Will Beast Mode return to the Seahawks?

So there you go. Marshawn Lynch and the Seahawks are open to a reunion and Pete Carroll says the intention is to strike a deal.

The beast could be back.

And why the heck not?

No street free agent running back is going to rescue the team from this injury crisis. The fan base has been crushed by the Cardinals hammering. Hope and excitement for this season has evaporated.

If nothing else, Lynch will reinvigorate the city. Whether it’d be misplaced optimism or blind faith — Lynch would have people believing again.

Everyone needs a lift. The team, the fans, the players. Lynch brings it.

Hope is important sometimes. The San Francisco game already feels like a lot cause to a lot of people. A week of moping, doubting, fearing. That isn’t going to do anyone any good. The return of a legend changes the whole dynamic of the days leading into the de facto NFC West Championship game.

Of course he can’t rush the passer, protect the blind side or cover George Kittle. Signing Lynch isn’t going to tilt the game in Seattle’s favor. Let’s be realistic here.

But it kind of feels like if they’re going to lose fielding a street free agent running back, it might as well be a returning Seattle legend.

Marshawn might be 33. He might be semi-retired. He might be a pain in the arse behind the scenes. But he’s our pain in the arse. And there’s room for him to be a pain in the arse to the Niners one last time this weekend.

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  1. Henry Taylor

    Wonderful take, the Beast is my all time favourite player, I loved everything about him, including some of his more ridiculous behaviour. Really hope this comes to fruition.

    • Rokas

      He is my favorite ever as well. Yesterday turned a joyfull season into a nightmare, Beast would cheer up people like me. Great and a realistic perspective by Rob. This place is the ultimate asylum from the never ending “dumbster fire” takes and “defend your Seahawks no matter what” syndrome as well. In tough moments like these, I appreciate this blog even more so.

  2. GerryG

    He was there two weeks ago, so hopefully he’s been running since then

  3. john_s

    The big thing to remember is that Seattle is signing 2 RBs so it may be Marshawn and Turbin or Marshawn and CJ Anderson or Turbin and CJ Anderson, etc….

    I love Marshawn, one of my all time favorite Seahawks and would love for him to sign, but I am not getting my hopes up that he’s going to come out the gate and going for 100 yds.

    He would be on a pitch count along with whoever they sign with him.

    • Rob Staton

      Well yes, I wouldn’t be expecting 100 yards either. Or anything close to it.

      But everyone needs a lift. People are talking about the season being over. People are giving up. There’s no hope. No excitement. No energy.

      Marshawn re-signing brings all of that back. And while it might make zero difference in terms of the result on Sunday — it’s worth a try.

      • Greg Haugsven

        Imagine the crowd noise the first time he came into the game. I might be Beast Quake 2.

        • Rob Staton

          The crowd are going to be JACKED. And I love it.

        • Uncle Bob

          And THAT might be the largest motivator for what could be uncharitably called a publicity stunt. Rightfully dejected season ticket holders have likely been turning in their tickets for resale……….Niner fans are probably the biggest market. Get the Beast back for his cameo and that will stem the tide of fan defection. Anything to lessen the flood of red filling the stands. The season is over considering the player losses, but closing out with some excitement is a good thing.

      • Logan Lynch

        Fake it til you make it. The offense still has the potential to play well. The defense needs to get healthy. If this gives them a spark short-term and keeps them going, do it. Plus, this has been such a weird season…wouldn’t it be the perfect ending for him to come back and help the team get another SB ring?

        • hawkdawg

          Lynch or no, we need to reshuffle that line. Jones is not even a fill-in LT at the pro level. He has the form, but not the feet.

  4. GoHawksDani

    I doubt Lynch will have a great game. But he brings fire and attitude and this team might even need more of that than an RB (which tells a lot because they really need a solid RB)

  5. Greg Haugsven

    You just wonder if he did sign with the team could he actually play Sunday? He knows the offense which is good but will there be enough practice time? Might see Xavier Turner/Travis Homer get most of the reps sprinkled in with a little Beast Mode?

    • BobbyK

      He knows the Bevell playbook. He’s never been coached by Schottenheimer.

    • Rob Staton

      It’d be a committee. But you’re not re-signing Beast Mode to cheerlead from the sidelines.

  6. Troy D

    Obviously this would come with another move…atleast I would assume…cause of the dire need of running backs (among other things. Would they look at Rawls? Alex Collins? Who else?

    I would be for this cause I think its possible Lynch can contribute for a couple games but probably not a whole season at tis point. Thankfully our scenario, as it stands, is two games. Imaging anything beyond that right now is wishful thinking given the injuries. Maybe we can get that boost from a team legend coming back in for a one last go. If nothing else, and this is it for him…he goes out the right way…in a Seahawks uniform. and maybe..just maybe….a Hollywood ending can come with it.

    • Rob Staton

      Well obviously. They’re not signing him for a season. It might be two games only!

      • Troy D

        I was implying that given his age this may be alright. I know most people would say, “if he could go, then he would have been signed by somebody already,” So yes a month of reps (at most) is probably what he has in him Im guessing.

  7. CHawk Talker Eric

    Cue Ride of the Valkyries!

    It’s highly improbable Beast Mode can actually do much on the field of play at this stage of his career or this stage of the season, but mentally, emotionally, symbolically, it’s about the best thing they can do. And who knows, anything can happen.

    Can you imagine the elation of Seahawks nation if they somehow won the game and the division with Lynch in the line up?

    • Rob Staton

      I would shed a tear.


        Imagine even farther, how cathartic if he got the ball at the 1 in the Super Bowl… not sayin’, just sayin’…

        • TomLPDX

          I like this idea!

          Actually, just to see him make a break for a 10 yard gain would be awesome, the CLINK would go crazy!

        • CHawk Talker Eric

          There’d be a lot of healing brother. Finally, at long last, healing.

  8. Logan Lynch

    Like you said Rob, I want this to happen just for the energy factor alone. Seeing #24 suit up on Sunday night would immediately raise the excitement level.

    Screw it, MIN win tonight and SEA upset SF on Sun night to get that extra week off.

  9. romeotrash

    This will at least be fun. He no doubt comes in well rested and not hurt. Is he the best RB for the team at this point? Maybe not, but if we are going to go down in flames this season why not do it with a friend?

    • Rob Staton

      Why not do it with a BAMF

    • TatupuTime

      “Run through a MFers face, then you don’t have to worry bout them no more” – M. Lynch

  10. cha

    Updates from Condotta

    Carroll confirms Lnych will be flying in this morning and says there will be a really good chance he will be playing for Seahawks. “He’s really excited about the chance to help us.”

    Bob Condotta
    Carroll says Seahawks will have to check out Lynch and make sure he’s okay but says Lynch is in good shape. “If we get a chance to get the Beast back on the field we’ll see how that works out,” Carroll said.

