Everything I think after the Eagles win

Sorry this is later than usual but here are my thoughts following the Eagles win…

Sign Leonard Williams to an extension now

It might cost you a bit more to get it done but who cares? You made a very expensive trade to acquire Williams and the focus now has to be making sure his future is in Seattle. He has played very well despite the 2-5 record since his arrival. This team cannot afford to waste a second round pick on a rental. They need to get a deal done.

Cap space is extremely tight for 2024 (they’re currently projected to be $9.5m over the cap next year) but we know changes are coming. Jamal Adams’ days are surely numbered for a start. They will cut other players like Bryan Mone. I’d argue it’s highly unlikely they are going to triple Geno Smith’s salary, given he’s now missing games to go along with a year that wasn’t as good as last season.

You have to commit to Williams. You have to go to him and make him an offer he can’t refuse. Don’t allow him to reach free agency and potentially have his head turned. Let’s not forget, the Rams currently have about $30m to spend next year. They could try and lure him back to California to play with Aaron Donald. You can’t allow that to happen. You have to make sure this wasn’t a wasted second rounder.

His performance against the Eagles was so impactful — he was pretty much the only defensive lineman making a difference. The Seahawks have a responsibility to keep him. He has to be in Seattle next season.

I can’t think of a better Christmas gift this week than committing Williams to a new deal. He ticks every box — talented, impactful, character fit.

Don’t rely on being able to recruit him in free agency. Tie him down now and let’s put to bed the word ‘rental’ once and for all.

Incredible Jaxon Smith-Njigba

What an unbelievable catch that was to win the game. Stunning. It’s the kind of play you need to see from a player you draft as highly as JSN. The nature of the catch — finger-tips at full stretch, the body-control, the fact he got open in the first place, then the ability to complete the catch to the ground. That was special — one of the best catches to win a football game you’ll see.

We don’t need to see Jamal Adams play for the Seahawks again

Nothing more needs to be said.

Well done to Drew Lock, but…

If the Seahawks want to give themselves the best chance to win their remaining three games, Geno Smith — for me — is still the better player. That was a fantastic 92-yard drive to win the game by Lock and he deserves credit for it. Up until that point, though, he looked very similar to Charlie Whitehurst.

For me it’s pretty much a pointless debate anyway. Smith has already been declared the starter by Pete Carroll if healthy next week and neither player is the answer long term. The Seahawks have to find a way to draft a quarterback.

I have mixed feelings about the win

There’s no point lying about it, I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy when the Seahawks won. I don’t think it makes me a ‘bad fan’, although some will suggest that. I never root against the Seahawks, I just watched with a very balanced emotional state. I also stayed up until 5:30am to watch then reflect on the game (just in case anyone wants to question my commitment to the cause).

I do fear, though, that the Seahawks are now absolutely heading for the playoffs — which will create the impression that everything is mostly OK again, will put off necessary changes to drive the team forwards and a lot of the conversations we’ve been having for the last few years will simply extend into 2024.

The perfect scenario would be ending the season with a flourish to allow Carroll to bow-out gracefully. That would be the best of both worlds. Instead I suspect we’re going to see an epic papering over the cracks with a playoff qualification that will be of the back-door nature, in a NFC that is — if we’re being honest — absolutely woeful apart from one team. Talk of ‘running it back’ and it being ‘crazy’ to part with Carroll will emerge, even though all of the relevant complaints from recent weeks remain. They beat a collapsing Eagles team who look a shadow of their former selves.

I think for the Seahawks to have a chance to be great again they need an offensive-minded Head Coach (Bobby Slowik increasingly feels like a great shout, especially if you’re drafting a QB) and a new young quarterback. Immediate contention isn’t very likely but I think it’ll set you on the path to potentially get there.

I cannot in any way, shape or form imagine Carroll, Clint Hurtt and Shane Waldron leading the Seahawks to the promise land. I can’t even imagine them getting one over Kyle Shanahan and Sean McVay in the division. The thought of another year of watching four embarrassing defeats to the 49ers and Rams is about as desirable as watching ‘Christmas with the Kranks’ (the worst film ever made).

I appreciate other people’s response to this is ‘just enjoy the win’. I respect anyone who feels that way and does indeed want to take solace and enjoyment from inflicting a third straight defeat on the Eagles. If you disagree with me, that’s perfectly cool. All I ask is you offer that same attitude to me. I am less enthused than you are about the win because it increases the chances of necessary changes not happening after this season. That concerns me, because I can’t see any alternative other than the same repetitive issues with the Carroll Seahawks. More bad defense. More inconsistent identity. More failing to provide answers or solutions to problems. More losing to Shanahan and McVay.

The last few weeks have felt like a natural end is on the horizon after 14 years. I don’t feel any differently after this game.

That was my prevailing thought after the win. I don’t like it but can’t lie either.

If you missed my post-game live stream, check it out here:


  1. Henry Taylor

    I agree wholeheartedly with the first three points. On the 4th I’m in two minds, the rational part of my brain knows this win does nothing for us in the long term but delay the inevitable, but the emotional part of my brain (the part that tends to dominate when I watch my sports teams) says ‘fuck it, what if we went all the way?’

    On Drew Lock I’d just like to add how happy I am for him, a lot of jokes were made at his expense after the Wilson trade and it was cool to see him get this moment.

    • Peter

      I get it. That’s why the nfl went from 10 to 12 to 14 playoff teams.

      You start thinking… we almost had Dallas at their house surely we can catch them a second time.

      • LouCityHawk

        My primary point in watching sports is to enjoy myself, the version of the Seahawks I saw last night was the first enjoyable one this season.

        I could care less about playoffs or no, I want passion, I want players to care and give a damn…. I think the NFL playoff expansion was just a money grab, like the 17th game.

  2. Georgia Hawk


    Generally I agree with you on most things. But I absolutely cannot let this one thing stand uncontested.

    “Christmas with the Kranks” is the worst movie ever made? Come on man, it’s not even the worst Christmas movie!

    Clearly you’ve never seen “Santa with Muscles.”


    • Rob Staton

      I haven’t but when I watched Christmas with the Kranks I nearly had to bathe in a bottle of bleach to cleanse myself

      • Peter Sellar

        This is exactly where the debate is at.

        And the worst Christmas film is Brooke Shields’ “Castle for Christmas”. Trust me. End of.

    • DJ 1/2 way

      It is generous of Rob to leave some low hanging fruit for those that want to be disagreeable. No matter the topic, the phrase “worst ever” or “best ever” begs to be challenged, but especially worst ever movie with the endless depths that hole leads to.

      I like to think that a dozen posters here could be sitting around a table all drinking a different beer, all thinking it is the “best ever” and all being correct. It is the best ever for me. (do not try this with wine-the experts get a say there!)

      The simple fix here is to say the worst ever I have seen. If you do not want to be disagreeable then just fill that in for those that leave it out, especially if they just stayed up until 5:30AM to get content out for your favorite web site.

  3. wsguy

    Well stated Rob, I felt much the same way. Superfluous win, making it harder to get a QB next year and for Jody to make the necessary changes …

    • LouCityHawk

      How do you figure on the QB and a move from Carroll?

  4. Big Mike

    I’ll wager anyone here a beer that Pete trots Adams out as the starter next week. Kumbaya.
    Any takers?

    • LouCityHawk

      I’d take that bet, although I think you are probably right, there are reasons I’d wager that Prez won’t see the field for the rest of the season.

      And it isn’t just because I bout a 33 Jersey off EBay and have already modified it to read Yikes! Instead of Adams

  5. Sea Mode

    Agree on all points, Rob!

