Instant reaction live stream: Seahawks beat Eagles


  1. Matt

    Pete Carroll has absolutely sold his soul to the devil and we are stuck with this shit for another decade. False hope…killer.

    • Parallax

      That’s where I was until tonight. Now I’m super excited about what Lock just pulled off. He looks like someone who could, perhaps, carry a team on his back. I’m not saying that’s clear. It could be he’ll regress to the same guy he’s been to date. But I think he needs to be given the chance. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps — he could be our franchise quarterback. Think about how much more ridiculously great the Wilson trade would be if he were.

      • Fudwamper

        We are differently seeing two different things. Lock at the end had multiple bad decisions and was bailed out by some pretty awesome wrs.

  2. Jack Frost

    100 yds rushing and +2 on turnovers

  3. IHeartTacoma

    There goes my 7-10 prediction, and I still have problems with the way this team is run.

    But that can all wait, hard not to enjoy that finish!

  4. diehard82

    Enjoy the victory. That is what DAVID is saying. Mavbe you should change the name of this blog to Seahawks Bitch blog. I love your draft analysis. But man, stop to smell the roses. The whole point is the thrill of victory. Period.

    • Mick

      Learn to respect one’s right to an opinion. We were one TD away from a terrible loss. As happy as I am we won, we should stay critical of the team.

    • Group Captain Mandrake

      Or, you can enjoy the victory and still recognize that there are plenty of problems on this team and this just papers over the cracks.

      • A-ok

        It was an ugly game, and even inside of an ugly game from both sides, the Seahawks looked ugly.

        There’s some positives, but its not schematically, it’s within a few players.

        The scheme hasn’t worked, at all, and we’re not lacking talent to play that excuse. No matter who we have, we have the same problems.

        This win was the same. We had to rely on Hurts being sick, playing slow, and the opposing offense stalling for us to have a chance to win it.

        • Group Captain Mandrake

          Exactly. An ugly win is more enjoyable than a loss, but it does not change the fact that this team has numerous issues to address.

    • BK26

      Whole point is to win a Super Bowl. Period.

      These are not roses, these are the same flowers in the back of the case that we buy year after year that are half wilted. You really came on here just to whine?

    • Rob Staton

      Diehard82 is exactly the type of person who now gets moderated and goes on another site to complain about it.

      This isn’t the level of discourse we want or need on here.

      Incidentally, this guy sent me a tweet accusing me of ‘hating’ Leonard Williams earlier.

      Can anyone find one comment I’ve written that would be considered ‘hate’ towards Williams?

      Didn’t think so.

      People are weird.

      • Rob Staton

        diehard82’s last comment on the blog:

        DK is the biggest BAD influence. And also the most talented and most tradable player on the team. Trade him now. Sell high. His value will only go down from here. Unload his high salary. Won’t help the Cap number much in 24, but certainly will going forward.

        Seahawks Bitch Blog indeed…

        • BK26

          Disclaimer: to anyone, don’t get offended at the religious comparison. This site really feels like we are all getting on the ark, knowing what is coming and bracing ourselves, while the rest of the fandom is lined up at coffee shops hoping to buy Pete a coffee first thing in the morning.

          You can put your finger in the hole and take a breath of relief, but that dam is still going to break.

          • 509 Chris

            I really like the comparison and I’m not even religious. Mama tried of course.

      • Diehard82

        Rob, For the record, ”Henrydiesel3” made a comment on X about Leonard Williams balling out for which you blocked him. That ain’t me. I’ve never communicated with you on X.

        • Rob Staton

          My bad, apologies

          • diehard82

            My apologies for the bitch blog comment. That was over the line. I’ll do better.

    • Hawkdawg

      Rob said in this clip, very directly, that if anybody wants to exult in this victory because wins are fun, that’s just fine with him. Whether you also want to wonder whether we can break out of this sort of “perpetual sort-of contender” status we’ve been in for many years now is also up to you.

      Tonight was a good football game to be a Hawk fan. And a real change of pace from our recent results. So I enjoyed the heck out of it, or at least the end of it. When that buzz has faded there will be time enough to ponder whether it was fool’s gold for those who focus on championships.