    Carroll on ESPN 710 Seattle says “we’ll let you know in a few hours from now” if Lynch will be back. Reiterates has to take a physical but says reports are he is in good shape.

  11. Mexican Hawk

    Yes if fit and healthy it’s a no brainer. Main thing is that the barrel is empty, as per free agent RB’s in general and per our injury situation/morale. Lynch is a legend for most football loving people let alone Seahawks fans who he is a “GAWD” to. As Rob says, least it can do is provide a spark to locker room for week 17. If they win, he can become a complement to team and Wilson for playoff run.

    Storyline is there to be written.

    On a practical note, Seahawks twitter is the best, but it gets to a point where the ridicule of the team in general and of Pete specifically is way way over the top. In game management I get, but this is not a team that doesn’t try. They are overachievers, unlike other teams. They ONLY have two pro bowlers, though some are on the brink. But credit to them, they have some depth. It does not look like it, but they would be in a much worse spot if the back end of the roster did not provide the hope it has done all year. It’s a miracle that they are 11-4, their Vegas over/under was 8.5. Hollister for Dissly, Jones/Fant/Pocic/Hunt for Brown/Britt, Penny for Carson, Barton for Kendricks, Diggs in a trade (now the backup to Diggs is big question mark, but that is extremely bad luck only so many bullets). Credit to Schneider as well, this team was not meant to contend this year.

    They are not without fault, Pete’s in game management is head scratching, JS drafting of LJ Collier might have been ill advised, but that’s what most said of Rasheem last year. Even after this year’s trade deadline, people were killing them for not trading Penny for a third to the Lions. Realize he is hurt right now, but you can never have enough healthy backs with our system. You can criticize system all you want that’s another matter.

    I see John Harbaugh and Baltimore’s aggressiveness and I agree with it. Analytics are an integral part of the future of any enterprise, Hawks could do better. Again Pete is coaching very conservatively knowing he does not have an extremely elite team. That’s the case for the whole year, let alone yesterday. Even so they I agree they did need to score more yesterday as per these defensive deficiencies.

    I agree with Warren Sharp and Ben Baldwin it all rests on Russ, and no one more than Pete and Russ agree with this. The belief they have in each other goes the farthest, not in a sentimental way, but in a results oriented way. Russ has all the win records, no one more than them two know what is missing to their resumes (SuperBowl wins). Those are not easy to come by, just ask anyone not named Montana, Bradshaw, Brady or Aikman.

    Only one team has won more than 1 SuperBowl over past this decade, compared to Pats/Belichik anything looks lacking. Pete has a system that has provided the greatest run in franchise history. Enjoy it is my take. Criticism is healthy (that timeout to at the end of the half is a clear cut example), mark of a democracy political or otherwise, but THIS TEAM HAS OVERACHIEVED and NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

    Main argument to this is that they have done so because of Russ and I agree he is the key. Pete and John’s system and originally Paul’s belief in them is the reason why this has flourished. They got a great one in Russ, no question they need to maximize his era. I fully believe in all of them. None of us are perfect. It’s not a taste of the month thing, those come and go.

    • Zach

      I agree with most everything you wrote, with one exception. The fact that the Seahawks don’t have an elite team is the most compelling argument for why Carroll should be more aggressive, not less. His conservatism made a certain kind of sense when the Seahawks had arguably the NFL’s most talented roster in the middle part of the decade, but this team can’t afford to squander any possible edge, precisely because they can’t rely on a talent gap to make up for it.

    • TomLPDX

      This was a really good post, Mexican Hawk! I agree about Pete being more aggressive with a lesser team than what he had in 2013…but that’s Pete and love him or hate him, he is our coach.

  12. Aaron

    But I’d rather wallow in pity over this promising season now turned lost season than try to salvage it with blind optimism. Let me have my fetal position cry fest PCJS!

    • Mexican Hawk

      Haha Cheers!!!

  13. Mexican Hawk

    And NOT because this is his site, but credit to Rob who has always been even keeled in this regard. I guess with today’s worldwide political climate and the impact/reach of social media we always tend to look at the bad in things, I commend Rob and others for looking at the bright side (or the realistic side mostly positive sometimes negative).

    Giving thanks for what he have (in Sports) not necesarrily being satisfied, but realizing it actually is a good thing we have going and that it could be much much worse.

    I for one will wait for the whole story to be written, not with our hands crossed behind our back and our mouths shut, but also not taking our blessings for granted in the realm of football (american).

  14. Ukhawk

    Are Kam, Doug, Mike and Cliff also available???

    • Sea Mode

      One thing leads to another…

  15. neil

    While Lynch may be in good shape he cannot be in game shape. Hard to believe he could be really effective running the b all. However with the 49ers keying on him, using him more as the hand off decoy and throwing down field could work well. For a while anyway.

    • Rob Staton

      Or maybe he’ll just run through a MF’s face?

      • CD

        Best comment in the history of SDB, maybe the best comment ever in the history of man!

      • CHawk Talker Eric

        This is why I SDB

    • GerryG

      He’s not going to know enough plays to get too exhausted. He’s not in game shape, but can still contribute and spell/inspire Homer

    • Kyle

      Lynch had the most amazing balance I’ve ever seen in a back, which led him to break tackles like no other. He may not be at full speed, but I bet he is still a hard MF to take down. His bow-legged shuffle oughtta leave a few defenders tasting turf–especially if he gets to the second level.

      How sweet would it be to see Lynch stiff-arm Richard Sherman into the ground?

  16. icb12

    Bring back the Beast!

  17. Gohawks5151

    God bless Pete. His optimism and positivity are infectious and admirable. Gloom and doom is not my style.Through my personal experience in athletics and currently as a coach, we have a 24 hour rule. Be mad, sad, depressed … Whatever. But get right back to work. I appreciate the leadership the is team has. He doesn’t do everything right but WE WILL MISS HIM WHEN HE IS GONE!

    Short term we are in the playoffs and have a chance at a bye still. Also anything can happen in the playoffs. Long term we have young guys that are/should be ready to contribute and great teachers on staff. We have cap space and picks. We have an attractive culture for trades and FA. Yesterday sucked but not all is lost

  18. neil

    Still keep wondering about RWs seeming reluctance to run a bit more. Murrey and Nundtley racked up 76

    • neil

      Meant Hundtly, I wasn’t finished. Hit the wrong button.

  19. Paul Cook

    You got the feeling right about it, Rob. As a Hawks’ fan like the rest of us here, it’s been pretty damn demoralizing this piling up of injuries and suspensions one on top of the other until the hopeful spirit was just about crushed out of me. I couldn’t even think about the 49ers game or the playoffs after yesterday afternoon. Just kind of dejectedly adrift after this improbable run met the cruel fate that it did and robbed us of at least an inspirational ending to this season’s story.

    I have no expectations whatsoever if Beast Mode returns. But it sure was a nice pick-me-up.

  20. Rob Staton

    Whether he’s 33 or 93.

    Nobody looks forward to having to tackle Marshawn.


