Justin Britt signs $9m a year extension

Continuity at last on the offensive line.

There are legitimate reasons why the Seahawks endured a period of adjustment on their O-line. With Justin Britt, there were also legit reasons why it was important to keep him in Seattle.

It took him a couple of years to find his spot but Britt excelled at center last season, providing the kind of quiet consistency Seattle has lacked with its O-line since 2014.

The quarterback-center relationship is an underrated combination. Russell Wilson has taken snaps from a lot of different players — Max Unger, Lemuel Jeanpierre, Patrick Lewis, Drew Nowak, Britt. Having finally settled on a comfortable partnership, the Seahawks clearly wanted to put an end to all the changes.

The quarterback likely appreciates this news more than anyone.

This should change once and for all the somewhat misguided notion that the Seahawks are unwilling to spend on the offensive line. For the right player, they’re clearly prepared. Britt was the right player.

It also changes some of our thinking. Previously we’d discussed Ethan Pocic being a ‘hedge’ pick. If the Seahawks didn’t want to spend $9m a year on Britt they had the option to move on next year, inserting Pocic as the starter.

It’s fair to say in light of today’s news that this was an incorrect assertion. Seattle clearly is very fond of Britt. His $9m a year salary puts him among the top earners on the roster. It means he’s a core player.

The timing equally suggests this was a priority not a possibility.

With hindsight I/we should’ve taken Pete Carroll and John Schneider’s words as gospel after the draft. They liked Pocic’s ability to play multiple positions. Now they have a guy competing to start at right guard and right tackle — and a player who can fill in at either position or center when needed.

This also eats up a significant chunk of any remaining cap room, unless the $9m a year only kicks in from 2018 and he continues to play the 2017 on his $1.09m cap hit. I don’t know how likely this is, we’ll have to wait for details on the contract.

If the new money comes in the extension, it doesn’t impact their ability to be creative in trying to do some of the ‘tweaks’ Mike Garafolo talked about earlier in the week (namely, adding an interior pass rusher to make up for the loss of Malik McDowell).

It was interesting to hear Brock Huard discussing possible roster moves on ESPN 710 this morning. Click on this link and fast forward to around the 4:15 mark.

Brock was talking about Jermaine Kearse and his skill set. Mike Salk asserted that Kearse won’t be going anywhere because of his contract.

Huard’s response was intriguing:

“Well, I don’t know. I was talking to a few folks yesterday and I don’t know how many of them are going to go on the record with this — not Gee Scott by the way — but I talked to some other people around the team and, ah I don’t know. I had that assumption too, I had that assumption — oh yeah’s he’s a lock, there’s no way — that contract and everything else. And you see some little trade rumblings here and there, some needs (at) other places. Amara Darboh they can’t wait to watch, Kasen Williams put on a show (in) game number one. I don’t know if that’s quite set in stone they way it was heading into camp.”

If you pair this with Garofolo’s report earlier in the week, there certainly seems to be a desire to make some moves before the season. That could involve Kearse and/or Jeremy Lane, given what Huard says here and the fact they just signed Tramaine Brock.

For what it’s worth Huard later goes on to mention Sheldon Richardson at the end of the piece but the conversation doesn’t really go anywhere. There wasn’t a ‘this could happen’ line but neither was there anything to suggest it’s unlikely. That remains a really fascinating option for now as long as Britt’s extension doesn’t significantly increase his 2017 cap hit and they find a way to make savings elsewhere (either by moving players to New York or by Richardson being willing to take a pay cut).

Furthermore, the Jets have big needs at receiver and cornerback at the moment.

Something seems to be brewing, whether it’s for Richardson or another player/players. This should be an interesting few weeks.

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  1. Ground_Hawk

    If Britt receives $9M/year, he’ll be tied with C Alex Mack and RG Ronald Leary, for 27th highest paid Offensive Linemen.

    • Ground_Hawk

      Here’s the link from the folks at OvertheCap.com: https://overthecap.com/position/offensive-line


      • Darth12er

        So around 9 mil a year would be tied for third. PFF had him last year as the 11th best C. He will only get better, and the other C contracts will go up. Seems like a fair deal.

        • Ground_Hawk

          Tied for 3rd highest paid amongst Center’s, but tied for 27th highest out of all Offensive Linemen. I agree with you, and think that it’s a good deal for both Britt and Seattle’s FO.

  2. FAN Person

    Pocic is coming for Ifedi’s job at RT now!!!

    • Nick

      It certainly appears that way. At the very least, he’s going to challenge for RG or RT.

      With this extension, it looks as if it will be quite hard to keep Joeckel next year if he plays above average. Seattle could be looking at drafting LG next year or banking on the progression of Rees to take over that spot.

      You could imagine next years O line looking like: Fant, Odhiambo, Britt, Ifedi, Pocic.

      • FAN Person

        I was staring at the lineup and almost wished Joeckel would win LT, giving Fant another year to learn and grow, so Odhiambho could start at LG and build continuity for next year etc. But they value Joeckel and his experience as a helper for Fant this year I sense via Cable’s comments…

        You could be right about 2018! Heck that might be this years OL save Joeckel for Odhi…

    • Kenny Sloth

      No. Lol.

      • FAN Person

        Hey Kenny, I know it would be a shock to not have Ifedi starting at RT at least week 1-2-3…

        But if Pocic is better at RT than Ifedi, and better at RT then RG…perhaps Ifedi stays at RG…

        Won’t happen, but just interesting. Pocic seems like the perfect backup for this year with Odhiambho, as they cover the whole line with only 2 players…as Cable said, “They only dress 7”.

        • TatupuTime

          That was my first thought. Really nice to not have to dress a guy like Hunt that can only play centre.

          • Dawgma

            And, you know, isn’t any good.

        • Kenny Sloth

          I appreciate your comment far more thoughtful than mine

          I presumed you were jumping on the Ifedi hate-wagon.

          When in fact you were, rightfully so, praising Pocic’s versatility and aggressive play.

          He looked great this weekend.

  3. Aaron

    Great news for the Hawks and for Britt should this all get squared away soon. Hawks finally found where Britt excels and an o linemen worth extending, and Britt is about to get generational money. This may take the Hawks out of the Richardson situation, which seems unlikely to begin with for me, unless they jettison a couple players. But finally through the offseason acquisitions and this news, the Hawks are investing cold hard cash into protecting Russ. Hope this gets finalized soon. A great day to be a Hawk! Go Hawks!!!

    Oh yeah, by the way, this doesn’t keep us from extending Jimmy. We probably won’t keep all these one year deal guys, cap will go up, and guys like Lane and Kearse could leave after this season for cap savings too. I thought keeping all three was impossible, but I think they might just do it.

    • FAN Person

      Agreed Aaron… Funny thing is I’d love to see the Jets take Lane/Kearse of our books, opening up spots for new skill players, and maybe a 5-6th round pick for Sheldon…

      John S did a ‘masterful job’ of signing all these 1 years like you mentioned knowing he hadno real comp picks to lose THIS year, only to set himself up for MASSIVE comp picks in 2019… which he will need!

