will allow russ to get back to good play.

  123. Blitzy the Clown

    I think it’s possible that Pete Carroll will end up being both the best and worst head coach in team history. Best obviously for Super Bowl 48/49 and 2013 World Champs. And worst not because of this dismal season, but worst because he will end up leaving the program much the same way he left USC, crippled in some significant and fundamental way for years to come.

    • SeaTown

      Spot on!

    • Paul Cook

      I don’t buy the USC thing. USC didn’t have to be bad after PC left. Not at all. They have probably the strongest recruiting base in the country. They were bad because of poor decisions by the athletic department.

  124. STTBM

    Finally put the guys who can rush infield, then ruin it with Soft Zone coverage….gawd, Ken Norton is feable!

  125. Troy

    We need to trade Russell Wilson while he still has value. This is a pathetic showing by a QB for 3 straight weeks.

    Put him on IR. And then trade his ass this off-season.

    • SeaTown

      Whoā€™s playing QB when you trade his ass?

      • Trevor

        They have less than 20 points in 3 games whoever is at Qb could not have done worse so who cares.

        • SeaTown

          You, sir, are clueless.

    • Hawks4life

      If we do that what would your strategy be to turn this team around? Or will we be as irrelevant as we are now for years to come. I’m open to trading Russ but I just don’t think that’s the best move we can make.

      • Rowdy

        Will be just as bad as we are with russ. That’s how replaceable he is right now

        • Hawks4life

          Well thought out answer

  126. Brando Khuu

    I cant wait for the excuses Pete will say at the end of the game

  127. Glor

    O line isn’t helping matters

  128. DC

    Offensive issues:

    RW playing before fully healthy
    Crap OL (Fuller at C)
    Terrible RBs
    RW not reading field and taking what’s there
    Play calling

    Starts with coaching and roster construction

  129. Andrew M

    Canā€™t believe there are six more games after this crap festival.

  130. Trevor

    The worst thing the Hawks could have done was bring Russ back from the finger injury. The season is a writeoff they should have just put him on IR and look to the future. His trade value has taken a huge hit this year.

    The Hawks could have traded Russ, Adams and Bobby last off season for a hawl of draft picks and started a complete rebuild. Instead they wasted a year. Signed Adams to a ridiculous contract. Let Russ’s trade value take a hit and make Bobby a cap casualty this off season.

    Well done PC / JS

    • Tony

      12-4 and division champs. No way pete just tears that down. Not many coaches are that bold.

      • DC

        Only BB would be

        • Tony

          BB is playing with house money. He could coach naked and NE wouldn’t do anything. He is unfirable.

      • Trevor

        I guess that is the problem. Pete should not have gotten a new deal and been making that decision. The Hawks have two playoff wins in 6 years, both wild card games. They may have been 12-4 but were in no way shape or form contenders.

  131. Mick

    End of the road for Pete, that’s as good as certain now.

  132. DC

    RW is our leading rusher with….16 yards

  133. Brando Khuu

    Pete has to go at this point. It just kills me thinking that we have a top 5 pick being sent to the jets

    • Matthew

      Massive kick to the crotch.

  134. Hawks4life

    That’s not a catch

  135. neil

    People can make all the excuses for Russ all they want but 5 consecutive 3 and out’s speaks for it self.He has never been good at reading defenses and taking what the defense is giving him. Scramble drill was always the way he did his magic and now that seems to be over. I am not so sure the Giants or the Saints will want him for the compensation every one is expecting.

  136. Denver Hawker

    Seahawks are unwatchable at this point:
    – Canā€™t run
    – Russ clearly not even 70%, yet they trot him out there
    – No fire
    – Defense getting nickel and dined to death, no pressure on QBs whatsoever

    Itā€™s just a slow painful death every week. I keep waiting for some sort of spark, some miraculous play that weā€™re so used to seeing- it never comes.

    I wish the season were over today. This is just trash.

  137. Mick

    There was a time I would have believed in a TD. Who wants to bet the game ends with two sacks?

    • Matthew

      Overthrown pass on 4th down.

      • Tony

        This is my call. Or a pick.

    • 206

      And it wasnā€™t that long ago!

    • Trevor

      The worst part is I don’t even care for the first time in my 36yrs as a Hawks fan I could care less if they come back or not because it makes zero difference.

