Taking the Derrick Henry debate further

Yesterday I posted an article highlighting Bucky Brooks’ suggestion that Derrick Henry could run a 4.4 forty at the combine. Brooks also suggested that Henry, listed at 6-3 and 242lbs, could jump a 42-inch vertical.

I deliberately started the piece by making it clear I didn’t expect the Seahawks to draft Henry at #26. There are currently too many needs elsewhere and with a deep class at running back, they could find an option in rounds two or three (Alex Collins or Paul Perkins, for example).

However, the comments section lit up quite quickly with people suggesting there was zero chance of Henry being taken by the Seahawks. Today I wanted to make a few points on why it’d be a mistake to rule anything out.

The Seahawks are unpredictable
We’re in mid February. A mock draft placing James Carpenter to Seattle five years ago would’ve been met with disdain. Who expected Bruce Irvin to be the #15 pick in 2012? Did anyone see the Percy Harvin or Jimmy Graham trades coming? And when a lot of people (myself included) expected the team to draft a big target in 2014 — who suggested 6-0, 175lbs Paul Richardson?

It’s almost like this front office thrives on being unconventional. Signing Matt Flynn to a multi-million dollar contract and starting the third round rookie instead. Having the intestinal fortitude to cut Harvin and admit their mistake. Making defense and the run your identity when the rest of the league is throwing forty times a game.

This team does things differently. They do the unpredictable.

The Seahawks have constantly added running backs
As soon as Pete Carroll moved to Seattle he made it clear they were going to run the ball. Nothing has changed in that regard. And they’ve placed a high priority on the running back position.

In year one they traded for LenDale White, Leon Washington and Marshawn Lynch. Scarred by an ugly performance in Cleveland when Lynch was injured in 2011 — they drafted Robert Turbin in 2012 to add support. In 2013 — with Lynch and Turbin still on the roster and on long term contracts — they spent a second round pick on Christine Michael and a sixth round pick on Spencer Ware. The top player on their draft board in 2015? Todd Gurley.

They’ve aggressively bolstered this position because it’s the identity of the team. Run the ball, stop the run. Make explosive plays in the passing game, limit them on defense. Protect the ball. That’s Seahawks football.

Thomas Rawls is a terrific player but there’s every chance the Seahawks will give him a long term partner while providing security to a position they value greatly. It doesn’t have to be a first or second round pick — but it could be.

Again — if they’re willing to spend what was their first pick in the 2013 draft on a running back when they still had Lynch and Turbin as the clear #1 and #2 — we shouldn’t rule out the possibility they’ll spend a high pick to add a partner for Rawls to create a 1-2 punch in the post-Lynch era.

Moving on from Lynch is a big deal. He provided a reliable, durable heart-and-soul type to lead the offense. It might not be a job for one man going forward.

The Seahawks love freaky athletes with production
Christine Michael was drafted mostly thanks to a combine performance for the ages. He ran a 4.54 and jumped 43 inches at 5-10 and 220lbs. If Henry tops that performance at 6-3 and 242lbs — watch out.

If he does as well as Bucky Brooks is predicting he’ll probably be off the board by #26. Someone else will tap into that upside. If he makes it to the Seahawks after a freakish display — all bets are off.

Carroll and John Schneider have consistently drafted elite, unique athletes that produced in college:

2010 — Earl Thomas had eight interceptions in his final season at Texas
2010 — Golden Tate won the Biletnikoff
2011 — James Carpenter was arguably the best run blocking tackle in college
2012 — Bruce Irvin had 22.5 sacks in two seasons at West Virginia
2012 — Bobby Wagner had four sacks as a senior and 478 (!!!) career tackles
2014 — Paul Richardson had 1343 and 10 touchdowns in his final year at Colorado
2015 — Frank Clark’s tape was actually really good with many splash plays

Earl Thomas — 4.43 forty yard dash
Golden Tate — 4.42 forty yard dash
James Carpenter — massive size (34 inch arms, 321bs)
Bruce Irvin — 4.50 forty yard dash and an elite 1.55 10-yard split
Bobby Wagner — 4.46 forty yard dash
Paul Richardson — 4.40 forty yard dash, 38 inch vertical
Frank Clark — 4.64 forty yard dash, a 1.59 10-yard split and a 38.5 inch vertical

The chances are the Seahawks pick at #26 will be mightily productive in college and a SPARQy athlete.

It still doesn’t mean it’ll definitely happen. In my last mock I paired them with Jack Conklin (T, Michigan State). Conklin has had a fine if undecorated career. He’s not a big time athlete. He is a fantastic, physical run-blocker — and that could be enough to entice them given their self-confessed priority to produce a consistent O-line.

That said, if they’re able to make some moves in free agency — it opens the door for other positions at #26. After all, they addressed their pass-rush need with a shock double-move for Cliff Avril and Michael Bennett three years ago. Can they pull off something similar with the O-line?

If so — why would we rule out a prospect who essentially fits the criteria perfectly of a major athlete with excellent production? Henry won the Heisman at Alabama, setting records along the way. It doesn’t get much more unique than a 242lbs monster running in the 4.4’s if he puts in that type of performance. If he runs in the 4.6’s and jumps a 35-inch vertical we’ll be having a very different conversation.

Henry is often compared to Brandon Jacobs. I don’t see it personally — Jacobs was an inside thumper with incredible size and value in the short-yardage game. Henry’s ability at the second level is rare. He’s excellent in space, very difficult to bring down and has the breakaway speed to turn a big run into a touchdown run. For all the complaints about his short-game — he’s a dynamic playmaker if you give him even a hint of a crease.

By this point you’re probably thinking I’m starting to petition for Henry in Seattle. I’ll stress that this isn’t the case. Yet I don’t think we’d be doing this blog justice to focus exclusively on the offensive and defensive line — or take the position that anything else simply won’t happen. Personally I think they will take a running back in the first four rounds. In my last mock draft I had them selecting Alex Collins in round two — and I feel pretty good about that projection.

We should still keep a close eye on Derrick Henry’s workout at the combine. Let’s see if Brooks’ prediction comes true. And if he lights up Indianapolis — don’t be too shocked if the thing people are saying won’t happen — might just.


  1. Ben2

    I believe though, Rob, that you mentioned having a source inside the Seahawks organization that revealed the Hawks would NOT pick a RB in round 1….so, while I believe exceptions are made for crazy athletes I’m skeptical

    • Rob Staton

      I do not have a source inside the org. Someone once told me, someone I trust, that they wouldn’t take certain positions unless they were truly special players. Running back and cornerback were mentioned. If Henry runs a 4.4 and jumps a 42-inch vertical at 242lbs, he probably comes under the ‘special’ category.

      • dave crockett

        Exactly. When you start talking about 2.5 and 3 sigma athletes with proven production you don’t worry as much about positional value.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        Defensive Tackles might also get a mention here. See there genuine interest in Aaron Donald from a few drafts ago.

      • Steele

        Even if Henry blows up at the combine, those drills don’t necessarily translate into football technique. His game is his game.

        There is far too much emphasis on athletic measurement, not enough on what guys have done on the field.

        • Coleslaw

          IMO not enough stock goes into the mental aspect, PCJS know that and that’s why they get winners

        • Rob Staton

          We’ve talked about his game Steele. I fear you’re focusing too much on negatives.

          • Nate

            You have a point there. PCJS have said they focus on what players can do not necessarily what they can’t. I still wouldn’t be enthralled with Henry as our round one pick. I could swallow Collins at 2 much more easily.