  5. Lord Snow

    This game exemplifies why I want Pete gone more than anything else and that’s with them winning. I don’t want to wait for them to have a losing season I don’t want to wait for the first non-7 wind season bare minimum that Pete would have to get fired. I want them out of neutral I want them out of Groundhog Day. This is Groundhog Day. This is all of us as fans living in hell suffering endless mediocrity forever

    • Parallax

      I’m super frustrated with Pete too. The Williams trade was idiotic. As well as the guy plays, no way that should have gone down. I’ve been equally frustrated all season that Lock hasn’t gotten a chance. It should be obvious to anyone with eyes that Geno’s not capable of leading this team to anything great. With Lock, it’s still an open question. In the past he’s been erratic. His decision making under pressure has been shit. But there is such a thing as growth. Seattle wanted him in the Wilson trade presumably because we thought he might turn it around. Tonight, it looks like maybe there’s a chance he has.

      It’s still possible he blows the opportunity. But if ever there was a time when a guy should have an opportunity, now would be it. And I don’t trust Carroll to let him have it.

      • PJ in Seattle

        Just heard that Pete said after the game that if Geno’s healthy enough to play at Tennessee, it’s his show again.

  6. Moose

    Things I liked about this game:
    -Metcalf staying engaged the whole game and being there at the end.
    -3rd Q running game
    -This defense without #33

    Things that bothered me:
    -Watching Wagner on defense, specifically the tush push pile flopping.
    -Dallas not catching punts and letting them bounce within 10yds.

    • Hawkdawg

      The loose zones against hook routes on third and short or medium are getting pretty tiring, for me at least.

  7. Mr Magic

    Really fun win, we needed that. PC really shaned it, on that 4th down calling a TO, that he even had to, what a mess, then they review it and we lose 7yds. That encapsulated our entire season. THat being said, maybe that FG is the difference if we didnt make it on 4th so who knows.

    AMazing plays down the stretch, 2 amazing catches by DK. THat is 2 ODB type plays by JSN now with games on the line. Loved seeing Lock handle a game winning drive.

    I think overall Geno is still a touch better than Lock but not 25mln better. Id start Geno in a playoff game but id start Lock with a first round QB next year.

    Was Adams really hurt or is this a message?

    Cut Adams, Diggs, Dissley, Geno, Jones and anyone else who saves big $$$….

  8. AlaskaHawk

    Wow – what a great come from behind victory! Congrats Seahawks fans! Maybe they should let Drew Lock finish the season as starting quarterback.

    • Peter

      Not for nothing….but I would.

      Genos had some great games. Some puzzlers ( 300 plus yards but 2 ints against cincy) and some total duds….95 yards in week one.

  9. Jon W.

    Great emotional post game interview with Lock. How can you not root for this young man? Go get em Drew!

    • Parallax

      I hope he gets the chance. Would be so like Pete to bench him and give the keys back to the guy who has shown he doesn’t have what it takes.

      • Hawkdawg

        He already declared unequivocally in his post-game that Geno is the starter.

  10. Ben

    Awesome to see them fight! Really cool to see Drew get a win. Don’t need to see him start a ton of games, but he was amped! JSN getting the W is cool too.

    Undefeated against the eagles is entertaining at the least. Maybe we can swing a road win against them in the playoffs.

    Shouldn’t change the fact they need to at MINIMUM clear out the vets on the team and possibly both coordinators.

    • Jack Frost

      I think they should let Geno go, start Drew and draft a QB.

      • Mr Magic

        I would, Geno is a touch better than Lock but not 25mln+ better. Lock also younger, would be his 3rd year in system, Id be fine letting him and a first round qb pick battle it out in camp for the job next year. We need the $$ elsewhere.

        Diggs, Adams, Dis, Geno and sadly Lockett will be cut. Hopefully they can rework lockett to stay on a lower number, maybe entice him on a coaching gig after…

  11. Malc from PO

    Very enjoyable final quarter, close finish between two very mediocre teams. We always looked the hungrier and we had just that little bit more than they did. Eagles had zero deep threat but could exploit the soft middle, we had no mid game but lit them up when we went deep. I’m glad we are showing some fight, the performance wasn’t great but I’d much rather be us than the Eagles who are in absolute free fall. They might win out with a terrible remaining schedule but they are first round cannon fodder. I’d be very happy to meet them or Dallas as a 2 vs 7 seed, or Detroit as a 3 vs 6. Despite the Seahawks limitations the NFC is so rank we might have a decent run in us.

