Jayden Daniels is interesting

Jayden Daniels is a dynamic quarterback

I’ve spent the last few days watching every LSU game from this season, focusing on quarterback Jayden Daniels.

I’ve regularly suggested there’s a lot of ‘one-read-and-run’ stuff with Daniels. That is true. He’s a very dynamic runner and teams struggle to contain him. If his primary target isn’t open, he will often get into backyard mode to make something happen.

However, having studied him closely now I think it’d be doing him a disservice not to talk more about the positives within his game.

Firstly — regulars to the blog will know I like to focus on how transferable an environment is. There are big-name quarterbacks in college who aren’t touched. They sit in clean pockets playing pitch-and-catch. It’s not that difficult for a talented quarterback to impress in that situation. It’s also tricky to project how they will handle the NFL when suddenly they are faced with constant pressure. There are mechanical habits that are suddenly exposed. Players who never had to throw layered passes and deliver throws with anticipation realise that’s the name of the game.

At LSU, there aren’t many layered passes. A lot of it is throwing on the run, throwing downfield when identifying 1v1 opportunities, throwing over the middle to open targets and the basic, high-percentage throws. However, Daniels does face pressure and he handles it well. There are multiple examples on tape of him buying time in the pocket, extending plays with nimble footwork, then re-setting to deliver a strike. You also see him throw just as he’s about to get hammered in the pocket — standing tall, delivering an accurate pass for a big play even when he knows a big hit is coming.

This is the kind of thing that travels to the next level. It’s not going to be completely foreign to him. LSU gives up 2.1 sacks a game — only the 72nd best record in college football. This is a far cry from Oregon (0.4 sacks per game) and Washington (0.7 sacks per game) to use the two most extreme examples.

Daniels doesn’t have a cannon but his arm strength is in the ‘good enough’ category. He throws with nice touch, looping downfield passes and hitting receivers in stride. His ball-placement can be very good on deeper throws and he has a high number of explosive plays. As we’ve noted a few times, he’s second only to Drake Maye (30) in ‘big time throws’ this season per PFF (Daniels has 26). His ‘big time throw percentage’ (the percentage number of throws that are explosive) leads college football at 9%.

This feels quite important because we know the Seahawks like creative quarterbacks who can hit big plays downfield. Daniels has shown he can do this. So while he’s not quite throwing layered passes in-between defenders consistently over the middle in a pro-style offense with different progressions — he can make big plays downfield with accuracy. For that reason, I’d say he fits.

As a runner he is a real threat. I think one of the reasons he’s so successful is because he can hit the edge so quickly. Daniels can go from standing in the pocket to accelerating to the perimeter in no time at all. From there, it’s almost effortless how he can change direction and get upfield. There’s almost no wasted movement from the moment he sets off, changes direction and he uses that just as well when dodging tackles. His agility and speed appear to be excellent.

I do think this will translate. Now — he’s not a big player. He’s listed at 6-4 and 210lbs and that’s after some serious weight-work last summer. He’ll need to learn when to quit on runs (he can do a better job sliding). Yet it’s very easy to imagine him being an absolute terror when an offense goes up-tempo. He’ll be able to scramble around in the pocket and the threat to break contain will be a major headache for a defense in every game. Daniels the runner isn’t a nice little wrinkle to his game — it’s a major factor. You want to get him moving around like the early Russell years. He’s good at sensing a crease and maxing out opportunities.

There are also clearly moments of genuine inspiration on the move. Improvisation and elusiveness has never been more important. There are plays where he’s really good at dropping, subtly moving around to stay clean and he extends plays with his footwork. On multiple occasions receivers would uncover and he’s adept at finding them in this situation. You need this in the NFL.

One area for concern is he needs to do a better job being quicker over the middle on intermediate passes. He also needs to drive those throws in. He doesn’t have the rocket-arm to fire into a receiver in tight coverage on shorter routes and he had a pick against Arkansas where the defender read his eyes and just undercut a fairly tame throw. He’ll need to disguise these plays better too because as noted, he’s not making a lot of progressions. He can use a bit of shorter-range venom to the arm too.

Statistically he’s having a huge year. He’s already up to 38 total touchdowns compared to four picks. As a comparison, Russell Wilson had 40 total touchdowns for Wisconsin in 2011 and four interceptions.

Increasingly I think this about Daniels. He’s a very creative player who can deliver big plays in the passing game, he’s elusive in the pocket and a constant threat to break off big runs. A defensive opponent will need to guard against him in so many different ways. Yes — he is going to need to learn to operate in a pro-system and he’ll need to continue to work on his strength to drive those intermediate passes into tight windows. Yet there’s no reason why he can’t develop into an asset over time.

He is not the prototypical big, strong, dynamic thrower but I do now think he could be a lesser version of Lamar Jackson. His arm isn’t quite as strong and he’s not quite as dynamic as a runner — but he’s not a mile away either.

Daniels had his worst performance of the season in week one against Florida State and hasn’t really looked back after that. How early could he go? That’s difficult to answer at this stage. If he turned up at the combine and ran a 4.4 before throwing well — all bets are off. A great Senior Bowl would really help him too and he could use that to separate from other players with a strong week in Mobile.

I’ve moved him into a round two grade with the feeling he could rise beyond that in time. There’s just too much creativity, too much athleticism, too many big throws downfield to ignore.