      Imagine… Joeckel – if he plays even ‘decent’ he will get paid 8-10 million per…
      Eddie Lacy – Imagine he has 1000 yards and 8-10 TD’s… He would command 7-10 million per…
      Tramaine Brock – What if he plays like last year, no 16 out of 100+!!! Some CB needy team might pay 8-10!
      McDougald – If he shines teams will take notice…

      Then Garvin, Wilhoite, etc… The Seahawks could end up with like 2-4 COMP picks in 2019!!! WOW


    • Aaron

      Official now on Britt!!!


      A guy who a year ago was considered by many, myself included, to be a below average linemen at best, found his spot and now gets generational money. Good for him! Let’s do this!!! Go Hawks!!!

  4. Cysco

    seems like a solid move. The team knows as well as we do that if he has another solid season this year, he’ll get 10+m in the open market. Get him wrapped up at a discount now and help secure some stability in the offensive line.

    I approve.

  5. FAN Person

    After watching Tramaine Brock’s highlights : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKOBynvZ3_U

    He is IMO our 2nd best CB now behind only Sherman!!! What a STEAL!! $965K for this guy??

    As far as the DV BS, he wasn’t even at the house, and she confessed he only yelled at her…so this is a mute point, a non issue or story…

    With him being so good (watch that video!), does he play Outside or Inside?

    Can Shaq win the outside and Brock beat out Lane for Nickel?

    Do we trade Lane (and Kearse) for Sheldon Richardson? Even after Britt, they COULD do it…

    Fun Times!!! Now to see if Pocic can make Ifedi ride the bench, or beat out Glow and Aboushi at RG!?!

    Pocic is the ‘Perfect’ backup for this season… as Cable said, only 7 “Dress” on game day…
    I feel we ONLY keep 8 this year, instead of 9, Pocic helping tremendously in this regard, and then that extra roster spot is for a WR/RB/TE player that we don’t want to escape…

    I see 8 OL: Fant Joeckel Britt Glowinski Ifedi
    Odhiambho Pocic Aboushi (for vet leadership, he doesn’t dress)

    You have a Strong 7 for game day! Thoughts???

    • swisshawk

      I agree almost 100% with you :). My only other opinion beeing that Pocic should/could/has to win the RG battle. So he can gain experience for the future and simultaneously backup C and RT too (like you Project, just actively by switching position and let best backup RG go into his position)

      • Trevor


    • Ground_Hawk


      This is how I see it going as well. It’s nice feeling like the OL is at least settling earlier together than previous years, and learning that other Seattle fans are seeing similar progress is reassuring.

  6. CHawk Talker Eric

    I think it’s pretty telling that they waited until the 2nd week of preseason before extending Britt. Tells me they wanted see if he would continue to play at the same level he did last season. I still think Pocic was in part a hedge pick against Britt not being extended.

    I haven’t seen much of training camp or preseason practices, but from what I have seen and read, I think it’s entirely possible that Pocic will start at RT and Ifedi will move back to RG at some point this season.

    Britt’s extension, the first for a JS/PC/TC OL pick, is good news for the OL this year.

    • Lewis

      Yup, I think Pocic was definitely insurance against not being able to sign Britt. But they ended up with maybe a player that’s even better than expected. Really liking the fact we have mutiple young guys like Pocic and Odhiambo that are waiting in the wings. Maybe they don’t wind up being major contributors this year, but At least one will by next year, imo.

      • CHawk Talker Eric

        Totally. It took Britt 3 seasons to make a major contribution.

    • Seahawcrates

      I think it’s even more telling that they didn’t wait until well into the season. I think part of this deal is about how Britt has clearly become the leader of this offensive line

  7. KD

    Ian Raport reporting that it is now official. 3 Years, 27mil

  8. Nathan_12thMan

    Davis Hsu’s source lately has been spitten 100% truths regarding inside info (signings, extensions, etc) and he said that an edict came down from Paul Allen that it’s time for the Seahawks FO to fix the OL.

    I won’t connect it with Hsu’s source but I seem to remember reading that Pocic was a guy drafted because of the edict by Paul Allen. So while I do agree that we’ve had good reasons for our OL being how it has…the players we let walk weren’t worth re-signing, we’ve spent the most draft capital on OL, and we hadn’t had someone worth re-signing until now. I also think Hsu’s source is right and that without that Paul Allen edict, maybe Pocic doesn’t get drafted and Britt doesn’t get an extension.


    If Brock is good and either Kasen and/or Darboh look good in the preseason, I am 99% down for trading one or both of JLane and Kearse away for interior DL talent like Sheldon Richardson. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I’ve heard about JLane and was excited to see him, but another soft tissue injury? If Brock is just as good if not better and isn’t as injury prone, sign me up.

    The main thing comes down to contracts, and cutting JLane and Kearse in ’18 seemed extremely likely anyways given the cap savings. So if we can move them one year earlier (given our depth at both positions) and get a player at a position we need talent at…again, sign me up!

  9. brseahawks

    Now let’s turn one of Lane or Kearse and a pick into Sheldon Richardson and push it to the Super Bowl.

    I honestly prefer to trade Kearse now and cut Lane next season. Trading Lane would put too much pressure on inexperienced players. We have more experience in the receiving corps, a strong TE group and emmerging talents in McEvoy, McKissic, Swoopes, Lawler.

  10. Trevor

    Hi Rob

    I figured I would check back in with the Britt signing. I see you have been posting already. Glad to see you are back and hope you and your family had a nice summer.

    Here is to another great season on SDB! Love that you finally setup Patreon.

    • Rob Staton

      Thanks Trevor!

  11. Trevor

    I was a huge Britt critic in his career but he really seems to found his position at Center.

    Love this signing for 3 reasons.

    1) It finally puts to rest the idea that the Hawks front office wants a discount OL and will not sign or re-sing anyone. It is clear they will pay for a player they think is worth it the same as any other postion. With a franchise QB in Russ this is critical as they need to protect that investment

    2) I think the C position is critical with a young OL and Britt should only get better in year #2. He does not seem like the most vocal guy but sounds like a quiet leader the young guys respect. He has suffered lots of set backs like the other young guys and came out the other side and this should be a positive for the other young guys who can learn from his struggles hopefully.

    3) He is durable. Remarkably so given how physical the Cable system appears to be.

    Hopefully this is the start of 3-4 year run with this group.

    LT Fant / LG Joeckel then Rees / C Britt / RG Pocic / RT Ifedi

    Ifedi is the key. If he can develop into a starting RT and not be a bust this line has the potential to be really really athletic and good. I think the rest of the guys have nothing but upside and Pocic looks like a great pick so far.

    I can’t believe I am saying this but I think the Hawks may finally have their first OL in the Cable Era who can be league average or better if everyone can stay healthy and continue to improve and gel. That would improve our SB chances exponentially the next couple of years.