    • Rob4q

      This is exactly what I was thinking…you know the Niner’s are not looking forward to having to deal with Marshawn! I’m sure Sherman will be telling them stories all week to try and get them pumped up. Watching Marshawn run strait at Sherm will be awesome!

    • Sea Mode


      • CHawk Talker Eric

        I see what you did there

  21. Volume12

    Do it. Yes. Do it!

    • Volume12

      Lynch might be a pain in the a** but he’s exactly what Seattle is missing. They seem kinda soft around the middle. What happened to all the drip, the swag, the flaring of teeth, tone setter’s?

      • Sea Mode

        Yup. The best thing is the effect Beast Mode can have on the OL. They weren’t the best, but they were out to kill when he was running behind them.

      • mishima

        Agree / 100.

        Said similar in instant reaction. IMO, Pete needs players to translate his culture/message to play on the field, to convert chill to kill, if you will. Behind Carroll’s smile and laid back style is a the original ‘pissed off for greatness.’ Just needs a few BAMF’s that understand, translate and send his message. Clemons, Kam, Baldwin, Brown, etc.

      • Logan Lynch

        I’m 100% here for it. The team this year seems to perform better from the underdog position. Every time they appear to be in the driver’s seat, they struggle. Add Marshawn and a whole heap of doubt from the rest of the league, and that might be just what they need.

      • CHawk Talker Eric

        How did Rob put it? He’s OUR pain in the arse. Sometimes, family dysfunction can be a sort of superpower to everyone else, if that makes sense.

  22. Eli

    Might be likely the Seahawks promote RB Xavier Tuner from the practice squad? He’s 5’10” 226 lbs. His testing numbers from his pro day:

    40 yard: 4.52
    10 yard split: 1.56
    Bench: 26 reps
    Vertical: 33.5″
    Broad Jump: 9’9″
    Shuttle: 4.39
    3-Cone: 7.10

    Lance Zierlein wrote him up as a “big, bruising runner whose lack of lateral wiggle and downhill burst could catch up to him when he steps up his level of competition.” Described him as a powerful runner with decent vision, but also noted he has heavy feet and a lack of desired burst.

    • Eli

      Some comps for the sake of me not having anything else to do at work today:

      Benny Snell | 5’10” 225 lbs. (Combine)
      40 yard: 4.66
      10 yard split: 1.65
      Bench: 16 reps
      Vertical: 29.5″
      Broad Jump: 9’11″
      Shuttle: 4.33
      3-Cone: 7.07

      David Montgomery | 5’10 222lbs. (Pro Day)
      40 yard: 4.58
      10 yard split: 1.63
      Bench: 15 reps (combine)
      Vertical: 33.5″
      Broad Jump: 10’1″ (combine)
      Shuttle: 4.23
      3-Cone: 7.12

      Alexander Mattison | 5’11” 218lbs. (Combine)
      40 yard: 4.67
      10 yard split: 1.61
      Bench: 22 reps
      Vertical: 35″
      Broad Jump: 10’7″
      Shuttle: 4.29
      3-Cone: 7.13

      Ryquell Armstead | 5’11” 220lbs. (Combine)
      40 yard: 4.45
      10 yard split: 1.50
      Bench: 22 reps
      Vertical: 30″
      Broad Jump: 9’6″
      Shuttle: 4.29
      3-Cone: 7.02

      • Kyle

        Man, a 1.56 ten-yard split isn’t enough burst? That is some decent quickness for that size and strength. Definitely worth a shot.

  23. CaptainJack

    Get it done. Let’s win the west despite the odds!

  24. Sea Mode

    JS’ phone be ringing off the hook…

    Jonathan Stewart

    @Seahawks 😎 👀

    • Trevor

      If he is in shape I say bring both he and Beast Mode in to go with Homer and Bellore.

  25. Trevor

    Listening to Pete he wants Beast Mode back badly and I would be shocked now if it didn’t happen.

    If he can somehow come back and provide that edge that only the Beast can then the Hawks have a punchers chance next week. Shock the world and then a bye week to let him become part of the offense for a playoff run.

    Incredibly unlikely but if Marshawn came back and led them on a playoff run I think I would cement his already HOF career and Hawks fans eyes he would go from legend to mythical figure you tell your grand kids stories about.

    • Sea Mode

      Anything to instill some sense of belief and badassery into this locker room.

    • Kyle

      This team has had a puncher’s chance all year. Now time to throw a few haymakers…

  26. DC

    BEAST!!! Hellz yes please!

    And get those Cliff Avril clones out of the freezer. Certainly they must be ready by now?

    • Sea Mode


    • Trevor

      Avril has been perhaps the player this team has misssed the most. Has there been a more under rated Seahawks legend?

      • Submanjoe

        Totally agree

  27. Sea Mode

    But is this familiarity better for Jones or Bosa in this case?

    Bob Condotta

    Carroll points out Jamarco Jones and Nick Bosa were college teammates which would give him some familiarity there if he has to play again at LT Sunday.

    • mishima

      LOL. Maybe Jones will recognize Bosa’s cleats as they run across his face.


  28. Sea Mode

    Ian Rapoport

    #Seahawks LT Duane Brown is having surgery to trim a meniscus today, source said, a surgery that often has a 2-3 week recovery period. That’s why he has at least a chance to play in the playoffs.

    Dec 23, 2019

    • Trevor

      If he was struggling woh this why not have his surgery 2 weeks ago before the Panthers game?

      • Greg Haugsven

        Good question as we need him on Sunday. Only thing you can thi nk of is it got worse as it went on to the point of it had to be now.

      • charlietheunicorn

        He thought he could tough it out… and it got worse.

  29. Volume12

    What if Seattle does something like this come draft time?

    1. Jalen Reagor, WR, TCU or EDGE or OL
    2. EDGE or Brandon Aiyuk, WR, Arizona St. or OL
    2. OL or WR or EDGE
    3. Kylin Hill, HB, Miss St./Najee Harris, HB, ‘Bama/someone else
    4. TE or CB
    4. CB or TE
    5. Tyler Clark, DT, Georgia
    6. LB?
    7. Aaron Parker, WR, RI

    • Eli

      Can’t really guess order it would happen in but I would like to see something like 3 DL, 2 RB, 1 TE, 1 WR, 1 DB, 1 OL.

      • Volume12

        Yeah, this is just me spitballing.

        Just wanna see them come away with another bonafide weapon in the passing game, a pass rusher, and trying to upgrade the pass pro.

    • DC

      In a similar vein, these are mostly all guys you have brought up.

      After multiple trade downs, the Hawks trade out of the 1st round picking up a 3rd and a 4th rounder.

      2. Josh Uche, EDGE, Michigan (Situation pass rusher (at the least) who can bend the edge. Get us off the f’ing field on 3rd down. Will see how he tests and measures and all that. A commodity in short supply.)