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  1. Blitzy the Clown

    You want to get him moving around like the early Russell years.

    They look nothing alike. And Wisconsin Wilson had the better arm. But this resonates for me.

    I’ve watched Daniels with more than a passing interest and that’s probably why. He has that knack for extending the play, not just extending it but making it as a result of that extension.

    I could dig him. R2 sounds expensive but it’s a premium position. Trading down from R1 might work.

    • Peter

      And there it is. The bar none reason why the LW trade is a solid fail.

      Sure they could trade down. And maybe Daniels or other Seattle likes is there. But the league often, not always, knows what other teams are thinking.

      If you don’t get the preferred player in round two you’ve passes on a first round talent and for your troubles you get a third and change.

      Hit and you’ve got the jackpot.

      Miss. And this is for Big Mike…you get “Collier face.”

      • bmseattle

        I totally agree Peter.

        While I defer to those who assure me that LW is an impact player, and that he is making our entire defense better by absorbing double teams and freeing up others, etc, I still can’t reconcile the loss of the 2nd round pick because of how it impacts our ability to get the QB we potentially want.

        Hopefully JS has something up his sleeve… but I’m nervous about it.

        • Peter

          A thought experiment I think I’ll use this season as Rob gets even deeper into the process:

          If you think the QB is really a future 10 year starter that tilts the field more than Geno, would you be willing the spend a first on them?

          Because if they really are that then it should be a no brainer to make the pick. Take the ridicule and the matt miller ‘f’ grade and know he’s an idiot.

          Pick #20 to #40 = an extra 2nd next year. Appx

          Pick #26 to #40 = essentially a single third this year.

          • Palatypus

            Let me throw you a scenario, Peter.

            Let’s say that Jayden Daniels comes here to Pensacola a few weeks before the Senior Bowl and starts working out at the EXOS facility in the James Andrews Institute in Gulf Breeze. This is very likely.

            He then does the NFL Flag event at the University of West Florida and presses the flesh with various NFL people on hand with Jim Nagy. Then he goes to the Senior Bowl, in nearby Mobile.

            Kicks Ass !!!

            Then he goes back to Exos for a few weeks to get ready for the combine.

            Blows it up. Jumps through the roof and runs through a wall.

            This is how Cole Strange, out of Chatanooga, got drafted in the first round by the Patriots.

            • Peter

              I’m here for it!

              I’m going to really start watching in earnest.

              I’ve never seen Rob bring up a prospect just cuz.

              • Palatypus

                He’s “Robably” right.

          • Seahawkwalt

            If you think the QB is really a future 10 year starter that tilts the field more than Geno, would you be willing the spend a first on them?

            Absolutely.. take in the first if you believe he is your 10 yr starter. Don’t lose him by getting cute and trading down

            • Parallax

              Depends how much more than Geno he tilts the field. I think we need someone substantially better.

      • Big Mike

        And this is for Big Mike…you get “Collier face.”

        SIGH. The mention of Collier gives me frowny face 🙁
        (such a great term for PCJS that day tho)

      • Elmer

        I like it! Trading away R2 is expensive, it makes drafting a QB more risky, and increases the chance that they won’t do it. Depending on how his season goes, the way to get value from the LW trade is to find a way to sign him for beyond this year.

        • Parallax

          I’m going to sound like a broken record in that I said pretty much this in the last thread. I disagree that signing Williams adds value to the trade. Not unless it causes him to sign for less than he would have taken as a free agent not previously with Seattle.

          Signing him means not using that same cash elsewhere. It also does nothing to offset the draft capital expended. That’s what economists call “sunk cost fallacy”. The two draft picks are gone. They are a sunk cost. Signing Williams does NOTHING to change that. Nothing.

          It was either a good trade to get 10 games with Williams plus any signing discount that happens or it wasn’t for a 2nd and 5th rounder. I’ve been upset since I first heard about the trade because it’s the kind of boneheaded Seahawks move that was ubiquitous before the last two drafts.

          It seemed like maybe the Hawks had figured out the importance of draft capital but obviously not. Same with salary cap. They don’t spend their resources in a consistently wise manner. They overpay some guys for reasons seemingly inexplicable. They pay way too much in draft capital for a good but not great unsigned player who will cost a lot to re-sign in a year when the team isn’t particularly going to benefit. I’ve long been a fan of the Schneider-Carroll show but no more. I’m beyond ready to see them both go. Particularly Pete because I tend to think short term myopic moves like this have his fingerprints all over them.

          Pete seems like a really optimistic rah-rah guy who motivates well, at least for those players who like his schtick, but I question how bright he is (based on his poor strategies on and off the field).

    • Palatypus

      Here in Pensacola, I see LSU and Tulane on television a lot. I thought these two blurbs by NFL Draft Buzz were interesting.

      On #7 Jayden Daniels.

      Jayden Daniels exhibits dual-threat QB traits that scouts crave: fleet-footedness and an arm primed for RPOs and quick hits. His start to the 2023 season is hard to overlook, posting a striking 73.7% completion over the first three games, combined with his ground dominance. But, there are wrinkles in his game—his pocket comfort needs ironing out to appease NFL evaluators…
      Brings leadership qualities as a seasoned starter, presenting no athletic limitations and fitting the dual-threat QB profile perfectly, using his running prowess to set up passing opportunities.

