Curtis Allen’s week fourteen watch-notes (vs 49ers)

This is a guest post by Curtis Allen…

The Seahawks are losing their grip on this season. Any chance of a shot at the NFC West title will be determined Sunday. If they cannot pull off the upset, it is over. They will be four games behind San Francisco with four games left to play in the season, with the Niners holding the tiebreaker by virtue of a sweep.

At this point, even a wildcard spot seems an optimistic projection. For that to be a reality, the Seahawks will need to put in a far better game than they did two weeks ago. Even in a losing effort, this team can instill some hope that this season is somewhat salvageable.

With the two games against the same opponent so close, there is no reason to do a full Watch Points write up. You can read what I wrote here since those points were as vital as any to the outcome of the game.

What was particularly frustrating, is the Seahawks even turn in a middle of the road performance in these categories in Week 12 and this game is far more competitive.

Play Solid, Fundamental Football
Limit the Number of Explosive Runs by the Niners (especially McCaffrey)

This concern sealed their fate as much as any. Pete Carroll came out and said they did not practice the guys hard enough in the leadup to this game, and you could absolutely see it. How does a 10+ year coach not have a handle on his team and understand the mechanics of preparation for a Thursday game?

The offense completely wasted a short field on their first possession and it went downhill from there. Once again, they focused heavily on the pass. I wrote why that was a mistake:

Abandoning the ground game in favor of the pass will give the Niner defense all the opportunities they need to make this game easy for them.

And so it was.

Geno Smith was sacked six times, Michael Dickson had a five-punt night and the Seahawks lost the time of possession battle by 11 minutes, which did the defense no favors.

And neither did the defense do themselves any favors. The tackling was atrocious.

Players like Deebo Samuel, George Kittle and Christian McCaffrey force you to bring them down. A mauling of the Giants in Week Three featured these three racking up seven broken tackles. They challenged the Giants defense to take them down and they couldn’t.

Can the Seahawks?

They could not.

The Niners had six explosive runs and two more runs that might as well have been explosive.

McCaffrey’s eight-yard touchdown run was a perfect encapsulation of the night:

He was bottled up at about the 12, changed course and found a couple of yards of daylight, was contacted at the eight and simply fought his way into the end zone, taking Quandre Diggs along for the ride.

Jason Myers missed a very makeable field goal try at the end of the half that would have given them some momentum.

Limit Turnovers and Take the Ball Away from Them

They lost the turnover battle 2-1.

Geno Smith threw one interception but had several of his now-infamous ‘turnover worthy plays’ with poor decision-making.

Deejay Dallas muffed a punt and decided to try and pick the ball up to run with it instead of simply falling on it. It did not work.

Think of this – yes, the Niners were outplaying the Seahawks. But Dallas does not have that turnover, San Francisco does not get a field goal to take a 24-3 lead. The Seahawks have the same drive and Myers makes his field goal try and now it is 21-6 at the half. The exact same third quarter we saw would end with it being 21-16.

As poorly as the team played, without a couple of those key plays they are far closer in this game than they actually were.


This game may actually be the true pivot point of the season and perhaps future seasons.
A loss means that for the first time in Pete Carroll’s Seahawks history, they will have lost four games in a row. Based on the way they are losing – with coaching mistakes aplenty – it could and should trigger a full review of his job status going forward.

Compound that with this week’s media disaster involving Jamal Adams, there is a troublesome black cloud of fog that is hovering around this team.

Geno Smith is a gametime decision. There are myriad of ways this could play out. He could play, and play well. He could play and play poorly. The same could be said for Drew Lock. There could be far-reaching implications for the rest of the season and into 2024 based on the outcome of this game. How?

A couple of Geno Smith 2024 contract notes to keep in mind: most of his escalators are now out of reach, save for one: win 10 games or reach the playoffs with Geno playing 80% of the team’s snaps. He has played every snap except a few in the Giants game and a few in the Rams game. Basically, he will need to play every snap in this game and the next game against the Eagles to reach the 80% threshold.

If Geno Smith ends the season on Injured Reserve, that guarantees his $12.7 million 2024 salary. It is only guaranteed for injury. Obviously, Geno finishing the season in a way that he can pass a physical gives the Seahawks more options in 2024.


  1. Big Mike

    Thank you for your time and effort as always cha. The beauty for Pete is if Geno can’t go he has the ready-made excuse of not having his starting quarterback. Never mind that the offense has played poorly most of the year.
    Please just resign while you have some dignity left Pete.

    • Peter

      It’s not just Pete my friend….

      It’s the wall of noise and the truthi-ness of the media and its adjacent membership. In no order things I’ve heard this year as folks refuse to just see it for what it is:

      1. Geno Smith is one of the most pressured qbs in the league. What does that even mean? To hear you think he’s getting sacked at a record pace. Turns out he’s not. And in fact of qualifying qbs he’s dead in the center at 27 sacks with the high being howell in the 50’s and the low being 20-21. So we’re just saying words and making excuses.

      2. Seattle can’t run. But Lewis plus Bradford are run blockers plus Will Dissly and the team is passing a whopping 62% of plays. Including the second loss to the Rams where we had the lead. Another excuse.

      3. Team is young and it’s a process. But I’ve lined out how we are actually old at starters. Qb, DL, MLB, 1/2 the starting safeties. Starting WR. Sure when you count dareke young who doesn’t count then we are young. But not when we take the field this afternoon. Additionally fant, parkinson, brooks are young but…FA’s. Witherspoon, Woolen, Mafe. Yeah there’s some great young pieces. But a ton of old, bloated, expensive, dead weight.

      4. We are further along then we thought we’d be after trading Wilson. Now this one is tricky. In some ways it feels right. Playoffs. 9 wins. On the other hand….Houston Texans. Who might win their division and get up to 11-12 games this year. So a team with a new coach and qb and a DROY candidate can flip it around in one year. But we, well we are just in a process.

