The Seahawks are the Steelers, not the Patriots

After winning 36 regular season games in three years, you’d be forgiven for wondering if the Seahawks were the next great dynasty. Similar to New England with Belichick and Brady.

After all, they went to back-to-back Super Bowls. The last team to do that was the Belichick and Brady-led Patriots.

The Seahawks aren’t the Pats though. Nobody is. Instead they’re more closely aligned to the Pittsburgh Steelers. And that’s why a relative down year — if that is what 2015 is going to be — shouldn’t invoke any sort of crisis.

1. As good as the New England Patriots are, they’ve enjoyed playing in the annually wretched AFC East for a long time. They’ve won the division every year bar one dating back to 2003. They’ve had double digit wins every single season in that period. The teams in the NFC West can only dream of facing the Bills, Dolphins and Jets twice every year. The opportunity to win 10-16 games consistently every year just doesn’t exist like it has done for the Pats.

2. The NFC West has developed into one of the toughest divisions in football — and that remains the case with Seattle, St. Louis and San Francisco currently all under .500. The Rams save their best football for the division, the 49ers were a legitimate and ferocious contender until this season and the Cardinals are blossoming into a genuine force under Bruce Arians. It’s become very similar to the AFC North — immensely competitive and somewhat unpredictable. It’s hard to imagine any team ever dominating in the division. Even the Seahawks at their 2013 best lost games to San Fran and Arizona — and they should’ve lost on the road to St. Louis that season. Three different teams have won the AFC North in the last three years. The NFC West could also keep changing hands over the next few seasons.

3. The Steelers started their current run with a young rookie quarterback, a physical running game and a tough defense. They won a Super Bowl in Ben Roethlisberger’s second season. They had a dominating defense led by an all-pro safety. The Seahawks are built in a very similar fashion and have enjoyed similar results. Russell Wilson won a title in his second season, they have the physical run game and the defense is schematically very different but similarly capable of brilliance and includes an all-pro safety. At their worst each team has shared some frustrating aspects too. Agonising close defeats, a defense not performing or a stuttering offense.

Let’s look at how the Steelers have faired since winning that initial Super Bowl with Roethlisberger at the end of the 2005 season:

2006 — 8-8 (missed playoffs)
2007 — 10-6 (lost wildcard vs Jacksonville)
2008 — 12-4 (won Super Bowl)
2009 — 9-7 (missed playoffs)
2010 — 12-4 (lost Super Bowl vs Green Bay)
2011 — 12-4 (lost wildcard vs Denver)
2012 — 8-8 (missed playoffs)
2013 — 8-8 (missed playoffs)
2014 — 11-5 (lost wildcard to Ravens)

As you can see, they’ve had great success to appear in two more Super Bowls (winning one) but they’ve also missed the playoffs four times and had frustrating and crushing defeats in the post season (at home to the bitter rival Ravens last year, vs Tim Tebow in 2011).

Just because the Seahawks are similar to the Steelers doesn’t mean they’re going to mimic this run — but it’s also an indicator that the occasional 8-8 or 9-7 season and missing the playoffs doesn’t mean the end of a Championship window. Pittsburgh are proof you can fight back from a season like the one Seattle is currently experiencing and get back into the 11-12 win range.

There’s nothing really stopping the Seahawks achieving this in the future. They have a loaded core. They have legit star talent. Things maybe just need a refresh as they did in Pittsburgh from time to time. Nothing drastic.

What about Roethlisberger? What does his career progression tell us?

In the 10-6 2007 season, he had 32 touchdowns and 11 picks. In 2008 when they improved to 12-4, those numbers went down to 17 touchdowns and 15 picks. In the 8-8 season after the Super Bowl win he had a ratio of 18:23. Roethlisberger has established himself as a production machine aged 33 — but his early career was statistically erratic. Again, this doesn’t mean anything in terms of Russell Wilson. But maybe, like Roethlisberger, he’s going to have a year like this every now and again?

The dynamic between the two teams and the AFC North/NFC West is very similar. The Pats enjoy a perfect storm — they are uniquely excellent while playing in a weak AFC East division. The Seahawks and Steelers just don’t have that luxury.

Ever since Pete Carroll arrived in Seattle it felt like he was building something similar to the Steelers. If Pittsburgh can endure the odd lost season or two over the years — there’s no reason to panic if that ends up being the case with the Seahawks.

It’s also still too early to write off this season. The 49ers are up next.


  1. Colin

    We just can’t keep asking the defense to do all the heavy lifting. Holding the ball for 35% of a game and converting one 3rd down? Unacceptable. Piss poor, frankly. We’re somewhat lucky we even had a chance to win this game.

    Russell doesn’t seem to play his best until the time demands it. When the Seahawks avoided penalties on offense, they were unstoppable last night. That INT though was a very, very bad play, as he had Lockett WIDE open for the TD. Sigh.

    Really, they need to win out to make the playoffs.

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      Here’s the INT play. Aside from Lockett, focus on Sweezy. He makes a big whiff.

      I understand continuity/chemistry. But I wouldn’t mind if SEA moves on from Sweezy. Maybe give Glow a shot.

      • C-Dog

        I’m one that feels like they probably drafted Sweezy’s replacement in Glowinski. He showed the best out of the rookie lineman, but they’ve been pretty steadfast in stating that he’s a RG.

        • CharlieTheUnicorn

          There is a reason they love Sweezy… it was pointed out in the goal line score by the FB. Sweezy absolutely blew the DT right out of the box and 3 yards into the endzone. That is why he is playing and that is why they love him. The guy can absolutely devastate in the rushing attack.

          • RugbyLock

            If you’re talking about the play Collinsworth focused on that was Britt not Sweezy.

            • AlaskaHawk

              When Sweezy hits free agency he will find that he is a 2-3 million dollar player. Dependable health wise but not good enough to make more. The only reason he would get more is if someone is desperate or just wants to jab the Seahawks in the eye socket.

              Given his relatively cheap price and experience it would be wise to keep him.

              It would also be wise to see if Giacommini is available, might be able to get him back for 4 million per year.

              • RugbyLock

                Breno would be good to get back

                • C-Dog

                  I’m with AlaskaHawk in feeling that Sweezy’s market may not be that high. That’s why I feel they can likely resign him and Okung, draft OL high, and have the line set for a while.

      • WALL UP

        The issue is communicating help from center and bad technique by Sweezy.Too much attention was given to Campbell after the initial chip contact by the center. Britt’s technique was good by not allowing B-gap penetration with a 4 man rush. Sweezy didn’t.

        Having a Good center making calls will remind Sweezy & Britt of that prior to snap and keep his head on a swivel to prevent A-gap penetration. Jack Allen will keep Sweezy & Britt on pt.

        • WALL UP

          Actually, Britt should have stayed with Campbell. Okung had his man. This typifies their struggles with lack of communication. Guys just not on the same page. Communication & Good technique and they will be fine.

