Week one risers: Hello DeMarcus Walker & Dan Feeney

DeMarcus Walker (DL, Florida State)
Walker had 4.5 sacks against Ole Miss. Unbelievably, that only tells half of the story. Just watch…

Look at the hand use to disengage here (he’s #44) and then explode. His closing burst after shedding the block is incredible:

Textbook club/swim move following a great get off. The perfect blend of technique and athleticism:

The video above shows him working the A gap, now look at him attack the B gap lining up at DE vs the tackle. Same result — but this time he gets the strip sack and turnover:

The violent hands, the ideal technique, the ability to explode, the relentless nature. DeMarcus Walker is a senior prospect we need to get to know.

He had 10.5 sacks last year and is listed at 6-4 and 280lbs by ESPN. Scouts Inc listed him at 6-2 and 266lbs over the Summer so this is a point of contention. Rivals has him down at 6-4 and 280lbs on their recruiting page so that might actually be true. Walker is a former 4-star recruit and has been a team captain since 2015.

The Seahawks seem to like these DE/DT types who can play inside and out. Walker’s superb start against Ole Miss means he has to be on our radar going forward.

Dan Feeney (G, Indiana)
I didn’t think anyone would be more impressive than Dan Feeney on opening weekend — then DeMarcus Walker showed up. Feeney is Indiana’s right guard and had a really impressive outing against Florida International:

He pulls with ease, locates who he needs to block at the second level and executes. At the LOS when he needs to turn a defender to create a lane he can do it. He’s incredibly patient in pass-pro and doesn’t get flustered when a defense throws in a stunt or an exotic look.

Combo blocking is a big deal and I’m convinced it’s one of the reasons why Jack Conklin went #8 overall. I’m not sure I’ve seen a combo blocker at guard as good as Feeney in the last 3-4 years.

He’s also plenty powerful and can handle a bull rush. He’s a grinder with the mobility to attack the second level and dominate in the run game. If you’re looking for a plug-in-and-play guard this is your guy. His ability to go in the first round might depend on his athletic testing — but in terms of talent he should be right up there if he avoids injury.

If you missed this weeks podcast, check it out here.


  1. Nick

    Going into the 2017 draft, it seems clear to me that SEA will focus heavily on defensive players—seeing as they drafted what, 8 offensive players in 2016? A versatile D-lineman like DeMarcus Walker could be an intriguing option for them. Think about it, they could construct a pass rushing force that could be played in many different set ups. Clark, Bennett and someone like Walker could provide excellent versatility for this team. They know they have Reed and Rubin locked down for awhile and they usually like to fill their other DT spots with tested players for a small cost.

    Great find (again), Rob.

    • James

      It already seems clear that the two positions the Seahawks will be targeting for the 2017 draft are OT and DE/Leo. Top to bottom, the roster projecting from this season to the next is remarkably stable, but there are a couple of gaping holes.

      Sowell is on a one year contract, and if he plays well, can probably be re-signed for a reasonable amount. Webb, as a backup, will probably be released to get free of his contract. Ifedi could, of course, be moved to RT, but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Fant probably needs two years to be ready, if Pete and Cable are proven right about him.

      Bennett and even Avril may be extended, but they aren’t getting any younger, and a team always needs more pass rushers. The Broncos proved that you can win a Super Bowl with a brilliant pass rush and little else. More DEs will be a must.

      Unlike this draft, next year’s draft does not appear to line up as well with the Seahawks needs, so John will need all his magic.

      • Volume12

        Other than OT, gotta disagree. This draft seems to line up pretty well with their needs.

        I’d be willing to he one reason they’re carrying George Can’t who won’t even dress on game days is because he’s a hedge. They know how hard it is to find good LT’s and JS is amazing at projecting what positions will be strong a year ahead of time when it comes to the draft.

        More good OT’s will emerge, they just aren’t 1st or maybe even 2nd rounders this year. So far.

        • Nick

          Hey Vol 12, do you have any names I should look at OT-wise? I know Rob likes Bisnowaty. If you had to guess, would you say we head DE in the first round? And if so should I focus time on OT in mid-rounds? Thanks!

          • Volume12

            Bisnowaty is good. One of the better looking OT’s this year.

            It’s funny you ask that, because not many OT’s were impressive this weekend. OT? Probably 2nd or 3rd round if I were to do a mock right now.

            As for guys to watch? Great question. Utah’s JJ Dielman intrigues me. Pitt OL Dorian Johnson seems like a tackle playing guard. ND Mike McGlinchey. And some other guys I wanna see. Stanford OT Casey Tucker and I’ve been hearing buzz on this guy from Kentucky, but his name escapes me. VA-Tech OT Jonathan McLaughlin, Temple OT Dion Dawkins, Toledo OT Storm Norton, and Iowa OT Cole Croston.

