Why the Seahawks have to be active in the trade market

The trade deadline is nearing and it’s time for some action

If there was ever a time to be aggressive, surely this it?

The Seahawks are 5-0, Russell Wilson is playing the best football of his life and the only thing standing in their way is a troublesome defense.

In previous years they have been active. A year ago they traded for Jadeveon Clowney right before the season started and then added Quandre Diggs before the deadline. In 2017 they were extremely aggressive in trading for both Sheldon Richardson and Duane Brown to plug holes.

Never in the 10 years of Pete Carroll’s reign have they gone quietly into the night. Never have they left a glaring weakness exposed and festering.

Earlier this year they traded a kings ransom for Jamal Adams but clearly it wasn’t enough. A safety, however good, cannot mask the lack of talent on the defensive line.

The Seahawks have the fifth worst sack percentage in the league (3.6%). Somehow they’ve managed to get even worse compared to last year (4.5%). They are ranked 26th in defensive DVOA after six weeks — compared to #1 on offense and #4 on special teams.

#1, #4 and #26 — it’s as clear as day what is preventing this franchise from looking like the NFL’s clear team to beat.

You could point to their lack of 2021 and 2022 draft picks and only $4m in cap space and argue they don’t have the resources to make a move.

Nonsense. Look at the Rams. Anyone with a pulse has been extended in recent weeks. They’ve kept doing deals to acquire talent. The Saints were trying all sorts to bring in Clowney before the season started despite their lack of funds. Both New Orleans and Baltimore were even looking at ways to trade picks for cap space.

Meanwhile the Seahawks are carrying fringe players with chunky cap hits.

If you want to make things happen, you can make things happen.

Furthermore, as we’ve been discussing for weeks, this is a unique year with never before seen circumstances. According to Over the Cap, twelve teams are already over the cap for 2021. Six of them need to raise over $20m just to be back in the black.

This surely has to present an opportunity?

And even if it doesn’t, sometimes you’ve just got to be the aggressor.

You also never know who’ll be available. Who saw the Lions trading Quandre Diggs a year ago?

Look at it this way. There are two options:

1. Sit tight with what you have and ‘hope for the best’ that the defense — which has really struggled so far — will improve

2. Make at least one trade to inject some talent into the unit in order to proactively initiate change and improvement

If they just hope for the best and it costs them in the NFC West race and/or the playoffs, this will just end up being another wasted opportunity. Another season of prime Russell Wilson to consign into an ever growing sequence of years of underachievement.

A baffling off-season where they somehow squandered $50m and then used three high draft picks on two players who have so far offered precious little is irreversible. It’ll be a lot more tolerable if they make an inspired move now.

If they’re active before the deadline and still fail — nobody can accuse them of complacency. It’s better to try and fail than not try at all. Hoping this defense suddenly becomes a non-liability is akin to expecting it to not be cold and rainy in Seattle at this time of year.

Sometimes you have to be creative. Sometimes you have to roll the dice. The Sheldon Richardson deal was regrettable yet the Duane Brown trade is one of the best in the Carroll/Schneider era.

I appreciate they might well be trying and so far the opportunities simply haven’t come to fruition. That argument will carry more weight if this ends up being a quiet year ahead of the deadline. If other teams make moves and the Seahawks fail to do so — it’ll be difficult to justify. While there’s time remaining, a call to arms seems fair. We can reflect on what did or didn’t happen at the end of the month.

Ultimately though the Seahawks can’t afford to let this chance slip by. They’re one of three unbeaten teams remaining in the NFL despite the defensive performance which, if you’re prepared to be honest, almost cost them their record. They have a 1.5-game lead in the division. They’re about to face the toughest stretch of their schedule.

This might be their best chance to get back to the Super Bowl since the 2014 season. The start they’ve had, going 5-0, and the performance of the offense so far is the platform they need. The defense threatens to undermine everything.

It’s time to prioritise improvement over future picks, winning in 2020 rather than long-term planning and making the most of this golden opportunity.

Russell Wilson might say he wants to play until he’s 45 — but we don’t know how long this form he’s showing will realistically last. Five more years? More? Less?

There has to be a bit of trade magic out there. There has to be an opportunity with so many teams facing a bleak financial future with the cap lowering in 2021. There needs to be a way to take a step forward — to turn a struggling 26th ranked defense into a league-average unit?

The Seahawks always say they’re in every deal. They turn over every stone. It’s time to reinforce that commitment.

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  1. Ralphy

    Rob I should love to see a rankings from you of the guys likely to be available. Would Kerrigan be at number one?

    • Rob Staton

      I don’t know who’s available though Ralphy. I don’t want to just reel off a list of names, get everyone’s hopes up and it be totally unrealistic. I will simply pass on any links or reports I see from reputable sources.

      • JJ

        1) JJ Watt
        2) JJ Watt


    • Chris Alexander

      Kerrigan would require some maneuvering to fit under the cap. Assuming Seattle traded for him AT the deadline / after the San Francisco game, there would be about $6M left on his contract this season. Seattle currently has just shy of $4M available. Not impossible but some juggling would be necessary. Also worth noting that he’s got 9 accrued seasons and is a free agent at the end of the league year.

      Interestingly, Yannick Ngakoue’s contract will only have about $2M in salary left on it at the deadline because Minnesota gave him an $8M signing bonus as part of the $12M contract they signed him to when they traded for him. At 1-5, Minnesota should be sellers at the deadline, but if they think he will resign with them after the season then it may be hard to convince them to cut their losses.