  138. DK

    At this point forget the RB dump offs, just chuck it as far as you can to DK and see what happens

  139. DC

    At this point just chuck it as far as you can to DK and see what happens. Forget the RB dump offs

  140. Blitzy the Clown

    Russell Wilson is absolute shite who MUST BE TRADED NOW (or even CUT OUTRIGHT since he may not be worth anything anymore) because he isn’t able to pull a magic rabbit out of his arse EVERY SINGLE TIME the Seahawks need him to save the team all by himself…

    …is how some of y’all sound.

    Without even so much as a thought about the OL that features the likes of Ethan Pocic and Kyle Fuller, who probably would struggle simply to make any other pro team’s roster.

    Or Carroll’s castrated coaching strategy of ‘wet blanketing’ the opponent until the end of the game when his magician Russell Wilson might be able to pull a magic rabbit out of his arse.

    • Matthew

      I canā€™t believe he took that sack. Unreal.

      • Blitzy the Clown

        It was one play when nobody was open. And did it matter?

        No. They have a 1st and 10.

        Perspective man

    • STTBM

      You got one thing right. The clown part…

      • STTBM

        Blitzy, I wanted to take that comment back, I misunderstood your comment. Utter fail on my part. I apologize.

  141. DC

    Anyone think RW has been sandbagging to get rid of PC knowing he could plausibly blame it on the finger?

    • Mick

      No chance Russ would be doing that, I think.

  142. Tony

    Wow. Throw it away man.

  143. Paul Cook


  144. Mick

    Wow here’s the TD.

  145. DC

    Why not a slant to DK?

    • Matthew

      He looked openā€¦

  146. AlaskaHawk

    Hmm. well Wilson almost pulled a rabbit out of his arse. LOL

    Not much to cheer about this year.

  147. Blitzy the Clown

    I think that’s our ball!

    • Blitzy the Clown

      Weak. NFL ruining its own product.

      • Malc from PO

        I dunno, they did their best to hand us the game when we had no right at another chance (TD overruled, PI on scoring drive). It would have been abhorrent if we had won that game. Itā€™s bad enough that Pete and Russ again get to say ā€œwe were right there at the endā€ and continue to make no changes.

  148. Tony

    Wow. Lol.

  149. AlaskaHawk

    OO F me, they have taken all the fun out of kick offs.

  150. Robbie

    What a stupid rule

    • DC

      Still one the coaches should know and have the team prepared for in this situation

    • Hawks4life

      Agreed. And what’s up with the super late flag on that, NY chimed in just to ruin some potential fun

      • bk matty

        can somone explain the theory behind that idiotic rule?

        • Isaac

          Idk if you caught the announcers explaining it, but apparently the formation needs to be spaced out a certain way. If not, there will be too many close to one side, which could lead to “dangerous collisions”

    • pdway

      two things can be true at the same time – we are terrible, and that is the most ticky-tack, not-part-of-the-play penalty I think I’ve ever seen.

  151. Paul Cook

    What a way to end LOLOLOLOL…

  152. Tony

    Fitting losing that way.

  153. Mick

    I must say this again, you can’t put these Ls on Russ. You must have something that works when you need a 2 pt conversion. I didn’t expect to win this game with no running game at all. But it really sucks to be so close and miss.

    • bk matty

      his throw was bad on the 2pt play, should have used more trickery, a play action or a roll out, some disguise. To just let him sit back and try and find an open man wasnt working all night. Poor play call and execution.

    • Peter

      Russ had a long run of looking like crap today.

      But how is the qb supposed to win on his own when the run game has him as the rushing leader on two carries?

    • 12th chuck

      it doesn’t help when he consistently overlooks wide open receivers to throw an incompletion (when he has time)

    • pdway

      fair or not – he’s be paying superstar money, and is not playing at that level.

      maybe it’s the finger, but for me, doubt is starting to creep in. I’m starting to believe that his superpower was always his ability to both extend plays w his HOF escapability, and always find a guy at the end of that extended play. It’s what made him clutch too, he’d dodge the rush, create time, and always accurately hit the guy. He’s lost that ability, he gets tackled now – and it’s impacted everything, confidence, ability to move the team, everything.

      He’s not the only problem, the O-line looks terrible, the RB talent is subpar – but he’s the max contract guy, and bears that responsibility too.