    Re-posting this from last thread in case anyone missed it. Hopefully it’s a first sign that he really does know his days are numbered in Seattle.

    Kind of wish they would announce it, then it would be easier to root for him to go out on a high note, as you mention.

    dand393 says:
    December 18, 2023 at 10:07 pm

    This looks like a man that’s ready to retire


    • Rob Staton

      I’ve had so many people send me that this morning.

      I want to read into it but also fear Carroll will be asked about it on 710 later and will say something like, “I’m not going anywhere.”

      Legitimately the best case scenario would be him announcing this is his final year, everyone rallying to finish with a flourish and then a new era beginning. That would bring everyone together I think.

      • DK

        That would be the perfect scenario, Carroll gets a send off tour the last three games, plus any playoff games. Then those of us who see the writing on the wall for the team and those who have an unwavering belief this team is a contender can both enjoy the rest of the season.

      • Elmer

        1. Yes! Sign Williams. (lS probably won’t)

        2. Yes! The team is better without Adams.

        3. I really hope that Lock’s performance, though commendable, will not convince them to avoid taking a QB. Do I have faith? Nah!

  6. Rokas

    I agree wholeheartedly that Williams needs to be extended ASAP, although they will probably drag this into offseason, as it has been their modus operandi in the recent years.

    Shout out to DK, who for the 3rd time in the season put us in position to win the game.

    • Elmer

      Tyler is probably past his peak. Bobby is probably past his peak. Kind of sad to see for players who have contributed so much in their careers. Did Adams peak? I must have missed it.

  7. GF

    This was my fear, winning and that many people forget how bad a team we are, I think we can say that Pete is no longer in the hot seat (yes, I know, it’s not what many of us think but it’s what I imagine what do they think in Seattle), if we only fire Waldron and not Hurtt, next season will be more of the same, we need to not only change the DC but also the scheme

    • Peter

      This is what is going to happen.

      We beat Detroit then a series of backups on bad teams get to 5-2 and start thinking the future is ours.

      Then play a series of contenders in both conferences and get pretty well handled with Dallas being the closest thing to a great game. Come back to earth a bit as to who we are.

      Then wrap up the season with a win against Eagles and possibly 3 in a row against teams that will have losing records.

      Currently Seattle is not in the playoffs but let’s assume we get that seventh seed.

      Game one: Dallas at their house. Now I’m not going to say the NFL is rigged. But I’m also going to say that the NFL ‘prefers’ Dallas in the postseason. And it’s at Jerryworld.

      Game two: if we do beat the Cowboys….for our reward we travel to Santa Clara. A team where we have zero answers for if they are healthy.

  8. Robert Las Vegas

    The one thing that really surprised me about the Seahawks win was that the Seahawks went after someone or a weakness of the eagles that was James bradberry.the DK catch and touchdown pass were both against James B the Seahawks never seem to do this. Kyle Shanahan does this Sean does this I really wish the Seahawks did this more..the thing is Philadelphia will get into the playoffs but I can also see the eagles winning 13 games and being one and done once the playoffs. Would that surprise anyone?

    • Malc from PO

      13 wins and a first round exit is the Eagles’ destiny if last night is their level of performance. Their run in is pretty easy but that team was kneecapped by the Seahawks just not giving up any big plays and waiting for terrible in-game management to hand us the game. If you are flummoxed by Pete-ball, I’m afraid there isn’t much hope for you.

  9. bv eburg

    RE Lock,
    I thought Cha at one point said if Geno get’s hurt he is guaranteed to be on the roster next year? Either way I would actually like to see Lock again. There was a balanced blueprint on how this offense should have been run all season last night. They went heavy 2 and 3 TE almost the whole 2nd half and pounded the ball with Walker and a little Charbonet. This kept Lock in manageable situations where he just needed to be efficient and he was.
    Having said all that most certainly draft a QB earlier rather than later.
    Also, Walker gives me Marshawn vibes. Great lower body strength and balance, look how often they fail to take him to the ground. Fun to watch.
    I’ve been off the Pete bandwagon for 5 years, this changes nothing.

    • Big Mike

      I’ve been off the Pete bandwagon for 5 years, this changes nothing.

      Ditto and ditto

    • cha

      If geno smith cannot pass a physical 5 days after the Super Bowl his $12.7m salary guarantees.

      • bv eburg

        His $12.7m salary guarantees is the 2024 contract? If so I’m avoiding that possibility!
        The blueprint is there in their 2nd half showing of 2 and 3 tight end sets, heavy run, manageable qb play. It also helped the interior Oline play as they seem to be much more set up to run block, not pass. With more emphasis on run last night I don’t remember a holding penalty while pass blocking?

        • cha

          Yes. Feb 16 is deadline day.

          And if he gets seriously hurt in the last 3 games – enough to not be able to pass a physical on the 16th – the salary locks and they’re stuck for 2024.

          Unless somebody wants to trade for him.

          • bv eburg

            This is why Geno would only see the field in an emergency for me. See what Lock can do. He either proves he’s a capable future backup or he doesn’t.

    • Whit21

      My take on drew lock last night.. is he played reminiscent of how geno played last year.. short quick passes.. high % ..

      Its probably like how 49ers run brock purdy.. without the wide open receivers the 49ers get bevause of the great scheme..

      Something is wrong with Geno this year if he cant even emulate himself from last year but drewblock can..

      Geno is all time bad on 3rd down rating and completion %.. just bench him already.. if they start Geno and he struggles.. thats gonna be a bigger controversy now than it would have been when Geno was struggling when healthy..

  10. Gritty Hawk

    I had two major thoughts watching Drew Lock last night:

    1) He clearly isn’t a franchise QB. So many missed throws and bad decisions. Deep ball accuracy, that dime to JSN notwithstanding, is not very good. He still has not learned how to use his athleticism to extend plays and make something out of nothing. He’s a very good backup/middling-to-bad starter who will be good for one heroic drive per year.

    2) This team with Geno starting is maybe 1 win better. He’s clearly and inarguably the better player, but he is not $26M+ better than Lock. I still would not hesitate to cut him post 6/1 and save a ton of money. With a renewed focus on the running game and even a marginally better o-line and defense, this is still a 6-8 win team even with a full year of Lock starting, in my opinion. Aggressively go after a QB and take our lumps next year. We’re not going to be a contender anyway with potentially $30M+ dead money hanging over our heads.

    • Peter

      This is a great comment all around.

      Geno Smith for the season has had three games where you could call him good: Dallas, WAS, and Detroit

      Three games ( not counting Giants because he got hurt) where he was objectively bad: niners, Baltimore, first rams game

      And several games where he was decidedly JAG: second rams game, Cindy ( great yardage but two picks) Cleveland, and AZ.

      Lock wasn’t good. He played almost exactly like Geno against the Rams the second time doing nearly nothing of note til the very end. Yesterday was Drew’s day when it counted.

      • A-ok

        I have to agree with the comparison, the only difference is Geno to me is likely a better mentor than Lock, so if we’re drafting a young QB, I would prefer Geno. Just not at $30m…

        • Peter

          It’s a lot of money for a bridge especially if Waldron gets the three year axe from Pete. Geno learning a new system with a new guy.

          Sometimes I wonder how he’ll be. It’s one thing to play poorly when Lock is the backup and no one rates him.

          Geno is mercurial and having a young qb riding the bench might get hard for him and the team if Geno has a clunker or two.

    • cha

      Unfortunately cutting Geno post-June1 does not benefit the team at all.