      Tak McKinley has been mentioned in the same sentence with Seattle a few times. He’s young and affordable (~$1M left in salary at the deadline). And he should be available for an early Day 3 pick (4th or 5th round). But, like Kerrigan and Ngakoue, he’s a free agent after the season so Seattle is only guaranteed to have him for 9 games + the playoffs. Assuming, of course, that he’s healthy – which he’s struggled with a bit.

      • Rob Staton

        We need to move on from all this Yannick Ngakoue talk.

        It’s a total pipe dream.

        Danielle Hunter has a serious spinal injury and who knows what his future is? They’re not going to trade away Ngakoue weeks after acquiring him so they can do what exactly? Draft someone else to replace him?

        Ngakoue is a total non-starter. He is NOT going to be moved. The Vikings can easily tag him again if needs be but will more than likely extend his contract as a team that is well known for getting deals done with the players they want to keep.

        • Cortez Kennedy

          The time to trade for Ngakoue was when he was still a Jaguar.

  2. Uncle Bob

    We’ve talked about this almost since the end of last season. It’s clear Rob that you’re well frustrated by the shear craziness of the decision makers not filling an obvious need with anything more than rotational players and taking on other dubious obligations. Whether it was Campbell early on up to Irving today, as well as a long list of possible choices in between that have gone to other teams over the past 6-7 months, I don’t recall the Seahawks being reported as a serious suitor for any of them…………..with the possible exception of wishful thinking on Clowney. Yet here we are, still digging for hopeful additions that will improve the D line. It just doesn’t add up. Whatever the reason or motivation behind it, PC/JS just aren’t viewing the situation the same way we are. It’s like they’re operating from info/plan that we can’t fathom. I don’t get it, and I don’t see anyone on here that does either. We’re down to hoping for an October surprise…………but I’m about at the point where I don’t believe it will happen. It’s a shame to have to just shrug our collective shoulders, but it’s something we have no control over. The best I can muster is to be thankful I’m not a Cowboy fan.

    • Rob Staton

      “Whatever the reason or motivation behind it, PC/JS just aren’t viewing the situation the same way we are.”

      I think this is a big assumption though. I think they were being 100% honest when they called Clowney a priority. As I’ve written many times, I think the saga that played out with Clowney caught them off guard and impacted their off-season in a big way. I think they’ve been playing catch-up ever since.

      To me it’s not them ‘seeing it differently’ at all. They’ve just not handled it well. And they know that. They can see the results. Carroll looks permanently knackered. They have time to put it right and we’ll have to wait and see whether they do.

  3. Happy Hawk

    Raiders signed David Irving to the practice squad today. Also Denver cut Tim Jernigan (DT) today. Snacks says both the Bucs and the Dolphins tried to lure him away from the Hawks practice squad but he decided to stay with Seattle. Hoping teams like the eagles, jets, saints, vikings, falcons, giants, texans, washington, and dallas continue to lose before the deadline.

  4. Kendo

    This off-season was so awful and it looks like it led to some desperate moves that will hurt us for a couple more years. It’s tough seeing what we have up for Adams when we had much bigger needs then seeing the production from players that were acquired for little. I realize hind sight is 20/20 and there’s are more details in each example but it doesn’t make any of this easier to swallow.

    We might be 5-0 but it doesn’t feel like we have a winning team. In past years every game felt like one the team should win while now I have more doubt for each one. Unless something significant is done it doesn’t seem like this will change anytime soon.

    We’ll always have a chance with Russel but he’s only one guy, not an entire team.

    • Kendo

      Whining aside (for now). What’s our cap situation and roster looking like for the offseason? Will we have the cap space to fill the roster vacancies and improve our pass rush? It’s obvious we won’t have the draft picks to fix any big needs (not should the picks be used for immediate fixes). These are some troubling times for the franchise.

      • Rob Staton

        Every team faces a crunch in the off-season.

      • cha

        $31.742million cap room


        Offense 16

        QB-(1) RW

        RB-(3)Penny, Homer, Dallas

        TE-(2)Dissly, Parkinson

        OT-(2)Brown, Shell

        G-(4)Lewis, Haynes, Warmack, Jones ++Simmons (ERFA)

        C-(1)Finney + Fuller(RFA)

        WR-(3)Lockettx Metcalf, Swain ++Hart (ERFA)

        Defense 15

        DE-(4)Green, Collier, Robinson, Taylor

        DT-(1)Reed + Poona (RFA), ++ Mone (ERFA) ++ Rush (ERFA)

        LB-(4) Wagner, Brooks, Barton, BBK + Shaquem (RFA)

        S-(2) Adams, Diggs ++Neal(ERFA)

        CB-(4) Flowers, Amadi, Reed, Blair ++Stephens (ERFA)

        ST 3
        ST-(3) Ott, Myers, Dickson

        • cha

          QB – Smith
          RB – Carson, Hyde
          FB/ST – Bellore
          TE – Hollister, Olsen, Willson
          WR – Dorsett, Gordon, Moore
          C – Pocic
          G – Iupati
          OT – Ogbuehi
          DE – Mayowa, Moore, Jackson
          LB – Wright, Irvin
          CB – Dunbar, Thorpe, Shaquill
          S – Hill

          • Kendo

            Thanks Cha. You rock. This seeing the depth chart in this context really helps. It really looks like a few expensive holes to fill on top of our pass rush need.

            • cha

              You’re welcome. I’m probably wrong on Shaquem being a RFA, since the Seahawks cut him and then resigned to the PS.

              Doesn’t matter really, wherever Shaquill ends up Shaquem will likely sign soon after.

              • chris

                what about our boy Stephen Sullivan?

