Live stream with Jeff Simmons at 2pm PT

In this stream we’ll be discussing John Schneider’s press conference today, the candidates who are going to be interviewed, the intriguing Mike Vrabel connection and more. Also, there’s some fresh news today with the report that the Seahawks have requested an interview with Ben Johnson, who I wrote about here. They’ve also reportedly requested an interview with Bobby Slowik.

Join us at 2pm…


  1. Big Mike

    Looking forward to this. My biggest takeaway……he is aware of the difficulties of losing excellent coordinators after 1 year. My gut tells me he’ll go offensive guy because they’re more in demand than defensive coordinators for HC positions and he won’t want to see someone poached after one year. He even referenced Alex Smith having to play for 3 different offensive coordinators in his first 3 years in San Francisco.

    • Whit21

      Hes definitely aware of wirst case scenarios in the nfl.. problem for those 9ers teams, they didnt have good head coaches when he was drafted and had new OCs..

      Thats where if he finds a good coach, he will hire him despite what discipline they are..

  2. Blitzy the Clown

    NGL I got a little worried when he waxed on and on about the kitchen staff.

    But I think he brought it around and said the right things if you’re a fan who believes he deserves this opportunity.

    I found it interesting he had 36 pages of notes on new head coaches to discuss with Paul Allen when he learned they hired Carroll.

    • cha

      The idea that John would have to start the coaching search from scratch was overblown.

      Billion-dollar enterprises always have an “if I get hit by a bus” file, and it gets updated regularly.

      John confirmed he always keeps a ready file.

      • Sea Mode

        I think Blitzy is talking about that when JS very first showed up for the GM interview, he didn’t know Paul had already made up his mind to hire PC and give him full control.

        • TutupuTime

          I’ve heard JS reference that story a few times over the years about how he didn’t know until the interview that PC had already been hired and given full control.

          And while you always have the “if I get hit by a bus” file as a company that size, he also made it clear that this is something he’s had to think about more in recent years. Basically referencing how long Pete was going to keep going and the weird story about Pete telling him one day out of the blue that he “was going to go change the world.”

          It’s no coincidence that JS’s contract already includes what he is responsible for (like coaching) in the event Pete was no longer involved.

  3. Brodie

    I thought his answer to “what has changed the most from your last coaching search” was intriguing.

    Analytics and Sports Science. I don’t know how to gauge the latter, but the former seems to tell me, he’ll be looking into a more analytic type. That doesn’t necessarily mean what I thought it did 12 months ago. I recently learned that Dan Campbell is one of the most analytics-heavy coaches in the league. He comes across as a bit of a smashmouth, old-school guy, but has been open to the analytics side and trusts in that. It doesn’t shape the mold of the team he wants, but it factors into the way they approach the game.

    The Lions even have their own Analytics mentorship program. First and only in the NFL according to them.

    Even if Ben Johnson ends up a non-starter via the Adam Peters/WAS smoke, I would read the tea leaves as him being toward the top of JS’s most wanted. OR a HC who is open to embracing the analytics side.

    I can just see JS squeezing the hell out of his stress ball every time Pete punted on 4th and 1 from the plus side of midfield now.

    • cha

      I recently learned that Dan Campbell is one of the most analytics-heavy coaches in the league.

      And the Lions have been one of the teams who have gone for it on 4th down the most in the NFL in his tenure.

      • Brodie

        Yep, I started to look into it after the DET V DAL game where the Lions went on the 2 pt conversion (down 1 w/ 23 seconds to go) and had the Decker TD called back for not reporting. They ate the penalty and still went for it from the 7 yard line. Didn’t make it, but shocked me that they still tried after the penalty, when the XP send it to OT.

        Staley was doing that stuff extensively in his early time with the Chargers and it didn’t let him keep his gig. He was supposed to be a defensive guy and they were about as effective a unit as our though.

        Putting on my detective’s cap, I found that Staley worked with Frank Smith in Chicago. Staley was a LB coach (under Vic Fangio), while Smith was the TE coach. Then they worked together again for the Chargers, with Staley pegging Smith for a role as OL coach and run game coordinator.

        If Frank Smith were the call, getting Staley to come in as DC (where he had success) doesn’t seem far-fetched.

        • Brodie

          Also, Sean Desai was in Chicago at the same time as Smith, Staley & Fangio. That is the dot that connects them back to JS.

