Video thoughts on yesterday’s Hendon Hooker at #5 stuff

I’m still on my work road-trip but managed to find time to share a few thoughts on Mike Tannenbaum’s mock draft, which put Hendon Hooker at #5 to the Seahawks:


  1. Rob Staton

    I have a new mock-draft ready to roll too

    • London Seahawk


      Enjoy your remaining rainy evening fixtures, Rob. Bovril weather.

      • Rob Staton

        It is

        They’d run out of Bovril at Exeter


        • London Seahawk

          I went to Uni in Exeter and that doesn’t surprise me.

          I was there the day Michael Jackson and Uri Geller bizarrely came to Exeter’s football ground. Still probably the most exciting thing to ever take place at the ground.

        • GlastoHawkUK

          Bovril! Your in the South West it’s Cider Country, on a cold day it’s hot cider, best served the traditional way heated by an Iron poker taken red hot from a coal fire.

          • Rob Staton

            They’ve not got any of that either 😂

            • UkAlex6674

              I’m from Newton Abbot just down the road from Exeter. Pop to the Cider Bar for a quick pint Rob. Proper stuff.

    • Peter

      Rob: “sorry folks I’m busy with my real job so it’s gonna be a bit quiet here.”

      Also Rob: 1. Long form article. 2. Video reaction. 3. New mock

      • Mick

        Typical Rob.

        But I’m looking forward for the mock draft.

      • stregatto

        Plus hitting us with the Maverick hat. Let’s ride!

    • Phil

      Rob – thanks for taking the time to put together this well-reasoned explanation of the buzz about Hooker. I would be happy if we get either Anderson or one of the oft-mentioned 4 qbs with our #5, and if the pick is Anderson at #5, then I could understand the Seahawks picking Hooker (rather than DTR or Stetson B. or whoever) to Redshirt/Rehab this season and then compete with Geno and Lock in coming years. I think #20 is too rich, but I would like to see a less-expensive option than Geno at QB so that $$ is freed up in the coming years.

    • Troy

      gimme mock draft

  2. Jordie

    Looking forward to your new mock Rob…
    I see Bucky Brooks 3.0 is out Carter at #5
    Seattle at #20 takes….. Anthony Richardson!

    And Will Levis – he falls out of R1.

    So just how wrong are you Rob? (ha ha ha !!! joking clearly!)

  3. London Seahawk

    I’m still trying to understand the thinking of the ‘No QB at 5’ crowd, because plenty of otherwise sensible Seahawks minds, seem off the mark on this to me.

    The argument seems to be:

    “Geno’s contract + the No.5 pick, taken in combination, is an inefficient use of resources – because those two costly things will never be on the field at the same time.”

    This feels to me like the assessment of a financial analyst or an accountant rather than people who manage sports teams.

    The obvious retort is: was the Smith-Mahomes bridge an inefficient use of resources for the Chiefs?

    But – I think because Mahomes is somewhat of a unicorn, that’s not the cleanest rebuttal going.

    It seems to come down to one key difference in opinion.

    ‘No QB at 5’ – have a *lot* of faith in Geno Smith. They believe he can win a Superbowl and therefore the championship window has started now, and runs until the end of Geno’s contract – or longer.

    If you believe this, then of course you don’t want another QB – you want to maximize resources to help Geno win now.

    This pushes people towards otherwise seemingly highly unwise/risky moves like drafting Carter at 5. Or to looking at a roster that is still full of holes, and deciding it’s best to trade down early and often to fill those gaps – essentially diluting the power of your highest pick in years.

    Those who want to take a QB at 5 tend to have less faith in Geno’s ability to win a Superbowl.
    For them, the Superbowl window is 1-3 years away from opening – and it’s still all about adding talent, getting younger, and building for the future.

    If that is your belief, then of course you go QB at 5 (if there’s one you like available).

    On draft night we’ll find out which camp Pete and John are in!

    I think the big positive is the ‘hot seat’ under Pete last pre-season has cooled down based on a good draft and an above expectation season. I don’t think we have that same fear he would be rushed into ‘win now’ mode as we did last summer.

    • London Seahawk

      Whoops – didn’t mean to write an essay

      • samprassultanofswat

        Rob: Looking forward to your next mock draft.

        I am shocked by all this talk of Levis falling out of the first round. Where is all this talk coming from. Especially after listening to Jordan Palmer.

        Blown away by Bucky Brooks. Jalen Carter at #5. Colts take Tyree Wilson#4. The Colts need a QB. Seahawks take Richardson at #20. Levis falls out of the first round.

        • Rob Staton

          I think it’s overthink

          • Elmer

            It’s guano. I will be shocked and disappointed if it turns out to be accurate.

    • Rob Staton

      I think the obvious retort is, ‘they’re spending $42.6m on four safeties. They can spend $20m on quarterbacks.’

      • Big Mike

        But, but Jamal is gonna ball out Rob! This is gonna be the year!

        (never mind that it appears he won’t be healthy to even start the season)

        • Roy Batty

          The entrenchment, on both sides of the QB/No QB argument is just absurd.

          Schneider will pick who he picks. It will be a talented prospect. Someone they would never have been able to select in years past.

          People are acting like this one pick could ruin the franchise for a decade. I simply look at it as a luxury pick, since no one thought it would be Denver who gifted us this windfall. Take a gamble or take the safe route. I really don’t care which route they take.

          I’m just happy they have the damned pick.