      What sticks to me is that the two situations aren’t that far apart. We’ve had two top ten picks in two years. We also have a DROY candidate. Which makes back to back years with that ( incredible really). We’ve had extra second rounders like they have. They moved off a franchise-level qb. So did we.

      They are rolling. And we are hoping that the train stays on the tracks. If we get to 5 straight losses where does that stop? Titans? AZ…I think that’s a loss. We struggled when they had no running back and Dobbs. I think by then they will “want it more.” Stealers…at that point who has their team up and what are the stakes? How about this as a scenario….there’s no stakes and both teams are out by then?

      • Rob Staton

        We learnt everything we needed to know this week when Carroll was asked about Adam’s’ tweet in the penultimate minute of an 18 minute presser, with the question coming five minutes after someone asked how Adams was playing.

        And then zero questions to Carroll on Friday about it after Adams doubled down.

        The team might as well just release a slightly more detailed injury report and do away with press conferences.

        • Peter

          Like jaw jacking after giving up seven yards I wish my coach would just give standard statements and stop all the length sit downs like we’re all friends here during this slide.

          It’s an entirely unserious operation.

        • Lawrie

          Just in case your wonder why the team is lacking identity

  2. king

    Great work as always, cha. The time, effort, and insight you give to the community is much appreciated.

    Seattle should be coming into this game with desperation. With San Francisco coming off a huge game last week, the Seahawks’ best hope might be to catch the 49ers letting down a bit. It is tempting to say that Seattle needs this more, but I can’t convince myself that it is true.

    Seattle is a shell of what it once was. I don’t believe it will do any good for the franchise to feed the Groundhog Day machine with a suddenly frisky end to the year. The core is rotten, and I believe that is manifesting in the on the field product.

    SF hasn’t won a Super Bowl in decades and can’t afford to let down at home against a crumbling Seattle team, especially when competing for home field advantage.

    I never thought the wine and cheese crowd in Santa Clara would replace Seattle as the toughest venue in the division, but SF is bucking the current trend of the eroding home field advantage.

    Every game day for many years for me has been anxiety riddled and conflicted. Today is no different.

    • Peter

      I had low key hoped that they or someone we could catch with a let down game.

      Unfortunately niners then the eagles in a very tight NFC race can I’ll afford to sleep on Seattle.

      Big Mike and I think they may start slow after Philly but I worry that we will have pulled out all the tricks for Dallas.

      The wine and cheese crowd made me smile. I love my home town. If it wasn’t comically expensive I’d probably still be there. But I’d guess the amount of people with a mini wine fridge in their house who can also afford tickets to Lumen field is probably 1:1 with niners fans.

      • king

        Oh yeah. It was a cheap shot. The Faithful are one of the best fan bases in the league. (And have the best nickname. So much better than The 12s.) Really I am just sad at the state of Seattle’s once top of the league HFA.

        As for having pulled out the kitchen sink for Dallas, it was my first reaction to that game and I will be surprised if the Niners make the same mistakes Dallas did.

      • Big Mike

        but I worry that we will have pulled out all the tricks for Dallas.

        Entirely possible. The “they shot their wad” syndrome eh?

    • Big Mike

      Every game day for many years for me has been anxiety riddled

      That used to be me but I just don’t care anymore and won’t again until Pete Carroll is gone because it won’t change until he is. The media can coddle him like Rob referred to up above but I’m not fooled. Haven’t been for the last 5 or so years.

      • Peter

        The reporter apologizing to mayor Pete for describing the team as “not well…”

        Bleeping embarrassing.

        • Joseph

          Who was the reporter that apologized lol Did he actually do that?

  3. RomeoA57

    I saw that QB Sean Mannion was elevated to the roster. Doing this does indicate that Geno may not play today, as Curtis said in this article. I believe a lot of us would like to see Lock get extended playing time. It would be nice to see if Lock is a viable backup QB going forward. I suspect that we already know that he isn’t the QBOTF.

    • 509 Chris

      I really hope Lock gets the start and was treated like the starter during the week. I’m with you that I dont hold hopes that he’ll come in and be the qbotf but he’s never really gotten a chance in Seattle and Geno clearly isn’t him, so why aren’t we at least looking at Lock. In very limited sample sizes I’ve liked what I’ve seen. He gets the ball out without crumbling and he puts zip on it. Geno has underthrown guys all year. I hear a lot of fans on Twitter and fb that trash Lock so hard with statements like, “just play him so after his 4th int the pro Lock crowd will shut up.” Im wondering what Geno has done to earn that loyalty besides wear a Seahawks jersey and get the nod from Furer Pete? Getting to the end of a season with no real hopes, its criminal mismanagement to not make damn sure Lock isnt him or at least a better bridge option than Geno. Of course criminal mismanagement seems like the actual culture in Seattle now.

      • RomeoA57

        I completely agree about wanting to see Lock get a chance to play for an extended time. Also the loyalty that some show Geno is somewhat puzzling looking at hid last 20 starts. Trying to determine if Lock could be a cheaper bridge option for next year should also be a strong consideration.

  4. Peter

    Looked at Zintner’s social media briefly. Gave a shout that he’ll be at the combine.

    Though entirely unrealistic that he’ll do anything there it is within the realm of possibility that he could play sometime next year.

    With that in mind is he a third round investment type pick? Like Taylor before. Later?

    The recovery time for that injury doesn’t look too over the top. The key being a big man is muscle loss in your leg and probably the hardest part for athletes is trusting your body/ getting beyond the idea that your leg will suddenly break again.