  2. Nathan_12thMan

    Perfect article. I don’t put it beyond the Seahawks are all to do what you are describing for exactly all the reasons you detailed.

    Though I gotta say I hope he is off the board by then so we don’t have to worry about us taking him. Us grabbing a LB because we want to replace Irvin with a high quality player makes sense. Us drafting O-line makes sense. Us drafting D-line (especially someone like Rankins) makes sense. But us drafting a RB or WR in the 1st round just doesn’t jive well with me. Even if the RB or WR we got ended up being a great player I am so confident in Rawls, Lockett, Baldwin and crew that I just don’t see the immediate impact, unlike a O/D-linemen or starting LB.

    I still hope (if Rankins and Coleman are gone) we trade back (assuming we sign a FA OT and maybe a OG) so we have 6 picks in rounds 2, 3 and 4. That way we can grab 2 O-linemen, a RB, a CB, and a D-Linemen in the top 4 rounds.

    If we didn’t have Rawls (say ACL that would be ready by the playoffs) then yeah a RB in the 1st or Dixon in the 2nd makes a lot of sense. But when you can have Collins in round 2 or Perkins in round 3 or 4.

    • Rob Staton

      Fair points.

    • Ty the Guy

      I like your trade back scenario. And Rob brings up a valid point that PCJS could (and probably would) take a VERY special player in the first.

      I would like them to address a need with the top talent available at those positions, but if you can get a superstar, it doesn’t matter.

      As far as Henry goes, he is very tall for a RB. Eric Dickerson-like. I’ll take the next ED, but am concerned about him needing the space to stride out. However, his tape shows no signs of him “needing” that space. lol Kid can play.

    • Martin

      For everyone knocking on D. Henry not being a physical runner just look at what he did at bama. The dude carried the ball 14 straight times in 1 game. He had 90 carries between 2 games, think about that….I’ll wait.

      He had over 385 carries this year. Nick Sabin in all of his years has never had a back pound the rock like that. Watch the tape of Bama vs Ohio state. The chunk plays against that dline.

      IMO he could be the next eddie george. If the Hawks took him with the 26th pick you would not see me complain. Seeing a backfield of rawls, henry, and c mike or Fred Jax would make me very happy.

      Pete says you win the game in the 4th quarter who did that better in college this year than henry? Also think about this, kiffen is the OC at bama. Pete knows everything he will need to know from him.

  3. CHawk Talker Eric

    Any interest in Jermon Bushrod?

    • Rob Staton

      He was benched by the Bears in 2015 and he’s 32 in August. Think there will be better veteran options.

      • HD

        What about former Husky Polk in FA from Houston…I still think he has more upside and is a physical back at a reasonable price…might be a good fit with Rawls and Michael

        • Volume12

          Joique Bell?

        • franks

          He could try out for third down back. I like it

          • Volume12

            That’s what I meant.

            Not a no. 2, rather Freddy Jax replacement.

            • franks

              Fred jax is our third down back

            • franks

              Mt bad i read that wrong thought you said That’s not what i meant.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      There could be interest, if he came with a 3M per year type of deal. He most likely has a fork in him (done), but he is the kind of player they could take a 1 year deal on… as they try to get the OL right.

    • Poweroflogic

      NO, but the more germane question may be, do the Bears have an interest in Okung?

      Initially I feared the worst that his market could be too high, but the more I hear about his injury, the more this is called into doubt. Also, a poster in a Field Gulls thread challenged the notion that there would be numerous suitors for Okung and listed all 31 other teams noting in brief their LT situation. It seems there may not be that many competitors if the Hawks want to keep him.

      But then again, one might be enough.

  4. Volume12

    Round of applause Rob.

    What do you think about adding FA OL Jamon Bushrod?

    • Rob Staton

      For me he’s 32 this year and was benched by the Bears. Can’t see him coming to Seattle and being the answer.

  5. RealRhino2

    Thanks for your thoughts, Rob. You’re right, Seahawks have been predictably unpredictable, so we should cast a wide net when talking about prospects.

    I went back and re-watched Henry in two games, and feel better about him. Tougher runner than I remembered, and though he wasn’t darting in and out of tight spaces, he hits a crease fast and because of his size, even when he’s knocked off balance he seemed to fall forward for a few yards every time.

    • Poweroflogic

      Predictably unpredictable is right! But there is a method to the madness (or is there…).

      Unpredictability this year, if they can’t find a preferred target at #26, could also mean trading up, taking a CB, etc. I see these possibilities as more likely but still very unlikely. But it’s all interesting to think through nonetheless.

      I would love to hear people’s thoughts on good RB targets in say round 4/5.

  6. Ignorant

    I see your point.

    This is why you’re the best.

  7. dave crockett

    And remember, Christine Michael wasn’t especially productive at A&M. He was basically disregarded by Mike Sherman for FAR inferior options at RB. Despite that, Seattle took him with their second round pick.

    I don’t think Schneider and Carroll do positional value the way many other teams in the league do. So, yeah. You are spot on Rob.

    • Volume12

      Not only that, but, when everyone thinks they’re gonna zig, they zag.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        or when everyone thinks they will zag, they zig….

        • Volume12

          Haha. That too.

    • bobbyk

      Yeah, it says something when your college coach doesn’t exactly believe in you. That was the first thing that tipped me off to James Carpenter being a #1 pick… anyone else remember the reaction of Nick Saban? He was shocked that he went that high. Obviously, he’s not going to say anything bad about a former player, but by him being that surprised, it wasn’t a good sign. The same can be said of Pete Carroll after the Seahawks drafted Lawrence Jackson in the first round. He was only going to be positive about LoJack, but you could tell he was shocked. When your college coaches with NFL backgrounds don’t think you’re as good as the team that just drafted you – that’s a bad sign for the NFL team getting the said player.

      • Coug1990

        Still, Carpenter is going to be at least a 10 year NFL vet. Not sure if it was really a bad pick. We would all love all pros with the Seahawks top picks. The reality for every team is that does not happen.

      • Attyla the Hawk

        I still contend, there are very few players at the position in that 2011 draft that I would have preferred at #26 than Carpenter.

        I would also add, that 2016 seems to be shaping up to be very similar to 2011 in terms of need landscape. We have strong need at OL. Do we pick through the leftovers to address strong need again, or do we stick to the ‘elite athletes early’ metric.

        The taking of Carpenter has been vilified largely by Seahawks fans. And looking at the next 20 picks after Carpenter — I’m not sure there are any on that list that would have helped Seattle. Wilkerson possibly but scheme fit would have been an issue.

        Carpenter would be a starter on this team. Britt was a significant downgrade from him last year. Barring injury, I can see Carp getting a 3rd deal in this league. He’ll never get the credit he should have merited here because of the perceived failure at RT, his R1 draft status and injury.

  8. Volume12

    When I was looking at the 2012 HS SPARQ scores, there was a WR sitting there. Freak athlete, deep ball specialist, and a speed demon.

    He could be the perfect insurance policy if P-Rich can’t get healthy, should be available in the 4th-6th round range, was bothered by an injury much of the year, and played with a mobile, yet pretty bad QB.

    Any guesses?

    • Greg haugsven

      I’ll take a hint, a life line please.

      • Volume12

        Purple haze.

        • Coleslaw


          • Volume12

            Your getting warmer.

            • Coleslaw


              • Volume12

                Now your getting colder.

                When you said Doctson you were so warm, yoyr head was in the oven.

                • Coleslaw

                  Haha that was my best guess, I’m stumped. I’ll let someone else win the prize!