          • London Seahawk

            I think that’s true and it’s a healthy way to look at it.

            On the other hand, because the decision centers on the QB position I think it just necessarily now has big implications for the near and medium term of the franchise.

            If they do pick a QB – what kind of talent do they need to surround him with and when?
            Is the approach different if you decide to build around Geno instead?
            If it’s QB – how does his progress/success impact Pete and John’s tenure.. and legacy too

            QB importance means this is a significant pick, whether they wanted or expected it to be or not imo.

            • Peter

              Good points.

              Additionally if they don’t select qb, if one is there, and we stay entrenched in our half decade of good but nowhere near great how does that effect John more specifically going forward.

              Not trying to trudge up old debates but maybe it would have been better for the team holistically for Geno to have his season ( for him ) and the team not to limp into the playoffs.

              I’ve seen far too much talk that “we were REALLY good for a half of football,” against the niners to *prove* that we are much closer than we are.

              I’m very excited for the draft. But I need to really see it on the field next year to believe that a bottom five defense has made enough changes to be top ten.

              I’m of the generation where the participation trophies started showing up for kids sports. And as a super competitive kid I hated them then. Getting beat three times in a season by the same team is not fairly common. Arguing that we were to use a carrol phrase “right in it til the end,” against the niners and completely obfuscate that we in fact had our damn doors blown off is just ridiculous.

              I actually think we could win the big one with geno. But every single pick needs to hit. And dremont Jones can’t miss playing time during the playoffs ( he’s actually been dinged up a bit) and the big one: Geno himself can not falter one iota because he’s good to very good. But not great.

        • AAron

          The fact Pete still holds onto the pipe dream of Adams being a season long center piece of his defense…blows my mind.

          The guy hurt himself a couple days into training camp, then goes out for the season game 1. It feels like we are watching an ultra extended version of Punk’d.

    • Brodie

      I think you’ve summed up both sides quite well.

      I would add in that many ‘no QB at 5’ are casual fans. These are the people who like the Seahawks, watch them on Sundays but couldn’t name 5 of our draft picks in the last 10 years. I talk to a lot of people in my day-to-day that fit this bill. There is almost always a commonality of simple approach to ‘what we need to do’ that focuses on being the best team possible this year.

      – Geno was a pro-bowler, he’s not the problem
      – The defense was terrible, that’s what we need to fix
      – We’re a playoff team. If we had a good defense we could win a SB.

      There is the Jalen Carter angle or the raw, sure-to-be-bust rookie QB angle for people that listen to talking heads who become draft ‘experts’ for one month out of the year. The prevailing sentiment I run into though is “we’re close if we can fix the defense”. Everything stems from that.

      Local media feeds into the fallacy more than anyone as well. Driving in the car I’m beside myself hearing Seattle radio say something to the effect of:

      “I don’t watch college football, but I sure like the sound of this Jalen Carter kid” or
      “Brock says that Will Levis is basically Blake Bortles… I don’t want that, do you?” or
      “Our guest covers the SEC and he says Hendon Hooker is better than Richardson or Levis. He says Jalen Carter should go #1 overall”

      This is the commentary on which most casual fans base their opinions.

      • UkAlex6674

        But they are entitled to their opinions none the less though. It doesn’t necessarily make them wrong.

        • Brodie

          Of course. They are however opinions based on surface appearances, molded by sources that openly admit they don’t watch college football.

          I can listen to a single podcast and form an opinion about how the Kraken (NHL) can become Stanley Cup Champions in a year. The fact that I’ve never only ever watched a couple of hockey games, don’t know the rules or how the salary cap (if there is one) work, or what makes a good defenseman VS a good center doesn’t make my opinion wrong. It makes it uninformed.

          Maybe going defense heavy is the road to a title. Maybe it’s going for OL and offensive weapons. Maybe both could lead to a SB or neither.

          It’s like politics. Solutions are rarely either/or or simple, but that’s what political parties break them down to. And while most people require very few facts to get them to an opinion, it’s almost impossible to get them to change their mind once they’re there.

      • Peter

        You nailed this.

        One of my best friends buts a hawks hat every year. Goes to about two games a year. Rocks out to tge local radio all day. But I’ve never told him about this site because he doesn’t have a clue nor cares one lick about the draft. If a player is not playing for Udub he has no clue who they are.

    • geoff u

      And a good essay it was.

      I just look at it plain and simple. Do you want an elite quarterback challenging for a title for a decade, or do you want to stick with middling quarterbacks trying to build a hyper talented complete roster and going one and done year after year?

      Or alternatively:

      What is the number one thing it takes to win a championship? Elite quarterback play.
      Do you have an elite quarterback? No.
      Can you get one with Denver’s #5 pick? Most likely.
      Will you ever be in a position to pick this high again with 4 legit quarterbacks available? Highly unlikely and hopefully not.

      • UkAlex6674

        Doug Williams, Marc Wilson, Phil Simms, Jeff Hosteltler, Mark Rypien, Jim Mcmahon, Trent Dilfer, Eli Manning….etc….

        All not elite.

        • Wilson502

          Many of them had elite defenses to back them up and they played in a different era. Can’t really compare the 2.

          • geoff u

            Nah, even when you look at past eras, elite quarterback play has always given you the best odds. The first 14 superbowl winning QBs were hall of famers. The 15th was Jim Plunkett, not exactly a slouch himself. You have to make it all the way to 1985 (Jim McMahon) to find a non-elite quarterback who one the big one. And yes, he needed a historic defense to do it.