    • swisshawk

      Love your thougths 100%, especially the longterm lineup 🙂 I’m glad that you are back and have two questions:
      1. Do you have the skillset to give a prediction on wheter Pocic could be a good RG (I know that I don’t)? Because I think he is the best candidate for RG this year because he is better in pass pro than Glow and better/nastier in the running game than Oday (and has some nice experience on the interior too playing in the SEC, just not the pros).
      2. What are your thoughts regarding that they extended Britt just for 3 years? My guess is that Britt wanted to hit the market again before 30. But the hawks? Could you imagine that they could let the door open to flip Pocic back inside to center when he’s rookie contract runs out (exactly the same time Britt hits the market again)? So he could finally be a replacement/hedge for Britt, just 3 years later as expected. So you can get good center play from a player in his prime for the next 7 years and additionaly could get a high comp for the “aging” Britt?

      • Trevor

        Hi Swiss

        I am not an OL scout for sure but my thoughts are that Pocic would be ideally suited for the RG spot I think he is exactly the type of OG the Hawks have lacked in recent years under Cable as he is really technically proficient and solid. He is not a project like almost all other recent Guards have been. As you mentioned he is solid in pass pro when working the interior and seems nasty in the run game. I think the reason they are playing him so much at RT and seem to be hedging him is more about the concerns they have for Ifedi.

        Based on the initial pre-season game and the talk from camp I would not at all be surprised to see him start at RG or RT. I think the Hawks will give Ifedi every chance possible at RT and I really hope that works out for the long term prospects of the OL.

        When I think about the middle of our OL being Joeckel, Britt and Pocic I think of a line that would look so different from recent Hawks interior OLs as all guys are good communicators, technically solid and appear to miss few if any assignments.

        As for point #2 I think the 3 yr extension is kind of the norm for JS and makes a ton of sense with Britt for exactly the points you mention. At that time Fant, Ifedi will be looking for new deals as well if they pan out and one can only imagine what the OT market will be then.

        • Coleslaw

          Interior of Joeckel Britt Pocic sounds like 2-0 vs. Arizona lol. We fix our O line we could go 6-0 in the division

        • swisshawk

          Thanks Trevor, exactly the thoughts I was hoping for 🙂 Hopefully they will start Pocic somewhere, because then you aren’t the team that lets basketball players and 1 round “busts” play and the only capable linemen on the bench. For once, in Cable I trust (I think)

  12. EP

    After a degree of uncertainty coming into training camp surrounding Chancellors and Britts contract situations, really great to see them locked up for the next few years. With what we’ve seen in kams position as the real heart of the defence and Britts leadership in the offensive line it’s clear that the team values its core players as they do so much out with actually playing the game.

    • EP

      On a separate point, was wondering how Jordan Roos is getting on in camp, not been able to follow it too closely. If he establishes himself a place in the team, we could see Fant/Odihambo/Britt/Roos/Pocic by 2018 if Ifedis growth isn’t sufficient

      • Trevor

        I have heard nothing but good things about Roos from camp and I thought he looked good in the pre-season game vs SD. I did not see any of the Hawks training camp practices so just going off press coverage and coach talk but it seems like he has a great shot to stick.

  13. Thy Hawk is Howling

    That Forrest Tattoo on Justin Britts arm in the pic is beautiful. He’s got great taste much Better then Cassius Marsh!

    Britt is cool kitty, Yay on the extension !

    Go Hawks

  14. Trevor

    The depth of this Hawks squad appears to be reminiscent of the SB roster. It really is a shame that Mcdowell got hurt because he really would have added a different dimension to the DL that they have never really had under PS.

    If JS manages to swap Kearse, Lane and 5th for Richardson he will have had almost the perfect off season.

    -Extend Kam (heart and soul of team)
    -Extend Britt (leader of OL)
    -Extend MB (Most veristile pass rusher in the league after Watt)
    -Sign Mcdougal perfect backup or Buffalo
    -Sign Garvin, Wilhote etc. to give depth to LB position
    -Sign Brock to add quality vet CB and not pressure a rookie (Griffin) into having to start
    -Sign Eddie Lacy the big banger to compliment Rawls and Prosise
    -Sign Walsh and let Steve H walk to save $

    Not to mention all the minor signings to add depth in all positons

    The only move I question is the signing of Joeckel. It is not the signing that makes me scratch my head but the guaranteed dollar amount and term. Now that I see it playing out it is making a ton of sense as he is the ideal hedge in case Fant did not progress and an immediate quality LG if he does.

    The rest of the league has to be wondering if the Hawks are operating under the same salary cap!

    Would love to see them some how lock up Jimmy G.

    NFL please just give the man Executive of the year!!! It is embarrassing he has not won it yet.

    • FAN Person

      Seattle is definitely being blackballed in relation to “Coach and GM of the year honors”, just like how Russell had the BEST 8 game stretch in “NFL HISTORY”, and they gave the MVP to a child in Cam Newton that LITERALLY only played, at the time of their games, 1 —- yes ONE WINNING team in their 15-1 season!

      So they went 15-1 against 1-14!!! (First game teams have no record)

      Seattle is shunned on purpose, and they hyper inflate any and all things that ‘could be’ negative. The hierarchy doesn’t like how much freedom the players get under Pete, so they tend to demonize Seattle in very small and subtle ways… I have observed it for years…

  15. Trevor

    My Breakout players for 2017-2018

    P Rich on Offense -I predict 700 ys + and 6 TD + (ideal 3rd receiver after Lockett and Doug B) The key with him as always is staying healthy. It seems like he and Russ have developed some real chemistry and trusts him to make the contested / tough catch which is key. When I think of all the times Russ targeted Kearse on 3rd down etc. I think PRich makes more out of these opportunities.

    N Vannett was another consideration on offense as the blocking TE.

    C Marsh on Defense – This is the year all those nearly sacks become actual sacks. Everything you hear from guys like Avril is that is has finally clicked for him. I predict 5+ sacks and quality depth behind the big 3 of Avril, Bennett and Clark. This would allow Bennett to play less snaps or move inside more to make up for the loss of Mcdowell.

    J Reed was another consideration on defense.

    • RealRhino2

      Do not count on Vannett. Just saying.

    • Logan Lynch

      I like both of those picks. For fun I’ll give 2 others.

      Frank Clark on D – Yes, I know he already broke out last season, but I really think he’s going to be an absolute monster this season. Hopefully in the 15 sack range. Dude has such intense speed to power conversion and can rush both inside and outside. Garvin was my other consideration, but I’m not sure if he’ll be the starting SLB or if they’ll give it to Wilhoite. Garvin just screams playmaker to me.

      Procise on O – Another trendy pick. I’m making this one based on his abilities as a pass-catching RB. He causes a mismatch against anyone trying to cover him and seems to have really good hands. I’m thinking he gets near 1000 total yds and 8 total TDs. Lofty goals taking his injury history into account, I know. My other choice would’ve been Lockett since he hasn’t really broken out as a WR yet, but I think that’s only a matter of time.