                • cha

                  He was cut so they don’t have the standard 4 year rookie rights to him.

                  I didn’t put him as a UFA because the practice squad offseason rules stuff gives me a headache.

              • Rusty

                Quem will be an RFA. Expired contract and less than 4 accrued seasons

            • Thomas Wells

              Agreed. Still have that massive hole at edge rusher but on top of that we need to resign or replace our starting (and primary backup) running back, both starting corners, starting center, a starting guard, a starting LB, our primary starting TE, and WR 3. Some of the replacements you hope are internal (dissly takes over as primary TE, maybe Jamarco Jones slides in as guard, Penny as RB2?) but we will need to add a lot of starters. I’m getting real concerned about how we plan to field decent corners and I’ve been concerned about the edge rush situation. Not to mention the need to establish a succession plan at LT. We’ve got a franchise QB, but major question marks at the most important position groups outside of QB in the modern NFL: edge rush, blind side, cover corners. PCJS have their work cut out for them next offseason. Going for a Lombardi this year seems obvious given the major holes on this roster that will be apparent beyond this year

        • Chase

          Is the 31.742 M assuming that the cap falls to the lowest possible amount per the CBA?

          • cha

            That’s per Overthecap and so the total cap is about $180m.

            • charlietheunicorn

              Seahawks are in great shape compared to some other contending teams. Cap is really not as big of issue to me as some other problems/concerns. There are teams 70M over the cap…. before it goes down… that are much more in a “rock and hard place” than Seattle.

  5. Trevor

    Rob if they could add a player Ryan Kerrigan and Snacks gets in shape do you think that is enough?

    • Rob Staton

      Does it help? Sure. Although both players are past their best.

      Is it enough? Who knows.

    • Chase

      If it puts us in a better place than where we are now it will be good enough for me. They have to do something.

    • charlietheunicorn

      Jernigan has a knee issue, so I’m not sure if he is having continued knee problems as in the past, but he is worth kicking the tires to see whta he has. More talent is better than less talent. I’m not sure where he fits on the DL specifically or what his price tag would be, but it should be relatively low.

      • Rob Staton

        He’s been signed and cut all over the place this year. He’s not going to offer much at all.

  6. hobro

    Your argument that “… the only thing standing in their way is a troublesome defense” is pretty much irrefutable. Since neither Schneider nor Carroll is an idiot, they’ve presumably come to a similar conclusion. What, then, do you think is holding them back? Unwillingness by ownership to approve creative ways of freeing cap space? A lack of willing trade partners? Someone dragging out negotiations in the hope that desperation will lead the Seahawks to sweeten their offer?

    Even without a trade, though, the Seahawks have a better chance of making the Superbowl, and winning it, than most teams. This week’s DVOA numbers imply that if they were meeting the Chiefs on a neutral field next weekend they would be 2 point underdogs, which in turn implies that they would have a better than 40 per cent chance of winning the game. That’s why FO give the Seahawks an 11 per cent chance of winning the Superbowl, fourth best in the league and not far from the league-best Chiefs’ 14.4 per cent chances.

    • Rob Staton

      “What, then, do you think is holding them back?”

      At the moment, it might simply be that teams need to get closer to the deadline to provoke action.

      “Even without a trade, though, the Seahawks have a better chance of making the Superbowl, and winning it, than most teams.”

      Sure, but that was also the case in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. And with the exception of 2017 when they didn’t make the playoffs, those seasons all ended the same way. With a disappointing and fairly convincing early playoff exit.

      I don’t want to be a team who, five weeks in, comforts itself with the knowledge that an advanced stats site says they have a better chance than most of winning the Super Bowl. I want to see a team that can legitimately go and do it. I am totally unconvinced this defense is capable of taking them there and for me this is the definitive time to be aggressive to try and fix that.

      • hobro

        I’m totally convinced by the merits of your argument that the Seahawks should make a trade to strengthen the pass rush, but there’s nothing they or anyone else can do at this point in the season to improve their odds of winning the Superbowl by more than a couple of percentage points. There’s a huge random element in the sport and a tiny number of games, which together mean that strange things can and do occur. Frequently. That’s why FO give the “best” team in the league, the Chiefs, only a 1-in-7 chance of taking home the trophy.

        Their assessment isn’t just opinion, either. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that the point spread is a good predictor of a team’s chances of winning a game; in turn, DVOA is a good predictor of point spread, as anyone can verify in a few minutes with a spreadsheet. This means that DVOA is a good predictor of a team’s chances of winning any given game; put that together with a few thousand simulations and you’re got a good estimate of win probabilities through the Superbowl.

        • Rob Staton

          I don’t care about improving odds. It means f-all to me.

          The aim isn’t to have the best odds of winning a Super Bowl. You haven’t reached the peak of your potential once a Football Outsiders article says you’ve got a better than most chance of winning the Super Bowl.

          The defense is crap. It needs improving. It must improve.

        • cha

          There’s a huge random element in the sport and a tiny number of games, which together mean that strange things can and do occur. Frequently.

          But you can’t plan for it. And the random element can just as easily work against you. LJ Collier can somehow find a switch and record a sack a game the rest of the year. It could just as easily be a serious injury to a key player that cripples you.

          You have to make the best call with the information you have at your disposal at the time. That’s all you can control and that’s why we’re talking about it so much.

          But if you want to talk purely about odds, trading for a pass rusher is the single biggest, most obvious improvement this FO can make. The gap in improvement is both big and within the team’s sphere of control to fix.