      2. Brandon Aiyuk, WR, ASU (we trade up ((No-E, DK)) to get him which automatically means he will be great)

      2. Jaylon Johnson, CB, Utah (highest drafted corner under the current regime. Adding Diggs & now JJ, our secondary once again has an identity and swagger and quality depth)

      3. Darryl Williams, C, Miss St. (3rd rd pick acquired via trade down & then we trade up. A real Dogg for the OL)

      3.(comp) RB, You know I’d be stoked for Hill but no tunnel vision here. Lots of good RBs this year.

      4. Used to trade up for Johnson

      4. (comp) Used to trade up for Williams

      5. TE or DT

      6. (comp) Davion Taylor, LB/S, Colorado. Developmental hybrid

      7. (comp) Slot CB

      • Rob Staton

        I just can’t see Josh Uche going that early or to the Seahawks.

        He’s such a tweener. A player without any obvious next level position. Too small to be a full time EDGE but better as an aggressive pass rusher in college than a full-time linebacker.

  30. Sea Mode

    Good chart. NFC playoff scenarios going into Week 16 MNF.


    Hard to believe there are still quite a few scenarios where we could actually win the #1 seed. CAR beating NO next week seems next to impossible, though.

    What would really suck is if NO and GB win out and take the top seeds, even if we beat SF. (GB would actually be #1 seed in that scenario) In that case, coming up short against SF may actually be better… Would you rather play MIN in Seattle or go on the road to PHI?

    Tonight’s game is HUGE for playoff seeding. Go Vikes!

    • All I see is 12s

      But if we want the number two seed, then we need Green Bay to win right?

      • Sea Mode

        Only if NO loses to CAR, which seems highly unlikely.

        I’m assuming the most probably outcome for next week is that NO beats CAR, GB beats DET, and MIN beats CHI.

        In that case, we need GB to lose tonight, otherwise we have no chance at #2 seed.

        • TomLPDX

          I’m up for GB losing regardless…screw Rodgers! Go Hawks!

        • Kyle

          Yes, we need to hope for the #2 seed at this point, and the most likely game we would pick up is tonight, Vikes over Packers. Anything else is an even longer shot than us taking out SF.

  31. Largent80

    This could be that emotional lift the team needs with all the injuries. I L O V E it !!!!!!!

    Bustin out my #24 jersey for Sunday Night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Largent80

    Also, I would give you my drum set to hear “I’m only here so I won’t get fined” at the 2020 Superbowl.

    (that’s a big sacrifice since I’m a pro drummer in a working band).

  33. Trevor

    I think they will definitely do something like that Vol.

    How about something like this if the Hawks focus on pass rush in free agency.

    Rd #1 RT Isiah Wilson

    Rd#2 WR Brandon Aiyuk

    Rd#2 Trade for TE OJ Howard

    Rd #3 Center Ceaser Ruiz

    Rd #4 RB Kylin Hill or Zach Moss

    Rd #4 DT Riss Blaylock or Tyler Clark

    Rd#5 Traditional 5th round Seahawks CB

    Rd#6 Developmental Edge Rusher

    Rd#7 Linebacker or Safety who excels on special teams

    • Rob Staton

      There is absolutely zero chance of Cesar Ruiz being there in round three.

  34. EranUngar

    When the fantastic 2017 roster succumbed to injuries I was disappointed. It could have been the swan song of a legendary team but as it turned out, that team was already gone even if many of the names were still there.

    I admit that I fell in love with this team they managed to create from thin air. As I said in my last post, they deserved better than succumbing to injuries this late when the end in in sight…

    The 9ers game will start at 3:20 am my time and I intended to be there watching and hurting together with my team get dressed and go to work…

    And suddenly, I have this small smile. Yes, I would love to watch what’s left of this playing game 16 for the NFC west title with beast mode in Seahawks uniforms. It is just crazy enough to make sense for this team.

    With everything we have seen from this team this year, They could end on the 1 yard line 30 seconds to the end of the game trailing by 4 and…

  35. Sea Mode

    Here’s what I was sort of toying around with, Vol and Trevor. Was just thinking this morning too that RB might be back in consideration with either one of the R2 picks or the R3.

    I wrote this before seeing Trevor’s above mock, so definitely lots of overlap!

    1. OC Cesar Ruiz, Michigan
    (though they had better really like him if they are going to draft a Center this early)

    2. WR DeVonta Smith, Alabama
    (give me heat for this if you want, but it’s early draft season and he’s a very talented complementary WR in a class with a lot of potential WR1’s/elite speedsters. Could last. Heck, our favorite last year, McLaurin, lasted till mid R3.)

    2. DT Neville Gallimore, Oklahoma
    (The search for the 3-tech continues. This guy could become that and much more. Speed and intensity.)

    3. RB Zack Moss, Utah
    (Carson and Penny will be back, but Homer and Turner are late-round/UDFA shots in the dark)

    4. CB Dane Jackson, Pitt
    (I still haven’t looked into the CBs much yet, but he’s the best I’ve watched so far who won’t go too early. He’s not that tall, though. Similar size as Shaq Griffin)

    4. TE Jacob Breeland, Oregon
    (May be the best all-around TE in the class)

    5. DE Alton Robinson, Syracuse
    (Just want the first step quickness to work with and develop)

    6. ST/LB Jordan Glasgow, Michigan
    (Could become core ST guy)

    7. ST/KR/WR Tyrie Cleveland, Florida
    (another very good ST player. 4.3 speed)

    If you want a possible LB to look at, check out Minnesota’s Kamal Martin! Maybe we double down with a guy like him on top of Barton to replace KJ. Both can play all 3 spots, so that would give us a lot of flexibility moving forward.)

    • Greg Haugsven

      I have a huge Zack Moss crush and I believe he would be perfect for our offense.

  36. Sea Mode


    Adam Schefter

    Eagles are releasing RB Jay Ajayi today, per source. They are getting RB Jordan Howard back this week.

    • Greg Haugsven

      That would be an odd one if we end up picking him up and playing the Eagles week 18. The waiver wire process might be to long though for him to play this week if the Seahawks did have interest.

    • charlietheunicorn

      For a 3-4 weeks loaners, sign me up if Ajayi is healthy!

  37. mantis

    what if marshawn ran out of the tunnel with big Walt at his side?

    people would legitimately have health issues!

  38. Sea Mode

    Field Yates

    In addition to trying out Marshawn Lynch, the Seahawks also tried out veteran RB C.J. Anderson and hosted Robert Turbin on a visit today. Three familiar names on Seattle’s radar.

  39. Sea Mode

    Looking for DTs, too:

    Aaron Wilson

    Seahawks worked out C.J. Anderson, Marshawn Lynch and Robert Turbin and DTs Mike Hughes, Tomasi Laulile, Chris Nelson, Shakir Soto and Andrew Williams

  40. Sea Mode

    SEA def apparently has #4 turnover rate in NFL on the season:


  41. line_hawk

    I said a few weeks ago that they will look at RB in R2-R3 type. This is 2017 deja vu. PC has run Carson to ground this season. I get that he wants to play smashmouth ball but outside Lynch, he has not found a single consistent runner who can withstand the pounding over a complete year. This at a time when the value of the RBs is at an all time low and teams are finding UDFA RBs. The unwillingness to adapt to more dynamic offense is troubling and keeping them from elevating from above-average to elite.