      It’s a traditional cut before day 5 after the Super Bowl, a restructuring, a trade, or they ride with him on the full $31m hit.

      • OregonHawk

        Could a trade of
        Geno or and Adams be made if we pay part of their salary?

  11. samprassultanofswat

    Just a few comments.

    1) What has happened to Riq? Shocking! He needs to change his name back to Tariq.

    2) Seattle has three outstanding wide-receivers. And they made some great receptions. However, let face it. Seattle’s offense is best when they have two and three tight-end offensive formations. The third quarter they ran the football down the throat of the Philadelphia Eagles. The Seahawks need to run the football. The Seahawks tight-ends are actually fairly good receivers. So they can mix in the pass with the run. I love the formation where they have two tight-ends in the backfield. They can run block. They can pass block. They can throw deep crossing routes out of that formation. They can also throw the football to these tight-ends out of that formation. But in this league, if you don’t have one of the top three or four QBs you have to run the football. Yes, Seattle will still have three wide-out formations. And I have no problem with that. However, you have to mix it up. If you are going to win mix up the run and pass. Now that you have Abraham Lucas and Anthony Bradford on the right of the offensive line you can run the football. Those two guys can MOVE people.

    3). Seattle’s next opponent is Tennessee. That is a 10AM game(Seattle time) Sunday. Yes the game is winnable. But you have a late Monday night game. Then travel to Tennessee on a short week and play a 10AM start time. That is going to be tough. I know Dave Wyman acts like it is not a big deal. But it IS a big deal. I don’t care what Wyman says. That is a tall order. Will the Seahawks have their legs for that game? That is the question. I don’t know.

    4) After this victory it looks like Pete Carroll will be the Seahawk head coach as long as he wants to be. Unless the Seahawks are sold.

    5) I would like to see Drew Lock finish the season. But that ain’t going to happen. As soon as Geno Smith is healthy he will be the starter.

    6) Sunday after Mass we have coffee and donuts. I was asked what are the chances of the Seahawks winning on Monday night. I actually gave them a 40% chance of winning. I thought the Eagles would win. But, Philadelphia’s defense has played poorly over the last 4 or 5 previous games. So I knew the Seahawks had a chance.

    • Big Mike

      3). Seattle’s next opponent is Tennessee. That is a 10AM game (Seattle time) Sunday. Yes the game is winnable. But you have a late Monday night game. Then travel to Tennessee on a short week and play a 10AM start time. That is going to be tough. I know Dave Wyman acts like it is not a big deal. But it IS a big deal. I don’t care what Wyman says. That is a tall order. Will the Seahawks have their legs for that game? That is the question. I don’t know.

      Been saying this since the Hawks got flexed to last night and I stand by it. The good news is that Seattle is very good in 10 AM games uner Carroll. But yeah, ain’t gonna be easy.
      Oh and btw, take whatever moron Wyman says and figure the opposite is actually true. He is the biggest Carroll sycophant in a local media full of them.

      • RomeoA57

        Wyman is the worst, except for maybe his radio show partner. Last season listening to Wyman every week talk about how good Cody Barton was is high comedy.

        • Peter

          Wyman talking about how amazing Dickson’s net yards this season are had me dying.

          If I could I would write a note to him to mention that Myers has been worth around 45-48% of all seahawks points just to hear him say it in the air.

      • Malc from PO

        Count me in on this too – Tennessee will be a tough game. I loved our win last night but the Eagles capitulated to Pete-ball: forced to take longer drives than they wanted, forced out of their rhythm causing some dreadful decisions – you can’t rely on that breakdown every week. A good opponent will figure out how to get a big play (49ers, Cowboys, Ravens), or beat you at your own game (Rams). That’s the nature of our purgatory – Pete-ball will defeat bad teams but lacks answers against good opposition. I don’t rate TEN as a good team but if they can hit a big play or two we’ll struggle.

  12. Thomas

    I think Lock is better than Whitehurst. He just needs more playing time. Geno is probably a hair better for the remainder of the season.

  13. Submanjoe

    Sign Leonard Williams now! I’ve been thinking that for the last two weeks.

    I think we know what Geno is and we’ve seen all there is to see with him, he’s reached his ceiling. That, and he doesn’t excite anyone I know.
    Drew Lock isn’t the answer, but can he improve? Can he learn and adjust and next week complete the go route to Tyler? I don’t know but I’d like to see if he can.
    And still draft a quarterback asap please.

  14. Troy

    I think K9 is deserving of a shout, he really set the pace for the game and had many crucial runs that kept the drives going.

    Our offense and team looks a lot different when he is healthy back there carrying the rock.

    • Peter

      It’s weird how the team apparently can run block….oh wait maybe if we didn’t pass a zillion times a game we could actually block.

      Also…I will give drew a shout for taking a kill shot from Sweat and getting up like nothing happened to hang in long enough to make something happen.

      • Luis Guilherme

        The team can run block when you get stability at the OL. We finally have, 13 games into the season (and Bradford currently sucks, but has potential)

        • Peter

          I don’t buy that.

          Walker had a few really good games with the line in Flux.

          I think run blocking is more about a decision and execution than anything else.

          Bradford doesn’t suck. He’s a mid late rounder who had to split reos with Haynes for no real reason.

    • pdway

      On the scoring drive that ended w his TD run – he was really special. They couldn’t tackle him.

  15. pdway

    I get the sentiment – one fun win doesn’t paper over the problems we’ve seen w the coaching all year. Esp when the win itself, had plenty of it’s-time-to-move-on moments before we pulled it out.

    Only thing that’s been in my head as I’ve read all the articles here these past weeks – I’ve never been convinced it’s not wishful thinking that Pete will leave after this season, or that he’ll be pushed out before he wants to go – unless there is an abject failure (4-5 wins) type of year.

    Last night did make me again feel like there is still talent on this team – and w a new QB throwing to DK and JSN, and handing it off to KW/Zach for the next 5 years – we could be a lot of fun to watch. Back to hoping we make smart off-season moves, and riding it out this year.

  16. pdway

    Adding this too – Lock may not have QB1 chops, but watching his post-game interviews – what a genuine and good dude, feels like the kind of guy who a team could really get behind in that sense.

  17. LouCityHawk

    I have a long Seahawk memory, and so the game this reminded me the most of was a MNF game in 1992. The 2-14 Seahawks season. I thoroughly enjoyed that game, even though we weren’t contenders, and it likely cost us a shot at Drew Bledsoe. My friends were on me non-stop, the flip of Rob’s post perhaps – how can you enjoy that win when all it did was hurt us?

    I bring it up again because I think perspective matters. No one thought Flores was going anywhere, the team had lots of ties to the PNW area (how many people knew Chuck Allen by association?), Rusty Tillman and the defense led by Tez (not Prez) was what you got. What happened after that season is it got ran it back with Rick Mirer and they finished 6-10…Flores persisted, Behring laid groundwork for his LA move.

    One of my favorite Seahawks ‘What if’s’ is ‘What if the Testaverde play was correctly called’, but what if it was?

    We, as fans, work with imperfect information. Most sports owners don’t make decisions based on one play, or one game, maybe not even one season…not where a head coach is concerned. What ultimately forced the hand of ownership with Staley or Reich?

    I believe the preparations for Holmgren’s arrival and Erickson’s departure had already been made. Timing is what mattered. I don’t think anything short of Holmgren backing out would have saved Erickson.