          • Wade

            Whole reason we have a high % to get to the Super Bowl is our 5 wins in the bank. Like hobro said, sports is random, and it’s bounced in our favor so far. We’re not rated super highly (although to be fair no one but Tampa is). We’re Ziggy Ansah with a 20 yard head start.

            Perfect time to pounce on the opportunity we have.

      • Chris Alexander

        I agree that many teams are pribably just waiting. But there’s also the dumpster fire that is the NFC East muddling things up. In theory, every team in the NFC East should be sellers right now but, unfortunately, the 2-win Cowboys lead the division and every other team is within 1 game with 10 to play which presumably makes all of them think they’ve got a chance – especiallywith Dak on IR and Dalton leading the ‘Boys. Fortunately, they all play each other this week. Unfortunately, 2 games back with 9 to play may not be enough to snap Washington or NYG out of their delusional state. I guess we’ll see.

  7. Simo

    Nice article, clearly outlines the situation (poor defensive play) and the need to do something about it (trade for DL help).

    I tend to believe that PC/JS fully understand the situation and will make a trade of some sort. They know how well Russ is playing, how good the offense as a whole and the special teams look, and that the defense could undo a terrific shot at a super bowl.

    It’s really to bad they shot their wad on Adams. He’s a terrific player but the trade has left the team with very little trade ammunition. So, I suspect they will find a trade of some sort for a mid to late round pick, but it likely won’t move the needle very much. Realistically they probably need to trade for a starting caliber LEO and 5T, with Mayowa and Collier moving into backup/depth roles, but there’s little to no chance of something like this happening.

    • Kendo

      I was thinking along the same lines. It looks like we don’t have the assets to make a trade for real difference makers we need at premium positions now and in the future. The news that David Irving signed with the Raiders practice squad feels like another opportunity the front office let slip by.

  8. kevin mullen

    Not sure how, but go get Fletcher Cox.

    • jed

      I like Fletcher Cox, but I’d prefer Brandon Graham if the Eagles decide to trade. He’s got a big cap hit next year, looks to me like he could be released to help with that. But I’m not very knowledgeable about how to maneuver cap $ or if he’s a realistic target. I just think he’s good and fun to watch and would help with edge rush.

      I have a buddy that’s an Eagles fan who doesn’t want them to trade anyone on their DL. He says it’s the only part of the team that’s worth watching.

  9. Gohawks5151

    I really think they will make a deal. Several teams haven’t quite put their for sale signs out on the lawn yet. I think they wanted get healthy and have everyone available for the next 2 games to buy them time for the right deal to pop up. It just sucks because they need the help now. Waiting always gives you the chance that a team may make a less than ideal trade

  10. charlietheunicorn

    Potential Trades:

    Keep Vikings Yannick Ngakoue in the mix… 5 sacks now.

    • charlietheunicorn

      Double down on checking the price for him, if the Vikings get “Lit up” by the Packers on 11/01.

    • Rob Staton

      Why though?

      Why would the Vikings trade him away weeks after acquiring him?

      If anything he’s one of the ones most likely to stay.

      • Chris Alexander

        If they don’t think he will sign with them in the offseason then it may be worthwhile for them to cut their losses – especially if they can recoup the picks they traded to get him. The $8M signing bonus they gave him is on their books either way but trading him saves about $2M overall so … I wouldn’t rule it out. But I’m also not holding my breath.

        • Rob Staton

          It’s a total pipe dream as I said in my other reply. You are safe to rule it out.

          They have no other pass rushers. They traded for Ngakoue so he could be part of their future and he is delivering on a personal level. This is a team that always pays the players it wants to keep. He is not going to be traded.

          • cha

            Not even if we offered them KJ Wright?

    • Pran

      I think Vikings are in a good shape roster, coaching and cap wise despite results. I don’t think they can move away from Cousins with that contract though.

      • charlietheunicorn

        8M in the CAP hole for 2021 and at cap limit in 2020. QB is Kirk Cousins (and his contract). Defense has taken a big dump this season and the HC Zimmer is a respected defensive mind. Injuries have something to do with that, but the whispers are starting that he might be shown the door, especially if they pile up a few more losses and go 2-7 or similar….

  11. pdway

    Up until the actual day he signed w Tennessee, I really thought they were going to find a way to bring Clowney back. The failure to make that happen is making me wary of getting my hopes up for a pre-deadline signing. Hope I’m wrong.

  12. Prince

    Rob would you like us getting Antonio Brown and just going all out on offence as we have limited trade capital , i doubt we trade our 2nd rounder as JS won’t have a pick till day 3. Brown is the easily the most talented player we can add without trading anything. He is a HOF that can make us score like 37-40ppg. He does have baggage but hopefully Russ Wagz and Pete can reign him in a bit

    • Rob Staton

      If they want to sign Antonio Brown, then I wouldn’t complain. If they exhaust all avenues on defense and nothing appeals — then yes, they have to make the offense as strong as possible.

  13. Hoggs41

    Possible names:

    Ryan Kerrigan (most likely)
    Carlos Dunlap (Bengals never trade but maybe)
    Melvin Ingram (currently injured but maybe)
    Fletcher Cox (Eagles in cap trouble but will probably win division)
    Yannick Ngakoue ( most likely not but could depending on health of Hunter)
    JJ Watt (not sure they trade their legend)
    Whirney Merculis ( his dead cap would be monstrous)
    Takk McKinley (small but could be a cheaper option)

    • Robert Las Vegas

      The one team might be interesting might be the Philadelphia Eagles because the cap situation for next year isn’t ideal it’s a mess who might unload a few guys but yet they might still win the division.tough decision they aren’t good team either way anybody from Jacksonville is probable available how about the Jets should they unload few more guys.

