Instant reaction: Seahawks blow fourth quarter lead against Cowboys


  1. Jabroni-DC

    But the uniforms look great!

    • geoff u

      They should all wear their Christmas sweaters the next game

      • Justaguy

        The only thing that looked great was the first pass to DK. This was embarrassing again and it doesn’t matter anymore

        • Parallax

          Weird unis. I liked the color but it looked weird on the uniform with the choice of fonts. Thought it a terrible design. Better than fluorescent green but that’s not saying much.

          • Justaguy

            Cheers to colour! Yes!!! This was exemplary of a BAD team and it will not get better for a very FUCKING long time

  2. Tony

    I feel like I have seen that last play by geno about 20 times this year. Back pedal to pressure and either get sacked or throw ball into ground. Like groundhog day.

    • Peter

      Yeah some guys feel like it’s a guaranteed win and some guys just do what he did a bunch.

      He plays normally so well until the pressure cranks up. Then the balls go high, low, or to no one.

      • Mark

        I was just telling my buddy, it’s 4th down! I don’t care if you take a sack, but at least try to extend the play or throw it up to give yourself a chance to make a play or get a penalty. But the backpedal to avoid a sack when it’s 4th with game on the line and to weakly throw at the feet of a running back is beyond frustrating – it just goes to show he has no awareness. He is afraid of getting hit with game on the line. Metal fortitude is not there when the pressure is cranked up.

        • Mel

          Geno is perfectly serviceable the first 50 mins of any game. But he doesn’t elevate anyone. As bad as Russ was at times, he saved his best football for the last 2 mins. This team still plays as if they have a tilt the field QB on the roster, but they just don’t.

          • Parallax

            Weird thing was he responded well to pressure for most of the night. Lots of excellent completions with a guy in his face. Then it fell apart at the end.

    • pdway

      good breakdown of the last play. a good chunk of the fail is on Deejay. but also – on having that be a call w your slow RB3 in that position.

      • 805hawk

        Great breakdown. Thanks. I was trying to figure out if they had called a screen, but this makes sense. Just not a smart move when you recognize who the free blitzer is. Can’t go with that play call.

    • Hawkdawg

      It’s not only Geno who would have trouble on that last play, when our “system” apparently relied on a running back to be the only blocker against one of the best pass rushers in the league.

      Boy, is Parsons quick, though. Made Cross look like he was in mud a few times…

  3. Mr Magic

    Cant get over how bad the play calls were late in game.

    4th down and a long 1 4.5 minutes left, you hand ball to the RB 5yards from the LOS. absurd. Run play action, create options.

    2nd and 4, 3.5minutes left on own 42 after solid run, we pass 3 strait downs??? Run the ball 3 strait times, keep working clock…

    Final possession, well, dare I even say?

    Waldron looked horrified all night, saw his hands shaking in q1. Hes a gonner!!!

  4. Ross

    Parsons came untouched. That’s not on Geno

    • Ross

      Reply fail!

    • Mick

      Geno simply has to do something there. Game on the line and 3 plays for 2 yards. No excuse.

    • Gomhawk

      That bad throw on second down was on Geno. And the previous fourth down, he had more time to throw, and even if he didn’t he shoulda made a better toss up.

      • Ross

        Agree. But I can’t put that last play on Geno. The fact that the OL screwed up ruined that play before it began. And DJ Dallas would barely even slow Parsons down if he was able to get in front of him

    • Mark

      Yes it’s not all his fault, but it is his fault for not being aware or having the mental fortitude to try and extend the play with game on the line. But instead he just gave up and threw it weakly at DJ Dallas feet with no chance of making a conversion.

      • Justaguy

        Geno is not the joke but surely smokes the butt end of many

      • Ross

        Dude, no one can make a play in that situation. I’m sorry, but Parsons running full speed unblocked is a no win situation. Geno had zero chance there. He screwed up plenty in this game but I don’t think the last play was his issue

        • Justaguy

          Nor do I. You misread me

          • Justaguy

            Geno being the starting quarterback next year would be only possible if Pete the Geek is coach next year

        • Mark

          How do we even know if he could make a play or not? He didn’t even try, I don’t care if he fails, I just want him to try. Dak had Darrell Taylor, all over him and he broke a tackle and converted a pass for a 1st down. Just ffs try something instead of weakly throwing it away with the game on the line. I rather he try and lose then give up and lose. That’s my issue, I know that the probability of him escaping a full speed parson is slim, but that’s where the franchise qb’s step up and tries to create magic.

  5. Dubb

    35 points should win the game. Those pass interference calls were tough. Refs were calling it tight, especially that one on Wagner.

    • Hawkdawg

      That call was awful. Ball was already past the receiver when Bobby hit the dude…

      • Justaguy

        You fucking troll. Yeah it’s the refs fault

  6. Lord Snow

    Why do people have to defend Geno so much? He is what he is. He’s not bad he’s just not great. Hes not what you want if you want to make a deep playoff run. And he’s 33 for god sakes not 23. The team should be looking elsewhere anyway. I don’t see how that’s arguable

    • pdway

      of course we need a new QB going forward.

      But it’s also off to blame Geno for everything. Offense put up 35 (should’ve been 38). I guess he could have thrown it up for grabs on that final play, but it’s not like was some missed oppty that would have won the game.

      bad playcalling in the moment, and inability of our D to get stops. though it should be said – Dallas’ offense is really good, and on a roll. we’re just not good enough.

      • Justaguy

        Geno had the classic chance to win a game at the end and he had no cheddar

  7. Denver Hawker

    How did Dickson never see the field and we lose?!?

    • Jon W.

      Spectacularly bad defense, that is how.

      • geoff u

        And 0-3 on fourth down

    • Rando

      You know Pete’s gotta be sad he didn’t get to do some awesome punting tonight.