    • Rob Staton

      I’d take him anywhere provided the medicals are not disastrous

      • Peter


        I’m really focused on 3rd rounders. I’m not really entertaining DK trades for two reasons: 1. Teams that might let us trade up probably don’t need a WR and picks 2. If they trade DK, in season is where the value is not before draft time.

        And they are picking qb with their first pick whether it’s up, stick and pick, or trade down.

        Otherwise there is no plan. And there never was one to begin with.

  5. MattG

    “If Geno Smith ends the season on Injured Reserve, that guarantees his $12.7 million 2024 salary. It is only guaranteed for injury.”

    That’s big money. Not saying that Geno would do it, but at what point would he be courting the injury? An interesting scenario of moral hazard in the contract, given how far below expectations things have gone. On the other hand, I suppose if he stays healthy, he’s played well enough to have a shot at earning that much next year as a bridge QB somewhere.

    • 509 Chris

      Geno has played down right bad at times but the coaching staff has clearly failed this team. They dont scheme their talent into things and they don’t call plays that will help Geno where he’s clearly struggling. Last week Pete talked a lot about the need to get the ball out faster and Geno and Shane were working hard on that. It took until December for the coaches to see what the fans have been screaming at the tv all year? If I was Pete I’d have been embarrassed to even say that and would have just said we’re working on being better.

  6. Palatypus

    Excellent work as always.

    One more watch point though. Since the low man always wins, when they go low we go lower.

    “I can go as low as you Mav’ and that’s sayin’ something!”

    • 509 Chris

      This really made me laugh. Every coach I ever had in my life told me the lowest man always wins. Maybe Adams really took that as a creed.

      • Palatypus

        And just like in that scene with Rooster and Maverick, the Seahawks are in an idiotic death spiral.

  7. ShowMeYourHawk

    Conspiracy theory: Geno is trying to end the season on IR to trigger next season’s guarantee.

    If the ‘Hawks were smart (backup data is inconclusive), they’d bubble wrap him and sit him on the sidelines like the Raiders did to Carr last season. Season is shot, anyhow. Don’t make your cap situation worse.

    • 805Hawk

      Conspiracy theory going further: Pete is complicit since this gives him an excuse for the losing streak and the playoff miss. “We were so close to turning the corner after that amazing offensive showing at Dallas! If only Geno hadn’t gotten hurt! Dang!”

      • king

        I don’t think this qualifies as a conspiracy theory. It’s just what’s happening.

        • Big Mike

          “Don’t look over here at the defense though”
          The Pete Carroll shell game

  8. KennyBadger

    Meanwhile the Rams are playing in Baltimore and not getting their asses absolutely kicked.

    • Big Mike

      McVay is wasted in a city that doesn’t care. Come to Seattle Sean. It’s a football mad town.

  9. RomeoA57

    Reports are that Drew Lock is starting today. Hope he plays well.

    • Big Mike

      I think they’ve known that all along that’s why they elevated Sean Mannion to the active squad

      • RomeoA57


  10. Tony

    Geno out! Get those excuses ready and lock-ed in!

  11. Henry Taylor

    Drew Lock starting is probably horrible news but it’d be pretty cool of he could do something here.

  12. Mark

    Putting on my tin foil hat, Geno could have played today, but the FO wishes to have a true look at Drew Lock rather than having him come in during spot duty. They will also avoid putting Geno on IR so they don’t have to give him a roster bonus for next year.

  13. Blitzy the Clown

    I appreciate the detailed and thoughtful writeup as always cha

    This game may actually be the true pivot point of the season and perhaps future seasons.

    I agree, but with an ironic twist — major pivot is possible with a loss. But I fear a win would just perpetuate this no-man’s land the organization is in.

    For the record, I don’t expect a win.

    • Tony

      Excited to see lock today. It will 99% likely end badly. But I know what geno will look like and I was not looking forward to the Thanksgiving replay. There’s atleast intrigue in seeing lock for a full game.

      • 805Hawk

        Exactly how I feel. I was weighing a nap vs watching. Now I’ll watch.

      • Whit21

        Hugh Millen on KJR the other day was pointing out that Locks passes in the few series he got were not that bad.. probably the one bad throw was to tyler lockett 1 on 1.. he doesnt beat guys like that.. you have to throw into space where he can run to get the ball..

        I dont think drew will do much better overall.. he might avoid pressure or escape a little better than geno.. but it will most likely be same result.. probably worse than geno. At this point its missed details in waldrons plays ans whatever influence pete has.. i doubt anyone could be successful in this offense at QB..

        • DC

          We’ll probably run the ball 60% of the plays.

  14. 805Hawk

    I kinda feel gross. The Rams game is actually kinda fun to watch. Maybe it’s because I have a sinus infection.

    • Kyle R

      No it’s it ok. Both teams play much “prettier” competent football. It’s something I noticed watching 80% of the other teams out there.

  15. ShowMeYourHawk

    The Lions are getting roughed up by… *checks notes* the Chicago Bears.

    Even our best win of the season looks like fool’s gold.

    • Big Mike

      Jared Goff in cold weather is a near guaranteed loss

      • Kyle R

        I’m not saying he’s even in the conversation with these names but it does remind me of “Dome Quarterbacks” Brees and Manning.

  16. jed

    It’s pretty clear the Seahawks have the worst QB starting today for the NFC West with Lock. I think it’s also true if Geno was starting.

    And 3rd best coaching staff at best. Tough to judge them with their starting QB basically out all off season and a bottom of the NFL roster.

    Go hawks, but rooting for a loser.

    • jed

      Tough to judge the Cardinals coaches

  17. Big Mike

    Wouldn’t the afternoon game on fox with Kevin Burkhardt and Greg Olsen normally be called America’s game of the week?

  18. jed

    The first play 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  19. Blitzy the Clown

    Should have been a delay of game call

  20. BrandoK


  21. Dustin


  22. Big Mike

    How about that Seattle defense?