      • 12th chuck

        well put

      • Paul Cook

        I’ve been saying for over a year now that RW’s game has needed to evolve and it hasn’t. He just doesn’t have the athletic ability and elusiveness that he used to have. He can’t extend play like he used to. And this is all accentuated by our weak OL play. We needed an offensive scheme and a new RW who was able to get the ball out quicker and utlize a more ball control, move the chains type of offense.

        Yes, tonight…zero running game. But still, if RW played better, hit more open receivers, we win the game.

        I can’t argue with anyone who says that everything should be on the table now.

        • Peter

          If russ had played better? Okay…but what if anyone else besides russ was cointed on to win games.

          This defense is going to be two years in a row in the middle 20’s.

          18 yards from the runningbacks.

          Sure russ could play better but that’s saying tge quiet part out loud that russ is the only reason this team eins. And if he can’t do it it aint happening.

          • Paul Cook

            RW is simply not a good ball control, quick strike, pocket passing QB. I don’t know if he ever will be. He doesn’t seem to want to become this type of QB while his athletic, scrambling, play extending abilities have been in decline. I worry about building around RW if he doesn’t more evolve into this kind of QB.

          • pdway

            I thought the D showed heart tonight. a lot of stops on 3rd and 1; got some 3 and outs when we needed them.

            It takes a superstar defense to hold teams down for a full 60 minutes, when their offense is giving the ball back over and over and over again.

            This loss, like most of the last several, is on the offense in my opinion.

            • Paul Cook

              Agree. Unbelievable that our defense is worse and more disappointing than our offense. Who would have thought at the beginning of the year? I said the from beginning that we needed to be a top 5 offense and at least an average defense to compete at the highest level this year.

              Just wow.

            • Peter

              They showed heart. For sure. They still weren’t very good. Sure seattle gave the ball back a ton. But where was the getting off the field in the first half?

      • Peter

        The rb’s are sub par? That’s putting it mildly

        • Paul Cook

          Didn’t you feel that in spite of our horrible running game, in spite of our poor pass protection, in spite of our penalties we STILL should have won this game had we a modicum of an effective passing attack.

          • Blitzy the Clown

            How many ‘horribles’ should Russell Wilson be able to negate?

            Or pick your player. Any player in the League. If the rest of the team sucks, why should it ALL come down to the QB?

            And if it does, is that even a team sport anymore? Is that football?

            • Paul Cook

              One can’t ignore RW’s shortcomings as a QB, his inability to evolve his game to compensate fro his declining athletic and play making abilities. It has to be on the table in any reasonable discussion. Can a new HC and scheme get RW to make the changes he has needed to make to ensure that he remains one of the top QB’s in the game/

              That’s a fair question to me.

              • Peter

                But evolve how? He got the te’s going. He through to 8 different recievers. People want him to stand and deliver and: he has hurt himself by his escapabilty and self made sacks. However the oline for years has been garbage and deals plenty of sacks.

                Sean Payton always made it a priority to protect brees.

                Bielema at wisconsin had tge single biggest oline when russ played and a heavy handed rush offense.

                Where is any of that for russ? Tom brady…..chicken and an egg….slow as a statue so he got the ball out quick? Or the team kept him upright? Or both? Probably both.

                • Paul Cook

                  I’ve been watching football a long time. RW is not a good three step drop, get the ball out quick, ball control type QB. At least not nearly to the consistent level he needs to be. You don’t go three and out five times in a row, you don’t have the TOP we do this year, you don’t have the dismal 3rd down conversion rate without the QB being part of the problem.

                • pdway

                  no argument from me – that the failure to build a good O-line is the single biggest failure of PC/JS in the post SB team era. A better O-line solves a ton of problems.

                  I know we never had the top-10 pick where you get to snag the bluest chippers, but still, better decisions in free agency, etc…..other teams seem to figure it out. We just don’t, and it’s a big part of the collapse.

            • pdway

              we’ve definitely been spoiled by years of magic play from Wilson – no doubt about that. And if you gave him a better O-line, and better RB’s – I do think we’d see his play markedly improve – but you could say something similar about a lot of good QB’s.

              When I look at the 2nd half of last year, and then the week-after-shitty-week disaster of this year – I do find myself thinking it may well be time for a pull the band-aid off breakup.

          • Peter

            First. I 100% agree i felt we should have one.

            Second. russ had a nice long stretch of garbage tonight.