                  • Volume12

                    Paul Richardson’s jersey number, and the insect that lives in a hive full of honey and stings.

                • Attyla the Hawk

                  Kolby Listenbee?

    • Nathan

      Kolby Listenbee

      • Coleslaw

        God I’m dumb hahahaha

        • Volume12

          There it îs.

          Coleslaw, see how close you were?

          Not dumb at all my man.

          I just thought it would be fun to play with ya guys. After all, this is what PC does on draft day.

          • Coleslaw

            It was dangling right in front of me hahah

  9. bobbyk


    Lets say they take Henry. What do you envision in terms of them splitting time in the backfield? 2-minute offense?

    From a non-business perspective, but I’d almost feel bad for Rawls if they took a RB in the first round. Rawls will most likely be the main back, but he’d get paid much less than his back-up backfield partner. That’s just the way it is, I know.

    From a “we didn’t see it coming” pick, lets say negotiations to extend Baldwin this off-season go nowhere and they lose Kearse, while much of their free agent dollars go toward solidifying the OL… I could see them taking a WR in the first round, too. Not likely, but as you said, nobody has a proven track record of “knowing” who these first picks will be.

    • Rob Staton

      “Lets say they take Henry. What do you envision in terms of them splitting time in the backfield? 2-minute offense?”

      I think a genuine share. Spelling in and out. Maybe start with Rawls and use Henry later on (he was a good finisher at Bama). On third down — they’d have to work that out in camp I think.

    • Ground_Hawks

      I think that the idea of Henry is interesting, but I’m with you on having a rookie 1st round running back drafted for being a backup to a 2nd year udfa. It just seems odd, but it is a possibility.

      • bobbyk

        It’d be close to if they go first round WR, as Lockett would at least be a third rounder getting less than the rookie (while most likely severely outproducing the rookie).

      • Rob Staton

        Henry wouldn’t be a backup. Rawls and Henry would share the load and provide needed depth in case one got injured. The run game is Seattle’s identity.

        • Ben2

          I feel that running backs need to get the feel and flow of the game and sometimes a 50/50 split doesn’t allow for that

        • Coleslaw

          Collins just seems like someone they would love, Henry would be a luxury pick since they know they can find talent for much cheaper. I personally would rather have collins to have the power runner alongside Rawls, I feel like that would be the best compliment to RW

  10. Mister Neutron

    Very fair points, Rob (and others in the comments). I loved watching Henry play this year, and thought he was a special player with great potential in the pros in the right type of offense. Question is, which is the best offense for Henry? I suppose the easy answer is, any type that can create lanes for him on a consistent basis. A while back I was hoping he might fall into the late 2nd and that Seattle might take him there, but he’ll likely be gone in the 1st with a break-out combine performance.

    On the subject of running backs, I wonder what kind of investment they’ll make this year–I think it just comes down to finding the guy(s) they like. The 2017 RB class looks quite good as well, with guys like Corey Clement, Shock Linwood, and Kareem Hunt.

  11. Greg haugsven

    I’ve stated before that everyone weve mocked go the Seahawks are probably players they won’t take. They are very unconventional.

  12. CharlieTheUnicorn

    Would the Seahawks brass be thinking more short term with this draft??????…. since the HC is only signed 1 more season and will most likely be retired by 2019. Draft “complete” players to win now, more than developmental guys of the last few drafts.

    Something to ponder.

    • Volume12

      The thing is, JS holds the most weight in that war room. He can pull rank,

      It’s like when people say TC doesn t draft good O-lineman. That may be true, but it’s not like JS isn’t responsible too.

      • bobbyk

        JS prepares the menu but Carroll decides on what to order. I think that while JS has considerable say, that it’s Carroll who has the final say (just like he does with the 53-man roster).

        I don’t think Carroll will necessarily be done with coaching by ’19 but I do think JS would like to be in Green Bay by then.

        • Volume12

          No he don’t.

          They have pretty equal say, but JS has more authority.

          • bobbyk

            You’re wrong. Believe what you want to believe though.

            • Rob Staton

              Have to agree with Bobby here. Carroll has the final say — even if JS does the ground work.

              • Volume12

                Alright. I’ll eat some crow.

              • CharlieTheUnicorn

                Wasn’t RW a JS pick, more than a PC pick. JS sold him to PC, who begrudgingly waited until the 3rd round to draft him…. even had thought about grabbing him in the 2nd round.

                • Rob Staton

                  I think so — ultimately PC made the final call, JS does the groundwork.

    • Attyla the Hawk

      I’m not sure exactly how the operation works. From what I’ve been able to piece together though, it’s largely a cooperative exercise. I don’t think it necessarily comes down to one person making a singular decision. I don’t think it’s like a lot of other FO’s like that.

      Pete ultimately does have final say. But I don’t think that authority is wielded very frequently.

  13. Volume12

    Su’a Cravens is 238 lbs.? Wow!

  14. C-Dog

    If Seattle makes some splash moves in FA on the OL, maybe an unexpected splash move to acquire a young veteran defensive lineman to provide interior rush, I would be pretty stoked if they drafted Derrick Henry at 26. It would be more of a stunner if they went quiet on the FA front addressing the OL/DL, and say any one of Rankins, Decker, or Coleman were there. Personally, as much as I crave interior DL and OL help, I think Henry would be pretty exciting in Seattle mixed with Rawls. PC/JS have a track record for going after shiny offensive weapons. I think Henry would go along with that strategy.

  15. Steele

    Rob, Rob. You add to the pain! And that’s why we enjoy it in here!

    The comparison with Brandon Jacobs is very accurate. Jacobs was no inside thumper. He was, like Henry, a huge dude who wanted to run like a halfback, tried to go outside, with mixed results. An ugly running style, virtually identical and when you watch tapes, you can almost transpose the two.

    Both have poor elusiveness, poor lateral movement, don’t cut well, need blocking to get a head of steam going. Poor footwork and leg movement. Once in open space, they get yardage. But so do all decent running backs—and those who are more sudden, quicker, who can make tacklers miss are superior weapons. Big dudes who are upright, run high and straight ahead, yeesh. What do you do with a back who has mincing footwork at approaching the LOS, who get taken down before they gather momentum?

    Let’s compare him to LeGarrette Blount. Blount has some of the same issues. Terrible along the LOS, doesn’t use his size and physicals to pound anybody, always looking for seams to break chunk plays. Sometimes he gets them, a lot of times, stuffed for no gain or for losses.

    Henry, like these others, might be an NFL contributor but who knows. With faster NFL defenders and stronger tacklers, he might be at even more of a disadvantage. I just think there are many other backs who have better games, who offer better value.

    • Steele

      But I wholeheartedly agree with the theme of your article, Rob. The Seahawks are unpredictable. I’ve been saying all along that they could go BPA. Last offseason’s moves for Lockett and Clark were surprises. We spend months doing projections based on logic and reasonable prioritizing, only to be thwarted most of the time. It helps not to get emotionally invested!

      • Volume12

        Also, you can’t, well you can but your setting yourself up for dissappointment, resign yourself to a couple prospects or prospects and positions based on round.

        Example, Terry Poole. Most ‘draft experts’ had him as a 6th rounder, but they don’t know how NFL teams have their board set up on a year to year basis.

        • RealRhino2

          31 NFL teams probably had him as a 6th-rounder, too.

          • Volume12

            Ok, but it only takes one team.

            And the point of this article was how different Seattle is and the way they do things. That’s why I used him in particular.