      On #9 Michael Pratt,

      *Pratt moves effectively and can throw on the run.
      *He’s at his best on bootlegs, showing zip and accuracy on those throws….

      *Dual-threat quarterback with athletic footwork and mobility. Instinctive runner with very good toughness – uses stiff arms and runs with good body strength.
      *He’s an athlete who runs well and must be accounted for in the read-option game.
      *He’s enough of a threat as a runner to make the read-option game effective.

      • Palatypus

        My point is, Jayden Daniels is more like Lamar Jackson and Michael Pratt is more like Russell Wilson, IMO.

        • Rob Staton

          I think it’s a serious stretch to compare Pratt and Wilson. That’s not a comp that ever sprung to my mind.

          • Palatypus

            He’s been sacked 94 times.

            • Palatypus


              He has been sacked 98 times.

            • Rob Staton


              • Palatypus

                With two games left!

        • Peter

          Going to watch more Daniels to see how he runs.

          Right now I’m not seeing Jackson at all.

          I am seeing the incarnation of Mariota.

          • Palatypus

            I didn’t say “exactly” like.

            • Peter

              I mean Mariots not just in frame but running style.

              I see a little more jackson in Travis right now.

              Daniels can definitely turn on the jets.

              • Palatypus

                I have seen Daniels do that “land crab” move that Curt Warner used to do. But not at the line of scrimmage. He does it downfield.

                Yes, I turned 54 recently.

  2. Blitzy the Clown

    I pooh-poohed this signing a few weeks ago but now I think it’s absolutely the right move.

    Even after Lucas comes back, slide Peters over to RG. He’s already well outplayed Haynes.

    Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter

    Seahawks are signing 41-year-old OT Jason Peters to their active roster from their practice squad for the remainder of this season, per his agency @eliteloyaltysp.

    Now in his 20th NFL season, Peters still is going strong — and he turns 42 in January.

  3. AlaskaHawk

    Good analysis and nice comparison of my favorite ratio TD to Int. I think he will throw/run his way into the third to fifth quarterback off the board.

    I’ve been trying to decide if the league will be more desperate than normal for quarterbacks after this season. Seems like there are a lot of backups playing QB this year. But I guess it’s no worse than normal.

    • BK26

      I feel like there is going to be a very large turnover. Some of these guys will pop enough that I think there might be a run in the late 2nd, early 3rd.

      Not sure why. Teams might have their first target, next pick rolls around and (example) Daniels is sitting there. Would a team like the Falcons say no to adding, say a lineman and him to that team?

      Enough of these guys are just intriguing enough. Especially compared to the middle group of the last few drafts for qb’s.

    • Peter

      Been trying to do the same thing as well. Always hear about qb needy teams yet every year teams keep giving garropolo, carr, etc jobs.

      Right now I don’t think this qb class is particularly unique in terms of overall talent from previous drafts.

      We here due to our fearless leader might be more dialed into more names than most.


      Then who?

      Penix- lefty, older, previous injuries, not a pro system
      Nix- older, not a pro system
      Travis- short, not as accurate
      Daniels- not a pro system
      Howard- needs work
      Ewers- needs a real qb coach and/or OC
      Leonard- may not declare
      Grayson McCaskill( mccall?)- non power five and Seattle specifically has been drafting power five players a lot

      This is reductive of course. Each have more to their game than a three word blurb.

      Also for Rob or other fans of watching snaps on YouTube does anyone take snaps under center? Recently watched Wilson/Wisconsin highlights and was reminded why I liked him more than RG3. RG3 played in a made up offense where he was the best athlete on the field. Where as Wilson like Luck would line up like an NFL qb and take pro snaps and drop backs.

      Now it’s all shotgun handclaps.

      Rattler is not on the list because I think a smart GM will look at one of the more pro ready qb’s in this draft and be over the moon to draft him while I also believe some FO’s and meddling owners actually aren’t that much smarter than fans and will think of him as the arrogant qb from a Netflix show who busted out of OK.

  4. Ground_Hawk

    At this point, unless Geno performs like he did during the beginning of last year, I hope that Seattle bites the bullet and drafts their QBOTF with their 1st rounder. Don’t get cute, just get your guy and move forward.

    • AlaskaHawk

      I agree. Let’s not forget the benefits of that first round extra year of rookie service too. It doesn’t make sense to trade out of the first round.

      • BK26

        That’s why I’d be completely fine even trading up or back in if needed. That year is huge.

    • Big Mike

      Until the last 2 drafts, “getting cute” is a lot of what we saw from this regime. Let’s hope the recent approach continues.

  5. Trrrroy

    Hey Rob, curious what your opinion of DJ Uiagalelei is.

    • Rob Staton

      Haven’t studied him this year but based on Clemson, I didn’t see a pro QB

  6. JimN

    If JS finds someone he wants, and he is graded in the second round or so, we could certainly trade down a bit, or if we needed to take him with our pick in the first round, we would have an extra year rookie deal. I don’t think they will pick any QB they aren’t convinced is their guy. But getting your guy is the paramount thing. The extra year is a true benefit. So i am not concerned about losing our 2nd rounder in this instance.

  7. UkAlex6674

    Rob just a heads up Sky NFL has a few live college games on today, not just the Notre Dame game.

    • Rob Staton

      Yep, great news

  8. Rob Staton


    There’s always something with Jalen Carter

    To think we had months of toxic nonsense about the Seahawks and this guy when it was never happening

    • Big Mike

      Philly got this. And it won’t be the last time either. Anyone in Seahawk land screaming fore this guy lately? If so, they’re still wrong.