  23. Troy

    LOL. Fuck this team.

  24. Blitzy the Clown

    Jamal Adams literally turned away from the runner

    • Big Mike

      Business decision

      But when Pete Carroll is back next year he’s your starting strong safety

      • Blitzy the Clown

        Embracing the suck now is the way to avoid that fate

      • Peter

        OUR starting safety.

    • Kyle R

      Maybe next time instead of turning away he should go lower!

  25. Robert

    This is going to be a long game

  26. Kyle R

    Well….that’s one want to start and set the tone.

    • Kyle R


  27. KennyBadger

    What another excellent start.

  28. Peppapig

    Great start 😂

  29. Canadian Hawk

    Looks like the team came ready to play again.

  30. Peppapig

    Carroll. I’ll get my coat.

  31. Group Captain Mandrake

    Wow. Two whole plays to go the length of the field. I just can’t with this team anymore this season.

  32. Big Mike

    I am wondering guys do we have some defensive issues on this team?

  33. Mick

    Formerly known as a team famous for its defense.

  34. Blitzy the Clown

    I give the offense credit for coming out playing hard

    • Kyle R

      Everyone outside of Pete sycophants know for like 6 years or so we are more of an offensive team. Pete and Co are just in denial. Bad offensive coaching aside.

  35. Blitzy the Clown


    • Blitzy the Clown

      Seriously, I don’t care how bad we are, F*@k the Whiners

  36. Peppapig


  37. Mick

    DK getting at it again.

    • jed

      3 really good catches by him on that drive even though one didn’t count.

  38. BrandoK

    Wow what a pass by Drew Lock

  39. Big Mike

    Hell of a throw hell of a catch

    • Blitzy the Clown

      Good pass blocking too. Not perfect, but good enough

  40. Mick

    And TD Ravens to make it a good night.

    • Troy

      And the Rams force OT. The same team that abused us 37-3.

  41. dand393

    Well that’s 6 more points then Geno got last time we played the Niners

    • BrandoK


  42. RomeoA57

    That pass by Lock into double coverage was sketchy. The other throws he made on the drive looked good.

  43. Rob Staton

    Look at this absolute clown

    • Mick

      Not too late to bench him.

    • Blitzy the Clown

      How the hell do you overrun a play 10 yards downfield from the runner when he makes his break?

    • HOUSE

      I should share that and re-tweet Jamal with “YIKES”. Horrible effort doesn’t say enough

      • Blitzy the Clown

        No need. The paper peacock will find it like a rat finds cheese

    • DC

      LOL his Twitter feed is going to get blown up

    • Kyle R

      People need to show up to Lumen Field with “Adams 33 Yikes” signs

    • cha

      Watch #54 on the play too.

      He does a Cody Barton and follows the FB out of position, creates a free lane.

      You think shanahan never noticed Barton doing this?

  44. BrandoK

    Why is Adams still on this team?

    • Palatypus

      Because low man always wins.

    • Big Mike

      I have said it before and I will say it again the only reason this guy is on the team is because Pete Carroll is desperately trying to save face on the worst trade in franchise history. Caroll is allowing his ego to supercede common sense

  45. HOUSE

    Quick 3 and out there. I’m going to anticipate heavy run on this drive from us, but hell… SHOCK me and let Drew throw it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  46. Big Mike

    Ravens and Rams going into overtime. The game is in Baltimore.
    Sean McVay should be getting consideration for coach of the year with what he’s done with the Rams this year. Doubtful he will but it’s a team full of mid to late round draft choices

  47. nfendall

    Oh no not Spoon.

  48. Scot04

    So Adams knocks out Witherspoon via Kittles. Sigh….

    • HOUSE

      Jamal Adams is like an STD… A shitty constant reminder of a bad decision you made out of pure desperation once.


  49. Mick

    We came to play today, great runs by Zack.

  50. Blitzy the Clown

    Charbonnet is a hard second punch to Walker

    • RomeoA57

      Love watching these runs by him.

  51. HOUSE

    Let’s go Charbonnet!!! Nice run

    • HOUSE

      Back-to-back runs

  52. Mick

    Yey, Rams lost.

  53. ShowMeYourHawk

    You burn a timeout to call that crap screen play on 3rd and 14? Jeebus Cripes.

    • Big Mike

      And then get a penalty before the field gold try
      Great coaching

  54. jed

    Poor coaching to burn a time out and then not be ready for the FG.

    Zach looked really good on that drive. Nice to see his improvement through the year.

    • jed

      They called a going for the FG play on 3rd down. How were they not ready?

  55. BrandoK

    So are they still rotating Abe Lucas and Jason Peters Why?

  56. Metal beard

    Pete Carroll football! Wasted time outs and dumb penalties due to poor attention to details

  57. Palatypus

    How do these look?

    • Big Mike

      It would look a lot better if he were in the uniform of some other team

    • Tony

      Even AI knows that dude takes footballs to the head. The awareness of him losing the ball is on point.

  58. Tony

    Just when we start looking good, we immediately start making mistakes. It’s why no matter who we draft we are stuck being in this middling to bad type of team.

  59. Big Mike

    Thank God the camera didn’t stay on the glass peacock on that last play
    Saved me from throwing up

    • Rob Staton

      Classic moronic celebration after a routine stop

      • Big Mike

        Careful Rob he’ll come after your wife

        • Mick

          I wouldn’t if I were Adams, Rob isn’t taking this.

        • Tony

          And there’s no limit to how low he’ll go.

        • Rob Staton

          Aye, he’d have the rest of Yorkshire to deal with

  60. Blitzy the Clown

    Good to see Derrick Hall 15 yards downfield in coverage 🙄

  61. HOUSE

    Nice play by Love. The 3rd highest paid safety is more productive than the top-2 guys. Something about that doesn’t make sense, but whatever.