  16. pran

    Paying little more like a core player while he hardly delivered 1 year out of 3. he should have taken a discount since hawks saved his career forcing him at multiple positions despite failures.

    • lil'stink

      It’s a very team friendly deal. I’m actually kind of surprised Britt signed it this early. I would think he would have waited for something with another year or more guaranteed money.

  17. Grant

    Also not to be overlooked, but Justin Britt brings his A game to the Ugly Christmas Sweater party


    • Old but Slow

      Wow. I wouldn’t even wear that to an ugly sweater contest.

  18. House

    I like the Britt signing and the money isn’t horrible. With inflating salary caps every year and the presence of the rookie wage scale, a $9M/year average puts him in the Top 6 Centers, all of which are locked up between 2020-2024. That being said, I’d still like to see full details of the contract and he needs to play like he played last year.

    The left side of the line looks pretty good.
    LT: Fant (RFA in ’19)
    LG: Joekel (UFA in ’18)/Odhiambo (UFA in ’20)
    C: Britt (UFA ’21)
    RG: Glowinkski (UFA ’19)/Pocic (UFA in ’21)
    RT: Ifedi (club option in ’21)

    We have some guys that’ll get to play together for a bit of time and built a strong bond.

  19. Kenny Sloth

    Hearing this deal is for 15 mil guaranteed only

  20. Coleslaw

    Really hoping Pocic runs with the RG spot. He should be on the interior and Ifedi should be at tackle imo. Mainly I don’t want Ifedi at guard, it just doesn’t suit him with this abnormally large frame, he should be out there erasing DEs

    • Kenny Sloth

      He was looking goooood at the second level.

      I’m really tripping about the universal hate he’s been getting.

      I can’t say I’m unbiased cuz I like the guy a ton, but I wish fieldgulls was a fan.

      • Coleslaw

        He looks better than Glow to me for sure, I really can’t see Pocic not starting by week 1, he’s just too good.

        • Kenny Sloth

          He looked best at center tho…

          The line cohesion looked miles better than this time last year.

          Ifedi will have some growing pains at the new position.

          Ask Myles Garett who the toughest OL he faced in college. Probably say GI.

          • Coleslaw

            Yeah but Britt.. Ifedi is a freak of nature on par with Myles. A good reminder of his potential

            • Kenny Sloth

              Yeah thats the only way Pocic is gonna improve rapidly, getting those snaps so it makes sense people want to see him playing. I just don’t think you’re getting the same level of movement ability and physicality with Pocic at tackle. He’s big athletic and physical for a center.. Ifedi is big athletic and physical for an athlete, as you noted.

              I think it just changes your scheme honestly to make that change. You can’t rely on Ifedi’s pure explosive speed off the ball there. We ran behind him the whole way to our first offensive touchdown. You’re not gonna be able to do that with Pocic imo.

    • Aaron

      I hope Pocic gets a great look tomorrow. Rewatched the game and Pocic was fantastic at the second level. He’s technically really polished and has some nasty in him finishing blocks. Thought he didn’t have a chance at the starting lineup but rewatching the game changed my mind. Can’t wait to see these guys against a top tier and very deep d line in Minnesota. Ifedi is still our best option at RT imo, unless he totally blows it tomorrow then Pocic should get a long look there.

      • Coleslaw

        I didn’t see Ifedi get pressured to the inside but you can really tell how long he is at tackle, he’s really good at forcing DEs around him.
        I’m just hoping Pocic gets to run with/against the 1s, but if not tomorrow he’ll make them by the 4th week. Then we’ll really see what he’s made of. And he’s gotta stay consistent (obviously not a problem for him, gave up 0 sacks last year in the SEC

        • Kenny Sloth

          Ifedi gave up a couple inside pressures. Got caught with a bull rush too.

          He looked great in the run game to me

          • RealRhino2

            He just seems to stop moving his feet on any inside move. What is Cable teaching him? His feet don’t look in time with his arms, as he stands and reaches rather than punches in rhythm with his feet, which lets the DL EASILY fight off his “punch” and go inside on him. It’s like they just took the biggest kid in middle school and stuck him at tackle. What has Cable been doing for two years?!?

            • Old but Slow

              Hopefully he has seen film of those plays this week with a shock cord controlled by Cable.

            • C-Dog

              I think his feet remain a question to those skeptical of his move to tackle. My hunch remains that the coaches want him to be the right tackle, but they need to see him shake the cobwebs off and improve because Pocic is giving him a run, especially when it comes to pass pro.

              • Kenny Sloth

                This is a helluva take.

                Ifedi doesn’t have the most natural feet and pass set.

                I just can’t stand the eleven articles and two podcasts on field gulls about the OL

                ‘the new guys are good the old guys are bad except Britt’

                The writers wouldn’t respond on their articles and sent me emails saying “please stop commenting’


              • Logan Lynch

                His feet are my concern as well. I’m far from a trained scout, but his feet look slow in his pass sets which seeps into his recovery movements if the DL dips inside. Cable said he overset a few times, so I’ll be keeping an eye on him tonight. Danielle Hunter will prove a good test.

                • Kenny Sloth

                  It’s all nerves, man.. Which is scarier than any technical flaw….

                  • Logan Lynch

                    I hope that’s all it is since I’m really hoping for Ifedi to perform well at RT. He’s got the perfect, mauler RT body. I’d love to see him get comfortable and start erasing DEs. Either way, I feel more confident about our OL situation this year which is infinitely more than last season…where I had none or maybe even a negative value.

    • CHawk Talker Eric

      Take another look at the final few games last year, including the playoffs. Ifedi was mauling people in those games at RG. He’s played RT for only a few drives of 1 preseason game, but he didn’t look very comfortable at that position.

  21. Redhawk87

    I love this deal.
    While the deal is technically $27M more by the end of 2020, It’s realistically more like a 4 year $28M deal when figuring in this year (so $7M APY).
    Per reports, there’s only $5M in signing bonus, and most of the guarantees are injury only, so it has low risk.
    I expect that $18-$20M of the $28M will land in the final two years. So that means the total cap hit over the next two years (2017 hit + 2018 hit) to be between $8M and $10M. This is definitely manageable and still gives us a lot of flexibility!
    Lindor, if you average out his 6 years where he’s getting paid on his new contract, is making just under $9M per year ($53.5M /6 years).
    Frederick, if he just plays for the first four years, will make $8.5M APY. $8.4M APY if he plays through 2023 on this contract.
    Unger is even being paid over his 4 year deal slightly more than how much Britt will make.
    It’s a good deal, and I’m glad we’re got it done!

    • Kenny Sloth

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts red!