    As for the defense, you cannot build a defense only by trading for other team’s cast offs. You can hit on a few like Clowney and Diggs (though jury is out). But, that has to be the complement to your core draft and develop method, something that the team has miserably failed in the past few seasons. You cannot have one player (Griffin) from your last three drafts playing above average and still field a good defense. I believe the defense has not hit rock bottom yet. Even if you sign Clowney and Fowler next year (and let go Reed), they will have massive holes along DT and LB next year.. which basically makes them stars and scrubs, more prone to boom and bust.

    • Rob Staton

      1. Just because Carson and Penny got hurt doesn’t mean they’re automatically going to spend a high pick on a RB. They have too many other needs, they LOVE Carson and they can add a runner either later on or via FA.

      2. Carson has had 278 carries, only the fourth most in the league and less than Nick Chubb who’s been playing in a timeshare for a number of weeks. They’ve featured him but hardly ‘run him into the ground’.

      3. The Seahawks have one of the most dynamic and explosive offenses in the league. The concept that Seattle just needs to become a pass-happy offense to go from ‘above average’ (LOL) to elite is so wide of the mark.

      4. You might also argue you can’t build a defense with a fifth round cornerback, fifth round safety, fourth round and second round linebacker’s and two free agent pass rushers nobody else wanted.

      5. Sigh.

      • line_hawk

        1. I love Carson too and hope he gets paid for the beating he takes every week. But, I don’t think he can survive an entire season with his injury history and his punishing style. So, either roll with Homer as your lead back or draft a RB. If the offense looks like crap the next few games, who will complain about drafting a RB early? Especially when they have three third rounders.

        2. Its not just the number of carries; its also the punishing style that PC is addicted to. Does Nick Chubb lower his shoulder every time he makes contact?

        3. Its not only about passing more. Look at the Niners. They run more than the Hawks but they are more creative and depend on a collection of backs. PC is stuck in old school smashmouth even when times have changed.
        Above average referred to the wins (the Hawks are stuck at 9-10 wins for how many years now). If you look only at offense, its top 5 dvoa passing and middle of the road rushing, overall between above-average and elite.

        4. I am not sure how that is related to what I said. You can’t build a defense via only FA and trades. You need to hit on your draft picks which they are not currently doing at an acceptable rate.

        • steele

          The Niners have ridiculous depth at every position. That’s what comes with losing. They could waltz to the Super Bowl on depth alone now.

          • line_hawk

            People said the same thing about the Rams the last couple years, niners this year & likely the Cardinals the next few. The one unique thing with those offenses is creative scheming with dominant run game. Should Hawks be perpetually in Neanderthal offense mode?

        • Rob Staton

          1. They have Carson, Penny and Homer and can add one more without a high pick. It’s simply not necessary.

          2. Punishing style he’s addicted to? It’s called running the damn football. What would you prefer — Pete Carroll to ask Chris to run like he’s caressing a pillow?

          3. Seahawks DVOA rank for offense = #4, San Francisco DVOA rank for offense = #9. Stop it.

          4. You can build a defense any way you want if you’re adding good players. Clowney and Diggs are good players.

          • line_hawk

            1. Penny might be out for half the season. And ACLs take a year to completely heal unless you are Adrian Peterson. If Carson is hurt again, you are looking at similar situation again. I am not particularly hung up on this point as RB is fungible position and its possible they see someone in late rounds able to make an impact quickly.

            2. Come on, we know its called hard physical style. Lynch can do it.. Rawls, Lacy, Carson, Christine Michael, Penny, etc cannot.. or at least cannot without getting injured. Its futile to search for another Lynch. He was once in a generation.

            3. SFO got by without RB1, RB2, RB3 at various points this season. Hawks have been playing with fire, they rely on Carson mowing down the defense.

            4. Clowney & Diggs are great but they will cost a lot over the next few seasons. You need above average players making under average salary at a few positions to build a good team.. something that comes with hitting on draft picks.

            • Rob Staton

              There’s absolutely no reason for Penny to be out ‘half the season’. None at all.

              Running the ball in the NFL is running the ball. You don’t run ‘extra hard’ in Seattle because Carroll asks you to. It’s all just running the ball.

              Seattle doesn’t ‘rely’ on Carson any more or less than anyone else. If they rely on anyone it’s the QB — like every team in the league.

              Diggs is under contract. Clowney will be costly but so what? You can pay some players.

              You’re just creating arguments to suit.

  42. Kenny Sloth

    Don’t care how, I want it noooow

  43. Dale Roberts

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…

  44. Greg Haugsven

    I still think the one player we need back is Diggs. I know he has only been on the team a short time but things changed for the better when he got here.

  45. steele

    Some combination of Beast, CJ Anderson, Turbo? I suppose so. Beast might provide a fun emotional lift, but let’s remember he didn’t play well in OAK. Anderson knows how, but he is many steps slow now.

    That is still scraping bottom. They are “street free agents”. Any other ideas?

  46. Mark

    I’m super amped about beastmode possibly being back in a hawks jersey. I regretted not buying his jersey when I had the chance. My all time favorite player. So if he does sign I hope I get a chance to correct my wrong and buy his jersey!

  47. Paul Cook

    From Adam Scefter…

    “Marshawn Lynch just left his physical with the Seahawks and is now awaiting results.”

    • neil

      Looks like they signed Robert Turbin. Always liked him, he wasn’t flashy but he was dependable and durable.

  48. neil

    Looks like they just signed Robert Turbin. Always liked him. He wasn’t flashy but he was dependable and durable. Also the Vikings cannot do anything on offense. Putting our hopes on Kurt Cousins probably wont pay off.

    • Paul Cook

      LOL Yeah, it’s a drag having to root so hard for KC who can’t seem to make anything happen.

  49. Canadian Hawk

    Points scored about the same as points given up which is ridiculous considering we’re 11-4.
    Blown out by a 4-9 team at home.
    Too many starters missing to count.
    And the 49ers come into our house a’rollin.

    Yet, HERE.WE.ARE.

    I don’t know if we have a chance on Sunday, but here’s what I know.

    We got Russell. We got Bobby. We got a coach that never gives up and now we got OUR BEAST coming home.

    Betting against the Seahawks this year has been a money losing venture.
    And if we can find a way on Sunday – will feel like a real life Rudy story.

  50. charlietheunicorn

    2015 just called

    We want every RB Seattle had on the roster back…

    JS : Okey dokey!

    (I have to say, this is the most ludicrous season ever)

  51. Paul Cook

    Marshawn Lynch passed his physical. Looking like he’ll be a Seahawk again tomorrow morning.