    Hawks ball!!!

    • jed

      And then Samuel burns the highest 2 paid safteys on the same play.

  62. Rob Staton

    Why is Adams flexing?


  63. Troy

    Jamal Adams. Yikes

  64. Hawks4life

    Adams…. yikes

  65. nfendall


  66. Blitzy the Clown

    Adams got torched ugly

  67. Big Mike

    Oh look who’s in coverage on that play

    • Brodie

      Hopefully twitter is going ham with “Yikes” clips

    • Troy

      Coverage would be a compliment. He was chasing the whole route.

  68. Tony

    Adams why aren’t you flexing now?!

  69. Robert


  70. Peppapig


  71. James Cr.

    Loved that so much. What a douche.

  72. BrandoK

    Great play by Adams great coverage

  73. king


  74. DC

    If I’m that reporter I’d tweet Yikes at him again this week

  75. CL


  76. HOUSE

    Was that Jamal Adams getting torched again? YIKES…

  77. Dubb


  78. Whit21

    I was watching the twitter link you posted as jamal adams gets beat deep by deebo… *facepalm

  79. Chris A

    Yikes! F- you Peacock

  80. KennyBadger

    #33 on the field, #1 in our hearts. Get bent Jamal.

  81. Peppapig

    He’s worth every dollar.

    • CL

      Of course hater, best in the nation!!

    • Big Mike

      Worth all those draft choices we traded for him as well not to mention the huge contract and then the restructuring this last off-season

      Screw you Carroll

  82. Ok

    i hope the wife tweets ‘yikes’

    if manning was playing i could see him using a ‘33…..yikes yikes YIKES’ cadence

  83. DC

    Just tells you where Pete is at. Regardless of his off field behavior, his on field play should have him benched

  84. Shane

    Having a hard time watching this game and wanting the Hawks to win. Being competitive yet alone winning only enables Pete and keeps this nonsense going. Time to move on to improve

  85. 509 Chris

    Came here just to see how many yikes comments there would be.

    • WallaSean

      Same here, “Yikes”

  86. BrandoK

    How many Seahawks fans are there that still supports Adams?

  87. Big Mike

    2 plays before that touchdown I told my 40 niner friend via text if they want to get their offense moving just target Jamal Adam’s
    I swear to God

  88. nfendall

    K9 is way too eager to bounce it outside all the time.

  89. Sneekes

    Jeez, this weeks Adams low light is even worse.
    He’s shit, he’s expensive, and he’s a bell-end. Any more reasons needed to bench and then cut him?

  90. Tony

    Could make a case that adams is the player of the game for 9ers. Completely overpursued McCaffrey run which set up 1st and goal, then the deebo td. There’s no way coaches aren’t seeing this in film.

    • DC

      I’d only they had something like”tell the truth monday” to honestly review those things…

  91. Big Mike

    Come on Pete that only works against your defense

  92. jed

    Coward punt decision

  93. BrandoK

    Seattle still can’t throw into the middle of the field.

  94. Rob Staton

    Jamal Adams


    Yikes Yikes Yikes



    • Rob Staton

      Twitter awash with people simply saying ‘Yikes’

    • jed

      Burned again on that pop pass to Deebo

  95. Pran

    Yikes Waldron

    • Palatypus

      The Yikes Squadron

  96. Blitzy the Clown

    Mafe needs a sack. He’s overdue

  97. Troy

    Kyle Shanahan. Attacking our overpaid safeties and linebackers with ease

  98. Big Mike

    An opposing wide receiver running free in the middle of the field Greg? Say it aint so

  99. SeaTown

    By not suspending the Peacock and letting his play continue to drag this defense down, fans are going to end up despising both of these guys. Carroll has tied the end of his career to the wrong guy.

    • Big Mike

      As I said earlier today he has allowed his ego to override his common sense

      • Brodie

        Greg Bell said that same thing on Jacson’s podcast. That Pete was absolutely desperate for Adams to ‘work out’.

        • Pran

          Actually Pete is like a dog low for a bone to be thrown, he is desperately hoping someone will make a play of the game

    • Pran

      If Pete goes low, Adams go lower

  100. BrandoK

    Yikes Adams

  101. Pran

    Good times over.. sf adjusted..pete perplexed

    • Rob Staton


  102. Blitzy the Clown

    Adams has whiffed on multiple plays today. Just flat out awful

    • jed

      This is the first game I’m actually watching him and he’s terrible. Tedric level bad

    • Rob Staton

      Because he’s bloody rubbish

      Sick of the clown celebrating every routine play, then whiffing hard for big plays, then being an arse on twitter

      Get him out of here

      • Big Mike

        Should have got him out of Seattle after his first season. We all saw it we all called for it and instead they gave him 45 million dollars or whatever it was

  103. Easy Answers Hard Choices


    Please, please do us a favor by directing your runs directly at the Peacock every running play and isolating him on coverage EVERY pass so he can highlight his greatness to a national TV audience.

  104. Palatypus

    I want to see Jamal Adams cover Jerry Jeudy.

    One can’t cover or tackle and the other can’t catch or run a route.

  105. Troy

    More than anything with respect to this team, I absolutely HATE watching this defense. Everything is so vanilla and easy.

  106. nfendall

    What the hell was that pull up and throw past the line of scrimmage?

  107. Blitzy the Clown

    First big mistake by Lock for illegal forward pass

    • Big Mike

      I’ve enjoyed watching him move around in the pocket
      Is much better than Smith

      • Blitzy the Clown

        Less of a mistake to make than most of Smith’s TO-worthy throws

  108. BrandoK

    Playcall by Waldron so far is very very conservative and predictable its reverting back to what it was before the Dallas game.