      • Rob Staton

        Some Seahawks fans got so bent out of shape for this guy

        Crickets now

        • Peter

          A lot of us here have problems with 710, etc, last year was what could only be called a disservice by nearly every voice for two reasons:

          1. All the info you has. The detailed reports anyone could gather.

          2. More simply. The draft is an always shifting target. Most of the talking heads from radio to prominent YouTube acted like the alpha and omega of tge whole draft was just Carter and no one else.

          I’m not saying this for praise purposes but last year I could only find yourself and one other guy who you did a joint pod with that even entertained possible other picks at five.

    • Romeo A57

      Carter makes around 5M per year and he is boosting items from a low-rent Target? If you are going to steal, shouldn’t you go to much classier places like Macy’s or JC Penney?

      • Factory of Sadness

        Yes, but is JC Penney really classier than Target?

        • Palatypus

          Growing up, when I wanted to look at girls in their underwear I always went for the Sears catalog.

  9. Troy

    Give me Spoon over Carter all day long.

    Sadly, Carter will probably win DROY because he plays in Philly and not South Alaska.

    • Big Mike

      Agree on both accounts

      • Peter

        I hope the football gods get this right. I know narratives in the NFL change as slowly as turning a cargo ship around.

        Carter is quite far behind Donald, both Bosas, and non winner Aiden Hutchinson in production. Over all as a guy playing on a deep line with minimal responsibilities he’s not that productive compared to….let’s see….Devon Witherspoon. Let’s check the counting stats:

        Carter: 4 sacks, 16 (??) Tackles, 2 FF, 5 TFL, 7 QB hits

        Spoon: 2 sacks, 44(!) Tackles, 1 FF, 2 TFL, 3 QB hits, 1 int ( pick6) 12 pbu’s

        3x the tackles. A guy who plays more than 49% of snaps. Does way more by any metric for the defense.

        • cha

          Byron Young says hello too.

          5 sacks, 39 tackles, 2 FF, 2 TFL, 14 QB Hits and 22 pressures

          • Peter

            If byron young can double up his stats I’d think he would win it. That would put him just in the shadow of Micah Parsons as a rookie and better than Shaquille leonard in everything but total tackles.

  10. RMK-LouCityHawk

    I’m not seeing it with Jayden Daniels this season, maybe my hopes were unrealistically elevated….

    At best, I see Jalen Hurts. The Hawks were in on Hurts, so Daniels makes sense.

    I think that 210 is a mirage, he looks so light out on the field I worry every time he takes a hit.

    He is an incredibly elusive runner, can flat out make people whiff in the open field. I’d rank him as special as a runner.

    It is with the arm I really drop him, I don’t see consistent strength, the feel ball hangs…and that is before we talk about his processing.

    Round 2 feels right to me before testing. Round 4 feels right. But I think he will go later.

    • Rob Staton

      The Seahawks were in on Hurts? When has that ever been reported?

  11. Blitzy the Clown

    I haven’t watched any Florida State this season. But my armchair scout says Travis is this class’s “system QB” like Purdy or what we thought of Mac Jones (not who he’s become). Competent in most areas, excellent/awful in none.

    What say you Seminoles fans?

    • Peter

      I say this in all seriousness.

      Travis is Wilson ’12-’17.

      • Peter

        Jones is nowhere near the athlete Travis is. Purdy was more accurate less productive. Travis can get the ball down field easy.

        If he wasn’t 6’1″ ( allegedly) he’d be way higher for me. Though most likely not my preffered choice.

        After watching a decade of a guy spinning around in the pocket I’m pretty off that for awhile.

        • Blitzy the Clown

          Thanks Peter. I’ll have to give him a proper look then

          • Peter

            He’s fun. To me, there’s something there.

    • BK26

      I just d CD ant get over how bad Purdy was in college. He was benched numerous times.

      I don’t know if he starts for 5 other teams. He has one thing to do: get the ball out fast. To a terrific group of weapons.

    • Palatypus

      I want to see him test.

  12. Peter

    In unrelated news I gave my beavers, huskies tickets to a friend and chuckled that $55 tickets in a so-so part of the stadium are going for $350 this morning.

    50 yard line seats….saw a pair going for $1500 plus.

    What a time to be alive.

  13. AlaskaHawk

    Alright the morning games for me are either Louisville at Miami or Michigan at Maryland.

    Which has more players to watch that we are interested in??

    Also, shouldn’t the Michigan flag be at half mast for coach Harbaugh?? I mean come on!

    • Palatypus

      It should be upside down.

    • AlaskaHawk

      Looks like more scoring going on in the Louisville/Miami game. Who is this Louisville QB Jack Plummer? He has been cleaning up his passing game over the season. Listed as a senior.

      Or course Maryland has Tua’s brother at QB.

  14. Joseph

    Alright guys and anyone can answer: who are your top 3 QBs in order you want Seattle to draft?

    • AlaskaHawk

      Can I choose a 21 year old Tom Brady or Joe Montana? LOL

    • Seahawkwalt

      Within reach,
      1/ Rattler
      2/ Daniels
      3/ Ewers

      • Joseph

        Agreed, Ewers we’ll see if decides to declare but hopefully Rattler or Daniels are still available. Let’s hope Carroll and Schneider view QB as a top priority cause they be foolish to stick with Geno and believe he’s the long term answer.