  52. Hawks4life

    Come back home Beast! I’m already getting goosebumps over the thought of it! Bring on the skittles baby!!!

  53. Paul Cook

    Momma Lynch just tweeted…”Let’s go 24!!!”


  54. Paul Cook

    Packers are going to win. Crap.

    • John_s

      Would you rather win vs San Fran and be 3 seed and go against the Vikings or lose and be 5 seed against the Eagles or Cowboys?

      Assuming NO and GB win out

      • Paul Cook

        I’ll take the home game, I guess.

      • neil

        Even though the Hawks have not been good at home, still better to play the Vikings I would think. Philly looks like they are playing a lot better now.

        • neil

          If Philly beats the Giants next week they win the East.

          • Greg Haugsven

            Down side to playing the Vikings is they can essentially use week 17 as a bye week as they are locked into the 6 seed.

            • John_s

              Yep a healthier Dalvin Cook and another week of Adam Thielen getting back in the mix

  55. Neil

    The Vikings are having a game just like the one the Hawks had yesterday. I suppose that is some consolation, we are not alone in our dejection.

    • Paul Cook

      They did nothing on offense tonight. Like you said, it reminds me of another team.

      • neil

        It is said, ” Turnovers win and lose games ” apparently not tonight. Packers turned it over 3 times in the first half.

    • line_hawk

      The Vikings have a history of futility in big games. Same old Vikings. We don’t aspire to be them.

  56. Paul Cook

    Well, we’re no worse than the 5th seed now if we lose Sunday night.

  57. Paul Cook

    It’s official. Marshawn Lynch is a Seahawk again.

    • Hawks4life

      Happy for him and the Seahawks now he can retire where he belongs

      • Paul Cook

        It would give me a rush to see him get into the endzone Sunday night.

        • Edgar

          You and me both! Once Carson went down, and Pete having a pathetic game coaching rivaled only by his Saints performance….this is just what the doctor ordered. Hey, it’s Christmas time….we can dream of magic happening right??

          • Paul Cook

            I love Pete. But he just needs an analytics guy nearby so that he doesn’t make key in-game decisions by his gut in his old school way. I mean, WTF? Punting inside the other team’s 40 yard line when you’re fighting for a top 2 seed? Come on.

            • Rob Staton

              He doesn’t need an analytics guy. He just needs to appoint a member of Seahawks Twitter. They have all the answers and know everything about everything.

              • Paul Cook

                Analytics isn’t the be-all-end-all, but it is a very useful tool. It’s just using data to play the odds/probabilities concerning players and situations in such a way that they’re on your side and your probability for success is greater over an extended period of time.

                • Rob Staton

                  Yes I know what analytics is and the ways it can benefit teams.

    • KD

      This feels a lot like the Ken Griffey Jr. and Ichiro signings for the Mariners, but you know what those signings did? Really felt great.

      As much as I love this from a fan standpoint, it feels like a last hurrah. It feels like admitting that we not just lost the last battle, but our forces are so depleted that we cannot possibly win the war. That’s just the feeling I get, and I can’t shake it. But that’s OK. The previous week left Seahawk nation so down in the dumps that what can you do against the 49ers other than bring the noise. Oh yes, Marshawn will bring some noise.

      With all these injuries, I hope PC puts as many rookies as he can in. Tell them “THIS IS YOUR NIGHT! THIS IS YOUR TEAM! and just challenges them to step up. Put it all on the line. Let’s see who has that desire. Let’s see who has been studying film. This is a big one. Let’s see who can step up.

  58. neil

    Man , all the NFc teams are probably shuddering at the thought of playing in Lambeau in January.

    • charlietheunicorn

      “Global Warming” is making it less .. Arctic.

  59. neil

    I wonder how much they had to pay Marshawn, he kind of had the upper hand in that negotiation, knowing the Hawks really wanted him back.

    • SoCal12

      I mean we weren’t really bidding with anyone, and worst case we sign like Stewart, CJ, or Turbo. Marshawn also seems like he wanted one last ride. So I’m guessing its probably not much more than vet minimum.

      Stoked to see the beast unleashed one last time though. Happy this team is always fun to watch.

    • Pran

      With how frugal Lynch is with his earnings, I am sure he wants one last crack to retire as a Hawk and earn some dough along the way.

      Playoffs and Beast Mode are Christmas presents for fans!

    • Sea Mode

      I think it benefits his brand a lot just to be back on TV and creating excitement on social media. That’s probably worth more to him than whatever the Hawks are paying him.

    • Rob Staton

      I couldn’t care less how much they paid Marshawn.

  60. DC

    Count me as a fan of Michigan’s RG Michael Onwenu. Massive, massive man but moves well. Watched the UM vs Florida game. He looks good in both pass pro and the running game. Saw him give up one pressure all game (& maybe a 2nd but it was a screen where everyone let their man through) in a blowout loss. He consistently gets good push and moves his man effectively. Lots of good combo blocks with the C Ruiz. If our nutritionists & strength & conditioning guys could get him down to 335-340ish lbs I think he’d be a day 3 steal.

  61. Denver Hawker

    What is a realistic expectation for Marshawn this week? 20 snaps? Does he start? He hasn’t played with Shotty before right?

    • Paul Cook

      I’d be surprised at 20 snaps. 10-15 sounds about right to me. But what do I know?

      • Paul Cook

        PS> I was reading the argument that if by kickoff the #1 and #2 seeds are gone, we might be better off not getting any of our key players hurt, and resting up our ones that are. It’s an argument, anyway.

        • neil

          Still think the 3 seed is better. Cousins proved once again he can’t handle the pressure of the big moment.

        • Pran

          Totally worth not hurting any more when you seriously can’t get a bye week. But the problem is you have to play 9ers again in divisional if won against NFCE.

          • Pran

            By winning this week, be 3rd seed, home wild card game against Vikes and can be had. Then go against Packs or Saints before meeting 9ers in NFC championship game.

    • Volume12

      17 carries on 60 yds, RW is sacked 7 times, and a PC punt after calling a TO fom SF’s 32 yd line.

    • Rob Staton

      A realistic expectation is a BAMF performance.

  62. KD

    On an unrelated note, Lamar Jackson is clearly the offensive MVP. So who is the defensive MVP? Marcus Peters perhaps? normally, you just look at who has the most sacks, but most of the sack leaders play for teams that will miss the playoffs. A lot of candidates. IMO, probably Peters. Chandler Jones would be obvious given that he could break the single season sack record next week, but his effort didn’t propell ARZ to the playoffs.


  63. Eburgz

    This season we have been playing with house money. Moves for Ansah, Clowney, Gordon and now lynch have all been high upside no lose scenarios that leave our young core, salary and draft stock in good shape (still bummed we traded jake Martin though). We have a chance for a 12 win season, exceeding anyone’s expectations.