        • CharlieTheUnicorn

          This might be a good read on the situation. The center is young and inexperienced, causing some of the foul-ups via the pass protection (for example)

          • Wall UP

            That’s why I’m so high or Allen. It’s because I’ve seen him do just that, rotating from RG to LG to help to keep the gaps clean. He will do well as a rook because of his experience @ MSU as captain of the OL.

    • Willyeye

      The refs called O-Line penalties on the Hawks’ first 4 drives, which hamstrung the offense with 1st and 20 and 1st and 25 scenarios. No offense can overcome that kind of adversity. The Cards took a 19-0 lead. After those drives, the Hawks got back in the game and eventually took the lead, and then the refs started calling the same penalties again. I’m not saying that they were all bad calls, but a few of them at least were ticky-tacky calls. I wouldn’t even mind that, but I saw a number of holds by the Cards O-Line and the refs didn’t flag even one of them. This makes two consecutive seasons where the Hawks’ opponents have been called for less penalties than any other team. I think it’s the NFL’s way of leveling the playing field and achieving parity.

      • RealRhino2

        There is definitely something weird going on with the non-penalties on Hawks’ opponents. It’s almost as if the national narrative about the Hawks playing “physical” (i.e., knocking receivers around) has got them being hypersensitive to it on our side and trying to “even things out,” even though, as you said, the truth is that our opponents have been the ones getting the calls for two years now.

        Just look at that play above as an example.

        First, Sweezy doesn’t whiff. He ultimately gets beat, but Russ has about 3.15 seconds of clean pocket to work with, long enough for two receivers to get open, and I don’t think it affected his throw.

        Second, check out the DT that beats Sweezy. By my count he took four steps after the ball was released before he hit Russ. Now one of them was a little stutter step, but just watching it that seems borderline late hit, to me. He could see the ball was out and had plenty of time to pull up, IMO. That seems less borderline than, say, Gilliam’s facemask, or Graham’s non-TD, or Gresham’s non-catch (WTF?!?)….

        • RugbyLock

          Yeah, can someone please explain what constitutes a catch nowadays? Apparently I have no clue as I thought that Gresham clearly caught the ball. Overall I thought the refereeing was atrocious. IIRC they had 4 calls overturned and at least three were in blatant need of it. I would think a competent showing would have one or two of those occasions… but four?? Am I off base with this assesment?

          • CHawk Talker Eric

            No you’re not off. I must be confused as t what constitutes holding because I saw numerous obvious holds by Cards OL – so blatant that the Seahawks defender either was spun around or had his arms extended away from the blocker trying to disengage.

            @scohenPI: Clete Blakeman missed two fairly egregious holding calls on Cardinals early. Was shaded to right side of line, holds happend on left side.

        • Jarhead

          I am NOT trying to play conspiracy theorist but a big part of me STILL thinks that the Shield is still furious at the way the Hawks made their biggest game of the year- Peyton the Great’s true sawnsong- and took a giant shirt on it. We made that game unwatchable for everyone not in blue. We also humiliated Manning and made him look scrubbish. This coincides with the gaping disparity of the way our games have been officiated since then. The Shield loves the Superb Owl and I don’t think it took kindly to “The greatest corner in the game” and his crew of “thugs” just slapping a Double A Spinebuster on the Denver Peyton in the middle of the ring and giving them the one foot pin. Not being a conspiracy theorist but stuff like this happens in billion dollar entertainment

    • RealRhino2

      I keep hearing a few things regarding this blame game that I disagree with. The first is this notion that the defense is stout and gives up points primarily because the offense stalls, leaves them gassed, etc. Just don’t think that’s true. People point to the TOP, but when was most of that margin built?

      Early in the game, before the D could be “gassed.” We are losing TOP not only because the offense stalls but because the D isn’t getting people off the field! Cards’ second possession was 7:52, after the D had been on the field for only a minute and half the previous possession. Later, after both teams had possessions under three minutes, the Cards had another long possession for just over five minutes. But after that they had SIX straight possessions of under 2-1/2 minutes (in fact, only one of the six was long than two minutes)! We had momentum, the lead, and rest. And the D promptly crapped the bed by giving up the lead on a 4+ minute drive.

      Second is that Bevell is screwing up because when the run is working he abandons it. While I haven’t researched the matter, it seems like an odd thing to think/say. As I think about it, if a team was gashing me with run after run, I would bring an extra guy(s) into the box to, well, stop the run. I mean, isn’t that what you would expect the Seahawks to do, to adjust? So if I’m looking at 8 or 9 guys in the box because Lynch has been killing them, I’d throw, too. In fact, I’d think Bevell was an idiot if he didn’t throw it in that case.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        My fav part of the game was……. the Cards had lost to the 5th and 4th rated rushing offenses in prior weeks… Seattle is (or was) #3 rushing offense…. but let’s go ahead and throw the ball after one or two successful rushes in a row. Where was the power run up the middle… after 2 straight running plays… just keep pounding. You saw it on the Marshawn run near the endzone…. they had the Cardinals on their heels when they went right at them. Rushing more would have helped the clock, helped the TOP, would have helped the defense get it’s legs back.

        Naively I would have pounded the rock, even on a 1st and 20…. because they got some big plays out of rushes multiple times (even if called back). Even the back-up RB Rawls took it to the Cardinals a few times. The Seahawks got away from their bread and butter and it cost em.

        • RugbyLock

          Agreed… pound the crap out of them with IMO two starting caliber backs and help Russ’ protection with the play action.

  2. Nathan

    The formula for dominating you division is a simple one.

    Have the best quarterback and play in a weak division.

    The only teams that have won the last 2, and look a shot at doing so again are:

    Pats, Colts, Broncos, Packers

    The one under the most pressure, are the packers, and they have the strongest competition within the division of those 4.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      I think you have to throw Cam Newton in the mix.. he has been playing very good football this season. He is in a weak DIV and they face a weak DIV (AFCS). Carolina is a very good team and they are on a nice roll.

      Packers, lack of ground game and sporadic defense is killing them
      Colts, Luck is out…. they are in trouble.
      Broncos, Peyton is out…. the defense can get them to the AFCCG, but then toast.
      The Patriots are piling on injuries now… 2 key players are out or on IR… along with a host of other guys. Fortunate to have a weak div to face…. I can’t see em winning another SB this year. They can make the AFCCG, but then all bets are off.
      I still think my preseason picks are the most dangerous teams in the NFL….. Steelers / Seahawks.

      • Nathan

        That may the case going forward, but they haven’t been a perenially weak division, like the afc east or afc south.

  3. CharlieTheUnicorn

    Neat Article. 🙂

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      Indeed. Good stuff.

  4. cover-2

    All we need is a new offensive corrdinator and draft a legit offensive line prospect or two and we will be okay. Also, let’s get back to some more man press coverage, I hate seeing our CB’s playing 5-10yards off the LOS…Man Up Stand Up!

    • RugbyLock

      We have 10 of 11 starters returned this year so why the drop off and choke factor? Could it be our new DC just isn’t ready for it?