    Whatever decision awaits Carroll, I don’t think it hinges on the playoffs, or a game. If you are the impatient sort a losing streak and general failure could force the hand of ownership. I don’t think Carroll gets fired, asked to retire(?) seems more likely. It wouldn’t surprise me if those discussions happened in the off-season and have been ongoing. I don’t think Carroll is stupid, I believe 100% that he loves this game and would like to coach forever. He has likely been feeling out options to return to college.

    Jody and Pete have known each other for over a decade, they likely have a healthy dose of mutual respect towards each other. More than anything, I suspect the driver for a Carroll replacement is Allen having tapped who she wants as the next coach, and knowing there is mutual interest. Similarly, Carroll may be looking at his landing spot, and if the right job became available would depart.

    We don’t know the yin/yang balance, it could be that missing the playoffs lengthens Carroll’s time because he wants to go out on top, get his applause, get the job where someone thinks he has lost a step. It could be that a triumph in the playoffs is just what Carroll needed – winning out.

    Enjoy the wins or don’t, I’d say enjoy them and enjoy life. Recognize that performance is only part of an equation, and that a Holmgren on the horizon could be as significant as Carroll losing out from here on.

    • Big Mike

      Good post brother.Not sure Carroll possibly leaving depends on college opportunities but I wouldn’t totally discount it either. I am guessing for all our machinations, you might well be correct in that Allen already has a plan in place, whatever that may be. An 8 game losing streak to end this season may have swayed her in the direction of change immediately if that wasn’t the plan, but that was unlikely to happen especially considering the level of opponents in the team’s last 3 games (even had Seattle lost last night).I have felt all along that the plan is Carroll fulfilling his contract but who knows for sure?

      • LouCityHawk

        I know you’re a long time fan, so you get it…

        My suspicion is raising that there is either an heir apparent, or a hot name, and that will determine the result.

        I agree that 2025 made the most sense, but I’m starting to wonder, there is smoke…

        And of course, there is a portion of the fan base that wants to run it back, and would regardless of the finish, no QB until round 6 or later so we can find ‘our Purdy’ and then victory. The weird thing about this group is when I phrase the question – “so Schneider is the problem? We should fire him?” The convo ends.

    • Rokas

      Thanks for the shared memories, not sure if this is an ok phrase, but was interesting to read.

      • LouCityHawk

        Thanks. I was trying to put myself to work being more concise, which is hard.

        We, especially long term fans, shouldn’t be prisoners of the moment.

        Would I have loved to see CJ Stroud slinging the ball for us last night? Of course. But I am glad for the win we got, I’m glad to hear what Lock had to say afterwards.

        • Rokas

          Yes, both things are true!

  18. Chawk

    You sir are highly regarded. The sea-hawks are in the thick of a playoff hunt and you’re wishing the team loses. Horrible fan. Get off the wagon don’t and ever root my team again. Your takes from halfway around the world don’t fly. Stick with bloody soccer you cunt. Imagine wanting your coach, who has taken you to the playoffs nearly every year that he’s been here, fired. Team, needs to be better yes, but be glad we’re not the panthers changing coaches every year.

    • Rob Staton

      Clearing this comment to highlight the complete and utter knuckle-dragging losers we have in the fan base and the kind of nonsense I get every week.

      • boz 55

        agree totaly with rob nuckledraggers ,

      • Peter

        I thought this was a bit at first…

      • James Z

        Can’t spell, or punctuate, or capitalize…now THERE’S a ‘nuckledragger’.

      • Scot04

        I don’t remember you ever saying you wished the Seahawks would lose. It’s infuriating people can’t read a whole article you write or listen to what your actually saying post game.
        Some people are just around to complain about anyone who doesn’t see things their way.
        Sorry you have to deal with this crap.

      • 509 Chris

        It amazes me how you, or I or anyone online for that matter, will make a long thought out argument with some facts and data to back it up just to have someone completely trash your character and ignore everything you already said that disproves what they’re saying about you. On the stream and in your article you were fair that people may disagree, and you never said you’re actively rooting against the team. I would say you’re rooting against apathy, as we all should both in our teams and ourselves.

        On a side note my brother is the only person I ever hear using the term nuckle dragger. Love it man! Is that used in the U.K. or is it something you picked up over here?

        • Rob Staton

          It’s used fairly frequently in the UK. And thank you for perfectly illustrating the problem with the debate at times.

    • AlaskaHawk

      Thanks for clearing it Rob. It’s the first time I laughed this morning!

      Oh yes – great win last night!

    • LouCityHawk

      Looks like an ai bot asked to write a comment telling Rob Staton to shut up. 😂

    • Dustin

      Imagine getting so worked up about someone’s opinion about anything let alone a football team.

    • Troy

      I agree Rob is highly regarded, glad we could settle that!

    • Gaux Hawks

      …over/under 13 years old?

      smart bet? …take the under

    • Chris

      Here’s a man that will always be fine with one-and-done teams. Not a championship bone in his body.

  19. Gary

    A quick comment on Drew Lock. It seems that many have made up their mind very definitively as to exactly what he is, and what his ceiling might be. Would it be so hard to admit that we don’t know yet? The NFL has become a league where we rush to judgement and deliver a quick verdict on a QB leaving absolutely no room for potential growth and development. I will be the first to admit that I did not see much of Lock’s Denver years but ask yourself if he’s really been given an opportunity in Seattle. Don’t even get me started on the “competition” after Lock was acquired as Pete had predetermined the outcome of that sham even before Lock contracted COVID. All of you who believe Lock is a good backup at best may yet turn out to be right. But my only point is that if we’re honest, we don’t really know yet what we have in him. The talent is clearly there, and with a couple of years in the system and better coaching, and schemes designed to get the most out of him, might it be possible that we already have what we need at the position and on a cheap contract? The sample size has been small, and we’ve seen tantalizing glimpses. I’ve also seen growth in his game, including last night where there were no turnovers. With Geno we actually do know what we have. I for one would like to see Geno stapled to the bench the rest of the way and have Lock be given the same opportunity to go into these last three games knowing he’s QB1 so that we can use these games to come to an informed decision. I just don’t get all of those who are declaring that he’s “clearly” not a franchise quarterback and that Geno is “inarguably” the better player. Let’s keep an open mind and enjoy finding out.

    • A-ok

      The NFL doesn’t have time for guys to get it. Lock has been in the league long enough now and he has shown he’s a SOLID backup QB.

      That’s no hating as half the league is running on backups for at least a few games a year now. It’s as important a position as ever. But I haven’t seen anything that shows Lock is a starter. His accuracy is inconsistent, his decision-making is inconsistent, sometimes he plays it too safe, other times he throws into double or triple coverage. He’s mobile, but not THAT mobile.

      He’s in the league of a Heinicke or Minshew. Both can win you some games, and both can lose you some games. But every team that has those guys is always looking for THE guy.

    • BK26

      I’m sorry, we do know who he is. He is a 27 year old veteran who hasn’t been able to beat anyone out to start. You can say that it was rigged for Geno to start, but Pete isn’t going to do that. That is why Russell Wilson started.

      You want to give him a couple years? With better coaching, better scheme, better everything else? He is 27 and we are trying to win. Not find the next Geno Smith who might put it together a few years before he is done.

      He got through one game with zero interceptions. Geno is better and will be starting because the team will be better with him (and I want Lock to start specifically because he is easier to root for than Geno). His growth just isn’t there, as shown with the rest of the time he’s played this year.

      He is clearly not a franchise quarterback. Period. We can squint all that we want and get excited that we won a game and will be back in the playoffs, but this team still needs major corrections and changes. A future franchise quarterback at the top. Lock can be the bridge until a rookie is ready, but that is what he is: an above-average backup quarterback.