            • Wilson502

              Just solidifies my point further and it’s even more the case now that elite QB play is what wins you SBs.

              • geoff u

                Good, because I was trying to solidify your point lol

        • geoff u

          Rypien and Manning were close to elite. And yes you don’t NEED one, and it’s nice to cherry pick, but look at the gdm list:

          Mahomes, Hurts, Burrow, Stafford, Mahomes, Brady, (Garoppolo), Mahomes, (Goff), Brady, Brady, (Foles), Ryan, Brady, Newton, Manning, Wilson, Brady, Manning, Wilson, Kaepernick, (Flacco), Brady, E Manning, Roethlisberger, Rodgers, Manning, Brees, Warner, Roethlisberger, Brady, E Manning, (Grossman), Manning, Hasselbeck, Roethlisberger, McNabb, Brady, (Delhomme), Brady, Gannon, (Johnson), Warner, Brady, (Collins), (Dilfer), McNair, Warner, (Chandler), Elway, Favre, Elway, Bledsoe, Favre, (O’Donnell), Aikman, (Humphries), Young, Kelly, Aikman, Kelly, Aikman, Kelly, Rypien, Kelly, (Hostetler), Elway, Montana, Esiason, Montana, Elway, (Williams), Elway, (Sims), (Eason), (McMahon), Marino, Montana, Theismann, Plunkett….

          Look at the list below. Well over half are not just elite, but current or eventual hall of fame quarterbacks.

      • Wilson502

        This is exactly where I’m at and why I’m pounding the table so hard for a QB, and why I hope Anderson is taken before we pick. Anderson just doesn’t improve the team enough to make this an elite roster. Elite QB play is the most viable and sustainable way to greatness and I’m sick of this same song and dance year in and year out of being a fringe playoff contender. I can’t stand the delusional smooth brain homer fans that just seem content to just be stuck in mediocrity forever. You can’t pass up your one opportunity at a great QB prospect if one is there for a merely “good defender”. This is why I advocated so hard to trade up.

    • DAWGFan

      If CJ Stroud is somehow available it is a no-brainer pick at 5. I am not sold on any of the other QB’s especially at 5.

      I am interested to hear how the Carter team visits go. I haven’t written him off due to his Pro day, kid had been through the wringer (albeit self inflicted) and I want to see if he is able to rebound.

      If AZ trades out like we expect and 4 QB’s are taken in the top 4, the safe choice is Anderson and I am more that ok with that.

    • Malanch

      “I’m still trying to understand the thinking of the ‘No QB at 5’ crowd.” –London Seahawk

      I’ve observed that this stance typically arises from a devout adherence to the need-draft mentality (which the general fan outwardly decries but inwardly embraces), and this year that means going hardcore on front seven defenders, almost exclusively. You know, the affectatious ‘This defense was abominable last year, so at least the first four picks have to go to the D!’ …

      …But did PCJS not just serve Seahawks fans ANOTHER helpful reminder of the superiority of BPA-biased drafting over need-biased drafting? We saw it throughout the Holmgren years, too. And yet the short-attention-span mainstream fan just can’t seem to bother with the long view, insisting instead on championing the plugging of immediate holes with the highest-value picks. Of course, short-term need does have to factor into any draft strategy in some fashion, but gaping roster holes should be plugged with mid-round picks or lesser. Never, and I mean NEVER short-term hole-plug with high value picks. That’s some bad mojo there for any GM. It’s a direct challenge to the authority of the football gods—rarely a wise choice.

  4. Palatypus

    Speaking of business trips. I noticed that the Super Bowl LIX (licks?) is in New Orleans on February 9, 2025.

    Think you can make the Senior Bowl in Mobile the week before, Rob?

  5. Peter

    Replying to a comment by Tatupu time on the last thread:

    Chad Forbes being a goof says teams think that:

    Levis is arrogant, entitled, etc….

    Meanwhile our very own Rob Staton has actually talked to him and Ketucky staff. Who do you believe?

    Also without doing any digging around about qbs in college…why couldn’t he beat out a qb and had to transfer? I mean what a lazy bleeping take. If Joe burrow is so good why couldn’t he beat out JT Barrett? Obviously wilson in hindsight was a terrible pick because the brain trust at NC state thought mike Glennon was the superior player.

    • BK26

      Glennon won out because his neck was longer than Russell Wilson. Height matters people.

      Baker and Fields also transferred because they got pushed out. It happens. Also, Penn State coaching is….laughable. Levis made a very smart move.

      • Peter

        I love the meme of Glennon neck superimposed with the money he has made.

        Honestly he might have made after Sam Bradford the most money doing the least in the modern nfl.

        Even our very own JA put up 9.5 sacks once.

        • Mr drucker in hooterville

          Chase Daniel

          • Peter

            Damn good pull! Just quietly turning out a near 43 million in earnings.

        • cha

          Bradford was the last quarterback drafted high before the rookie wage scale was implemented.

          His rookie contract was $13m/yr. Eli Manning was the top paid player at $16m and that summer Tom Brady eclipsed him with $18m.

          In current numbers, imagine Trey Lance and Zach Wilson making $35-40m/year on right now.

          • Peter

            First. Whoa that’s a ton of million when you frame it that way.

            Second. Bradford. Most significant contribution to the game is the nfl finally putting the brakes on paying rookies more than the best players in the league.