      I think its a very team friendly deal

      • Redhawk87

        Thanks Kenny!
        I’m a analytics guy, I like diving into the maths stuff 🙂

  22. Overtime

    I see an OL of: Fant, Joeckel, Britt, Glow, Ifedi.
    The backups will be: Odhiambo, Oboushi, and Pocic
    Jordan Roos, Joey Hunt and Darrell Brown will be on the practice squad.

    We will rotate the backups into the game. Pocic may get more snaps than Ifedi given he can play three spots. It will be tough to afford Joeckel and Oboushi next year. They should bring nice comp picks given the money being given to linemen. Odhiambo will move to LG in his place in 2018. Roos will move up.

  23. CharlieTheUnicorn

    OL will break out along the following lines:

    LT – Fant
    LG – Joeckel
    C – Britt
    RG – Aboushi
    RT – Ifedi

    I’m thinking Glowinski, Pocic and Odhiambo will be back-ups….. there was a mention of Hunt being retained on the 53 man roster, but I’m not seeing it. He has increased his size this off-season to 300 lbs… that would be a total of 9 OL, which is where I think they will land. “Practice squad” Roos is definitely that 10 man and might even surpass Hunt on the 53 man roster.

    • Old but Slow

      Always pulling for the little guy, like me, I want to see Hunt on the team, but sentiment aside it seems unlikely for him to survive this unless he goes to the taxi squad (don’t they still call them that?).

  24. red

    One year of Richardson for Kearse, Lane and 5TH? On paper this would look good but I am not sold on depth at WR Richardson is fragile and lockett is coming off a broken leg. Also not sure if brock gets a 4-6 game suspension Shead misses first 6-8 weeks? I know Sheldon Richardson helps this team a lot but injuries have killed us the last two years. I know it is just one year but I don’t trust the character of Sheldon Richardson dude got suspended 4 games for weed in 2015 and was invading speeding ticket by going 143 MPH in his Bently. I would rather call up Oakland and check on Mario Edwards, Lane and a third for 2 years of Mario Edwards.

    • Rob Staton

      Edwards has had some serious injury concerns. I think the one-year nature of bringing in Richardson (especially a contract year) is risk free. If he messes up you have no long term tie. The upside is you get a highly motivated, highly talented interior rusher.

      • C-Dog


        • Smitty1547

          Plus comp pick

      • Kenny Sloth

        And a potential comp pick when/if he gets signed away.

  25. D-OZ

    Yea, I definitely think there is something brewing behind the scenes. They will play the game first though. Showcase time!!!!

  26. Logan Lynch

    I wonder if Aboushi would be cut if he gets beaten out by Glow or Pocic. SEA could go with an 8 man OL to save a roster spot somewhere else (maybe WR or DL). Pericak seemed to play well the other night and he’s been used as both a C and RG this camp. I seem to remember him getting some run at T in past camps too. Odhiambo can cover the whole left side, Pocic could handle the whole right side and C, and Pericak could also handle C or RG in a pinch if Pocic starts over Glow. The 8 man line of Fant, Joeckel, Britt, Glow, Ifedi, Pocic, Odhiambo, and Pericak could cover all the depth we need. Glow could be in the same situation as Aboushi, I just chose him based on the fact that he’s on a one year deal. Might be something to keep in mind as we watch the game tonight.

    • C-Dog

      Aboushi can play RG and RT. Pocic can play RG, RT, and Center. Pericak can play guard and center. Odhiambo and Joekel can play LG and LT. Roos and Glowinski seem limited to guard, and Hunt limited to center. It may come down to Aboushi and Pericak, and they might want the veteran experience to help settle things. JS made a big point at the end of last season that he felt they were too young with that group.

      • Logan Lynch

        I could see that happening. Pericak is likely to make it back to the PS if he has eligibility left, so he would essentially be ghost rostered. I just think going with 8 OL and freeing up another spot makes sense. They may want to keep a guy like McKissic around to handle KR/PR duties, especially early in the season while Lockett rounds back into form.

        • Redhawk87

          If I understanding it correctly, I don’t think he’d be PS eligible. I think he’s been on and off PS for different teams since 2013, so parts of 4 different years. So either he’d be on the roster (not likely) or released and be a “ghost roster” option.

          • Logan Lynch

            Ah, ok. Thanks for doing the research and checking it out. Yeah, I think “ghost roster” would be the most likely. I can’t imagine other teams knocking down his door to sign him.

    • lil'stink

      This is Tom Cable we’re talking about. Aboushi could completely outplay Glow in the preseason and still get cut. Even if Aboushi doesn’t crack the starting lineup I think cutting him would be a mistake. The lack of quality depth on the OL has been an issue the last couple of years; Aboushi is a step towards fixing that (if only for one season).

    • 503Hawk

      I have just begun to watch tape of the Charges game, so the following assessment is based on limited viewing. But so far my impression of Glowinski is the same as his first start at Arizona his rookie year; not good. I hear he is one of the strongest OL, good technician and all, but it doesn’t seem to translate on the field. Dare I say, would they be willing to let him go or trade him? Unless there is dramatic improvement, I don’t see Glow getting a second contract here in Seattle.

  27. Steve Nelsen

    Earlier this year, Tom Cable gave an interview where he talked about the Seahawks’ philosophy of paying to keep core playmakers (sacks, DBs, TDs) by saving money on blockers. I honestly was resigned to the idea that Britt would play out this year, move on as a FA and be replaced by Pocic next year. The Britt extension reminds me of the KJ Wright extension; a player whose value was clear to the team even though he had not received All-Pro or All-Star recognition by those outside the team.

    If Davis Hsu’s source is correct that the edict to “fix the OL” has come down from Paul Allen, then this extension for Britt marks the begin point of a new era of roster construction in Seattle; perhaps with a more offensive-oriented bias than in the past.

    • brseahawks

      It seems to me they’re shifting cap strategy from (from high to low priority)

      Defensive playmakers
      Offensive playmakers
      Offensive linemen
      Defensive depth


      Defensive playmakers
      Offensive linemen
      Offensive playmakers
      Defensive depth

      And I’m on board with that. When you have a borderline elite QB, the value for a creative value of an offensive playmaker goes down and the stability value of an offensive line go up.

      • Rob Staton

        I don’t think they have a priority list. I think it’s just a case of — who deserves paying. They aren’t going to reward a player who doesn’t deserve it based on position. If they have an offensive playmaker who is top notch and an average O-liner, they’re not going to prioritise the O-liner. In this instance Britt earned the extension — but Doug Baldwin equally earned his even bigger extension a year ago.

        • Ground_Hawk

          Well said Rob!

        • CharlieTheUnicorn

          When a guy is a core member and/or clearly very good, then Seattle pays. They have not had going market OL personnel they felt were worth the investment. Honestly, they have made the right call every time when it comes to who to pay and not pay on OL.

  28. Steve Nelsen

    I’m surprised that the Britt extension hasn’t already generated more speculation about the impact on possible extensions for Earl, Graham, Frank Clark and particularly Sherman.