  109. Yikes - Cut Adams Now

    Pretty new even reading the site, and it’s awesome. So let me get this straight. We have the 2 highest paid safeties in the league, and they’re also about the worst in the league.

    And we renewed their contracts for about 50% more next year, which is going to be hard to get out of without huge dead cap hits for both. Need to cut them both ASAP, and the coaches/GM.

    • Rob Staton

      Welcome 👋

    • Big Mike

      Love your user name
      And yes you are correct
      Fire Pete Carroll

      • Yikes - Cut Adams Now

        Thanks Big Mike and Rob. Went to dinner around halftime and just got back to see your kind replies. See we found out that we have TEs to throw to.

        Want to see us beat the 49ers always. But in JS and PC world, if Lock plays above average for a few games, then they’ll cut guys we need to sign him to a Geno-sized or huge backup QB contract in a couple months. And possibly still keep at least one of our terrible starting safeties.

  110. RomeoA57

    I thought the Seahawks played well overall in the first half. My bar is set pretty low but only being down 4 points is a lot better than I expected.

  111. ok

    after the half….to me, it feels like this is where we will see the separation between the coaching staffs.

    • Rob Staton


    • Big Mike


    • Troy

      Kyle Shanahan. Mr creativity.
      Pete Carroll. We are just going to line up and out execute you.

      Niners by 20

  112. Easy Answers Hard Choices

    Aside from that last play, Lock has played a solid first half. I find myself in the awkward position of being ambivalent regarding his success going forward as PC could easily delude himself into thinking the QBOTF is already on the roster…..

  113. Palatypus

    AI image of a Peacock in a meatgrinder with the caption, “YIKES!”

    You’re welcome.

  114. 805Hawk

    Jamal’s “Yikes” joke is going to haunt him until he retires. No one will ever stop saying/tweeting “yikes” to him now every time he fails. I love it.

    • Big Mike

      If he hears it every time he fails he’s gonna hear it a hell a lot before he’s done playing

      • 805Hawk

        Please let me see someone in a #33 jersey in the stands next week with a paper bag over their head with “YIKES” written on it.

        • Palatypus

          I could do that with AI right now.

          • Big Mike

            Oh hell yeah

  115. Big Mike

    Lucas is handling bosa really well so far when bosa is on that side

    • cha

      Week 2 last year Lucas was handling Bosa so they rotated him into the middle and he was effective.

      Week 2. Lucas’ second NFL game.


  116. Scot04

    Good thing Pete likes to establish the run..Great way to start the 3rd QTR

    • Rob Staton

      Saved our three best plays for that opening Q3 drive

      49ers were trembling with fear

  117. Peter

    For Big Mike….

    Wyman waxing about memories of when Adams was good.

    Elite run defense.

    • Big Mike

      So he’s reminiscing about Adam’s time with the jets then?

    • Rob Staton


      • Peter

        Said he didn’t want to blame him but back in 2020 he’d shed his block for a tackle….

      • Big Mike

        Rob he has been an Adam’s apologist since his first season failing after the first game as a seahawk

  118. Peter

    That’s a nice one by Williams.

  119. Peter

    Another game…another sad trombone

  120. Palatypus

    AI images of fans wearing Jamal Adams’s jersey with a paper bag over their head that says, “YIKES!”

    • Big Mike


      • Palatypus

        Feel free to share.

        • Big Mike

          Already have
          And thank you

  121. Troy

    Great offensive adjustments. Powerhouse offensive football team and staff..

  122. Blitzy the Clown

    Jayden Daniels could outrun Greenlaw in that situation

    Just sayin

    • Big Mike

      I wonder if that third round quarterback we’re gonna draft trying to repeat the Russell Wilson success will be able to?

  123. Big Mike

    Aaaaaand Kittle owning Adams

    • Peter

      An iconic duo

  124. Peter

    Liked hawkblogger calling everyone who wanted to see Lock a few weeks back idiot’s because a bad showing off a cold bench….

    Seems like we’re seeing you could pay Lock 4-8 million for around the same results…

  125. Scot04

    Top money for a guy who can’t even beat a TE on a 1vrs1

  126. Big Mike

    If Adam’s goes straight line to the quarterback all out he gets a sack there

  127. Blitzy the Clown

    Diggs man. Hang your head in shame

  128. Big Mike

    Hey Peter
    Didn’t we say that the 40 niners would start exerting their will and pulling away late in the third quarter?

    • Peter

      Yeah….it begins pretty much when you called it.

  129. Troy

    There’s the defense we all know. This team is hopeless.

  130. KennyBadger

    Remember tackling?

    • Peter

      First bad adjustment.

      Getting in trouble for tackling in practice and never recovering all these years later.

  131. Chris A

    Shoutout to FOX and Greg Olsen for highlighting the Peacock’s awful performance so far. This has to be his worst game as a ‘Hawk.

    • Peter

      It’s so bad the radio crew said Myles Adams almost with the sack…I’d like to see more of this myles adams guy.

  132. Blitzy the Clown

    Diggs and Adams are massive liabilities on the field and on the books

  133. BrandoK

    Pete’s just getting out coached

    • DC

      Tell me something new

  134. 12th chuck

    Diggs and peacock consistently the worst players we have on defense. Unbelievable

    • Big Mike

      I believe it’s 30 million dollars this year and 48 million dollars next year committed to those 2? Is that right anyone?

      • Yikes - Cut Adams Now

        OTC says it’s over 23 in 2023, and over 48 next year is right. So I was wrong earlier saying with the restructure it’s a 50% increase. It’s over 100%. Insanity for old and injured worst players at their positions.

        Even if they were all-pros, paying almost 1/5 of your salary cap to 2 players is crazy, especially when neither is a QB, LT, DE or other high impact position. And we’re doing even more for our 2 starting WRs at over 51 million for Tyler and DK in 2024.