  5. C-Dog

    Almost all my thoughts are exactly scribed in this write up, Rob. I will gladly take a down year if it means they can reload with more drafted impact players the next.

    I think Wilson’s best QB days are still a head of him, and there is a lot he can learn from in the adverse season.

    As I look back at Tom Cable’s words at the beginning of the season, he said “when it’s all said and done” this might be the best line he’s ever coached. I laughed at it at the time, and chalked it up to some grand hyperbolic coach speak, but I think now he may have been politely intimating that it wasn’t going to come together quickly. I think the line has started playing better the last few games, still obviously not great, but outside the penalties in the first half, I don’t think it was as terrible as it was earlier this year, and maybe there is a glimmer of hope that by the season’s end there will be enough to build on.

    We will see. Weirdly now that we lost to the Cardinals, I’m kind of excited to see how they end up.

    • RugbyLock

      If we get an excellent Oline out of this season it will make it MUCH easier to stomach…

  6. Tien

    Great write-up and analysis Rob! Time will tell if Wilson will develop into a similar Rothelisberger but your analogies between the Seahawks & Steelers are sound. I’m very good friends with a huge Steelers fan. He likes to crack joke about the Seahawks bandwagon fans but then I remind him that our style of play, grinding running game combined with a dominating defense is pretty much modeled after the Steelers. He has grudgingly admitted that the current Seahawks style was exactly how his Steelers used to play during the Cowher years. My buddy really hates the air it out offense of his current Steelers.:)

  7. Ed

    Way to pull back and find a great similarity. Always great read. It does stink that the Pats get that free pass every year, but I will say BB is very adept at finding what works not only each and every game, but each and every quarter.

  8. sdcoug

    One thing that wasn’t discussed is that the Steelers were willing to make changes when they felt the coaching wasn’t working…and their coaches were willing to change when the current script wasn’t working.

    The Rooney’s decided to “mutually part” with their OC Bruce Arians in ’11 as the O-line was a constant liability. Even though there was a SB win and another SB appearance during his stretch, it was viewed as a huge issue that didn’t improve and they made a change.

    Todd Haley was almost run out of Pittsburgh his first year in 2012 cause he tried to change what Ben had been good at (more shotgun and less pounding the ball, short outs instead of letting Ben throw downfield). Haley relented a bit in 2013 and he and Ben eventually found synergy the second half of 2013 and the rest is history.

    Staying true to what you do, and what has worked in the past is valuable…but if you aren’t also willing to adjust and change the script as needed, just seems foolish

  9. AlaskaHawk

    I thought it was interesting how different the refs were in the patriots / Giants game. Patriots corners were all over the receivers with tight coverage. No calls of pass interference that I recall. The refs just let them play.

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      The larger point…. the inconstant “refs” across the league are ridiculous. If it is PI, call PI… on both the O and the D.

      The “is it a catch or not” needs to be addressed as well. Dez Bryant made a catch last year against the Packers (not called a catch), Golden Tate had the ball in his hand for 1 second in a game a few weeks, then it got popped out, and was called a TD…… The discussion by the TV crew working the Seahawks game was interesting. I thought they nailed it on the head… 3 steps = catch, 2 feet in and ball in hands in endzone = TD. Need to simplify, taking away so many subjective calls by the REFS… make their life easier, not harder.

      • AlaskaHawk

        I vaguely recall their being a touchdown strip called an incomplete pass in the Patriots/Giants game too. Then you have the runners who barely get the tip of the ball across and that is a touchdown. Way too inconsistent.

        How about hitting the poor defenseless receiver? Seahawks got a big penalty for KJ Wright hitting someone in the middle. In the Patriots game they would have called that good defense. I guess it just depends on how much you do it. Occasionally you get flagged. Constantly it is good defense.

  10. Hughz

    I’ll admit when we lost last night my first thought was there goes our season. I feel a little bit better today. We need Atlanta to lose a few games but I think we have a descent shot still of getting the wildcard spot if we win end up at 10-6.

    Also, does anyone know where to get copies of the all 22s?

    • RugbyLock

      NFL replay has the all 22 but you have to subscribe to it.

  11. Mike B.

    Interesting take and good write-up, Rob. The comparisons make sense. I do think that Russ progressed quicker than Big Ben, though I have no idea what Russ’s ceiling is. Watching his career arc will be fun.

    As for this season, I’d prefer to write it off. Finishing a respectable 9-7 and missing the playoffs will:
    – Let all the players have a longer off-season to rest, recover, self-reflect
    – Hopefully cause a shake-up in the coaching staff, or at least lead to a shake-up in playcalling
    – Let the coaches reflect on all that went wrong in 2015 and how that stuff can be addressed starting right away in 2016
    – Give them higher draft picks, which could lead to getting a couple good OLs (starting with Shon Coleman or Taylor Decker) and a DT or CB in the early rounds
    – Make Seattle the underdogs next year so that they can come out and prove themselves once again

    The above sentiment wasn’t written with complete seriousness, but it’s about 70% serious. Maybe 75%. 80%.

    • smitty1547

      I agree with it 100% add to it a nice peace of humble pie i think are guys desperately need. Maybe everyone will go back to the basics and prepare for football next year instead of making commercials and thinking they are all so under paid. Right now must of them look over paid.

      • RugbyLock

        Bollocks… I’d prefer they go on a tear, get into the show and win SB L at Santa Clara… 🙂

        • JeffC

          Except they won’t go on a tear if they are making commercials, thinking they are underpaid, and worried about what pose they need to perform as they hold Ciara around the waist for a TMZ photographer.

  12. nichansen01

    Love the steelers comp.

    I have to pose this question: Is Chancellor a part of this teams future? His play has been inconsistent… He has highlight big hits but he’s blowing coverages constantly, out of sync. His holdout threw the defense for a loop. I bet a team like Jacksonville would love to trade a 2nd rounder for him…
    Use the money to sign Alex Mack as the “big acquisition” (Jimmy Graham, Percy Harvin, etc…)
    Then draft a strong safety when it seems fit.

    We could have:

    Mid round 1:
    Early Round 2:
    Mid Round 2:
    Mid Round 3:
    Late round 3:
    Mid Round 4:

    To focus on: Offensive Tackle, Safety, Corner, Runningback, DT, linebacker. Fullback, blocking tight end, developmental DT in the late rounds.

    It could look like:

    1: Shon Coleman, RT
    2: Eric Striker, LB
    2: Alex Collins, RB
    3: Jayron Kearse, SS
    3c: Anthony Zettel , DT
    4: Cornerback (haven’t dug into these prospects too much yet)

    This is what it might look like to trade chancellor, and sign Mack

    In your able to get Irvin resigned you could replace the Striker pick with a corner back and the 4th round corner with a later round linebacker, (Travis Feeney, for example).

    • Trevor

      I know I am in a minority but I am all for trading Kam. He is the only one of our core I would want to part with.