          • Purpleneer

            The sad thing is that all the “leverage” that caused teams to let the draft pick salaries get so bad was all fake. How did the draft pick get to helping them negotiate so much better than the open market would have?

  6. ShowMeYourHawk

    Calais Campbell signs with ATL for the year. Probably running on leaded at this point but a vet that could lead the young pups we draft by example would have been nice.

    • Big Mike

      Have always wanted him and it’ll never be sadly.

      • Peter

        Yep. One may favorite players.

  7. Peter

    Damn why isn’t it draft day.

    The seahawks multiverse getting weird. Just read briefly through comments elsewhere that we need to trade down not for more or better picks….but because we don’t have the money for rookies at five.

    I’m not a math-mateer. But if we can’t afford the rookie pay at pick five and we turn that into say pick 10 and pick 85ish, is that not about the same dollar amount? Is this how we are really roster building?

    • Big Mike

      I’m beginning to worry about you my friend. It seems you’ve developed some masochistic tendencies around this draft.

      • Peter

        I’m hoping to glean the tiniest sliver of info that might be interesting.

        I’m fairly out on the content but I’m morbidly curious about the commenters.

        Which is strange because I hate people that slow down to stare at car crashes. Yet I’m doing the equivalent. 😀

        • Big Mike


    • cha

      Every single year this blows my mind that anyone of rational thought would come up with this.

    • GrittyHawk

      It’s close to equal. #5 pick carries a $6.18M cap hit, #10 + #85 is $5.05M. But you’re right on — is that really how we’re building a roster? Trading out of a prime draft position to save $1M after we’ve handed out some highly-publicized awful contracts the last few years?

      • Peter

        Thanks for doing the math. Appreciate it.

        Sometimes I wish John wouldn’t get as ponderous as Pete. He’s just spit Ballin on wyamn’s show or whatever and starts rambling about “the potential,” of what you could do with pick five and fans think he’s dropping little bread crumbs for them to decipher.

  8. Forrest

    Why does it take so long for the public to see contracts after they’re signed (cough cough Bobby Wagner)? For a league so set on fan experience, they could provide much better transparency.

    Ditto for waiver claims. We should know all claims that were submitted in real-time, both successful and unsuccessful.

    Ditto again for Top 30 visits. They should be publicly posted as soon as they are scheduled.

    Same for all player additions/subtractions.

    Same for practice squads. Posted and updated on the team’s or league’s website.

    Same for game day inactives.

    Same for undrafted free agents (posted publicly as soon as they’re signed.

    And how the heck can free agent contracts be announced during the legal tampering period. If any team or player puts pen to paper before this period is over, the team should lose a draft pick and the player should be fined. If a team is dumb enough to announce a signing before free agency actually begins, any other team should be able to offer that player more without a contract being in place.

    • cha


      So frustrating waiting for Albert Breer to tweet a picture of the transactions/visit list, or Field Yates to sometimes get the cap numbers from an official source, and sometimes you have to scour the internet for them like a detective.

  9. Simon McInnes

    Dismissed that mock draft as clickbait as IF the team do want Hooker, it is inconceivable that they would need to draft him at 5. Either trade down, or wait for 20 and trade up should a risk of him going before that occur.

  10. geoff u

    To those saying the Seahawks interest in the QBs is just a smokescreen I have this to say: Aren’t they being a little too obvious about this? Like so obvious it’s going to make you, and every team, think it’s a trick? As the quote goes “only a great fool would reach for what he was given”, therefore the smokescreen is actually itself a smokescreen, to make sure they land the quarterback they want.

    • Dustin

      It’s turtles all the way down man.

    • Peter

      Double smokescreens….we’re getting into some serious “princess bride,” level trick-eration…btw I hope that word makes a come back.

      I’m absolutely here for this level of intrigue.

      • Elmer

        Trickeration. I like it.

        Here is an assumption that may not be true. The Hawks are being deceptive because they want a certain player to fall to #5, and they know that player has been rated higher than 5 by some. If you think that assumption could be right, then how many players fit the description? Stroud, Young, Anderson, Carter?

    • Steve Nelsen

      “No mask like open truth to cover lies, As to go naked is the best disguise.”

      We told you guys all along what we were going to do.

      • geoff u

        Oooh, good quote

  11. diehard82

    Rob, regarding Tannenbaum’s mock, i was glad to see both Darnell Wright and Dawand Jones solidly in round 1 at 15 and 16 I think. That is something you have touted for some time. I also think Mazi Smith went earlier than any other mock I’ve seen. Aside from Hooker at 5, I thought the rest of his mock looked reasonable. He even mentioned Ade Ade and Will McDonald IV as near misses for round 1.

    • Rob Staton

      Mike is quite a good analyst IMO. I just think he’s over reached on Hooker at #5 rather than the more realistic prospect of him going in the 20-40 range

      • Wilson502

        Can you explain why these “analysts” seem to have such dumpster fire takes that informed fans immediately call out as BS? Are they just purposely putting it out for clickbait or are they genuinely delusional?

        • GrittyHawk

          Clickbait imo. They don’t get paid to write insightful analysis, they get paid to drive views, shares, and clicks. It’s no different than Skip Bayless or Colin Cowherd. They’re professional idiots who make ESPN a lot of advertising money because everyone tunes in to see the next dumb thing they say and then yell about it on Twitter.

          • Wilson502

            Sad part is, most of the fanbase is stupid enough to buy into all these dumpster fire takes. You really don’t see this so much with other fanbases like you do with this one. Its like they take whatever smooth brain dumpster fire take they hear on the radio or wherever and they just run with it.