            Oregon ST’s Sean Harlow is a tough as nails, nasty, blood boils kind of prospect, but might be more of a RT/G hybrid.

            Yeah, I do think they probably end up going with a pass rusher of some sort with their 1st selection.

            I don’t think he’s a 1st rounder, but I love what LB/STAR/SPUR/DE Marquis Haynes brings to the table. He’s bigger than his listed weight of 222 lbs. Will he line up at DE as a next level guy? Probably not. Unless he adds weight and he certainly has the length the frame to carry more. For example, look how much Vic Beasley bulked up.

            Haynes is more of a SAM IMO. Or a ‘money backer.’ He’s similar to 2 guys. Bruce Irvin. How so? Twitched up, converts speed to power, excellent get-off, and rushes with this ‘carefree’ style. The other guy? Jamie Collins. Collins was a DT at So. Miss. But, he was a weapon and an impact rusher. Haynes production is impressive in the SEC. 16.5 TFL, 10 sacks, 8 hurries, 3 FF.

            And DeMarcus Walker is absolutely someone to monitor from here on out too.

            • Rob Staton

              BIG fan of Haynes. Liked what I’ve seen of him so far. Definite WILL/EDGE type.

              • Volume12

                Rob, that’s music to my ears.

                Was beginning to wonder if maybe you didn’t like him.

                And the reason I’m glad is because of your ability to articulate and breakdown why a certain player would be a good fit for Seattle.

                He’s rumored to run in the 4.5’s, came from a military academy, and there’s a vine of his online or twitter showing off his athleticism. Jumps over an Ole Miss coach as he’s standing straight up. I thought, ‘this kid’s probably got an NBA like vertical!’

  2. CharlieTheUnicorn

    They are some sexy beasts.

  3. Ground_Hawk

    4.5 sacks is always something special, but to gain them against a ranked opponent like Ole Miss is quite the feat. If Walker keeps that up, and stays healthy, he’ll be in the top-10 prospects conversation come draft time.

  4. Nathan

    What’s with the Eagles trying to trade every O lineman on their roster?

    Wisnewski now on the block.

  5. Ground_Hawk

    What are people’s thoughts on USC’s LB Michael Hutchings? Rob mentioned the importance of draft-time measurables, for LB’s coming into the NFL, but Hutchings is listed as 6-1 215 lbs and could be a possible “deathbacker”.

  6. Volume12

    Walker is a fun interview too. Tons of personality.

    Checks a lot of boxes: Disciplined, squeezes his gaps, as Rob said, violence in his hands,but he just has an overall violence to his game. Especially from the interior where he shows off his power. Beats single blocks every time. Every time. And that motor of his is charged up man.

  7. DC

    Great listen today. Getting pumped for the real thing.

    What you said today that really hits home is the bit on “physicality”. Carolina took over that crown last year in the NFC, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, both on offense and defense. I don’t see us wrestling that back in the upcoming season but hope to move far enough in that direction that we can beat them. Green Bay is a finesse team with an awesome QB. Arizona looks good all around with an injury prone QB. Our best bet at a playoff bye might be a sidelined C. Palmer.

    Really hoping for 2 players to step up in the pass rush aside from Avril & Bennett. Clark seems set to do so but who else will step up? Q. Jefferson? A mended Hill down the road? Marsh? After getting to see our team with an elite pass rush it’s hard to watch any drop off in that department.

    Next year I could easily see the Hawks grab several pass rushers. A moderately priced fa and an early front 7 player with rush skills.

    Also very curious to see Jimmy G this year. Does it sound silly to call it a “prove it” year in our offense? Will adding better blocking TE’s help free him up to do what he does best? It’s a little frustrating because he is more of a finesse player and I’ve been spoiled by guys that punch in the mouth. Hoping for the best obviously but if the experiment fails we’ve got some options for next year.

    • Nick

      Great comments, DC. I agree, I’m waiting (and hoping) for someone to step up in regards to pass rush. If Frank Clark can have a 6-8 sack season, that could very well be the difference between 13-3 and 11-5. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too hyperbolic.

  8. Nathan

    How does Germain Ifedi project as a tackle at this level?

    Is he going to have to be where we turn in 12 months if we’re not going to get 1 in the upcoming draft class?

    • Coleslaw

      Personally I think we’re going to stick with Gilliam and resign Sowell, then draft a tackle in probably the 3rd round unless someone calls to us. I’ll say this, Cable will move Ifedi when he’s ready, but that’s not to say that if we have our top headed guard fall to us that Cable won’t just make the switch. It’s just too early to say and it’ll likely be too early until the picks go by lol, O line has always been a magic act.

      • Coleslaw

        Falls, graded**
        Sorry, new phone.

        • The Hawk is Howling

          Your cool “Coleslaw” I got yo back!

          Go MF Hawks!

          • nichansen01

            Fant is the key to the future.