  15. Big Mike

    Fun Seahawks fact: Tyler Lockett is 3 catches and 27 yards receiving away from passing Brian Blades for 2nd all-time in each category (if you don’t know who’s number one, you are badly in need of a history lesson).

    Not so fun Seahawks prediction for tomorrow ahead of cha’s pre-game breakdown: we’re going to see a lot of the backs of Bobby Wagner and Jordyn Brooks as they chase Rams’ receivers across the middle a step and a half behind them as McVay runs those crossers he loves on the Hawks all day long. Carroll and Hurtt never adjust.

  16. Rob Staton

    Michigan 23-3 up over Maryland

    JJ McCarthy is 3/7 for 40 yards. No touchdowns.

    Easy schedule, propped up by dominant running game. But mocked in R1 for no reason at all.


    • AlaskaHawk

      There should be some desirable players drafted from the Michigan Team, they seem pretty stout. I just wouldn’t include McCarthy in that category.

      Watching the Louisville at Miami game, also some good individual players but the sum total is that the defense on both teams have not performed as well. And that’s counting some pretty good individual defensive plays like an interception.

      • UkAlex6674

        Miami D seems to be stiffening up.

    • Rob Staton

      Half time

      7-13 passing for 97 yards

      One awful interception
      Two dropped picks
      No touchdowns

      Never a R1 pick. Do not trust draft media.

      • Rob Staton

        Meanwhile I log on to Twitter to see Jordan Reid claiming Kam Kinchens has A+ range

        🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

        What are we doing here? Earl had A+ range. Not Kinchens, a player who you’d never call a coverage dynamo. He’s a R3 run support type

        • Rob Staton

          Kinchens just flattened by a TE with a stiff arm. That’s to go with giving up a horrendous TD earlier.

          • Rob Staton

            And then he just stood there and watched a receiver run by him for a TD! Awful.

  17. Palatypus

    This just in. Courtney McBride of Florida Atlantic has sacked Tulane quarterback Michael Pratt for the 99th time.

  18. Henry Taylor

    Really impressed by Jayden Daniels, his games against Alabama and Florida are absolutely wild.

    • Peter

      Alabama game was great.

      The Florida game was so preposterous I’m not sure you can learn anything from that.

      • JimQ

        Jalen Daniels = First player in FBS history to pass for 350+ & rush for 200+. I think that is preposterous as well as a unique record that may show nice possibilities ahead for a generally underrated QB…

        • Peter

          It’s not nothing for sure.

          Just looked at qb carrer yards, tds

          Single season yards, tds

          Single game yards, tds.

          It is a wasteland of forgotten names. It’s basically mahomes, burrow, mayfield ( not good) and a ton of guys who didn’t do anything moving forward.

          I love college ball. Stuff happens that’s almost silly though.

  19. Blitzy the Clown

    Wow Maryland making a game of it

    Beautiful pass by Tagovailoa

  20. Blitzy the Clown

    It’s funny when McVey says Carson Wentz has been a good Geno Smith for their practice squad because Seattle signed an actual Rams QB (Brett Rypien) to their practice squad after being waived by the Rams

    It don’t matter he sucks. So does Wentz. What matters is he knows the Rams’ offense and Wentz don’t know jack.

    Fnck the Rams!

    • Peter

      I don’t know how much a cut practice squad guy is going to give you on Intel.

      Hope it is bleep them rams tomorrow.

      • AlaskaHawk

        I hope he doesn’t tell them about our secret weapon = the screen pass. Yes we have been keeping it under wraps all season, sucking to build opponents confidence. Almost time to roll it out!

      • Blitzy the Clown

        Rypien was active roster for the Rams most of the season. They only just cut him because he was so bad in his only start vs GB

        He knows their playbook

        • Peter

          So does he really know the playbook?

          I kid.

          Half us here know the rams playbook.

          Seattle’s safeties can’t stop anyone so we need witherspoon, brown to have solid games against nacua and Kupp. As Seattle loves to have a nice saft, unprotected middle of the field for teams to throw to.

          • Blitzy the Clown

            I oversold the importance to make the point of personal privilege that McVay annoys me

            • Peter

              Blitzy I’m with you. I’m over it with the Rams.

              They weren’t good week one and turns out they still aren’t.

              If they can glean anything from him great. Seriously. Not sarcasm.

              I’m just in game goofing around.

  21. Blitzy the Clown

    Seahawks waived Jake Curhan to make room for Jason Peters

    • Mick

      I don’t get the move, so many teams could sign a tackle, why risk losing him?

      • Sten

        Not only that but the offense has been considerably worse Peters instead of Curhan. I wonder if this gets rid of Curhan’s RFA status so they think they could possibly re-sign without tendering?

      • Peter

        Curhan. I would have found the space with the way the oline has been snakebit.

        Really goes to show how important it is for fringe nfl players to get incriminating photos of John, Pete, or both at a team Xmas party like Eskridge clearly has so you don’t get cut mid season.

        • Rob Staton

          My guess is they expect Curhan won’t get picked up on waivers (which is a smart projection I’d say) and thus they can stash him on the PS. Someone might take a shot on Eskridge. Plus with Dareke Young’s injury, they can’t really afford to cut Eskridge.

          • Peter

            For special teams reasons I get that.