    “You can’t pay everybody.” is a very common cliché. It is true to a sense. But, the fact is that if Seattle is willing, they have the ability to extend Earl, Graham, Clark and Sherman.

    Cap space is just one factor in cap management. Cap space is increasing about 10%/year since 2013. That will help but is not enough on its own to keep all these guys.

    The other factor in cap management which is key for Seattle is future guaranteed salary. Seattle has been very smart in constructing contracts with reasonable or low future guaranteed salary. This gives Seattle the opportunity to rework a player’s contract to convert salary to a guarantee and spread it out over the future of the remaining contract. You move money from this year into the future. That is how a guy like Tony Romo ended up with a $30+ million cap hit. Seattle could do the same with Russell Wilson. We convert his 2017 salary into a guarantee and much of that now comes off the 2017 cap number.

    I’m not saying Seattle should or will use this strategy but they could.

    • Sea Mode

      Also, I don’t think we can state enough the fun + winning culture PC/JS have built in Seattle. Despite whatever locker room discord the media wants to portray, players all around the league know Seattle is a playoff team/title contender year in, year out now, and the players have a ton of fun in the relaxed culture.

      That’s how we got so many valuable veterans to come on cheap deals. They WANT to come to Seattle.

    • cha

      This is precisely why I’m so steamed about McDowell’s idiocy. The Hawks have to develop young cheap talent RIGHT NOW to avoid some kind of cap-apocalypse situation in 2018. And if this guy ends up missing the entire season that just makes for another question mark, and another need they’ll probably have to consider filling or fortifying at the cost of not spending at another position.

      • Sea Mode

        Ok, it sucks because we were excited about him contributing this year to the rotation, but from a cap standpoint, it might actually turn out better if he doesn´t accrue a year this year. He can get the professional weight training, learn the playbook, even practice I think in non contact drills (?), and the Hawks retain an extra year of club control.

        Plus, him being out means other guys (Q. Jefferson, Naz Jones) get a chance to develop and the team can see if they start living up to potential.

        • Logan Lynch

          Has it ever been confirmed that him spending a year on Reserve/NFI would not accrue a season? I’ve heard that speculated, but never actually confirmed.

          In a related question, is there a way to switch a player from NFI to PUP? I ask because Schneider mentioned how there are 2 IR Designated to Return players now per season, so that’s an option for Malik. I had just assumed NFI worked like PUP in that he would have the chance to practice after 6 weeks(if possible) and join the active roster without using up one of the two IR/Return slots. I assume the team has to choose either NFI or PUP, depending on whether or not the injury occurred during an NFL activity and can’t switch an NFI to PUP. This situation would also be relevant for Dion Jordan, though Pete mentioned he might make it back before the end of preseason.

          • Sea Mode

            Here’s my attempt to reply:

            To gain an accrued season the player must be at full pay status for a minimum of 6 regular season games. Since players on NFI do not have to be paid, if the Hawks decided not to pay him (for breaching contract perhaps on ATV), he would not accrue a season.

            NFI works similarly to PUP, in that the player must sit out the first 6 weeks of the season and cannot practice with the team during that time. After week 6, the player can practice with the team for 3 weeks and must be activated to the 53-man roster by week 9. If the player isn’t ready to return by week 9, he can remain on NFI or be placed on IR. If he remains on NFI, he continues to be unpaid. If he is placed on IR, he will be paid for the remainder of the season.

            So, I was wrong about being able to practice with the team and still not accrue a season. That would not be possible.

            • Logan Lynch

              That makes sense. I was confused when Schneider brought up the IR/Return as an option for Malik since I was assuming/hoping that it worked similarly to PUP.

    • lil'stink

      Earl and Clark are going to cost $$$$ to extend. The floor for those 2 guys could be $25 million APY, but JS seems to get really good bargains for most of the big money deals he hands out. It will be interesting to see how they work all those deals in the next year or two, but something probably will have to give.

  29. Ukhawk

    Sentimentalism aside, Id like the Richardson for Kearse and/or Lane deal for not only getting more inside rush but also for the chance to dump longer term contracts of mid-tier, somewhat underperforming players in what are suddenly young but deep positions on the Hawks depth chart.

  30. Sea Mode

    Shoot, down goes another one:

    The New England Patriots fear they have lost Derek Rivers for the season after the rookie defensive end suffered a torn ACL and sprained LCL, sources told ESPN on Friday.


  31. CHawk Talker Eric

    Off topic but I caught the first half of TBB vs JAX last night. I don’t think much of the Jaguars defense, but even so I thought Winston looked really sharp, decisive and accurate. He has some serious receiving weapons to throw to. Watch out when he develops chemistry with OJ Howard and DeSean Jackson.

    • Coleslaw

      Tampa is 2016 Raiders to me. Really high powered offense with a good defense but has holes on D. Exception is Tampas O line is nowhere near Oakland’s.
      Bucs are my team #2 and I’m really excited to watch that offense tear it up this year

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      When the JAX offense does jack, the defense looks bad.
      I think the defense is really improving, but until they figure out the QB….. they aren’t going anywhere.

      As for the Bucs…. they have many good pieces, just need to put it together. Winstons’ time to shine.

  32. nichansen01

    53 projection based on depth chart

    Michael Bennet
    Cliff Avril
    Frank Clark
    David Bass
    Cassius Marsh
    Jarran Reed
    Ahtyba Rubin
    Nazair Jones
    Rodney Coe
    Bobby Wagner
    KJ Wright
    Terrence Garvin
    Michael Wilhoite
    DJ Alexander
    Kam Chancellor
    Earl Thomas
    Bradley McDougald
    Delano Hill
    Tedric Thompson
    Richard Sherman
    Jeremy Lane
    Shaquill Griffen
    Tramaine Brock
    Pierre Desir
    Deandre Elliot



    Russell Wilson
    Trevone Boykin


    Thomas Rawls
    Eddie Lacy
    CJ Procise
    Chris Carson
    JD Mckissic


    Marcel Reese


    Doug Baldwin
    Paul Richardson
    Jermaine Kearse
    Tyler Lockett
    Kenny Lawler
    Kasen Williams


    Jimmy Graham
    Luke Willson
    Nick Vannet

    Offensive Line:


    George Fant
    Germaine Ifedi
    Ethan Pocic


    Luke Joeckel
    Mark Glowinski
    Oday Aboushi
    Rees Odhiambo


    Justin Britt

    • CharlieTheUnicorn

      My gut says they go 9 OL and 4 TE….. there is too much to like about Swoopes. I’m not convinced they go with 5 RB and a FB… more likely 4 RB and a FB… and the FB could be Tre Madden. I love Reese, so that would be tough on me if he doesn’t make the 53 man roster.

  33. CharlieTheUnicorn

    Who are you guys going to have your eyes on for the game tonight?

    • KD

      The running game in general. Pete Carroll’s MO is tough defense and we’re going to run the ball. I just want to see tough, physical running and a good push on the OL.