            • RealRhino2

              I know, I just enjoy banging on Poole every chance I get. But I’m sure Pete is really excited about him…..

      • Robert

        Hahaha! You were very upset after last year’s Draft.But it worked out pretty good…just say’n.

        • Steele

          I’m not so sure about that. They could have done a lot of things with what they invested for Lockett and Clark. And I wasn’t a fan of the bottom part of the draft either.

          • Volume12

            Who had a better rookie year offensively besides Lockett other than Gurley, who you also disliked, Jameis Winston, and Amari Cooper, all top 10 picks?

            Seattle got a top 10 pick in the 3rd round.

            Not every rookie was gonna make this team last year or this year.

            It’s quality over quanity. One great player is better than 3 average-good ones.

            • Coleslaw

              Don’t know whats not to like with Gurley, first time I watched him I said he was going to be a star. Mix of AP and Beastmode

              • Volume12

                What concerned me about Gurley was his injury history, but there was no denying his talent.

                I thought he ran high, but I’ve learned that’s hyped up too much,

                • Coleslaw

                  I’m actually glad he got brought up because he looks so similar to Henry running the ball, but the difference (and maybe it’s just preference) is Henry is more of a finesse runner where Gurley is a power back who will lower his shoulder into you, Henry stiff arms or just tries to bounce off the hit. It’s a good comparison to clearly guage my opinion on Henry

            • Poweroflogic

              Thomas Rawls. 🙂

    • Rob Staton

      I disagree strongly with the notes on the Jacobs comparison. I also don’t agree that Henry isn’t elusive.

      • Volume12

        He might not power through a pile, but he has one of the best stiff arms I’ve ever seen and is silky smooth.

        Plus at his size and speed, defenders can’t get a good angle on him.

        • Volume12

          Pursuit angles I meant.

        • rowdy

          I made this exact comment yesterday about his stiff arn. It’s really effortless for him and he uses his length to keep defenders away with ease. He’s really shifty too, setting up the defender a lot russle does getting flat footed and uses his stiff arm to keep them back.

    • Barry

      Steel is correct on this. The best comparison is someone like Barry Sanders. you might give him 12 carries and get 20 yards. But on the 13th carry he breaks one for 20 then 40 then maybe all the way. Or maybe back to 1 yard. He wouldn’t be as effective if he was splitting time with someone because he is not at all close to the same type of back as a Brandon Jacobs. They are build almost as differently as two guys can be that fall into the same weight and height categories.Henry could learn to run with better pad level but at this point you cant count on him changing his style.

      A few weeks ago after the championship game I wrote on here that Henry has that distance speed. He makes the distance up fast and I was interested in his 40. I was cheering for him to do bad and he was bottled up much of the first quarter. Then like almost ever game this year he started to break the long ones. After that game I pulled up all his stats from all the games he played and then pulled up the previous backs from ‘Bama in recent years. It’s not close on the number of over 50+ yards.

      Normally we are talking about one or two “Bama linemen at this time of year. Its always a question of is it the WR or the QB, or sometimes the system. Is it the O-line or the Rb this time as it has been a few times in the past with “Bama backs?

      • Rob Staton

        If the best comparison is Sanders… count me in!

  16. Coleslaw

    I think Henry might be a mix of poor mans jamaal charles and poor mans adrian peterson, that’s about the highest praise I can give him

    • Attyla the Hawk

      My take on Running backs:

      I think the position is so naturally unique. Each player brings something different to the position. So much success is based on instinct and natural talent.

      Very few backs are innately alike. And amongst NFL positions, it amazes me just how varied natural talents can translate to NFL success.

      It’s natural to try and pigeonhole backs as ‘the next X’ or a ‘poor man’s Y’. But there is a blend of different talents that combine to make guys successful.

      Seattle definitely has a prototype. But I think that’s steered mostly by the way we build the RB/OL position groups as a whole. Seattle doesn’t employ powerful drive blocking OL to open big gaps. We rely on the RB to provide power to break arm tackles and to get consistent positive yardage. In that respect — I see Henry fitting that need. He has the natural size and power to gain extra yardage from arm tackles.

      Not saying he’d be our pick at #26. But I can see him on our board based on the prototype. I think the production is undeniable too. His combine will factor heavily I would expect. And quite honestly, if he does blow the combine up, I could easily see him being the SPARQ outlier once our turn to pick rolls around.

      Seattle may have more urgent need at OL/DT. But if no standout talent slides to 26 — I think there is plenty of evidence to suggest we pass on need to take outlier physical talent.

      I do think Seattle is in the market for a RB. Whether that’s in the first 4 picks on days 1 and 2 or it’s a day three pick. I fully expect us to take one. If we see Henry as so much superior to remaining backs (we should find out post combine) — and see the OL/DT talents smoothing out and not distinguishing themselves relative to day 2 talents — I would actually not be shocked in the least that we go RB with the first pick.

  17. Darth 12er

    If Henry tests out this well, I don’t see him available by #26 at all. Todd Gurley may have put the RB position back on the map – draft wise. I was all about Gurley last year, thought maybe there was a chance, but no. I would be all for a pick like this, knowing they have 6 more rounds to fix our issues.

    Do you think Derrick Coleman is done? He lost some PT, but was still pretty stout in ST. I thought that hit he put on Davis was gonna jar the ball loose. Still, his cap hit was pretty sweet.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      Off the field stuff wrekt them.. as we say in the states.

    • Barry

      The whole you can find just a RB anywhere is a misnomer. A myth. A consistent stud for any position can be found anywhere for any position and its been proven. Its just the mind set and the way the RB is view in the current NFL. Guys like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning along with the rule changes and the way payers have been recruited. Smart GM’s and front offices have used it to their advantage.

      Most of the best and rare QB, Rbs, Wrs, all are within the first two rounds and the same can be said for the majority of positions in the modern day NFL. That generally comes from the belief that its the mental mature side that separates the players.
      Its the thought process and the way we view all of it is what changes.
      Back when Randy Moss came out everyone was suddenly looking for plus plus size speed receivers. DId that mean smaller players like Marvin Harrison were less effective? Nope. Its the idea we had formed in our heads.

  18. seahawks509

    What about Leonard Floyd at 26? He seems like a really great athlete and should be a nice replacement for Irvin. I really like Collins in the 2nd. I’ve been a fan of him since he was a freshman. I don’t think anything really stand out for him but to me he’s a true RB. Good vision and has that one cut ability when he sees a lane. Tough runner but also has good movement in his hips. I’m a big fan.

    Also one last thing. Im usually one to say that I would rather my rebuilding team draft really solid players than chase for a QB. I agree with the mind set that Seattle had when looking for a QB. Fill the QB void with veterans who can manage the game while you look and wait for the guy you think in you’re heart of hearts will be a franchise QB. I also don’t mind the idea of drafting a QB in the 2nd-4th and hoping he can become you’re franchise guy. That being said if you truly think he’s the guy (Jacksonville with Bortles) then you HAVE to draft him. Well this year I see a lot of potential at the QB position. Wentz, Goff, and Lynch are front runners right now. I also really like Cook, Hackenberg, Brissett, and Hogan. I could see quite a few QBs going in the first with the talent we have this year, but do you think it could have the opposite effect? Do you think the depth at QB will make teams go BPA knowing they have potentially 7 quality QBs to choose from?