      • CharlieTheUnicorn

        The rumor on the street is they view Rees Odhiambo as the eventual LT (or maybe RT) longer term.. 2-3 years down range. If, for argument sake, Ifedi is a top 7 guard this year, you could be seeing a guy who might be an ProBowl/ALL PRO type of player in 2-3 years.I see no reason to move him, if he can play at that level.

        You then will have Glowinski, Britt and Ifedi anchoring the line for 2-3 years. The LT might be on the team already, as mentioned above. The concern or the position which would need to be addressed in RT…. which should be the easiest to fill of the 5 spots. I do not see Sowell or Webb as more than a 1 year band-aid.

        Amazingly, in 2 years time, the OL might be the strongest unit on the Seahawks.
        A top 5 NFL OL unit perhaps. Imagine that. Who would have thunk it. JS/PC pull that off, they would have been truly one of the top GM/HC combos of the last 25 years.

        • vrtkolman

          Things change fast in the NFL! At the same time, the Hawks defense could regress at a pretty big degree as well while Wilson goes full Brady and carries the team to Superbowls.

          • Volume12

            I think Seattle will draft an OT early to compete with Fant, and I think they’ll sign a FA to compete with Gilliam and/or give us depth like a J’Marcus Webb type.

            And of course they’ll add their yearly project pick late on day 3 or in UDFA.

    • Attyla the Hawk

      I’d say he projects well to OT. Certainly from a size/feet/quickness and length aspect, he’s almost perfect.

      That said, there is no shame in just keeping him at OG if he blossoms there. He’s obviously played OT a lot and is physically ideal for it. I actually like the fact that Seattle is getting his career established inside. May be so that his transition from college OT to NFL OT is smoother. Perhaps a new wrinkle borne from the experiences we’ve had with Carpenter/Britt?

      I’d also offer, that it does appear much easier to get OL that can play good OG in the NFL. The number of OTs that end up struggling and just playing OG in the NFL is extremely high. Ifedi gives Seattle the flexibility to take advantage of market efficiency at guard should they need it.

  9. Kenny Sloth

    Lol that strip sack was an awesome play

    Chad Kelly’s dumbass should’ve gone down.

    Please laugh at anyone who thinks Chad Kelly will be anything more than a clipboard holder.

  10. The Hawk is Howling



    I like what you’re putting down.

  11. The Hawk is Howling

    When the going get’s tough
    From the get go
    Go man…
    Go oh brother
    Not another Mother Fracker
    Going to
    Go now!!!

    John Ross III, tis be Bomb!

  12. The Hawk is Howling

    Yo Pete Carroll and John Scneider gotz the Hawks set up fo Years!

    Go MF Hawks!


  13. The Hawk is Howling

    Yo, I know how to spell Schneider. Damn Android pre-



  14. nichansen01

    I think our biggest draft need is edge rusher. Bennet and Avril aren’t getting any younger. Clark hasn’t proven anything yet. Jeffreson is a question mark and Marsh is a good special teamer but not much more. Walker is perfect but will be long gone by the time the Hawks pick (hopefully?). Good thing it’s a deep class for the position. Haynes, Fields, Barnett, Smoots are other options.

    • The Hawk is Howling

      Yo nichasnen , Frank Clark is a staight up stud. Just watch M8! You’ll see!!!

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      DE/LEO/LB some combo of these positions seem like the most important to reload. Saying all that, they have brought on around 20 new players to the roster, so perhaps the guy is already wearing Seahawks Blue. There are still some incredibly interesting rookie / 1st year prospects that have either landed on PS or might even still be street FA.

      I’m of the belief Seattle might look at a guy like McCaffrey. The combo RB/WR type. They have 1 guy like that already, but I can easily see them wanting another one as insurance. A few names come to mind from a bit of Research; (These are looking like round 2 or 3 type of guys right now)
      Sony Michel, RB, Georgia
      Christian McCaffrey, RB, Stanford
      Adoree’ Jackson, WR/CB, USC
      John Ross, RB/WR, U of Washington

      • The Hawk is Howling

        Oh I want John Ross III so bad on the Hawks. He is however redundant of Paul “Fly like a Hawk” Richardson if he can only stay Healthy!

        Go Hawks!

    • Cysco

      “I think our biggest draft need is edge rusher.”

      The problem is, that’s also what every other team in the league is saying. Given where the Hawks will be drafting this next draft (last pick in the first round), the odds of getting a sure thing edge rusher are basically zero. If you draft an edge rusher in that range, they’re going to be a project.

      I would expect the team to go after an athletic freak hybrid/combo player. (similar to what Bruce was for us) and look to add pass rushing via free agency. (the same way we got Avril&Bennett int he first place).

      • vrtkolman

        Yep, and the Hawks haven’t had a top 10 pick since Carroll’s first year here. That is amazing when you think about it. The way they have been able to develop players is incredible.