    • Phil

      Gary – Totally agree with your last sentence. If only more people would adopt this attitude ….. not just in Sports, but in nearly everything life throws at them.

      I enjoyed being surprised by last night’s win and, for the rest of this week, that’s enough.

  20. Luis Guilherme

    I’m a simple man. My team wins, I celebrate.

    But do you really think, Rob, that you see things that Jody Allen doesn’t? Because “this win will mask our deficiencies” is basically calling Jody unable to properly do her job as an owner / trustee, being subject to the heat of the moment.

    And this is not a hit, it may very well be true. You were more right on the QB prospects than many front offices and most of draft media two years in a row, to give an example. But it’s a very bold point to make.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I think there is a good chance that Jody Allen just wants Pete to hold on until after the team sale. It’s all fun and games to speculate about new coaches – but her big interest should be focused on the sale.

    • Rob Staton

      I think it’s a bit of a reach to accuse me of that.

      I don’t know what she thinks — which is why I fear the outcome. It doesn’t mean I’m implying anything.

    • LouCityHawk

      Rob knows maybe a little more than the rest of us do, but you need to read what he wrote.

      There is a difference in being concerned about what Jody is going to do, and saying what she will do.

      All we know is that she is very good at playing things close to her chest, she has experience equivalent to that of a COO, and that she has know Carroll for 10+ years.

      People saying ‘No way Jody does anything” are guilty of worse than someone saying “I’m worried that Jody may…”

  21. Big Mike

    I see one win and the piling on Rob has begun. I’m sure it’s even worse over on Reddit, .NET, etc. Where were you after 4 straight losses?
    I challenge all these trolls to come back next year when we’re 7-7 again trying to sneak into the playoffs and the same issues are front and center.

    • Peter

      Folks would rather be right about when Rob is “wrong,” then ever say a word about how Seattle can realistically beat the niners in the 6th try in a row.

      The .Net trolls would rather bring up Dorial Green-beckham (sp?) 100 years ago when a young guy was just getting into the draft than admit that Rob called Josh Allen a top 10 pick five months before the draft. Or that Pete and russ were splitting, or Carter 99.999% was not the pick.

      That site is a cesspool. I never go to fieldgulls because every week there’s former SDB’ers clipping parts of Rob’s stuff to drag it.

      And reddit. More like forget it. That place fairly often refutes the ‘wisdom of the masses’. Going on reddit even to get answers about a niche piece of farm equipment feels like I’m trapped in a basement with sticky mountain dew stains on the walls and leftover pizza rolls someone’s mom made for them on the floor.

      • Big Mike

        Why do I think that not all the sticky stains on the wall are Mountain Dew?

        • Peter

          It’s mostly hopeful thinking on my part.

          I watched two minutes of a podcast last draft time…..when two goofs brought up in regards to robs qb thoughts….Matt barkley to prove Rob one time may or may not have missed on a prospect…..try hard. More like try less.

          • Rob Staton

            Who were the goofs?

            • Peter

              Just two old guys with a podcast with apparently a few hundred episodes and no followers.

              It just made me laugh. I’m an old head from your .net days and apparently they were too.

              I think a lot of it is British broadcaster has unique viewpoint and gets on radio more than any of these other people.

              • Rob Staton

                I remember going on a podcast with a couple of older guys once, wonder if it’s the same one

      • LouCityHawk

        Curious who the ex-SDB people are on FG? There are some anti-Rob people who pipe up every now and again, but thy typically won’t engage unless they find someone who will do it on their terms.

        Happy to talk about Will Levis, not eager to talk about Stroud, etc…

        • BK26

          There are a few that if you mention Rob, they get a little offended. Some will bring it up since his articles get linked.

        • Peter

          I don’t want to name check anyone incorrectly but I’ve been needing out since seahawks addicts and a few of people use the same handle everywhere.

          Where I used to see them post here like a decade or so ago I never see them anymore.

          But more importantly it was the linking of articles to drum up talking points.

  22. Palatypus

    Rumor has it that Jalen Hurts was so sick that he went to the bathroom at halftime and came back with the scepter for angry runs.

    • cha

      tush push

      • Sea Mode


        Well played, both of you!

  23. Blitzy the Clown

    I loved the final drive to win the game. Loved the performances and effort. Loved Lock’s throw, loved loved loved JSN’s catch. Loved seeing Walker get fed again. Loved watching Leonard Williams abuse the vaunted Eagles’ OL.

    I do not love the win. It’s a perfect example of immediate benefit, long term detriment. At best, it knocks us down the draft order, making it that much harder to get a QB. At worst, it makes Carroll think he’s still got it.

    I thought some of the coaching was horrendous. That t/o Carroll called on 4th down to regroup and get the play right, which actually gave Philly the time to review the previous play and see Lock was ‘sacked’ for a 7 yard loss instead of an incomplete play, knocking them out of conversion territory and giving up 4 points in the process, was as pristine an example of the bumbling incompetence that has become the Seattle coaching staff. Utterly shambolic and inept. And then watching Carroll argue with the ref to get it back because Sirianni successfully challenged the play was the rotten cherry on top. I was embarrassed for him in that moment. Yikes.

    Much hay has been made of that photo of Carroll standing on the field long after the game ended, just taking it all in. I was wrong about this the last time I said it so take these words how you will. But I’m getting that same vibe from Carroll that he’s tired with all the bollocks (most of it his own making).

    I don’t think a win in spite of themselves against a vastly underperforming Eagles team will change the trajectory of whatever decision Carroll will make (or already has) about what’s next for him. FWIW, I don’t think the Eagles will win their division, let alone the conference.

    But…it’s possible this team wins out from here. Tennessee is the only real challenge left. And even if they lose next week, they are still likely to win the final 2 games to finish 9-8 and sneak into the playoffs, where they will no doubt get bounced in the wild card.

    Going to close out by returning to how happy I am for Drew Lock. This is a game to us. It’s his life. Seahawks will play on, and I’ll cheer them in future games and seasons. But last night, that final drive and throw to win the game. Drew has that forever.

    • BK26

      Spot on. This win changes nothing except where we will be in the draft. Needle didn’t move, nothing was shown to be fixed.

      People here in Kansas City are shocked that I’m not happy about the win. I have to tell them that nothing changes for my team to be at the level that I want them. I don’t need any immediate joy to get by. It worries me more because fans and probably Pete will be pulling out these moral victories, using all of the talk as the rallying point for…what they do every year: a quick playoff exit or a big, embarrassing blowout.

    • pdway

      good post — ‘pristine’ is the perfect word i was looking for to describe that gaffe….

  24. Salt Lake Snake Hawk

    I can definitely see us dropping games to the Titans and/or Steelers and still ending with a dud that alters the team’s direction next year.

  25. Parallax

    Usually I agree with most everything you write, Rob, but not today. I have two issues with your analysis. First is the resigning of Williams. Yes, we gave the Giants too much. That isn’t corrected by signing him if we overpay. Those picks are gone. It was an identical analysis which caused us to overpay Adams.

    If signing him leaves him wanting to be a Seahawk and he’s willing to sign for a fair price, great. Sign him. That would be making something of those lost picks. But overpaying him because you can’t admit your mistake just doubles down on it and digs the hole deeper.