      He broke the # 1 rule on any team. He made selfish decisions that hurt not only himself but the team. He will never be looked at the same in the locker room. What Ray Lewis said was true.

      If we could get a 2nd rounder from Jacksonville I would jump at it.

      Like you picks a lot and only change I would make is perhaps SUA Cravens for Kearse but either would be good.

      • smitty1547

        I would trade him for a pack of camels represent the cancer he was to us this year, get rid of him, I never want to see him in the ring of honor either.

    • Rob Staton

      “I have to pose this question: Is Chancellor a part of this teams future?”

      Yes. Very much so.

      I’ve not seen anything from Jayron Kearse to make me want him on this team. Poor recognition skills, consistently out of position even when playing in the box. Does not play with anything like Kam’s physicality. He’s just big.

      • Trevor

        Rob you have made it clear that you think Kam is a key part of the teams core and leadership going forward. Do you think they will extend Chancellor this off season and give him a new deal with more guaranteed money?

        • Rob Staton

          I don’t. I think the teams performance has rendered any future talks null and void. They needed to keep winning for that. They might move some money for him as a gesture. But there won’t be any new deal.

          • Trevor

            I agree and if that is the case it would be ideal. But do you think that means another holdout? Kam seems like a very proud confident guy who held out with 3 years left in a market setting deal.

            I see your point completely from the teams point but why would Kams feeling be different? You think because the team has a down year that he feels his value is any less?

            I hope you are right. Even more so I hope the Hawks go on a streak and somehow make it into the playoffs as a WC. I still think they would be a tough out if they can get to the dance.

            • Rob Staton

              I doubt he’d holdout again. It achieved nothing before and he knows that now. The team did not budge. He didn’t force their hand. If they’d gone on a tear since his return and been well in the playoff race then he’d have a case. But they aren’t — and he’ll know that. I think they’ll make a gesture and move some money forward. But nothing more. And he won’t ask for more in 2016.

              • GameHawks

                I’m leaning toward this happening also, for all the reasons that you mentioned. I do think, however, that the team will be looking for Kam’s replacement sooner rather than later. With that in mind, what do you think of a guy like UW’s Feeney begin drafted by the Hawks and molded into more of a SS type. Not that he would start immediately of course, but as another one of PC/JS developmental prospects. He has been productive in his position this year, but I’ve also read that because of his frame he may project better as a SS moving forward in his career as a pro. What do you think, Rob?

              • Wall UP

                That being said, “that Kam is going nowhere,” they still should have a legit backup with no trepidation of being physical in the box. Shead isn’t the answer. He does cover well. He’s more FS than SS.
                Kam’s physically may lead to an injury. All of us hope that may never happen. But, that’s why there is a 53 man roster in case there are those occurrences’.

                Kearse, I agree isn’t SS material though he is listed as such. Until he is tried out as a CB, the jury is still out as to whether or not he could play the position. What better team would be able to find that out than the Hawks? They’ve had several unique athletes being converted into CBs on the practice squad. As a late pick, or if he becomes an UDFA, the Hawks may go after him as a convert to CB.

                As Kam’s backup goes, Evan McKelvey 6-2 218lb LB of Marshall #31 is my hope for that role. It would be nice to have his name be called next spring in the 7th Rd.

  13. line_hawk

    It’s great to be hopeful about the future but at this point, it’s too early to say if they will be the next Steelers. i do think that a long offseason will help them recover their bodies & rejuvenate them. But being the Steelers is a step down from ‘Win Forever’! 🙂

    How do Steelers drafts look during the early-mid timeframe? Are they as mediocre as Seattle’s?

  14. Forrest

    Yeah, I can see that comparison. I do think this will be a 10-6/9-7 year with no playoffs though, and honestly that may be for the best (long term). Making the playoffs would be great, but the recoop would probably be better. I think this next off-season has to be a rejuvenation of sorts as well. Lynch looks old, Chancellor could be troublesome, Irvin is valuable but spendy, Mebane is still good but would need more money, Okung and Sweezy are going want more money.

    So…assume Lynch retires (as always), and draft a serviceable RB. Either give Chancellor some money or trade him. If he’s traded draft a SS in one of the first three rounds, if he stays still draft a quality depth SS/FS to mentor (In Rd. 3-5). Irvin will probably be gone, so draft a LB somewhere in the first 4 rounds. Mebane may stay, but either way a future starting DT should be a FA/Draft pickup. Okung probably wants a new team, and Sweezy is probably cheap enough to keep. So draft RT/LT, and Center.

    Ideal FA:
    Let Irvin go (too much $)
    Keep Sweezy
    Try to negotiate with Okung and Mebane
    Find a reliable Center (Mack)

    Ideal Draft:
    Rd 1-LT/RT (Coleman?)
    Rd 2-LB (Striker?)
    Rd 3-DT (Zettel?)
    Rd 3 comp-C or SS (if Chancellor is traded)
    Rd 4-RB (quality #2, draft a Lynch “replacement” in 2017)
    Rd 5 comp-CB
    Rd 6 comp-TE (blocking)
    Rd 7-OL
    Rd 7 from Dallas-BPA

    The biggest things to accomplish other than FA and draft should be rewriting the offensive playbook, rejuvenating the defense, and refocusing the whole team towards being a starving beast with something to prove. Go Hawks!!

    • Trevor

      Most moves make sense Forrest. I hope they re-sign Okung though and I really don’t think Lynch will go out like this.

      • Forrest

        He might not go out like this, but the end IS nigh. Injuries are starting to play a bigger role than they have in the past.

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      Does Lynch really look old, or do we just think he has be getting old because of his physically punishing style of play? He only carried 8 times vs ARI, but he averaged +5 yards per, and was as difficult as ever to tackle.

      Also, why would Mebane need more money? He’s having a good-but-not-great season and he’ll be 31 next season. I can see them extending his current deal, but not upping it.

      Sweezy isn’t in any position to demand much more than a COLA-type raise. He’s just not consistent enough and SEA have a couple of intriguing prospects to replace him with.

      Okung is the only one who could ask for more and get it. He’s good enough at a crucial position.

      Irvin is a difficult one to figure. His absence in the 2nd half was felt vs ARI, but how much of a difference did it make considering Avril and Wright had sack fumbles?

      • Tien

        IMO, Lynch is still elite and it only comes down to whether he wants to come back next season and not reduced physical ability. I agree with you Eric that Okung will be the key. Hopefully, he doesn’t demand extravagant money so that we can re-sign him. I don’t think we can afford Irvin next year as he’s had a good year and will probably be offered lots of money elsewhere.

        • AlaskaHawk

          This year is shaping up to be a very light work load for Marshawn Lynch. Maybe that will help extend his career.