            Third. You have to be able to generate anything, something on the ground to not put the game and every game in the air. Whether it’s bombs away or a west coadt offense eithout more than 34 yards on the ground you are asking for too much pressing.

  154. STTBM

    Sad ending, but oh so apropos….

  155. 12th chuck

    Wilson missed a wide open dk for the 2 point conversion. doesn’t matter now, but if you were J,S., why wouldn’t you be poaching o lineman from other practice squads, they wouldn’t be any worse than the o line we have now, but i guess it doesn’t matter now

  156. Paul Cook

    We’re awful. Change at the top for sure, both PC and JS. That’s a given. I’m open to just about anything now. There are no sacred cows on this team now.

    • pdway

      I agree.

      As we’ve all lamented, it’s an absolute pisser that of all years, we don’t have our 1st next draft – but we just have to move past that, be smart in free agency, and sadly, accept that ’22 may suck as well. Build w that next draft.

      It is what it is, but the one thing we can’t bear, is another repeat of his coach/gm/QB combo. change has to happen…it’s pretty unwatchable right now.

      • Paul Cook

        Jordan Babineaux has been real critical of RW on the post game show, his missing his open receivers, his not going through his progressions, his not targeting his most talented receivers.

        • Lilā€™stink

          These are all things that Wilson has struggled with his entire career here (except for maybe the part about targeting his most talented receivers).

          Itā€™s just that he no longer has the LOB, Marshawn, his beautiful deep ball, or his athleticism to make up for it.

          Heā€™s never had great timing, anticipation, pocket presence, or the willingness to throw guys open. Yet he has still been very good for almost 10 years. But now? The sad truth seems to be that Wilson simply does not have the skill set to age well in this game, and weā€™re seeing it unfold this season.

          • 12th chuck

            on the plus side, getting the tight ends involved, and even throwing in the middle as well, but damn he made some terrible plays the last few weeks. and to totally fail to get dk involved. missed him open for the 2 point try

  157. Leo

    I hope Russ is already planning his Rocky-esque offseason where he goes off to train with Apollo and regain his mojo. He’s been playing like a shell-shocked boxer for 13 months now. He needs to completely rebuild his game.

    • IHeartTacoma

      I respect the guy, but is he realistically finished at this point? All downhill from here?

      • Peter

        Here with pc/js and this mess? I think so.

        But big picture somewhere else or someone else i don’t think so.

        Rodgers went 6-9-1 in 2018 with his lowest completion rate. The next year there were 13-3. The team was changed as was the coaching.

  158. Malc from PO

    That was abysmal. 2 weeks in a row the football gods have handed us every chance possible to win in spite of clearly being the worse team and we are still not good enough. If WFT had a kicker, or the refs didnā€™t try to keep it entertaining, this would have been dead and buried much earlier.

  159. BobbyK


    Darrell Taylor is pretty dumb (at least in terms of his football assignments). Thatā€™s why bums like Benson Mayowa gobble up a bunch of snaps that seemingly should go to him. Mayowa is assignment sound but he lacks talent to actually be good. But, my goodness, why they have that guy dropping into coverage as much as they do blows my mind (and some of these other DL). But from a coaching perspective, I can see why Mayowa plays more. But at this point, with the season obviously over, itā€™s time to suck even worse for the short term and get Taylor more experience unless he’s really as dumb with his assignments as I’m starting to think he is.

    I actually admire many of these bum DL guys. They suck but they try. Itā€™s not their fault Pete Carroll and John Schneider have put them in a position to make plays when none of them possess actual playmaking ability.

    I feel bad for Bobby Wagner. Heā€™s still good in the middle but what do you do with a guy who makes that much at his age on a team so lacking in talent?

    Diggs has quietly had a nice year but I donā€™t trust most players after theyā€™ve been paid, especially on their third contract. Him leaving would be another of many holes, but him staying defeats the purpose of having a long-term vision if thatā€™s the direction of the team moving forward.

    Russ has not been without blame. For as much as Iā€™ve thought about him being a franchise QB, he does not do plenty of things that mediocre bums like Colt McCoy will actually do. As this point, if Iā€™m the next GM of the Giants – I doubt I offer those two first rounders they have for him. Itā€™s easy to blame his finger, but he sucked (in my world) last year later in the year and he wasnā€™t exactly a stud before hurting his finger this year so I donā€™t need to hear about how ā€œitā€™s only been three weeks since heā€™s been back.ā€ To me heā€™s been in suck mode for a year.