    • Ukhawk

      Malik Jackson
      Brandom Graham
      Grady Jarrett (unlikely)
      This list goes on…

      I think (not sure) there will be 3 types of teams. Contenders esp with cap who won’t sell but acquire (Ravens, Pats), 21 Cap casualties esp not of the race (Eagles, Falcons but obvs not Chiefs, Rams, Steelers) and teams out of the race who want to blow things up and rebuild (jets? Giants? Jags? Wash? Bengals? Viks?)

      For the life of me I have no idea out how the saints will drop 72m by 21 but I’m no cap guru

      • Ukhawk

        21 impending FAs
        Von Miller
        Markus Golden
        Oliver Vernon
        Aldon Smith
        Everton Griffen

        • Steve Nelsen

          These are the guys I think are at the top of the list; impending FAs playing for teams out of the list; impending FAs playing for teams out of the playoff race – particularly LEOs.

      • charlietheunicorn

        Spread out cap hit…. adding phantom years on to contracts… to get the numbers per year down.

  14. Ukhawk

    Btw. How was Danielle Hunter resigned in 18 for 14.4m til 2023. Insanely cheap!

    • JD

      That’s what is frustrating to me about the Frank Clark situation. The Vikings resigned Hunter before the season started and the Seahawks could have offered a similar contract to Frank (they might have). Even if they did, they let him play out his final year and test free agency where his market ended up being at $20M. If he didn’t agree to $14M/year, I think we would agree that even if they went up to $16M per year, it would have been a good deal for a premier pass rusher locked up through his prime.

      • GerryG

        Frank Clark had no interest in signing early or cheap, he and his agent wanted to go big. Pretty sure he took an insurance policy out, and bet on himself. Seattle wanted to get it done before he had a big year, couldnt and then balked at 20/year. Their process in acquiring draft stock was sound, but the execution with said draft stock failed. In hindsight, they would have been better off paying Clark, or trading up in that great DL instead trying to be safe/cute and get even more picks.

  15. BOHICA

    Hopefully prior to November 3rd(by the end of this week would be preferable) the Hawks get something done to manufacture some type of pass rush. Perhaps…

    Seahawks trade 2021 6th RD pick to Falcons for Takkarist McKinley

    Seahawks trade 2021 5th RD pick to Washington for Ryan Kerrigan 

  16. JD

    Rob (and others),

    Do you think because of the 6(?)-day protocol for COVID for players starting with new teams would put an unofficial deadline before the trade deadline? Or would teams just accept the fact that if they acquire a player after week 8 (Nov 1st), they would most likely not have that player for Week 9? Could potentially spur action sooner.

    • cha

      I doubt it would give teams any incentive to trade sooner, particularly if they’re trading a player for a draft pick.

      Maybe if it’s a player for player trade and both teams are filling desperate needs, there’s some benefit I suppose to coming to an agreement sooner rather than later. But both teams have to be motivated to do it.

    • Rob Staton

      It’s certainly possible

  17. Volume12

    How bout them Cowboys?

  18. Volume12

    Rob, did you watch the ‘Bama/Georgia at all?

    • Volume12

      * game

    • Rob Staton

      I did

      • Volume12

        What do you think of QB Mac Jones?

        Thoughts on ‘Bama EDGE Christopher Allen? He’s not a guy I was familiar w/, but certainly has me paying attention going forward due to the way he handled himself against that Georgia O-line.

        • Rob Staton

          Jones has played well so far. Need to really study him closely to get a firm angle.

          I didn’t focus on Allen. More or less just watched the game to be honest on Sunday morning.

          • Volume12

            I think Jones is a late 1st type. Of course I’m assuming he stays healthy & on the same trajectory. Not the mobile type that the modern NFL is after, but has everything else IMO.

            That’s fair. Definitely wasn’t someone on my radar at all.

  19. Gohawks5151

    The Athletic has an article talking about how Seattle might end up being a seller before it can be a buyer. Trading Hollister or Finney for a day 3 pick, before they ship one out for a pass rusher. I know many, including myself, will say “who cares? Go for it!”. However, Seattle doesn’t like to get shorted in the draft. They want as many bites of the apple as they can get. I wonder if there isn’t some truth to this holding up a deal.

    • Rob4q

      That’s a good read, makes a lot of sense and fits the way JS operates. Hollister and Finney are the two obvious ones, but could they deal a WR or a LB? What about a secondary player with Neal showing well, Randle starting to contribute and Reed almost back?

      MSD has been putting out some quality articles lately…I’m not one to like paying for sports content like that, but T-Mobile gave me a free subscription this year and I’ve enjoyed reading the stuff The Athletic has had available.

      • TomLPDX

        I think the price is worth it for the quality of the content and articles. It covers all sports, not just the NFL.

      • Gohawks5151

        Haha. This is exactly where I’m at. T-Mobile!

  20. Happy Hawk

    The Bengals never trade but the sheer number of players on that team grumbling and wanting out is rising by the day: G Atkins, C Dunlap, and John Ross for starters. The one win Bengals might want to add an offensive lineman and a tight end which they are lacking along with some draft capital. Assuming ( big assumption) these players can be traded are they a good match for what the Hawks need? The Bengals did trade Clinton McDonald to the Hawks for Kelly Jennings in 2011.

  21. Robbie

    Eagles restructured Fletcher Cox’s deal. So he’s off the table most likely!

    • Scot04

      If they did it would help them this year; but wouldn’t that roll more money into next year where they are already going to be way over?

