Category: Podcasts (Page 3 of 11)

Listen: Hawk Blogger podcast appearance

This week I was invited onto the Real Hawk Tawk podcast courtesy of Brian Nemhauser at Hawk Blogger. Big thanks to Brian for having me on.

We went over several different draft and Seahawks topics. Check it out below.

Underneath the audio I’ve posted some thoughts on Darrell Bevell’s reported firing.

Curtis Crabtree reported in the early hours of the morning that Bevell had been fired.

Firstly, I think whatever your opinion is of Bevell — he deserves some credit for the job he’s done in Seattle. He was the offensive coordinator tasked with helping a rookie Russell Wilson. He was part of two Super Bowl teams. On his watch Seattle’s offense had four consecutive years ranking in the top-10 per DVOA (including a year where they finished #1 in the league).

This was all achieved in a not ideal environment for a play caller. Russell Wilson, as industrious as he is, is also highly unpredictable. Bevell was tasked with orchestrating a ‘scrambling offense’ for a 5-10 quarterback. Not an easy thing to do.

He also had a pretty unique working arrangement. He had to coexist alongside a ‘running game coordinator’ who also acted as the offensive line coach and Assistant Head Coach. And the Head Coach, despite being defensive minded, chose the offensive identity.

It was difficult to apportion blame when things went wrong. Even with that play call against New England. Now isn’t the time to re-hash that debate — but Seattle’s offensive setup hasn’t exactly been orthdox since Bevell arrived in 2011.

That said, it feels like change is required. The Seahawks have regressed in recent years and didn’t make the playoffs this year. It would’ve been too easy to blame injuries — a refresh and a transition is required. On the field and on the sidelines.

It’s time to have one offensive coordinator in charge of the offense, not two. It’s time for the play caller to be responsible for the entire performance. He also needs a significant say in the identity and plan moving forward.

A re-tread or a ‘big name’ will comfort some. Yet the NFC West is now rich in young offensive minded coaches. Arizona might join the party when they name a new Head Coach shortly.

Personally, I hope the Seahawks go for an up-and-comer too. Someone who can craft an offense to support and propel Russell Wilson to new heights. Someone with the potential to be a Head Coach very soon — possibly in Seattle as Carroll’s heir apparent.

John DeFilippo is a strong candidate in Philadelphia. They have a balanced, explosive offense which heavily features the run. He’s a student of the game and speaks clearly and precisely about the little details that make an offense click.

They might have to wait with Philadelphia in the playoffs — but that type of appointment would make sense. And when the next man comes in, he should be granted the freedom to appoint his own support staff.

It’s since been reported by Bob Condotta that Tom Cable has also been fired. This felt inevitable with the running game struggling for two years.

One final note — Damien Harris apparently chose not to declare for the NFL draft. It weakens the running back class slightly — and narrows the options for Seattle if they want to take a runner with their first pick. This wasn’t a big shock — he’d been on the fence about this for a while according to reports.

Tremaine Edmunds, unsurprisingly, did declare today along with his brother Terrell. Tony Pauline is reporting it’s possible Christian Wilkins, Clelin Ferrell and Austin Bryant all return to Clemson.

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A podcast — and a question about future podcasts

For the last two seasons the ‘3000 NFL Mock Draft’ podcast was a regular weekly feature. This season, sadly, that won’t be the case.

I was invited to appear on the Field Gulls podcast ‘Seahawks Chats’ this week (see below) and was happy to accept — but 3000 NFL Mock Draft will no longer be recorded weekly.

I want to continue to provide regular audio content and intend to start a new podcast to fill the void. I want to know what you, the community, want to listen to.

For example:

— Would you prefer two main presenters or just the one?

— Would you like to hear interviews with invited guests within the draft/NFL community?

— Would you prefer more Seahawks or more draft content (or a mix of both)?

— How long do you want the podcasts to be?

Let me know what you think in the comments section. In the meantime here’s the episode of ‘Seahawks Chats’:

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Podcast: Trying to tell it like it is on the O-line

On this weeks podcast we discuss why O-line issues in college (evidenced yet again in the Auburn @ Clemson game) continue to impact the NFL. Towards the end we get into a serious look at Seattle’s O-line struggles and try to tell it how it is. Have a listen and let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments section.

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The 2017 draft class podcast and thank you

Below you’ll find the final podcast of the 2017 draft season. Kenny and I run through Seattle’s class and discuss why it should be considered a really good haul for the Seahawks.

This will be my final post for a while. I want to thank the great community here for making this place what it is. When I started writing the blog in 2008 I never imagined I’d still be doing it nearly 10 years later. This is completely 100% down to you. Your contributions, civility and support.

We’ll start again during training camp, into pre-season and then dig into the new college season. If you only discovered the blog in the weeks leading up to the draft — come and check it out from September onwards. It’s arguably the best time to talk draft as we identify possible targets for the Seahawks.

I’ll leave you for now with the podcast below. It’s time to reintroduce myself to my wife, three-year-old son and three-month old daughter. Thank you again for everything.

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