    How can you claim you want to run the ball and go into a season with all the bums the Seahawks did on the OL? Brown is aging, but a good run blocker. They played stupid with Lewis to the point where he has regressed. They traded for Jackson so they could give up drafting a young, cheap player so they could get an old, expensive player clearly on the decline. Then they go with two bums at Center and return a RT who has proven heā€™s not that good. How do you run the ball with that group unless you have Earl Campbell, Marshawn Lynch, Derrick Henry, or Jim Brown?

    Speaking of RBs, how do you claim to care about running the ball when none of your RBs are good? The one who can say heā€™s good is one of the most injury prone players in franchise history.

    How can you ever expect to win if your opponent consistently has the ball around 40 minutes per game and youā€™re around 20? How bad must a team TRULY SUCK for that to be the norm it’s become?

    This roster construction is horrific. The proof is what we watch each week. A 5-year old throwing darts at draft pick and free agent names could have easily done a better job of player acquisition the past number of years.

    Not only is the state of the team now in shambles, but theyā€™re without their 1st round draft pick to get to this point.

    I am now about as equally down on this team as I was when Jim Mora was the coach. At least this time around they have a franchise QB. Or do they? Iā€™m starting to wonder. John Elway was the definition of a franchise QB and he never looked this crappy under Dan Reeves. Wilson has ā€œledā€ the team to FIVE consecutive drives of 3-and-out drives two different times this year. I donā€™t care who your supporting cast is – a true franchise QB surrounded by bums (Brown, Lockett and DK arenā€™t bums) doesnā€™t do that. Wilson routinely does it.

    Pete and John got a pair of high 1st round picks when they took over. If this is their last rodeo, they have robbed the bank for the future coach/GM in terms of the draft. They found a franchise left in shambles and are leaving it in almost the same shambles they found it in.

    This team is obviously a mess. Theyā€™ll get a cheap win vs. the Texans (I think) but how bad must your favorite team suck when you look at the Lions and think thatā€™s not a sure win anymore? At least fans have a high draft pick to look forward to? Oh, waitā€¦

    • Peter

      Great stuff.

      The broncos and Elway sucked big time under reeves in 1990.

      Strange analog though that elway didn’t win the big one(s) without a good defense and a good/great running back

      • BobbyK

        Elway took some pretty crappy teams that had no business winning to Super Bowls though. Wilson only takes teams (on his back) to winning records and early playoff exits. Had Elway ever had Beast Mode and the LOB – Brady would have had more competition for Super Bowl wins by a QB, imo.

        • Peter

          Fair. But as a hawks fan since largent mr. Ed was great but i can still hate him!

    • Submanjoe

      I agree with a lot of this.
      For all the talk about bad defense, theyā€™re on the field 2/3rds of the game of course theyā€™re gonna give up yards. Russ makes crap decisions and brilliant plays. Please better decisions and brilliant plays Russ! The lack of running game and ability to run is almost a joke itā€™s so ridiculous. I said weeks ago how I felt bad for Bobby but I now I donā€™t anymore because heā€™s not gonna make a difference on this team, heā€™s almost part of the problem.
      Someone commented the other day about Pete playing his guys and hence no real competition, I think that is a reality for this team and itā€™s very very dumb. For all the pregame talk about going 7 & 0 I knew then they hadnā€™t bottomed out. They need to act like they have nothing to lose. Thatā€™s coaches, players, all of them. I also have been wondering if Russ has already checked out and is done with this team.

  160. Pran

    Russ is mentally offā€¦ may be sell high? With all the bad about the team, coaches, Russā€™s performance is not getting enough attention.

    • yolo

      unfortunately selling wilson now.. woudl be selling low… hes looked awful. the past couple of weeks the defense has dont its job and the offense with him cant carry us.. at this point i hope we fire carroll and trade wilson.. we wont be competing anytime soon

    • pdway

      I think selling high was last year…not sure he gets the same haul right now. Odds go down even more if the next six weeks are at all like tonight. Maybe I’m wrong. It’s been a rough few weeks.

      • Pran

        We still have the chance in a QB starved league. Should get a better haul than Stanford.
        We all can blame Pete, OC, Injuries and give Russ a nice send off.