    • Steele

      I am a fan of Leonard Floyd for the Seahawks. I think he would fit well as an Irvin replacement. He has the pass rush. The knock on him is that he needs to add more to his thinner frame. If he lasts to #26, I’d be pleased. But he is such an obvious option, I am skeptical JSPC would take him. As Rob’s piece reminds us, they do like to roll the dice with the top of the draft. Too much for my taste.

    • Rob Staton

      Floyd is a possibility if he tests well. Bit of an underwhelming college career though and I do wonder if his personality fits this defense.

  19. seahawks509

    BTW I wouldn’t be mad if we took Henry at 26. I do think it would be smarter to go defense or OL and then RB later. I also wouldn’t mind hoping we could land Cook next year. I might take Cook over Fournette, Gurley, and/or Henry.

    • Ben2

      I’d be mad.

  20. Clayton

    I wouldn’t be disappointed with Derrick Henry with the team’s first pick, but I do think Seattle should draft a third-down back also. Fred Jackson is good but age is worrisome. My favorite prospect is Kenneth Dixon. I’d also like to point out that Henry would complement Seattle’s TEs very well as opposing linebackers will be very much tested on two extremes with being both stout in stopping James while having speed to deal with Graham and Willson in coverage and spying on Russell Wilson.

    • Clayton

      *I meant Kenneth Dixon is my favorite prospect as a third-down back.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        I’m on board with Dixon, especially in the late 2nd or 3rd rounds…. keep him away from the Patriots. He is EXACTLY the type of back they might be looking for….

        • Steele

          Dixon and CJ Prosise both offer a similar run/pass versatility. Wouldn’t mind either with the Hawks, prefer Prosise.

          • oz

            I’m a big Fan of Dixon. Great all around back.

    • Poweroflogic

      Speaking of Fred Jackson, does Henry have the smarts, blocking, pass catching and other elements required for the third down back role that the Seahawks likely envisions for their final addition to the depth chart?

      Do you trust Rawls or Michael yet for this role? Cottom?

      For all his faults, Turbin fulfilled the role quite well once he gained the coaches’ trust. Who has that trust today? When Turbin was replaced, they didn’t pick the most dynamic runner available, they went to trusty, tried and true Freddy Jackson, an ideal plug-and-play third down back.

      • Rob Staton

        Two articles on this subject and people are still insisting they’ll only take a third down back?

        I give up.

        • Attyla the Hawk

          Not sure how much of that is due to fans’ hard on for going OL or not. Some have been pining for a 7 round – 7 OL picked draft since 2011. I can’t help but think some fans are permanently scarred by the Jones/Hutchinson pairing in the early ’00s.

          If Michael isn’t resigned — have to wonder if the tune changes. Seems that his ok performance to finish out the year is giving him a Glowinski type boost.

          Seattle seems to like 2 and preferably 3 backs with mirror properties. Right now, they only have one.

          I think we’re getting a RB. Not a third down situational back. Just don’t know where.

          • Rob Staton

            Agree completely with this Attyla.

        • Poweroflogic

          Who said only a third down role? I give up.

          • Rob Staton

            I’m referring to this quote:

            “Speaking of Fred Jackson, does Henry have the smarts, blocking, pass catching and other elements required for the third down back role that the Seahawks likely envisions for their final addition to the depth chart?”

            • Poweroflogic

              I was asking if Henry could fulfil this role, not be reduced to it. In addition to adding to a 1-2 punch.

              Fred Jackson had the third down role but not much more. Turbin was used as such at times in that role but he was not acquired as a ‘third down back’

              Now that Turbin and presumably Jackson are gone, the question is, have Rawls or Michael gained the trust to take on this role. And if not, might that skillset be AMONG the requirements of any back that the Seahawks will add this offseason. I don’t assume they will add a ‘third down back’, but I do assume, based on evidence, that they expect someone on the depth chart to be able to consistently and effectively block, catch and so forth in high pressure situations.

  21. CharlieTheUnicorn

    Doesn’t Henry scream fit with the Panthers…. at the #30 pick ?

    • Steele

      I could see that fit. Let them have him!

  22. Robert

    Highlight videos are fun, but I wanted to see what Henry looks like when he doesn’t have a hole that I could run through.I came away fairly impressed!

  23. Roland jose

    I think they will take an athletic freak at OLB linebacker too, cause I think irvin is gone. The one issue I have with JS/PC is that we suck at drafting oline and dline, cable should be commended for the job he does using guys from nowhere, and making something out of nothing every year, but how many times can they keep feeding him dirt and expect him to continue to shit out diamonds!?, having good talent at the position makes coaching alot easier, when is it gonna be his turn to get some love!. alot of our dline that was drafted excluding clark cause he is still developing, is inconsistent marsh, hill?, if that’s the future we are introuble, most of our dline came from free agency, and they are not getting any younger i hopen we can continue to find value through short term contracts, but how long can the luck last. Drafting fresh blood at dline and oline keeps the cost down, I’m no GM, but we gotta get right with the trenches, I’m skeptical with drafting any back from Alabama cause they look great in college but suck in the pros, but I agree with u on continuing to get RB’s though.

    • Volume12

      They love RBs and CBs.

      IIRC, JS was a RB in HS or something and of course we know about PC and his DB background.

    • Poweroflogic

      I think you’re right. The defensive line is not yet a competitive disadvantage, that’s for sure, and 2016 would not even look so bad standing pat at DL: resigning Mebane and Rubin and counting on Hill and Clark to improve. But an aging DL is a growing issue and interior pressure remains a weakness.

      Looking forward, other position groups that get less discussion are in serious need of attention as well. Starting in 2017, there are dwindling viable in-house options left at CB unless they sign someone else long term. The fantasy of a continuous CB factory that can consistently produce high level corners out of 6th round draft raw material is not looking so plausible and the idea of supplementing this model with the occasional FA doesn’t look so great either.

      The TE position needs scrutiny too: I hope Graham recovers but it’s no sure thing; Willson is UFA in 2017; and they have yet to find a quality replacement for Miller’s blocking functions on the line — there are obvious downsides to using an extra lineman.

      On offensive line, it’s hard to isolate one weak link in that chain because every link is weak.

      If this is what the team with the best set of longterm core players faces, imagine the problems the other 31 reckon with!

  24. Coleslaw

    Interesting story on bleacher report about Rashard Higgins, 6’2″ route runner, sounds like a great fit to replace Kearse

    • 12thManderson

      Hollywood’s a stud, everything you look for. Hands catcher, ladder climber, full route tree, not the fastest man on the field, so but yet plays so sudden and knows how to win doing it, and last but not least. He accounts for a Large Pertcentage of the offense he was in. (Lockett, Richardson, Harvin, Graham). Very coveted trait from our F.O.

      • Coleslaw

        I’d love him in the fourth, would be solid addition to our group with a skillset RW loves

        • Coleslaw

          Bigger Lockett who can work the slot and underneath like tate and split out wide, can’t wait to see his combine numbers. Baldwin would have Higgins’ route running perfected too like Lockett.

          • EranUngar

            His highlight tape looks outstanding. He may not have Lockett’s speed but he shows everything we would want from a WR ready to contribute on year one.

            Great pick guys.

    • Attyla the Hawk

      Higgins had some rather incredible production in his FR/SO years.

      Couple of statistical comparisons (these for all WRs in 2014). It’s interesting to see just how well Higgins compared to the best of the best:



      Higgins, if he’s available in R4 would be a no brainer pick. Not sure he’d last to the end of R4. May need to take him with the 3rd comp or move up in the 4th.

      I’m guessing testing wise he might underwhelm. It’s odd to see the combination of catch rate of a slot guy, with Yards per catch and Yards per target of a deep threat specialist.