    • IHeartTacoma

      Sure looks like SF and the seven dwarves in the NFC.
      Next Monday’s game will be a must watch. Something else going on that day…. oh yeah, dim sum.

    • A-ok

      I think a couple players had fight, but the team as a whole looked toast.

      Williams and Love balled out. Jackson was battling a bit, and a couple plays from some other guys here and there, but the team just looks slow and tired, or in Diggs case, uninterested.

  12. Parallax

    Rob, I’ve been with you all season and still am. Have enormous respect for you. That doesn’t change.

    Tonight was one of the most exciting times I can remember as a fan. Haven’t felt like this in years. I’ve been upset with Pete in part for not giving Lock a chance. Would love to see what he can do. If we were to win out with him under center and head into the playoffs, I’d be so excited to head into the playoffs and see what the Hawks led by Drew can do.

    I’d still like to see Pete retire but that’s not front and center for me tonight.

    • A-ok

      I’m convinced we’ve seen everything Lock has to offer. It’s not that much worse than what we got from Geno this year, but it’s not much better.

      I think he’s a great backup, but I’d prefer Geno as a mentor for a young rookie. Hard to pick because Lock is a better price for the results.

      • Parallax

        Why are so many people so unwilling to give Lock a real chance? I don’t get it.

        Beside that, Geno’s too expensive. I’d like to see us cut Geno in the offseason, sign Lock for a reasonable sum (maybe $7M) and draft a rookie QB. Let Lock be the guy who either works out or helps pass the torch.

        • BK26

          Because we know what he is…nothing has change about him.

          • Parallax

            Like tonight? I saw him make one bad decision tonight. One that had no impact. That’s a huge shift from what we’ve seen in the past.

            If he can do it once, he can do it again. He really ought to be given a chance. Imagine if we don’t even try and then he signs in the off season with another team. Imagine if he develops there as a franchise guy. I wonder if that’s what it would take for Seattle fans to realize we should have given him a real opportunity.

            • BK26

              He’s never beaten anyone out, including Geno.

              If he doesn’t come back, there won’t be any regrets. At this point he is a veteran. He is what he is. He’s not going to be a franchise quarterback. A bridge for the next guy? Sign me up. He had his opportunity in Denver, was a trade throw in, and couldn’t push through with us.

              That being said, I would much rather watch him for the rest of the season than Geno.

              • Parallax

                And what will you say if he goes elsewhere and proves himself? Denver never gave him a real chance. So we should be equally stupid? We have three games left and nothing to lose. We’re not going anywhere with Geno. Why not give Drew a chance?

                • BK26

                  He’s 27. He is what he is. He’s not a franchise qb. And Denver did give him a chance, he couldn’t hold onto the job.

                  I’m all for him finishing out the year. He isn’t any better than Geno, but he is more exciting and easier to root for. I’m all for him being the bridge for a rookie. But that’s it. Anything more with him is a waste

  13. A-ok

    I think this game has made it clear whats good and whats not.

    Offense, the weapons are good, no consistency, no identity. Lock is a decent backup, but I dont even know about him replacing Geno with a rookie because I think Geno’s a better mentor. But Lock is only slightly worse than Geno, and for the price…

    TEs are fine if at a mid-price, but they aren’t game changers. Solid blocking and good for a couple catches would work, but we don’t need 3, this Offense with 3 WRs can’t use them often enough.

    Defense… Diggs just seems uninterested or unengaged. Love is showing he wants the job. I think it makes it easy, Cut Diggs and Adams, keep Love.

    Defensive line, I just won’t believe its all on the players. I think they aren’t putting the right guys in the right spots scheme wise. How can we be this bad year after year against the same kinds of runs if its the players??

    Williams + Reed + Jones in a better scheme could be an excellent DL.

    Taylor can be let go this offseason, Mafe and Nwosu can replace him, and scheme change.

    We def need something different coverage wise over the middle. I dont think we’ve been the same since KJW left, its that seem/hook drop.