    My second difference is on Drew Lock. You’re not alone in this. Everyone has him locked in a box, the guy with a great arm, good mobility, who makes boneheaded decisions and throws interceptions. That could be accurate but people can grow. Yesterday, he really curtailed the bad decisions and he showed off the good qualities. We know what we have with Geno. We know it’s not adequate. We don’t know what we have with Lock. We traded for him, insisting he be included in the Russ deal, presumably because we saw something and thought we could do better with him than did Denver. Now is our chance.

    If we don’t give him the opportunity, maybe he walks and does it somewhere else next year. Then we’ll feel like idiots. We have these three games and maybe the playoffs. It should be Drew’s chance to show us he’s figured things out. I don’t think anyone questions that if he can make smarter, quicker choices than has sometimes been his norm, he has the tools to be excellent.

    • BK26

      I’ve said this over and over: if he leaves, he isn’t going to make us feel like idiots. You don’t just figure it out when you are 27 and have been in the league for 5 years. He is what he is. Look at the rest of his games this year. Good job to him, leading that drive. But he wasn’t great before then.

      You said Geno isn’t adequate. Neither is Lock, the guy who couldn’t beat out Geno. He will be a fine bridge and back up.

      • Parallax

        I don’t think he was given a chance, here or in Denver. It’s not necessarily true that people don’t change past a certain age. Jim Plunket comes to mind as someone who improved substantially later in his career. In his case, in his thirties. In baseball, Ron Guidry came out of nowhere at 27, going 25-2 with a ridiculous ERA right around 2.0. Opposing batters had a .180 average. He won the Cy Young award and carried the Yankees to the world championship. He was nothing at 26.

        There are people with obvious talent who, for one reason or another, are challenged pulling it all together — until they do. It’s not like we’re talking about a guy lacking clear and obvious talent. He just needs to learn to play mindfully and under control. Did a good job of that last night. The running game helped, as did the defense. But he managed the game well until the last drive and then played hero ball as well as Russ ever did.

        • AlaskaHawk

          In his post game interview I thought he said he didn’t get to practice with the starters before the 49ers game. He then had a week width thecsrarters leading up to the Eagles game.

          Not counting preseason which is an extended tryout now, how much time has Lock had with the first string in the last three years? Next to nothing. So it is premature to say he will never succeed. He needs at least half a season to prove himself using the teams plays.

          • BK26

            To be what? A serviceable backup? Odds are, he isn’t going to be a long-term solution for a team.

            You know what else makes a nice difference? Playing the Eagles instead of 9er’s.

            I am not saying that he is horrible. He just isn’t going to be a quarterback who is a difference maker, a blue-chip player. We also don’t have the time to sit and wait for him to go through growing pains to try and make it work just to know what we know and have seen. For 5 years.

        • BK26

          Football in the 70’s is almost not the same sport. And baseball is definitely not a reliable comparison.

          He sill has not been able to get on the field for either team. People talk about Denver, but they were bad and he couldn’t stay out there for them. He definitely has his stretches, but he just isn’t reliable. At this point, him changing his gun slinger mentality is like the people who were waiting for Favre to change.

          • AlaskaHawk

            But you do have time to go through a mid first round to third round rookie? No one is guaranteed. Including Young or Levis from last year.

            • BK26

              He is 27. He isn’t a rookie coming into the league. He has his tendencies and how he plays is how he is. A first rounder would ideally be ready within a year or so, maybe more. Lock. Is. Who. He. Is.

              When you draft, you put the work in, study, due diligence, find the guy you are comfortable with, and go that route. The better the team and it’s structure, the better chance at success. That being said, both Young and Levis were better prospects than Lock. Levis already looks better as a rookie. There is no time to sit here and hope that he is going to suddenly change.

              Why are we back to trying to be cute and cheap and try to take the castoffs from other teams? He’s been in the league 5 years. Couldn’t beat out a starter that no one really wants back next year. Is that kool aid just that good?

              • Chris

                What’s your alternative? Geno?

                If I’m guaranteed to go into the year with an inadequate quarterback, I’ll go with the much cheaper unknown alternative every time. Doesn’t have to be Lock, but it should be someone much cheaper than Geno with at least an outside chance of a higher ceiling.

      • Gary

        Jake Browning disagrees with you.

        • BK26

          About what? Why are we asking Browning anything?

          Guy went undrafted in 2019 and is now playing for the first time because one of the top players in the league was hurt. He is not athletic at all. Pays to have the best wide receiving core in the NFL and a roster that has gone to the Super Bowl.

  26. Blitzy the Clown

    PFF SEA Seahawks @PFF_Seahawks

    Kenneth Walker III: 90.3 PFF grade vs. the Eagles

    1st among all RBs in week 15

    Certainly matches what I saw

    • Big Mike

      Helluva game for him

  27. James Z

    The thought of Pete Carroll ‘running it back’ for 2 more years almost crushes the spirit for watching the Seahawks. Those 2 ‘legendary’ brain fart timeouts in the 4th quarter tells me all I need to know about a coach whose in-game management skills rival a high school freshman football team coach. And 2 more years of Hurtt and Waldron…

    That catch by JSN is the ‘wow’ that I needed after the bore-fest on MNF up until the last 2 minutes.

  28. Derekhawk51

    Rob, Bobby Slowik isn’t leaving the Texans anytime soon he just got there. I would rather choose between Brian Callahan, Ben Johnson or Eric Bieniemy. Who would you hire out of these three?

    • Rob Staton

      I’m pretty sure if he is offered a big pay rise to be a Head Coach, he will seriously consider it

  29. Pran

    a game here and there does not make a difference. look at the direction of the team…same old shit with out drastic changes

  30. Blitzy the Clown

    Gregg Bell @gbellseattle

    Jamal Adams wasn’t in the stadium for any of the #Seahawks’ rally past the Eagles last night.

    He left Lumen Field after Pete Carroll and the team decided he wasn’t playing, and before safety Julian Love had 2 INTs late.

    (emphasis added)

    Was it a group/locker room decision? Man, I sure hope it was. Either way, sure sounds like we’re seeing the final days of the Adams debacle.

    • Gross MaToast

      To be fair to My Favorite Player, Jamal, last night was the biggest contribution he’s made to the Seahawks in a very long time. Not many defenses can lose their Heart and Soul and perform, but somehow the guys found a way.

      (Two chest bumps and point to the sky.)

      • Big Mike

        Biggest contribution he’s made to the franchise since his first game against Atlanta.

        • Gross MaToast

          The mark of a truly great player is that, even when they’re not at their best, they somehow find a way. Show me someone who’s done more by not even being in the stadium.


    • Big Mike

      I posted up above I’d wager anyone a beer that Kumbaya Pete will bring him back next week. I stand by that but this gives me hope we will never see his worthless rear end in a Seahawks uniform ever again. LouCity took me up on the wager. If Adams is never to return, it would be the best losing wager I’ve ever made.

      • Blitzy the Clown

        Gregg Bell @gbellseattle

        To clarify: No one knows for sure if Jamal Adams left the stadium after being told he wasn’t playing because Adams wasn’t seen at the stadium early pregame/during the game. All we know is Pete Carroll said he wasn’t there and that he thinks Adams was home


        • Gross MaToast

          Jamal was indeed at home. He was studying Tennessee game tape and doing lunges, getting ready for next week. Yes, the game tape was actually Volunteer games, but his heart was in the right place.


        • pdway

          man, F that guy….I defended him for too long too.

      • James Cr.

        Great teammate! Maybe take a page out of Geno’s playbook and show up for your replacement and cheer them on, celebrate their performance. What a douche.

  31. Big Mike

    You’re the best man.