        • Volume12

          Thing is, this class is loaded with pass rushers.

          Texas A&M’s Myles Garrett is a top 3 lock.

          Then in no order, we got…

          ‘Game’s Tim Williams,
          Illinois DaWaune ‘DJ’ Smoot
          Mizzou’s Charles Harris
          Auburn’s Carl Lawson
          Michigan St’s Malik McDowell
          Tennessee’s Derek Barnett (personally not a huge fan, but the NFL will love him I suspect)
          Florida ST’s DeMarcus Walker
          Ole Miss Marquis Haynes
          Texas A&M’s Daeshon Hall
          L’ville’s DeVonte Fields (not a huge fan either)
          Ohio St’s Tyquan Lewis and Sam Hubbard
          Georgia’s Lorenzo Carter
          Arkansas Deatrich Wise,jr.
          LSU’s Lewis Neal
          ‘Bama’s DaShawn Hand and Ryan Anderson
          Michigan’s Taco Charlton
          Stanford’s Peter Kalambayi

          I don’t think it’s a given that Walker will be off the board by the time we pick. Good players always fall through the cracks.

          • Attyla the Hawk

            And if you add in a couple QBs, a few RBs, three to five CBs and a safety or two — all of a sudden you’re in the 25-32 overall range pretty quickly.

            The draft is looking deep at CB and edge rusher. The RB class is of such good quality that you’re pushing guys back. TE might see a couple R1 players surface. WR should be somewhat leaner than it’s been in the last two years. But still a handful of guys that will go R1.

            Either edge rushers or OL will get pushed back in 2017. There are just too many out there. Once you start putting together even an early big board the number of edge guys that emerge at 25-40 is impressive. Lots of guys you’d think are R1 ‘locks’.

            • Volume12

              Exactly. Nailed it.

              Well said BTW.

              • nichansen01

                I think we will see some OL over drafted this year. cough cough Cam Robinson and Roderick Johnson

                • Volume12

                  Cam Robinson is actually probably deserving of it.

                  Roderick Johnson? He’s got what you want from an OT in terms of physique and length, but yeah, I agree. He’s extremely overrated.

          • C-Dog

            Been thinking pretty intently the likelihood of Seattle targeting edge/LB pretty early this year, but man, there’s some DE/DT talent that’s incredibly intriguing this year. Kinda think they’re probably lining up for corner, as well.

  15. The Hawk is Howling


    Instrumental Rap

    Yo Russell Wilson
    Is the the man

    He’s got a Rocket arm
    And can run like you can’t

    Doug Baldwin is angry man
    And if you say he isn’t
    Then I don’t understand

    Jermaine, he catches all he can

    If you say Tyler Lockett sucks

    Well I don’t give a Damn!

    Rap Snitches

    Telling all yo business

    The Hawks Rule

    For Life and it’s

    The Bisnitch

  16. The Hawk is Howling

    *Bisnitch= Shisnitch!*

    Go MF Hawks

  17. The Hawk is Howling

    The Owl’s are singing this morning.

    Go Hawks!

  18. STTBM

    Good Grief, its Parappa the Rapper!

    Seattle went away from using a true LEO when they cut Clemons. Havent found anyone like him since, so they have had to change their style a bit. Seattle has continued to look for pass rushers, just haven found the right guy yet. Hopefully Clark can step up this year or next.

    • The Hawk is Howling

      Thanks STTBM I appreciate your nice words. Actually that was an insult right? It’s cool I was in a mood last night and I promise I’ll never try and make a Seahawks rap again on this blog.

      Or will I ?

      Go Hawks

      • STTBM

        Youre cool in my book, man! Im not the blog Police, thats for sure. Only teasing, no harm meant.

    • vrtkolman

      Clemons defended the run so well, I think that’s what separates him from the rest. Clark is at that level in run defense, but he hasn’t put it all together rushing the passer yet. I’m hoping that changes this year.

      • The Hawk is Howling

        He’s like 22 man. Give him a moment. Frank Clark is going to be a Breast Monster Stud!

      • STTBM

        From what I heard, Clark had some issues off field last year. Nothing like his DV deal from College, but in a couple things I read, it was implied he had “Ive made it” syndrome and issues with putting the fork down. Sounds like he’s on the ball this year, so Im hopeful he tears it up in pass rush this year. This team needs another productive rusher opposite Avril to take some of the heat off Bennett. If Clark can step up to 6-8 sacks this year, and provide steady pressure, Seattle will win the SB.

  19. Volume12

    Nick, yesterday you asked me about some potential OT’s to look out for. And while I gave you some guys I haven’t seen nor studied yet, I was tipped off to 2 guys from the same team.

    Michigan St’s OT’s. LT David Needle and RT Miguel Machado. Machado is a SR and goes 6’5-6’6, 315 lbs. So far, he some of his technique looks pretty advanced.