    The holes seem clear.

    We have more than enough cap to work with, and this is the right time to make a change.

    I think it could be an exciting offseason (3yrs in a row!)

    • Peter

      I’d keep jones….but….if we could add a guy who splits the difference between reed and Williams with a healthy nwossu and a retired bobby…and Julian love level guys on Julian love level money….now we’d be cooking

    • Donovan

      This is quite a good comment.

      In essence, the foundation is quite solid. Key is to get rid of contracts where players are not worth the outlay (Diggs, Adams, Geno, TEs) and continue to build in off season.

      And I concur that better coordinators could bring more out of this talent.

  14. Buggo

    I liked Mecalf rushing to get play started when he knew he was down inbounds instead of strutting etc. brag later get the clock stopped and win. Then brag. Two big hard catches on that drive. Long day prior but big on that drive.

  15. Denver Hawker

    “Let Drew Brew” – love it, happy for him and the guys who showed up and made plays to win. I’m completely fine to sit Geno and Jamal rest of season and send them on their merry way.

    Make no mistake, making the playoffs with this roster and cap flexibility is not success. They need to win a playoff game to show progress.

    That said, based on DVOA, the Niners team is the 3rd best team of the last 20 years! Not really fair to compare them to the hawks. Sure, McVay has them dialed, but IF they lose to the Niners in the playoffs, I’m good with that. Losing to anyone else should call into question personnel and coaching staff.

    • Parallax

      I wish Drew had been given the reps the week leading up the 9ers game and then the start. Ideally, he’d have had a start or two before that under his belt to build confidence. All year long, I’ve been wanting Pete to give Drew a chance so we could see what he can do. It’s been clear for a long time that Geno’s not the guy. I don’t think it’s clear whether or not Drew can be.

      I hope we take a QB in the upcoming draft, re-sign Drew and cut Geno in the off season. Then we’ll see what happens. If all of that were to go down, I’d be alright with Pete sticking around another season.

      • Denver Hawker

        I’m all on board with drafting R1 QB and signing Drew to reasonable contract while cutting Geno. I separately have no faith in Drew being a top 15 starter in this league.

        • Parallax

          Fair enough. But has he ever been given a fair shot? I’m not sure he has.

  16. Mick

    DK was really magical the last drive, 3 incredible catches, don’t know what more one can expect from a WR.

    • Parallax

      He always plays his best games against the Eagles. Nice to see him becoming the guy he’s capable of being.

  17. Gross MaToast

    The Seahawks’ fate for the next couple of years, at least, may have been sealed by that final game of wits between Shane Norton Jr and Matt Patricia. What are the odds?

  18. geoff u

    What? This team is so much better without its offensive and defensive “leaders” Geno and Jamal? Who knew?

  19. Denver Hawker

    If Jamal was cut tomorrow, no Seahawks player would mourn, nor would any team bother signing him.

    • Peter

      Love playing like what I expect out of safeties. Think he was hindered with Adams on the field.

  20. Anthony

    Watch Pete get another 5 year extension at the end of the year. How many of you would disown being a fan if Pete got another 5 year deal?

  21. LouCityHawk

    Denver Broncos at Seattle Seahawks – November 30th, 1992

    One of my top ten favorite Seahawks games. Loved every minute of it.

    This game was every bit as dramatic and memorable.

    There are a lot of things we all wished for and wish for…what I didn’t know I needed was that Drew Lock interview.

  22. Huggie Hawks

    That was just a ton of fun tonight. Even my football-hating cousin loved it and was chanting Sea-Hawks! Does it fix everything? No. Was it awesome, especially with no Jamal? Yes, yes it was. How about DK and JSN on the last drive whew!

  23. dand393

    This looks like a man that’s ready to retire

    • Forrest


    • Spencer

      It always looks like Pete’s shoes are two sizes too big

    • Sea Mode


  24. Parallax

    Just listened to the press conference. Brain-dead Pete Carroll said “Geno’s our starter”.

    If he starts Geno next week, he deserves to lose and everything that will hopefully go with it. I’d like to see that man run out on a rail, unless he’s just finding a way to let Geno save face. So I’ll be hoping to hear about a setback this week. Ideally, Drew Lock will start every game the rest of the way.