  25. Brandon

    I know it may sound a little strange, but what are thoughts on possibly converting Pharoh Cooper into a 3rd Down RB? He looks big out there on the field and carries it very well. He would only need to put on about 10 pounds and already has that catching ability. Not afraid of contact and plays tough. Could draft him in the 3rd, maybe even the 4th. Any thoughts? Just trying to make things interesting!

    • Brandon

      Better yet, Notre Dame RB C.J. Prosise! 6’1 220 lbs. Used to play slot receiver before becoming the workhorse back. Plays fast, nice cuts and patience, waiting for the holes to form for him. I’m liking him as not only a 3rd down back, but also a player who can share carries with Rawls. Can probably draft him late in the draft (maybe 5th round)

      • Steele

        I see Prosise going in rd. 3-4. He is dynamic in running as well as receiving. Would add versatility and a big play threat. Definitely one of my favorites in this draft class.

      • EranUngar

        Prosise seems like a perfect complement to the RB core and could be that safe hands quick outlet for RW when the pressure is comming.

        We have been burned in the past by such players and I’d love to have one on the roster.

      • Ignorant

        Is he really 220? I’d like to see more of him running between the tackles. I’d take him in the 4th or 5th.

  26. Coleslaw

    I’d take Booker or Collins ahead of Henry but that’s me.

  27. Jay

    The Offensive linemen in the upcoming draft that are Tom Cable kind of players are: Ryan Kelly (C-Bama) Germain Ifedi (RT, Texas A&M), Rees Odhiambo (G Boise St.), Graham Glasgow (c/g Mich.), Joshua Garnett G/RT Stanford), Jack Allen (C-MSU), Jerald Hawkins (OT-LSU) and Sebastian Tretola (G-Arkansas). They all run block well and have a nasty demeanor. None of them are going in the first round unless the Seahawks “reach” again and draft one of them well before they are projected like, GULP, did with Justin Britt. That all being said, Henry is viable pick. One, he is huge for a RB and with our OL our RB’s are going to get hit. Henry also picks up blitzes well and is a good blocker. Not that the Seahawks are going to change their offensive philosophy but with a healthy Rawls and a healthy Henry, the Hawks could add some old school, two-back formations to their game plan. As a run first organization, that has to seem attractive. Also, Henry would make the recently legal troubled Coleman, expendable as well as the aging Tukuafu at FB. Three, having a fast, strong 6’2″ 242lb running back who can also catch the ball makes for some attractive options inside the 10 yard line. The Hawks probably won’t draft him at 26, but if he falls as is being projected then in round 2? If non of this happens the running back that I think would make sense (strictly as Rawls backup) for them to draft is Josh Ferguson out of Illinois and he’ll still be around in the 5th round because of his size.

    • Volume12

      I persnally think LSU OT Jerald Hawkins is one of the most overrated prospects in this class.

      • Attyla the Hawk

        Kind of looks like an R4 kind of OL pick.

        Don’t like his lateral movement skills at all. Kick slide is almost painful to watch. Love his intensity and the way he finishes. Like the way he can combo/move up to the second level.

        Probably better at OG. When he moves forward — looks athletic.

        Seems weak to power rush. Gives up a lot of ground. Doesn’t seem to have a lot of pop — doesn’t even manage to really kick out even light DEs/OLBs.

        Development kind of guy IMO.

  28. rowdy

    Thinking more about Henry and I see a lot of comparison to David Johnson last year. Obviously not the same level pass catcher as Johnson but both are big explosive athletes that run high and have long strides. Johnson I believe was 6-1 230+ I believe and around a 140 sparq score. I think I like Johnson better but hard to gauge as a small school guy. I also think of rod Smith a lot witch shows the will look at a back that size if he’s a athletic freak.

    • Steele

      No way. David Johnson is nothing like Derrick Henry! DJ is smooth, fluid, versatile. Has a glide when he’s in the zone. Henry has nowhere near the footwork and moves. Henry is not smooth.

      • Rob Staton

        Steele are you watching the same player?

        Henry is incredibly fluid. He’s like lightning as a runner. He’s very nimble and agile for his size. Smooth is exactly the word I’d use to describe Henry.

        Let’s not mistake not being Marshawn Lynch between the tackles with everything else. Just way too negative.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        David Johnson has proven he can be a quality player in the NFL. One of the better young running backs to come into the NFL and produce as advertised and was a draft pick value.

  29. Volume12

    I wanna see what LB Su’a Cravens looks like at the combine now that he weighs 238 lbs.

    If he’s a SPARQ freak, might be, with his production, skill set, character, and background/upbringing, he suddenly becomes very intriguing.

    At the same time, will that weight hurt him and is he trying to lose some of it?

    • Coleslaw

      If he weighs that and tests well he’ll go in the first for sure, probably out of our reach

  30. franks

    I’m guessing, Travis Henry production with Christine Michael mesurables means long gone by 90, and probably fist round. Don’t see Pete taking him R1 unless he’s totally sold. Even so we’re not looking at Todd Gurley projected to fall way lower tha he should, to a team with an good-but-old RB an no one behind him.

    But you never know…

  31. Coleslaw

    Rob and everyone,
    What do you think about bringing in Dwayne Allen on a 1 year prove it deal, he can definetely block and could be a decent option along with Willson while Graham gets to 100%. Also Geoff Schwartz seems to be worth a similar deal. He could start at LG and if he stays healthy he would be a great addition.

    • Volume12

      Iowa TE Henry Krieger-Coble might be the best blocking TE coming out of college. Just destroyed DE Shilique Calhoun.

      I’m not a fan of taking blocking TEs, because I don’t think they exist anymore, but if that’s your thing, HKC is nice.

      As for Dwayne Allen, he’s interesting for sure. But, it depends on what they do in FA overall and how cheap he .

      • Coleslaw

        I don’t care for pure blocking tight ends really, tukuafu can handle that just fine but Dwayne Allen just spent all year blocking so he’s got to go for cheap, might not have much left, but if all we need him for is 6 games as a backup and the rest of the year as the number 3/blocker while tukuafu is also in then I think the Hawks will at least consider it. I’m sure it’s vet minimum to play for a contender one last time.

      • purpleneer

        I don’t like the term blocking TE, but a true TE with balance to his game is an underrated need for the Hawks to me. For a team who values the running game like they do to not have at least one is baffling to me. It makes PA more effective and helps move the chains.

        • Coleslaw

          Allen might be able to fill that role if he can be fresh for the beginning of the year, then when Graham comes back he’ll just be depth

    • bobbyk

      If you want a pure blocking TE, just sign Craig Stevens to a cheap FA deal.

      • Coleslaw

        I never said I wanted a blocking TE. Allen isn’t even close.. He’s just old.

  32. Volume12

    I’m gonna throw out a name who I think is incredibly ‘Seahawky’ and someone I think they’ll really like.

    Arizona St’s Christian Westerman. Athletic and physical specimen, has positional versatility, raw power, plays with an edge, and has a JR Sweezy like personality.

    • Coleslaw

      Could you link a game please? I found team highlights and an interview, I like his attitude and he pops off the screen, good puller, I’m intrigued!

      • Coleslaw

        You should check out Michael Pierce from Samford, guy is as strong as Billings and runs sideline to sideline, shoots gaps, bull rushes, major potential could be worth a 6th or 7th round flyer

        • EranUngar

          Just watched his highlights film. If he can play like that all game long he is a human wracking ball.