      • Forrest

        With Lynch it’s more injuries than play, sort of agree with you about Mebane, but I just can’t get behind Okung…maybe if he extends and takes less, but more money for what he does now? Nah…and Sweezy is really the new (but not as good) Breno. I’m pretty sure next season there will be 2-3 new starter on the OL though. Irvin is great, but I didn’t even notice he was gone. I think the main problem on defense is bad communication in the secondary. The DL and LB always look great, but the secondary will play great for half the game and then “give up.” Just my opinion though…

        • C-Dog

          If they commit to a high pick on the OL this year, resign Okung, and Sweezy. I think Lynch comes back.

          In this scenario, Seattle let’s Mebane walk, and resigns Rubin for a lesser amount. They are out priced for Irvin, KJ slides to SAM where it might be his more natural position. KLP takes over at Will in the base, but KJ stays on the field in nickel. And just to make things interesting, they resign Jeremy Lane, and drop the contract of Cary Williams.

          My ideal draft would be

          R1. OT (Coleman, Decker, Bisnowaty, Spriggs)
          R2. DT 3 tech ( Washington, Bullard, Rankins, Reed, Allen, or Day, assuming Washington slides, something tells me Bullard will climb the boards, though. I’m might be higher on Rankins than others, I think he might be the most balanced and complete)
          R3. C (Max Turk, injury has him sliding)
          R3 (comp). WR (Braxton Miller, Ohio St. Adds size and a former college QB, Hawks seem to be drawn to these types, hoping to land the next Anquan Bolden)
          R4. CB (Maurice Canady, Virginia. Plays tall and aggressive, but raw)
          R5. RB. (Rushell Shell WV, another physical aggressive runner, They wait out this position for the 2017 draft)
          R6. OLB. (Travis Freeney, UW, a SAM that can pass rush, and potentially be groomed to eventually be a starter)
          R7. DT/NT. (Antwaun Woods, USC. Adds depth at the 1 tech)
          R7. QB. (Vernon Adams, OR. If you are going to commit and design an offense around RW3, his backup should have a very similar skill set)

  15. Trevor

    Great write up Rob! Logical and well thought out with a realistic take on our current situation.

  16. Tbone4444

    As always you are the calm voice of reason and you make me feel better while keeping it real! Long time lurker, sad and depressed first time poster. Thanks for a wonderful site and your measured analysis!

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks man

    • RugbyLock

      Hear Hear! Thanks for all your hard work Rob! Much appreciated!

  17. Steve

    To me it’s very simple why the Hawks have regressed this year. Lack of motivation. Recall that just a few short years ago, the Hawks felt disrespected, individually and collectively. The team was full of undrafted free agents and later round picks who felt they should have been picked much sooner. That motivated them. They wanted to prove to the world that they were disrespected. Well, two Super Bowl’s later the respect started pouring in. Hawks were featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, endorsements came in, and most important of all–they got paid. In the NFL, money equals respect.
    What follows, however, is that without a guaranteed contract, in order to cash-in you have to survive five years in a violent sport. So instead of delivering a bone-crushing, sacrifice-your-body, I-want-respect tackle, they give a I-want-to-last-five-years, preserve-my-body, time-to-cash-in tackle instead. In addition, every time someone gets cut, they’re reminded that it’s a business. When someone gets traded, the business side of football smacks them in the face. When someone gets injured, they’re reminded that careers can end very quickly.
    So is it any surprise that the guys who got respect ($$) aren’t as motived this year? Of course, exceptions do occur, as in Beast Mode. Another exception is those who are playing in a contract year. Irvin and Bennett are playing lights out this year.
    As sports fans, we’re invested in our local team. We’ll root for our team year after year, no matter who’s on the field. Players? I’m not saying that they are invested in their team. But, the bottom line is that they’re playing for money, it’s a business. They have families to take care of. And they need to earn as much as they can in a short a period of time in order to care for their future needs. OK, yes, I believe that some would play even if they weren’t earning millions. They truly love the game. But most players are pragmatic. It’s clear that what drove the team over the past few years is no longer there.
    It’s time to earn the money they feel that they deserve. And they get paid whether they win or lose. And there goes the motive. (Sorry that this post is so long. Just had to get a few things off my chest).

    • Trevor

      All good points when combined with the physical and emotional toll of back to back trips to the SB.

    • RugbyLock

      I didn’t think Bennett was in a contract year… am I mistaken?

      • Rob Staton

        It’s not a contract year for Bennett. He’s contracted until the end of the 2017 season.

        • Steve

          Understood. I included him because I viewed him as following Marshawn’s path, who was able renegotiate early. I think Chancellor will do the same. But what do I know?

          • AlaskaHawk

            Players like Bennett and Avril have reached the next level. Lets say players start as:

            Yippee I made a NFL team, then
            Hey I’m pretty good at this position
            After proving myself for 4 years it is time to cash in
            After first big contract
            Now I need to protect my body and make a play
            I shouldn’t play as hard every play because I need to last all game
            Damn missed another block/tackle
            Well lets see if I can get more money out of the team
            After second big contract
            I got the pay I could out of them
            Lets play hard and make the superbowl
            Lets play hard and leave a legacy

  18. Trevor

    Not sure if anyone has brought this up but I was so excited to see PRich catch that deep ball. It excited me to think of him, Baldwin and Locket along with Graham in the passing game. He scored on that play if he doesn’t injury the hammy. My only concern is if he can ever stay healthy.

    On the other side of the equation Chris Mattews has been a huge disappointment coming off what seemed like a breakout game in the SB. Also is the a worse $2 mil/yr wide receiver in the league than Kearse? He is solid on special teams and seems like a great team mate but he has been awful outside of maybe one game this year as well.

    I really hope they extend Baldwin to keep him in Sea and that he, Locket, PRich, Kasen Williams and Kevin Smith are the core of our WR group next year. Along with Graham and Willson at TE I think it would be a solid group.

    • sdcoug

      one play stood out to me in regards to Kearse. Wish I could pinpoint which quarter, but Russ threw a 10/12 yard comeback to him on the left sideline. DB was playing tight and made a play on the ball, but it also appeared Kearse could have made the catch and just dropped it.

      Whether or not it was a drop, Kearse showed no emotion at the incompletion. didn’t even flinch or move. Just started a slow walk back to the huddle. I know it’s extremely easy for me to make more of it than it was, so maybe this is unfair to Kearse, but it just epitomized my feeling about him as a receiver.

      Your team is currently getting the snot punched out of it. Go get the dang ball…and if not, at least act like you care and are upset you didn’t make a much-needed play.

      • Trevor

        I saw that play too and was not impressed for a guy in a contract year you think he would be playing with a little more spark.

    • Trevor

      Update : Chrish Matthews just got waived. No surprise given his play but too bad because he is the type of big receiver I thought we needed. Can you imagine if we had won the SB last year. He gets MVP and then gets cut this year.

      • AlaskaHawk

        Wow- well I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a superstar on someone elses team. I always worry about whether players are being used right with the Seahawks.

      • CHawk Talker Eric

        SEA signed Kevin Smith to the active roster in his place.

        Maybe they sign Matthews to the PS if he clears.