        • Peter

          I’ll meet you there if we are sending pete away as well. There’s no universe this loss and this season especially isn’t on the head of the man who wasted 5 years of drafts and free agencies.

          • pdway

            oh 100%, the team is broken…and it’s on the coach (esp one w Carroll’s sway) more than anyone else. If he’s back next year, and we are running it back…..uggh.

            • Peter

              Ughhh…..if this is next year as well. No thanks.

            • Paul Cook

              PC being gone is non-negotiable.

              • 12th chuck

                same with J.S. he helped create this mess as well. If rumors are true about him and Russ’ agent, then one has to go

  161. 12th chuck

    maybe the thing that’s been overlooked, the peacock had some nice plays today, but I watched him stand there while bobby got manhandled out of the way on a td play. and he will still see himself outside of being part of the d problems. 17 mill, smdh

    • pdway

      he’s way overpaid, and will never live up to the draft picks they gave up for him – but I thought he was good for the most part tonight, and don’t think he’s been the problem for several weeks now.

      Brooks was a bright spot tonight too, where’s that been all year?

  162. Gordo

    Argued this at outset of 2021 season. Scrap Wagner for the dollars and some picks, Jamal for whatever is thrown your way, Wilson (Saints right now but let’s see how low we go). Do Not forget to attach parts to the trades, (Wagner with Blair; Adams with Pocic and Dunlap; Wilson with Carson, Perry, Flowers ++). Drop Shell, Brown, and Jackson.

    The outcome will be two firsts some seconds a third a fourth and a fifth on top of a weird salary dump. Start again.

    Hammer the OL pick up Mariota, grab QB Ridder and the RB from MState. Use first on DL Davis (GA) and Lloyd (UT). MUscle up front and work a key skill into a good skill.

    It is over.

  163. pdway

    another thing – and god I hate to give up on this one – but Waldron has just showed me nothing. Maybe it’s all Pete holding him back, I guess that’s a possibility (don’t know how we’ll ever really know)….but whatever the case, I don’t see any improvement really at all in scheme or playcalling.

    Last week was an eye-opener to me, you see AZ with a demonstrably mediocre, journeyman QB, and b/c of the playcalling (adapted to our D’s weaknesses) he goes something like 28-32 and just picks us apart. Am I to believe the there isn’t some way to scheme to our QB’s strengths? It’s just one more disappointment in a season full of them.

    • Ashish

      Pete runs offense and defense

  164. Paul Cook

    All I can think of to say is what a mess to clean up now.

  165. Gross MaToast

    Russ should not be traded, “while he still has value.” The dude is out there balling with a bum finger on his throwing hand when he should still be rehabbing – I mean, the original time frame for his return from surgery was 6-8 weeks and he came back in 3 trying to salvage this shit show. RW is doing what he can with what he has and this is the season that it all finally imploded. He’s a gamer. This time next year, all of you guys calling for Russ to be gone will be here complaining that Trubisky was a terrible signing. No shit?! Who could’ve imagined?

    And Pete should not be fired tonight, as some want. Let him finish what he started. There’s not a coach on the planet who could make anything of this. It’s done – the team has Thelma and Louise’d off the cliff – it’s in free fall. Pete built it, let him always compete and leave no doubt that his era is over.

    Everything that has happened so far this season was predicted in this blog over the past couple or three years. It shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s likely that the franchise will be unrecognizable next season, save for a handful of guys. A quick turnaround back to some semblance of a team that matters rests in the hands of Jody Allen and she should have people setting up whatever comes next right now. Let’s hope that’s the case and that Pete is treated well on his way out.

  166. Jordan E

    I went to this game in person. Offense looks worse in person lol.

    But for real, we keep Russell if we can. We are trading him low. Hes been excellent his entire career except for this year. Pete needs to walk for the sake of the team. JS maybe too. His draft record has been terrible lately. Thing is, I think the NFL caught on. Seahawks success and who they draft and target is figured out. We need a new team. Bring back Schotty too as QB coach if hes willing. Need to get Russ playing well. Russ still has a ton of value imo.

    • Jordan E

      Defense also looks much better in person. The issue too is with the scheme. Under/short is always open. Yes, deep is covered but bc of how we play we force the defense to be out there for a while. Teams dink and dunk all the way and dont get any passion to feed off from the offense.

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