  135. Big Mike

    Our defensive backs may be have quit but our running backs haven’t

  136. Brodie

    Haha! Same play they burned us with in the past! Nice TD!!

  137. KennyBadger

    Shane Waldron just blew my mind.

    • GoHawks5151

      Let Shane cook

    • RomeoA57

      That might be his best playcall of the year!

  138. nfendall

    Props to a beautiful play call on that TD.

  139. 509 Chris

    Wow where has that play calling been all year?

  140. Peter

    Who is Fant and Parkinson

  141. Blitzy the Clown

    Ok I guess someone rebooted Waldron on the sidelines

    What a fantastic series of play calls

    Executed very well by Lock

    • Big Mike


  142. BrandoK

    Thats the most creative play call by waldron i”ve seen

    • Big Mike

      Just beautiful

  143. DC

    Surprised by DL. Pray him $4m with incentives next year for a Bridge. No point in paying Geno $30M

    • jed

      Geno may be better but not $26 million better.

  144. Canadian Hawk

    On the positive….Lock has played very well.

    Very poised out there.

    • Shane

      Lock has been great under the circumstances..

  145. Easy Answers Hard Choices

    An excellent drive featuring the TEs. Prediction: They won’t have a single pass thrown their way in the 4th quarter…..

    • Peter

      Don’t agree. Lock threw the first pass to JSN beyond the LOS this season. I think Drew might just free lance a bit out there.

  146. Blitzy the Clown

    Wagner and Adams converging to miss Deebo is this defense in a nutshell

  147. BrandoK

    All SF need to do is just target Adams they always get chunk plays

  148. Troy

    Every time our offense does something positive, the same shit happens with our defense. Why?

  149. HOUSE

    Does Diggs just refuse to form tackle/wrap up the player with the ball? Lately, I’ve seen him put his head down and just throw his body at people. I truly hope he doesn’t hurt himself cause it looks very dangerous

  150. Kyle R

    Diggs with a business decision there.

  151. Big Mike

    Let’s see one of our safeties blew the coverage and the other 1 missed the tackle
    Hey at least it wasn’t Adam’s this time

  152. Troy

    Worst defense in the NFL.

    4 straight losses. 5 out of 6. 0-2 vs the Rams. 0-2 vs the 49ers. Can Pete really be safe??

    • Kyle R

      it’s ok Pete isn’t a defensive coach…..oh wait

  153. BrandoK

    All of these Seattle safeties are trash

    • Big Mike


      • Peter

        Me and Big Mike already volunteered to stand out there if they roll the savings to players that can play.

        • Big Mike

          We can make business decisions with the best of them

  154. Peter

    Kinda been a problem this year. Missed tackles….got it Dave.

    • Big Mike

      Thank you captain obvious

    • Palatypus

      Wyman is only five letters away from Wisdom.

      • Big Mike

        Also only 5 letters away from weasel

  155. jed

    All 3 of the veteran safetys need to go.

  156. Peter

    Welcome back to the NFL Drew….where the defense will do absolutely nothing to help you out.

  157. Pran

    This defense is an embarassment

  158. HOUSE

    I wish we would’ve Post 1-June’d Jamal this past year and were able to draft Ji’ayir Brown…

    • Big Mike

      It’s cold comfort for Rob but at least we’ve seen a better effort out of this team then we did on thanksgiving.

      • HOUSE

        Agreed. Expectations against the 9ers should be hampered, but they shown heart and fight today.

  159. RomeoA57

    Lock throwing into triple coverage is pretty cringe. Nice to see the defense cause a turnover.

  160. Big Mike

    As cha mentioned earlier today just like the second game Lucas played they have had to move Bosa inside to get pass rush out of him
    I sincerely hope Abe can play for our team for quite some time

  161. Peppapig

    Looking forward to Pete on the Brock and Salk Show.

    • Ace

      Jordan Love should be the only safety carried over to next year. At least he’s making big plays that could’ve been huge swings if the offense could capitalize.

      • Ace

        Meant to be a separate post. Apologies.

        But yeah, wonder if he’ll say anything different than his usual mottos.

    • BrandoK

      All he’s gonna say is the same BS stuff over and over again

  162. Big Mike

    My God the 49ers are gonna end up over 500 yd of total offense

    • Troy

      Against this defense? Easy work.

  163. VanHawk


    Legion of Yikes

  164. RomeoA57

    “We’re real close to winning games”- Pete Carroll tomorrow

    • Brodie

      Some things we need to clean up. That’s on me.

  165. Peter

    Folks….is Witherspoon out? Was getting a Xmas tree. Saw the comments but thought you all were joking…

    • Big Mike

      Unfortunately he was concussed in the first quarter

      • RomeoA57

        They are officially saying it is his back but it looked like a concussion

  166. BrandoK

    The broadcast pushing hard for Purdy for MVP like why

  167. Big Mike

    Outside of one ill-advised throw Lock has played well today

    • Peter

      4 million and incentives? Seems fine to me

  168. Blitzy the Clown

    Gregory was in the neutral zone to start that play

  169. Big Mike

    So why did it take 3 minutes for that call?
    Man NFL officials are brutal and this has actually been a decently officiated game

  170. Jon W.

    Listening to Greg Olsen blather on is so irritating. He stole $7mm from the Hawks back in 2020. I’ll never forget him letting a perfect RW pass doink off his hands & the defense ran it back for a pick 6.

  171. Blitzy the Clown

    This is so embarrassing for this franchise

    What an utter debacle

  172. Kyle R

    The offense tackles just as well as the defense at least.

  173. STTBM

    Cue everyone accusing Waldron of abandoning the run. Yet when they try, it’s a jailbreak and they are lucky to get 1 yard. Their run blocking scheme is utter crap. This is a coaching failure, from the Oline coach up to Carrol.