    • Max from Van

      To be fair to geno, his last performance was very, very good (330 yards, 4 total TDs) on the road against the number 3 ranked defense in the league. Its hard to blame that loss on him. While Lock made big throws when it mattered, I don’t think his overall play warrants giving him the keys to the offense

      • Parallax

        Totally disagree. What we saw tonight was something Geno’s never done. The last time we saw it, a guy named Russ was running the show. Geno’s been good in certain situations but he’s never led a game-winning drive at the end. I’m not counting that silly Washington game. They suck and don’t count. Against real teams he always, always collapses.

        What happened tonight was miraculous. If we dump on it, we deserve what we get.

        • Hawkdawg

          Didn’t he do it against the Rams in LA last year??

        • Forrest

          I thought Locke could have had a couple interceptions tonight. He overthrew an open go route, failed to see another and had some head scratching short 5 yard misses and another intentional grounding. It took Ken Walker to get things going. I never felt any rhythm in the passing game. Can anyone say they did? Did you ever feel like the passing game was “humming” tonight? I felt that way about Walker for a stretch.

          I think Locke’s a decent backup who had a nice last drive. He’ll throw a pass like that to JSN one game and then have a couple picks the next. I’m happy for him. But, with our offensive weapons and playing a struggling team, missing their top corner, having demoted their defensive coordinator midweek, playing at home, I think we can aim higher than 208 passing yards and one TD.

        • BK26

          Geno did it against Detroit this year. Cleveland and Washington too.

          Let’s not act like we stepped on a chunk of gold with Lock. Lock couldn’t even beat out Geno. Most of the time, Lock has turned the ball over and never put the team in position to win at the end.

          Miraculous is definitely not the word.

        • Ruthless pass

          He’s done it multiple times this year

  25. Ground_Hawk

    I’m glad that they got the W. It’s tough being all in on this team though considering where I believe they are comparatively to the 49ers. I appreciate the notion that “the Giants did it, why not Seattle!?” but this is not a team led by a great defense nor a potential HoFer QB in Eli.

  26. Jordan

    Hopefully get to the dance on a 4 game heater. And then see how it goes either @ Detroit (they know how to win there) or @ Dallas (played them down to the wire there a couple weeks ago).

  27. Dubb

    Happy that the Seahawks won. Also happy that the trade deadline has passed. Go hawks!!!!

  28. 509 Chris

    For the same reasons as everyone else here I wasn’t ezcited about a seahawks win going into tonight, but damnit if I wasn’t excited watching the end of that. I honestly think Pete might have already made up his mind to leave, and he’d just love to finish strong with one more shot in the playoffs. At least I tell myself that because it really allows me to appreciate Pete again like the old days.

    Lock earned the right to continue to start in my opinion. He wasnt spectacular but ue didn’t throw it away, he kept plays alive with his legs (at least more than Geno has ever) and most importantly he came through when it mattered. More time practicing as the #1 should only help his consistency. Hopefully we get to find out.

    Diggs is totally dead weight. I liked that Adams was out and Woolen was benched. If the product on the field sucks let the young guys come in. Worst case it still sucks. Best case they develop into quality players. Diggs is completely done. I have to remind myself that he was really good and a great trade when they brought him in. I’d like to see Love and Bryant just take the reigns, hopefully spoon gets back and riq figures his shit out. I still believe that could be a competent secondary. Love has been up and down a lot this year and I wonder if its just the poor play around him? Either way it doesn’t hurt because his cap hit is only 2% of the cap or something like that.

  29. Parallax

    Tonight was one of the miraculous nights to be a Seahawk. Top ten.

    I wish I had confidence that Carroll wasn’t stupid enough to crap on it.

    We might or might not win out with Lock. We might or might not be dangerous in the playoffs. But we know nothing good will happen with Geno. Maybe we win out but lose in the first round. With Lock under center, no one will want to face us. Maybe we collapse but it will finally be fun and exciting to watch this team again. And if Drew turns out to have the turn-overs under control, we could have our franchise guy. He absolutely has the talent. He’s only 27. Some of the guys coming out this year aren’t a whole lot younger.