    • Big Mike

      Meant for Gross
      Reply fail

  32. Blitzy the Clown

    Gregg Bell @gbellseattle

    More accurate: Jamal Adams *wasn’t at” Lumen Field after Pete Carroll/#Seahawks decided he wasn’t playing. Yet to confirm if he truly left the stadium or wasn’t at it to begin with–if that matters. He was inactive & not at the yard. Pete Carroll says “he didn’t need to be there”

    Why is Bell spilling so much ink about this?

    Methinks they doth protest too much.

    The guy wasn’t in attendance to support his team because he wasn’t playing. That’s brutally selfish and it won’t be lost on the locker room. Spin it any way you want

    • Blitzy the Clown

      Question: Was Jamal Adams in the building Monday?

      Pete Carroll: “I think he was home. It was hard on him. We talked about it and how he was going to deal with it. He didn’t need to be there.”

      Question: I don’t think we always understand the magnitude of how much these guys are hurting. It feels like not only physically is Jamal hurting, just trying to find his place…

      Pete: “It’s been so difficult on him. He has not been able to get all the way where he’s got everything feeling right. So, we’ve been working with him all season, working the recovery versus the preparation mode. It’s been hard. It’s a very, very difficult injury and he’s doing everything he can. He had an extraordinary offseason to get this far so we’re trying to manage him through it. Earlier in the year we took time when we had a short week. We did it then, too. We’re just trying to help him be as powerful and strong as he can be and match up, as you were talking about, with the game plan. He wants to play. He and Geno, they went through the similar warrior mentality. They’d do anything to play. I feel them so close that it kills me to have to talk to them about stuff when we have to make those kinds of decisions. But in the long run of it, if we can fight through and use the instincts and the wisdom and all the information that we have, maybe we can make good decisions. I’m not saying we’re always right. But I feel ’em. And you’re right: People don’t understand on the outside how big a deal this is to these young men. And I’m right there with them and sweating it out and crying it out, whatever it takes to get through these times. It just breaks your heart to see guys have to miss their chance to play their game because of an injury and an issue. For Spoon not to play in the game, it killed him. It killed him to not be able to play. But he couldn’t. It’s going to be hard this week, too. He’s got an injury that really bothered him. We’ll see if he can make it back. But it’s only because these guys’ spirit and heart is so big and they care so much that it is like that. It’s just the real. We just try to make it through it, hug it through it and get to the next stage of it and bring out our best again. It’s a fascinating part of this game that not everybody could ever know. It’s been really obvious this year. I care so much for these guys. I just wish I could help them make the most of it as they go through and then come bouncing back and flying back – like we’re going to see these guys this week. I think it’s going to happen and we’ll get a great boost from some great players.”

      Big Mike may be right. Carroll may chalk it all up to injury. Doesn’t excuse his absence as a teammate though. I can’t wait for all of this crap to be done.

      • Big Mike

        He’ll be back next season too, if Carroll is back.

        • Hawkdawg

          I fear that you are right…

      • James Z

        Even if Adams were back ‘all the way’ his coverage skills and brick-like hands would be similar. And his demeanor… well, Da Prez may not be a cancer but he’s at least an anal polyp on its way.

    • cha

      Why is Bell spilling so much ink about this?

      Because he’s feeling a bit insecure.

      He posted an hour before gametime that Geno Smith is going to start that night and tabbed it with “BREAKING:” like it was definitive. He got roasted mightily for a whole hour when even the national guys said it was still up in the air, and Geno came out of the locker room in street clothes.

      Gregg Bell still doesn’t understand the fundamental principle of his reporting. If someone is giving Gregg Bell a tip, he should question it instead of running with it, because why would someone give Gregg Bell a tip?

      I mean that facetiously but seriously, has Gregg Bell ever broken ANYTHING in his Seahawks beat career? I cannot think of one time he has. Mike Sando and Eric Williams regularly had great nuggets of information handed to them. TNT’s coverage has badly diminished.

  33. CL

    Bradford posted a 0.0 passblock PFF rating, ouch

    • James Cr.

      I am not an expert by any means – but that doesnt seem great.

    • Blitzy the Clown

      I’m sure it confirms some jerk’s priors about Carter

    • pdway

      He was truly terrible last night. Some really impactful complete whiffs.

    • Hawkdawg

      I saw one play in which Carter juked him out of his socks at the snap and was on Lock in a flash. It was just a train wreck to contemplate. He actually played Carter much better in college…

  34. Rob Staton

    Did anyone here the KJR spot today? Any feedback? I can’t listen back until later tonight when the pod is available.

    • Whit21

      I did. Sounded good.. upbeat, clear, and consise..

      i think a few times with their questions, sounded like you wanted to revert to a pre planned answer/related topic that didnt answer their question. Which i completely understand. You dont want to stammer or studder live on the radio.

      I want to listen again when they put the segmants on Iheartradio..

  35. ShowMeYourHawk


    Love me some Eisen and this was a great moment for Drew but the last few minutes of this clip are EXACTLY the reason that we won’t see Pete leave town on anyone else’s terms but his own. Local press may him and haw but national media is what the masses buy into, Jody likely included.

    Prepare to run it back in 2024. 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • Big Mike


  36. Rokas

    Love Eisen as well

  37. Sea Mode

    Seems like real competition can actually bring out the best in guys. Whoda thunk it?

    PFF SEA Seahawks

    Michael Jackson in coverage vs. the Eagles

    6 targets
    2 receptions allowed, 6 yards
    2 forced incompletions
    42.4 passer rating allowed

  38. hoggs41

    Damn. Reading the reports now that Jamal Adams wasnt even at the game yesterday and decide to go home. His days are for sure numbered.

    • Rokas

      So since only 2 post June 1 cuts are possible, and assuming we want to get rid of Geno Diggs and Adams, how do we do this?

      • cha

        There’s no benefit to Post-June1 ing Geno or Diggs

        Tyler Lockett or Dre Jones might be candidates worthy of considering June 1’s

        • Rokas

          Thanks, Curtis.

        • James Cr.

          That is what I see happening – cut Adams and Dre Jones Post-June 1 and re-structure Lockett (cant see them ever cutting Lockett).

          • Rob Staton

            They have to do something with Geno too. He can’t have a tripled salary next year after this season.

          • cha

            Restructuring Lockett won’t happen. They can pick up $7m but in 2025 his age 33 year cap hit would be nearly $34m.

            • James Cr.

              Oh wow…thanks for the info cha. That is going to be a tough one.

  39. Hawkdawg

    As I understand it, the Hawks can “finish with a flourish” and still not make the playoffs. If the Rams also finish with the same flourish (which they can certainly do, if by the time of their last game the Niners have already clinched the #1 seed), I think the Rams make the playoffs, and the Hawks don’t.

    • Rob Staton

      It depends on the Vikings — they would also have to finish on the same record

      I think it’ll be the Rams and Seahawks in the playoffs

    • geoff u

      It’s not the Rams that’s the key, it’s that the Vikings/Bucs/Saints need to also win out. And the Saints play the Rams and the Bucs. Vikings play the Lions…twice. So that’s unrealistic. If we win out, there’s probably a 95% chance we make the playoffs. There’d have to be a pretty strange combination of wins/losses for us to not make it.

      • Luis Guilherme

        That combination is:
        Rams win out (including against the Niners)
        Vikings win out (sweeping the Lions in the process)
        But the Lions win their other game (Cowboys @ Dallas) to win the division

        So, if the Seahawks win out, it’s basically guaranteed.

  40. GoHawksDani

    I don’t understand the hype for this game. It was a bad game that was won by good Love play(s) and bad Eagles decisions.