  12. UkAlex6674

    I’m from Newton Abbot just down the road from Exeter. Pop to the Cider Bar for a quick pint Rob. Proper stuff.

  13. Gaux Hawks

    Unrealistic, probably. But after a slight trade down in R1 to pick up a R3… why not. Then trade back up in R4.

    1R23 Anthony Richardson
    1R23 Adetomiwa Adebawore
    2R23 Mazi Smith
    2R23 Luke Wypler
    3R23 Zacch Pickens
    3R23 Jonathan Mingo
    4R23 Chris Rodriguez Jr.
    4R23 Emil Ekiyor

    Just very bummed to be missing out on McDonald.

    Would you take Smith or McDonald if both were available at 37?

    • Spectator

      McDonald everydday

      • Brodie

        +1 for McDonald

  14. Blitzy the Clown

    The several Day 2 RB prospects this year are fringe R1s in any other draft.

    And while the depth is good into Day 3, the talent/production drop off isn’t trivial. I think it would be very beneficial to add one of the Gibbs/Spears/Charbonnet/Abanikanda quartet, notwithstanding other pressing needs.

    Pitt running back Israel Abanikanda…showed off his leaping ability with an unofficial 41″ vertical jump that you have to see to believe.

    He took over the Panthers’ backfield as a starter in 2022, showing incredible speed and explosiveness that his workouts have confirmed. After averaging six yards a carry and totaling 1,431 yards and 20 scores on the ground, Abanikanda is positioning himself to be a valuable Day 2 prospect.

    • Blitzy the Clown

      I would argue the same for TE

      Based on where talent will likely meet value, I think it would be very beneficial to get one of the Day 2 TEs among Washington/Kincaid/Kraft/LaPorta, especially if one is available into R4.

      I don’t think we’ll have a shot at either Mayer or Musgrave unless it’s at 20 or repositioning in the last third of R1. And although I recognize the talent, I’m not sure the value is there for Seattle that early.

  15. Ashish

    Looking at some mock draft selections for hawks just wants to throw up. Please we are waiting for long JS makes us proud.

  16. Trevor

    Post Free Agency and bored waiting for draft mock.

    1.Panthers – CJ Stroud
    2.Texans – Bryce Young- considered Anderson but QB seems to be consensus.
    3.Titans (Trade)-Anthony Richardson- Vegas needs a face of the franchise and get it.
    4.Colts- Will Levis- They end up getting the guy they probably wanted all along after Bryce.
    5.Seahawks- Will Anderson- Hawks get the new leader of their defense and a legit stud pass rusher. No QB sucks but nice consolation prize.
    6.Lions- Jalen Carter- Dan Campbell takes a flier on talented but questionable character.
    7.Vegas- Christian Gonzalez
    8.Falcons -Tyree Wilson
    9.Bears -Paris Johnson- Prototype LT to protect Feilds
    10.Eagles- Lukas Van Ness – Eagles always focus on trenches
    11.Cardinals (Trade)- Devon Witherspoon- my favorite CB and the Cards have holes all over roster.
    12.Texans- JSN- Texans get Bryce a go to reciever.
    13.Jets – Broderick Jones- They need help at OT
    14.Patriots- Brian Branch- he just looks like a Pat
    15.GB- Micheal Mayer- He was built to play at Lambeau in December
    16.Commanders- Joey Porter Jr- stud CB with bloodlines.
    17.Steelers- Darnell Wright- Steal in the middle of round 1
    18.Vikings(Trade)-Hendon Hooker- Vikings move ahead of TB to take Hooker
    19.Bucs – Nolan Smith
    20.Cowboys (Trade)- Bijan Robinson- Jerry sees Bijan fall and can’t help himself. Gives up a 4th to move ahead of SD.
    21.Chargers- Ade Ade -type of freak athelte the Chargers love.
    22.Ravens – Jordan Addison- All depends what happens with Jackson but they need help at WR.
    23.Lions (Trade)- Deionte Banks
    24. Jags- Dewand Jones – Jags get a beast at RT
    25.Giants -Zay Flowers- Giants need offensive weapons
    26.Seahawks (Trade)- Darnell Washington- Fans are pissed but Washington helps the Hawks in the run game day 1 and could become an elite third receiving option.
    27.Bills – Luke Musgrave – Incredble athelte who could be a mismatch nightmare.
    28.Bengals – Dalton Kincad- Elite weapon for Burrow.
    29.Saints – Myles Murphy – exactly the type of athlete they look for at DE
    30.Eagles – Kelijah Kancey
    31.KC- Anton Harrison- the Chiefs replace Orlando Brown.

    #5 Will Anderson

    #26 (trade)- Darnell Washington

    #38 Mazi Smith – Hawks get a dominant young NT for the middle of the 3-4

    #53 Cody Mauch – Converted OT that plays with an edge. He showed a ton of versatility at the Senior Bowl and could become an elite G/C in the Hawks scheme.

    #84 Johnathan Mingo- Would be a great WR3 to go with Locket and DK. He could end up being a steal if the Steelers don’t take him first.

    #124 Moro Ojomo- ideal DE in the 3-4 scheme and really under rated.

    #129 Dorian Williams – violent LB to learn behind Bobby

    #151 Cammeron Young – Increibly under rated DT who will be a great addition to the rotation.

    #154 Dewayne Mcbride – small school RB who would be nice backup for Walker.