    • Sea Mode

      Miraculous? Top ten??? Teams fearing… Drew Lock?

      Overreact much?

      To each his own, I guess. Enjoy the (meaningless, IMO) W.

    • BK26

      If Geno plays, it’s probably an easier win. As I have said numerous times, Lock couldn’t even beat out Geno. And no one is going to fear Drew Lock under center.

      He had a good game. Did that occasionally in Denver. Then he went back to his problems of turning it over and play inconsistently. He is 27. He is what he is. He isn’t a franchise quarterback.

      This is what worries me about this win: too many people think that just because we won, all is well and we will just blast through the playoffs. Nothing has changed. Even on a path to get into the playoffs again and probably getting bounced out like usual. Pete just had more ammo to sell to fans and ownership.

      • Ben

        Everything you said about Lock could also be said about Geno. Neither give the Hawks a better “chance to win” because this team is flawed in all facets.

  30. samprassultanofswat

    I was so happy to see the Seahawks win. Awesome. Seahawks win! Seahawks win! The Seahawks win!

    This 92 yard touchdown drive, long term, put plenty of dough in Drew Lock’s picket. I am glad for Lock.

    As much as I like Drew Lock. Let’s be honest. Those throws by Lock to JSN/D.K. Metcalf were right on the money. However, when you get done to the nuts and bolts JSN/D.K. Metcalf made some pretty fantastic catches. JSN/Metcalf deserve a TON of credit for making those incredible catches.


    a) Now for the bad news. This victory has saved Pete Carroll’s job.

    b) When Geno Smith is healthy. He will be the starter.


    We know what Geno Smith can do. Now is the perfect time to see what Drew Lock can do. But it ain’t going to happen.

  31. MattyB

    issues still to be solved, but when your team win in a very enjoyable, entertaining game – what a buzz.

    im not too sure this changes anything about Carroll’s retirement/ job etc, as he already has full reins at Seattle and until new owners come in he leaves when he wants. So with this i want to win all the way and still be apart when regular season ends. Even for just one more game

  32. Forrest

    1) We don’t win that game tonight if Jamal Adams is on the field.

    2) I would actually say the same thing if we had started Woolen. Why has he regressed?

    3) It’s frustrating how we can design some plays that look so good, then run others that look completely destined to fail.

    4) I thought the Eagles lost the game with poor offensive play calling in the 2nd half.

    5) Good coaches will see that short passes to the soft spots in the zone are the way to beat the Hawks. There shouldn’t be long throws down the field. Those got picked tonight. Totally unnecessary.

    6) With regard to #2 above, I give Carroll credit. But, as soon as he’s healthy, I see Pete having Adams back in there.

    7) Hats off to the offensive line. They held up tonight.

  33. Peanut

    imo, you can want the franchise to move into a new future, but also be happy for a late 4th quarter win with a great touchdown catch and two interceptions by the way cheaper safety.

    • Sea Mode

      Enjoy the win, sure.

      But because I want the franchise to move into a new future, I just don’t want there to be any way the pressure gets let off of Pete and he somehow convinces everyone to let him give it another go cause we were “so close”. We’ve seen this movie before… several times.

      Hopefully that picture of him standing out on the field after the game (see dand393’s post above) is indicative that he knows these are his final games at the helm. If that were sure/announced, then I’d find it easy to root for him to finish it off on a high.

  34. CHaquesFan

    Fun game, I had a great time going to the game. An absolutely great experience, in my opinion it’s gotten a lot better from the doldrums of the Wilson era near the end. Lock looked like Saints Jameis when he played us, mostly backup tier with some beautiful throws. He didn;t get help from receivers who were tripping, slipping, dropping though he was not particularly great either.

    I still agree that Carroll should be gone but I’m ready to put that aside for tonight and just enjoy this great win and 4QC and solid (well, better than last 2 weeks) defensive performance

  35. Spencer

    This win was brought to you by the letter “F”
    As in players that are hopefully part of our future.
    We won because of
    Oline, especially Cross and Lucas (SO nice having him back and healthy!)