    On defense, nobody form tackles–not ever. Adams never chops his feet and breaks down when rushing, allowing the QB to throw the ball or escape. They play soft zone and don’t cover Kittle or Samuel. I guess they are that scared of Aiyuk?!

    Charles Cross is simply awful. If he was a second round pick, he’d be a bust. For a top 6 pick to look like hell never even sniff a Pro Bowl, that’s a wasted draft pick. We’d have done better to draft a kicker.

    Clint Hurtt is perhaps the most ineffective Coordinator in the NFL. Why does he still have a job?!

    This team is about as much fun to watch as getting a hangnail removed.

    The only way anything changes is if season ticket holders give up their tickets in droves. Otherwise, just more of the same until Bezos pays Jody all the monies….

  174. Whit21

    Bobby wagner out there looking like he has arthritic knees tbh..

    Good fumble recovery.. wish they coulda atleast got a FG.

    Lenoir definitely threw a punch in the scuffle

  175. Hawkster

    I find myself pulling for luck and against sea. Seems the biggest indictment of status quo as possible. That’s some broken fandom..

  176. BrandoK

    Seattle team led by Pete getting into fights not a surprise at all undisciplined team

  177. Troy

    Ahh. Here comes all the Pete Carroll trademark immature penalties.

  178. Brodie


  179. Whit21

    Twice lenior threw hands.. jeez

    • Whit21

      Ya.. lenior threw punch at bobo and knocks his helmet.. he should get fined for that

  180. HOUSE

    Undisciplined junk… 🤦‍♂️

  181. Troy

    Please fire Pete Carroll. I can’t keep watching this same act over and over.

  182. Kyle R

    There is that Pete Carroll “great culture” showing up again.

  183. Big Mike

    Fire Pete Carroll

  184. BrandoK

    Gotta get rid of Pete after this year

  185. jed

    Dirty play by Warner, stupid undisciplined from DK. Poorly coached Seahawks

  186. VanHawk

    Wrong, players love the culture in Seattle.

    They get to play basketball there you know.

    They got hoops and loud music at practice. Everyone wants to take a paycut to play there.

  187. jed

    Quandre playing like he just don’t care

    • STTBM

      Except for the fact he’s highly paid, I can’t blame him. Everyone can see Hurtt has no clue, and this defense is effed from the get-go.

      Bobby’s attitude two years ago has spread. If Diggs, Adams, and Wagz aren’t gone next year I’m going to lose my shit. Hopefully they take Carroll and Jody with them…

      • jed

        All the LBs and Safety’s need to go. They need a new attitude on the team. Even if the replacements are worse, I’d like to see effort all game

  188. BrandoK

    Diggs just quit on that play seems to say alot about this team and Pete.

    • Jon W.

      Bet he’s lovin that fat paycheck though.

  189. ok

    i’m just gonna go ahead and say that i have no problem with dk in this instance. football is a war game. if only some highly paid players on the defensive side of the ball had as much fire. we need more dk. he can at least tackle.

    • Peter

      Just thinking that. In the LOB days after Lenoir throws hands someone would be sending a message to the niners.

    • Dubb

      Amen to that. DK plays hard. He got a cheap shot. Officials should have ejected Warner.

  190. downtownjewelrybryan

    woolen is the anti-sherm

  191. 12th chuck

    offense sucks, no creativity in the run game, and no plays to get DK the ball. I get his frustration, but he cant lose composure like that. My guess, he will be traded in the offseason for under market value. Which is a shame, dude has talent

    • Peter

      Trade DK? Hate the stupid penalties but the whole defense is gutless.

    • STTBM

      DK deserves to play on a real NFL team, for a real OC and HC. His skills and talent are utterly wasted here.

      Carrol is losing the support of his best young players. How long will this debacle be allowed to continue?!

      • Peter


        Trade him and let him ball out.

      • 12th chuck

        so much wasted talent, it should be a crime.

    • ok

      @12th chuck

      i’m sorry im not seeing this trade dk stuff. trade him cuz he’s frustrated he plays for a crap
      team?!? hawks need warriors.
      look at how many plays jamal skips around, he doesn’t really want to be in the play, set the edge, crush the lead blocker. he doesn’t believe, he doesn’t have faith, jamal is just out there running around yapping, like a little dog. quandre is similarly disinterested.
      dk does not want to lose. i get the feeling he doesn’t care if he looks bad, or upset, he doesn’t seem to be afraid of trying and failing. please more of that. please.
      football is not a choir boy activity. dk supplexed warner. jamal and quandre might want to learn that one, they don’t have the physicality to tackle.

      • 12th chuck

        no way no how, do I want to trade DK. I am sure that PC will do something stupid is all I am saying

  192. Jon W.

    Total and abject humiliation. Punched in the face like a bunch of sissies.

    Niners have 511 yards of total offense. Beyond abysmal folks.

  193. Blitzy the Clown

    The penalties and loss of personal control are discouraging.

    But what’s truly embarrassing is the way the 49ers toyed with the Seahawks on the INT return, playing keep-away like the Harlem Globetrotters making fun of a hapless group of chumps while the crowd roars their approval.

    Just might be the low of the Carroll era.

    • Peter

      I dunno when Ravens sat Lamar for almost a quarter I knew we were a mirage.

  194. Big Mike

    How many total yards for San Francisco today?

    • Big Mike

      Never mind I see above 511
      Hey but that kneel down dropped it to 510!

  195. jed

    Jamal runs upfield and leaves a wide open gap to end the game

    • Jon W.

      Go get em Prez! What an immense doofus.

  196. Tomas

    Love both your writing and vids, Rob, which I usually enjoy more than the actual games.

    Only two more seasons of Pete after this one — unless Jody extends him after a meaningless win or two. Depressed.

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