    On 1st viewing, I’d say Machado is the better of the 2. I’m thinking he’s gonna be a riser in terms of stock this year.

    • Volume12


      • Nick

        Brilliant. Will keep an eye on Needle and Machado when they play Notre Dame.

  20. D-OZ

    Beigle is a good LEO candidate. JS’s Badger connection… I like him better than most guy’s on 12’s list. In fact I like him as much as I do Tim Williams.

    • Volume12

      You could add Biegel to that list. There where names I left off, not on purpose, and names that will emerge too.

  21. DLep

    Oh god, Ifedi left practice w an ankle injury. No!

    • nichansen01

      Walked off (angrily apparently)under his own power. Odhi will probably get the start at right guard then.

      • C-Dog

        They shifted Britt to RG and had Hunt at C to finish practice.

        • The Hawk is Howling

          I really like Hunt and think he is quite promising!

          Go Hawks!

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      This is what I fear hearing.. one of the prized rookie having an injury.

    • James

      Please let this not be the ghost of Okung still haunting the VMAC! Where is Adam Schefter when you need him, to tell us it is not the dreaded high ankle sprain, but only a tweak. Fingers crossed…

      • Volume12

        Uh oh. ?

        Britt at RG? Someone to try and match up with Suh? He’s the only guy that really worries me on a consistent snap to snap basis.

        Hoping for the best. Not too worried about Miami. More worried about the severity and length.

        • DC

          Oh man…
          Heal up quick. I hope we don’t reshuffle the whole deck again. If Germain can’t go put Webb in at RG.

        • STTBM

          I hear they are possibly moving Webb to RG. Britt is doing well at C, best to keep him there. Cant see putting Hunt in vs Suh this early in his career. Gotta give Webb a shot.

          Damn, Damn, and Triple Damn! I was so excited to see Ifedi play, and now he could miss a freaking month or more! High ankle sprains are terrible injuries, and can wreak havoc on guys for a long time. Ask DJ Hackett about high ankle sprains; he suffered one in the middle of his breakout season, having something like 4 100 yard games in six weeks, then hurt his ankle. Never recovered, got another one when he left for Carolina, and that was it–lost his speed and agility.

          High Ankle Sprains are the Devil! Why cant this happen to Rapistburger or Brady? Why a straight-up dude like Ifedi! Piss on the Football Gods!

  22. Volume12

    Is anyone surprised that Simon is hurt again?

    That’s why our pass rush has suffered guys. Not the O-line. In 2013, what was the connection? Why does Dance have a great pass rush (well besides the best in the game)? Elite CB’s.

    It allows your pass rushers just that extra second.

    Watch the SB again. You can see Cam holding it too long for a reason.

    • Volume12

      Not O-line, O-line.

      And not dance, but Denver. This auto correct sucks!

      • Volume12

        It used to be that Shem only played one side of the field, unless he specifically wanted a certain matchup.

        Now? Shem moves in and out of the slot, shadows the opposing teams best WR. Doesn’t exactly say ‘we’re confident in our other corners.’

        Maybe, and hopefully, that changes with Lane healthy (fingers crossed) and Shead up to speed.

        I just hope 15 rookies making this team doesn’t signify ‘we need a year to get this roster built back up.’ I don’t think so, but it’s always in the back of my mind.

        • DC

          Seattle’s D was better at all 3 levels in 2013 than it appears we are today. While still very good, we can see the difference. Our current D line has a chance to be as good if the right guys develop but the secondary and LB’s as a complete group, starters and backups, are weaker.

          In the past I would expect DL rookies such as Reed & Jefferson to take a few years to really reach their potential. Hoping that they are in the accelerated program because we need them to be.

          • Volume12


            But, this defense is built differently.

            Big difference was having vets like Clemons and McDonald. Pass rushing is one position that takes time. You want a Von Miller or Khalil Mack better get a top 5 pick.

            Going with young guys on the O-line will be a slow burn. They’ll more than likely flash early, and then as the season goes on becomes more consistent. I’ll be worried if they aren’t playing well in the second half of the season. Not in September.

            Bennett and Avril are the keys.

          • C-Dog

            Carroll said earlier in the week that part of the reason Hill was let go was the emergence of Jefferson, and that Reed is an incredible savvy run defender who can do things technique-wise and instinctually a lot of other players can’t. There’s probably going to be some growing pains, but I think both will be factoring sooner than later.

  23. Coleslaw

    I hope I’m wrong but after a little thinking, we are going to be forced to either be an offensive or defensive team. If we don’t choose one and roll with it I’m afraid we’ll just see our talent dwindle more and more each year, not every draft is going to be deep. The amount of talent we’ve brought together is totally unsustainable, and I think PC/JS know it, and that’s why we saw 8 offensive players drafted. It’s pretty obvious Cable or Bevell will be the next HC, and that the future looks brighter for our offense. All this points to us being in a kind of transition stage. Again, I really hope I’m wrong.