  34. KD

    Let’s do this! 😀

  35. KD

    Kasen Williams is f-ing BALLIN! this preseason

    • C-Dog

      He’s destroying it. What a story.

  36. Ishmael

    Williams is an ANIMAL

    They are two immense jump balls he’s dragged in. I still hate the fade, but man.

    Nice balanced drive.

    • KD

      on top of that, Lacy is showing that physical running ability I want to see. As much as i want to see more on those short yard situations, MIN’s front 7 is really good, so I have not seen anything to disappoint me.

      And Kasen makes a great ST play as i type that

      • Ishmael

        Looks like a complete stud. Than was Allan Robinson stuff out there.

        Ahaha Bradford running away from McDonald

    • Thy Hawk is Howling

      Hello Ishmael hope all is well down under. You’re an Aussie I believe I want to know what you think of Jim Jeffries the fellow Australian?I absolutely Love him, most intelligent clever comic since George Carlin died!

      Great first drive I’m so happy American Football is Back!

      Whoo hoo!

      Go Hawks

      • Ishmael

        Hey man, hope you’re doing well!

        I am, but over in New York currently. Going to try and catch some of the Christian Hackenburg experience while I’m here.

        Jeffries is a bit hit or miss for me. His best stuff is genuinely outstanding, but he’s got a lot of anger towards women – I find a lot of it pretty unpleasant.

        • KD

          Patrice O’Neal had that same anger, but he able to transform it into criticism which is why I think Patrice is the best comedian I’ve ever seen.

          • Thy Hawk is Howling

            Thanks for the name drop KD! I’ll look up Patrice soon, I hope he’s from Dublin and has a wicked Irish accent!

            Go Comedy

            • KD

              >Irish accent
              Lel. not quite. Quite the opposite, but patrice is the only comedian that has made me laugh so hard that I could not breathe

              • Thy Hawk is Howling

                Comedy is so therapeutic for me when I’m down. I’m stoked to check O’Neal out after the game. Thanks again KD!

                • KD

                  Here’s a little taste. i absolutely love this clip

                  • Thy Hawk is Howling

                    Okay I recognize him didn’t he pass away from diabetes? I like his personality that clip didn’t do much for me but I’ll respect his wanting to make people laugh attitude and look up one of his stand up shows. Cheers for sharing KD

                    Go Diabetes!

        • Thy Hawk is Howling

          I’m happy right now because my team is playing and it’s that time of year. I quite drinking this spring because I was basically drinking myself to death I estimate I’ve had 35,000 beers in my life and I turn 40 in January. I used to be proud of how much I could drink and then those feelings turned to shame. It’s something I am in control of now but I think and dream about the drink all the time.

          Jim Jeffries does talk about women and sex but those jokes are easy and he does it very clever like. Remember they’re just jokes. I’ve heard him talk about how he’s not really the jerk he portrays on stage. Some of those jokes came when he was drinking hard and he admittedly is insecure himself. I find him very refreshing and honest however I don’t like the crude stuff either but it’s part of his past.

          Cheers for the response Ishmael.

          Go Hawks

  37. Coleslaw

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Kasen Williams is 6/6

  38. Ishmael

    What happened there? Weird breakdown on the deep left.

    Bradford’s looked pretty good though, he’s a tough dude.

    • KD

      Most of the time, Sam Bradford is Mr. Checkdown so naturally he’s going to be a high completion % QB. I will say, that he’s likely the Vikings new franchise QB because it’s such a shame what happened to Bridgewater, but Bradford has stepped up and embraced his role.

  39. Rowdy

    Are starting d has looked below average in every faze of the game.

    • Rowdy

      Except run d

  40. Ishmael

    Playaction is looking super sharp, Wilson – Baldwin connection is very nice.

    Let’s see if we can get the run game going. They clearly prefer Carson to Collins at the moment.

  41. KD

    Ifedi needs to step it up, and in a hurry

    • KD

      And that is why Pocic is there.

  42. Ishmael

    Yikes. Ifedi beaten like a drum. Just throw the ball away though, it’s Dannielle Hunter in the preseason.

  43. KD

    it is so evident that every bit of work that Russel Wilson has put in to get healthier, faster, lighter, stronger, etc has paid off. He looks so sharp.

  44. House

    F*CK!!! Fant just got rolled on. I hope he is ok!

    • House

      Air cast is never good

    • KD

      Dammit! I don’t want to speculate, but this does not look or feel good.

      • House


        Me either. I just know air casts aren’t used for minor sprains. All we can do is pray for his speedy recovery, no matter what the diagnosis is.

  45. Ishmael

    Fant looks really hurt. Did he get rolled up on?

    Wilson 10/12 for 126 and 1TD. The two incompletions were throwaways. Three separate receivers with receptions over 20 yards. Run game bit eh, but not dreadful.

  46. Aaron

    Meat wagon coming out for Fant. Looks really bad, probably a torn acl or patella tendon. Season is probably over. It’s Joeckel’s job now.

    • House

      That sucks so bad. I had really high hopes for him. Looks like Joeckel/Odhiambo need to hold down the left side

    • Aaron

      Brandon Albert still available? Ryan Clady?

      • House

        I don’t know about either. Albert seems unsure to play football (retired/unretired within 5 days). Clady retired, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t come to a contender.

        Odhiambo has played LT before. Possibly try him or Pocic @ LT?

        • House

          Odhiambo is at LT right now

      • KD

        I wouldn’t panic TOO much. Joeckel can play LT, and he has one of, if not the best, best coaches and team to support him. He sure can step up, and he’s much more experienced at LT than Fant was and is.

        It sure sucks for Fant and the team, but they can keep it together.

        • House


          I feel you. My heart goes out to Fant more than I am panicking right now.

          If Odhiambo can go at LT, I say give him a shot

          • KD

            That’s pretty much my sentiment as well. I was really looking forward to seeing what Fant could do because Fant himself was so excited to prove what he could do, and the coaches were raving about him, but we’ll see what the diagnosis is. in the mean time, this is why the Seahawks draft so many OL that have experience at multiple positions.

        • Aaron

          Just wondering if someone is available if they want Joeckel to stay at LG. I’d rather Joeckel play LT but maybe they aren’t confident enough in Odhiambo to have him start at LG. If this happened last year we’d be in big trouble. If they could get Albert or another vet tackle for cheap I’d be all for it. They won’t panic and overspend though. Word of advice, avoid Twitter right now. You’d of thought that Fant was an All Pro with how devastated people are right now. Feel bad for Fant personally but we can survive this.

          • House

            I don’t have a Twitter account for that specific reason…

            Odhiambo has played LT before and I’m sure right now, the team is just thinking about getting through this game and checking on Fant. We have always been a “Next man up” team and this is another instance in which we need to persevere.

          • Ishmael

            Seahawks Twitter is full of hysterics and reactionaries. Just not worth it on a night like this.