  19. Trevor

    Rob since we are talking about the Steelers. I remember before the 2014 draft you were not only high on Bitonio but thought Martavius Bryant would be a good option for the Hawks while highlighting his immaturity.

    Boy has he ever turned out to be a great deep threat. Perhaps the best in the league along with Deshawn Jackson. If he can stay clean off the field the Steelers have quit the dynamic duo with him and Brown.

    Can you imagine how our 2014 draft would look with Bitonio as our 1st pick and Bryant as our 2nd pick instead of P Rich and Britt. I know it is easy to say in hind sight but it is something a lot of people on this blog wanted prior to the draft including myself.

    Is there a prospect like Bryant in this draft who is a great deep threat with good size that is not rated in the 1st round for whatever reason?

    • Rob Staton

      I haven’t seen a prospect like Bryant yet in this class. Michael Thomas is a nice speed/size guy but not as fast as Bryant. He had first round potential and major character issues. Seattle could’ve also gone Bitonio/Jarvis Landry with a tiny move up in round two. I had Landry as a first round talent despite his lack of a great 40 time. He’s one of the best playmakers in the NFL now.

      • Turp

        I wish we had drafted Bitonio….sigh. A long standing lament. I wanted Latimer too, but clearly I was wrong about that one.

      • Trevor

        Yes I know you were clear about Bryants immaturity but thought he might turn things around with a baby and things.

        Landry really does seem like a perfect Seahawks WR doesn’t he and would have been a tremendous pick as well.

        Speaking of that draft what were your thoughts on Justin Gilbert coming out. He has never seemed to catch on with the Browns and I am sure could be had in the off season for a reasonable price. He has the size the Hawks love. Is he someone you think they could fix and bring out the 1st round potential or were you not high on him coming out?

        • Rob Staton

          I hated Justin Gilbert’s tape. Wouldn’t have touched him.

    • Madmark

      How about instead of a Christine Michaels we took a Travis Kelce, a true inline TE. Then we would have had no need to trade an all pro center for Graham.

      • CHawk Talker Eric

        DAL cut CMike today.

  20. Trevor

    Last random thought of the day.

    Absolutely love Cliff Avril!!!! Comes to play every week. No drama and great attitude. For me he has been the best Seahawk in 2015 and I truly hope he gets the respect he deserves as a Pro Bowler this year.

    Two of the better moves JS has made as a GM where when he picked up Avril and Bennet. It was the key to our SB run and when Avril went out with the concussion last year in the SB I thought the whole game changed.

    He should be the perfect model for what we look for in a LEO come draft time. Vol 12 any of your sleeper guys fit the Avril mold physically / sparq?

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      Yannick Ngakoue is very similar to Avril. Doesn’t always make the sack, but he’s always in the backfield causing problems.

      Also, not really an Avril comp, but Kyler Fackrell is a really interesting LEO prospect.

      • Trevor

        I really like Ngakoue too but I don’t think he has Avrils athleticism. He would still be a nice pick.

    • AlaskaHawk

      You are so right aobut how things changed in the Superbowl when Lane and Avril were knocked out of the game. In hindsight there was another management/coaching mistake in not carrying extra cornerbacks into the superbowl. We were only facing a team that loves to pass, so it was foreseeable that we would need more help at cornerback. At least to give them a rest once in awhile.

      • Volume12

        Trevor, here’s the thing my man.

        Please believe me when I tell you this. DE-LEO Cliff Avril is only about 6’1, 245-250 lbs. But, he has the 32-33″ arms, and explodes off the LOS better than any DE I’ve seen in quite some time. He’s extrordinarily unique. No one like him.

        It’s not a great class for DE-LEO’s this year.

        I’ll give ya a couple names and a sleeper, but keep in mind, only the 1st guy is similar to Avril.

        Auburn DE-LEO/OLB Carl Lawson- a dynamic pass rusher, can also line up at DT and rush from the interior. He’s freakishly explosive. Said to have a 10 yd split in the 1.55-1.58 range. He’s always hurt or banged up though. If not for the injuries, he’s a top 40 lock. Gave Ole Miss LT Laremy Tunsil all he could handle. He’s passionate, out-spoken, great work ethic.

        Boise St DE-LEO/OLB Kamalei Correa- this kid plays lke a man possessed. He’s tenacious, athletic, quick/fast, and strong. He’s a hustler out there.

        Baylor DE-LEO Jamal Palmer- here’s a sleeper for ya. IDK if you watched Baylor vs Oklahoma on Saturday night, but he was all over the place. Turn on any Baylor game this year, and Palmer is makng a handful of impact plays. Has great length and energy.

        • Volume12

          Remember, Seattle wants D-lineman that hustle and never quit on any given play. So, when looking at or watching prospects, particularly the D-line try to identify the guys who play with high-effort and energy.

          Hustle, hustle, and hustle some more.

  21. Ross

    I would be absolutely fine with the Seahawks being a perennial contender like the Packers, Ravens and Steelers. Dynasties like the Patriots have come along maybe only three or four times in the history of the NFL. Those kinds of expectations for the Seahawks were understandable but probably just unrealistic.

    That said, this team is absolutely maddening to watch right now. There’s a long list of problems that haven’t been solved and places they’ve regressed in, but the thing that most encapsulates what this team has become this season is Marshawn Lynch’s performance against the Cardinals. He gashed them every time he got the ball. It was the most physical I’ve seen him run all season. Thomas Rawls again looked good spelling him. They averaged about 6 yards per carry together.

    They got 10 carries combined. 10 carries.10. The Seattle Seahawks gave their running backs the ball 10 times

  22. Trevor

    Not sure if we are allowed to post links here Rob but I thought this was a interesting take on Cable / the Hawks OL draft process and our OL / Running attack.

    • AlaskaHawk

      Nice find Trevor. The case against Cable and Bevell is building, both statistically and emotionally. Hopefully The Seahawks will make some changes this off season. Though I’m not adverse to starting early if a brilliant offensive coach is available. This offense needs a kick in the ass, and I think that would start with a new offensive coach and a new quarterback coach who will work with RW in the off season.

      • Ed

        Will take a look. Norm Chow or Steve Sarkisian?

        • CHawk Talker Eric

          Seriously? Chow has forgotten more about coordinating an offense and molding top flight QBs than Sark will ever know.

          And then there are Sark’s personal issues.

          Russell Wilson could benefit tremendously from Norm Chow’s influence.

          • Steve

            I’ve thought about the QB coach as well, possibly needing to be replaced. Jim Zorn was a good coach. I believe he’s with the KC Chief’s though.

          • John_s

            Norm Chow and Pete did not separate on good terms when Chow left SC. Both guys have big egos and they clashed at the end.

            I could see Sark though. If he was only responsible for coaching the offense I think he would be great. I think tactically Sark would be an improvement over Bevell but Sark can get a little pass first which could upset people.