    • Whit21

      But still… if i was JS when they did go for it and they didnt execute well/failed 4th down i woulda had a stroke..

      You can have all the analytics you want.. but geno and waldron had some of the worst execution on 3rd and 4th down..

    • Mexican Hawk

      For whatever it’s worth Ben was a double math and computer science major at UNC. That thought came to mind when I heard John mention what you just referred to Brodie.

      #gohawks #alwayscompete #winforever :))))

  4. ThaiThai

    We need Ben Johnson, lets go get him!!!

  5. Pran

    John will talk to every potential candidate out there in the market, if not just to keep notes similar to how they maintain for players. Hope some McVay out there blows his mind!

  6. Mr drucker in hooterville

    I got the feeling that John voted Pete off the island.

  7. Blitzy the Clown


    Tom Pelissero @TomPelissero

    The #Seahawks requested an interview with #Lions OC Ben Johnson for their head coaching job, per source.

    11:50 AM · Jan 16, 2024

    • Big Mike


    • Sea Mode


  8. cha

    Bobby Slowik ahoy!

    Dan Graziano
    Per source, the Seahawks requested permission to interview Texans OC Bobby Slowik for their head coach opening. Slowik has been one of the most requested candidates for interviews so far this cycle, following his first year as an OC and the success he had with rookie QB CJ Stroud

    • Big Mike


    • John

      Annnnnd this is why you hire the OC as HC, rather than a DC.

  9. Seahawk_Dan

    He was quick to walk back his “stagnant” comment in regards to the team/coaching performance. I think that was his real thoughts on the matter before retconning that response when asked to clarify.

    • Rob Staton

      I think he quickly realised…. ‘Ooops, that wasn’t the word to use publicly’

      But it was absolutely spot on. And it speaks to JS knowing exactly why change was needed and was probably needed a few years ago.

      • Seahawk_Dan

        I appreciated his initial honesty. I get why in public speaking and regarding Carroll you’d walk it back, but it really meant what you said Rob. John sees the problem, as probably for years.

      • cha

        //paranoid comment alert//

        The Seahawks org is very media-savvy.

        Very well could be all little tip of the cap to the fans who’ve seen it and called it out for years, while walking it back he gets credit for not deliberately taking a shot at PC.

        As is his comment about what Pete’s “advisor” role is. Come on. The firing has been public for a week, Pete said he didn’t know what it was and said he might be open to coaching again (which you can’t do when you are “advising” another NFL team), and John’s answer was just as muddy. There is no other conclusion to draw than this was a firing with as soft a landing as they could publicly manage.

        • Rob Staton

          All I know is — for three years we were given dogs abuse over here for talking about Carroll’s future (not to mention Russell Wilson’s, or the likelihood of Jalen Carter being drafted, or the Jamal Adams trade being total nonsense).

          And here’s the team basically admitting 1. they were annually preparing for the possibility Pete might retire 2. they didn’t think much of the performance either and probably wished they’d done this sooner

          This is a pretty cool place for Seahawks analysis… but I would say that 😂

          And the draft record is pretty good too…

          • Sea Mode

            An enthusiastic +1!

    • Ian

      The ‘doldrums’ was the word I’ve been using to describe the team’s recent status.

  10. Mr Drucker in hooterville

    When one looks at ownership, stadium, location, GM, roster……Is there a better HC opening than Seattle?

    • Whit21

      I think east coast bias still will win in the end..

      No idea yet if Dallas and Pittsburgh make changes at coach..

      • Wilson502

        Tomlin is staying in Pittsburgh.

    • cha

      Don’t forget a soft, soft press.

      Whenever I watch a press conference for another team, it strikes me how easy it is to lead a huge franchise here in the eyes of the media.

      And I’m not just saying it is hard in Dallas, New York or Philly.

      Vrabel got grilled regularly in Tennessee.

      The whole Denver franchise including Russell Wilson got weekly cross-examined by the press.

      The Carolina press was very impressive when Tepper fired Rhule.

      If you want as soft a landing as possible, it’s here in the PNW.

      • Peter

        Will hoeard at K-st had it harder than any pro sports team in seattle.

      • Sea Mode

        This is a HUGE point and John even underlined it.

        A staff and media that is supportive of the head coach and understands there will be down times. And for proof one only needs to look at the job security Pete had during YEARS of underachieving.