    • Volume12

      Not if you churn the bottom/back end of the roster (UDFA), lock up your core guys, and let the middle of your roster like backups, depth, and role players walk in FA, and use the majority of your draft (mid rounds) to replace them. And as long as you find guys that fit in with your culture, buy in to the system, and love the game.

      JS has learned from probably the best GM in Ron Wolf how to do it correctly.

      Looking ahead to FA in 2017, our FA’s are Hauschka, C-Mike, Sowell, Morgan, Willson, McCray, Williams, and McDaniel. Not many ‘must haves’ other than Hauschka and maybe C-Mike and McCray? And those 3 ain’t getting big dollars.

      RFA’s to keep are probably gonna be Gilliam, Shead, and maybe Coyle?

      I look at it like this. Hit on 2 instant starters come draft day, 3 backups or year away types, 1-2 UDFAs, and 1 good FA signing.
      Maybe that’s wrong or a bad way of looking at it, but anything else or more is just gravy.

      • Coleslaw

        This year’s free agency isn’t a good precedent, look at next year. I see your logic but I think Bruce is the first real casualty were seeing, he wasn’t a core guy but he also wasn’t a role player. He was a solid starter, and that’s what I feel like is missing in your first-paragraph breakdown (went straight from core guys to backups/depth/role players). Just look at our regression from 2013. It’s unclear how far we’ll fall off but some sort of drop off is inevitable, but hell maybe we’re seeing the worst of it now. Just some food for thought

        • Volume12

          If he wasn’t a core guy and wasn’t a role player, what was he? Malcolm Smith was a bigger loss IMO. I love Bruce Irvin, but back to your point, no team in the NFL can afford 3 pass rushers making over $6 mil. And I’ll take Bennett and Avril over him every day of the week that ends in a y.

          Your right it was always inevitable that this defense would fall off from 2013. That’s what happens to historic defenses. It’s why they’re few and far between.

          Anyone expecting that is going to be disappointed. But, this is still one of the best 3-4 defenses in the NFL and always will be under PC.

          Why worry about 2018 before the 2016 season has started? ET, Sherm, KJ guys of like that aren’t leaving unless they want too.

          The future is bright my man. As Rob said, enjoy the journey.

          • STTBM

            Part of the fall off of the D is inevitable. Seattle found a way to go Old School, with new wrinkles, and they got lucky by landing top talent in the bottom of the draft and in trades (Clemons, Sherm, Wright, Chancellor) and by having a cheap young QB like Wilson. That even will not happen again in Wilsons career.

            Teams studied Seattle, and figured out ways to beat the Cover 3. No defense is impervious to a good team scheming, and the NFL caught on. Then with the attrition to our defensive talent that was also inevitable, cracks on our D showed themselves.

            Add to that losing Quinn and getting stuck with a crap corner like Carey Williams and you get what we got.

            As long as injuries dont decimate us, we should be a great D again this year, as the talent is there again, the depth is there, and Richard has a year under his belt and corners opposite Sherm he can actually trust.

  24. Volume12

    What do you guys think this tweet means?



    • dylanlep

      Sounds like w Ifedi being reported to have a high ankle sprain, Webb will start at RG Vol. A shame really.

      • j

        Much much better than Britt though.

        Don’t really think its that much of a downgrade from rookie Ifiedi to Webb actually.

  25. C-Dog

    New simulated mock after week one of CFB.

    I agree with Rob and Vol 12, OT looks like it might be slim pickings this year. If Seattle wants to continue adding to the OL, they might be better served drafting a guard and kicking Ifedi to one of the tackle spots. But if he looks dominant at RG, they may not want to mess with a really good thing. My hunch is that they might want to keep him there to abuse DT’s trying to get at Wilson. Maybe draft some a tackle later who has upside to develop.

    This looks like a ridiculously loaded draft at Edge, DL, Corner, TE.

    My biggest concern going into 2016 is the play at SAM. The combo of Morgan/Marsh may hold down the fort, but Morgan is most likely stop gap, and Marsh is a big unknown at this point. Dream scenario would be for a player like Tim Williams to fall to Seattle. In the simulated mock, he did.

    I also gotta bit of a hunch Seattle might go Corner higher than before, like they did with DT last year. I doubled down on ‘Bama defenders and took Humphrey. They roll tide in Seattle with their run smashing buddy, Reed. Both could/should be day one starters.

    Corey Davis is great value as a bigger pass catching WR, if he’s there at the bottom of R3, I don’t know how they pass that buy.

    Even with Reed and Jefferson, I can see Seattle adding another interior DL. Michigan’s Wormley has the look of a lot of mid round Seattle drafted DTs. I then have Seattle going OT in Michigan’s Erik Magnuson who some scouts seem intrigued with his athleticism and think he can handle the shift to LT.