    Last week was brutal but it’s a week to week league. A couple weeks ago our OL dominated the Vikings but they got their asses handed to them last night. I hope they can turn it around without Duane brown. I’m going to count this season as a win if we win a playoff game.

    No one thought we would be contenders this year and here we sit with the chance to be the 1 seed and a guarantee at the playoffs. These Seahawks aren’t an easy out for anyone and even if we go on the road these dudes are road warriors. I won my fantasy league and beast mode is a hawk again so I feel like I’m playing with house money too.

    I expect a gritty loss to the niners this week. But if we meet again in the playoffs I like our chances.

  64. line_hawk

    With GB winning, the Hawks are likely out of running for the bye. They will know for sure before kickoff on Sunday.

    In that case, the options are Philly on the road or Minnesota at home for wildcard round.

    Serious question – Should they rest their starters for this game & treat this as bye week?

    • KD

      You go all out. Play it like it is your last. The Seahawks are Marty McFly trying to start that Delorian while Doc is furiously trying to connect the circuits.

  65. LouieLouie

    We all thought the Hawks were a season, or maybe two, away from being a serious Superbowl Contender. The season did seem to come to a crashing halt this weekend, but think of all the teams who will be watching the Hawks play the following week. It is more important to be healthy Wildcard weekend than it is to win against the 49ers.

    Even if the Hawks win they will not likely have a week off, although Beast Mode would get the chance for a final playoff game at home.

    It seemed inevitable that Carson would go down after Penny went down. I always figured Penny would be the shiny fresh running back after Carson went down, but to lose 1, 2, and 3 down the home stretch is a bit of bad luck. I hope Griffin and Clowney are both healthy wild card week. If we could be healthy at linebacker, corner, D-line and O-line it would sure increase our odds of agonizing over a Divisional weekend game.

  66. BruceN

    Ajai just got released by the Eagles (activating Howard). Would he be a better option than Turbo?

  67. millhouse-serbia

    What would you rather take:

    1. @PHI @SF
    2. vsMIN @NO

    I am not sure. Maybe 60-40% for 1. Min will have two weeks of rest and is better team than PHI.

  68. KD

    The more I think about the Hawks, what are the needs, and who is availble….. the more I think the Hawks should just trade picks if available. This just feels like a bad draft class overall.

    Honestly, I just don’t feel good about this class. How many true 1st rounders are there? Less than most years it feels like. Usually, I feel it is blurred by the 25th pick, but this year, it feels like the line will be blurred by the 9th pick. You’re going to see some odd stuff between picks 10-25. It’s going to be fun to watch.

    Receivers will reposition themselves, as will QBs. But the rest of the class sucks TBH. Just my opinion, but I think the team is better off using picks to acquire veterans. What vets? I don’t know. That’s just how I feel. And I feel like this draft class is shaping up to be a really bad one.

    • Rob Staton

      I’d say there are more R1 type’s than the last couple of years.

      • KD

        possibly, but when it was a strong DL class, we needed a DL. When we needed a OL, it was a good OL class. WR seems to be the strength of this class, but it seems to be so weak in other areas that teams will be pushing DE, DT, RB etc. much earlier than usual.

        That’s just the instinct I’m feeling. We need pass rush help desperately. WR/TE secondly and OL 3rd. I wouls be happy with Hunter Bryant, but I’m waiting for the press conference where JS says “We looked at our options, and trading for X was better than we could have gotten in the draft.”

        • Rob Staton

          It’s a crap year at DE and DT. We aren’t going to see guys propelled up. The players aren’t there.

      • KD

        In other words, the strength of the draft class does not line up with the Hawks needs, except at WR. Our greatest need (DE, DT) is a severe weakness of this class. Sorry Rob, I just can’t agree with you on this one.Granted that we still need to see the Senior Bowl and combine. So far, i don’t like class is shaping p, especially from the DE, DT.

        • Rob Staton

          What exactly are you disagreeing with me on?

          I said there are more first round type’s than previous years.

          Then I said the options are DE/DT are crap.

          Never said anything about Seattle’s needs.

          Besides, they can address D-line needs in FA.

  69. Volume12

    I might be the only one that feels this way, but if Seattle makes a run I’m glad Lynch is back. Would just be weird to see them make one w/o a Lynch, Sherm, ET, Bam Bam, etc.

    • charlietheunicorn

      No matter what, this brings some juice to the SNF game and if he sticks for week#1 in playoffs…
      …one hell of a story and ride inbound.

      • millhouse-serbia

        After our loss to Cardinals and GB win vs MIN, this game is not that much important for us at all.

        If we win we will go vs MIN @ NO and if we lose @PHI @ SF. I even think it is better for us to lose the game.

        • charlietheunicorn

          If Seahawks beat the 49ers, SF is the #5 and have to play on the road. And possibly face the Saints again in round #2. If Seattle got to face Philly and somehow squeak it out… and then face the Packers, I wouldn’t be mad.

          • millhouse-serbia

            If we win and GB wins GB is no1 seed not NO.

            NO vs SF is not possible before NFC champion game.

        • Volume12

          How could the possibility of winning your division ever not be important?

          • Volume12

            Week 17 against a rival with the division on the line, battered and bruised, a hero’s return, can’t write better stories than this stuff.

  70. charlietheunicorn

    Will the Saints and Seahawks see each other in the playoffs again?

    Although Lynch rarely speaks with the media, he opened up to Jeffri Chadiha of “E:60” about why he believes that beastquake run was “symbolic” of a life that began with a difficult upbringing in a rough part of Oakland, Calif., and has included trouble with the law throughout his pro career.
    Lynch: “Growing up being where I’m from, a lot of people don’t see the light. I didn’t see the light in that play.
    “I went forward, ran into some trouble, being on food stamps, living in the projects. Running headfirst into linebackers.
    “I started to play football, things opened up for me a little bit. Breaking a couple more tackles.
    “Going to jail, getting into trouble, comin’ out of that.

  71. millhouse-serbia

    With 199mil NFL salary cap, and without roll over (and we have around 12mil) we will have 60mil cap space. And with cutting Britt, Fluker and Dickson it becomes 75mil.

    That’s a lot of money with our strong base of players. I would re sign Reed and Ifedi for around 20-25 mil for both of them.

    Then I will think about signing Clowney or go with Flower or Ngaque for example. That is 20mil more so we have 30mil more to spent.

    I would spent at least 5-10mil for veteran G (Who says Scherff). IMO Fluker pass pro is big problem for us. I think Ifedi would be better if he would have better RG next to him.

    And I would draft WR, C, LEO /SAM with first 3 picks. Or trade one of those picks for veteran pass rusher (LEO). And than RB with 3rd round comp pick.

    I would not probably draft T as Brown successor at all. When Brown go to retirement I would spent a lot of money for veteran FA.

    I am so pleased with what we have right now (roster). We will be SB contenders if not favorites in next couple of years if we can solve rushing the passer problem.