      • xian

        Just go to http://www.draftbreakdown.com you can find all the tape you have time to watch yeah for me josh Garnett is 1a for our LG spot and Westerman I 1b

        • Coleslaw

          Awesome, I’ve just been using youtube haha thank you xian

    • Attyla the Hawk

      Absolutely love Westerman. Have him as my top rated OG (not OT to OG convert). Have him above Whitehair.

      Should be available at either R3 pick. I expect he should test fairly well at the combine. Fluid mover. Attitude should fit well. Has a definite edge you can palpably see on tape.

      Former 5* recruit at Auburn who flipped to ASU on signing day.

      Pre combine — I see him much the same way I saw Glowinski last year. Just have that ‘he’s going to be a Seahawk’ vibe.

      We did a top 4 picks prediction and I think I’m still sticking to it until combine concludes:

      1. Coleman
      2. Hargrave
      3a. Westerman
      3b. (Kelly/Allen/Glasgow)

      Not seeing anything really change with these.

      Have Coleman as a tier 1 OT in either last two draft classes. Probably the top overall OT if in last year’s class. Probably after Lewan and before Ju’wuan James in 2014. Lewan’s combine was filthy good.

      Hargrave my top interior pass rusher.

      Westerman my top OG.

      OC being met with good value picks at end of R3. OC class is pretty good. Any one of these guys in R3 would have been a top tier OC in the last two draft classes. See them as better prospects coming out than Bryan Stork. Below Mitch Morse, but pretty on par with any R2/R3 guys taken in last 2 years.

  33. EranUngar

    Rob, last night (our time), just before you posted your latest post, I posted a long comment on the previous post. I feel it has merit and relevance so I am posting it here again.

    A lot of our strategy considerations revolve around – “It’s about finding value…”

    I would like to add something to that statement. The draft is not an independent competition whose value stands on its own (I am not saying you think it is…). The draft is one of the tools used to improve your team. That “improvement” has one purpose – win football games (Now and in the future).

    Hence, “value” is not just draft related, “value” has to be measured by how much does it help your team win football games. I’m not saying there is a reliable method of measuring it but it should be the leading factor in making your picks.

    Sometimes, the pick (or picks) that will best enhance your team’s chances of winning those games is addressing a need or improving on your clear weaker points.
    Sometimes, due to who is available when you pick and who will be there later, your best pick is not “addressing a need” but adds a player that will enhance the chances to win games elsewhere. Sometimes, finding that player that will turn a very good unit into an elite unit may have an overall effect that will outweigh upgrading a weaker unit into a solid one. It could be a CB, WR, TE, RB or even a Safety. For every such position I can easily come up with a possible scenario that justifies picking that special player (if one is available in the eyes of JS/PC).

    I am not saying this because I believe Henry specifically is that player at 26 but I fully agree that picking outside the OL or any other perceived need could end up improving our winning chances.

    Those picks are the hardest to predict and I value your thinking by putting this option for us to expand our view and understand the big picture involved.

    For me personally, those picks that seem to stray from the “usual suspects” for a certain pick are the most interesting and telling. While those picks can end up a bust just like any other pick, when they do work out as (or better) than planned, they will shape the identity of the team.

    It’s almost too easy to point to drafting a certain undersized QB on the 3rd round when we just signed a high profile FA to compete with our solid QB, but other such picks helped shape this team for better or worse. Drafting a Kam size safety or the longer CBs has now become the norm but was a deviation from the norm way back then. The Sweezy project or the C-Mike picks drew their attention. Even trading for Lockett was such a pick.

    I would love to have an out of the blue pick again. Whatever it is, no matter the round or player or position, those are the ones to watch for.

    • Attyla the Hawk

      Here’s where value applies (to Seattle specifically)

      1. Seattle see the draft as a whole. They don’t just see immediate team need. Or getting 3 starters out of a draft. They want to add 9 players every year that each will add something to the team.

      2. They see value as a way to add multiple upgrades to multiple position groups.

      3. Pockets of talent. We’ve heard this a lot. It factors into the draft decision process.

      Seattle grades position groups and will project where guys should slot. And while they do grade relative to their existing roster — they also grade relative to value.

      I’ll take the OC position this year as an example. This year it looks like it’s probably Nick Martin followed by 3 good alternatives. Nick Martin may not be so much better than those other alternatives to warrant spending an R1 pick needed to get him. When you can dip a bit in day one quality and get at least one of those other guys late in R3.

      Value does matter in this equation. Because Seattle wants to upgrade 9 spots. And almost assuredly at some of those positions — quality is weak.

      It’s the primary reason why I felt that Seattle was unlikely to pick Nick Martin, even if he’s the best OC candidate. If we had an R1 pick last year and had to use it instead of trade it, I doubt that we’d have taken Mitch Morse with it. Even though I think we really wanted him in R2. It’d have been a possibility. Certainly he had the athleticism to warrant a high grade. Just at the time I don’t think were really looking at our OL being as weak as it turned out in 2015.

      Value comes into play when you consider that we’re also evaluating the options in R4/5/6 as well. And those potential options color how days 1 and 2 go.

      It’s simple to look at a single need and make a binary decision (player A is better than B. So get player A). We haven’t seen the draft as about singular need or binary decisions.

  34. Hawksince77

    A point in favor of drafting Henry: last year the position was a mess, what with Lynch out, Turbin hurt and released, Michael traded, starting an UDFA and then he gets hurt. Then picking up guys off the street (Michael, the other guy) to start. It’s possible PC doesn’t want that to happen to one of his most important positions, and the possibility of adding a tremendous talent in Henry may prove irresistible.

    On the other hand, is Henry truly special? If we were considering Gurley, no doubt. But is Henry that much better than who they have rostered, and/or who they can get in the 3rd round? I am not saying he’s not: I don’t know, but to me, that is the relevant question.

  35. Hawksince77

    There is another consideration: can Wilson reach high enough to hand the ball off to Henry?

    • CestrianHawk

      There are a number of (amusing) solutions to that problem. Wilson could become known as ‘Jumping Jack’ Russell – and the fake hand-offs would be hilarious. LOL

  36. 75franks

    everyone keeps talking about value. carpenter, Irvin, CM, Britt Prich , these are not value picks. point is they don’t seem to give a rip about value early on(r1 2). I think people put too much importance on the value tag. they like special athletes early not value picks. just something to think about

  37. Austin Slater

    I know we have other pressing needs but i would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be excited about a Rawls/Henry Duo to pair with Wilson, Graham, Lockett, Baldwin, Richardson etc. Might be the best offensive group in the NFL and I would be even more excited about it if they shored up the Oline through free agency and the draft in rounds 2-4.

  38. Soggyblogger

    The Hawks are unpredictable, yes. But they do give us guidance. The guidance they have given us this year is OL (though how they address improving the OL could be FA’s instead of draft) and pass rush. No mention of the running game in spite of their assumption Lynch would retire.

    In the year they drafted Irvin they had Irvin as the #3 defensive player behind #1 a DB that didn’t pan out, and #2 Keuchley who is awesome. There were a lot of defensive players evaluated as better than Irvin by traditional forecasters. Why did all those guys get dropped below Irvin?

    It is the interview mostly, I think. So until they get to the interview process they haven’t made up their minds, and there is no way for us to predict the outcomes of the interviews.

    I keep going back to the Hawks stated process of evaluating draftable players against who we already have on the team they would need to be better than to improve the team.