      • Robbie

        Here is the link. Created 5 mil this year and rolled over 7 into next year. Yeah I’m not really sure how this helps them unless they really are trying to trade for AJ Green or something.


        • Rob Staton

          Apparently they are after a linebacker.

          Quick, swap Jordyn Brooks for Jalen Reagor.

      • cha

        This is math that I wish the Seahawks did sometimes. Not as a guiding principle, just when the situation called for it (like right now).

        “We’re leveraged up to our eyeballs but let’s move some money around and ADD a guy!”

    • Ukhawk

      Could it have been done to make it easier to trade him?

  22. AlphaDK

    Carroll was non-committal on a timeline for return for Penny and Taylor, and said the following on a second question re: Taylor –

    Q: if there’s a concern that Darrell Taylor will not make it back this year?
    PC: “I’ve watched him run, i was out there with him a couple times this week. he looks like he’s running hard and fast and pushing it. he’s really strong right now. I don’t… anything could happen from this point forward, but he’s working really hard, and the docs are taking really good care of him, and making sure we don’t force the issue too soon. But just judging from what I’m seeing, he looks like he’s made great progress. He’s not like he’s not waiting to get in shape, and all that. He’s fit and strong. He hasn’t done as much change of direction stuff, that’s really hard on him at this point, but he’s really running hard, he looks good. i don’t think that’s going to be a…”

    both of his “i don’t” phrases that were truncated by his other thoughts seemed to be directed at the initial question… translating Pete speak – “he’s running, he’s fast, he’s strong, and he’s fit. Now he’s working into change of direction, which is still difficult. The doctors are supervising progress. I don’t know when we expect him back, but we expect him to contribute this season. I don’t think he’s going to miss the season, but anything could happen.”

    Sounds more like a week 10-11 return. Just wanted to point it out, because the return of Green and Taylor’s first action might be the only “new” pass rush talent we add to the team for the rest of the season.

    • Rob Staton

      Well you’ve interpreted it that way.

      I and many other interpreted this as Pete basically saying he won’t be playing this year.

      • 12th chuck

        on the plus side, we will have 2 rookie players next year from this years draft to make it seem like we have 2 additional players

      • Ukhawk

        Having listen to it again it could be interpreted a diff way. I thought maybe the comment about hard or difficult on him potentially meant it’s not been easy mentally. Clearly there is a chance he won’t play and shouldn’t be counted on but I think it’s clearly too early to know.

        • Rob Staton

          If you can’t or aren’t allowed to do any change of direction, good luck getting on the field in a few weeks.

    • cha

      Not being able to change direction without discomfort is a major obstacle.

      To be able to regularly change direction at NFL speed isn’t going to take only 3 weeks.

      • GerryG

        Yeah, he is not playing. The team needs to realize that and make a move, the fans need to realize there is no internal help.

        Even if he could change direction in the next 3-4 weeks, a rookie, who hasnt practiced at all, coming in at week 10, off of almost a year of surgery, rehab, etc just isnt going to contribute squat.

    • Big Mike

      I just had a horrible thought……….what if Taylor is Malik McDowell 2.0 and never recovers so never plays a down?

      • TomLPDX

        Well, let’s hope not. Don’t forget that Pete also said that Taylor is now dealing with a knee issue as well and is probably related to his inability to change direction.

  23. Rob Staton

    Seahawks sign Mychal Kendricks to the practise squad.

    So here we are. A year on and still relying on the same players they tried to replace a year ago.

    • Robbie

      Not sure why they didn’t do this a week ago when they realized Cody Barton shouldn’t be on the field.

    • Volume12

      smh. Seems bad

      • CaptainJack

        I don’t mind bringing him back even if it indicates the front office botched the first two rounds of the draft.

    • cha

      How bad does BBK have to be that he can’t get a single snap on defense?

      That’s the question I’m asking.

      • Hughz

        I’m assuming the only reason he’s on the team is for special teams play. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s cut to make room for snacks or kendricks.

      • CaptainJack

        I think the reason he never sees the field is he only knows the MIKE linebacker spot, and Bobby has been healthy. You couldn’t get by playing him at WILL or SAM. He played in the Carolina game a year ago.

    • Gohawks5151

      Barton to Eagles confirmed. Fletcher coming back this way.

      • Hoggs41

        Its great and all but I just dont get it. If its depth than great but we need to get Brooks playing time and he should be good to go this week.

        • Rob Staton

          Maybe Brooks isn’t healthy?

          • Hoggs41

            Thats a possibility. I would just hate to see Kendricks stunt his growth.

            • BobbyK

              If you’re good – you’re good. If you’re not, you’re not. I wouldn’t worry about Brooks having his growth stunted by losing out on some snaps this year when the team is trying to win a Super Bowl.

      • TomLPDX

        What is this, GoHawks5151? I haven’t seen anything mentioned about that.

        • Rusty

          He’s joking, but it made me do a google search too lol

    • Logan Lynch

      I think it’s depth/insurance. Brooks practiced Monday.

  24. Chris

    What is the penalty for teams being negative in cap space? Are they unable to play a single game until they “break even”?
    I keep seeing the eagles dig themselves deeper and I’m curious of the ramifications of their actions.

    • cha

      I’m not an authority but the worst case scenario is the league steps in and “makes” them get under the cap. It’s unprecedented but it could include the league taking control of their personnel and cutting players to get under the cap.

      I’m sure there’s communication between the team and league officials before that happens though. They’ll be busy in 2021 I’d imagine.