            • Rob Staton

              Sark faces a battle away from football. He won’t be a NFL OC any time soon. As for Chow — this for me is kind of why the ‘fire Bevell’ talk is a little premature. If turning to a nearly 70-year-old Norm Chow (who’s never coached in the NFL) is the solution people are hoping for — is that really a good thing?

              • CHawk Talker Eric

                Actually he was OC for the Titans from ’05 to ’07. They went 8-8 and 10-6 respectively, making the 2007 playoffs. That may not set any records, but we are talking the Titans.

              • CHawk Talker Eric

                Chow could be brought in as a QB/Offensive consultant.

              • CHawk Talker Eric

                And isn’t PC nearly 70?

                I get your point Rob. And it’s highly unlikely to happen (Chow or anyone else).

                But it’s fun to think about.

                • Rob Staton

                  The thing is though, Pete turned 64 in September with a long history of NFL experience and more recent success as the Head Coach of the Seahawks. Norm Chow would be experiencing his first taste of anything to do with the NFL aged 70. Not only would it be an incredibly short term appointment that would possibly require yet another change in the not too distant future, but you’d also be hoping that Chow would be able to coach in the league. There’s no certainty there. And Chow has just been fired by Hawaii after going 10-36 in four years as Head Coach. It’s hardly a reassuring fact.

                  If the Seahawks were to replace Bevell, it has to be for someone with a proven track record of play calling in the league.

            • CHawk Talker Eric

              True. Chow got a lot of credit for the national title runs, not to mention the validation of having his QBs win Heismans. That bothered PC, who thought he could get similar results from Sark.

              But IIRC Chow’s problem was more with Sark than PC because Sark pretty much took his job. Maybe he bears a grudge against PC too.

              As for PC, I don’t know how much he would mind sharing the limelight considering his 2 previous DC’s are head coaches now. But you never know.

              Sark may have the football savvy to help with the passing game. But Chow could help take this offense where it belongs. Especially with RW, Graham and Lockett to work with behind a Lynch-led running game.

              • Trevor

                I will be surprised if the fire Bevel and Cable for one down year but if they do personally based on the type of team PC wants the Seahawks to there is one logical choice Bill Callahan the current OL coach with the Redskins.

                He like a run fisrt offense and went to a SB with Rich Gannon. Add in what he did with the Dallas OL and Redskins OL and I think he would be a great choice!

    • Madmark

      College is a good time to change someone position but in the NFL I just don’t believe it. In college some guys are still growing and just starting their intensive weight room training so adjustments are necessary for the changes are pretty significant. In the NFL most guys should have at least a couple years in college to understand the basics of that position because the game is so much faster. I’m going to take Britt as an example. We drafted him in the 2nd round and that makes him ours for 4 years. He started as our RT last year and I would say he was ok. this year he is at LG and struggling and at the end of this year we have him for 2 more years. This isn’t a defensive convert and by the time his 4th year comes up he might become a pro bowl player that goes somewhere else for more money or he might not. It a tough thing to do but converting guys is not the answer and I don’t want to here there isn’t any talented OL guys to draft because that’s bullshit. This website has found them every year since I found it and many are doing great but there not in Seattle. If you have to convert someone take a OL guy and move him at least i don’t have to waste a year teaching the basics. A Joe Dahl move from LT to a G/C is an acceptable move, Jake Conklin, who is a junior, moving to RT I can see. Their really isn’t a lot of time just to get them ready for the pro’s let alone teaching them a new position. To have a good line you need these guys to play together for a year or 2 to become what you want them to do. So if you need a LT draft one and coach him up because if you draft him in the 1st round at most you’ll have him for 5 years with the option guaranteed. After that its a crapshoot as to whether you can keep him or not.

      • Volume12

        That’s the thing though. It takes time to develop O-lineman. Ecspecially those defensive line converts. And then, when they do develop, their gone, because of FA and finally reaching their ceiling or fulfilling the potential.

        TC is a great O-line coach. He truly is. The struggles on the line aren’t all on him though. PC, JS, and DB are at fault too. They spent money somewhere else, decided not to focus on the O-line, and hoped/prayed the ‘projects’ would pan out.

        I guarantee ya we won’t see that again. If they do draft a convert, it’ll be in rounds 6-7 where it’s baicaly like throwing darts at a walk and seeing what sticks anyways.

    • Rob Staton

      Happy for you to post the link. There’s only one weirdo who writes for Field Gulls I don’t want anyone linking to.

      • Trevor

        Thanks and I know who you mean!

  23. Steele

    I am not sure the comparison to the Steelers is that informative (or comforting). Having up and down seasons is the definition of inconsistency. The Patriots are the standard, and their easier division (and the cheating) does not nullify the fact that they adapt better than any other franchise. Every season they find a way. They get nobodies to perform, and their stars don’t underperform. Those that blow it are quickly jettisoned.

    Whereas the Seahawks under Pete is stubbornly optimistic and forgiving, to a fault. I think what we are seeing right now is an example.

    • Volume12

      Well, when Seattle has the best QB in the league, then we can compare the two.

      The Steelers, although I dislike them, are a model franchise in the NFL and every year they have a chance. To say they’ve been inconsistent isn’t really fair.

    • AlaskaHawk

      If it makes you feel any better then just think of what the Seahawks division will be like when Carson Palmer retires, and the 49ers are still in the basement, and the Rams still haven’t found a quarterback. The Seahawks should be able to win the division then.

    • Rob Staton

      “I am not sure the comparison to the Steelers is that informative”

      Apologies for wasting your time.

      • Steele

        I am not belittling your analysis, Rob, but it just seems like a stretch to compare these teams, when the cultures are so unique.

        I really do not think we can predict the future. Even so, the sample size is small: Carroll and these Hawks have only had a couple of seasons of history. This is the first season of clear dropoff, and it is a complex problem. Is it temporary or something that will take a couple of seasons to alleviate? Have JSPC been lucky to have put together this nucleus a few years ago( and now we are seeing them less able to maintain that level), or will they right the ship with a next wave that is as good or even better?

        As much as I do not like to compare, aren’t the 1990s Dallas Cowboys a legitimate and even more realistic parallel? They hit it big in two consecutive seasons, suffered a dropoff in 1994 that found them still competitive but troubled, and then rebounded for one more Super Bowl in 1995 with their aging veterans hitting the ends of their peak years. The dominance was in the first few years. The rest required grit, but also some luck.

        The skeptic in me wonders if we have seen the best of these Seahawks. That is why I hated seeing them lose that last SB. We’re going to lose more veterans next offseason.

        • Rob Staton

          “I really do not think we can predict the future.”

          The piece isn’t trying to forecast a Seahawks bounce back just because Pittsburgh did it. The point is really just to emphasise that a down year doesn’t have to be a death sentence to a Championship window — using the similarities between the two teams (division, quarterback, roster) as a case to suggest there’s no reason to be overly sceptical and downbeat because the 2015 season isn’t just a stream of constant winning like it was between 2012-14.

    • JeffC

      If we have a losing nonplayoff season this year, and win the sb next year, and you could tell me that in advance, sign me up.