    I can see Seattle add another big pass catching TE and Sprinkle is kinda interesting because he’s had decent production and comes out of the run heavy Razorback offense. Utah’s Isaac Asiata adds depth to guard. LA tech’s Xavier Woods is an intriguing safety. Mich RB De’Veon Smith is a big bruising inside runner, might even transition to some FB.

    25: R1P25

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    • Ukhawk

      Dream draft. Don’t think Williams will fall that far though some have him that late. Totally agree at CB that they target a R1 player in most years in R2-3.

      • Volume12

        Dude, those 1st four picks would be incredible.

        I read something last week that said scouts love the offensive line of Utah this year. Asiata, Dielman, and one other guy. Something Levin or Devin maybe?

        DB Xavier Woods. Love that selection. Great looking hybrid DB.

        • C-Dog

          Dielman I almost took in R3, but I factored in the Hawks tendency to not pass on good value on an offensive play maker. He’s definitely a guy I’m going to be watching. I totally agree with Woods.

          • Volume12

            Totally understand that.

            I think it was Adam Schefter today, had a tweet that said Seattle expects Can’t to be their starter at some point down the line. If that’s the case and Ifedi does move to RT eventually, and with this year’s crop of OT’s not looking very good so far, I’m wondering if maybe Seattle grabs a RG/RT guy again?

            That way you have Can’t competing at LT, Seattle could sign another vet like a Rowell, and then take an athletic project at OT late on day 3 or in UDFA like they typically do.

            Then ya got

            LT Fant or vet/maybe Gilliam?
            LG Glow/Odhiambo
            C Britt/Hunt
            RG rookie/Webb or another vet if not at LT?
            RT Ifedi/Gilliam

            Hope I’m making sense

            • C-Dog

              Total sense. I think it’s very possible. Taking a guard like Feeney R1 makes sense if they feel the depth of edge/lb and corner looks especially good this year.

              For my part, I really go back and forth with Ifedi staying at guard or moving to tackle. I know a lot of the fans feel tackle play is more valued commodity on the OL, but for this team, and this QB, I am not,so sure. I just love the fact that he can be a top level abuser of interior DL, especially with the way defensives can effect RW with inside rush. But if there is a guard that they really like, and their plan along is to move him to RT, makes sense. When they took Ifedi, I wanted him to be a starting guard. But I think he can be a solid tackle as well.

              • Volume12

                Yup. I get where your coming from.

                Kind of conflicted myself after seeing the way Ifedi looked and played at RG.

  26. vrtkolman

    Ifedi injury is reported as a high ankle sprain. Definitely a bad scenario here. He could miss up to 6 or 7 weeks, in which case I doubt the team just plugs him back in after he comes back.

    He could also happen to be a freak and just miss a few games and all will be fine.

    • dylanlep

      Yeah really sucks. Both for the loss to the team and I was just really excited to see what our rookie first rounder could do.

  27. Ukhawk

    Next man up

  28. nichansen01

    As awful as it is to hear about Ifedi’s injury… I don’t think we are completely sunk. Webb can step in and play right guard for the first half of the season and preform well. Ifedi is a rookie… Never started a real NFL regular season game before. Webb has started regular season games before. Ifedi is huge for the future of this line but not all hope is lost if he misses a few weeks.

  29. Volume12

    3-4 weeks for the dreaded high ankle sprain?

    Thank god we got a bye in week 5. I hate byes in the middle of the season. Kills your momentum. Guys just wanna play football.

    If anyone can come back soon it’s Ifedi. Dude is all grit and bad a**.

  30. Volume12

    With is with Seahawk fans? Not here, but in twitter, guys I talk too.

    They didn’t like Ifedi. ‘He came from A&M.’ As if teams draft for the symbol on the helmet and not the player himself.

    Now he’s out and season over? ?

    I love Ifedi. Loved the pick, his size, personality, demeanor on the field, upside, everything. But, he’s not gonna make or break this season.

    This O-line was in trouble with Ifedi due to our OT’s.

    • C-Dog

      I know exactly what you mean. There’s a lot of fickle over reactionary fans. Injuries are part of the game. Webb can play guard, Britt could move back, if they feel comfortable with Hunt. Pericak had a solid camp and could be called up. There’s a reason why this team covets versatile lineman.

    • vrtkolman

      Seahawk fans seem more over reactive than they have ever been. I have noticed it too. They are just waiting for something bad (no matter how small it is) for their confidence to shatter. Go talk to Broncos and Pats fans. With all the losses they had this offseason plus the sorry state of certain parts of their team (O line and QB), they still expect to win the Superbowl this year.

      It’s gotta be a Seattle thing man.

      • Volume12

        Glad I’m not alone in this guys.

        To C-Dog’s point, injuries suck man, but you can’t turn ’em off like it’s Madden. Your right. Their depth is better this year than maybe ever.