    • Sea Mode

      What if we spend a little more for Trent Williams as an upgrade over Ifedi? Or would that make our two Tackles too old?

      Bonus is that if Brown were to miss games again, Williams could fill in at LT with Fant or whoever at RT.

      • millhouse-serbia

        Will he be FA? I am not sure because he didn’t play this season at all. Yes I would consider that. I would even consider re signing Ifedi, signing Williams and even not cutting Brown (saving only 3mil). Maybe play Ifedi at G for that one season and than Williams at LT and Ifedi at RT for 2021. We have money for that.

    • McZ

      They will not cut Britt. Don’t know why this is even a thing. They’ll have more than enough to do OL-wise.
      Ifedi will test the market. If he plays his cards well, he’ll make a lot of money, 11-14m. I cannot see Seattle joining a bidding war.

      Also, the notion that veteran OLiners are per definition better than younger players or even rookies, is a myth holding up for no good reason. The Ravens are playing a UDFA rookie and a second year player at LG and RT. As long as you have quality old dawgs guiding the pack, this is no problem.

      Rob’s right in one crucial point. They will try to improve the DL first. A Clowney resign is only one way to do this. He will come in for 20-25m, and one can question, if you don’t get a pair of pass rushers for that same premium.

      One player I could see ending up in a Seahawks uniform is Shaq Lawson of BUF. He was on a proove it year, and did reasonably well. His market value could be somehwere near 8-9m.

      If we could additionally get our hands on Chris Jones of KC, who is an almost certain cut target with 15-17m market cap, this would add up to 23-26m. Jones/Lawson would add speed and power on both sides for basically the same money. Both are 26 and could be signed to long term deals.

      • Rob Staton

        You can’t say that with any certainty about Britt. Who thought they would outright cut Sherman 2 months before it happened? The simple fact is they have a LOT to do this off season and if Britt’s injury creates any doubt for the future it’s a potential wonderful saving in terms of cap. That’s why it’s a thing. You have to pay the money specifically to the right areas when you are paying a QB $35m. Every dime has to be worth it. It’s perfectly plausible they move on from Britt and either draft a replacement, re-sign him at a cheaper cost or try and sign someone like Alex Mack, who will be released.

        Nobody is arguing veteran OL’s are ‘by definition’ better either. I don’t why you’d even mention that. The argument is so much more nuanced and has been explained in great detail SO many times on here. I’m not going to keep repeating myself on that.

        • McZ

          But you are sure, that Duane Brown with his strange muscular problems, possibly translating into a life in pain, will return and is most certainly not creating a “doubt for the future”!?

          Come on.

          The post I answered to seemed to completely outrule drafting OL. Veteran here, FA there. 5-10m for a G, bidding for Ifedi, Brown or another veteran at LT (a good one coming in at 13-15m). If I count correctly, even with cutting Britt included, this will put us firmly above the 50m watermark. This will not work, as “every dime counts”.

          To add more perspective on “every dime”… the top notch Ravens OL comes in 9m cheaper than our current unit, and they are settled for 2020, where we are not. They let their guys compete, and if a second year RT is better than the (more than qualified) incumbent, they make the change.

          I think it’s important to learn from good working unit development principles, just as the league learned from PC on secondary development. IMHO, the last two drafts were pointing into the right direction. It will take another two drafts to fully deliver. No need to press the FA-panic button.

          • Rob Staton

            Now you’re just making stuff up. I’ve never said I’m ‘sure’ about anything on Duane Brown. I’ve simply called YOU out for claiming there’s greater than a 50% chance he calls it a career. Which is abject nonsense. This will be the last time we discuss this in here.

  72. dumbquestions

    I think bringing Lynch back is a sound move, not just for sentimental reasons. Here’s why:

    A) He might not know Schottenheimer’s system, but he knows in his bones how RW plays. He knows the scramble drill. He knows where the spaces are. He can chip a pass rusher, leak out and give RW some vital time. The clubhouse factor matters, of course — he will enter a lovefest, and he’ll be inspiring, but I think he has a good chance to be effective and make enough plays to be a factor, which (if the game flows in a good way) will fuel said inspiration.

    B) Lynch is a *good* safety valve receiver, underrated on that front, in my opinion. Seattle used him very effectively that way in 2014, when he had career highs in receptions and receiving TDs. Give him a little space in the screen game; SF will have to account for him. Carson was used the same way this year at times, to great effect.

    C) Scoff all you want at this, but Lynch will still draw attention from SF’s defense in a way no other potential replacement can. He is a threat to be feared, even if the execution falls short. All he needs is a little space to make some good things happen: six yards instead of three, etc.

    D) He’s healthy, motivated, and the stats suggest that he has some game left. He is not worn out. Due to some quirks in the early stages of his career, he has not logged as many carries or taken as many hits as Gore or AP. Moreover, he hasn’t taken as much punishment as people think. The view of Lynch as a bruising runner is not entirely right, in my opinion. Chris Carson really is a bruising runner, but he takes so much punishment by inviting contact that I fear his career will be short.

    Lynch is not like Carson (or Earl Campbell, or AP, or Gore). We tend to think of him running over people, and he certainly did that at times, but always on his terms, always when he had the leverage. He is a wily runner. I can’t think of many moments when Lynch got creamed by defenders; his gift has been avoiding nasty contact and direct hit. He always gives tacklers bad angles, veering away from crunching hits. He is more elusive than credited.

    E) I wouldn’t expect Seattle to treat him as a bell cow for the SF game. I also wouldn’t expect him to be used exclusively as a decoy. If they need to just ram SF’s line, Turbin is the option, and that’s fine. If they’re smart, they’ll build a few plays designed to give Lynch a little space — enough to make the D fear him. Will they run at Sherm? Fun idea, but I don’t think so. Force Sherm to cover Lockett, push Metcalf downfield on the other side, and flow Lynch into the spaces that Hollister has been filling. It might just work.


  73. Sea Mode

    Uh, “Go Football Northwest LLC!”, I guess… 🤷‍♂️



  74. Sea Mode

    “Unfinished business”

    Marshawn Lynch is Back in Action

  75. Sea Mode

    Haha. This whole saga is worth it just for the fun after a dreary loss, if nothing else.

    Justin Forsett

    Hey @PeteCarroll I need you to be honest with me here how far down the call list was I? I have atleast 2 plays left and one of those is out of a Victory Formation. Lol #CallMeMaybe

  76. Sea Mode


    Cj Anderson

    You don’t even know the half of It. It would be rude to all Seattle fans what they told me and my agent. Once again that’s the Game not Football there is a difference my friend.

    Some of the people never have to experience the Game. I’m Happy for those people. Unfortunately I was the unlucky one who had to play the Game instead of football. All started back April 9 2017. The Football was no longer football for me. It became the Game after that.

    Quote Tweet
    Ben Paynter

    Replying to @cjandersonb22
    Total joke. All politics

    8:03 AM · Dec 24, 2019

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