    DK had some awesome catches in the 4th but before that nothing.
    JSN catch was a beauty but he didn’t do much before that.
    Defense was mehh.
    Lock was some bad throws and some not bad throws. I’d roll with him because he can either bring Geno level of plays for much cheaper or not and help with the 2-3 year rebuild by better draft choices.

    K9 was awesome and Williams played well along with Love.
    If I only watch Q4 I’d say DK played really well and JSN too.

    But the game was won mostly by the stupid Eagles call to go long while they were up and was able to run easily. And also missed DPI call on Love.

    Pete did his Pete thing by calling a TO when Eagles could challenge the play. The offense was a bit better with more runs but nothing to praise too much. The defense has holes in it (mostly in the middle) and couldn’t stop the run too much. I liked the CB play.

    So yeah, it’s the same team that got badly beaten by a couple of times this year.
    As for Williams, I wouldn’t give him a huge contract. I’d offer him a decent one. If they trade for him and give him a huge contract and he plays bad that’s a Jamal Adams “light” situation. But if he can be kept for a decent contract I’d be happy.

    Happy for Lock and I think Geno is a good teammate. Happy for JSN and the team. But I still want Pete to retire and to a new coach to rebuild this team big time

  41. Palatypus

    Watching the news right now, I am wondering if the Washington State Supreme Court can disqualify The Prez from being a Seahawk.

    Use the disenfranchise tag.

    End the suffrage.

  42. Spencer

    This is probably an obvious question, but just to clarify, there is no regulation in the NFL for how much anyone in a coaching position is paid, right? There’s just the general going rate for coordinators and head, coaches, etc. right?

    • Rob Staton

      Correct, you can pay coaches whatever you want

  43. jo

    I’m curious under what pressure is Jody under to ever sell the team? She outright refused to sell the Trailblazers once at least as far as I have heard.

    • Rob Staton

      Per the terms of the arrangement after Paul’s death, she has to sell the two teams eventually. Nobody knows how quickly that will need to be but given the Seahawks can be realistically sold from May next year, a timescale of 2024-27 feels reasonable

  44. Burner

    Is Jeffrey Simmons out for the Titans at the weekend?

  45. Valerie

    Agree 100% Rob. And I salute your dedication to all things Seahawks. I used to watch NFL games overnight while serving in SE Asia, and I know how exhausting the next day is as a result. That you then send us all your thoughtful and smart insights before calling it a “day” is absolutely amazing.

    With respect to the comments above, I had not thought about the dangers of Geno playing and then getting hurt and not passing his physical. All the more reason to play Drew and see what he can do. My ideal would be Drew as the back up next season to a rookie QB picked in the top 4-8 (trade up needed). There are at least four 1st round QBs I’d be happy to see in Seattle (Ewers would be a fifth), any of whom could be a franchise player or a bust. With Harrison likely to go in the top 5, I don’t see a need to trade up to the tippy top of the draft, but our current slot will not get us one of those players.

    I never want to see JA play in a Seahawks jersey again. I do want Williams on the team next year, but am wary of an overpay in order to justify the trade (e.g., JA). Time to celebrate Bobby and send him into a non-playing role with the team.

  46. Eduardo

    Hey Rob,

    Valid point. I get it. I’m conflicted too because the realist in me gets many of the observations you impart. But its Xmas and after 4 straight loses, I will take a swig of that eggnog Kool Aid!

    It could very well devolve into a shit show with all the ?s out there. But, then again, to be a fanatic about men dressing up in uniforms to play a kids game and have a grown-ass men take it to heart like we do, there has to be a level of suspended disbelief that sports provides. We all revert back to the mean(Chiefs, 49ers,Rams etc.), but its the singular belief in your team that also makes this game so much fun.

    Feliz Navidad, propsero año y felicidad,


  47. Jon S

    I think you’re not fully considering the idea that maybe things ARE actually kind of okay. We aren’t true contenders for the super bowl this year (judging by the drubbings we got at the hands of the class of the NFL, the Niners and Ravens), but that’s okay. We’re making steps in the right direction. Last year our record was buoyed by a really easy schedule. We had wins against some really bad teams, and we lost to some really bad teams. Our “quality wins” were over the 9-8 Lions and the 10-7 Chargers. We have more, higher quality wins this year: the 10-4 Eagles, the 10-4 Lions and the 9-5 Browns. We hung tough with the 10-4 Cowboys in Dallas and had a real chance to beat the 8-6 Bengals WITH their starting QB in Cincy. Our record is suppressed due to some sad losses to a surprisingly competent Rams team. Other than the Rams, I can’t point to a loss and say “that was inexcusable for a team looking to become a real postseason threat”. I have several games to point to and say “this team could make a little noise in the postseason this year”. That’s a LOT better than last year in my opinion.

    • Rob Staton

      How anyone can view this season as a step in the right direction is beyond me

      It’s been chaos at times.

      What are we doing here

      • Jon S

        Mainly, I would say I see this team as being a better one than we fielded last year. That is the definition of moving in the right direction. If you think it’s not a better team, I’m happy to discuss that assertion of mine.

        • Rob Staton

          I haven’t see anything to suggest they are better than last year.

          Several players have regressed, the QB especially so.

          They are 12/24 on offense/defense per DVOA, last year they were 13/22.

          Their record is virtually identical.

          Unless it’s simply that they’ve had another draft since last year and therefore have more players, what evidence is there that this team is better? They don’t look better at all.

    • BK26

      Glad that kind of ok is what we are going for….

      This year has had more complete and utter embarrassments than any year I can remember. Games that we had no business even being on the field for. We barely got by bad teams. Again.

      Look and this year and last year. Have we really done any better? We are seeing some off-field cracks, even worse coaching, and we are in the exact same position last year: hoping that we get in the playoffs because of what other teams do.

      We could end the season on a 4 game winning streak and it is still a disaster of a year. The only difference is that the rest of the NFC is much worse than last year. While all of our division rivals have gotten better.

      We have found a lot of excuses in just a few days….

  48. duceyq

    I think Seattle beat the Rams in the second match up if Geno doesn’t get hurt in the 2nd half. Same with Ken Walker for that matter. I also think that if Geno played in the 2nd SF match up following the Dallas game it may have helped the defense also. It was still a 4 pt game going into the 4th quarter.

    The thing that is frustrating is the situational inconsistencies that seem to plague this team on critical downs. Mainly 3rd downs on both sides of the ball. Nevertheless, Philly is finding out how hard it is to replace good coordinators and Seattle seems to be in that same boat on defense once Quinn left.

    My gut tells me PC retires as coach and remains President and hires Quinn to replace him at coach next season. Quinn my opt to go with a Shannhan disciple to replace Waldron or stick with him.

    I think Seattle missed out on 3 opportunities to beat Cincy, Rams (2nd time), and Dallas which could’ve changed my “meh” perspective on running it back again.

    Missing Nwosu and Lucas for large parts of the season have been larger factors than I think is being factored. Witherspoon for that matter as well. I do think a Reed, Williams with Nwosu, Jones, and Mafe defensive front is quite formidable.

    I do Hurt missed out on using Adams in 3rd and long situations in dime packages at MLB that would’ve taken Wagner off the field.

    • Rob Staton

      There are a lot of teams who can say ‘a win here, a player staying healthy here’.

      The problems in Seattle stretch further than that. The defensive rankings, the lack of preparedness for key games, the basic nature of the offensive scheming, the incompetence against big division rivals, the inability to fix problems or avoid annual issues that last long into the season.

      It’s too much.

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