            • Aaron


              • Thy Hawk is Howling

                +3 Wilson’s #

                Twitter is ridiculously narsasistic.

                Never tweeted, and I never will. Unless I fall in Love with a girl who wants me to follow her. You know how being twitterpated can make you change. Ha ha

  47. Ishmael

    Griffin doesn’t do a great job of getting his head around does he?

  48. House

    Carson has some burst! I’m excited to see how he continues to play

  49. Thy Hawk is Howling

    Man I feel sad for Fant he’s worked so hard; The Joeckel signing is looking good now huh fellas! Good to see all the Hugs and support for Fant hope Britt hooks him up some cheddar now that he can afford it. If I hurt someone on accident I would want to compensate them somehow and Fant is only making league minimum which I could live off for 10 years easy. Anyway such a bummer. My positive energy goes out to our Hawks brother!

    If you strike me down now, I will come back more powerful then you can possibly Imagine!

    First person with the right answer get’s a +1 which is apparently cool with the internet kids these days.

    Go George Fant

    • Thy Hawk is Howling

      I should have stated who said that in an Epic movie, the stike me down bit.

      • KD

        Clearly a quote from Star Trek: A New Revenge of the Empire. now give me my +pi

        • Thy Hawk is Howling

          I know you’re being facetious but I need the Actor’s name, character name, and movie. Or just the character KD and I’ll give you a + forever!

          • KD

            Alec Guinness, Obi Wan Kenobi, Star Wars, episode IV: A New Hope
            obi Wan: You can’t win Darth. If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

            not a +1, +pi

            • Kenny Sloth

              +sideways 8

            • Thy Hawk is Howling

              Okay I like you now KD you’re officially one of my favourites!

              + Forever infinity expenetialy!

              • KD

                And, when you think about it, Han Solo’s line about the Falcon making the Kessle run in less then 12 parsecs makes 100% sense. people love to point out that a parsec is a unit of distance and not time, so geeks love to point that out as an error.

                The reason Lucas wrote that line, is because in hyperspace, a ship cannot travel in a strait line because it would run into celestial objects. A ship in hyperspace has to navigate those, so the line about traveling from A to B is expressed in distance rather than time is a testament to the Millennium Falcon’s nav computer which can navigate those obstacles with minimal deviation.

                • Thy Hawk is Howling

                  Trippy I was just about to type that exact sentiment about time and space . Weird are you me from an alternate universe where the Seahawks go 19-0 every year?

                  I recommend watching the documentary on Netflix about David Prose the actor who physically played Vader. I was born in “78” so Star Wars was my religion as a kid.

                  • KD

                    >are you me from an alternate universe where the Seahawks go 19-0 every year?

                    Nah, I’m just drinking beer and talking s**t. If you have finished as many beers as i have, then we might just be in the same universe.

                    I was born in ’79. so it wasn’t just Star Wars, but Jaws, The Road Warrior, Airplane!, as a kid that made me love movies.

                  • KD

                    Also Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal (God bless Jim Henson), Willow, Indiana Jones, The Thing, The Shining, the Karate Kid, Gremlins (i named my cat Gizmo)

  50. KD

    Some offensive stats so far:

    Russ: 13/18 – 206 – 2/0 – 147.0 – He just looks scalpel sharp
    Carson: 6/27
    Lacy: 6/20

  51. Kenny Sloth

    Germain is trash wtf he did not look great in pass pro or the run game. Russ covers it up a ton but Germain got beat like a drum more than once.

    He needs more and more snaps ASAP

    • KD

      Some lack of awareness by Thorpe there with that INT by thinking he was in college and not realizing that Thompson can still advance the ball and slowing him up. Good for Tedric though.

      • KD

        blah, didn’t mean that comment as a response to your comment.

    • Pran

      Ifedi is lacking confidence

  52. WALL UP

    Branden Albert, I’d try to sign him. He’s available.

  53. KD

    Blair Walsh missed one earlier, but way to come back an hit a 50+ yarder. That’s big

    • House

      He’s made 2 50yd+ now. That 53 hit the crossbar

      I’m impressed

      • Thy Hawk is Howling

        Yeah House I love your positive attitude! You know The Blair Walsh Project has nerves playing the Vikings. It’s like itroducing your wife to one of your misstresses. So Damn nerve wracking, every time!

        Go Misstresses!

  54. KD

    Nazir Jones ripping IT UP!

  55. KD

    So, let’s put together the + and – for this game:

    Russell Wilson looks better than ever
    RBs look tough, even if YPC is not great
    Kasen Williams is a stud and absolutely has to make the team
    Blair Walsh has his groove back

    Fant 🙁
    OL has to be re-shuffled again
    Ifedi has serious problems

    • KD

      Forgot, Naz Jones’ play is a big +

    • Aaron

      We probably need to bring in a veteran at tackle or guard. Joeckel would be my pick for LT. The left side is too thin now unless you move Glow back there. Rob did say Odhiambo played well last game at guard. He was inconsistent at tackle tonight so I’d keep him at guard. I don’t think Odhiambo is ready yet to start though, nor is he one of the best five. Decisions…decisions.

  56. KD

    Nice knowing ya Alex Collins

  57. nichansen01

    We won the battle, but lost the war.

    The entire offensive line played dreadfully after Fant went out. Odhiambo and Pocic both looked awful. All the penalties were ugly. Alex Collins keeps fumbling. I’m getting worried about Sherman and Wrights injuries. Clark is now apparently injured, and Darboh and Hill are both out.

    Three of our top six rookies are injured…

    Anyways, Russell Wilson, kasen Williams and Doug Baldwin were the highlights of the game. After that, things looked ugly. The first team defense didn’t play well. Rubin kept getting blown of the line of scrimmage, Garvin repeatly got laid out, Griffen kept giving up plays. It wasn’t pretty.

    Lacy looks not so good at runningback. He can’t cut back and find a new Lane, he just tried to crash into people but goes no where. He doesn’t look explosive.

    Blair Walsh missed a field goal. That was concerning.

    Too many injuries, too many penalties.

    Really, very ugly game marred by injuries. I know we won scorewise, but the Vikings were the real winners here as they didn’t appear to suffer any serious injuries.

  58. MarkinSeattle

    Pete just said Fant blew his ACL, “tough to come back this year”. Very frustrating. He was starting to turn into a good player.

    • House

      Poor kid… I had high hopes as well

  59. Old but Slow

    Lacy needs to step it up or he may not make the roster. Not much burst and not very nimble. Fant is a tragedy, and Pocic was disappointing, and Ifedi was uneven. Pass rush (or pash russ if you go by Collingsworth) was not good, but some flashes .

    Griffin can cover. Not perfect, but still new. Some flashes from Tedrick Thompson and Delano Hill. Starting D line was a little passive, and Rubin was not himself.

    A lot to like, although we need to make sure our young DB’s know which way is the goal line.

    A decent win against a better team than the Chargers and some good plays from several players. Russell especially.

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