    #198 Andrew Vorhees- He falls because of the ACL injury and the Hawks decide to get a Day 2 talent and redshirt him. He could be a starting Guard in 2024.

    #237 Chris Rodríguez- Power RB for depth and short yardage.

    • EIEIO

      I like your mock but why not Wypler at #53? Also, speaking of smokescreens I think Dan Campbell is trying to get Carter, but with their #18 pick. Thinking about the Dan Campbell comments about Jalen Carter, something is going on there. Campbell answered multiple questions about importance of character including the possibility of bringing into the locker room a player with possible “character concerns”. Campbell said a team with a good foundation could “…maaaybe…maybe…get away with one.”

      Soon thereafter, and ‘unprompted’ he said about Carter, “We talked to a teammate of his the other day and man, he told us some things we didn’t know,” Campbell said. “That nobody probably would’ve known. It was like, oh, that’s interesting. That’s pretty good…It’s interesting, you know?”

      He definitely threw that out there on purpose. Why? Do they plan on selecting Carter but don’t want to use their #6 pick, hoping he slides to #18?

      • Peter

        I hate typing this but Mauch has positional flexibility. We have an unproven RG and a mostly unproven Center on rental deals. Mauch can probably play either spot and back up anywhere on the line.

        Please don’t be the next Ethan Pocic. Cause I really like Mauch.

    • geoff u

      I’d rather just take Bijan Robinson at 20, he’d certainly help out with the run… No way he lasts that long though.

      • EIEIO

        Geoff – I like the Bijan pick, too, especially if we can add Dawand Jones or Darnell Wright at RT and move Lucas inside. We would be special on offense and particularly rushing. I want us to have at least one area we are special. Peter – Not so hot on Mauch but only because we’ve kicked the can re Center ever since trading Unger. We need a guy at Center who can call the shots for the next ten years. Plus, we just signed Evans to provide versatility at both G/C positions.

        • Peter

          My preference is true center.

          However I’m not loving the JMS at #20 talk. Wypler is very high on my “board.”

          And I’m much higher than others on the move Lucas inside and absolutely pile drive defenses with our offensive out put then others. Big believer in being special somewhere then checking boxes and making sure you have just a guy everywhere.

  17. Chewy

    Rob, you’ve talk about the talent at #20-60 range. How do feel about trading down from #5 and accumulating picks for the 20–60 range?

    • Rob Staton

      They have enough picks in that range already. Pick at five.

    • Brodie

      On a recent mock that I did, all 4 QB’s went 1-4 and Chicago offered 9 + 53 to move to #5. The trade value is pretty spot on. I took it, and drafted Will McDonald at #9 and Hendon Hooker at #53.

      Thought it was an interesting result VS standing pat and taking Anderson per the usual.

    • Purpleneer

      I’m partially with Rob. Comfortably enough picks there and in total this year, but if it’s not a QB Anderson would be settling, with my preference being a trade that focuses on returning 2024 capital.

  18. Forrest

    I’ve been studying a player since the combine that merits more discussion for Seattle – Brodric Martin! If we miss out on Mazi, I believe the Hawks could pivot to Martin at nose tackle in a later round.

    Take a look – Pro Comparison: Al Woods

  19. Jabroni-DC

    Lukas Van Ness measured 6’5″ 272lbs at the combine at 21 years of age. He seeems just a tad light for a 3-4 DE. Could he muscle up into the 280+ range? If so he’d be damn tempting to draft for the Seahawks.

    • Jordan

      Certainly has the frame for it. Justin Smith entered the league around the same size and put on weight; and he might be the ideal outcome when projecting Van Ness’ game/role.

      • Rob Staton

        I think Van Ness has become quite the overrated prospect

      • Jabroni-DC

        Justin Smith is the kind of guy I’d like up ahead of our OLBs. I absolutely hated dealing with “The Cowboy” when we were on the rise. Time will tell how Van Ness pans out.

        I know Rob is repelled by the prospect of having “Captain America” on the team, haha.

        • Purpleneer

          Nobody around that era or since has gotten away with as many defensive holds than that guy, and it ain’t close.

    • Scot04

      He and Tyree Wilson are similar, Tyree at 6’6 271. Will be incredibly disappointing if that’s the pick at #5

  20. Schadyhawk001

    I pointed out on the other post that Hooker at #5 reminds me of mock drafts from last year where they had Malik Willis at #2 to Detroit. Another poster sent a link to a mock draft that MJD had with 4 quarterbacks in the top 10 last year. Almost feels like this year is the exact opposite with “experts” trying their best to convince us that this QB class is full of risks that could make them fall while last year they tried their best to convince us that the class could see a huge risers in the draft. Are they trying to make up for a poor year of analysis by overreacting the other way?

  21. cha

    NFL Rookie Watch
    Israel Abanikanda went OFF at Pitt’s Pro Day today.

    Abanikanda reportedly ran between a 4.26-4.32 in the 40-Yard Dash, which would’ve been 1st among RB’s at the combine.

    Abanikanda jumped 41” in the vertical jump, which would’ve been 1st among RB’s at the Combine.

    And Abanikanda jumped 10’8” in the broad jump, which would’ve been 1st among RB’s at the Combine.

    Not to mention he led all of college football in rushing TD’s last season with 20.

    The Pitt RB made himself some MONEY today

    • BK26

      Damn. Was hoping that he’d be a little under radar for us to grab in a later round.