        That, together with the culture and reputation of the organization and the talented young building blocks on the roster–especially on offense and Witherspoon as future leader of the defense–in my mind make Seattle the most attractive job, especially for a first-time head coach who gets to work with a GM as experienced as John.

      • TatupuTime

        Like that question had the end of Tomlin’s presser after a tough playoff loss 🤣

      • GoHawksDani

        If someone would come here because of the soft press I don’t want him here

        • cha

          We were listing positives. Not suggesting a decision came down to how he’d be treated by the press.

  11. 805Hawk

    JS was definitely walking a fine line when discussing the team’s performance and the reason for moving on. He really didn’t want to insult Pete but wanted to get be somewhat straight with the reporters. He stumbled over his words multiple times trying to frame it just right. Kinda awkward at times and I get it. That’s a tough spot to be in.

    • Dregur

      I mean, “we overperformed in 2022, and underperformed in 2023” says quite a bit.

    • BK26

      I thought it felt more methodical, careful.

      You could tell when he had free range to answer: talking about his growth, Green Bay in the past, Ron Wolf. The closer it was tied to the team, the more guarded the answer.

      You can also tell that things are going to be different. At least until the front office is settled.

    • cha

      He’s a standup guy.

      He used “we” and “us” language a lot. Said each person has to look in the mirror and see if they’re giving their best each day a couple of times.

      Which is cool. A great standard to set.

      But days after the Director of Football Operations was given the boot, it’s obvious what the real problem was. He’s just trying to be a good guy in the wake of their partnership being torn to shreds.

      • 805Hawk

        💯 You could tell he was trying hard and was much more comfortable when addressing stuff not related to Pete and the firing. I loved a lot of what he said.

      • Sea Mode

        Yup, and realizes it helps nothing to tear him down publicly. If we could all see from the outside what the problem was, so can potential coaching candidates. Also shows them they won’t be thrown under the bus.

        I thought him clarifying the contractual aspect was a stroke of brilliance. Told everyone all they needed to know about where the responsibility fell and who was in charge.

  12. TatupuTime

    Overall I thought it was a good press conference and I’m glad that JS is still around and having a shot at kicking off the next era. It’s hard to know where personnel decisions have started/stopped in the past and how much JS played into bad decisions (like the current safety group). But the man seems to have a good reputation around football and is well connected. He’s definitely had his star moments scouting and he seems to think about things the right way. Even when talking about the challenges of hiring an Offensive vs. Defensive coach he articulated some of the right issues (including having the SF OC poached over an over again) . The question wasn’t queued up well and he didn’t fully nail it, but not really something I’d expect him to get in before hiring the coaching hiring anyways.

    Just don’t hire Mike McCarthy when he’s inevitably fired by Jerry! If there is one coach I’ll never be able to wrap my brain around it’s been him both in GB and Dallas. I know it’s probably doing his experience a disservice, but please please no.

  13. Sea Mode

    What a total breath of fresh air that press conference was! No BS, no beating around the bush, no waxing on about how good Bobby is… just clear communication about what can be said and opting out of what can’t. Honest acknowledgement that we are simply not good enough and have become stagnant and thus underachieved despite a talented roster (especially offense). I LOVED it and can’t wait for what’s next.

    Seems to me his clear preference is an innovative, offensive mind. Emphasis in any case on someone who will be able to build a staff and keep building it when guys move on.

    He sure took advantage to sell the job opening! 😁 “Our reputation around the NFL of being a low-ego, well-communicating, easy group of people who can learn a lot from their relationships.” And mentioning how many people and agents have already reached out with interest… nice touch!

    Basically, I feel he was advertising: anyone who is easy to work with can just come in, install their vision for innovation in scheme and gameplan, and not have to spend all this energy on rebuilding a broken culture and restoring the image of the entire organization. Easy sell if you ask me.

    Yes, John will be in control of personnel, but hard to argue with that after his last two drafts. And a Charmin soft™️ media to boot! A dream for a young, innovative offensive mind who would be a first-time head coach. (Ben Johnson, come on down…!)

  14. Sea Mode

    Can someone post the link to the stream here please? For some reason it’s not working for me or showing up for me on YT…

  15. Ian

    I wonder how much, if at all, Schneider has to ask himself ‘can I sell this choice to the fan base’?