        And to vrtkolman’s point, we need a nickname for ya buddy, spot on about NE and Denver. NE probably has one of the worst O-line in the league, Chandler Jones was a HUGE loss, like him or not, and Denver has a pretty weak O-line. Trevor Siemian at QB. Who? One MLB, Malik Jackson is gone, no TE’s, and WR DeMaryius Thomas plays like he’s checked out.

        Where’s the confidence in our fans? JS/PC aren’t…what’s a good word? Not perfect, but…? Anyways we should more than likely trust them at this point.

        We got Jimmy back, Thomas ‘The Train’ back at RB, a new RBBC, P-Rich is back, improved depth on the O-line, young studs on the O-line like Frank, Reed, and QJeff. Lane is healthy, ET according to PC looks more locked in than ever and he’s 100%. Not to mention Bam Bam. Again, he’s healthy and now a team captain. That speaks volumes, no pun intended, to hoiw they feel about him not only this year, but going forward.

        Oh yeah, and a got this electric magician at QB. Some guy named ‘DangeRuss’ or something? ?

        • vrtkolman

          I remember when we lost at home to Arizona in 2013. The post game fan reaction was basically that the season was over and we were going to be 1 and done in the playoffs. The offense is broken and all that.

          Seattle fans have just been beaten so badly up until PC/JS came aboard, they might need a lot more winners to shake it out of them?

          • Volume12

            Yeah, that’s true about diehard fans having to suffer through so many years of obscurity and heartbreak.

            I get looking at this roster and as a fan you want and expect great things from your team. Nothing wrong with that. But expectations can be too high at times.

            Personally I’m a glass half full not glass half empty kind of guy. I enjoy c!ose, tough, hard fought games. Not blowouts. I like a challenge. Some fans don’t and that’s ok too.

            Maybe we’re just more optimistic by nature, ya know?

            • C-Dog

              I’m definitely glass half full. Ifedi is a superstar in the making but still a rookie. If you look at LG and Center, we are improved by last years team. Gilliam played decently at RT and will continue. I think Sowell could be better than a lot of people are anticipating. Will he be a probowler? Most likely no, but I think he can be adequate. Webb has played RG extensively and can probably hold down the fort, they could also move Britt back To guard and start Hunt. Bottom line is so long as RW is quarterbacking, this team is going to be in games. We get Ifedi back in October and we are good. Go Hawks.

              • Volume12

                This years O-line is definetly better and deeper than last years. I feel comfortable saying that.

                The vast majority of O-lines will struggle right out of the gate anyways, because defenses are fresh, energized, and not yet battled tested in the trenches.

  31. The Hawk is Howling

    Give Ifedi’s ankle a few weeks to rest. Rap that ankle up tight he’ll be back soon enough. It’s not like he broke it or tore his ankle or knee up. Positive thought’s boys! How many times did Okung or Unger get hurt and we did just fine. It is a bummer because I think Germain was and is a great pick.

    Go Hawks!

  32. STTBM

    IFedi was the best player on the line. Losing him is a blow, and will make it much harder to move the ball on the Fins. If Williams returns to his old form as a pass rusher, and Suh pulls his head out, this could be a rough game.

    Not the end of the world, but it sucks bigtime.

    Hopefully Webb can step in and play tough. He’s big and strong enough, and he’s no greenhorn.

    • C-Dog

      Actually, I think some could argue Glowinski might be the best right now, but I get what you are saying.

  33. Kenny Sloth

    Awww whhhaaa that’s crap. Terrible to hear Ifedi is injured! I was so excited to see him. Thought he had pro bowl potential as a rookie.

    I think Webb will start this week but Odhiambo will replace him next week after some bullshit

    • C-Dog

      I think they probably go with Webb. Too much shuffling to move Britt back to guard and start Hunt. Webb probably beats out Odhiambo with his veteran experience. If he struggles, maybe the readdress next week. I actually think it’s not the gloom and doom a lot are feeling right now.

      • Kenny Sloth

        I agree that a lot of fans are overreacting. He’s a rookie and would undoubtedly have had struggles. Perhaps it’s good he doesn’t face a slew of elite DTs to start his career.

        My only concern is reinjury risk. He’s a huge dude and has kind of a smallish lower body for his weight range

        • C-Dog

          Yeah, I really hope that won’t be the case. Right now, I am not overly concerned. Just going to put this in the “sh*t happens” category and look forward to him playing in October. What the can’t afford is another injury or two on the OL. That has me more nervous.

  34. Ground_Hawk

    San Diego State’s DL Alex Barrett looks like he could be one of those late round prospects that the Seahawks seem to go after. Watched some of last years tape of him against San Jose State, and he was very active. He went after the QB, played line to line, and dropped back in coverage. I saw him listed at 6-3 255 lb.

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