    • geoff u

      Wow….hello future Seahawk. How are his hands though? I feel like for a second back we’re gonna need someone who can catch.

    • KD

      I dont know what it is about PITT, but they consistently churn out solid to great NFL players.

    • Seattle Person

      That would work!

      He reminds me of Darren McFadden. Runs pretty upright with big time speed.

  22. Blitzy the Clown

    Trevor Sikkema @TampaBayTre

    DT Calijah Kancey’s numbers from Combine/Pro Day

    HT: 6-1 (9th percentile)
    WT: 283 (6th percentile)
    10-yard: 1.64 (95th percentile)
    40: 4.67 (99th percentile)
    3-cone: 6.82 (99th percentile)
    Short shuttle: 4.33 (94th percentile)

    An all-time “he’s small… BUT” prospect

    • Trevor

      Those are really good agility times wow. If only he had longer arms. Has there ever been an NFL DT with sub 31″ arms?

      • MyChestisBeastMode

        I believe only 8 DL at the NFL Combine since 2011 have posted an arm length shorter than 31-inchesNow 9— Josh Norris (@JoshNorris) March 2, 2023

      • MyChestisBeastMode

        Looks like 8 guys with sub 31″ inch arms since 2011.

        • Trevor

          Don’t think any of those 8 even made an NFL roster though much less had an impact.

  23. no frickin clue

    Mr. Staton rocking the Buffalo Plaid on camera. Well done sir.

  24. Blitzy the Clown

    Damn son

    • Rob Staton

      It’s too much

      Someone needs to have a word with him

      • Big Mike

        Agree. He’s not an EDGE, he’s a QB.

        • ShowMeYourHawk

          Hey, a dual threat would garner the approval of the fans insisting on taking defense AND those of us clamoring for a QB. Win win!

          • geoff u

            Will Levis bringing back iron man football

          • Big Mike


      • Palatypus

        I’m thinking that someone is not DK Metcalf.

      • Wilson502

        NGL it almost looks like he did a cycle of PEDs.

      • Brett

        I don’t have a trained eye for this sort of thing, but I heard someone (I think it was Rick Speilman) comment that Levis looks too tight in his upper body and it hinders his ability to make off-platform throws. I don’t know if that’s an accurate assessment or not, but getting more jacked would exacerbate that issue I think.

    • Jordan

      Damn. If QB doesn’t work out he can contribute as a 3 phase Bellore type: lb, fb, kick coverage

    • Cysco

      He and DK would be the best of friends.

  25. Madmark

    No trades:Show me the beef draft.
    5 Anthony Richardson QB
    20 Darnell Washington TE
    37 John Michael Schmitz C
    52 Drew Sanders LB
    83 Bryon Young DE/DT
    123 Karl Brooks DE/DT
    151 Nick Broeker G
    154 Chris Rodriguez RB
    198 Brodie Martin NT
    237 Christian Young S
    UFA Nikki Remigio WR/ST
    This is a really good for TE but only 2 that fit. The 1st is gone so I take next one which is Washington. Sweeted out 37 but got our guy. 52 became the sleeper in the draft that slips because everyone jousting on the edge guys. 83 is my pick to replace L.J. Collier spot. 123 is another DL to replace Poona Ford. 151 getting a backup G who may step in sooner rather then later Haynes. 154 we need a RB and this has the build. 198 I hoping for a backup NT in the 6th. 237 this one those you saw in the pact 12 games. The UFA is another one that caught my eye.

    • Wilson502

      We want the beef! No 🐔 😂

  26. Wilson502

    Somebody had messaged me just now saying they heard Paul Moyer saying on Wyman and Bob that he thinks they are taking Carter at 5….. And Wyman says “Bobby can teach him”. These smooth brain takes are why I dont even bother listening to the local sports radio anymore, its so bad with their dumpster fire takes and delusions. Hard to believe theres still so many Jalen Carter jock riders and cultists still pumping this clown up.

    • Romeo A57

      I listened to that live. Seahawks Radio still pushing Carter at 1.5 and no way that the Seahawks use that pick on a QB.

      • Wilson502

        So infuriating these people have the jobs they do and are so delusional with their BS dumpster fire takes. I remain convinced the RW trade masked a lot of these “smooth brain” delusions.

        • Wilson502

          *RW on the team masked a lot of the delusions.

      • Ben

        I feel we’re getting to the point where dunking on folks picking Carter is getting kinda old. It’s cool Robs done some homework and digging into this, but a month more of hearing about Carter in the comments is toooooo much. We know it ain’t the least bit likely, so why not enjoy the rest of the draft. (I say this- and then as soon as I pop on a podcast I’m like yaaaaaa’lll what are you doing as they justify a ridiculous pick)

        Love Wymans stories glad he ain’t a GM! But I thinks he’s glad about that too, so he’s good.

        Sports radio isn’t for in-depth draft takes anyways, welll until they invite Rob back on…

        • Wilson502

          It wouldn’t be so bad if so many content creators and local media didnt keep putting that garbage out there like its a real possibility. But here we are, they are still putting that trash out there like its feasible to drive clicks and feed that dumpster fire narrative to the clueless fanbase.

        • Romeo A57

          Ben, yes the Cater debate is at a redundant standstill unless more information leaks or until the draft. However, I suspect that a year from now we will hear from these same radio hosts that Carter wasn’t even on the Seahawks draft board.