  16. BobbyK

    JS actually thinks he put together a competitive roster worthy of being a legit contender?

    We accused Pete of getting senile, but if we’re replacing that with delusional John I’m not sure we’re much better off.

    I’m looking for a reason to have hope again and a GM who put together a mediocre roster and thinking they are anywhere near the talent level of the best in the NFL is reason for concern. Does he not understand we were killed by the Ravens once and 49ers twice.

    Anyone who watched those games knows the Seahawks were both outcoached AND outmanned. Whoever your dream coach is… if Schneider gives them crap to go up against a good/great opponent… don’t expect miracles, John (maybe look in the mirror, too).

    I want to see John’s actions do the (good) talking. That means get a QB, solidify the OL, etc.

    • cha

      Can you not grasp the difference between Pete Carroll saying that and John Schneider saying that?

    • Group Captain Mandrake

      Are they outmanned? Yes. Yes they are. But I think the bigger difference was that they were consistently outcoached. And if you look at the weak spots on the roster (like safety), that sounds more like it was on Pete than John. If you put Shanahan or McVay in charge of the Seattle roster, I think you see a considerable uptick in wins.

    • Spectator

      I completely disagree, I think we have a talented roster. Especially on offense. And the Defense has pieces. The biggest issue has been in coaching and discipline.

      • BobbyK

        I agree there’s talent. I’ve said that before. But the OL that Schneider had a hand building prevented it from flourishing. How is that not a GM fault?

        And the defense pretty well stinks as a unit. Just because Witherspoon is a good CB doesn’t mean it’s a good defense. Yes. They could be coached better but it’s pretty hard to make chicken salad without chicken.

        Thanks for the ratioinal disagreement rather than being an ass like cha.

        • cha

          I apologize. I thought the difference was obvious.

          • wsguy

            It was

        • Lord Snow

          I’ve always said I want a completely clean start but I guess we’ll just have to take John right now. I’d rather have him than Pete I will say that. But I also can’t shake, for example, the Jamal Adams trade he put together. That would have been a time even if Pete was insisting on it to go no way, I’m not going to destroy the franchise and the cap for a box safety so you can feel better about yourself. Johns hands are not perfectly clean

        • Spectator

          If you looked at Houston’s roster last year, you would have been mortified at the lack of a “competitive roster” then. Packers the same. Shoot, even Ravens werent loaded with huge names across the board.
          And I never said it was a good defense, but talented defense. Uchenna is talented. Williams is talented. Mafe is talented. Hall is talented. Witherspoon, Woolen, Brown, are all talented. Many more on the D are talented players. But we have a DC that is in over his head and not getting the most out of them. Look at the Ravens Def. We had a HC that for all intents and purposes, lost control of locker room.
          We had chicken, we had the ingredients to make chicken salad, we didnt have the chef to make it good.

      • RomeoA57

        This roster is still a long ways off of the best rosters in the NFL. One legitimate Starter on Defense( Witherspoon) and a couple of very good Wide Receivers do not make a top notch roster.

        There are serious holes at IOL, LB and Safety. Minor holes at other positions.

        • bmseattle

          I think its pretty evident that the roster is lacking in high-end talent.
          the offense has the players at the skill positions to be explosive, though the line is (still) a liability.
          There is not one offensive lineman on the team that I would put money on being here in 4 years.

          Defensively, right now it’s Witherspoon (who has to prove he can stay healthy and produce for a full season), and a few good players like Mafe and Reed. Hopefully Jones improves and we sign Williams.
          Not a ton to build around or expect significant improvement from.

          I look at the roster and I see far too many holes to fill to say it’s any better than league average, overall.
          JS has a lot of work to do.
          How much of the current roster can be attributed to him vs. Pete, we’ll likely never know… but Pete was let go for a reason.

        • Spectator

          Thats all your giving Hawks on both sides of the ball? So just going to ignore Walker? Lucas? Cross? Out of 11, we have really 6 that are signed still for next year. Good skill positions and bookends. Thats a great foundation to be competitive with the right scheme and coach.