  25. John seahawk

    Unless they think Taylor is something very special right out of the gate and must play as soon as healthy the soonest it makes sense to play him at this point is after he would not have enough games left to accrue a season. That way they could maintain club control for another year as a restricted free agent. (I think that is how it works for rookies on NFI) And unless his reinjury risk is down as far as it can go they should not play him at all this year as that type of injury when reaggravated often takes you all the way back to square one. I am not thinking he will be back this year, but if he is and can contribute, then great lets at least get his learning curve started and if he can do more than that great.

    • Rob Staton

      Someone needs to check up on this because I’m fairly certain you don’t get to draft an injured player then hold them to ransom for an extra season.

      • Scot04

        I believe John is correct about how it works this year.
        I think if he is on the 53 man roster less than 6 six games this year the Seahawks retain his rights the extra year.

        • Hoggs41

          Maybe he would be a restricted free agent after year four? If he doesnt get an accrued season this year?

        • dcd2

          Are you sure? That doesn’t seem right to me either. Jefferey Simmons from the ’19 class comes to mind. I don’t think the Titans get him for an extra year.

          • John seahawk

            I think that is how it works, I am not an expert in the NFL CBA by any means so I am not sure, hopefully someone who is will come along and confirm or correct.

        • Rob Staton

          I’ll just say it again.

          You don’t get to draft an injured player and keep them for an extra year.

          Otherwise Miami could’ve listed Tua this way, given him a whole year learning the playbook, and got another year of cheap club control.

          So this needs clearing up because it’s undoubtedly not as obvious as being made out here IMO.

          • Hoggs41

            I sent a tweet to Jason Fitzgerald from over the cap. He is good at responding and usually knows all that stuff.

            • John seahawk

              Thanks!! I think I am right (or I wouldn’t have posted) but it would be nice to have someone in the know to confirm or correct. As I am not an authority on the subject.

          • Chris Alexander

            They don’t get to “keep” then per se, the player just becomes a restricted free agent after what would have been their 4th season rather than an unrestricted one. From a player’s perspective, it would be a dick thing for the team to do and the team definitely risks the player deciding not to stay once they reach unrestricted free agency. I’m not sure anyone would use that mechanism with a potential “franchise” player, but having an extra year of relative affordability would be tempting if you’re a GM.

            • Rob Staton

              They get to prolong their inability to hit free agency and earn real money. Whichever way you describe it, this seems very very very very unlikely.

        • Chris Alexander

          Yep. PUP list accrues you a season if you’re added to the roster at any point, NFI does not. Seems like the NFLPA either missed that or, more likely, chose not to fight a battle for players who were injured in non-NFL activities.

          • Rob Staton

            Again, people seem to be leaping to conclusions here.

            I’ll say it again. The concept of drafting an injured player and holding them to ransom for an extra year seems highly improbable.

            • JLemere

              Section 1. Accrued Seasons Calculation:
              (a) For the purposes of calculating Accrued Seasons under this Agreement, a
              player shall receive one Accrued Season for each season during which he was on, or should
              have been on, full pay status for a total of six or more regular season games (which shall
              include any games encompassed in any injury settlement, injury grievance settlement or
              injury grievance award), but which, irrespective of the player’s pay status, shall not include
              games for which the player was on: (i) the Exempt Commissioner Permission List, (ii) the
              Reserve PUP List as a result of a nonfootball injury, or (iii) a Club’s Practice Squad.

              • JLemere

                So if Darrell Taylor had a Malik McDowell type incident where he had an non-football injury like an ATV accident and couldn’t play for the year, he wouldn’t have an accrued season, but since Taylor had a football injury in college it wouldn’t qualify under the (i) and (ii) sections and therefore he should be awarded an accrued season regardless.

                • Rob Staton

                  Not sure why you find that so unfair.

                  Clearly there’s a big difference between drafting someone with a known injury who was not even permitted to perform at the Senior Bowl or combine and a player doing something stupid weeks before the season and suffering a serious injury.

                  • JLemere

                    Was that for me? I’m just trying to give an example of how the accrued season calculation is implemented.

                • John seahawk

                  Odd as it sounds college football to the best of my knowledge does not count as a football related injury as it must be an NFL related injury. I will see if I can find that spelled out somewhere.

                • John seahawk

                  Found a few articles that state college football injuries do not count as a football related injury as it must be an NFL related injury. But I have not found the actual rule. But since Taylor is not the NFI list I assume he is subject the rules related to that. If I have time after work I will look again.

                  • John seahawk

                    ….But since Taylor is on the NFI list I assume…..

  26. Denver Hawker

    Fletcher Cox deal was restructured to free up cap space.

    • Lewis

      Don’t understand this. They just pushed more money into 2021.

      • dcd2

        Agree, this doesn’t make sense by itself. Must be part of more moves. Eagles see a window. Go for it this year and burn it down next.

        • Rob4q

          Seems like a few teams are freeing up money this season…maybe anticipating a fire sale or two?!?

      • cha

        There exists a slight possibility they converted salary to bonus to reduce his salary hit in order to fetch a better return in the trade market.

        Typically though, this kind of thing is announced as part of a trade and not as a standalone measure, so unlikely.

  27. Wade

    Rob —

    Great points (as always), just want to note that Seattle’s defensive DVOA plummeted rank-wise this week after Dallas’s offense tanked without Prescott. I think it was in the 15-20 range last week. The model doesn’t account for the injury.

    Still need pass rushers


    • Rob Staton

      I’m pretty sure one game of Dalton doesn’t totally undo five weeks of Dak.

      Regardless, #26 is a lot more indicative of what we have seen.