    It does sound like Henry might compete with Rawls, but expecting him to elevate the team because he was better than Rawls seems highly unlikely. Rawls is rated as one of the premier RB’s now.

    On the other hand we will have a need at SAM (assuming Irvin will be gone) and improving the team only requires being better than Morgan or KPL. That is easier to do then improve on Rawls/CMike.

    Other needs, as we know, are OL and interior DL where improving the team is much easier than improving over our current RB’s.

    I do get that you cannot Mock OL or DL every day. And the Hawks are predictable…..NOT!

    • xian

      That doesn’t really jive with Schneider saying their board is pretty much all ready set the interviews just tell you what guys you like you’ve already decided based on their rape their round/ grade etc but if you have two guys with similar grades a guy who interviewed better gets a bump

    • Rob Staton

      “No mention of the running game in spite of their assumption Lynch would retire.”

      Let’s be right though. They’re not going to list EVERY need are they? ‘Here’s a run down of every position we’d like to add to’. The O-line is definitely the priority as is adding a pass rusher. But there are several needs and could be more depending on who departs in FA.

      And in that during the press conference no decision was official from Marshawn Lynch. So why would they make any reference to the running game? It would’ve been premature and somewhat disrespectful to Lynch to do so.

  39. SeventiesHawksFan

    One of the biggest arguments against the Hawks not drafting Henry is that they prefer ‘body types’ and measurements for all of their positions. 32″ and greater arms for corners and linemen and length requirements being one example. They have deal weight, weight, and speed parameters for nearly every position.

    Henry falls well outside their body type and sizing preferences at RB. He doesn’t have a low center of gravity to push an NFL player forward, and he presents a large target for an NFL defensive lineman or linebacker. Nor can his body type be ‘sudden’ and shifty in tight space.

    I don’t think a sub 4.5 forty and 42″ vertical jump would be enough make the front office deviate from the remainder of their ideal parameters and preferences, especially when it comes to using a first or second round pick. If he could be gotten in a later round . . . then maybe.

    Henry can certainly be dangerous in situations where you can get him to the second level. But that’s can;t be your first down assumption. Which would place very real limitions on how he can be used.

    The highlight tape that Rob posted of Henry in particular has him running through these massive open holes created by the Alabama line that are often created three to five yards past the LOS, then escaping LB’s with relative ease after that for these huge chunk plays. How realistic is that to expect with regularity at the NFL level?

    Our running game is designed around our RB hitting a crease and being having the patience and vision to find and then explode through that crease on time; then our lineman are expected to have the athleticism to get down field to the second level as well. Christine Michael has struggled with finding the spot to run through or arrive at the right time, either getting there too fast or taking that extra step. And he has much greater explosive athletic ability than Henry in tight space.

    Henry’s highlight plays are him running between defensive players at the LOS who have been separated by 2 to 3 yards. Didn’t require timing or acceleration after patience. He’s usually just up to speed by then and bursting through.

    • Rob Staton

      They did trade for LenDale White who was 6-0 and 238lbs. I think it’s accurate they have a body type — but I think they’re unlikely to look at 6-3 and 242lbs running a 4.4 and jumping 42 inches and say, ‘If only he was there in the later rounds’. The impression I’ve gotten from PCJS is they have size ideals but are willing to be swayed if the entire package adds up to a fantastic prospect. Does anyone really think their size ideal for a quarterback is 5-10? No — but everything else about Wilson made up for it. I suspect they’ll not be too concerned with body type if Henry runs and jumps as Brooks predicts.

      As for how likely is he to run through holes and explode at the second level — these types of things do happen at the next level. Second level ability and the talent to turn a 10-12 yarder into a 40-yarder is what Henry possesses. Very hard to bring down in space, very quick for his size. There really isn’t anyone like him.

      • SeventiesHawksFan

        Oh I’m not suggesting the front office would just dismiss Henry outright. They like special and unique qualities; and there is no question he possesses those.

        I’m more speculating what value they would place on those in Henry’s case? First round a shared feature back value? And in the context of all of the other team needs and priorities?

        Just as you are not stating that the Hawks would for sure consider Henry and more speculating if they would and offering very credible reasons for why they might.

        Also LeDale White arguably more of a move the pile running style and was a yards after contact type back. And just more of a power running style. Not as much of a glider as Henry. Not nearly as dangerous at the second level either. He seems (to me) closer to their preferred feature back type than Henry. Henry seems more likely their preferred passing / third down back where he is more likely to get through the LOS and into the open field.

        • Rob Staton

          Seattle loves explosive plays. Every time Henry is on the field he’s a threat to break off a chunk play. I suspect the Seahawks won’t be looking at his size and athleticism as a hindrance or best for a limited role. I think they’re more likely to wonder how he can help the offense light things up. Henry is one crease away from a possible touchdown. Few backs have that ability.

          • SeventiesHawksFan

            Very true enough. And this has been an excellent exploratory and speculative topic of discussion.

          • purpleneer

            That’s what makes me afraid they will be too excited about D Henry. IMO, they like the huge play too much and go for it frequently in situations where moving the chains should be valued more. It’s absolutely contributed to the struggles in putting some games away.

  40. Austin Slater

    Rob You’re the best at being open minded and studying previous trends when it comes to the Seahawks. I have nothing else to add other than to say thanks for the hard work. Best Seahawk site and it’s not even close.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Austin, it means a lot to read that. Really appreciate it.

  41. Trevor

    If the Hawk pick up a veteran LG and sign Okung to a 1 yr deal how about this I call it the huge risk / incredible upside draft.

    Rd #1 Chris Jones – He screams Seahawk pick. Incredible athlete and former 5 star recruit. I think he has the most potential in this draft to be an interior pass rushing force along with Rankins and Nekemdeche. People say he was not productive in college but PFF ranked him fourth in the nation among interior defensive linemen at +54.2.

    Rd #2 LaRaven Clark (OT) Tex Tech- Awful technique and Cable will have to work is magic with this guy but if we sign Okung to a 1 year deal then he makes the perfect replacement. He has quick feet is a good athlete and has the perfect frame and length to be a LT in the NFL. If had to build the ideal OT physically it is Clark and with a year to learn could be great pick.

    Rd #3 Lenord Carroo (WR) Rutgers- Love this guy as a Golden Tate clone and an upgrade to Kearse. He is very sudden A good combination of speed and separation skills. PFF said Carroo was incredibly productive on only 363 snaps last season averaging 4.11 yards per route to lead all FBS receivers. He had an off feild incident that needs to be checked out but is said to be an incredible student of the game and would fit in great in our WR with Locket, Baldwin and PRich

    Rd#3 Rashard Robinson (DB) LSU or Deiondre Hall (Northern Iowa)- Both these guys are going to light up the combine with incredible length and speed to be the perfect Seahawk CB prototype. Robinson has had a ton of off feild issues but if he checks out is the vastly superior player and a 1st round talent IMO. If he does not check out which is quite likely then Hall would be the pick. He has freaky length and speed but is an athlete and would need a year at Conerback University with the Hawks. He has the physical skill set to be and Elite CB in our system.

    Rd #4 Max Tuerk (C) USC – Had he not gotten hurt would likely have been a 2nd Rd pick. Just looks like a Max Unger Clone to me in size and style. Very athletic and can play guard as well. We need a Center as Lewis is not the long term answer. Jack Allen is another option in this spot but a completely different type player.

    What do you guys think? As said earlier it assumes they sign a Vet LG then resign Okung to a 1 yr deal because of the injury. For me it the ultimate boom or bust draft but would certainly be fun to watch play out.

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