          On defense, Woolen had a sophomore slump, one we see all the time. We have Brown who is talented. Mafe played well. Uchenna. Reed and Willaims. Young talent in Hall. We arent really any less talented on defense than Ravens or Houston. But we havent gotten out of them what other teams are getting out of their players, thats on coaching. Im not saying we dont need to continue to get better and continue to grow and bring in best players we can and adapt. But I think its a little extreme to say we have no talent and all we have is 2 wr and a cb…

          • bmseattle

            I include Walker in the “skill positions” that I mentioned.
            Like I said, we can be explosive on offense.
            Walker and DK are pro-bowl level talents. Hopefully JSN is, but it’s early on him.
            I don’t consider Cross a huge asset, at this point.
            Right now, I don’t consider him a “must retain”, which is why I said what I did about the offensive line.
            I’m sure they will give Cross plenty of opportunity to justify his draft status… but I don’t see elite… or even Pro-Bowl level, with him.
            Hope I’m wrong.

            Brown seems solid at CB.
            Uchenna and Mafe and Reed are all good players.
            Hall, I haven’t seen anything from.
            Williams is unsigned, atm.
            Woolen is talented, and I hope he improves. I think he is currently a better than average corner, with the talent to be good to great. We’ll see.

            when you look at the above names and combine them with the rest of the roster, I don’t see much better than an average roster…. maybe slightly above.
            That doesn’t seem controversial to me.

            • bmseattle

              btw… I really hope you are correct and I am underselling the talent level of the team.
              To me, it looks like we need a couple more off-seasons to get to where we want to be.
              But if you are correct, we could potentially reach that goal this next year.

    • Mr Drucker in hooterville

      We are closer to a contender now than a week ago with Pete. John’s answer is based.Pete’s is not.

    • Patrick Toler

      There was enough talent to beat the lions and Cleveland when they were playing well. The roster isn’t perfect and neither is Schneider but his track record has a lot of positives. Also, it is hard to disentangle him from Pete given how collaborative they were.

  17. Joseph

    Seattle requested interviews for both Ben Johnson and Bobby Slowik. Promising news!

  18. Gross MaToast

    An NFC West with Slick McShanahan would be bananas.

    • Mr Drucker in hooterville

      Or Ben McJohnahan.

  19. Hawkdawg

    I thought this was good, although I also thought he was a little nervous. I also thought the way he answered TNT Greg’s last question regarding how it felt to have control now was pretty disingenuous. He said he always felt he had control, but earlier had admitted that, unlike with Pete, 1) this time he controls the coaching staff, and 2) this time he controls the personnel. Sorry, but those are two very large contributors to control, and now he has it, and Pete does not. Big difference.

    • BK26

      I think that was more him saying that he wasn’t just a “yes man” these last few years. He was basically asked what’s it like to make decisions and he felt he needed to point out that he deserves some credit.

      Then he pointed out things that he now controls for the first time.

    • Sten

      Reading his body language you could definitely tell he was a bit nervous and trying to withhold information, probably anything throwing Pete under the bus. He is in a weird spot where he has to claim responsibility for the success the franchise has achieved but also distance himself from the recent mediocrity.

  20. Happy Hawk

    Great watch Rob! I am ranking the candidates: Johnson, Vrabel, and Slowick. Fun times as we are for sure entering a new era of Hawks football with JS!

    • Rob Staton


  21. Ian

    Love the Beatles poster behind Jeff….

  22. Whit21

    A lot of good points on the stream.. could be that JS is keeping his options open and doing a through job incase the hot OC names get snatched up where you’re left with Defensive guys are the best option..
    Steal an OC from another team and try to come on strong in 2025..

  23. WestSide72

    Did I just see a Thunderbirds hockey hat!

    • Rob Staton


      Courtesy of the awesome cha!

      • Palatypus

        I could send you a Senior Bowl hat.

        • Rob Staton

          I would love that but they seem like gold dust!

          • Palatypus

            The hoodies are $80.00 at the practices.

  24. Whit21

    Rob… it would be good for those that have no life and want to hear from different sources..

    Can you post the things you watch here on the blog? I know you do from time to time.. but the things you consume would help to formulate some of your options.. if you list the the interviews and podcasts in the main post would be good.

    Keep the good fight going.. objective opinion at its finest. Cheers..

    • Rob Staton

      Whit… there are too many. I just go on YouTube and search names. There’s a ton of stuff out there. It’d take forever to list them all or highlight stuff that I pick up on

      • Whit21

        Understandable.. I let some of this consume a lot of my time when I dont work in media.

        But i like getting a lot of information.. its annoying at times so i try not to.

        Appreciate it.

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