  28. JLemere

    Looks like PC/JS will put all their focus on Antonio Brown instead of the pass rush. If Russ wins a super bowl this year, he becomes a top 5 QB all-time in NFL.

  29. Frank

    The Hawks are so absolutely unpredictable, draft or free agency, I feel like if they add someone to the pass rush it won’t be anyone that we even considered being available. They would certainly be a Hawks type player, Leadership qualities and grit over anything else. I know it’s almost sacrilege to say but a one year rental in free agency, was the perfect plan to let Robinson and Taylor try to earn the job from next year and that opportunity has passed. I’m skeptical that and actually improve can be found for a 2nd round pick, but if somehow magical a Kerrigan happens I’ll jump for joy but feels like a long shot. Can’t blame the team for having to sign Kendricks back, with Brooks hurt and short of experience, Blair injured, and Burton looking like a liability it makes me feel a little better to have Kendricks back as a band aid, and ultimately says the Hawks are done with Barton.

  30. Cortez Kennedy

    Yes yes and yes! Another great article Rob. Our offense and special teams(!!!) are ready to win a Super Bowl now. We should be exhausting every possible avenue to improve our defensive line. I really hope we were in on Irving until the very end.

    Sounds like we might get a little more clarity on Josh Gordon soon with the recent news on Irving and Gregory. Who knows though?

    • Cortez Kennedy

      Schaffer just reported we are still in on AB

    • GerryG

      I cant believe (well maybe I can) the way just dont care and barely seem to deal with these players reinstatement cases. Just rule one way or the other!

  31. Hawks_Gui

    Does anyone has a link for the press conference today?

  32. Gohawks5151

    You can tell all you need to know about AB by his look.

    If hair and stache are black, give him a chance to get back
    If the stache is blonde, time to move on.
    If the hair is blue, go away shoo shoo

    • 12th chuck


  33. cha

    Lano Hill to IR, Randall promoted to Active Roster

    • Rob4q

      Also signed Ray-Ray Armstrong to the PS…

    • Lewis

      Seemed like that was due any day

  34. Scot04

    I hope it’s ok to post this link Rob,

    *EDITOR* — it’s not. I don’t allow links to that person’s work.

  35. James Cr.

    Pete’s answer on Jamal Adams didn’t sound good. Possible this is more long term than expected?

  36. cha

    Wed Press Conf w PC

    I missed the first 2 or 3 Q’s somebody forgot to turn it on….

    Brown? “High profile FB player. I wont’ answer any more.”

    [tim booth] Adams and Brooks? “Jordyn at practice today, Jamal not today. Need more info. One day at a time. Won’t know until later in week.”
    [tim] Adams information? “Full speed or not.”

    [neko] Kendricks move correlation to Barton or Brooks? “Right now about getting good FB players in. Long season. Michael’s been a good FB player. Fortunate to get him on PS now. Proving he can do it. Jordyn coming back, if he can, makes us happy. Love to see him play more, get comfortable to play. Cody done a nice job filling in, competitive situation.”

    [Jackie] Kyler Murray mobility? “Ulitmate challenges. Only a couple guys like him. Explosive speed. Looks more in command of the game this year. Really good choices to take adv of his ability to run. Big plays. Really smart about it. Not getting hit. Barely lay a glove on the guy, great awareness. Well in red zone, indicator a young QB really coming on.”

    [bob condotta] Gordon anticipate know by now? Frustrated? “Weren’t sure. Had to wait it out. No timeline.”
    [bob] Dorsett? “Feeling good about running. Want him back for good. Yesterday best day since he came to camp. Getting closer.”

    [art thiel] Budda Baker, consider draft him? “Can’t remember, but we wanted him as a guy on our team. Can’t remember who was there at the time. Weren’t able to get it worked out.”

    [maz veda] Murray developing Year 1 to 2? “Logical learning curve. First experience is a blur. Everything looks different year 2. Murray a natural FB player. Understands his own ability well. More bold this year taking off on his own. RW best example, similar style and impact. That much natural ability, decisions come to them and make it look easy. Instincts, savvy, awareness. All around athletic ability.”
    [maz] Commitment? “Don’t know him well. Deep into competing. Commitment is classic to being a great competitor.”

    [michael shawn] Voting conversations? {{{…cha ed: nah…}}}

    • cha

      [] Gordon suspension taking so long? Told by NFL? “No, everybody is in their own cycle. Independent of others. Don’t know, don’t have contact.”

      [art thiel] Fans next game? “Don’t know specifically. Listening and waiting for all info coming in. Going along with whatever guidance tells us. Difficult time right now. If we don’t make a move to change from where we are I understand that. Not asking me. I’m involved but nothing yet.”

    • cha

      Here’s something I missed

      Bob Condotta
      Carroll says Kendricks will start out at weakside linebacker, which is interesting. Will practice today. Says may need some time to get into football shape.

      • TomLPDX

        As well as KJ is playing at SAM, I’m not surprised. Plus Kendricks is faster in the flat than KJ.

      • Steve Nelsen

        That surprised me too. But in a good way. I assumed Kendricks would return to SAM and I like the way KJ has been playing SAM. Hearing Kendricks would move to WILL was good news with respect to KJ. But it does leave me wondering if this means Brooks is not recovering as fast as projected. Kendricks starting over Barton is a clear upgrade. Kendricks starting over Brooks is not as clear.

  37. Sean Matt

    Vikings trading Yannick Ngakoue to the Ravens for a 2021 third-round pick and a 2022 conditional fifth-round pick. So yeah, Ngakoue was on the trading block. Wish we would have tried to get in on that action. Would have helped us a bunch.

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