    We won in spite of…
    Pete’s worsening game management. Seemed like he was sundowning on the time out
    The same soft zones in the middle of the d that lets any offense convert on third down at any time
    Bobby being maybe the main culprit in the middle zone pass d coverage. It’s comical how often they pick on him and nobody seems to want to say anything in the media or the broadcast
    Drew Lock is a likable guy but it’s so apparent that he cannot consistently do the important things like pre-snap reads, defense recognition and putting touch on the ball
    Jamal Adams. Did they ever show him on the broadcast? I saw Witherspoon a number of times jawing off to AJ Brown and celebrating with guys. Was Adams even there? I am so over that guy. I hope they are too.

    Yes, it was an exciting win and it came courtesy of the guys I’m hoping will be around. I hope it highlighted to Jody that this is a talented team and that is being held back by coaches/coordinators/decision makers. It’s always dangerous to root for a loss even if it feels like a move toward the greater good. So I hope we can have our cake (the win) and eat it too (Jody being unimpressed by Pete, etc.)

    • ukalex6674

      Adams was an inactive

      • Spencer

        So was Spoon but he was still doing what he could on the sideline

        • Rob Staton

          Exactly. Adams can get lost. Don’t want to watch another snap from him.

    • cha

      Pete confirmed this morning that Adams was at home last night, not at the stadium.

      But he also said “obviously we missed him” and “can’t wait to get him back out there” so take that for what it’s worth.

  36. ukalex6674

    Well, win is a win. They aren’t all Miss Worlds in the aesthetic department.

    Plenty of things to be happy with, plenty of things to bang your head against the wall with.

    But let’s shut the door on the Lock is a QB1 etc. IMO he’s one notch below Geno, and that ain’t a high notch in the first place. I think it was on here someone said Cincy should get rid of Burrow on the back of a couple of Browning performances. Just no.

    I did something good at work the other week. Once. I didn’t get promoted to CEX all of a sudden.

    Last night is no different from all the other back ups this year that have done similar. They are back ups for a reason.

  37. GlastHawk
    Can read so many different messages on this tweet

  38. Rubber Toe

    I loved that win and am enjoying that winning feeling, even if the final two minutes really papered over a lot of the cracks with this team.

    I do agree it is time for Carroll to step down, and I would argue that it needs to be now if we are anticipating a sale of the franchise in the next 12-24 months. Do we really think a new owner is going to make his first act firing the most successful coach in franchise history? They will want to enamour themselves with the fanbase and that is a polarising move.

    It would be a much better situation for a new owner if the old owner puts him out to pasture, gets a new, young, exciting guy in who either thrives, in which case everything is peachy, or struggles, and the new owner can go get his own guy without the baggage that comes from sacking the SB winning coach.

  39. Old but Slow

    Great finish, and props to Drew. Other than the last second miracle, my favorite play be him was the lead blocking on Walker’s TD. I do not really care about the QB bridge thing, as this season and next will not be great unless a rookie QB shows that he is ready next year. I favor Drew only because he will not cost as much. The gap between the two is too little to justify paying more.

    The defense surprised me, and I think it was some of the replacements that made a difference. Love and Jackson showed up. I am not sure what Wagner thought he could accomplish by trying to stop a center rush by leaving his feet?

    It seems likely to me that DK was extra hyped to be playing against his college roommate.

  40. Jordie

    So my thoughts – for what they are worth…
    Great win – and i hope they can win out in the regular season. 10-7 should be in the playoffs – just don’t F it up v the Steelers/Titans/CARDINALS!
    Drew, like Geno, is a great backup… lets get a franchise QB
    what likely means we have won a playoff game – that would be great from a team / fan POV but long term, a problem in they surely can’t sack Pete then!
    JS was doing WAY MORE media stuff last offseason than normal – so I wonder if PC has already lost some of the control and JS is the man to select “his own man” and perhaps PC is already on the way out. JS has never been in control of the team and deserves the chance.
    I want these things in February 2024,
    Seahawks SB win (unlikely but still fighting!)
    PC to walk away a hero
    Jamal Adams cut (designated post June)
    Q Diggs Gone as well
    Geno cut.
    Lockett to retire (again as a hero before any memories are tainted) – we have his replacement in JSN.
    A rookie QB drafted

    What i expect –
    First round playoff loss
    JS&PC discussing how close they were and just a detail here or there
    Leonard Williams lost in FA
    Inevitable trade down from 24ish to 32-36 range.
    Geno retained on the escalated salary

  41. Trevor

    Was not a fan of the trade at all but Leonard Williams is the first blue chip DL talent the Hawks have had since Avril and Bennett. He is the type of player the Hawks need to focus on trying to add this off season after they cut Diggs, Adams, Smith etc and free up a ton of cap space to use on the trenches.