            Tbf the team has shown a wide berth with him that in their more aggressive days would not have. Injuries, sure that sucks. Personal conduct problems and he’s frankly not even intruguing as to what he can do.

            I hope this all means Lucas is well and truly on the field Thursday or the following.

    • cha

      Curhan was a disaster against the Rams and week one

  22. AlaskaHawk

    We need Miami’s field goal kicker Andres Borregales. He just made a 51 yard fg and his longest of the season is 55 yards. I think he’s a junior.

    Hard to choose between the two games on this morning – both are exciting.

  23. Starhawk29

    I better not hear this off-season how Tualia Tagovailoa is an NFL caliber qb. He’s woefully under-armed for the pro game

  24. AlaskaHawk

    Miami losing the game. In the last few minutes they have had two separate calls on Unsportsmanlike conduct for pushing an opponents helmet after the play was over and the two players were jawing. Two times!!! Once on offense after a missed 4th down touchdown pass, and once on return of a kick for their final drive. It’s crazy the way they are self destructing.

    • AlaskaHawk

      and a hail mary by Miami to finish, it almost worked too. Miami QB Tyler Van Dyke thew that ball at least 55 yards.

  25. Rob Staton

    That TD from Caleb Williams


    And some people are doing mocks where he isn’t the top pick

    FFS (again)

    • Andrew

      Holds onto ball to long,wears nail polish, Has weird tweets after losses, about to lose is it 4 or 5 straight in pac 12 that refuses to play D fense.

      • Rob Staton

        Are you doing an impression of someone who ridiculously doesn’t think Williams is the #1 pick?

        Or is this just a crap take?

        • Andrew

          Fantastic as crap cake sounds I am being serious. If the draft process was hard on Mayo boy this kid is about to get it worse. The Athletic already has him 1B, by draft day he will be seen as such. Nothing personal Rob but the kid has maturity issues. And 7 points in a halg against UCLA wont cut it

          • Rob Staton

            1. The Athletic’s draft coverage is rubbish, as proven by that assessment

            2. No team is going to be downgrading one of the finest talents to enter the league in years ‘because he writes on his nails’

            3. He has no maturity issues. This is just one of those things people say sometimes to have a go at players. Stop.

            • Andrew

              Dane B work is really good. Hey DK play harder, ok kid, nice nails. To completley wash away serious character issues then turn and call him generational after his performance this yr to date & last yr loseing to Tulane in a Bowl game is a tad foolish. In a physical game with the biggest of Men lets draft a crybaby, fingernail painter to lead ur offence to battle & if we lose its everyones faults but his…

              • Rob Staton

                Dane B work is really good.

                Based on what? I don’t dispute the effort that goes into his draft guide. It’s a mammoth amount of data. But I can’t recall one ahead of the curve take, one brilliant piece of insight going against the grain scouting at any point. There’s not one thing I can remember him for and I find many of his evaluations to be pretty meh. That’s just me being honest.

                Your comments on Williams are embarrassing Andrew

                ‘Serious character issues’ — give it a rest. This is silly.

                • Andrew

                  I dont dispute the effort that goes into any of my favs, including you, I am fan and sub, this being said, check out his heisman odds pre season to now & his odds for 1st overall start of season to now. The fact that people are questioning his 1 st overall pick in Nov before after US thanksgiving is crazy, or is it, if the play is not the problem then what? You dont have to be a journilist to see the tides have turned, I ask you Rob if not his skillset because talent is not his problem. Cheers

                  • Rob Staton

                    Come on Andrew. You can’t be judging draft prospects based on Heisman odds.

                    USC are a car crash. He is literally the only thing they have going for them. He has still played brilliantly, he is giving absolutely everything and is still making plays I’ve never seen other QB’s make.

                    So please, spare us the draft analysis based on what he does with his nails and bookies odds for awards. Enough now.

              • Peter

                Before this gets railroaded. I think a few things can be true:

                Barring some wild allegations he is going #1.

                Is he everyone’s cup of tea?


                Does he do remarkable stuff? Yes. Is some of that a real concern in the pros? For me it is.

                Will some teams wonder how dealing with him in the future could be a headache Ala Murray, sometimes Wilson? Sure.

                As a certain kind of fan are you turned off from the perceived and real nonsense from him/his camp? Yep. His dad talking about not getting drafted. Sure dude. How about if you are great you be great like Burrow/Allen and change a franchise. Trevor Lawrence had it rough out of college. You don’t gear him or anyone near him being weird.

                Are there practical concerns like he’s not a great size? Yep.

                Do ‘we’ use the term generational talent a bit carelessly? Heck yeah. Lawrence, Allen, Mahomes, now Williams. Which one is it. Because I’ve heard all of them called it. Four QB’s all in a great age to compete at the same time can not be “the best of their generation.”

                Nails, mayo, too jacked, selfies, who cares? If you’re not around young adults you’re out of touch.

                • ANDREW

                  put your bet in now for Marvin Harrison Jr going #1 overall, for a state that produces loggers, fisherman and prospecters your last paragraph is fitting for the city of Chaz, did you run for mayor?

                  • Peter

                    Hey internet friend. Let’s keep everything about football here.

                  • DriveByPoster

                    I don’t think that Caleb Williams is the one who needs to worry about maturity issues.

              • BK26

                I think someone’s kid got on the computer….