      • Justaguy

        He went through a pack of spearmints

  8. Hawkdawg

    Not to poke too much at a sore spot, but Adams showed why he should not be in coverage if at all possible, on both Dallas’s last touchdown and its two point conversion after the TD. He was just lost out there…

    • Troy

      Adams showed why he shouldn’t be making 20 million next year on this team. Take a significant pay cut or hit the road..

      • Justaguy

        Someone here called him Peacock and now I think it perfectly describes the entire team. Paul Allen will curse this team if the same rape shower happens next year

        • Parallax

          I’d like to think that Paul would take action if he were still alive. Perhaps Jody will.

      • Jon W.

        There is no “or”. It’s gotta be the latter.

      • geoff u

        He’s not! He’s making 26.9 million…

  9. Marc

    The defense crapped the bed.

    Charles Cross had some terrible blocks.

    Tyler Lockett had a crucial drop.

    Abe Lucas forgot to block Micah Parsons.

    Geno threw some horrible passes.

    The refs were awful.

    This was a winnable game. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

    • Justaguy

      I cannot dispute most of this but picking on a one drop from Lockett is the most childish piece of trash that I could expect from a Peacocks fan

      • Marc

        There is lots of blame to go around. I refuse to pretend that Lockett’s drop didn’t contribute to the defeat. Unfortunately Seattle is a deeply flawed team. For all the money Seattle has spent on defense, tonight’s performance is super disappointing. I love Lockett as a player. It’s not childish. It’s called telling the truth.

        • Justaguy

          That drop had zero bearing on the outcome of the game. To hell with your wishful thinking

  10. Jabroni-DC

    Pretty incredible that if the playoffs started today only 4 of 7 NFC teams would have winning records.
    🤮7th seed🤮

    • Justaguy

      And then nobody gave a fuck about the NFL. RIP

  11. pdway

    season kind of ended for me w the second Rams loss. didn’t expect to beat the Niners, didn’t expect to beat Dallas in Dallas.

    This game is only maddening b/c we played so much better than I expected, and still lost.

    • Justaguy

      Might have been the last winnable game of the season

  12. Denver Hawker

    This game was closer than I expected so kudos to the offense overall scoring enough points to win. Terrific plays made by several players and the playcalling was much more balanced.

    Dallas is a good team too with an explosive offense and deserve some credit, but we need to blow up this defense. I hope Schneider and Pete get it with a front row view tonight.

    The refs called a terrible game but it went both ways.

    This defense is old and tired. My eyes told me the d-line was getting pressure but it didn’t matter because our coverage is so bad. Run D still gave up 148 yards. This defense doesn’t have a single identifiable strength. I don’t know where to go from here honestly other than to ditch a bunch of vets except for the d-line and hope for improvement.

    • 805Hawk

      Well said. I agree on all points.

  13. Hawk Mock

    Dallas losing in 4th – attempts to get Lamb involved at least 7 times
    DK having his best game of the year – zero targets in the 4th

    • Peter

      Forgetting DK when he’s always a streaky hot hand player was mind numbing.

    • Justaguy

      Most underrated comment on this blog yet I bet there are many blown loads under the pregame guest post during the live game. How do you not feature your star wide out?! For fucks sake use DK out of the backfield if you need to get him more involved. This is stupid simple shit that a high school coach could fucking do

  14. PJ in Seattle

    3 quarters of good ball and against a contender on their home turf. At least we weren’t humiliated.

    Unfortunately, that is what this season has been reduced to: hoping we just don’t get embarrassed and humiliated when we play good teams.

    Some absolutely terrible calls against us tonight, but plenty of legit ones too. Good to see some passes to the tight ends finally. Waldron gameplanned this like his ass was on the line and it showed. Pretty well schemed, just not enough execution when it mattered most.

    I admire the effort that a lot of guys are putting in. Jarran Reed is busting his ass in every one of these games. DK flashed the Megatron potential that we all know he has in him if we can just get him the ball enough, and if he doesn’t drop half of them. Too bad it’s all wasted on what is likely to be a 7, 8 or maybe 9 win season. before we talk about how much talent we have and how close we are and run the same shit back next season.

    • Sean

      Regarding the question toward the end of the Livestream about long form articles…I really enjoy long form most of the time. However, I’m not interested in longform articles about draft prospects this early in the process. For me at least, that level of detail is more interesting after the combine.

      • Sean

        Posted in the wrong spot. Apologies.

      • Peter

        Sean’s wrong Rob. Just saying.

        I kid man. I love the long articles. I get what you’re saying but selfishly I’m out on thinking Seattle is going anywhere I’d love some long articles.

  15. Justaguy

    I missed your live stream Rob but really what could you possibly say at this point. Maybe we could hope for a better future in Salt Lake

  16. Parallax

    These post game streams are great. Team played far better than I expected. So there’s that. I think we’ll get taken apart in San Francisco but maybe they’ll surprise me again.

    Agree that Carroll looked terrible. All night, I kept thinking how unhappy he looked. Tired and worn out.

    • Justaguy

      Pete looked pissed off and perplexed. He doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing anymore

      • Chris

        I actually thought he looked seriously worried about losing a game. Most folks seemed to see old/tired, while I just saw really WORRIED, which is not a usual look for him.

  17. Chris

    Regarding long-form – doing what you think is best will most likely lead to the best work. Folks are here because they like how you do things.

    Regarding tanking – I don’t think a team should “tank”, but they should ABSOLUTELY prioritize playing younger players that will be part of the future over playing veterans with little time left on their contracts. If that means you lose a couple games you otherwise might’ve won … fine. It’s still what is best for the franchise. Without a chance for a deep playoff run there is no excuse for not giving players with the longest remaining contracts the most playing time.

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