  24. Volume12

    Thank you Rob! Finally someone puts this in perspective. A down year is not the end of the world. Their young, talented, and have the core in place to be a contending team the next 4-5 years, if not longer, depending on how they draft and how FA shakes up.

    I mean, honextly guys, in your heart of hearts did you really expect this team to go to 3 straight SB’s? In this day and age where it’s almost impossible to keep a core together, the NFL call/officiates games so that they have parody and drama?

    Might not be our year, it happens. Ecspecially when you play in the NFL’s version of the SEC conference.

    • Phil

      Maybe a down year is not the end of the world, as you say, but it does mean that there should be some serious reflection on what went wrong and there should be accountability on the part of players and coaches.

  25. cha

    Chris Matthews waived / Kevin Smith signed off PS

    David King waived / DT AJ Francis signed (most recently with Miami)

    • Volume12

      Seattle needs another WR. They gotta get a possession wideout.

      Signing AJ Francis, might be an indication that Seattle is looking for a Red Bryant kind of DT. Francis is 6’4, 330 lbs. after all.

      Penn St DT Austin Johnson fits this mold, but much more athletic than Francis or Red.

      • Nathan

        Is throwing more pass catchers at the problem going to fix it?

        Jimmy Graham’s meant to be a possession receiver.

        • John_s

          Yes and here’s why. Kearse is a FA at the end of the year. He has disappeared after a few good games to begin the year. He’s playing on a 2.5 mil tender and could be looking for an increase. You cannot count on Richardson to be healthy over a whole season. He’s already had two ACL years during college and pro. Chris Matthews was just waived. Kevin Smith was an UDFA so is Kasen Williams. Doug Baldwin is up after next year and he will surely want more than the 4 mil he currently makes. Tyler Lockett is a rookie and Ricardo Lockette is hurt and may never play again.

          This does not make me sleep well at night….

          • Steele

            Chris Matthews. What a disappointing turn of events. That said, Bevell and Russell do not seem to know how to put together a good passing offense. WR talent is wasted, Jimmy is not being fully optimized either. This team needs a new offense and a new OC. Russell’s game has not progressed, and any OC has his work cut out for him to figure out how to fix it.

            • Rob Staton

              “This team needs a new offense and a new OC.”

              And yet it’s still the same offense and OC that helped Seattle go to back-to-back Super Bowls. Let’s not forget that.

              • John_s

                Marshawn covered up a lot of RW and Bevell’s shortcomings. A healthy Marshawn and teams have to respect play action fakes and crash down on zone reads leaving RW with space around the edge.

              • bigDhawk

                It’s the same OC but what we are seeing this year can not really be considered the same offense, mostly because we don’t have the personnel to run our offense like we did in 2013. There has been a lack of creativity and vision to compensate, which is why there is legitimate criticism of the OC and Cable.

                • Rob Staton


      • CHawk Talker Eric

        If they are looking for a 5T what would they do if they find one? Maybe move Bennett inside to 3T and have Avril DE from the right. And then switch back to current config on pass downs.

        I don’t know. Maybe it’s just the MIA connection, but Francis seems more like TMcD than Big Red.

        • Volume12

          He probably is more like Tony McD, but built more like a Red Bryant.

          I still don’t think Seattle goes DT before round 3. There’s just not a whole lot of guys that are ‘special’ or unique that are supposely 1st rounders. Some good players that are solid though.

  26. Jarhead

    Christine Michael released by Dallas. John Schneider’s worst draft pick he ever made, maybe quite possibly the worst personnel move he ever made, is essentially out of the league before his first contract was up. I hated the selection then, I always felt he was just a goof and only a physical skill set that was only impressive to SPARQ nerds and would never translate to the football field. What a waste of physical ability. Sad…

  27. Ed

    JS found early success in the late rounds. His early picks lately have been very questionable. Stop looking for highest ceiling and most physical tools and look for solid football players as well. You want some ST freaks that are big and fast, cool, but turning a DT into a OL doesn’t work but once in a blue moon. Get some solid OL that know the games, have familiarity with the scheme and have a solid starter for 5 years. The Hawks don’t need a line of pro bowlers, just guys that can block and pass protect above average.

    • AlaskaHawk

      and quite trading away the first round pick!!!! We are doing the other team a favor by taking their 10 million dollar player off their cap. You know it is a favor or they wouldn’t be offering them in the first place.

      • JeffC


  28. CHawk Talker Eric

    A big reason why Palmer had such a good night was the lack of interior push. He repeatedly countered SEA’s strong edge rush by stepping up into the pocket. Adding Francis shows SEA has an eye on the DT position group. Fortunately it’s a pretty deep DT class. There should be some nice talent available in the middle rounds where JS/PC have historically addressed the position. Prospects like Austin Johnson, Sheldon Day, Chris Jones, Adam Gotsis and Vernon Butler. Maybe even Rankins.

    Consider the top tier of the DT class: Nkemdiche, A’Shawn Robinson, Jarran Reed, Jonathan Bullard, Kenny Clark, Adolphus Washington, DeForest Buckner.

    But of the 2 Alabama DTs likely to go in R1-2 – Jarran Reed and A’Shawn Robinson, which do you like and why? Heck, throw in Jonathan Allen, since he can play inside too.

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      SEA also signed VMAC visitor DT Justin Hamilton to the PS.

      • C-Dog

        I agree with you whole heartedly, CHawk Talker Eric. I’ve been banging this door on this site for a while, and mocked mightily for it. I think Seattle needs to land a DT that can push and disrupt. I think this could be a good class to get one.

        I really like Rankins, and think he could be a great pick in the 2 to 3 round range, but I wouldn’t be shocked, if they draft high enough, and they think they can still get to good OT in R2, if they take one in R1, if they feel he is the BPA at a position of need. He would have to be a bonafide 3 tech, though. Someone who can play the first two downs, and stay on the field in the nickel.

        As for the Bama boys, Robinson is probably the most complete, Reed might have more athletic upside, and Allen is probably someone who is most in the Mike B model, and if you are going in the Mike B model, Bullard makes a lot of hay inside for Florida, and might be further ahead.

  29. Chris

    One glaring problem with the analysis …

    The Steelers didn’t win the 2005 superbowl.

    The Seahawks did.

    The Seahawks are most like … themselves!

  30. adam

    Dolphins won east in 2008. Just saying

    • Rob Staton

      Yes I know. That’s why it says in the article: “They’ve won the division every year bar one dating back to 2003.” The ‘bar one’ is 2008 when the Dolphins won it.

      • Ed

        And wasn’t that when Brady got hurt?

  31. george

    two things didn’t get mentioned. One Roeslithberger didn’t deserve the win in super bowl xl. His qbr was 23 I believe. And the Patriots once again got there usual favored status by the league office. The Seahawks lost the Super Bowl and got the 4th toughwst strength of schedule, the Patriots won and got the 22 toughest. The partiots are false idols.

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