                • Peter


      • Henry Taylor

        Passing on Caleb Williams because he paints his nails (which I didn’t know, but actually think is pretty cool) is honestly one of the wildest draft takes I’ve seen.

  26. Andrew

    Sharp insiders like R.Spielman, one time GM had him going #16 to Raiders. 33erd team had him going in 20s to Seahawks. Where will he go Rob, my guess top 15, cheers

    • Big Mike

      Please come in for crow when he goes #1 overall (if he comes out). If he doesn’t, I’ll eat my crow.

      • Big Mike

        By the way, I heard this kind of thing on another (shitty) site when Luck was coming out. He was still first overall.

        • Rob Staton

          It’s the same with every big name, top prospect.

          People, for some reason, have to find ways to knock them and then elevate someone else.

          Rinse, repeat.


        • Andrew

          Luck was clearcut the entire way, he never lost 5 of 6 games in a blublood program with a Head Coach OC from Oklahoma running a spread off that was akin to the air raid, RIP,

  27. AlaskaHawk

    I like how close the UCLA vs USC game is. Very competitive.

  28. Joseph Cusumano

    Bo Nix is confusing and intriguing. He’s putting up numbers but I wonder if it says more about the system and the offensive line than him. A lot of mock drafts have him going in the 1st round.

    • Rob Staton

      100% system

      Everything is high-percentage and he’s never sacked

      He’s not a first rounder (at least he shouldn’t be)

      • Peter

        What happens if this continues in the CFP if they get there?

        I’m not a Nix guy.

        But I pretty well remember Stroud playing easy pitch and catch with the est recieving unit to enter the league in a three year window.

        There was plenty of “yeah but…Ohio state qbs….” before he had to mix it up in real time.

        • Rob Staton

          This is a totally different situation/offense to Stroud/Ohio State

          There was weekly evidence of some of the most wonderful touch passes from Stroud. He wasn’t just chucking it to the flat/screen/dump-off with the occasional deep throw.

          • Peter

            It’s the most boring tape in the world.

            Just when I hear Klatt say that in three years we’ll look up and see he’s one of the best in the league I take some notice.

            Notice. I don’t think every or even many of Klatt’s takes are great.

            • Rob Staton

              That’s just hyperbole to me. I like Klatt as a CFB pundit but his draft takes are very hit and miss IMO

              • Peter

                This time of year I’m also just hunting for clues or something I’ve missed.

                It’s still at time of typing:

                Rattler because I don’t even think you need a bridge year.

                Ewers, with reservations about our team more than him.

                Blank space.

                Howard if I squint. See reservations above about about Ewers and team fit.

                Blank space.

                Daniels I really need to watch closely. Travis I actually like but is he a DTR?

      • Theboydwonder

        He leads the nation in % of passing yards which are YAC. 65%. Staggering and demonstrative of a system player.

  29. Peter

    I don’t follow UNC or Drake Maye because I think he’ll be well gone by Seattle but he and they are having a clunker today.

    50% completion for few yards against Clemson.

  30. Palatypus

    Gongratulaions to Michael Pratt for being sacked 100 times and receiving the Golden McRib Award.

    • Romeo A57

      Does that come with onions, pickles amd bbq sause on a bun?

      • Palatypus

        Mulan dipping sauce.

      • Palatypus

        100 sacks is exactly half the number achieved by Bruce Smith, the NFL’s all-time sacks leader.

    • geoff u

      Shedeur Sanders has take 52 sacks this year. He may break this record sometime next year.

  31. Rob Staton

    Carson Beck was fantastic today, his best performance so far

    • Aaron

      Beck is a junior, but I believe his draft stock will skyrocket if he declares early. He was highly recruited for a reason and waited his run at UGA when he could have transferred. Underrated athlete who has a strong, accurate arm. I am interested to read more of your thoughts on him later. Thanks, Rob.

      • Rob Staton

        I thought he was excellent today. Threw with great anticipation and accuracy. Looked in complete control. I do think he lacks top level traits which limit his upside to an extent.

  32. Big Mike

    Jordan Travis carted off the field. NOT good for Fla. St.

    • Rob Staton

      It’s a really, really bad injury too.

      Serious broken leg.

      • Big Mike

        Thanks I hadn’t heard what it was. Such a shame.

        • Rob Staton

          He’s in his sixth year too so will have to turn pro.

          Real shame for him. Will obviously massively impact his stock.

          • Big Mike

            Where did you have him? 2nd? Now where do you see him going?

            • Rob Staton

              I had him in R3

              • Big Mike


      • Denver Hawker

        Gruesome- I can’t even imagine him running the same again

        • Peter

          Depending on severity could be a full year before he can plant and turn.

          Bummed for him. Truly.

          • Denver Hawker

            Seriously, so sad, one of my favorite QBs to watch this year. That injury looked like it’ll need some metal.

            • Peter

              Same. Really enjoying his long arc come back story down there. Really enjoyed watching the game recaps of him.

              Metal is right. Hope it’s one thing and not two or more. Like ‘just’ a fracture and not that plus ligament tear.

              • Rob Staton

                I’m worried he broke his leg at the ankle area and did something to his knee too. The whole bottom half of his leg was pointing in the wrong direction.

                • Peter

                  Which from experience completely screws up recovery.

                  I saw it as spiral fracture of the femur. Causing it to be grossly akimbo

  33. Palatypus

    Watching Washington @ Oregon state here in Florida and missing the Northwest rain.