          I do find it odd that some of these people that are employed by the Seahawks, are ignoring the glaring red flags of Carter. Like they don’t even know their own teams philosophy.

        • Malanch

          Dave Wyman’s analysis is too full of blind spots, and he puts far too little effort into his draft-related content to offer me much of anything anymore. He seems to be hamstrung by mediocre intelligence, collegiate background notwithstanding, and doesn’t seem to remember how to support an argument within the general confines of Aristotelian logic. Could it be that they don’t teach the syllogism at Stanford University? Seriously, let’s hope there’s no CTE thing happening, because I’ve wondered about it many times. And man, he can go straight into shill mode anytime a texter/caller dares to levy justified criticism toward certain players. Dave’s a company man, pure and simple, and that bores me. Despite having listened to him a lot over the past decade, especially during the DD&M years, I’ve been done with him for a good while now (same with Bob and his endlessly preachy virtue-signaling, whining, and straw-man arguing). Besides, if there’s any inside info/disinfo Wyman wants to channel on behalf of John Schneider, I can just hear about it from you all. No need for me to waste my time with his tedious, soporific program.

        • UkAlex6674

          100% this.

          And as much as the odds seem to be against it, until I see PC say outright they aren’t drafting him, then I’m not rejecting the idea.

          • Rob Staton

            Carroll will never say that

            But… yeah. I think we can safely say it’s not happening.

        • Rob Staton

          I agree, I’m bored of talking about Carter.

          I think a lot of people are.

          I do wish a bit more thought would go into the national mocks, because I don’t think they realise just how thoroughly unlikely it is Seattle will take him. Not just because I know what I know about the player but also because of Seattle’s whole uncompromising approach to character, admitting they’ve made mistakes in the past.

          But it is what it is. People in this community get it. We don’t have to worry that others don’t. I certainly need to deal better with the fact I can’t convince everyone on this and I need to just let sleeping dogs lie.

          • Ben

            Appreciate the work you’ve put in!

        • cha

          I feel we’re getting to the point where dunking on folks picking Carter is getting kinda old

          Agree 100%.

          What’s been revealed has been revealed and what’s been said has been said. Let it lie and the truth of the matter will come to the fore.

          I am rarely in the business of caring for other teams, but a fair number of mocks have Carter going to Chicago at #9 and some of their fans are absolutely popping champagne corks. “We’re getting the guy we would have taken at #1 PLUS Moore and all those picks!”

          If Carter’s issues do block him from fulfilling his potential, that would be devastating to fans. That’s the kind of move that sets a franchise back years.

    • Dave

      “Anyone but Carter” said one KJ Wright. Bobby has to figure out this scheme and he has his own life. If he has to teach and babysit that idiot, he’s being paid too little.

  27. Brodie

    Rob have you talked about BJ Ojulari? Wondering your thoughts if you haven’t discussed him, or where I can find them if you have already.

    I remember his brother Azeez was highly thought of, but had injury concerns.

    BJ is very young (20), has long arms (34 1/4) and seems highly athletic 4.59 forty, 10’6 broad). He was voted team captain. Has a quick get-off with a few moves, including a nice spin.

    I’m just wondering if he’s not a fit, or just not in the right spot value-wise for where we have our picks. I’ve seen him mocked in the top half of the 2nd pretty consistently. Maybe you have him more as a late 2nd?

    • Seattle Person

      I’ve seen a lot of people very high on Ojulari. There aren’t many true bendy Edges in this class. Will McDonald is one and BJ Ojulari is probably the other one. I do think he is being a little underrated because he’s projected to go somewhere in the 2nd round and he’ll probably be asked to be only a pass rush specialist to begin his NFL career.

      He is a little inconsistent and his weight is a little bit of a concern to be a full time starter in the NFL.

  28. DJ 1/2 way

    A hooker that is a volunteer? That is an oxymoron!

    Stolen from “Thats good sports” my favorite Broncos commenter. This guy is really funny.

    • Palatypus

      Livvy Dunne has nothing on him when it comes to modeling clothes.

  29. Justaguy


    • Justaguy

      meant as reply above

  30. samprassultanofswat

    Rob: Hypothetical question. Let’s say that the Hawks take Will Anderson Jr. with the number five pick. Then at 20 both Anthony Richardson/Adetomiwa Adebawore ae still on the board. Who do you take with your 2nd first round pick?

    • MarkinSeattle

      Not Rob, but if Rob considers AR a top 5 pick in the draft and AA a second half first rounder, I would guess that AR would be his pick every time. I also expect him to say that there is zero chance AR will last that long unless he wakes up next to a dead hooker the morning of the draft.

    • Rob Staton

      AR won’t last that long

      • Sea Mode

        It’s 2023, I’m thinking we just deepfake the gas mask bong video… 😉

  31. Steve Nelsen

    RG Anthony Bradford is set for a top-30 visit. He seems more of a power-blocking scheme fit than Seattle’s zone-blocking system. But he has a little bit of swagger that reminds me of Damian Lewis.

    • Rob Staton

      I am a big, big fan of Bradford’s

      Think it’s was just a ‘he’s met with them’ rather than official-30 visit though, right?

  32. cha

    I like this mock a lot, and not just for the Seahawks picks. Great work Rob.

    Kancey has been slipping a bit in national mocks as well.

    Do you think that’s purely the size concern that is holding him out of the top-20 in many mocks?

    Those testing numbers were insane and he has production to match. The biggest projection you have to make is can he keep himself clean with less than ideal arm length.

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