  42. Trevor

    Drew Lock and Geno are basically the same QB but at least Lock has decent mobility and is not a stationary target back there.

    • Peanut

      Feel like Lock is a more “f*ck it” kinda QB and Geno is a “omg im getting nothing and this DT is about to break five of my ribs”

  43. Jo

    Very sad this means irrelevance for at least until 2026. I’ve been through the 1990’s but because of an owner didn’t care the was nearly moved to LA isn’t Oklahoma City enough for you guys?

  44. cha


    -JSN’s catch – the beating Bradberry, the tracking, the stretch and the focus to secure. Brilliant.

    -K9 as an offensive weapon, making defenders miss, finding trap doors to escape and the speed.

    -Leonard Williams with another heart & soul type performance.

    -Drew Lock finally able to sling it.

    -DK Metcalf staying focused though not being targeted much at all and making two brilliant catches on The Drive.

    -No Jamal Adams? No problem.


    -Quandre Diggs actually had some fire in his belly. Effort seemed far more profound.

    -Mike Jackson clearly came out of the locker room at halftime fired up. That hit on AJ Brown was great and he had a great quarter of coverage.

    -Julian Love’s plays. When was the last time a Seahawks safety made a play?


    -Eagles’ horrible play and Hurts’ horrible decisions on the INTs clearly clouding that a 10-3 team was in a tailspin and several teams with lesser records would have given the Seahawks more of a game last night. How do you target the LBs effectively and then decide to challenge even moderately talented CBs and Safeties deep? Seriously, how? Jalen Hurts finds DeVonta Smith on 3rd & 8 when both LBs abandoned their posts to blitz and this game is radically different.

    -Seahawk offensive game plan. The Seahawks will not face as poor a corner group as the Eagles for the rest of the season. Drew Lock only asked to throw past the sticks 9 of 33 throws. He completed 5 of them, and would have been 6 if he didn’t slightly overthrow a wide open Lockett. How do you look at the Eagle defenders and think ‘yeah, dink and dunk is the way to go’ ? I’m not saying bombs away but clearly the WRs had a huge advantage. Their best corner (Bradberry) got seared like cajun catfish on that last drive when they finally opened it up.

    -The Seahawks’ pass rush plan. Was there a plan? What was it? All I saw was Bobby Wagner and Jordyn Brooks running into the soup and disappearing. Derrick Hall had 10 snaps. Is Dre Jones ever going to be a thing?

    -Tyler Lockett’s falling to get a PI flag act had 2 or 3 performances last night and looked awful.

    -Drew Lock with several throws that were off target that receivers could not corral or they made work because they’re talented and missed out on YAC.

    -How can a 5 yard False Start so consistently kill an offensive drive?


    -The LB coverage was appalling. Troy Aikman of all people right from the gate pointed out how vulnerable the Seahawks were in coverage. What were Brooks & Wagner doing on the field on a 3rd and 8 play?

    -Watching D’Andre Swift being the only Eagle who seemed to understand that you burn the clock with a lead. Skidding on the ground in boudns with 4 mins to play is a move every offense should practice.

    -Zero team smarts. False Starts. Illegal Use of Hands penalties. Burning timeouts. Why the Seahawks offense cannot drill getting the call in, set and off on time is beyond me. No awareness. No understanding that a call might change and hurry to get the play off. Pete Carroll lobbying the refs to get his timeout back after Sirianni challenged the play. John Rhattigan has 600 career snaps on ST, and only 19 on defense. He does not know the rule on batting the ball in play?

  45. Red

    Rob, watched the stream last night and loved everything you said. I’ve got one Robert Saleh quote for you “if you ain’t got no haters you ain’t poppin”. Keep up the great work and know that we all appreciate your hard work and dedication. Keep it comin.

    • Rob Staton

      Thank you Red!

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