    • Peter

      No you’re not

      • Big Mike

        Agree Peter

        • Peter

          I’m 22 Mike’s from corvallis due east and I’m getting ready to kayak around my property to feed my animals if this keeps up through the night.

          • Peter

            Mike’s, miles same thing.

    • Palatypus

      You know there are three kinds of weather here during hurricane season.

      1.) Insufferable heat and humidity.
      2.) Torrential rain and flooding that leaves you soaking wet if you are out in it for more than five minutes.
      3.) Hurricanes.

      I yearn for November drizzle.

      • Peter


        The drizzle has been replaced by a deluge that lasts forever.

        When I was younger it sure seemed like a drizzle. But in the valley ( Willamette valley pdx to eugene more or less) its a soaker.

        • Palatypus

          I have some hops from the Willamette Valley that I was going to brew beer with, but the ants from around here invaded the bag of milled malt that I got from Gary’s homebrew supply.

          Gary is from Vancouver, Washington.

  34. Anthony

    So much for those 11 inch hands from Penix. Lots of drops from receivers, but he has been all over the place in the rain

  35. Rob Staton

    Penix, in the last 6-7 games, has missed a LOT of throws

  36. Peter

    I know Seattle doesn’t ‘need’ a WR but Odunze is special.

    • Big Mike

      No idea why Or. St. has played him one on one

      • Peter

        Getting lucky that it’s an off game for penix.

  37. Denver Hawker

    Brock Bowers is an absolute unit. Last year had great tight ends, but Bowers looks like a cheat code

    • Peter

      Top #20 pick. Now anyways.

      • Denver Hawker

        Top 10 for me, especially with this year’s class. If Hawks didn’t need a QB, he’s the only player I’d pound the table to trade up for.

        • Rob Staton

          I think he will go in the top-six

          • Peter

            It’ll be interesting for sure. Very rare for a TE to go top 10. Like a lot of his game. Trying to figure out who is picking early and needs a TE.

            Since it’s critical season. Not sure about his size as a blocker. Gets good remarks for his blocking. Listed at 6’4″ 240 lb by Georgia. Height looks right but he could put on some weight/muscle. For comparison Mafe looks 6’4″ 260+. Not quite seeing the listed measurements in Bowers.

            With Denver, if qbotf wasn’t my whole focus I’d be super into him with Waldron who can, if he remembers use TE’s, and our departing ones.

  38. AlaskaHawk

    Texas QB Ewers has looked unimpressive in the first half against Iowa St.

  39. Big Mike

    Said it before I will say it again if the Huskies make it to the Pac12 championship game against Oregon they will lose by 2 touchdowns. This defense will not stop Oregon.

    • AlaskaHawk

      and yet Washington beat them last month. So what’s changed? I don’t remember Oregon as having much of a defense either.

      • Big Mike

        Huskies play has gone down, Ducks has gotten better since then.
        And I’m not a Ducks fan and am a Husky fan

        • AlaskaHawk

          Huskies are sure having a hard time with the Beavers. Maybe the Huskies aren’t working as hard for wins as they were earlier in the season? Muhammed is a good player and you can see he is hustling harder than others.

      • Romeo A57

        Since Washington beat Oregon, the Ducks have been winning comfortably while many of the Huskies games have been close.

        It seems that Oregon is improving while Washington and Penix have not. That is why a lot of people think Oregon would be the favorite if they have a rematch in Las Vegas. A dry game in the desert may favor Washington’s pass offense, however.

        • Thomas

          Washington’s better than Oregon. Oregon beat Utah at Utah and otherwise have had a soft schedule. They’ve hosted any other challenging team. The Huskies beat Arizona at Arizona, USC at USC, Oregon State at Oregon State.

          The Huskies are better.

  40. Anthony

    Penix is Jared Goff 2.0. When the right players are around, the weather is perfect, and he doesn’t have to make a ton of reads, he is a great QB that makes some great passes. If anything is ever off, like bad weather, OL and skill players having injuries, he is just another guy.

    • AlaskaHawk

      Nobody can shoot a fake gun like Penix. I see movie deals in the future!

  41. BK26

    I’m already done watching Spencer Rattler. Already seen it all, know what I will see going forward. Makes it easier fitting in other games.

    Looks like Cook had another good game. Finally got through him playing Tennessee last week. I could be sold on him as a third, but I don’t think he fits what Seattle wants. Never played under center. He’s got a little bulldog in him, was getting fired up. Harder to bring down than I thought, he’s a smart runner. Smart thrower. Running back dominated so he fed him the ball.

    His OC and guy calling the plays is Kellen Moore’s little brother. When he took over play-calling duties is when they started going on a tear. Was impressed by some of his plays. Not used to that feeling, thank you Shane….

  42. CojackTX

    With Murphy and Sweat up the middle, Texas gave up a total of 9 rushing yards to Iowa State on 21 carries.

  43. samprassultanofswat

    Jayden Daniels has been an eye opener since the first time I saw him play. His numbers compare favorably to Russell Wilson’s senior year at Wisconsin. Since the first half of last season Geno Smith has been average at best. Jamal Adams is proving that his appr. 18 mil is extremely bloated.

    Between cutting Bryan Mone, releasing Geno Smith and Jamar Adams after June 1st. That is a 46mil cap savings.

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